Niels Raes
Onderzoeker / gast
- Naam
- Dr. N. Raes
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727
Onderzoeker / gast
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Instituut Biologie Leiden
- IBL Algemeen
- Gogaladze A., Son M.O., Lattuada M., Anistratenko V.V., Syomin V.L., Pavel A.B., Popa O.P., Popa L.O., Poorten J.J. ter, Biesmeijer J.C., Raes N., Wilke T., Sands A.F., Trichkova T., Hubenov Z.K., Vinarski M.V., Anistratenko O.Y., Alexenko T.L. & Wesselingh F.P. (2021), Decline of unique Pontocaspian biodiversity in the Black Sea Basin: A review, Ecology and Evolution 11(19): 12923-12947.
- Gogaladze A., Raes N., Biesmeijer J.C., Ionescu C., Pavel A.-B., Son M.O., Gozak N., Anistratenko V.V. & Wesselingh F.P. (2020), Social network analysis and the implications for Pontocaspian biodiversity conservation in Romania and Ukraine: a comparative study, PLoS ONE 15(10): e0221833.
- Gogaladze A., Wesselingh F.P., Biesmeijer K., Anistratenko V.V., Gozak N., Son M.O. & Raes N. (2020), Using social network analysis to assess the Pontocaspian biodiversity conservation capacity in Ukraine, Ecology & Society 25(2): 25.
- Soudzilovskaia N.A., Vaessen S., Zelfde M. van 't & Raes N. (2017), Global Patterns of Mycorrhizal Distribution and Their Environmental Drivers. In: Tederson L. (red.), Biogeography of Mycorrhizal Symbiosis. Ecological Studies nr. 230. Cham: Springer International Publishing. 223-235.
- Yahara T., Javadi F., Onoda Y., Paganucci de Queiroz L., Faith D.P., Prado D.E., Akasaka M., Kadoya T., Ishihama F., Davies S., Slik J.W.F., Yi T., Ma K., Bin C., Darnaedi D., Pennington T., Tuda M., Shimada M., Egan A.N., Buerki S., Raes N., Kajita T., Yatanparast M., Mimura M., Tachida H., Owasa Y., Smith G.F., Victor J.E. & Nkonki T. (2013), Global legume diversity assessment: Concepts, key indicators, and strategies, Taxon 62(2): 249-266.
- Raes N. (2012), Partial versus Full Species Distribution Models. Natureza & Conservaçao. Brazilian Journal of Nature Conservation, Onbekend 10(2): 127-138.
- Hsu C.C., Tamis W.L.M., Raes N., Snoo G.R. de, Wolf J.H.D., Oostermeijer G. & Lin S.H. (2012), Simulating climate change impacts on forests and associated vascular epiphytes in a subtropical island of East Asia, Diversity and Distributions 18: 334-347.
- Andel T.R. van, Mitchell S., Volpato G., Vandebroek I., Swier J., Ruysschaert S., Rentería Jiménez C.A. & Raes N. (2012), In search of the perfect aphrodisiac: Parallel use of bitter tonics in West Africa and the Caribbean, 143: 840-850.
- Zhang M.-G., Zhou Z.-K., Chen W.-Y., Slik J.W.F., Cannon C.H. & Raes N. (2012), Using species distribution modeling to improve conservation and land use planning of Yunnan, China, Biological Conservation 153: 257-264.
- Wielstra B., Beukema W., Arntzen J.W., Skidmore A.K., Toxopeus A.G. & Raes N. (2012), Corresponding mitochondrial DNA and niche divergence for crested new candidate species, PLoS ONE 7(9): e46671.
- Welzen P.C. van, Madern A., Raes N., Parnell J.A.N., Simpson D.A., Byrne C., Curtis T., Mackling J., Trias-Blasi A., Prajaksood A., Bygrave P., Larsen K., Larsen S.S., Nielsen I., Meade C., Middleton D.J., Pendry A.C., Muasya A.M., Dransfield S., Kirkup D.W., Moat J., Wilkin P., Couch C., Boyce P.C., Chayamarit K., Chantarnothai P., Esser H-J., Jebb M.H.P., Phattharahirantricin N., Pooma R., Suddee S., Staples G.W., Sungkaew S. & Teerawatananon A. (2011), The Current and Future Status of Floristic Provinces in Thailand. In: Trisurat Yongyut, Shrestha Rajendra P. & Alkemade Rob (red.), Land Use, Climate Change and Biodiversity Modeling: Perspectives and Applications. U.S.A.: Information Science Reference. 219-247.
- Raes N., Kessler P.J.A., Roos M.C., Saw L.G., Slik J.W.F. & Welzen P.C. van (2011), Glacial refugia of the Sunda Shelf and their impact on current species' distributions. [overig].
- Welzen P.C. van & Raes N. (2011), The floristic position of Java, Gard. Bull. Singapore 63(1 & 2): 329-339.
- Hoang Sam van, Baas P., Kessler P.J.A., Slik J.W.F., Ter Steege H. & Raes N. (2011), Human and Tropical Forest Science, Journal of Tropical Forest Science 23(3): 328-337.
- Welzen P.C. van & Raes N. (2010), The floristic position of Java. [overig].
- Kruijer J.D., Raes N. & Stech M. (2010), Modelling the distribution of the moss species Hypopterygium tamarisci (Hypopterygiaceae, Bryophyta) in Central and South America, Nova Hedwigia 91(3-4): 399-420.
- Raes N., Roos M.C., Slik J.W.F., Loon E. van & Ter Steege H. (2009), Botanical Richness and endemicity patterns of Borneo derived from species distribution models, Ecography 32(1): 180-192.
- Raes N., Mols J.B., Willemse L.P.M. & Smets E. (2009), Georeferencing specimens by combining digitized maps with SRTM digital elevation data and satellite images: a Bornean case study, Blumea: Biodiversity, Evolution and Biogeography of Plants 54(1/3): 162-165.
- Slik J.W.F., Aiba S.-I., Brearley F.Q., Forshed O., Kitayama K., Nagamasu H., Nilus R., Payne J., Paoli G., Poulsen A.D., Raes N., Sheil D., Sidiyasa K., Suzuki E. & Valkenburg J.L.C.H. van (2009), Environmental correlates of tree biomass, basal area, wood specific gravity and stem density gradients in Borneo’s tropical forests, Global Ecology and Biogeography 19: 50-60.
- Slik J.W.F., Raes N., Brearley F.Q., Cannon C.H., Meijaard E., Nagamasu H., Nilus R., Paoli G., Poulsen A.D., Sheil D., Suzuki E., Valkenburg J.L.C.H. van, Webb C.O., Wilkie P. & Wulffraat S. (2009), Environmental correlates for tropical tree diversity and distribution patterns in Borneo, Diversity and Distributions 15(3): 523-532.
- Raes N. (11 februari 2009), Borneo : a quantitative analysis of botanical richness, endemicity and floristic regions based on herbarium records (Dissertatie, Faculty of Science, Leiden University). Promotor(en) en copromotor(en): Baas P., Steege H. ter & Roos M.C.
- Raes N. & Welzen P.C. van (2009), "The demarcation and internal division of Flora Malesiana: 1857 - present.", Blumea: Biodiversity, Evolution and Biogeography of Plants 54: 6-8.
- Raes N. (2007), Digitisation and georegistration of old expedition maps, Flora Malesiana Bulletin 14(1&2): 30-31.
- Raes N. & Steege H. ter (2007), A null-model for significance testing of presence-only species distribution models, Ecography 30(5): 727-736.