Nidesh Lawtoo
Hoogleraar Moderne Hedendaagse Europese Literatuur en Cultuur
- Naam
- Prof.dr. N. Lawtoo
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2644
- 0000-0003-0083-3208
Nidesh Lawtoo is hoogleraar Moderne Hedendaagse Europese Literatuur en Cultuur.
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In de media
Hoogleraar Moderne Hedendaagse Europese Literatuur en Cultuur
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Centre for the Arts in Society
- Literatuurwetenschap
- Lawtoo N. (2024), [Nieuw] Fascisme: besmetting, gemeenschap, mythe. Gorredijk: Noordboek.
- Lawtoo N. (2024), Ancient foundations for mimetic studies: 1 birth of philosophy out of mimetic wisdom korte film. [film].
- Lawtoo N. (2024), Ancient foundations for mimetic studies: II. Dionysian pathos and critical distance korte film. [film].
- Lawtoo N. (2024), Ancient foundations for mimetic studies: III. philosophy as a way of life korte film. [film].
- Lawtoo N. (2024), Vibrant mimesis: new materialism to mimetic studies. In: Isar N. (red.), Phenomenology, new materialism and advances in the pulsative imaginary: rites of disimagination . London: Palgrave Macmillan. 219–245.
- Lawtoo N. (2024), Introducing mimetic studies, MLN 138(5): 1379 (1391).
- Lawtoo N. (2024), Hypermimetic police violence: racist somatechnics in the case of Rayshard Brooks, Somatechnics 12(1): 26-44.
- Lawtoo N. (2024), The Mimetic faculty reloaded: contagion, immunization, conspiracies in the age of viral reproduction. In: Nicoletti M. & Palazzo A. (red.), Epidemics and pandemics: philosophical perspectives. Turhout: Brepols. 253-278.
- Lawtoo N. 17 augustus 2024, Il potere dell'imitazione. Incontri. RSI, Rete Uno [podcast].
- Lawtoo N. (2024), Homo Mimeticus: Eine neue Theorie der Imitation [Homo Mimeticus: A New Theory of Imitation ] (vertaling Lawtoo N.). Beiträge zur mimetischen Theorie : Religion – Gewalt – Kommunikation – Weltordnung nr. 35. Berlin: Lit Verlag.
- Lawtoo N. (2024), Das Phantom von Ego: Nietzsche, Modernismus und das mimetische Unberwusste. Beiträge zur mimetischen Theorie : Religion – Gewalt – Kommunikation – Weltordnung nr. 36. Berlin: Lit Verlag.
- Lawtoo N. (2024), Nietzsche contra Girard: Agonistic Steps for Mimetic Studies, Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 31: 145-176.
- Lawtoo N. (2024), Violenza e catarsi: vol.1, l'inconscio edipico [Violence and the Oedipal Unconscious: vol.1 The Catharsis Hypothesis] (vertaling Caroni S.). Milan: Mimesis ed..
- Lawtoo N. (2024), Violenza e contagio: vol.2, l'inconscio mimetico [Violence and the Mimetic Unconscious: vol.2, The Affective Hypothesis] (vertaling Antonelli E.). Milan: Mimesis ed..
- Lawtoo N. & Garcia-Granero M. (2024), Introduction : Mapping Mimetic Studies . In: Lawtoo N. & Garcia-Granero M. (red.), Homo Mimeticus II: Re-Turns to Mimesis . Leuven : Leuven University Press. 11-33.
- Lawtoo N. (2024), Prelude: The Discus and the Bow: Homer, Machiavelli and the Grandissimi Esempli. In: Lawtoo N. & Garcia-Granero M. (red.), Homo Mimeticus II: Re-Turns to Mimesis . Leuven : Leuven University Press. 35-54.
- Lawtoo N. (2024), Bataille on Mimetic Heterology. In: Lawtoo N. & Garcia-Granero M. (red.), Homo Mimeticus II: Re-Turns to Mimesis . Leuven : Leuven University Press.
- Lawtoo N. & Gallese V. (2024), Coda. Beyond Brain and Body: A Dialogue with Vittorio Gallese. In: , Homo Mimeticus II: Re-Turns to Mimesis . Leuven : Leuven University Press. 343-375.
- Lawtoo N. & Garcia-Granero M. (red.) (2024), Homo Mimeticus II: re-turns to mimesis. Leuven : Leuven University Press.
- Lawtoo N. (2024), Homo Mimeticus: Una nueva teoría de la imitación. Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch.
- Lawtoo N. ed. (red.) (2024), Mimetic Posthumanism: Homo Mimeticus 2.0 in Art, Philosophy and Technics. Critical Posthumanisms nr. 5: Brill.
- Lawtoo N. (2024), Mimetic posthumanism: an Introduction. In: Lawtoo N. (red.), Mimetic posthumanism : Homo Mimeticus 2.0 in art, philosophy and technics . Critical Posthumanisms nr. 5. Leiden: Brill. 1-36.
- Lawtoo N. (2024), A genealogy for Homo Mimeticus 2.0. In: Lawtoo N. (red.), Mimetic posthumanism : Homo Mimeticus 2.0 in art, philosophy and technics . Critical Posthumanisms nr. 5. Leiden: Brill. 153-169.
- Hayles K.N. & Lawtoo N. (2024), Posthuman mimesis: a dialogic prelude with Katherine Hayles. In: Lawtoo N. (red.), Mimetic Posthumanism : Homo Mimeticus 2.0 in art, philosophy and technics . Critical Posthumanisms nr. 5. Leiden: Brill. 47-50.
- Lawtoo N. (2024), Che effetto hanno film e videogiochi violenti?. azione.
- Lawtoo N. (2024), Technics and mimesis: Promethean self-knowledge in the Anthropocene. In: Lawtoo N. (red.), Mimetic Posthumanism : Homo Mimeticus 2.0 in art, philosophy and technics . Critical Posthumanisms nr. 5. Leiden: Brill. 239-267.
- Ferrando F & Lawtoo N. (2024), Philosophical and mimetic posthumanism: a dialogue. In: Lawtoo N. (red.), Mimetic posthumanism : Homo Mimeticus 2.0 in art, philosophy and technics . Critical Posthumanisms nr. 5. Leiden: Brill. 339-350.
- Lawtoo N. (2023), Violence and the Oedipal unconscious: vol.1 the catharsis hypothesis. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press.
- Lawtoo N. (2023), The patho-logies of exclusion: politics, media, (new) fascism. In: Regensburger D. & Wandinger N. (red.), Imagining the other: mimetic theory, migration, exculsionary politics, and the ambiguous other: Insbruck University Press.
- Lawtoo N. (2023), Shared voices: Lacoue-Nancy's mimetic methexis. In: Lindberg S., Magun A & Tatari M. (red.), Thinking with: Jean-Luc Nancy: Diaphanes.
- Lawtoo N. (Filmproducent) (2023), The neuroscience of mimesis, Vittorio Gallese: I. History of a discovery korte film. [film].
- Lawtoo N. (Filmregiseur) (2023), The neuroscience of mimesis, Vittorio Gallese: II. Mirror neurons now and then korte film. [film].
- Lawtoo N., Verkerk W. & Cavarero A. (2023), Mimetic inclinations: an introduction, Critical Horizons 24(2): 103-114.
- Lawtoo N. & Cavarero A. (2023), Inclining mimesis: continuing the dialogue with Adriana Cavarero, Critical Horizons 24(2): 195-213.
- Lawtoo N., The neuroscience of imitation: Vittorio Gallese, III beyond brain and body (interview): Youtube (HOM Videos ERC Project Homo Mimeticus).
- Lawtoo N. (24 september 2023), The Neuroscience of Imitation: Vittorio Gallese, IV. Experience, Aesthetics, Hypermimesis (Interview) (HOM Videos ERC Project Homo Mimeticus).
- Lawtoo N. (2023), Violence and the mimetic unconscious: vol. 2, the affective hypothesis. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press.
- Lawtoo N. (4 november 2023), Posthuman Mimesis. Critical Posthumanism: Genealogy of the Posthuman. [webartikel].
- Lawtoo N. (2023), Wilde's mime acts: performing minor mimesis, MLN 138(5): 1438-1459.
- Lawtoo N. & Maggiore V. (2023), Homo Mimeticus and the need for a mimetic turn: interview with Nidesh Lawtoo, Itinerario 26: .
- Lawtoo N. (2023), The insurrection moment: intoxication, conspiracy, assault, Theory & Event 26(1): 5-35.
- Lawtoo N. (2023), The angel as host: J. Hillis Miller's last flight , Symplokē 30(1-2): 223-251.
- Lawtoo N. (2022), Caillois on mimicry, Effects 2022(3): 20-33.
- Lawtoo N. (2022), Bespreking van: Alloa E., This obscure thing called transparency: politics and aesthetics of a contemporary metaphor. Tijdschrift voor Filosofie : 350-355.
- Lawtoo N. (2022), Phd-thesis promotor: Hadikoesoemo, N.; Figurations of the Mime. Between Imitation and Production in Derrida, Lacoue-Labarthe and Irigaray. Leuven, (KU Leuven). [overig].
- Lawtoo N. (2022), Bataille et la communauté mimétique, Europe: Revue Litteraire Mensuelle (1121): 99-119.
- Lawtoo N. (2022), Homo mimeticus: a new theory of imitation. Leuven: Leuven University Press.
- Lawtoo N. (2022), Posthumanism and mimesis: an introduction, Journal of Posthumanism 2(2): 87-100.
- Lawtoo N. (red.) (2022), Posthuman Mimesis: special issue. Journal of Posthumanism: Transnational Press.
- Lawtoo N. (2022), Posthuman mimesis I: concepts for the mimetic turn, Journal of Posthumanism 2(2): 101-114.
- Hayles K.N. & Lawtoo N. (2022), Posthuman mimesis II - connections: a dialogue between Nidesh Lawtoo and Katherine Hayles, Journal of Posthumanism 2(2): 181-191.
- Lawtoo N. (2022), Birth of homo mimeticus: Nietzsche, genealogy, communication, CounterText 8(1): 61-87.
- Lawtoo N. (2022), Jean-Luc Nancy: Tal vez la democracia sea una mímesis sin modelo = Jean-Luc Nancy: perhaps democracy is a mimesis without a model, Revista de Occidente (493): 99-126.
- Nancy J.L. & Lawtoo N. (2022), The CounterText interview: Jean-Luc Nancy Mimesis: a Singular-Plural Concept, CounterText 8(1): 23-45.
- Lawtoo N. (2022), The Mimetic Condition: Theory and Concepts , CounterText 8(1): 1-22.
- Lawtoo N. (2022), Viral Mimesis: the Patho(-) Logies of the Coronavirus, Paragrana 30(2): 155-168.
- Lawtoo N. (2022), Conrad on epidemics: from the shadow-line to Covid-19 (and back). In: Elze J. (red.), Realism: aesthetics, experiments, politics. London: Bloomsbury Publishing. 81-104.
- Lawtoo N. (2021), Black mirrors: reflecting (on) hypermimesis, Philosophy Today 65(3): 523-547.
- Lawtoo N. (2021), The case of Eichmann restaged: arendt, evil, and the complexity of mimesis, Political Research Quarterly 74(2): 479-490.
- Lawtoo N. (2021), The human chameleon: zelig, Nietzsche and the banality of evil, Film-Philosophy 25(3): 272-295.
- Connolly W.E. & Lawtoo N. (2021), Planetary Conrad: William Connolly and Nidesh Lawtoo in dialogue, The Conradian: The Journal of the Joseph Conrad Society (UK) 46(2): 144-171.
- Lawtoo N. (2021), Mimesis: Un Concept Singulier Pluriel, entretien avec Jean-Luc Nancy, l'esprit createur 61(2): 147-167.
- Lawtoo N. (2021), De kracht van mimesis: Nidesh Lawtoo’s perspectif op het werk van William Connolly. In: Alma H. & Suransky C. (red.), Verwevenheid: essays over een verbindend humanisme. Brussel: VUBPress. 149-168.
- Lawtoo N. & Cavarero A. (2021), Mimetic inclinations: a dialogue with Adriana Cavarero. In: Benso S. & Roncalli E. (red.), Contemporary Italian women philosophers: stretching the art of thinking. Albany: SUNY. 183-199.
- Lawtoo N. (2020), Lawrence contra (new) fascism, College Literature 47(2): 287-317.
- Lawtoo N. (2020), The critic and the mime J. Hillis Miller in dialogue with Nidesh Lawtoo, The Minnesota Review (95): 93-119.
- Lawtoo N. (2020), The excess of mimesis: reframing the picture of Dorian Gray, Partial Answers: Journal of Literature and the History of Ideas 18(2): 213-238.
- Lawtoo N. (2020), (Neo)fascismo: contagio, comunità, mito. Milan: Mimesis Edizioni.
- Lawtoo N. (2020), "This Is No Simulation!" : Hypermimesis from being John Malkovich to Her, Quarterly Review of Film and Video 37(2): 116-144.
- Lawtoo N. (2019), The Shadow of the Symposium: Sameness and Difference Replayed, MLN 134(5): 898-909.
- Lawtoo N. (2019), Violence and the Mimetic Unconscious (Part Two) The Contagious Hypothesis: Plato, Affect, Mirror Neurons, Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 26: 123-159.
- Lawtoo N. (2019), (New)fascism : contagion, community, myth . East Lansing: Michigan State University Press.
- Lawtoo N. (2019), The powers of mimesis: simulation, encounters, comic fascism, Theory & Event 22(3): 722-746.
- Lawtoo N. (2019), The double meanings of violence: catharsis and mimesis. In: Lauwaert L., Smith L.K. & Sternad C. (red.), Violence and meaning. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. 137-165.
- Lawtoo N. (2018), Bespreking van: Hillis Miller J. (2017), Reading Conrad: The Ohio State University Press. Conradiana 50(3): 299-311.
- Lawtoo N. (2018), Bataille and the homology of heterology, Theory, Culture & Society 35(4-5): 41-68.
- Lawtoo N. (2018) An exemplary reader: J. Hillis Miller on criticism as performance. Bespreking van: Hillis Miller J. (2017), Reading Conrad: The Ohio State University Press. Conradiana 50(3): 227-242.
- Lawtoo N. (2018), The critic as mime: Wilde’s theoretical performance, Symplokē 26(1-2): 307-328.
- Lawtoo N. (2018), Violence and the Mimetic Unconscious (Part One) The Cathartic Hypothesis: Aristotle, Freud, Girard, Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 25: 159-191.
- Lawtoo N. (2018), Il Fantasma dell'io: la massa e l'inconscio mimetico. Milan: Mimesis Edizioni.
- Lawtoo N. (2018), Conrad in the anthropocene: steps to an ecology of catastrophe. In: Schneider-Rebozo L., McCarthy J.M. & Peters J.G. (red.), Conrad and nature: essays. New York: Routledge.
- Lawtoo & N. (2017) The swarming of mimesis. A review of William Connolly, facing the planetary : entangled humanism and the politics of swarming . Bespreking van: Connolly W. (2017), Facing the Planetary: Entangled Humanism and the Politics of Swarming: Duke University Press. Postmodern Culture 28(1).
- Lawtoo N. (2017), Poetics and politics (with Lacoue-Labarthe): introduction, MLN 132(5): 1133-1139.
- Lawtoo N. (2017), The Plasticity of Mimesis, MLN 132(5): 1201-1224.
- Lawtoo N. (2017), The power of myth (reloaded): from Nazism to new Fascism, L'Esprit Creáteur 57(4): 64-82.
- Lawtoo N. (2017), Adriana Cavarero: introduction, Joseph Conrad Today 42(2): 11-12.
- Lawtoo N. (2016), Conrad's mimetic turn, Conradiana 48(2-3): 129-142.
- Lawtoo N. (2016), Conrad's neuroplasticity, Modernism/modernity 23(4): 771-788.
- Gogwilt C., Harrington E.B. & Lawtoo N. (red.) (2016), . Conradiana: Texas Tech University Press.
- Lawtoo N. (2016), Conrad's shadow : catastrophe, mimesis, theory . East Lansing: Michigan State University Press.
- Lawtoo N. (2016) The dispossession of character. Bespreking van: Omri M. (2014), Out of character: modernism, vitalism, psychic life: Stanford University Press. Novel: a forum on fiction 49(2): 403-407.
- Lawtoo N. (2015), Avatar simulation in 3Ts: techne, trance, transformation, Science Fiction Studies 42(1): 132-150.
- Lawtoo N. (2015), Dueling to the end/ending "The Duel": Girard avec Conrad, Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 22: 153-184.
- Lawtoo N. (2014), Fear of the dark: surrealist shadows in The Nigger of the “Narcissus”, Modern Fiction Studies 60(2): 227-250.
- Lawtoo N. (2013), A picture of Africa: frenzy, counternarrative, mimesis, Modern Fiction Studies 59(1): 26-52.
- Lawtoo N. (2013), Bespreking van: Watts C. (2012), Conrad's Heart of Darkness: a critical and contextual discussion nr. 2. Amsterdam: Rodopi. Conradiana 45(3): 83-88.
- Lawtoo N. (2013), The phantom of the ego: modernism and the mimetic unconscious. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press.
- Lawtoo N. (2012), A picture of Europe: possession trance in heart of darkness, Novel: a forum on fiction 45(3): 409-432.
- Lawtoo N. (red.) (2012), Conrad's Heart of Darkness and contemporary thought: revisiting the horror with Lacoue-Labarthe. London: Bloomsbury.
- Lawtoo N. (2011), Bataille and the birth of the subject : out of the laughter of the socius, Angelaki: Journal of Theoretical Humanities 16(2): 73-88.
- Lawtoo N. (2010), The horror of mimesis: "Enthusiastic Outbreak[s]" in Heart of Darkness, Conradiana 42(1-2): 45-74.
- Lawtoo N. (2006), Dissonant voices in Richard Rodriguez's 'Hunger of Memory' and Luce Irigaray's 'This Sex Which is Not One', Texas Studies in Language and Literature 48(3): 220-249.
- Lawtoo N. (2006), Death of the subject, birth of dialogue: Bakhtin and his French reception, Lingua Romana 5(1): 1-18.
- Lawtoo N. (2005), Bataille and the suspension of being, Lingua Romana 4(1): 1-19.
- Lawtoo N. (2005), Desires trespassing identities in Nella Larsen's passing, Utah Foreign Language Review 14: 61-68.
- Lawtoo N. (2004), Rewriting identities in Charlotte Perkins Gilman's 'The Yellow Wallpaper' : a reader response approach, Utah Foreign Language Review 13: 51-61.