Nicoline Schalij-Delfos
Hoogleraar Oogheelkunde, in het bijzonder kinderoogheelkunde
- Naam
- Prof.dr. N.E. Schalij-Delfos
- Telefoon
- +31 71 526 3119
- 0000-0001-8979-7498

Nicoline Schalij-Delfos is hoogleraar kinderoogheelkunde binnen de afdeling oogheelkunde van het Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum (LUMC). Daarnaast is zij medisch hoofd van de polikliniek oogheelkunde, plaatsvervangend hoofd afdeling oogheelkunde, plaatsvervangend opleider, penningmeester van het Nederlands Oogheelkundig Gezelschap (NOG) en European University Professors of Ophthalmology (EUPO), en ‘Associate Editor’ van Acta Ophthalmologica voor de thema’s kinderoogheelkunde en strabismus.
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Kinderoogheelkunde houdt zich binnen de oogheelkunde bezig met alle oogaandoeningen die voorkomen bij kinderen onder de 16 jaar. Speciale aandachtspunten In Leiden zijn prematuren, uveïtis, electrofysiologie met name bij erfelijke- en ontwikkelingsstoornissen van het oog en 3e lijns strabismus- en intraoculaire chirurgie (cataract, lensluxatie). Hierbij is nauwe samenwerking met het Willem Alexander Kinderziekenhuis en de afdeling klinische genetica (expertise centrum Marfan en Neurofibromatose). De oogartsen werkzaam binnen de kinderoogheelkunde LUMC hebben een groot netwerk in binnen en buitenland. Voor oogartsen in 2e lijn fungeert Leiden daarnaast als laagdrempelig elektronisch consultatiecentrum.
Het LUMC is expertisecentrum kinderoogheelkunde, in bijzonder prematurenretinopathie (ORPHA434854) en participeert in het Europese Netwerk voor zeldzame oogziekten (ERN-EYE).
Als voorzitter van de werkgroep prematurenretinopathie (ROP) was zij verantwoordelijk voor de ontwikkeling van de nog steeds actuele richtlijn voor screening en behandeling van ROP (2013), de ROP-app voor kinder- en oogartsen en de ROP-REP. Zij is voorzitter van de werkgroep die de richtlijn ‘Opsporen oogafwijkingen’ binnen de jeugdgezondheidszorg (JGZ) ontwikkelt.
Het hoofdthema van onderzoek is prematurenretinopathie (ROP).
In 2009 en 2017 werd een nationale inventarisatie over screening en behandeling van ROP ( NEDROP 1 en 2) uitgevoerd met doel blind- en slechtziendheid ten gevolge van ROP te voorkomen. Daarnaast wordt, in samenwerking met de universiteit van Reijkjavik, onderzoek gedaan naar oximetrie bij ROP. Een prototype camera is ontwikkeld om zuurstofvoorziening in het netvlies van prematuren te meten met doel screening en behandeling te kunnen verbeteren.
De kinderoogheelkunde participeert in het project om gen therapie te ontwikkelen voor patiënten met een erfelijke netvliesaandoening op basis van een CRB1 mutatie (Prof. Dr. C.J.F. Boon).
Samen met Prof. Dr. M.M. van Genderen, UMCU/Bartiméus wordt onderzoek gedaan naar de visuele functie van patiënten met albinisme.
Wetenschappelijke carrière
Op 19-10-1999 promoveerde zij aan de Universiteit Utrecht op onderzoek naar oogafwijkingen bij prematuren, in het bijzonder prematurenretinopathie: Preterm birth: eyes at risk?!
Zij werd in 2008 benoemd tot hoogleraar in de Kinderoogheelkunde. De titel van de oratie was: Zorgen voor de ogen van morgen.
Prijzen en eervolle benoemingen
Voorzitter European Pediatric Ophthalmological Society (EPOS), 2010-2013.
Penningmeester European University Professors in Ophthalmology (EUPO), 2018-
Hoogleraar Oogheelkunde, in het bijzonder kinderoogheelkunde
- Faculteit Geneeskunde
- Divisie 3
- Oogheelkunde
- Emrani, S. el; Meeren, L.E. van der; Jansen, E.J.S.; Goeman, J.J.; Termote, J.U.M.; Lopriore, E. & Schalij-Delfos, N.E. (2024), Early-Onset Sepsis as an Early Predictor for Retinopathy of Prematurity: A Meta-analysis, American Journal of Perinatology.
- Zeeburg, E.J.T. van; Sminia, M.L. & Schalij-Delfos, N.E. (2024), Long-term results of anterior chamber iris claw intraocular lens implantation in children with ectopia lentis in Marfan syndrome, Journal of American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus 28(3).
- Meeren, S.W. van der; Hulst-Ginjaar, S.P.A. van & Schalij-Delfos, N.E. (2024), First Intraoperative Trochlea Reconstruction, Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 40(1): e6-e9.
- Emrani, S. el; Jansen, E.J.S.; Goeman, J.J.; Termote, J.U.M.; Lopriore, E.; Schalij-Delfos, N.E. & Meeren, L.E. van der (2024), Enhancing the Retinopathy Of Prematurity Risk Profile Through Placental Evaluation of Maternal and Fetal Vascular Malperfusion, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 65(11).
- Kruijt, C.C.; Wit, G.C. de; Minderhout, H.M. van; Schalij-Delfos, N.E. & Genderen, M.M. van (2024), Clinical and mutational characteristics of oculocutaneous albinism type 7, Scientific Reports 14(1).
- Liempt, I.L.A. van; Sorge, A.J. van; Steenbrugge, G.J. van & Schalij-Delfos, N.E. (2023), Retinopathy of prematurity: Evaluation of information on transfer and parental experience in screening for Retinopathy of prematurity, Acta Ophthalmologica 101: 23-24.
- Trzcionkowska, K.; Termote, J.U.M.; Genderen, M.M. van; Vries, M.J. de; Sorge, A.J. van & Schalij-Delfos, N.E. (2023), Visual impairment due to retinopathy of prematurity and concomitant disabilities in the Netherlands, Early Human Development 182.
- Karuntu, J.S.; Nguyen, X.T.A.; Talib, M.; Schooneveld, M.J. van; Wijnholds, J.; Genderen, M.M. van; Schalij-Delfos, N.E.; Klaver, C.C.W.; Meester-Smoor, M.A.; Born, L.I. van den; Hoyng, C.B.; Thiadens, A.A.H.J.; Bergen, A.A.; Nispen, R.M.A. van & Boon, C.J.F. (2023), Quality of life in patients with CRB1-associated retinal dystrophies, Acta Ophthalmologica.
- Nguyen, X.T.A.; Karuntu, J.S.; Talib, M.; Schooneveld, M.J. van; Wijnholds, J.; Genderen, M.M. van; Schalij-Delfos, N.E.; Klaver, C.C.W.; Meester-Smoor, M.A.; Born, L.I. van den; Hoyng, C.B.; Thiadens, A.A.H.J.; Bergen, A.A.; Nispen, R.M.A. van & Boon, C.J.F. (2023), Quality of life in patients with CRB1-associated retinal dystrophies: A longitudinal study, Acta Ophthalmologica 101: 26-26.
- Spekman, J.A.; Emrani, S. el; Schalij-Delfos, N.E.; Slaghekke, F.; Klink, J.M.M. van; Lopriore, E. & Groene, S.G. (2023), Association between fetal growth-restriction and retinopathy of prematurity using a unique identical twin model, Pediatric Research 94(5): 1738-1743.
- Minderhout, H.M. van; Joosse, M.V.; Klaassen, E.S. & Schalij-Delfos, N.E. (2023), EEG changes as an indication of central nervous system involvement following cyclopentolate 1% eye drops, Strabismus 31(2): 82-96.
- Emrani, S. el; Groene, S.G.; Spekman, J.A.; Slaghekke, F.; Meeren, L.E. van der; Schalij-Delfos, N.E. & Lopriore, E. (2023), Increased risk of retinopathy of prematurity in donors with twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome, Acta Ophthalmologica 101: 21-21.
- Emrani, S. el; Groene, S.G.; Spekman, J.A.; Slaghekke, F.; Meeren, L.E. van der; Schalij-Delfos, N.E. & Lopriore, E. (2023), Increased risk of retinopathy of prematurity in donors with twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome, Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy 50(3).
- Emrani, S. el; Jansen, E.J.S.; Goeman, J.J.; Lopriore, E.; Termote, J.U.M.; Schalij-Delfos, N.E. & Meeren, L.E. van der (2023), Histological chorioamnionitis and funisitis as new risk factors for retinopathy of prematurity, American Journal of Perinatology.
- Emrani, S. el; Meeren, L.E. van der; Lopriore, E. & Schalij-Delfos, N.E. (2023), Erythrocyte transfusions and retinopathy of prematurity, Acta Paediatrica: Nurturing the Child 113(3).
- Trzcionkowska, K.; Schalij-Delfos, N.E. & Akker-van Marle, E.M.E. van den (2022), Cost reduction in screening for retinopathy of prematurity in the Netherlands by comparing different screening strategies, Acta Ophthalmologica 101(1).
- Karuntu, J.S.; Nguyen, X.; Talib, M.; Schooneveld, M.J. van; Wijnholds, J.; Genderen, M.M. van; Schalij-Delfos, N.E.; Klaver, C.C.W.; Talsma, H.E.; Florijn, R.J.; Brink, J.B. ten; Meester-Smoor, M.A.; Born, L.I. van den; Hoyng, C.B.; Thiadens, A.A.H.J.; Bergen, A.A. & Boon, C.J.F. (2022), Four-year prospective follow-up in patients with CRB1-associated retinal dystrophies, Acta Ophthalmologica 100: 20-20.
- Nguyen, X.T.A.; Talib, M.; Schooneveld, M.J. van; Wijnholds, J.; Genderen, M.M. van; Schalij-delfos, N.I.E.; Klaver, C.C.W.; Talsma, H.E.; Fiocco, M.; Florijn, R.J.; Brink, J.B. ten; Cremers, F.P.M.; Meester-smoor, M.A.; Born, L.I. van den; Hoyng, C.B.; Thiadens, A.A.H.J.; Bergen, A.A. & Boon, C.J.F. (2022), CRB1-Associated retinal dystrophies, American Journal of Ophthalmology 234: 37-48.
- Minderhout, H.M. van; Joosse, M.V. & Schalij-Delfos, N.E. (2022), Neutral density filters as a tool for cycloplegic plusoptix-photorefractor measurements , The Open Ophthalmology Journal 16.
- Kruijt, C.C.; Gradstein, L.; Bergen, A.A.; Florijn, R.J.; Arveiler, B.; Lasseaux, E.; Zanlonghi, X.; Bagdonaite-Bejarano, L.; Fulton, A.B.; Yahalom, C.; Blumenfeld, A.; Perez, Y.; Birk, O.S.; Wit, G.C. de; Schalij-Delfos, N.E. & Genderen, M.M. van (2022), The phenotypic and mutational spectrum of the FHONDA syndrome and oculocutaneous albinism, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 63(1).
- Nusman, C.M.; Schalij-Delfos, N.E.; Groenwold, R.H.H. & Onland, W. (2022), Considerations for future studies on the effect of late phase oxygen strategies on retinopathy of prematurity, Frontiers in Pediatrics 10.
- Jansen, S.; Berkhout, R.J.M.; Pas, A.B. te; Steggerda, S.J.; Vries, L.S. de; Schalij-Delfos, N.; Hoeven, A. van der; Lopriore, E. & Bekker, V. (2022), Comparison of neonatal morbidity and mortality between single-room and open-bay care, Archives of Disease in Childhood. Fetal and Neonatal Edition 107(6): 611-616.
- Salverda, H.H.; Beelen, D.M.L.; Cramer, S.J.E.; Pauws, S.C.; Schalij-Delfos, N. & Pas, A.B. te (2022), Clinical outcomes of preterm infants while using automated controllers during standard care , Archives of Disease in Childhood. Fetal and Neonatal Edition 108(1): F26-F30.
- Karuntu, J.S.; Nguyen, X.T.A.; Talib, M.; Schooneveld, M.J. van; Wijnholds, J.; Genderen, M.M. van; Schalij-Delfos, N.E.; Klaver, C.C.W.; Florijn, R.J.; Brink, J.B. ten; Meester-Smoor, M.M.; Born, L.I. van den; Hoyng, C.C.B.; Thiadens, A.A.H.J.; Bergen, A.A. & Boon, C.J.F. (2022), Four-year prospective follow-up in patients with CRB1-associated retinal dystrophies, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 63(7).
- Trzcionkowska, K.; Termote, J.U.; Bohringer, S.; Sorge, A.J. van & Schalij-Delfos, N. (2021), Nationwide inventory on retinopathy of prematurity screening in the Netherlands, British Journal of Ophthalmology.
- Nguyen, X.T.A.; Talib, M.; Cauwenbergh, C. van; Schooneveld, M.J. van; Fiocco, M.; Wijnholds, J.; Brink, J.B. ten; Florijn, R.J.; Schalij-Delfos, N.E.; Dagnelie, G.; Genderen, M.M. van; Baere, E. de; Meester-Smoor, M.A.; Zaeytijd, J. de; Balikova, I.; Thiadens, A.A.; Hoyng, C.B.; Klaver, C.C.; Born, L.I. van den; Bergen, A.A.; Leroy, B.P. & Boon, C.J.F. (2021), Clinical characteristics and natural history of RHO-associated retinitis pigmentosa, RETINA, The Journal of Retinal and Vitreous Diseases 41(1): 213-223.
- Kruijt, C.C.; Schalij-Delfos, N.E.; Wit, G.C. de; Florijn, R.J. & Genderen, M.M. van (2021), Evident hypopigmentation without other ocular deficits in Dutch patients with oculocutaneous albinism type 4, Scientific Reports 11(1).
- Vehmeijer, W.B.; Jonkman, K.; Hardarson, S.H.; Aarts, L.; Stefansson, E.; Dahan, A. & Schalij-Delfos, N.E. (2021), Retinal oximetry with a prototype handheld oximeter during hyperoxia, Acta Ophthalmologica 99(8).
- Talib, M.; Schooneveld, M.J. van; Wijnholds, J.; Genderen, M.M. van; Schalij-Delfos, N.E.; Talsma, H.E.; Florijn, R.J.; Brink, J.B. ten; Cremers, F.P.M.; Thiadens, A.A.H.J.; Born, L.I. van den; Hoyng, C.B.; Meester-Smoor, M.A.; Bergen, A.A. & Boon, C.J.F. (2021), Defining inclusion criteria and endpoints for clinical trials, Acta Ophthalmologica 99(3): E402-E414.
- Trzcionkowska, K.; Groenendaal, F.; Andriessen, P.; Dijk, P.H.; Dungen, F.A.M. van den; Hillegersberg, J.L. van; Koole, S.; Kornelisse, R.F.; Westering-Kroon, E. van; Lindern, J.S. von; Meijssen, C.B.; Schuerman, F.A.B.A.; Steiner, K.; Tuyl, M.W.G. van; Witlox, R.S.G.M.; Schalij-Delfos, N.E. & Termote, J.U.M. (2021), Risk factors for retinopathy of prematurity in the Netherlands, Neonatology 118(4): 462-469.
- Minderhout, H.M. van; Joosse, M.V.; Grootendorst, D.C. & Schalij-Delfos, N.E. (2021), Eye colour and skin pigmentation as significant factors for refractive outcome and residual accommodation in hypermetropic children, Acta Ophthalmologica 100(4).
- Zeeburg, E.J.T. van; Sminia, M.L.; Bohringer, S. & Schalij-Delfos, N.E. (2020), Anterior chamber iris-claw lens implantation for young patients with ectopia lentis, Acta Ophthalmologica 98: 27-27.
- Trzcionkowska, K.; Vehmeijer, W.B.H.J.; Kerkhoff, F.T.; Bauer, N.J.C.; Bennebroek, C.A.M.; Dijk, P.H.; Dijkman, K.P.; Dungen, F.A.M. van den; Eggink, C.A.; Feenstra, R.P.G.; Groenendaal, F.; Heijst, A.F. van; Hoeven, M.A.H.B.M. van der; Kornelisse, R.F.; Kraal-Biezen, E.; Lopriore, E.; Onland, W.; Lavalette, V.W.R. de; Rijn, L.J. van; Schuerman, F.A.B.A.; Simonsz, H.J.; Voskuil-Kerkhof, E.S.M.; Witlox, R.S.G.M.; Termote, J.U.M. & Schalij-Delfos, N.E. (2020), Increase in treatment of retinopathy of prematurity in the Netherlands from 2010 to 2017, Acta Ophthalmologica 99(1).
- Schalij-Delfos, N.E.; Sorge, A.J. van; Termote, J.U.M. & Trzcionkowska, K. (2020), NEDROP-1 (2009) and NEDROP-2 (2017): A comparison of two national surveys on quality of screening for retinopathy of prematurity in the Netherlands, Acta Ophthalmologica 98: 26-26.
- Bostamzad, P.; Horwood, A.M.; Schalij-Delfos, N.E.; Boelaert, K.; Koning, H.J. de & Simonsz, H.J. (2020), Plusoptix photoscreener use for paediatric vision screening in Flanders and Iran, Acta Ophthalmologica 98(1): 80-88.
- Kruijt, C.C.; Wit, G.C. de; Schalij-Delfos, N.E. & Genderen, M.M. van (2020), The phenotypic spectrum of the FHONDA syndrome, Acta Ophthalmologica 98: 26-26.
- Trzcionkowska, K.; Akker-van Marle, M.E. van den & Schalij-Delfos, N.E. (2020), Reduction in screening for retinopathy of prematurity in the Netherlands while maintaining effectiveness, Acta Ophthalmologica 98: 26-26.
- Talib, M.; Schooneveld, M.J. van; Thiadens, A.A.; Fiocco, M.; Wijnholds, J.; Florijn, R.J.; Schalij-Delfos, N.E.; Genderen, M.M. van; Putter, H.; Cremers, F.P.M.; Dagnelie, G.; Brink, J.B. ten; Klaver, C.C.W.; Born, L.I. van den; Hoyng, C.B.; Bergen, A.A. & Boon, C.J.F. (2019), CLINICAL AND GENETIC CHARACTERISTICS OF MALE PATIENTS WITH RPGR-ASSOCIATED RETINAL DYSTROPHIES A Long-Term Follow-up Study, RETINA 39(6): 1186-1199.
- Minderhout, H.M. van; Joosse, M.V.; Grootendorst, D.C. & Schalij-Delfos, N.E. (2019), A randomized clinical trial using atropine, cyclopentolate, and tropicamide to compare refractive outcome in hypermetropic children with a dark iris; skin pigmentation and crying as significant factors for hypermetropic outcome, Strabismus 27(3): 127-138.
- Schalij-Delfos N. E., Notting I. C., Genders S. W. & Tijssen E. (2019), Comparison of the effect of recession and recession with loop for restrictive strabismus in thyroid eye disease, Acta Ophthalmologica 97: 31-31.
- Kruijt, C.C.; Wit, G.C. de; Talsma, H.E.; Schalij-Delfos, N.E. & Genderen, M.M. van (2019), The Detection Of Misrouting In Albinism: Evaluation of Different VEP Procedures in a Heterogeneous Cohort, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 60(12): 3963-3969.
- Trzcionkowska Kasia, Termote Jacqueline & Schalij-Delfos Nicoline (2019), Outcome and quality of ROP-screening in a nationwide survey in the Netherlands, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 60(9).
- Talib, M.; Schooneveld, M.J. van; Duuren, R.J.G. van; Cauwenbergh, C. van; Brink, J.B. ten; Baere, E. de; Florijn, R.J.; Schalij-Delfos, E.; Leroy, B.P.; Bergen, A.A. & Boon, C.J.F. (2019), Long-Term Follow-Up of Retinal Degenerations Associated With LRAT Mutations and Their Comparability to Phenotypes Associated With RPE65 Mutations, Translational Vision Science & Technology 8(4).
- Trzcionkowska K., Termote J. U. M. & Schalij-Delfos N. E. (2019), NEDROP-2: Outcome and quality of ROP-screening in the Netherlands, Acta Ophthalmologica 97: 30-30.
- Simonsz H. J., Bostamzad P. & Schalij-Delfos N. (2019), Can glasses at age 1 prevent the development of amblyopia cost-effectively?, Acta Ophthalmologica 97: 30-30.
- Kruijt C. C., de Wit G. C., Schalij-Delfos N. E. & van Genderen M. M. (2019), Albinism: diagnostic criteria, Acta Ophthalmologica 97: 29-29.
- Talib Mays, van Schooneveld Mary J., Van Cauwenbergh Caroline, ten Brink Jacoline B., Florijn Ralph J., Schalij-Delfos Nicoline, van Genderen Maria M., Cremers Frans P., van den Born L. Ingeborgh, Thiadens Alberta A. H. J., Hoyng Carel C. B., Klaver Caroline C. W., Bergen Arthur A., Leroy Bart P. & Boon Camiel (2019), The disease course of rhodopsin (RHO)-associated retinitis pigmentosa (RP): a follow-up study, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 60(9).
- Talib Mays, van Schooneveld Mary, Wijnholds Jan, van Genderen Maria M., Schalij-Delofs N., Florijn Ralph, Cremers Frans P., Born Ingeborgh, Thiadens Alberta A. H. J., Hoyng Carel C. B., Klaver Caroline C. W., Bergen Arthur A. & Boon Camiel (2018), Extensive phenotyping in CRB1-associated retinal dystrophies: defining clinical endpoints for gene therapy trials, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 59(9).
- Vehmeijer W. B., Jonkman K., Hardarson S. H., Aarts L., Stefansson E., Dahan A. & Schalij-Delfos N. E. (2018), Retinal oximetry with a prototype oximeter during hyperoxia, Acta Ophthalmologica 96: 18-18.
- Trzcionkowska, K.; Vehmeijer, W.B.H.J.; Rijn, L.J. van; Kraal-Biezen, E.; Kerkhoff, F.T.; Voskuil-Kerkhof, E.S.M.; Termote, J.U.M. & Schalij-Delfos, N.E. (2018), Increase in treatment of severe retinopathy of prematurity following a new national guideline, Acta Ophthalmologica 96(8): E1033-E1034.
- Haasnoot, A.M.J.W.; Schilham, M.W.; Kamphuis, S.; Muller, P.C.E.H.; Heiligenhaus, A.; Foell, D.; Minden, K.; Ophoff, R.A.; Radstake, T.R.D.J.; Hollander, A.I. den; Reinards, T.H.C.M.; Hiddingh, S.; Schalij-Delfos, N.E.; Hoppenreijs, E.P.A.H.; Rossum, M.A.J. van; Wouters, C.; Saurenmann, R.K.; Berg, J.M. van den; Wulffraat, N.M.; Cate, R. ten; Boer, J.H. de; Pulit, S.L.; Kuiper, J.J.W. & ICON-JIA Study Grp (2018), Identification of an Amino Acid Motif in HLA-DR1 That Distinguishes Uveitis in Patients With Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis, Arthritis & Rheumatology 70(7): 1155-1165.
- Vehmeijer, W.; Hardarson, S.H.; Jonkman, K.; Aarts, L.; Dahan, A.; Stefansson, E. & Schalij-Delfos, N. (2018), Handheld Retinal Oximetry in Healthy Young Adults, Translational Vision Science & Technology 7(4).
- Haasnoot, A.J.W.; Schilham, M.W.; Kamphuis, S.; Muller, P.C.E.H.; Heiligenhaus, A.; Foell, D.; Minden, K.; Ophoff, R.A.; Radstake, T.R.D.J.; Hollander, A.I. den; Reinards, T.H.C.M.; Hiddingh, S.; Schalij-Delfos, N.; Hoppenreijs, E.P.A.H.; Rossum, M.A.J. van; Wouters, C.; Saurenmann, R.K.; Wulffraat, N.; Cate, R. ten; Boer, J.H. de; Pulit, S.L.; Kuiper, J.J.W. & ICON-JIA Study Grp (2018), An amino acid motif in HLA-DR beta 1 distinguishes patients with uveitis in juvenile idiopathic arthritis, Acta Ophthalmologica 96: 41-41.
- Trzcionkowska K., Vehmeijer W. B. H. J., Termote J. U. M., Kerkhoff F. T. & Schalij-Delfos N. E. (2018), Results of ROP-treatment in the Netherlands from 2010 to 2016, Acta Ophthalmologica 96: 13-13.
- Talib, M.; Schooneveld, M.J. van; Cauwenbergh, C. van; Wijnholds, J.; Brink, J.B. ten; Florijn, R.J.; Schalij-Delfos, N.E.; Dagnelie, G.; Genderen, M.M. van; Baere, E. de; Meester-Smoor, M.A.; Zaeytijd, J. de; Cremers, F.P.M.; Born, L.I. van den; Thiadens, A.A.; Hoyng, C.B.; Klaver, C.C.; Leroy, B.P.; Bergen, A.A. & Boon, C.J.F. (2018), The Spectrum of Structural and Functional Abnormalities in Female Carriers of Pathogenic Variants in the RPGR Gene, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 59(10): 4123-4133.
- Kruijt, C.C.; Wit, G.C. de; Bergen, A.A.; Florijn, R.J.; Schalij-Delfos, N.E. & Genderen, M.M. van (2018), The Phenotypic Spectrum of Albinism, Ophthalmology: Journal of The American Academy of Ophthalmology 125(12): 1953-1960.
- Talib M., van Schooneveld M. J., Wijnholds J., van Genderen M., Schalij-Delfos N. E., Florijn R. J., Cremers F. P. M., van den Born L. I., Thiadens A. A., Hoyng C. B., Klaver C. C. W., Bergen A. A. & Boon C. J. F. (2018), Extensive phenotyping in CRB1-associated retinal dystrophies: defining clinical endpoints for gene therapy trials, Acta Ophthalmologica 96: 27-27.
- Talib, M.; Schooneveld, M.J. van; Genderen, M.M. van; Wijnholds, J.; Florijn, R.J.; Brink, J.B. ten; Schalij-Delfos, N.E.; Dagnelie, G.; Cremers, F.P.M.; Wolterbeek, R.; Fiocco, M.; Thiadens, A.A.; Hoyng, C.B.; Klaver, C.C.; Bergen, A.A. & Boon, C.J.F. (2017), Genotypic and Phenotypic Characteristics of CRB1-Associated Retinal Dystrophies A Long-Term Follow-up Study, Ophthalmology: Journal of The American Academy of Ophthalmology 124(6): 884-895.
- Magnusdottir, V.; Vehmeijer, W.B.; Eliasdottir, T.S.; Hardarson, S.H.; Schalij-Delfos, N.E. & Stefansson, E. (2017), Fundus imaging in newborn children with wide-field scanning laser ophthalmoscope, Acta Ophthalmologica 95(8): 842-844.
- Genderen, M.M. van; Kruijt, C.C.; Wit, G.C. de; Bergen, A.A.B.; Florijn, R.J. & Schalij-Delfos, N.E. (2017), Phenotypic spectrum of Albinism, Acta Ophthalmologica 95: 10-10.
- Trzcionkowska, K.; Vehmeijer, W.B.H.J.; Kraal-Biezen, E.; Voskuil-Kerkhof, E.S.M.; Kerkhoff, F.T.; Termote, J.U.M. & Schalij-Delfos, N.E. (2017), Outcomes of treatment for Retinopathy of Prematurity from three university hospitals in a Dutch national inventory (2010-2016), Acta Ophthalmologica 95: 10-11.
- Vehmeijer, W.B.; Hardarson, S.H.; Jonkman, K.; Aarts, L.; Dahan, A.; Stefansson, E. & Schalij-Delfos, N.E. (2017), Handheld and mobile oximeter in a healthy adult population, Acta Ophthalmologica 95: 32-33.
- Talib, M.; Schooneveld, M.J. van; Wijnholds, J.; Schalij-Delfos, N.S.C.; Florijn, R.J.; Born, L.I. van den; Cremers, F.P.M.; Thiadens, A.A.; Hoyng, C.B.; Klaver, C.C.W.; Bergen, A.A. & Boon, C.J.F. (2017), RPGR-associated retinal dystrophies: a longitudinal study, Acta Ophthalmologica 95: 30-30.
- Haasnoot, A.M.J.W.; Vernie, L.A.; Rothova, A.; Doe, P. van der; , L.I. los; Schalij-Delfos, N.E. & Boer, J.H. de (2016), Impact of Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis Associated Uveitis in Early Adulthood, PLoS ONE 11(10).
- Vehmeijer, W.B.; Magnusdottir, V.; Eliasdottir, T.S.; Hardarson, S.H.; Schalij-Delfos, N.E. & Stefansson, E. (2016), Retinal Oximetry with Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscope in Infants, PLoS ONE 11(2).
- Jongman, H.P.; Marinkovic, M.; Notting, I.; Koetsier, L.; Swart, W.; Schalij-Delfos, N.E.; Bleeker, J.; Jager, M.J. & Luyten, G.P.M. (2016), Donor sclera-wrapped acrylic orbital implants following enucleation: experience in 179 patients in the Netherlands, Acta Ophthalmologica 94(3): 253-256.
- Koenraads, Y.; Egmond-Ebbeling, M.B. van; Boer, J.H. de; Imhof, S.M.; Braun, K.P.J.; Porro, G.L. & SWS Study Grp (2016), Visual outcome in Sturge-Weber syndrome: a systematic review and Dutch multicentre cohort, Acta Ophthalmologica 94(7): 638-645.
- Minderhout, H.M. van; Joosse, M.V.; Grootendorst, D.C. & Schalij-Delfos, N.E. (2015), Adverse reactions following routine anticholinergic eye drops in a paediatric population: an observational cohort study.
- Haasnoot, A.J.W.; Tent-Hoeve, M. van; Wulffraat, N.M.; Schalij-Delfos, N.E.; , L.I. los; Armbrust, W.; Zuithoff, N.P.A. & Boer, J.H. de (2015), Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate as Baseline Predictor for the Development of Uveitis in Children With Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis, American Journal of Ophthalmology 159(2): 372-377.
- Akker-van Marle, M.E. van den; Sorge, A.J. van & Schalij-Delfos, N.E. (2015), Cost and effects of risk factor guided screening strategies for retinopathy of prematurity for different treatment strategies, Acta Ophthalmologica 93(8): 706-712.
- Vehmeijer, W.; Magnusdottir, V.; Eliasdottir, T.S.; Hardarson, S.H.; Schalij-Delfos, N.E. & Stefansson, E. (2015), Retinal Oximetry with a Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscope in Full-term Infants, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 56(7).
- Magnusdottir, V.; Vehmeijer, W.; Hardarson, S.H.; Eliasdottir, T.S.; Schalij-Delfos, N.E. & Stefansson, E. (2015), Wide-field scanning laser ophthalmoscope imaging in newborn children, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 56(7).
- Sorge, A.J. van; Termote, J.U.M.; Kerkhoff, F.T.; Rijn, L.J. van; Simonsz, H.J.; Peer, P.G.M. & Schalij-Delfos, N.E. (2014), Nationwide Inventory of Risk Factors for Retinopathy of Prematurity in the Netherlands, Journal of Pediatrics 164(3): 494-+.
- Verhagen, J.M.A.; Oostdijk, W.; Scheltinga, C.E.J.T. van; Schalij-Delfos, N.E. & Bever, Y. van (2014), An unusual presentation of Kabuki syndrome: Clinical overlap with CHARGE syndrome, European Journal of Medical Genetics 57(9): 510-512.
- Sorge, A.J. van; Termote, J.U.M.; Simonsz, H.J.; Kerkhoff, F.T.; Rijn, L.J. van; Lemmens, W.A.J.G. & Schalij-Delfos, N.E. (2014), Outcome and quality of screening in a nationwide survey on retinopathy of prematurity in The Netherlands, British Journal of Ophthalmology 98(8): 1056-1060.
- Sorge, A. van; Kerkhoff, F.; Halbertsma, F.J. & Schalij-Delfos, N. (2014), Outcomes of Descemet's stripping endothelial keratoplasty in eyes with failed therapeutic penetrating keratoplasty, Acta Ophthalmologica 92(2): E167-E168.
- Sorge, A.J. van; Schalij-Delfos, N.E.; Kerkhoff, F.T.; Rijn, L.J. van; Hillegersberg, J.L.A.M. van; Liempt, I.L.A. van; Peer, P.G.M.; Simonsz, H.J. & Termote, J.U.M. (2013), Reduction in screening for retinopathy of prematurity through risk factor adjusted inclusion criteria, British Journal of Ophthalmology 97(9): 1143-1147.
- Razzaq, L.; Keunen, J.E.E.; Schalij-Delfos, N.E.; Creutzberg, C.L.; Ketelaars, M. & Keizer, R.J.W. de (2012), Ruthenium plaque radiation therapy for iris and iridociliary melanomas.
- Vries, F.R. de; Notting, I.C.; Marinkovic, M.; Schalij-Delfos, N.E. & Luyten, G.P.M. (2012), Complications due to bovine pericardium used to cover acrylic implants after enucleation and tubes of aqueous devices., Eye 26(2): 336.
- Hoeve, M.; Ayuso, V.K.; Schalij-Delfos, N.E.; , L.I. los; Rothova, A. & Boer, J.H. de (2012), The clinical course of juvenile idiopathic arthritis-associated uveitis in childhood and puberty, British Journal of Ophthalmology 96(6): 852-856.
- Bronkhorst, I.H.G.; Maat, W.; Jordanova, E.S.; Kroes, W.G.M.; Schalij-Delfos, N.E.; Luyten, G.P.M. & Jager, M.J. (2011), Effect of Heterogeneous Distribution of Monosomy 3 on Prognosis in Uveal Melanoma, Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 135(8): 1042-1047.
- Sorge, A.J. van; Termote, J.U.M.; Vries, M.J. de; Boonstra, F.N.; Stellingwerf, C. & Schalij-Delfos, N.E. (2011), The incidence of visual impairment due to retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) and concomitant disabilities in the Netherlands: a 30 year overview, British Journal of Ophthalmology 95(7): 937-941.
- Dennaoui, J.; Bronkhorst, I.H.G.; Ly, L.V.; Wolff-Rouendaal, D. de; Keunen, J.E.E.; Schalij-Delfos, N.E. & Jager, M.J. (2011), Changes in immunological markers and influx of macrophages following trans-scleral thermotherapy of uveal melanoma.
- Sorge, A. van; Termote, J.; Vries, M. de; Boonstra, N.; Stellingwerf, N. & Schalij-Delfos, N. (2010), THE INCIDENCE OF VISUALLY IMPAIRED CHILDREN CAUSED BY ROP AND THEIR CONCOMITANT DISABILITIES IN THE NETHERLANDS: A THIRTY YEAR OVERVIEW, Pediatric Research 68: 80-80.
- Verschueren, K.M.S.; Creutzberg, C.L.; Schalij-Delfos, N.E.; Ketelaars, M.; Klijsen, F.L.L.; Haeseker, B.I.; Ligtenberg, S.M.B.; Keunen, J.E.E. & Marijnen, C.A.M. (2010), Long-term outcomes of eye-conserving treatment with Ruthenium(106) brachytherapy for choroidal melanoma, Radiotherapy and Oncology 95(3): 332-338.
- Paff, T.; Oudesluys-Murphy, A.M.; Wolterbeek, R.; Swart-van den Berg, M.; Nie, J.M. de; Tijssen, E. & Schalij-Delfos, N.E. (2010), Screening for refractive errors in children: The plusoptiX S08 and the Retinomax K-plus2 performed by a lay screener compared to cycloplegic retinoscopy, Journal of AAPOS 14(6): 478-483.
- Hoogerwerf, A.; Schalij-Delfos, N.E.; Schooneveld, M.J. van & Termote, J.U.M. (2010), Incidence of Retinopathy of Prematurity over the Last Decade in the Central Netherlands, Neonatology 98(2): 137-142.
- Razzaq L, Keunen JE, Schalij-Delfos NE, Creutzberg CL, Ketelaars M & de Keizer RJ (2010), Ruthenium plaque radiation therapy for iris and iridociliary melanomas, Acta Opthalmologica.
- Missotten GS, Kalpoe JS, Bollemeijer JG & Schalij-Delfos NE (2008), Myiasis of the upper eyelid, Journal of AAPOS 12(5).
- Maat W, Ly LV, Jordanova ES, de Wolff-Rouendaal D, Schalij-Delfos NE & Jager MJ (2008), Monosomy of chromosome 3 and an inflammatory phenotype occur together in uveal melanoma, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 49(2).
- Maat W, Jordanova ES, van Zelderen-Bhola SL, Barthen ER, Wessels HW, Schalij-Delfos NE & Jager MJ (2007), The heterogeneous distribution of monosomy 3 in uveal melanomas - Implications for prognostication based on fine-needle aspiration biopsies.
- Notting, I.; Buijs, J.; Mintardjo, R.; Horst, G. van der; Vukicevic, S.; Lowik, C.; Schalij-Delfos, N.; Keunen, J. & Pluijm, G. van der (2007), Bone morphogenetic protein 7 inhibits tumor growth of human uveal melanoma in vivo, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 48(11).
- Verschueren KMS, Schalij NE, Creutzberg CL, Ketelaars M, Klijssen FLL, Haeseker BI, Ligtenberg SMB & Marijnen CAM (2007), Long-term outcome of 403 patients treated with ruthenium brachytherapy for choroidal melanoma, EJC Supplements 5(4).
- Maat W, Haasnoot GW, Claas FHJ, Schalij-Delfos NE, Schreuder GMT & Jager MJ (2006), HLA class I and II genotype in uveal melanoma: Relation to occurrence and prognosis, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 47(1).
- Kraal K, Schalij-Delfos N, van Buchem M, Egeler M & Ball L (2005), Optic nerve relapse in a child with common acute lymphoblastic leukemia, treated with systemic anti-CD-20 (rituximab)., Haematologica 90 Suppl: ECR24.
- Missotten G, Schalij-Delfos N, Keunen JEE, Bonfrer JM & Jager MJ (2005), S100B, S100 dimers and melanoma-inhibitory activity in uveal melanoma screening - Comparison with liver function tests, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 46.
- Maat W, van Zelderen-Bhola SL, Missotten GSOA, Keunen JEE, Schalij-Delfos NE & Jager MJ (2005), Monosomy 3 analyses in a routine setting, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 46.
- Termote JUM, Hoogerwerf A, Ramadhani M, Van Schooneveld MJ & Schalij-Delfos NE (2005), Decreased incidence of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) over the last decade in the Utrecht area of The Netherlands., Pediatric Research 58(2): 418-418.
- Notting IC, Buijs JT, Que I, Mintardjo RE, van der Horst G, Karperien M, Missotten GSOA, Schalij-Delfos NE, Keunen JEE & van der Pluijm G (2005), Whole-body bioluminescent Imaging of human uveal melanoma in a new mouse model of local tumor growth and metastasis, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 46(5).
- Sueters M, Peek AML, Ball LM, Hogendoorn PCW, Scherjon SA, de Keizer RJW & Schalij-Delfos NE (2005), Prenatal detection of orbital rhabdomyosarcoma, Archives of Ophthalmology -New Series- 123(2).
- Termote JUM, Donders ART, Schalij-Delfos NE, Lenselink CH, van Angeren CSD, Lissone SCJL & Cats BP (2005), Can screening for retinopathy of prematurity be reduced?, Biology of the Neonate 88(2).
- Termote J, Schalij-Delfos NE, Donders ART & Cats BP (2003), The incidence of visually impaired children with retinopathy of prematurity and their concomitant disabilities, Journal of AAPOS 7(2).
- Schalij-Delfos, N.E.; Termote, J.U. & Cats, B.P. (2002), Retinopathie van de prematuur geborene, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 146(21): 977-80.
- Termote J, Donders A, Schalij-Delfos N & Cats B (2002), Can ROP screening be reduced?, Pediatric Research 52(5): 795-795.
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