Nicolas Navarre
- Naam
- Dr. N.H. Navarre
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727
Zie voor meer informatie de Engelse versie.
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Centrum voor Milieuwetenschappen Leiden
- CML/Industriele Ecologie
- Navarre N.H. (6 juni 2024), Trading Responsibility: navigating national burdens in a globalized world (Dissertatie. Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML), Faculty of Science, Leiden University). Promotor(en) en copromotor(en): Tukker A., Barbarossa V. & Mogollón J.M.
- Navarre N.H., Schrama M.J.J., Vos C. de & Mogollon J.M. (2023), Interventions for sourcing EAT-Lancet diets within national agricultural areas: a global analysis, One Earth 6(1): 31-40.
- Navarre N.H., Mogollón J.M., Tukker A. & Barbarossa V. (2022), Recycled plastic packaging from the Dutch food sector pollutes Asian oceans, Resources, Conservation and Recycling 185: 106508.
- Adrianto L.R., Hulst M.K. van der, Tokaya J.P., Arvidsson R., Blanco Rocha C.F., Caldeira C., Guillén-Gonsálbez G., Sala S., Steubing B.R.P., Buyle M., Kaddoura M., Navarre N.H., Pedneault J., Pizzol M., Salieri B., Harmelen T. van & Hauck M. (2021), How can LCA include prospective elements to assess emerging technologies and system transitions? : The 76th LCA discussion forum on life cycle assessment, 19 November 2020, The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 26(8): 1541-1544.