Nathan Albury-Garcés
- Naam
- Dr. N.J. Albury-Garcés
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0000-0002-3471-4939

- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Leiden Univ Centre for Linguistics
- LUCL diversen
- Albury-Garcés N.J. (2024), Choosing between Cyrillic and Latin for linguistic citizenship in contemporary Serbia, International Journal of the Sociology of Language 2024(286): 161-184.
- Smakman D., Barasa S., Smith-Christmas D. & Albury N.J. (2024), Towards cultural diversification in sociolinguistics, Slovo a Slovesnost 85(2): 127-149.
- Albury N.J. (2024), Metadiscourse and metalinguistic talk about script choice in Serbia: chasms and consequences for criticality, Australian Journal of Applied Linguistics 7(3): 1-21.
- Albury N.J. (2021), Language policy, ideological clarification and theory of mind, Language Policy 20: 193-214.
- Albury N.J. & Diaz M. (2021), From perceptual dialectology to perceptual multilingualism: a Hong Kong case study, Language Awareness 30(2): 152-175.
- Albury N.J. & Schluter A.A. (2021), Introduction: reimagining language and belonging in the diaspora, Lingua 263: 103157.
- Albury N.J. (2021), Forging and negating diasporic linguistic citizenship in ethnocratic Malaysia, Lingua 263: 102629.
- Albury N.J. (2021), Linguistic landscape and metalinguistic talk about societal multilingualism, International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 24(2): 207-223.
- Albury N.J. (2020), Beyond economy and culture: language-in-education preferences of Malaysian youth, Current Issues in Language Planning 21(3): 301-319.
- Albury N.J. (2020), Language attitudes and ideologies on linguistic diversity. In: Schalley A.C. & Eisenchlas S.A. (red.), Handbook of Home Language Maintenance and Development. Handbooks of Applied Linguistics nr. 18. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter Mouton. 357-376.
- Albury N.J. (2020), Challenging the economic and cultural currency of English. In: Tupas R., Rubdy R. & Saraceni M. (red.), Bloomsbury World Englishes Volume 2: Ideologies. London: Bloomsbury Publishing. 177-193.
- Albury N.J. (2020), Multilingualism and mobility as collateral results of hegemonic language policy, Applied Linguistics 41(2): 234–259.
- Albury N.J. (2019), Between public perception and government intent in national language policy, Current Issues in Language Planning 20(2): 160-178.
- Albury N.J. (2019), "I've admired them for doing so well": Where to now for indigenous languages and literacies?. In: Cocq C. & Sullivan K.H. (red.), Perspectives on Indigenous Writing and Literacies. Leiden, Boston: Brill. 13-28.
- Albury N.J. & Carter L. (2018), “An unrealistic expectation”: Māori youth on indigenous language purism, International Journal of the Sociology of Language 2018(254): 121-138.
- Albury N.J. (2018), “If We Lose Their Language We Lose Our History”: Knowledge and Disposition in Māori Language Acquisition Policy, Journal of Language, Identity and Education 17(2): 69-84.
- Albury N.J. & Carter L. (2017), A typology of arguments for and against bilingual place-naming in Aotearoa New Zealand, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 38(9): 831-842.
- Albury N.J. (2017), How folk linguistic methods can support critical sociolinguistics, Lingua 199: 36-49.
- Albury N.J. (2017), Mother tongues and languaging in Malaysia: Critical linguistics under critical examination, Language in Society 46(4): 567-589.
- Albury N.J. (2017), The power of folk linguistic knowledge in language policy, Language Policy 16(2): 209-228.
- Albury N.J. & Ooi L.H. (2017), The widening gap between Malaysia’s international tourism brand and domestic multicultural policy, Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events 9(3): 318--330.
- Albury N.J. (2016), An old problem with new directions: Maori language revitalisation and the policy ideas of youth, Current Issues in Language Planning 17(2): 161-178.
- Albury N.J. (2016), Defining Maori language revitalisation: A project in folk linguistics, Journal of Sociolinguistics 20(3): 287-311.
- Albury N.J. (2016), National language policy theory: exploring Spolsky's model in the case of Iceland, Language Policy 15(4): 355-372.
- Albury N.J. (2016), Holding them at arm’s length: A critical review of Norway’s policy on Sámi language maintenance, Journal of Home Language Research 1: 1-16.
- Albury N.J. & Aye K.K. (2016), Malaysia's national language policy in international theoretical context, Journal of Nusantara Studies 1(1): 71-84.
- Albury N.J. (2015), Collective (white) memories of Maori language loss (or not), Language Awareness 24(4): 303-315.
- Albury N.J. (2015), Your language or ours? Inclusion and exclusion of non-indigenous majorities in Maori and Sami language revitalization policy, Current Issues in Language Planning 16(3): 315-334.
- Albury N.J. (2015), Objectives at the crossroads: Critical theory and self-determination in indigenous language revitalization, Critical Inquiry in Language Studies 12(4): 256-282.
- Albury N.J. (2014), Introducing the folk linguistics of language policy, International Journal of Language Studies 8(3): 85-106.