Natalia Donner
- Naam
- N.R. Donner Ph.D.
- Telefoon
- +31 71 800 950

Zie voor meer informatie de Engelstalige webpagina van Natalia Donner.
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Faculteitsbureau
- International Studies
- Gill L. & Donner N. (2022), Archaeological survey as participatory counter-mapping: indigenous sovereignty and epistemic change in Darién, Panama. In: Smith C., Pollard K., Kanungo A., May S., Lopez Varela S. & Watkins J. (red.), The Oxford handbook of global indigenous archaeologies: Oxford University Press.
- Ciofalo A.J., Donner N.R., Hofman C.L. & Geurds A. (2020), Uses of pre-Hispanic kitchenware from Central Nicaragua: implications for understanding botanical foodways, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 12(1): 13.
- Ciofalo A., Donner N.R., Hofman C.L. & Geurds A. (2020), Uses of pre-Hispanic kitchenware from Central Nicaragua: implications for understanding botanical foodways, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 12(1): 1-14.
- Casale Simone (2020), Geochemical and petrographic assessment of clay outcrops and archaeological ceramics from the pre-hispanic site of Aguas Buenas (cal 400–1250 CE), Central Nicaragua [Networked practices of contact: Cultural identity at the Late prehistoric settlement of Aguas Buenas, Nicaragua, AD 500–1522] (vertaling Casale S., Donner N., Braekmans D. & Geurds A.), Microchemical Journal 156: 104829.
- Casale S., Donner N., Braekmans D. & Geurds A. (2020), Pre-Hispanic and contemporary raw materials use in earthenware production in the Río Mayales subbasin, Chontales, central Nicaragua. In: Klinkenberg M.V., Oosten R.M.R. van & Driel-Murray C. van (red.), A Human Environment. Studies in honour of 20 years Analecta editorship by prof. dr. Corrie Bakels, Leiden. Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia. Leiden: Sidestone Press. 107-120.
- Donner N.R. (29 september 2020), The potters’ perspectives: A vibrant chronology of ceramic manufacturing practices in the valley of Juigalpa, Chontales, Nicaragua (cal 300 CE - present) (Dissertatie, Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University) Archaeological Studies Leiden University nr. 49. Leiden: Leiden University Press. Promotor(en) en copromotor(en): Hofman C.L., Geurds A.
- Donner N.R., Casale S., Braekmans D. & Geurds A. (2019), Ceramic comales at the Barillas site (cal 1255–1390 CE), central Nicaragua: Defining a local technical tradition of griddle manufacture, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 24: 829-842.
- Donner N.R. & Geurds A. (2018), The Valley of Juigalpa, Mayales River Subbasin Microregion (Chontales, Nicaragua) Date List I, Radiocarbon 60(2): 717-726.
- Donner N.R., Arteaga A., Geurds A. & Dijk K. van (2018), Caracterización inicial de los sitios arqueológicos en la subcuenca del río Mayales, Departamento de Chontales, Nicaragua, Cuadernos de Antropología 28(1): 1-26.