Misha Plagis
Universitair docent
- Naam
- Dr. M.A. Plagis
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727
- m.a.plagis@law.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0002-9564-5236

For more information see english profile page.
Universitair docent
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Publiekrecht
- Grotius Centre for Intern Legal Studies
- De Silva N. & Plagis M.A. (2023), NGOs, international courts, and state backlash against human rights accountability: evidence from NGO mobilization against Tanzania at the African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights, Law and Society Review 57(1): 36-60.
- Plagis M.A. (2023), A longer African history: re-politicising the right to development. In: Koagne Zouapet A. (red.), Sixty years after independence, Africa and international law: views from a generation = Soixante ans apres les independances, l’Afrique et le droit international: Regards d’une generation. Pretoria: Pretoria University Law Press. 169-196.
- Holtz J.I. & Plagis M.A. (2023), Mauritius’s engagement with climate change in international law: current developments and additional outlooks. Mauritius: Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, Mauritius, E-newsletter / Mauritius Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions 2023(131): 7-11.
- Plagis M.A. (2021), Jurisdiction and Admissibility: African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACtHPR). In: Ruiz Fabri H. (red.), Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Procedural Law [MPEiPro]. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Duval A. & Plagis M.A. (4 oktober 2021), Delocalized Justice: The Delocalization of Corporate Accountability for Human Rights Violations Originating in Africa. AfronomicsLaw (African International Economic Law Network). [blog].
- Plagis M.A. (2020), The makings of remedies: the (R)evolution of the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights' remedies regime in fair trial cases, African Journal of International and Comparative Law 28(Supplement): 45-71.
- Plagis M.A. & Riemer L. (2020), From context to content of human rights: the drafting history of the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights and the enigma of Article 7, Journal of the History of International Law 23(4): 556-589.
- Nyarko M.G. & Plagis M.A. (2020), Supporting the Mandate of the African Court. African Human Rights Policy Papers nr. 2. Pretoria: Pretoria University Law Press (PULP).
- Plagis M.A. & Windridge O. (27 november 2020), The Mauritius Oil Spill: Using Africa’s ‘judicial environmentalism’ as an avenue for redress?. EJIL:Talk! (European Journal of International Law). [blog].
- De Silva N. & Plagis M.A. (19 mei 2020), A Court in Crisis: African States’ Increasing Resistance to Africa’s Human Rights Court. Opinio Juris. [blog].
- Plagis M.A. (4 februari 2020), Regional courts and their sources: The practice of the African Court and the ‘others’. The ACtHPR Monitor. [blog].
- Plagis M.A. & Banens A. 15 mei 2020, The Incredible Shrinking Court. Asymmetrical Haircuts - your international justice podcast 24 [podcast].
- Koagne Zouapet A. & Plagis M.A. (2019), Braamfontein encroaching?: An internationalist reading of the South African Constitutional Court judgment on the SADC Tribunal, South African Journal on Human Rights 35(4): 378-403.
- Plagis M.A. (22 december 2018), Alex Thomas and Mohamed Abubakari: The Legacy of Requests for Interpretation on Remedies. The ACtHPR Monitor. [blog].
- Associate Editor