Mirjam Wever
- Naam
- Dr. M.C.M. Wever
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727
- m.c.m.wever@fsw.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0003-0210-6709
Mirjam Wever onderzoekt de rol van vrouwelijke geslachtshormonen op neurocognitieve processen in het brein. Op dit moment is ze postdoctoraal onderzoeker in het ERC project ‘Changing Landscapes: RiSE – REACH – REViVE’. Mirjam focust zich in dit project voornamelijk op de invloed van vrouwelijke geslachtshormonen op interpersoonlijk vertrouwen en sociaal gedrag in de puberteit, de reproductieve fase, en na de menopauze.
Mirjam Wever behaalde in 2012 haar bachelor graad in Psychobiologie aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam en in 2014 haar research master Neurosciences aan de Vrije Universiteit van Amsterdam. In 2024 is ze gepromoveerd op de afdeling Klinische Psychologie aan Universiteit Leiden. Onder supervisie van Prof. dr. Bernet Elzinga, Dr. Marieke Tollenaar en Dr. Geert-Jan Will heeft ze onderzoek gedaan naar de neurale en affectieve kenmerken van verbondenheid tussen ouders en adolescenten binnen de RE-PAIR studie (www.re-pair.org). Op dit moment is Mirjam als postdoctoraal onderzoeker betrokken bij het ERC project ‘Changing Landscapes: RiSE – REACH – REViVE’ van Prof. dr. Ellen de Bruijn. In dit project focust ze voornamelijk op de invloed van vrouwelijke geslachtshormonen op sociale en niet-sociale neurocognitieve processen over de levensloop.
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Psychologie
- Klinische Psychologie
- Wever M.C.M. (11 januari 2024), I see you: insights into the neural and affective signatures of connectedness between parents and adolescents (Dissertatie. Institute of Psychology, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Leiden University). Promotor(en) en copromotor(en): Elzinga B.M., Will G.J. & Tollenaar M.S.
- Veenman M., Janssen L.H.C., Houtum L.A.E.M. van, Wever M.C.M., Verkuil B., Epskamp S., Fried E.I. & Elzinga B.M. (2024), A network study of family affect systems in daily life, Multivariate Behavioral Research 59(2): 371-405.
- Janssen L.H.C., Verkuil B., Nedderhoff A., Houtum L.A.E.M. van, Wever M.C.M. & Elzinga B.M. (2024), Tracking real-time proximity in daily life: a new tool to examine social interactions, Behavior Research Methods : .
- Wentholt W.G.M., Janssen L.H.C., van Houtum L.A.E.M., Wever M.C.M., Tollenaar M.S., Alink L.R.A. & Elzinga B.M. (2024), A qualitative, multi-perspective study on causal beliefs about adolescent depression, Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice : .
- Wentholt W.G.M., Janssen L.H.C., Houtum L.A.E.M. van, Wever M.C.M., Tollenaar M.S., Alink L.R.A. & Elzinga B.M. (2024), a qualitative, multi-perspective study on causal beliefs about adolescent depression, Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice 97(3): 477-497.
- Houtum L.A.E.M. van, Schie C.C. van, Wever M.C.M., Janssen L.H.C., Wentholt W.G.M., Tailby C., Grenyer B.F.S., Will G.J., Tollenaar M.S. & Elzinga B.M. (2023), Aberrant neural network activation during reliving of autobiographical memories in adolescent depression, Cortex 168: 14-26.
- Houtum L.A.E.M. van, Wever M.C.M., Schie C.C. van, Janssen L.H.C., Wentholt W.G.M., Tollenaar M.S., Will G.J. & Elzinga B.M. (2023), Sticky criticism? : Affective and neural responses to parental criticism and praise in adolescents with depression, Psychological Medicine : 1-10.
- Wever M.C.M., Van Houtum L.A.E.M., Janssen L.H.C., Wentholt W.G.M., Spruit I.M., Tollenaar M.S., Will G.J. & Elzinga B.M. (2023), Looking into troubled waters: Childhood emotional maltreatment modulates neural responses to prolonged gazing into one’s own, but not others’ eyes, Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 23: 1598–1609.
- Janssen L.H., Sloan C.J., Verkuil B., Van Houtum L.A., Wever M.C., Fosco G.M. & Elzinga B.M. (2023), Adolescents' and parents' affect in relation to discrepant perceptions of parental warmth in daily life, Journal of Research on Adolescence 33(4): 1320-1334.
- Wever M.C.M, Houtum L.A.E.M. van, Janssen L.H.C., Spruit I.M., Tollenaar M.S., Aan het Rot M. & Elzinga B.M. (2022), Eyes on you: ensuring empathic accuracy or signalling empathy?, International Journal of Psychology : 1-10.
- Wever M.C.M., van Houtum L.A.E.M., Janssen L.H.C., Wentholt W.G.M., Spruit I.M. Tollenaar M.S. Will G. & Elzinga B.M. (2022), Neural and affective responses to prolonged eye contact with one's own adolescent child and unfamiliar others, NeuroImage 260: 119463.
- Wever M.C.M., Houtum L.A.E.M. van, Janssen L.H.C., Wentholt W.G.M., Tollenaar M.S., Will G.J. & Elzinga B.M. (2022), Neural and affective responses to prolonged eye contact with one's own adolescent child and unfamiliar others, NeuroImage 260: 1-12 (119463).
- van Houtum L.A.E.M., Will G.J., Wever M.C.M., Janssen L.H.C., Schie C.C. van, Tollenaar M.S. & Elzinga B.M. (2022), Adolescents’ affective and neural responses to parental praise and criticism , Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 54: 1-12 (101099).
- Wever M.C.M., Meer F. van, Charbonnier L., Crabtree D.R., Buosi W., Giannopoulou A. & Smeets P.A. (2021), Associations between ghrelin and leptin and neural food cue reactivity in a fasted and sated state, NeuroImage 240: 118374.
- Wever M.C.M., Houtum L.A.E.M. van, Janssen L.H.C., Will G.J., Tollenaar M.S. & Elzinga B.M. (2021), Neural signatures of parental empathic responses to imagined suffering of their adolescent child, NeuroImage 232(117886): 1-13.
- Houtum L.A.E.M. van, Wever M.C.M, Janssen L.H.C., Schie C.C. van, Will G.J., Tollenaar M.S. & Elzinga B.M. (2021), Vicarious praise and pain: parental neural responses to social feedback about their adolescent child, Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 16(4): 406-417.
- Janssen L.H.C., Verkuil B., Houtum L.A.E.M. van, Wever M.C.M. & Elzinga B.M. (2021), Perceptions of parenting in daily life: adolescent-parent differences and associations with adolescent affect, Journal of Youth and Adolescence 50: .
- Janssen L.H.C., Kullberg M.L.J., Verkuil B., Zwieten N. van, Wever M.C.M., Houtum L.A.E.M. van, Wentholt W.G.M. & Elzinga B.M. (2020), Does the COVID-19 pandemic impact parents’ and adolescents’ well-being?: An EMA-study on daily affect and parenting, PLoS ONE 15(10): e0240962.
- Wever M.C.M., Dingemans A.E., Geerets T. & Danner U.N. (2018), Screening for Binge Eating Disorder in people with obesity, Obesity Research and Clinical Practice 12(3): 299-306.
- Wever M., Smeets P. & Sternheim L. (2015), Neural Correlates of Intolerance of Uncertainty in Clinical Disorders, Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 27(4): 345-353.