Miko Flohr
Universitair Docent
- Naam
- Dr. M. Flohr
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2753
- m.flohr@hum.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0003-0010-5884

Miko Flohr is universitair docent bij het Instituut voor Geschiedenis.
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Universitair Docent
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Instituut voor Geschiedenis
- Oude Geschiedenis
- Flohr M., Mols S.T.A.M. & Tieleman T.L. (red.) (2025), Anchoring Science and Technology in Greco-Roman Antiquity. Euhormos: Greco-Roman Studies in Anchoring Innovation nr. 7. Leiden: Brill.
- Flohr M. & Bowes K. (red.) (2024), Valuing labour in Greco-Roman Antiquity. Mnemosyne Supplements nr. 481. Leiden: Brill.
- Flohr M. & Bowes K. (2024), Introduction: value at work. In: Flohr M. & Bowes K. (red.), Valuing labour in Greco-Roman Antiquity. Mnemosyne Supplements nr. 481. Leiden: Brill. 1-20.
- Flohr M. & Zuiderhoek A. (red.) (2024), A Companion to Cities in the Greco‐Roman World. Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell.
- Flohr M. (2024), Urban planning and development. In: Flohr M. & Zuiderhoek A. (red.), A Companion to Cities in the Greco‐Roman World. Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell. 93-110.
- Flohr M. (2024), Urban housing in the ancient Mediterranean. In: Flohr M. & Zuiderhoek A. (red.), A Companion to Cities in the Greco‐Roman World. Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell. 150-168.
- Hemelrijk E.M. & Flohr M. (2024), Urban social structures in the Roman world. In: Flohr M. & Zuiderhoek A. (red.), A Companion to Cities in the Greco‐Roman World. Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell. 361-374.
- Flohr M., Tieleman T.L. & Mols S.T.A.M. (2024), Anchoring, Science and Technology in Greco-Roman Antiquity: an Introduction. In: Flohr M., Mols S.T.A.M. & Tieleman T.L. (red.), Anchoring Science and Technology in Greco-Roman Antiquity. Euhormos: Greco-Roman Studies in Anchoring Innovation nr. 7. Leiden: Brill. 1-18.
- Flohr M. (2024), From Ashlar to Brick: Anchoring and Innovation in Roman Building Practice. In: Flohr M., Mols S.T.A.M. & Tieleman T.L. (red.), Anchoring Science and Technology in Greco-Roman Antiquity. Euhormos: Greco-Roman Studies in Anchoring Innovation nr. 7. Leiden: Brill. 90-114.
- Flohr M. (2023), Sanctuary and workshop: religion and commerce in Roman urban space. In: De Cazanove O., Pollini A., Monteix N. & Esposito A. (red.), Travailler à l'ombre du temple: Activités de production et lieux de culte dans le monde antique. Archéologie de l'artisanat antique nr. 11. Naples: Centre Jean Bérard. 33-45.
- Flohr M. (2023), Prosperity and inequality: imperial hegemony and neighbourhood formation in the cities of Roman Italy. In: Haug A., Hielscher A. & Krüger A.-L. (red.), Neighbourhoods and city quarters in antiquity: design and experience. Decorative Principles in Late Republican and Early Imperial Italy nr. 7. Berlin: De Gruyter. 155-171.
- Flohr M. (2023), Sociale media en de academische vrijheid. In: Verburgt L.M. & Duyvendak J.W. (red.), Academische vrijheden in Nederland: wat staat er op het spel?. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 189-200.
- Flohr M. (2023), Manufacturing in the Roman World. In: Reden S. von & Ruffing K. (red.), Handbuch Antike Wirtschaft. Handbücher zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte. Oldenburg: De Gruyter. 719-742.
- Flohr M. (2023), Urban heterogeneity and technological innovation in the Roman Empire, Journal of Urban Archaeology 8: 127-145.
- Flohr M. (2023), ‘En wij dan?’: Het dekolonisatieonderzoek en de postkoloniale ontheemden, Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 136(3): 263-270.
- Flohr M. (2023), Voorbij het Gouden Schiereiland: Zuidoost-Azië en de Romeinse wereld, Hermeneus 95(4): 25-28.
- Flohr M. (2023), Bespreking van: Scotti F. (2020), Lana, Purpura, Versicoloria. I legati tessili fra diritto romano e archeologia. Milan: Jovene Editore. Quaderni Lupiensi di Storia e Diritto 12: 490-492.
- Flohr M. (2023), Bespreking van: Greaves S. & Wallace-Hadrill A., Rome and the colonial city: rethinking the grid. Impact of the ancient city nr. 3. Oxford: Oxbow. Tijdschrift voor Mediterrane Archeologie 35(69): 46-47.
- Flohr M. (2022), The topography of Ancient Rome: the archaeological map as a teaching aid. In: Storms M. (red.), Maps that made history. 1000 years of world history in 100 old maps. Tielt: Lannoo. 234-237.
- Flohr M. (2022), An institutional revolution? The early tabernae of Roman Italy. In: Droß-Krüpe K. & Ruffing K. (red.), Markt, Märkte und Marktgebäude in der antiken Welt. Philippika - Altertumswissenschaftliche Abhandlungen nr. 100. Wiesbaden: Harassowitz. 421-435.
- Flohr M. (2022), Between aesthetics and investment. Close-reading the tuff façades of Pompeii. In: Maschek D. & Trümper M. (red.), Architecture and the Ancient Economy. Analysis Archaeologica. Monograph Series nr. 5. Rome: Edizioni Quasar. 155-172.
- Flohr M. (2022), Spaces and Places. In: Harlow M. & Laurence R. (red.), A Cultural History of Shopping in Antiquity nr. 1. London: Bloomsbury. 41-65.
- Flohr M. (2022), Pecunia non olet?: De klassieke traditie en de koloniale wereld. In: Kuin N.I., Huig E. & Liebregts M. (red.), De huid van Cleopatra: etniciteit en diversiteit in oudheidstudies. Hilversum: Verloren. 159-172.
- Flohr M. (2021), Information landscapes and economic practice in the Roman world. In: Rosillo-López C. & García Morcillo M. (red.), Managing Information in the Roman Economy. Palgrave Studies in Ancient Economies . Cham: Palgrave MacMillan. 205-228.
- Flohr M. (2021), Beyond Pompeii and Ostia: commerce and urban space in Roman Italy. In: Vermeulen F. & Zuiderhoek A. (red.), Space, Movement and the Economy in Roman Cities in Italy and Beyond. Studies in Roman Space and Urbanism. London: Routledge. 39-67.
- Flohr M. (2021), Innovation and invention. In: Goldberg S. (red.), Oxford Classical Dictionary. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1-9.
- Flohr M. (2020), Goed boeren in de schaduw van de metropool, Satricum Nieuwsbrief 26(1): 3-5.
- Flohr M. (2020), Performing commerce: everyday work and urban life in Roman Italy. In: Haug A. & Merten S. (red.), Urban Practice: Repopulating the Ancient City. Studies in Classical Archaeology nr. 8. Turnhout: Brepols. 67-80.
- Flohr M. (2020), Bespreking van: Terpstra T. (2019), Trade in the Ancient Mediterranean. Private Order and Public Institutions. The Princeton Economic History of the Western World. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Sehepunkte: Rezensionsjournal für Geschichtswissenschaften 20(5).
- Flohr M. (red.) (2020), Urban Space and Urban History in the Roman World. Studies in Roman Space and Urbanism. London: Routledge.
- Flohr M. (2020), From urban space to urban history: an introduction. In: Flohr M. (red.), Urban Space and Urban History in the Roman World. Studies in Roman Space and Urbanism. London: Routledge. 1-16.
- Flohr M. (2020), Hilltops, heat, and precipitation: Roman urban life and the natural environment. In: Flohr M. (red.), Urban Space and Urban History in the Roman World. Studies in Roman Space and Urbanism. London: Routledge. 66-85.
- Flohr M. (2020), Fora and commerce in Roman Italy. In: Flohr M. (red.), Urban Space and Urban History in the Roman World. Studies in Roman Space and Urbanism. London: Routledge. 198-220.
- Flohr M. & Monteix N. (red.) (2020), Shops, Workshops and Urban Economic History in the Roman World. Archaeology and Economy in the Ancient World – Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Classical Archaeology nr. 42. Heidelberg: Propylaeum.
- Flohr M. (2020), Commerce and architecture in late Hellenistic Italy: the emergence of the taberna row. In: Flohr M. & Monteix N. (red.), Shops, Workshops and Urban Economic History in the Roman World. Heidelberg: Propylaeum. 1-11.
- Flohr M. (2020), Textile production. In: Whitmarsh T. (red.), Oxford Classical Dictionary. New York: Oxford University Press. 1-11.
- Flohr M. (2020), From the forum to the gate. Commercial investment and Ostia's Cardo. In: Meer L.B. van der & Kamermans H. (red.), Designating Place. Archaeological Perspectives on Built Environments in Ostia and Pompeii. Archaeological Studies Leiden University nr. 50. Leiden: Leiden University Press. 108-120.
- Flohr M. (2020), Of Knowledge and Skills. Anchoring Innovation in Everyday Technical Practice. [working paper].
- Flohr M. (2019), Prosperity, investment, and the history of Pompeii's urban economy. In: Maiuro M. & Balbo M. (red.), Popolazione, risorse e urbanizzazione nella Campania antica. Dall'età preromana alla tarda antichità. Pragmateiai nr. 31. Bari: Edipuglia. 75-90.
- Flohr M. (2019) Meer vrouwen, meer rituelen: een ruimhartiger Atheens burgerschap. Bespreking van: Blok J. (2017), Citizenship in Classical Athens. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 132(2): 300-302.
- Flohr M. (2019), Bespreking van: Vermeulen F. (2017), From the Mountains to the Sea: The Roman Colonisation and Urbanisation of Central Adriatic Italy. BABESCH Supplement nr. 31. Leuven: Peeters. Bryn Mawr Classical Review .
- Flohr M. (2019), Artisans and Markets: the Economics of Roman Domestic Decoration, American Journal of Archaeology 123(1): 101-125.
- Flohr M. & Hunink V.J.Chr. (2019), Een gulle gever zonder naam. De nieuwe grafinscriptie uit Pompeii, Hermeneus 91(1): 26-32.
- Flohr M. (2018), Database of Pompeian Houses. [database].
- Flohr M. (2018), Skeletons in the cupboard?: Femurs and food regimes in the Roman world. In: Erdkamp P.P.M. & Holleran C. (red.), The Routledge handbook of diet and nutrition in the Roman world. London: Routledge. 273-280.
- Flohr M. (2018), Tabernae and commercial investment along the western decumanus in Ostia. In: De Ruyt C., Morard Th. & Van Haeperen F. (red.), Ostia Antica. Nouvelles études et recherces sur les quartiers occidentaux de la cité Actes du colloque international (Rome-Ostia Antica, 22-24 septembre 2014). Rome 143-153.
- Flohr M. (2018), Work and workplaces. In: Lytle E. (red.), A cultural history of work in antiquity. The Cultural Histories. London: Bloomsbury.
- Flohr M. (2018), Bespreking van: Hawkins C. (2016), Roman Artisans and the Urban Economy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Journal of Roman Studies 108: 225-226.
- Flohr M. (2018) Review of "Ownership and Exploitation of Land and Natural Resources in the Roman World", Erdkamp P.P.M., Verboven K., Zuiderhoek A. Bespreking van: Erdkamp P.P.M., Verboven K. & Zuiderhoek A. (2015), Ownership and Exploitation of Land and Natural Resources in the Roman World. Oxford Studies on the Roman Economy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Latomus 77(3): 815-817.
- Flohr M. & Wilson A.I. (2017), Introduction. Investigating an Urban Economy. In: Flohr M. & Wilson A.I. (red.), The Economy of Pompeii. Oxford Studies on the Roman Economy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1-19.
- Flohr M. & Wilson A.I. (2017), The Economy of Pompeii. Oxford Studies on the Roman Economy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Flohr M. (2017), Beyond smell. The sensory landscape of the Roman fullonica. In: Flohr M. (red.), Senses of the Empire: Multisensory Approaches to Roman Culture. London: Routledge. 39-53.
- Flohr M. (2017), Textiles, trade and the urban economies of Roman Asia Minor. In: Flohr M. (red.), Wirtschaft als Machtbasis. Beiträge zur Rekonstruktion vormoderne Wirtschaftssysteme in Anatolien. Byzas nr. 22 21-42.
- Flohr M. (2017), Fulling. In: Goldberg S. (red.), Oxford Classical Dictionary. Digital Edition: Oxford University Press.
- Flohr M. (2017), Bespreking van: Dardenay A. & Rosso E. (2013), Dialogues entre sphère publique et sphère privée dans l'espace de la cité romaine. Vecteurs, acteurs, significations. Scripta Antiqua nr. 56. Paris: Ausonius Editions. Bonner Jahrbücher 215: 465-466.
- Flohr M. & Wilson A.I. (2016), Roman Craftsmen and Traders. Towards an Intellectual History. In: Wilson A.I. & Flohr M. (red.), Urban Craftsmen and Traders in the Roman World. Oxford Studies on the Roman Economy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Flohr M. & Wilson A.I. (2016), Introduction. In: Wilson A.I. & Flohr M. (red.), Urban Craftsmen and Traders in the Roman World. Oxford Studies on the Roman Economy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Wilson A.I. & Flohr M. (red.) (2016), Urban craftsmen and traders in the Roman World. Oxford Studies on the Roman Economy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Flohr M. (2016), Tabernae Publicae. Commercie en de publieke zaak in Romeins Italië, Lampas: Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse classici 49(1): 67-88.
- Flohr M. (2016), Innovation and Society in the Roman World. In: , Oxford Handbooks Online. Oxford Handbooks Online. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Flohr M. (2016), Quantifying Pompeii: Population, Inequality and the Urban Economy. In: Flohr M. & Wilson A.I. (red.), The Economy of Pompeii. Oxford Studies on the Roman Economy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 53-84.
- Flohr M. (2016), The wool economy of Roman Italy. In: Flohr M. (red.), Textiles, Trade, and Theories. From the Ancient Near East to the Mediterranean. Karum - Emporion - Forum. Beiträge zur Wirtschafts-, Rechts- und Sozialgeschichte des östlichen Mittelmeerraums und Altvorderasiens nr. 2. Münster: Ugarit. 49-62.
- Flohr M. (2016), Pompeii in perspectief, Leidschrift 31(1): 41-60.
- Flohr M. (2016), Constructing Occupational Identities in the Roman World. In: Verboven K. & Laes C. (red.), Work, labour and professions in the Roman World. Impact of Empire. Leiden: Brill. 147-172.
- Flohr M. (2016) Wetten, burgerschap en bloei: de economie van de Griekse polis. Bespreking van: Bresson A. (2016), The making of the ancient Greek economy: institutions, markets, and growth in the city-states.. Princeton. Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 129(4): 644-645.
- Flohr M. (2015), Bespreking van: Monteix N. (2010), Les lieux de métier: boutiques et ateliers d'Herculanum. Collection des Ecoles francaises d'Athènes et de Rome nr. 344. Rome: École Française. BABESCH 90: 249-250.
- Flohr M. (2014), De Economie van Romeins Italië. In: Hupperetz W., Karper O., Versluys M.J. & Naerebout F. (red.), Van Rome naar Romeins 48-52.
- Flohr M. (2014), Costruire tabernae: l'investimento commerciale nelle città dell'Italia romana, Forma Urbis (19.9): 42-44.
- Flohr M. (2014), Towards an Economic History of Textile Manufacturing and Trade in the Roman World. In: Dross-Krüpe K. (red.), Textile trade and distribution in antiquity. Wiesbaden: Harassowitz.
- Flohr M. (2014), Bespreking van: Temin P. (2012), The Roman Market Economy. The Princeton Economic History of the Western World. Princeton & Oxford: Princeton University Press. Mnemosyne 67(4): 688-691.
- Flohr M. (2014), Bespreking van: Hofmann-Salz J. (2011), Die wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen der römischen Eroberung. Vergleichende Untersuchungen der Provinzen Hispania Tarraconensis, Africa Proconsularis und Syria. Historia. Einzelschriften. nr. 218. Stuttgart: Steiner. Gnomon 86(2): 151-155.
- Flohr M. (2014), Economy, Roman. In: , Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology. Heidelberg: Springer.
- Flohr M. (2014), Bespreking van: Esposito A. & Sanidas G. (2012), Quartiers artisanaux en Grèce ancienne. Une perspective méditerranéenne. Villeneuve d'Ascq. The Journal of Hellenic Studies 134.
- Flohr M. (2014), Bespreking van: Tran N. (2013), Dominus Tabernae. Le statut de travail des artisans et des commerçans de l'occident romain. Bibliothèque des écoles françaises d'Athènes et de Rome nr. 360. Rome: École française de Rome. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2014(10.09).
- Flohr M. (2013), The World of the Fullo. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Flohr M. (2013), Ulula, quinquatrus and the occupational identity of fullones in early imperial Italy. In: Gleba M. & Pasztokai-Szeöke J. (red.), Making Textiles in pre-Roman and Roman Times: People, Places, Identities. Oxford: Oxbow. 192-207.
- Flohr M. (2013), Bespreking van: Mayer E. (2012), 'The Ancient Middle Classes. Urban Life and Aesthetics in the Roman Empire 100 BCE - 250 CE. Harvard: Harvard University Press. Journal of Roman Studies 103: 308-309.
- Flohr M. (2013) Roman Movement. Bespreking van: Laurence R. & Newsome M. (2011), Rome, Ostia, Pompeii. Movement and Space. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Classical Review 63(1): 187-189.
- Flohr M. (2013), The textile economy of Pompeii, Journal of Roman Archaeology 26: 53-78.
- Flohr M. (2012), Economie in de Oudheid: risico mijden en winst maken. In: Haan N. de & Mols S. (red.), Cultuurgeschiedenis van de Klassieke Oudheid. Zwolle: WBooks. 199-211.
- Flohr M. (2007), Nec quicquam ingenuum habere potest officina? Spatial contexts of urban production at Pompeii, AD 79, BABESCH 82(1): 129-148.
- Flohr M. (2003), Fullones and Roman Society. A Reconsideration, Journal of Roman Archaeology 16: 447-450.