Michiel Rodenhuis
Uitvoerend directeur NOVA
- Naam
- Dr.ir. M. Rodenhuis
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 5805
- rodenhuis@strw.leidenuniv.nl

<a href=https://www.strw.leidenuniv.nl/people/touchscreen2/persinline.php?id=1252>STRW page</a>
Uitvoerend directeur NOVA
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Sterrewacht
- Sterrewacht NOVA
- Groot P.J., Bloemen S., Vreeswijk P.M., van Roestel J.C.J., Jonker P.G., Nelemans G., Klein-Wolt M., Lepoole R., Pieterse D.L.A., Rodenhuis M., Boland W., Haverkorn M., Aerts C., Bakker R., Balster H., Bekema M., Dijkstra E., Dolron P., Elswijk E., Elteren A.van, Engels A., Fokker M., Haan M. de, Hahn F., ter Horst R. ter, Lesman D., Kragt J., Morren J., Nillissen H., Pessemier W., Raskin G., de Rijke A., Scheers L.H.A., Schuil M., Timmer S.T., Antunes Amaral L., Arancibia-Rojas E., Arcavi I., Blagorodnova N., Biswas S., Breton R.P., Dawson H., Dayal P., De Wet S., Duffy C., Faris S., Fausnaugh M., Gal-Yam A., Geier S., Horesh A., Johnston C., Katusiime G., Kelley C., Kosakowski A., Kupfer T., Leloudas G., Levan A., Modiano D., Mogawana O., Munday J., Paice J., Patat F., Pelisoli I., Ramsay G., Ranaivomanana P.T., Ruiz-Carmona R., Schaffenroth V., Scaringi S., Stoppa F., Street R., Tranin H., Uzundag M., Valenti S., Veresvarska M., Vuc̆ković M., Wichern H.C.I., Wijers R.A.M.J., Wijnands R.A.D. & Zimmerman E. (2024), The BlackGEM telescope array. I. Overview, Publications of the ASP 136(11): 115003.
- Sturm E., Davies R., Alves J., Clénet Y., Kotilainen J., Monna A., Nicklas H., Pott J.-U., Tolstoy E., Vulcani B., Achren J., Annadevara S., Anwand-Heerwart H., Arcidiacono C., Barboza S., Barl L., Baudoz P., Bender R., Bezawada N., Biondi F., Bizenberger P., Blin A., Boné A., Bonifacio P., Borgo B., Born J. van . den ., Buey T., Cao Y., Chapron F., Chauvin G., Chemla F., Cloiseau K., Cohen M., Colin C., Czoske O., Dette J.-O., Deysenroth M., Dijkstra E., Dreizler S., Dupuis O., Egmond G. van ., Eisenhauer F., Elswijk E., Emslander A., Fabricius M., Fasola G., Ferreira F., Förster Schreiber N., Fontana A., Gaudemard J., Gautherot N., Gendron E., Gennet C., Genzel R., Ghouchou L., Gillessen S., Gratadour D., Grazian A., Grupp F., Guieu S., Gullieuszik M., Haan M. de ., Hartke J., Hartl M., Haussmann F., Helin T., Hess H.-J., Hofferbert R., Huber H., Huby E., Huet J.-M., Ives D., Janssen A., Jaufmann P., Jilg T., Jodlbauer D., Jost J., Kausch W., Kellermann H., Kerber F., Kravcar H., Kravchenko K., Kulcsár C., Kuncarayakti H., Kunst P., Kwast S., Lang F., Lange J., Lapeyrere V., Le Ruyet B., Leschinski K., Locatelli H., Massari D., Mattila S., Mei S., Merlin F., Meyer E., Michel C., Mohr L., Montargès M., Müller F., Münch N., Navarro R., Neumann U., Neumayer N., Neumeier L., Pedichini F., Pflüger A., Piazzesi R., Pinard L., Porras J., Portulari E., Przybilla N., Rabien S., Raffard J., Ragazzoni R., Ramlau R., Ramos J., Ramsay S., Raynaud H.-F., Rhode P., Richter A., Rix H.-W., Rodenhuis M., Rohloff R.-R., Romp R., Rousselot P., Sabha N., Sassolas B., Schlichter J., Schuil M., Schweitzer M., Seemann U., Sevin A., Simioni M., Spallek L., Sönmez A., Suuronen J., Taburet S., Thomas J., Tisserand E., Vaccari P., Valenti E., Verdoes Kleijn G., Verdugo M., Vidal F., Wagner R., Wegner M., Winden D. van ., Witschel J., Zanella A., Zeilinger W., Ziegleder J. & Ziegler B. (2024), The MICADO first light imager for the ELT: overview and current status. Bryant J., Motohara K. & Vernet R.D.J. (red.), Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy X. Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy X 16 juni 2024 - 21 juni 2024 nr. 13096. Yokohoma, Japan: SPIE Press. 1309611.
- Boer J. de, Girard J.H., Canovas H., Min M., Sitko M., Ginski C., Jeffers S.V., Mawet D., Milli J., Rodenhuis M., Snik F. & Keller C.U. (2017), BP Piscium: its flaring disc imaged with SPHERE/ZIMPOL*, 466: L7-L12.
- Mahapatra G., Stam D.M., Rossi L., Rodenhuis M., Snik F. & Keller C.U. (2017), Investigating circular patterns in linear polarization observations of Venus, Proceedings from the European Planetary Science Congress 2017. European Planetary Science Congress 23 april 2017 - 28 april 2017. European Planetary Science Congress nr. Volume 11: Copernicus. EPSC2017-885.
- Trines R., Janssen H., Paalvast S., Teuwen M., Brandl B.R. & Rodenhuis M. (2016), A cryogenic 'set-and-forget' deformable mirror, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series. nr. 9912 99121B.
- Agócs T., Navarro R., Venema L.B., Amerongen A.H., Hoogeveen R.W.M., Coppens T., Nieuwland G., Rodenhuis M., Brandl B.R. & Vink R. (2016), Optical tests of the Si immersed grating demonstrator for METIS, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series. nr. 9912 991215.
- Agócs T., Navarro R., Venema L.B., Amerongen A.H., Hoogeveen R.W.M., Coppens T., Nieuwland G., Rodenhuis M., Brandl B.R. & Vink R. (2016), Optical tests of the Si immersed grating demonstrator for METIS, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series. nr. 9912 991215.
- Kochukhov O., Rusomarov N., Valenti J.A., Stempels H.C., Snik F., Rodenhuis M., Piskunov N., Makaganiuk V., Keller C.U. & Johns-Krull C.M. (2015), Magnetic field topology and chemical spot distributions in the extreme Ap star HD 75049, Astronomy and Astrophysics 574: A79.
- Rodenhuis M., Snik F., Harten G., Hoeijmakers J. & Keller C. (2014), Five-dimensional optical instrumentation: combining polarimetry with time-resolved integral-field spectroscopy, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series. nr. 9099 0.
- Keller C., Korkiakoski V., Rodenhuis M. & Snik F. (2014), Towards Polarimetric Exoplanet Imaging with ELTs. Apai D. & Gabor P. (red.), Search for Life Beyond the Solar System. Exoplanets, Biosignatures {\amp} Instruments. 4.
- Johns-Krull C., Chen W., Valenti J., Jeffers S., Piskunov N., Kochukhov O., Makaganiuk V., Stempels H., Snik F., Keller C.U. & Rodenhuis M. (2013), Magnetically Controlled Accretion on the Classical T Tauri Stars GQ Lupi and TW Hydrae, The Astrophysical Journal 765(1): 11.
- Min M., Jeffers S., Canovas H., Rodenhuis M., Keller C.U. & Waters L. (2013), The color dependent morphology of the post-AGB star HD 161796, Astronomy and Astrophysics 554: A15.
- Rusomarov N., Kochukhov O., Piskunov N., Jeffers S., Johns-Krull C., Keller C.U., Makaganiuk V., Rodenhuis M., Snik F., Stempels H. & Valenti J. (2013), Three-dimensional magnetic and abundance mapping of the cool Ap star HD 24712 . I. Spectropolarimetric observations in all four Stokes parameters, Astronomy and Astrophysics 558: A8.
- Rodenhuis M., Canovas H., Jeffers S., Min M. & Keller C. (2013), Observing Circumstellar Neighbourhoods with the Extreme Polarimeter. Pugliese G., De Koter A. & Wijburg M. (red.), 370 Years of Astronomy in Utrecht. nr. 470 407.
- Johns-Krull C., Chen W., Valenti J., Jeffers S., Piskunov N., Kochukhov O., Makaganiuk V., Stempels H., Snik F., Keller C. & Rodenhuis M. (2013), HARPS Spectropolarimetry of the Classical T Tauri Stars GQ Lup and TW Hya, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts. nr. 221 #256.14.
- Kochukhov O., Makaganiuk V., Piskunov N., Jeffers S., Johns-Krull C., Keller C.U., Rodenhuis M., Snik F., Stempels H. & Valenti J. (2013), Are there tangled magnetic fields on HgMn stars?, Astronomy and Astrophysics 554: A61.
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