Michel Ferrari
Emeritus hoogleraar Neurologie, in het bijzonder hoofdpijn en gerelateerde aanvalsgewijze aandoeningen
- Naam
- Prof.dr. M.D. Ferrari
- Telefoon
- +31 71 526 9111
- m.d.ferrari@lumc.nl
- 0000-0001-9691-9449
Prof. dr. Michel D. Ferrari, FANA, FRCP is hoogleraar neurologie, voorzitter van het Leiden Centre for Transnational Neuroscience, en lid van de permanente wetenschapscommissie van het Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum (LUMC). Hij is ook voorzitter van de Nederlandse Hoofdpijn Vereniging en oud-voorzitter van de International Headache Society (IHS). Hij is lid en lid geweest van diverse bestuurs- en wetenschappelijke adviesorganen van diverse wetenschappelijke organisaties. Michel Ferrari is gekozen lid (Fellow) van de American Neurology Association (FANA) en het Royal College of Physicians (FRCP) in Engeland, erelid van de Colombiaanse Neurologie Vereniging, de International Headache Society (IHS) en de Deense en Italiaanse Hoofdpijn Verenigingen. Van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Neurologie ontving hij de 5-jaarlijkse Winkler medaille voor zijn wetenschappelijk onderzoek (2005) en van NWO de VICI (2004) en de Spinoza prijs (2009), de hoogste prijs voor wetenschappers in Nederland. In 2017 ontving hij de Zwaartekracht subsidie als lid van het “Netherlands Organ on a Chip Initiative” consortium.
Meer informatie over Michel Ferrari
Prof. Ferrari’s onderzoek is voornamelijk gericht op de neurologische, genetische, klinische, epidemiologische en therapeutische aspecten van aanvalsgewijze hersenaandoeningen (Paroxysmal Cerebral Disorders; PaCD), in het bijzonder migraine, migraine-gerelateerde herseninfarcten, clusterhoofdpijn, episodische ataxie en epilepsie. Hij probeert hierbij diverse vragen uit de Nederlandse Wetenschapsagenda te beantwoorden, zoals bij voorbeeld de nummers 81-83, 98-100, 105 en 112.
PaCD worden in de meest typische vorm gekarakteriseerd door frequent terugkerende, uiterst invaliderende aanvallen van acute ontregeling van de hersenfunctie, die afhankelijk van de oorzaak enkele minuten (epilepsie), uren (clusterhoofdpijn) of dagen (migraine) kan duren. Migraine is een veel voorkomende, vaak onvoldoende behandelde, aanvalsgewijze neurovasculaire hersenaandoening die bij circa 12% van de algemene bevolking voorkomt. De ziekte staat op de tweede plaats van meest invaliderende aandoeningen in de Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. Het hebben van een migraine aanval is volgens de WAO één van de meest ernstigste aandoeningen, en behoeft snel werkende acute aanvalsbehandeling. Nog beter is om aanvallen te voorkomen. De jaarlijkse kosten ten gevolge van door migraine verloren werkdagen zijn astronomisch (€ 52 miljard in de EU). Het voorkomen van migraine aanvallen, het uiteindelijk doel van Ferrari’s translationeel onderzoek, zal een enorme vooruitgang betekenen voor patiënt en gemeenschap.
Academische Carrière
Prof. Ferrari behaalde zijn artsexamen in 1980, specialiseerde zich in neurologie en klinische neurofysiologie in 1985 en promoveerde cum laude in 1992 op het onderwerp “Serotonin and Migraine” bij prof. George Bruyn en prof. Pramod Saxena. Hij is vervolgens research fellow geweest aan het Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas bij prof. Mike Welch, en bij prof. Michael Moskowitz aan Harvard Medical School. Hij is in 2002 benoemd tot hoogleraar in “Hoofdpijn en gerelateerde aanvalsgewijze hersenaandoeningen”. De titel van zijn oratie (“Waarom nu?”) refereert aan het onvoorspelbare karakter van migraine aanvallen en de focus van Ferrari’s onderzoek dat primair gericht is op het ontrafelen van de mechanismen voor het uitlokken, initiëren, terugkomen, chronificeren en uiteindelijk voorkomen van migraine aanvallen.
Prof. Ferrari is de hoofdonderzoeker (PI) van diverse internationale onderzoeksconsortia, waaronder het EUROHEADPAIN programma waarin 9 Europese onderzoekscentra samenwerken om de pathogenese en behandeling van migraine en de chronificatie ervan te onderzoeken. Sinds 2017 is hij ook de hoofdonderzoeker van het 10-jarig Zwaartekrachtprogramma “Brain on a Chip” als onderdeel van het Netherlands Organ on a Chip Initiative.
Prof. Ferrari heeft diverse internationale congressen georganiseerd, waaronder in 1997 het Wereldcongres Hoofdpijn van de IHS in Amsterdam. Hij is Associate Editor van Cephalalgia en Headache Currents, Senior Associate Editor van Headache, en reviewer van diverse belangrijke wetenschappelijke bladen. Hij is de auteur of co-auteur van meer dan 600 peer-reviewed publicaties en van vele boeken. Hij staat in de top-3 van de meest geciteerde wetenschappers over migraine en andere vasculaire hoofdpijnen.
Prijzen en eervolle benoemingen
Prof. Ferrari is Fellow van de American Neurological Association (FANA) en van het Royal College of Physicians (FRCP) in Engeland, en erelid van de Colombiaanse Neurologie Vereniging en van de International Headache Society (IHS) en de Deense en Italiaanse Hoofdpijn Verenigingen. Hij heeft talloze prijzen gewonnen waaronder de Arnold Friedman Distinguished Clinician Research prijs (1995) en de Harold G. Wolff prijs (1997) van de American Headache Society, de Migraine Trust Special (2002) en Macdonald Critchley (2016) Lectures, en de Special Lectures van de European Headache Federation (2006) en IHS (2009). In 2011 ontving hij de driejaarlijkse Hartmann Muller prijs voor Biomedical Research van de Universiteit van Zurich, Zwitserland. Van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Neurologie kreeg Ferrari de vijfjaarlijkse Winkler Medaille voor Neurologisch Onderzoek (2005) en van NWO kreeg hij de VICI (2004) en de Spinoza prijs (2009), de hoogste prijs voor wetenschappers in Nederland. In 2017 ontving hij een 10 jarige Zwaartekracht Subsidie voor “Brain on a Chip”, als onderdeel van de Netherlands Organ on a Chip Initiative. In 2015 was er een special over zijn carrière in Lancet Neurology.
Emeritus hoogleraar Neurologie, in het bijzonder hoofdpijn en gerelateerde aanvalsgewijze aandoeningen
- Faculteit Geneeskunde
- Divisie 3
- Neurologie
- Os, H.J.A. van; Kanning, J.P.; Ferrari, M.D.; Bonten, T.N.; Kist, J.M.; Vos, H.M.M.; Vos, R.C.; Putter, H.; Groenwold, R.H.H. & Wermer, M.J.H. (2023), Added predictive value of female-specific factors and psychosocial factors for the risk of stroke in women under 50, Neurology 101(8): E805-E814.
- Brandt, R.B.; Mulleners, W.; Wilbrink, L.A.; Brandt, P.; Zwet, E.W. van; Huygen, F.J.P.M.; Ferrari, M.D.; Fronczek, R. & ICON Study Grp (2023), Intra- and interindividual attack frequency variability of chronic cluster headache, Cephalalgia 43(2).
- Irene de Boer, Aster V E Harder, Michel D Ferrari, Arn M J M van den Maagdenberg & Gisela M Terwindt (2023), Genetics of migraine: Delineation of contemporary understanding of the genetic underpinning of migraine, Handbook of Clinical Neurology 198.
- Brandt, R.B.; Naber, W.C.; Ouwehand, R.L.H.; Haan, J.; Ferrari, M.D. & Fronczek, R. (2023), Transient side shift of cluster headache attacks after unilateral greater occipital nerve injection, Headache: The Journal of Head and Face Pain 63(8).
- Hoek, T.C. van den & Ferrari, M.D. (2023), Reverse Lasagna's law, European Journal of Neurology 30(12).
- Brandt, R.B.; Wilbrink, L.A.; Coo, I.F.D.; Haan, J.; Mulleners, W.M.; Huygen, F.J.P.M.; Zwet, E.W.V.; Ferrari, M.D.; Fronczek, R. & ICON study group (2023), A prospective open label 2-8 year extension of the randomised controlled ICON trial on the long-term efficacy and safety of occipital nerve stimulation in medically intractable chronic cluster headache, EBioMedicine 98.
- Ferrari, M.D.; Goadsby, P.J.; Burstein, R.; Kurth, T.; Ayata, C.; Charles, A.; Ashina, M.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den & Dodick, D.W. (2022), Migraine, Nature Reviews Disease Primers 8(1).
- Brandt, R.B.; Cnossen, V.M.; Doesborg, P.G.G.; Coo, I.F. de; Perenboom, M.J.L.; Carpay, J.A.; Meilof, R.; Terwindt, G.M.; Ferrari, M.D. & Fronczek, R. (2022), Unilateral increased visual sensitivity in cluster headache, Cephalalgia 42(8).
- Brandt, R.B.; Ouwehand, R.L.H.; Ferrari, M.D.; Haan, J. & Fronczek, R. (2022), COVID-19 vaccination-triggered cluster headache episodes with frequent attacks, Cephalalgia 42(13): 1420-1424.
- Brandt, R.B.; Cnossen, V.M.; Doesborg, P.G.G.; Coo, I.F. de; Perenboom, M.J.L.; Carpay, J.A.; Meilof, R.; Terwindt, G.M.; Ferrari, M.D. & Fronczek, R. (2022), Unilateral increased visual sensitivity in cluster headache, Cephalalgia 42(8): 722-729.
- Terpollili, N.A.; Dolp, R.; Waehner, K.; Schwarzmaier, S.M.; Rumbler, E.; Todorov, B.; Ferrari, M.D.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den & Plesnila, N. (2022), Ca(V)2.1 channel mutations causing familial hemiplegic migraine type 1 increase the susceptibility for cortical spreading depolarizations and seizures and worsen outcome after experimental traumatic brain injury, eLife 11.
- Schoenen, J.; Snoer, A.H.; Brandt, R.B.; Fronczek, R.; Wei, D.Y.; Chung, C.S.; Diener, H.C.; Dodick, D.W.; Fontaine, D.; Goadsby, P.J.; Matharu, M.S.; May, A.; McGinley, J.S.; Tepper, S.J.; Jensen, R.H.; Ferrari, M.D.; IHS Standing Comm Clinical Trials & IHS Cluster Headache Trial Guideli (2022), Guidelines of the International Headache Society for controlled clinical trials in cluster headache, Cephalalgia 42(14): 1450-1466.
- Kasi, D.G.; Graaf, M.N.S. de; Motreuil-Ragot, P.A.; Frimat, J.P.M.S.; Ferrari, M.D.; Sarro, P.M.; Mastrangeli, M.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Mummery, C.L. & Orlova, V.V. (2022), Rapid prototyping of organ-on-a-chip devices using maskless photolithography, Micromachines 13(1).
- Wilbrink, L.A.; Coo, I.F. de; Doesborg, P.G.G.; Mulleners, W.M.; Teernstra, O.P.M.; Bartels, E.C.; Burger, K.; Wille, F.; Dongen, R.T.M. van; Kurt, E.; Spincemaille, G.H.; Haan, J.; Zwet, E.W. van; Huygen, F.J.P.M. & Ferrari, M.D. (2021), Safety and efficacy of occipital nerve stimulation for attack prevention in medically intractable chronic cluster headache (ICON): a randomised, double-blind, multicentre, phase 3, electrical dose-controlled trial, The Lancet Neurology 20(7): 515-525.
- Brandt, R.B.; Doesborg, P.G.G.; Meilof, R.; Coo, I.F. de; Bartels, E.; Ferrari, M.D. & Fronczek, R. (2021), Repeated greater occipital nerve injections with corticosteroids in medically intractable chronic cluster headache, Neurological Sciences 43.
- Onderwater, G.L.J.; Wijnen, J.P.; Najac, C.; Dongen, R.M. van; Ronen, I.; Webb, A.; Zielman, R.; Zwet, E.W. van; Ferrari, M.D.; Kan, H.E.; Kruit, M.C. & Terwindt, G.M. (2021), Cortical glutamate and gamma-aminobutyric acid over the course of a provoked migraine attack, a 7 Tesla magnetic resonance spectroscopy study, NeuroImage: Clinical 32.
- Lanteri-Minet, M.; Goadsby, P.J.; Reuter, U.; Wen, S.H.; Hours-Zesiger, P.; Ferrari, M.D. & Klatt, J. (2021), Effect of erenumab on functional outcomes in patients with episodic migraine in whom 2-4 preventives were not useful, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 92(5): 466-472.
- Goadsby, P.J.; Reuter, U.; Lanteri-Minet, M.; Lima, G.P.D.; Hours-Zesiger, P.; Fernandes, C.; Wen, S.H.; Tenenbaum, N.; Kataria, A.; Ferrari, M.D. & Klatt, J. (2021), Long-term efficacy and safety of erenumab results from 64 weeks of the LIBERTY study, Neurology 96(22): E2724-E2735.
- Harder, A.V.E.; Winsvold, B.S.; Noordam, R.; Vijfhuizen, L.S.; Borte, S.; Kogelman, L.J.A.; Boer, I. de; Tronvik, E.; Rosendaal, F.R.; Dijk, K.W. van; O'Connor, E.; Fourier, C.; Thomas, L.F.; Kristoffersen, E.S.; Fronczek, R.; Pozo-Rosich, P.; Jensen, R.H.; Ferrari, M.D.; Hansen, T.F.; Zwart, J.A.; Terwindt, G.M.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den & Cluster Headache Genetics Working (2021), Genetic susceptibility loci in genomewide association study of cluster headaches, Annals of Neurology 90(2).
- Ferrari, M.D.; Reuter, U.; Goadsby, P.J.; Lima, G.P.D.; Mondal, S.; Wen, S.H.; Tenenbaum, N.; Pandhi, S.; Lanteri-Minet, M. & Stites, T. (2021), Two-year efficacy and safety of erenumab in participants with episodic migraine and 2-4 prior preventive treatment failures: results from the LIBERTY study, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry.
- Pohl, H.; Benemei, S.; Garcia-Azorin, D.; Dixon, J.; Huzzey, E. & Ferrari, M.D. (2021), Time lost due to an attack, Cephalalgia 41(9): 1027-1032.
- Dongen, R.M. van; Onderwater, G.L.J.; Pelzer, N.; Zielman, R.; Oosterhout, W.P.J. van; Zwet, E.W. van; Ferrari, M.D. & Terwindt, G.M. (2021), The effect of needle size on cerebrospinal fluid collection time and post-dural puncture headache, Headache 61(2): 329-334.
- Linstra, K.M.; Os, H.J.A. van; Ruigrok, Y.M.; Nederkoorn, P.J.; Dijk, E.J. van; Kappelle, L.J.; Koudstaal, P.J.; Visser, M.C.; Ferrari, M.D.; MaassenVanDenBrink, A.; Terwindt, G.M.; Wermer, M.J.H. & Dutch Parelsnoer Inst Stroke Study (2021), Sex differences in risk profile, stroke cause and outcome in ischemic stroke patients with and without migraine, Frontiers in Neuroscience 15.
- Dongen, R.M. van; Alderliefste, G.J.; Onderwater, G.L.J.; Ferrari, M.D. & Terwindt, G.M. (2021), Migraine prevalence in visual snow with prior illicit drug use (hallucinogen persisting perception disorder) versus without, European Journal of Neurology 28(8): 2631-2638.
- Oosterhout, W.P.J.; Opstal, A.M.; Schoonman, G.G.; Grond, J.; Terwindt, G.M.; Ferrari, M.D. & Kruit, M.C. (2021), Hypothalamic functional MRI activity in the initiation phase of spontaneous and glyceryl trinitrate-induced migraine attacks, European Journal of Neuroscience 54(3): 5189-5202.
- Bauer, P.R.; Tolner, E.A.; Keezer, M.R.; Ferrari, M.D. & Sander, J.W. (2021), Headache in people with epilepsy, Nature Reviews Neurology 17(9): 529-544.
- Brandt, R. B.; Haan, J.; Ferrari, M. D. & Fronczek, R. (2020), Clusterhoofdpijn en andere trigeminale autonome cefalalgieën, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 164.
- Lagerweij, G.R.; Brouwers, L.; Wit, G.A. de; Moons, K.G.M.; Benschop, L.; Maas, A.H.E.M.; Franx, A.; Wermer, M.J.H.; Lennep, J.E.R. van; Rijn, B.B. van; Koffijberg, H.; Appelman, Y.; Baart, S.; Benschop, L.; Boersma, E.; Brouwers, L.; Budde, R.P.J.; Cannegieter, S.C.; Dam, V.; Eijkemans, R.; Fauser, B.C.J.M.; Ferrari, M.D.; Franx, A.; Groot, C.J.M. de; Gunning, M.N.; Hoek, A.; Koffijberg, H.; Koster, M.P.H.; Kruit, M.C.; Lagerweij, G.R.; Lambalk, C.B.; Laven, J.S.E.; Linstra, K.M.; Lugt, A. van der; Maas, A.H.E.M.; Brink, A.M. van den; Meun, C.; Middeldorp, S.; Moons, K.G.M.; Rijn, B.B. van; Lennep, J.E.R. van; Roos-Hesselink, J.W.; Scheres, L.J.J.; Schouw, Y.T. van der; Steegers, E.A.P.; Steegers-Theunissen, R.P.M.; Terwindt, G.M.; Velthuis, B.K.; Wermer, M.J.H.; Zick, B.; Zoet, G.A. & CREW Consortium (2020), Impact of preventive screening and lifestyle interventions in women with a history of preeclampsia, European Journal of Preventive Cardiology 27(13): 1389-1399.
- Diener, H.C.; Tassorelli, C.; Dodick, D.W.; Silberstein, S.D.; Lipton, R.B.; Ashina, M.; Becker, W.J.; Ferrari, M.D.; Goadsby, P.J.; Pozo-Rosich, P.; Wang, S.J.; Houle, T.T.; Hoek, T.C. van den; Martinelli, D.; Terwindt, G.M. & Int Headache Soc Clinical Trials C (2020), Guidelines for controlled trials of preventive treatment of migraine attacks in episodic migraine in adults, Cephalalgia 40(10): 1026-1044.
- Fokkens, W.J.; Lund, V.J.; Hopkins, C.; Hellings, P.W.; Kern, R.; Reitsma, S.; Toppila-Salmi, S.; Bernal-Sprekelsen, M.; Mullol, J.; Alobid, I.; Anselmo-Lima, W.T.; Bachert, C.; Baroody, F.; Buchwald, C. von; Cervin, A.; Cohen, N.; Constantinidis, J.; Gabory, L. de; Desrosiers, M.; Diamant, Z.; Douglas, R.G.; Gevaert, P.H.; Hafner, A.; Harvey, R.J.; Joos, G.F.; Kalogjera, L.; Knill, A.; Kocks, J.H.; Landis, B.N.; Limpens, J.; Lebeer, S.; Lourenco, O.; Matricardi, P.M.; Meco, C.; O'Mahony, L.; Philpott, C.M.; Ryan, D.; Schlosser, R.; Senior, B.; Smith, T.L.; Teeling, T.; Tomazic, P.V.; Wang, D.Y.; Wang, D.H.; Zhang, L.; Agius, A.M.; Ahlstrom-Emanuelsson, C.; Alabri, R.; Albu, S.; Alhabash, S.; Aleksic, A.; Aloulah, M.; Al-Qudah, M.; Alsaleh, S.; Baban, M.A.; Baudoin, T.; Balvers, T.; Battaglia, P.; Bedoya, J.D.; Beule, A.; Bofares, K.M.; Braverman, I.; Brozek-Madry, E.; Byaruhanga, R.; Callejas, C.; Carrie, S.; Caulley, L.; Chussi, D.; Corso, E. de; Coste, A.; Hadi, U. el; Elfarouk, A.; Eloy, P.H.; Farrokhi, S.; Felisati, G.; Ferrari, M.D.; Fishchuk, R.; Grayson, J.W.; Goncalves, P.M.; Grdinic, B.; Grgic, V.; Hamizan, A.W.; Heinichen, J.V.; Husain, S.; Ping, T.I.; Ivaska, J.; Jakimovska, F.; Jovancevic, L.; Kakande, E.; Kamel, R.; Karpischenko, S.; Kariyawasam, H.H.; Kawauchi, H.; Kjeldsen, A.; Klimek, L.; Krzeski, A.; Barsova, G.K.; Kim, S.W.; Lal, D.; Letort, J.J.; Lopatin, A.; Mahdjoubi, A.; Mesbahi, A.; Netkovski, J.; Tshipukane, D.N.; Obando-Valverde, A.; Okano, M.; Onerci, M.; Ong, Y.K.; Orlandi, R.; Otori, N.; Ouennoughy, K.; Ozkan, M.; Peric, A.; Plzak, J.; Prokopakis, E.; Prepageran, N.; Psaltis, A.; Pugin, B.; Raftopulos, M.; Rombaux, P.; Riechelmann, H.; Sahtout, S.; Sarafoleanu, C.C.; Searyoh, K.; Rhee, C.S.; Shi, J.; Shkoukani, M.; Shukuryan, A.K.; Sicak, M.; Smyth, D.; Snidvongs, K.; Kosak, T.S.; Stjarne, P.; Sutikno, B.; Steinsvag, S.; Tantilipikorn, P.; Thanaviratananich, S.; Tran, T.; Urbancic, J.; Valiulis, A.; Aparicio, C.V. de; Vicheva, D.; Virkkula, P.M.; Vicente, G.; Voegels, R.; Wagenmann, M.; Wardani, R.S.; Welge-Lussen, A.; Witterick, I.; Wright, E.; Zabolotniy, D.; Zsolt, B. & Zwetsloot, C.P. (2020), European Position Paper on Rhinosinusitis and Nasal Polyps 2020, Rhinology 58: I-+.
- Perenboom, M.J.L.; Ruit, M. van de; Zielman, R.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Ferrari, M.D.; Carpay, J.A. & Tolner, E.A. (2020), Enhanced pre-ictal cortical responsivity in migraine patients assessed by visual chirp stimulation, Cephalalgia 40(9): 913-923.
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- Hamming, A.M.; Walderveen, M.A.A. van; Mulder, I.A.; Schaaf, I.C. van der; Kappelle, L.J.; Velthuis, B.K.; Ferrari, M.D.; Terwindt, G.M.; Visser, M.C.; Schonewille, W.; Algra, A.; Wermer, M.J.H.; Majoie, C.B.; Roos, Y.B.; Duijm, L.E.; Keizer, K.; Lugt, A. van der; Dippel, D.W.; Droogh-de Greeve, K.E.; Bienfait, H.P.; Nijeholt, G.J.L.A.; Boiten, J.; Duyndam, D.; Kwa, V.I.; Meijer, F.J.; Dijk, E.J. van; Kesselring, F.O.; Hofmeijer, J.; Vos, J.A.; Rooij, W.J. van; Kort, P.L. de; Pleiter, C.C.; Bakker, S.L.; Bot, J.; Velthuis, B.K.; Dankbaar, J.W.; Mali, W.P.; Seeters, T. van; Horsch, A.D.; Niesten, J.M.; Biessels, G.J.; Luitse, M.J.; Graaf, Y. van der & Dutch Acute Stroke Study (2019), Circle of Willis variations in migraine patients with ischemic stroke, Brain and Behavior 9(3).
- Goodman, S.G.; Aylward, P.E.; Szarek, M.; Chumburidze, V.; Bhatt, D.L.; Bittner, V.A.; Diaz, R.; Edelberg, J.M.; Hanotin, C.; Harrington, R.A.; Jukema, J.W.; Kedev, S.; Letierce, A.; Moryusef, A.; Pordy, R.; Lopez, G.A.R.; Roe, M.T.; Viigimaa, M.; White, H.D.; Zeiher, A.M.; Steg, P.G.; Schwartz, G.G.; Aylward, P.E.; Drexel, H.; Sinnaeve, P.; Dilic, M.; Lopes, R.D.; Gotcheva, N.N.; Goodman, S.G.; Prieto, J.C.; Yong, H.; Lopez-Jaramillo, P.; Pecin, I.; Reiner, Z.; Ostadal, P.; Poulsen, S.H.; Viigimaa, M.; Nieminen, M.S.; Danchin, N.; Chumburidze, V.; Marx, N.; Liberopoulos, E.; Valdovinos, P.C.M.; Tse, H.F.; Kiss, R.G.; Xavier, D.; Zahger, D.; Valgimigli, M.; Kimura, T.; Kim, H.S.; Kim, S.H.; Erglis, A.; Laucevicius, A.; Kedev, S.; Yusoff, K.; Lopez, G.A.R.; Alings, M.; Halvorsen, S.; Flores, R.M.C.; Sy, R.G.; Budaj, A.; Morais, J.; Dorobantu, M.; Karpov, Y.; Ristic, A.D.; Chua, T.; Murin, J.; Fras, Z.; Dalby, A.J.; Tunon, J.; Silva, H.A. de; Hagstrom, E.; Muller, C.; Chiang, C.E.; Sritara, P.; Guneri, S.; Parkhomenko, A.; Ray, K.K.; Moriarty, P.M.; Vogel, R.; Chaitman, B.; Kelsey, S.F.; Olsson, A.G.; Rouleau, J.L.; Simoons, M.L.; Alexander, K.; Meloni, C.; Rosenson, R.; Sijbrands, E.J.G.; Alexander, J.H.; Armaganijan, L.; Bagai, A.; Bahit, M.C.; Brennan, J.M.; Clifton, S.; DeVore, A.D.; Deloatch, S.; Dickey, S.; Dombrowski, K.; Ducrocq, G.; Eapen, Z.; Endsley, P.; Eppinger, A.; Hess, C.N.; Hlatky, M.A.; Jordan, J.D.; Knowles, J.W.; Kolls, B.J.; Kong, D.F.; Leonardi, S.; Lillis, L.; Lopes, R.D.; Maron, D.J.; Marcus, J.; Mathews, R.; Mehta, R.H.; Mentz, R.J.; Moreira, H.G.; Patel, C.B.; Pereira, S.B.; Perkins, L.; Povsic, T.J.; Puymirat, E.; Jones, W.S.; Shah, B.R.; Sherwood, M.W.; Stringfellow, K.; Sujjavanich, D.; Toma, M.; Trotter, C.; Diepen, S.F.P. van; Wilson, M.D.; Yan, A.T.K.; Schiavi, L.B.; Garrido, M.; Alvarisqueta, A.F.; Sassone, S.A.; Bordonava, A.P.; Lima, A.E.A. de; Schmidberg, J.M.; Duronto, E.A.; Caruso, O.C.; Novaretto, L.P.; Hominal, M.A.; Montana, O.R.; Caccavo, A.; Vilamajo, O.A.G.; Lorenzatti, A.J.; Cartasegna, L.R.; Paterlini, G.A.; Mackinnon, I.J.; Caime, G.D.; Amuchastegui, M.; Codutti, O.R.; Jure, H.O.; Bono, J.O.E.; Hrabar, A.D.; Vallejos, J.A.; Rodolfo, A.A.G.; Novoa, F.; Patocchi, C.A.; Zaidman, C.J.; Giuliano, M.E.; Dran, R.D.; Vico, M.L.; Carnero, G.S.; Guzman, P.N.; Allende, J.C.M.; Brasca, D.F.G.; Labarta, M.H.B.; Nani, S.; Blumberg, E.D.S.; Colombo, H.R.; Liberman, A.; Luciardi, H.L.; Waisman, G.D.; Berli, M.A.; Duran, R.O.G.; Cestari, H.G.; Luquez, H.A.; Giordano, J.A.; Saavedra, S.S.; Waites, J.H.; Collins, N.; Soward, A.; Hii, C.L.S.; Shaw, J.; Arstall, M.A.; Horowitz, J.; Rogers, J.F.; Colquhoun, D.; Flores, R.E.O.; Roberts-Thomson, P.; Raffel, O.; Lehman, S.J.; Coverdale, S.G.M.; Garrahy, P.J.; Starmer, G.; Sader, M.; Carroll, P.A.; Zweiker, R.; Hoppe, U.; Huber, K.; Berger, R.; Weidinger, F.; Faes, D.; Hermans, K.; Pirenne, B.; Leone, A.; Hoffer, E.; Vrolix, M.C.M.; Wolf, L. de; Wollaert, B.; Castadot, M.; Dujardin, K.; Beauloye, C.; Vervoort, G.; Striekwold, H.; Convens, C.; Roosen, J.; Barbato, E.; Claeys, M.; Cools, F.; Terzic, I.; Barakovic, F.; Midzic, Z.; Pojskic, B.; Fazlibegovic, E.; Durak-Nalbantic, A.; Vulic, D.; Muslibegovic, A.; Reis, G.; Sousa, L.; Nicolau, J.C.; Giorgeto, F.E.; Silva, R.P.; Maia, L.N.; Rech, R.; Rossi, P.R.F.; Cerqueira, M.J.A.G.; Duda, N.; Kalil, R.; Kormann, A.; Abrantes, J.A.M.; Pimentel, P.; Soggia, A.P.; Santos, M.O.N. de; Neuenschwander, F.; Bodanese, L.C.; Michalaros, Y.L.; Eliaschewitz, F.G.; Vidotti, M.H.; Leaes, P.E.; Botelho, R.V.; Kaiser, S.; Manenti, E.R.F.F.; Precoma, D.B.; Jorge, J.C.M.; Silva, P.G.M.D.; Silveira, J.A.; Saporito, W.; Marin, J.A.; Feitosa, G.S.; Ritt, L.E.F.; Souza, J.A. de; Costa, F.; Souza, W.K.S.B.; Reis, H.J.L.; Lopes, R.D.; Machado, L.; Ayoub, J.C.A.; Todorov, G.V.; Nikolov, F.P.; Velcheva, E.S.; Tzekova, M.L.; Benov, H.O.; Petranov, S.L.; Tumbev, H.S.; Shehova-Yankova, N.S. & (2019), Effects of Alirocumab on Cardiovascular Events After Coronary Bypass Surgery, Journal of the American College of Cardiology 74(9): 1177-1186.
- Gunning, M.N.; Meun, C.; Rijn, B.B. van; Maas, A.H.E.M.; Benschop, L.; Franx, A.; Boersma, E.; Budde, R.P.J.; Appelman, Y.; Lambalk, C.B.; Eijkemans, M.J.C.; Velthuis, B.K.; Laven, J.S.E.; Fauser, B.C.J.M.; Appelman, Y.; Baart, S.; Benschop, L.; Boersma, E.; Brouwers, L.; Budde, R.; Cannegieter, S.; Dam, V.; Daan, N.; Eijkemans, R.; Fauser, B.; Ferrari, M.; Franx, A.; Groot, C. de; Gunning, M.; Hoek, A.; Koffijberg, E.; Koster, W.; Kruit, M.; Lagerweij, G.; Lambalk, N.; Laven, J.; Linstra, K.; Lugt, A. van der; Maas, A.; Brink, A.M. van den; Meun, C.; Middeldorp, S.; Moons, K.; Rijn, B. van; Lennep, J.R. van; Roos-Hesselink, J.; Scheres, L.; Schouw, Y. van der; Steegers, E.; Steegers, R.; Terwindt, G.; Velthuis, B.; Wermer, M.; Zick, B.; Zoet, G. & CREW Consortium (2019), Coronary artery calcification in middle-aged women with premature ovarian insufficiency, Clinical Endocrinology 91(2): 314-322.
- Coo, I.F. de; Marin, J.C.A.; Silberstein, S.D.; Friedman, D.I.; Gaul, C.; McClure, C.K.; Tyagi, A.; Liebler, E.; Tepper, S.J.; Ferrari, M.D. & Goadsby, P.J. (2019), Differential efficacy of non-invasive vagus nerve stimulation for the acute treatment of episodic and chronic cluster headache: A meta-analysis, Cephalalgia 39(8): 967-977.
- Ferrari, M.D.; Diener, H.C.; Ning, X.P.; Galic, M.; Cohen, J.M.; Yang, R.H.; Mueller, M.; Ahn, A.H.; Schwartz, Y.C.; Grozinski-Wolff, M.; Janka, L. & Ashina, M. (2019), Fremanezumab versus placebo for migraine prevention in patients with documented failure to up to four migraine preventive medication classes (FOCUS): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 3b trial, Lancet 394(10203): 1030-1040.
- Diener, H.C.; Tassorelli, C.; Dodick, D.W.; Silberstein, S.D.; Lipton, R.B.; Ashina, M.; Becker, W.J.; Ferrari, M.D.; Goadsby, P.J.; Pozo-Rosich, P.; Wang, S.J.; Mandrekar, J. & Int Headache Soc Clinical Trials S (2019), Guidelines of the International Headache Society for controlled trials of acute treatment of migraine attacks in adults: Fourth edition, Cephalalgia 39(6): 687-710.
- Coo, I.F. de; Naber, W.C.; Wilbrink, L.A.; Haan, J.; Ferrari, M.D. & Fronczek, R. (2019), Increased use of illicit drugs in a Dutch cluster headache population, Cephalalgia 39(5): 626-634.
- Onderwater, G.L.J.; Ligthart, L.; Bot, M.; Demirkan, A.; Fu, J.Y.; Kallen, C.J.H. van der; Vijfhuizen, L.S.; Pool, R.; Liu, J.; Vanmolkot, F.H.M.; Beekman, M.; Wen, K.X.; Amin, N.; Thesing, C.S.; Pijpers, J.A.; Kies, D.A.; Zielman, R.; Boer, I. de; Greevenbroek, M.M.J. van; Arts, I.C.W.; Milaneschi, Y.; Schram, M.T.; Dagnelie, P.C.; Franke, L.; Ikram, M.A.; Ferrari, M.D.; Goeman, J.J.; Slagboom, P.E.; Wijmenga, C.; Stehouwer, C.D.A.; Boomsma, D.I.; Duijn, C.M. van; Penninx, B.W.; Hoen, P.A.C. 't; Terwindt, G.M.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den & BBMRI Metabolomics Consortium (2019), Large-scale plasma metabolome analysis reveals alterations in HDL metabolism in migraine, Neurology 92(16): E1899-E1911.
- Szarek, M.; Steg, P.G.; DiCenso, D.; Bhatt, D.L.; Bittner, V.A.; Budaj, A.; Diaz, R.; Goodman, S.G.; Gotcheva, N.; Jukema, J.W.; Pordy, R.; Roe, M.T.; Sourdille, T.; White, H.D.; Xavier, D.; Zeiher, A.M.; Schwartz, G.G.; Steg, P.G.; Bhatt, D.L.; Bittner, V.A.; Diaz, R.; Goodman, S.G.; Harrington, R.A.; Jukema, J.W.; Szarek, M.; Zeiher, A.M.; Tricoci, P.; Roe, M.T.; Mahaffey, K.W.; Edelberg, J.M.; Hanotin, C.; Lecorps, G.; Moryusef, A.; Pordy, R.; Sasiela, W.J.; Tamby, J.F.; Aylward, P.E.; Drexel, H.; Sinnaeve, P.; Dilic, M.; Gotcheva, N.N.; Goodman, S.G.; Prieto, J.C.; Yong, H.; Lopez-Jaramillo, P.; Pecin, I.; Reiner, Z.; Ostadal, P.; Poulsen, S.H.; Viigimaa, M.; Nieminen, M.S.; Danchin, N.; Chumburidze, V.; Marx, N.; Liberopoulos, E.; Valdovinos, P.C.M.; Tse, H.F.; Kiss, R.G.; Xavier, D.; Zahger, D.; Valgimigli, M.; Kimura, T.; Kim, H.S.; Kim, S.H.; Kedev, S.; Erglis, A.; Laucevicius, A.; Yusoff, K.; Lopez, R.; Lopez, G.A.R.; Alings, M.; Halvorsen, S.; Flores, R.M.C.; Sy, R.G.; Budaj, A.; Morais, J.; Dorobantu, M.; Karpov, Y.; Ristic, A.D.; Chua, T.; Murin, J.; Fras, Z.; Dalby, A.J.; Tunon, J.; Silva, H.A. de; Hagstrom, E.; Muller, C.; Chiang, C.E.; Sritara, P.; Guneri, S.; Parkhomenko, A.; Ray, K.K.; Moriarty, P.M.; Roe, M.T.; Chaitman, B.; Kelsey, S.F.; Olsson, A.G.; Rouleau, J.L.; Simoons, M.L.; Alexander, K.; Meloni, C.; Rosenson, R.; Sijbrands, E.J.G.; Alexander, J.H.; Armaganijan, L.; Bagai, A.; Bahit, M.C.; Brennan, J.M.; Clifton, S.; DeVore, A.D.; Deloatch, S.; Dickey, S.; Dombrowski, K.; Ducrocq, G.; Eapen, Z.; Endsley, P.; Eppinger, A.; Harrison, R.W.; Hess, C.N.; Hlatky, M.A.; Jordan, J.D.; Knowles, J.W.; Kolls, B.J.; Kong, D.F.; Leonardi, S.; Lillis, L.; Maron, D.J.; Marcus, J.; Mathews, R.; Mehta, R.H.; Mentz, R.J.; Moreira, H.G.; Patel, C.B.; Pereira, S.B.; Perkins, L.; Povsic, T.J.; Puymirat, E.; Jones, W.S.; Shah, B.R.; Sherwood, M.W.; Stringfellow, K.; Sujjavanich, D.; Toma, M.; Diepen, S.F.P. van; Wilson, M.D.; Yan, A.T.K.; Lopes, R.D.; Trotter, C.; Schiavi, L.B.; Garrido, M.; Alvarisqueta, A.F.; Sassone, S.A.; Bordonava, A.P.; Lima, A.E.A. de; Schmidberg, J.M.; Duronto, E.A.; Caruso, O.C.; Novaretto, L.P.; Hominal, M.A.; Montana, O.R.; Caccavo, A.; Vilamajo, O.A.G.; Lorenzatti, A.J.; Cartasegna, L.R.; Paterlini, G.A.; Mackinnon, I.J.; Caime, G.D.; Amuchastegui, M.; Salomone, R.; Codutti, O.R.; Jure, H.O.; Bono, J.O.E.; Hrabar, A.D.; Vallejos, J.A.; Guerrero, R.A.A.; Novoa, F.; Patocchi, C.A.; Zaidman, C.J.; Giuliano, M.E.; Dran, R.D.; Vico, M.L.; Carnero, G.S.; Guzman, P.N.; Allende, J.C.M.; Brasca, D.F.G.; Labarta, M.H.B.; Nani, S.; Blumberg, E.D.S.; Colombo, H.R.; Liberman, A.; Luciardi, H.L.; Waisman, G.D.; Berli, M.A.; Duran, R.O.G.; Cestari, H.G.; Luquez, H.A.; Giordano, J.A.; Saavedra, S.S.; Zapata, G.; Costamagna, O.; Llois, S.; Waites, J.H.; Collins, N.; Soward, A.; Aylward, P.E.; Hii, C.L.S.; Shaw, J.; Arstall, M.A.; Horowitz, J.; Rogers, J.F.; Colquhoun, D.; Flores, R.E.O.; Roberts-Thomson, P.; Raffel, O.; Lehman, S.J.; Aroney, C.; Coverdale, S.G.M.; Garrahy, P.J.; Starmer, G.; Sader, M.; Carroll, P.A.; Dick, R.; Zweiker, R.; Hoppe, U.; Huber, K.; Berger, R.; Weidinger, F.; Faes, D.; Hermans, K.; Pirenne, B.; Leone, A.; Hoffer, E.; Vrolix, M.C.M.; Wolf, L. de; Wollaert, B.; Castadot, M.; Dujardin, K.; Beauloye, C.; Vervoort, G.; Striekwold, H.; Convens, C.; Roosen, J.; Barbato, E.; Claeys, M.; Cools, F.; Terzic, I.; Barakovic, F.; Midzic, Z.; Pojskic, B.; Fazlibegovic, E.; Durak-Nalbantic, A.; Vulic, D.; Muslibegovic, A.; Goronja, B.; Reis, G.; Sousa, L.; Nicolau, J.C.; Giorgeto, F.E.; Silva, R.P.; Maia, L.N.; Rech, R.; Rossi, P.R.F.; Cerqueira, M.J.A.G.; Duda, N.; Kalil, R.; Kormann, A.; Abrantes, J.A.M.; Pimentel, P.; Soggia, A.P.; Santos, M.O.N. de; Neuenschwander, F.; Bodanese, L.C.; Michalaros, Y.L.; Eliaschewitz, F.G.; Vidotti, M.H.; Leaes, P.E.; Botelho, R.V.; Kaiser, S.; Manenti, E.R.F.F.; Precoma, D.B.; Jorge, J.C.M.; Silva, P.G.M.D. & Silv (2019), Alirocumab Reduces Total Hospitalizations and Increases Days Alive and Out of Hospital in the ODYSSEY OUTCOMES Trial, Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes 12(11).
- Roe, M.T.; Li, Q.H.; Bhatt, D.L.; Bittner, V.A.; Diaz, R.; Goodman, S.G.; Harrington, R.A.; Jukema, J.W.; Lopez-Jaramillo, P.; Lopes, R.D.; Louie, M.J.; Moriarty, P.M.; Szarek, M.; Vogel, R.; White, H.D.; Zeiher, A.M.; Baccara-Dinet, M.T.; Steg, P.G.; Schwartz, G.G.; Steg, P.G.; Bhatt, D.L.; Bittner, V.A.; Diaz, R.; Goodman, S.G.; Harrington, R.A.; Jukema, J.W.; Szarek, M.; Zeiher, A.M.; Tricoci, P.; Roe, M.T.; Mahaffey, K.W.; Edelberg, J.M.; Hanotin, C.; Lecorps, G.; Moryusef, A.; Pordy, R.; Sasiela, W.J.; Tamby, J.F.; Aylward, P.E.; Drexel, H.; Sinnaeve, P.; Dilic, M.; Gotcheva, N.N.; Goodman, S.G.; Prieto, J.C.; Yong, H.; Lopez-Jaramillo, P.; Pecin, I.; Reiner, Z.; Ostadal, P.; Poulsen, S.H.; Viigimaa, M.; Nieminen, M.S.; Danchin, N.; Chumburidze, V.; Marx, N.; Liberopoulos, E.; Valdovinos, P.C.M.; Tse, H.F.; Kiss, R.G.; Xavier, D.; Zahger, D.; Valgimigli, M.; Kimura, T.; Kim, H.S.; Kim, S.H.; Kedev, S.; Erglis, A.; Laucevicius, A.; Yusoff, K.; Lopez, R.; Lopez, G.A.R.; Alings, M.; Halvorsen, S.; Flores, R.M.C.; Sy, R.G.; Budaj, A.; Morais, J.; Dorobantu, M.; Karpov, Y.; Ristic, A.D.; Chua, T.; Murin, J.; Fras, Z.; Dalby, A.J.; Tunon, J.; Silva, H.A. de; Hagstrom, E.; Muller, C.; Chiang, C.E.; Sritara, P.; Guneri, S.; Parkhomenko, A.; Ray, K.K.; Moriarty, P.M.; Roe, M.T.; Chaitman, B.; Kelsey, S.F.; Olsson, A.G.; Rouleau, J.L.; Simoons, M.L.; Alexander, K.; Meloni, C.; Rosenson, R.; Sijbrands, E.J.G.; Alexander, J.H.; Armaganijan, L.; Bagai, A.; Bahit, M.C.; Brennan, J.M.; Clifton, S.; DeVore, A.D.; Deloatch, S.; Dickey, S.; Dombrowski, K.; Ducrocq, G.; Eapen, Z.; Endsley, P.; Eppinger, A.; Harrison, R.W.; Hess, C.N.; Hlatky, M.A.; Jordan, J.D.; Knowles, J.W.; Kolls, B.J.; Kong, D.F.; Leonardi, S.; Lillis, L.; Maron, D.J.; Marcus, J.; Mathews, R.; Mehta, R.H.; Mentz, R.J.; Moreira, H.G.; Patel, C.B.; Pereira, S.B.; Perkins, L.; Povsic, T.J.; Puymirat, E.; Jones, W.S.; Shah, B.R.; Sherwood, M.W.; Stringfellow, K.; Sujjavanich, D.; Toma, M.; Diepen, S.F.P. van; Wilson, M.D.; Yan, A.T.K.; Lopes, R.D.; Trotter, C.; Schiavi, L.B.; Garrido, M.; Alvarisqueta, A.F.; Sassone, S.A.; Bordonava, A.P.; Lima, A.E.A. de; Schmidberg, J.M.; Duronto, E.A.; Caruso, O.C.; Novaretto, L.P.; Hominal, M.A.; Montana, O.R.; Caccavo, A.; Vilamajo, O.A.G.; Lorenzatti, A.J.; Cartasegna, L.R.; Paterlini, G.A.; Mackinnon, I.J.; Caime, G.D.; Amuchastegui, M.; Salomone, R.; Codutti, O.R.; Jure, H.O.; Bono, J.O.E.; Hrabar, A.D.; Vallejos, J.A.; Guerrero, R.A.A.; Novoa, F.; Patocchi, C.A.; Zaidman, C.J.; Giuliano, M.E.; Dran, R.D.; Vico, M.L.; Carnero, G.S.; Guzman, P.N.; Allende, J.C.M.; Brasca, D.F.G.; Labarta, M.H.B.; Nani, S.; Blumberg, E.D.S.; Colombo, H.R.; Liberman, A.; Luciardi, H.L.; Waisman, G.D.; Berli, M.A.; Duran, R.O.G.; Cestari, H.G.; Luquez, H.A.; Giordano, J.A.; Saavedra, S.S.; Zapata, G.; Costamagna, O.; Llois, S.; Waites, J.H.; Collins, N.; Soward, A.; Aylward, P.E.; Hii, C.L.S.; Shaw, J.; Arstall, M.A.; Horowitz, J.; Rogers, J.F.; Colquhoun, D.; Flores, R.E.O.; Roberts-Thomson, P.; Raffel, O.; Lehman, S.J.; Aroney, C.; Coverdale, S.G.M.; Garrahy, P.J.; Starmer, G.; Sader, M.; Carroll, P.A.; Dick, R.; Zweiker, R.; Hoppe, U.; Huber, K.; Berger, R.; Weidinger, F.; Faes, D.; Hermans, K.; Pirenne, B.; Leone, A.; Hoffer, E.; Vrolix, M.C.M.; Wolf, L. de; Wollaert, B.; Castadot, M.; Dujardin, K.; Beauloye, C.; Vervoort, G.; Striekwold, H.; Convens, C.; Roosen, J.; Barbato, E.; Claeys, M.; Cools, F.; Terzic, I.; Barakovic, F.; Midzic, Z.; Pojskic, B.; Fazlibegovic, E.; Durak-Nalbantic, A.; Vulic, D.; Muslibegovic, A.; Goronja, B.; Reis, G.; Sousa, L.; Nicolau, J.C.; Giorgeto, F.E.; Silva, R.P.; Maia, L.N.; Rech, R.; Rossi, P.R.F.; Cerqueira, M.J.A.G.; Duda, N.; Kalil, R.; Kormann, A.; Abrantes, J.A.M.; Pimentel, P.; Soggia, A.P.; Santos, M.O.N. de; Neuenschwander, F.; Bodanese, L.C.; Michalaros, Y.L.; Eliaschewitz, F.G.; Vidotti, M.H.; Leaes, P.E.; Botelho, R.V.; Kaiser, S.; Manenti, E.R.F.F. & Prec (2019), Risk Categorization Using New American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Guidelines for Cholesterol Management and Its Relation to Alirocumab Treatment Following Acute Coronary Syndromes, Circulation 140(19): 1578-1589.
- Jukema, J.W.; Szarek, M.; Zijlstra, L.E.; Silva, H.A. de; Bhatt, D.L.; Bittner, V.A.; Diaz, R.; Edelberg, J.M.; Goodman, S.G.; Hanotin, C.; Harrington, R.A.; Karpov, Y.; Moryusef, A.; Pordy, R.; Prieto, J.C.; Roe, M.T.; White, H.D.; Zeiher, A.M.; Schwartz, G.G.; Steg, P.G.; Bhatt, D.L.; Bittner, V.A.; Diaz, R.; Goodman, S.G.; Harrington, R.A.; Jukema, J.W.; Szarek, M.; Zeiher, A.M.; Tricoci, P.; Roe, M.T.; Mahaffey, K.W.; Edelberg, J.M.; Hanotin, C.; Lecorps, G.; Moryusef, A.; Pordy, R.; Sasiela, W.J.; Tamby, J.F.; Aylward, P.E.; Drexel, H.; Sinnaeve, P.; Dilic, M.; Gotcheva, N.N.; Goodman, S.G.; Prieto, J.C.; Yong, H.; Lopez-Jaramillo, P.; Pecin, I.; Reiner, Z.; Ostadal, P.; Poulsen, S.H.; Viigimaa, M.; Nieminen, M.S.; Danchin, N.; Chumburidze, V.; Marx, N.; Liberopoulos, E.; Valdovinos, P.C.M.; Tse, H.F.; Kiss, R.G.; Xavier, D.; Zahger, D.; Valgimigli, M.; Kimura, T.; Kim, H.S.; Kim, S.H.; Kedev, S.; Erglis, A.; Laucevicius, A.; Yusoff, K.; Lopez, R.; Lopez, G.A.R.; Alings, M.; Halvorsen, S.; Flores, R.M.C.; Sy, R.G.; Budaj, A.; Morais, J.; Dorobantu, M.; Karpov, Y.; Ristic, A.D.; Chua, T.; Murin, J.; Fras, Z.; Dalby, A.J.; Tunon, J.; Silva, H.A. de; Hagstrom, E.; Muller, C.; Chiang, C.E.; Sritara, P.; Guneri, S.; Parkhomenko, A.; Ray, K.K.; Moriarty, P.M.; Roe, M.T.; Chaitman, B.; Kelsey, S.F.; Olsson, A.G.; Rouleau, J.L.; Simoons, M.L.; Alexander, K.; Meloni, C.; Rosenson, R.; Sijbrands, E.J.G.; Alexander, J.H.; Armaganijan, L.; Bagai, A.; Bahit, M.C.; Brennan, J.M.; Clifton, S.; DeVore, A.D.; Deloatch, S.; Dickey, S.; Dombrowski, K.; Ducrocq, G.; Eapen, Z.; Endsley, P.; Eppinger, A.; Harrison, R.W.; Hess, C.N.; Hlatky, M.A.; Jordan, J.D.; Knowles, J.W.; Kolls, B.J.; Kong, D.F.; Leonardi, S.; Lillis, L.; Maron, D.J.; Marcus, J.; Mathews, R.; Mehta, R.H.; Mentz, R.J.; Moreira, H.G.; Patel, C.B.; Pereira, S.B.; Perkins, L.; Povsic, T.J.; Puymirat, E.; Jones, W.S.; Shah, B.R.; Sherwood, M.W.; Stringfellow, K.; Sujjavanich, D.; Toma, M.; Diepen, S.F.P. van; Wilson, M.D.; Yan, A.T.K.; Lopes, R.D.; Trotter, C.; Schiavi, L.B.; Garrido, M.; Alvarisqueta, A.F.; Sassone, S.A.; Bordonava, A.P.; Lima, A.E.A. de; Schmidberg, J.M.; Duronto, E.A.; Caruso, O.C.; Novaretto, L.P.; Hominal, M.A.; Montana, O.R.; Caccavo, A.; Vilamajo, O.A.G.; Lorenzatti, A.J.; Cartasegna, L.R.; Paterlini, G.A.; Mackinnon, I.J.; Caime, G.D.; Amuchastegui, M.; Salomone, R.; Codutti, O.R.; Jure, H.O.; Bono, J.O.E.; Hrabar, A.D.; Vallejos, J.A.; Guerrero, R.A.A.; Novoa, F.; Patocchi, C.A.; Zaidman, C.J.; Giuliano, M.E.; Dran, R.D.; Vico, M.L.; Carnero, G.S.; Guzman, P.N.; Allende, J.C.M.; Brasca, D.F.G.; Labarta, M.H.B.; Nani, S.; Blumberg, E.D.S.; Colombo, H.R.; Liberman, A.; Luciardi, H.L.; Waisman, G.D.; Berli, M.A.; Duran, R.O.G.; Cestari, H.G.; Luquez, H.A.; Giordano, J.A.; Saavedra, S.S.; Zapata, G.; Costamagna, O.; Llois, S.; Waites, J.H.; Collins, N.; Soward, A.; Aylward, P.E.; Hii, C.L.S.; Shaw, J.; Arstall, M.A.; Horowitz, J.; Rogers, J.F.; Colquhoun, D.; Flores, R.E.O.; Roberts-Thomson, P.; Raffel, O.; Lehman, S.J.; Aroney, C.; Coverdale, S.G.M.; Garrahy, P.J.; Starmer, G.; Sader, M.; Carroll, P.A.; Dick, R.; Zweiker, R.; Hoppe, U.; Huber, K.; Berger, R.; Weidinger, F.; Faes, D.; Hermans, K.; Pirenne, B.; Leone, A.; Hoffer, E.; Vrolix, M.C.M.; Wolf, L. de; Wollaert, B.; Castadot, M.; Dujardin, K.; Beauloye, C.; Vervoort, G.; Striekwold, H.; Convens, C.; Roosen, J.; Barbato, E.; Claeys, M.; Cools, F.; Terzic, I.; Barakovic, F.; Midzic, Z.; Pojskic, B.; Fazlibegovic, E.; Durak-Nalbantic, A.; Vulic, D.; Muslibegovic, A.; Goronja, B.; Reis, G.; Sousa, L.; Nicolau, J.C.; Giorgeto, F.E.; Silva, R.P.; Maia, L.N.; Rech, R.; Rossi, P.R.F.; Cerqueira, M.J.A.G.; Duda, N.; Kalil, R.; Kormann, A.; Abrantes, J.A.M.; Pimentel, P.; Soggia, A.P.; Santos, M.O.N. de; Neuenschwander, F.; Bodanese, L.C.; Michalaros, Y.L.; Eliaschewitz, F.G.; Vidotti, M.H.; Leaes, P.E.; Botelho, R.V.; Kaiser, S.; Manenti, E.R.F.F. & Precoma, (2019), Alirocumab in Patients With Polyvascular Disease and Recent Acute Coronary Syndrome ODYSSEY OUTCOMES Trial, Journal of the American College of Cardiology 74(9): 1167-1176.
- Pelzer, N.; Louter, M.A.; Zwet, E.W. van; Nyholt, D.R.; Ferrari, M.D.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Haan, J. & Terwindt, G.M. (2019), Linking migraine frequency with family history of migraine, Cephalalgia 39(2): 229-236.
- Diener, H.C.; Goadsby, P.J.; Ashina, M.; Al-Karagholi, M.A.; Sinclair, A.; Mitsikostas, D.; Magis, D.; Pozo-Rosich, P.; Sieira, P.I.; Lainez, M.J.A.; Gaul, C.; Silver, N.; Hoffmann, J.; Marin, J.; Liebler, E.; Ferrari, M.D. & PREMIUM Study Group (2019), Non-invasive vagus nerve stimulation (nVNS) for the preventive treatment of episodic migraine: The multicentre, double-blind, randomised, sham-controlled PREMIUM trial, Cephalalgia 39(12): 1475-1487.
- Mulder, I.A.; Holswilder, G.; Walderveen, M.A.A. van; Schaaf, I.C. van der; Bennink, E.; Horsch, A.D.; Kappelle, L.J.; Velthuis, B.K.; Dankbaar, J.W.; Terwindt, G.M.; Schonewille, W.J.; Visser, M.C.; Ferrari, M.D.; Algra, A.; Wermer, M.J.H. & DUST Investigators (2019), Stroke progression and clinical outcome in ischemic stroke patients with a history of migraine, International Journal of Stroke 14(9): 946-955.
- Oosterhout, W.P.J. van; Schoonman, G.G.; Saal, D.P.; Thijs, R.D.; Ferrari, M.D. & Dijk, J.G. van (2019), Abnormal cardiovascular response to nitroglycerin in migraine, Cephalalgia.
- Pijpers, U.A.; Kies, D.A.; Louter, M.A.; Zwet, E.W. van; Ferrari, M.D. & Terwindt, G.M. (2019), Acute withdrawal and botulinum toxin A in chronic migraine with medication overuse: a double-blind randomized controlled trial, Brain 142: 1203-1214.
- Deen, M.; Martinelli, D.; Pijpers, J.; Diener, H.C.; Silberstein, S.; Ferrari, M.D.; Ashina, M.; Tassorelli, C. & Yuan, H. (2019), Adherence to the 2008 IHS guidelines for controlled trials of drugs for the preventive treatment of chronic migraine in adults, Cephalalgia 39(8): 1058-1066.
- Onderwater, G.L.J.; Oosterhout, W.P.J. van; Schoonman, G.G.; Ferrari, M.D. & Terwindt, G.M. (2019), Alcoholic beverages as trigger factor and the effect on alcohol consumption behavior in patients with migraine, European Journal of Neurology 26(4): 588-595.
- Kogelman, L.J.A.; Esserlind, A.L.; Christensen, A.F.; Awasthi, S.; Ripke, S.; Ingason, A.; Davidsson, O.B.; Erikstrup, C.; Hjalgrim, H.; Ullum, H.; Olesen, J.; Hansen, T.F.; Gudbjartsson, D.; Gastafsson, O.; Stefansson, K.; Stefansson, H.; Porsteinsdottir, U.; Andersen, S.; Banasik, K.; Brunak, S.; Buil, A.; Burgdorf, K.; Gregor, J.; Jennum, P.; Nielsen, K.R.; Nyegaard, M.; Paarup, H.M.; Pedersen, O.B.; Sorensen, E.; Werge, T.; Anttila, V.; Artto, V.; Belin, A.C.; Boer, I. de; Boomsma, D.I.; Borte, S.; Chasman, D.I.; Cherkas, L.; Cormand, B.; Cuenca-Leon, E.; Davey-Smith, G.; Dichgans, M.; Duijn, C. van; Esko, T.; Ferrari, M.; Frants, R.R.; Freilinger, T.; Furlotte, N.; Gormley, P.; Griffiths, L.; Hamalainen, E.; Hiekkala, M.; Ikram, M.A.; Jarvelin, M.R.; Kajanne, R.; Kallela, M.; Kaprio, J.; Kaunisto, M.; Kubisch, C.; Kurki, M.; Kurth, T.; Launer, L.; Lehtimaki, T.; Lessel, D.; Ligthart, L.; Litterman, N.; Maagdenberg, A. van den; Macaya, A.; Malik, R.; Mangino, M.; McMahon, G.; Muller-Myhsok, B.; Neale, B.M.; Northover, C.; Nyholt, D.R.; Palotie, A.; Palta, P.; Pedersen, L.; Pedersen, N.; Posthuma, D.; Pozo-Rosich, P.; Pressman, A.; Raitakari, O.; Schurks, M.; Sintas, C.; Steinberg, S.; Strachan, D.; Terwindt, G.; Vila-Pueyo, M.; Wessman, M.; Winsvold, B.S.; Zhao, H.Y.; Zwart, J.A.; DBDS Genomic Consortium & Int Headache Genetics Consortium (2019), Migraine polygenic risk score associates with efficacy of migraine-specific drugs, Neurology Genetics 5(6).
- Loonen, I.C.M.; Jansen, N.A.; Cain, S.M.; Schenke, M.; Voskuyl, R.A.; Yung, A.C.; Bohnet, B.; Kozlowski, P.; Thijs, R.D.; Ferrari, M.D.; Snutch, T.P.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den & Tolner, E.A. (2019), Brainstem spreading depolarization and cortical dynamics during fatal seizures in Cacna1a S218L mice, Brain 142: 412-425.
- Dam, V.; Onland-Moret, N.C.; Verschuren, W.M.M.; Boer, J.M.A.; Benschop, L.; Franx, A.; Moons, K.G.M.; Boersma, E.; Schouw, Y.T. van der; Appelman, Y.; Baart, S.; Benschop, L.; Boersma, E.; Brouwers, L.; Budde, R.P.J.; Cannegieter, S.C.; Dam, V.; Eijkemans, R.M.J.C.; Fauser, B.C.J.M.; Ferrari, M.D.; Franx, A.; Groot, C.J.M. de; Gunning, M.N.; Hoek, A.; Koffijberg, H.; Koster, M.P.H.; Kruit, M.C.; Lagerweij, G.R.; Lambalk, C.B.; Laven, J.S.E.; Linstra, K.M.; Lugt, A. van der; Maas, A.H.E.M.; Brink, A.M. van den; Meun, C.; Middeldorp, S.; Moons, K.G.M.; Rijn, B.B. van; Lennep, J.E.R. van; Roos-Hesselink, J.W.; Scheres, L.J.J.; Steegers, E.A.P.; Steegers-Theunissen, R.P.M.; Terwindt, G.M.; Velthuis, B.K.; Wermer, M.J.H.; Zoet, G.A. & CREW-Consortium (2019), Cardiovascular risk model performance in women with and without hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, Heart 105(4): 330-336.
- Baart, S.J.; Dam, V.; Scheres, L.J.J.; Damen, J.A.A.G.; Spijker, R.; Schuit, E.; Debray, T.P.A.; Fauser, B.C.J.M.; Boersma, E.; Moons, K.G.M.; Schouw, Y.T. van der; Appelman, Y.; Baart, S.; Benschop, L.; Boersma, E.; Brouwers, L.; Budde, R.P.J.; Cannegieter, S.C.; Dam, V.; Eijkemans, R.M.J.C.; Fauser, B.C.J.M.; Ferrari, M.D.; Franx, A.; Groot, C.J.M. de; Gunning, M.N.; Hoek, A.; Koffijberg, H.; Koster, M.P.H.; Kruit, M.C.; Lagerweij, G.R.; Lambalk, C.B.; Laven, J.S.E.; Linstra, K.M.; Lugt, A. van der; Maas, A.H.E.M.; Brink, A.M. van den; Meun, C.; Middeldorp, S.; Moons, K.G.M.; Rijn, B.B. van; Lennep, J.E.R. van; Roos-Hesselink, J.W.; Scheres, L.J.J.; Schouw, Y.T. van der; Steegers, E.A.P.; Steegers-Theunissen, R.P.M.; Terwindt, G.M.; Velthuis, B.K.; Wermer, M.J.H.; Zoet, G.A. & CREW Consortium (2019), Cardiovascular risk prediction models for women in the general population: A systematic review, PLoS ONE 14(1).
- Pelzer, N.; Hoogeveen, E.S.; Haan, J.; Bunnik, R.; Poot, C.C.; Zwet, E.W. van; Inderson, A.; Fogteloo, A.J.; Reinders, M.E.J.; Middelkoop, H.A.M.; Kruit, M.C.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Ferrari, M.D. & Terwindt, G.M. (2019), Systemic features of retinal vasculopathy with cerebral leukoencephalopathy and systemic manifestations: a monogenic small vessel disease, Journal of Internal Medicine 285(3): 317-332.
- Naber, W.C.; Fronczek, R.; Haan, J.; Doesborg, P.; Colwell, C.S.; Ferrari, M.D. & Meijer, J.H. (2019), The biological clock in cluster headache: A review and hypothesis, Cephalalgia 39(14): 1855-1866.
- Meun, C.; Gunning, M.N.; Louwers, Y.V.; Peters, H.; Roos-Hesselink, J.; Lennep, J.R. van; Ochoa, O.L.R.; Appelman, Y.; Lambalk, N.; Boersma, E.; Kavousi, M.; Fauser, B.C.J.M.; Laven, J.S.E.; Baart, S.; Benschop, L.; Brouwers, L.; Budde, R.; Cannegieter, S.; Dam, V.; Eijkemans, R.; Fauser, B.; Ferrari, M.; Franx, A.; Groot, C. de; Gunning, M.; Hoek, A.; Koffijberg, E.; Koster, W.; Kruit, M.; Lagerweij, G.; Laven, J.; Linstra, K.; Lugt, A. van der; Maas, A.; Brink, A.M. van den; Middeldorp, S.; Moons, K.G.M.; Rijn, B. van; Scheres, L.; Schouw, Y.T. van der; Steegers, E.; Steegers, R.; Terwindt, G.; Velthuis, B.; Wermer, M.; Zick, B.; Zoet, G. & CREW Consortium (2019), The cardiovascular risk profile of middle-aged women with polycystic ovary syndrome, Clinical Endocrinology.
- Dongen, R. van; Waaijer, L.C.; Onderwater, G.L.J.; Ferrari, M.D. & Terwindt, G.M. (2019), Treatment effects and comorbid diseases in 58 patients with visual snow, Neurology 93(4): E398-E403.
- Bauer, P.R.; Helling, R.M.; Perenboom, M.J.L.; Silva, F.H.L. da; Tolner, E.A.; Ferrari, M.D.; Sander, J.W.; Visser, G.H. & Kalitzin, S.N. (2019), Phase clustering in transcranial magnetic stimulation-evoked EEG responses in genetic generalized epilepsy and migraine, Epilepsy & Behavior 93: 102-112.
- Balkaya, M.; Seidel, J.L.; Sadeghian, H.; Qin, T.; Chung, D.Y.; Eikermann-Haerter, K.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Ferrari, M.D. & Ayata, C. (2019), Relief Following Chronic Stress Augments Spreading Depolarization Susceptibility in Familial Hemiplegic Migraine Mice, Neuroscience 415: 1-9.
- Tietjen, G.E.; Khubchandani, J.; Herial, N.; Palm-Meinders, I.H.; Koppen, H.; Terwindt, G.M.; Buchem, M.A. van; Launer, L.J.; Ferrari, M.D. & Kruit, M.C. (2018), Migraine and vascular disease biomarkers: A population-based case-control study, Cephalalgia 38(3): 511-518.
- Tassorelli, C.; Diener, H.C.; Dodick, D.W.; Silberstein, S.D.; Lipton, R.B.; Ashina, M.; Becker, W.J.; Ferrari, M.D.; Goadsby, P.J.; Pozo-Rosich, P.; Wang, S.J. & Int Headache Soc (2018), Guidelines of the International Headache Society for controlled trials of preventive treatment of chronic migraine in adults, Cephalalgia 38(5): 815-832.
- Pelzer, N.; Haan, J.; Stam, A.H.; Vijfhuizen, L.S.; Koelewijn, S.C.; Smagge, A.; Vries, B. de; Ferrari, M.D.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den & Terwindt, G.M. (2018), Clinical spectrum of hemiplegic migraine and chances of finding a pathogenic mutation, Neurology 90(7): E575-E582.
- Reuter, U.; Goadsby, P.J.; Lanteri-Minet, M.; Wen, S.H.; Hours-Zesiger, P.; Ferrari, M.D. & Klatt, J. (2018), Efficacy and tolerability of erenumab in patients with episodic migraine in whom two-to-four previous preventive treatments were unsuccessful: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 3b study, Lancet 392(10161): 2280-2287.
- Oosterhout, W.P.J. van; Someren, E.J.W. van; Schoonman, G.G.; Louter, M.A.; Lammers, G.J.; Ferrari, M.D. & Terwindt, G.M. (2018), Chronotypes and circadian timing in migraine, Cephalalgia 38(4): 617-625.
- Oosterhout, W.P.J. van; Schoonman, G.G.; Zwet, E.W. van; Dekkers, O.M.; Terwindt, G.M.; MaassenVanDenBrink, A. & Ferrari, M.D. (2018), Female sex hormones in men with migraine, Neurology 91(4): E374-E381.
- Gormley, P.; Kurki, M.I.; Hiekkala, M.E.; Veerapen, K.; Happola, P.; Mitchell, A.A.; Lal, D.; Palta, P.; Surakka, I.; Kaunisto, M.A.; Hamalainen, E.; Vepsalainen, S.; Havanka, H.; Harno, H.; Ilmavirta, M.; Nissila, M.; Sako, E.; Sumelahti, M.L.; Liukkonen, J.; Sillanpaa, M.; Metsahonkala, L.; Koskinen, S.; Lehtimaki, T.; Raitakari, O.; Mannikko, M.; Ran, C.; Belin, A.C.; Jousilahti, P.; Anttila, V.; Salomaa, V.; Artto, V.; Farkkila, M.; Runz, H.; Daly, M.J.; Neale, B.M.; Ripatti, S.; Kallela, M.; Wessman, M.; Palotie, A.; 23me Res Team & Int Headache Genetics Consortium (2018), Common Variant Burden Contributes to the Familial Aggregation of Migraine in 1,589 Families, Neuron 98(4): 743-+.
- Coo, I.F. de; Wilbrink, L.A.; Ie, G.D.; Haan, J. & Ferrari, M.D. (2018), Aura in Cluster Headache: A Cross-Sectional Study, Headache 58(8): 1203-1210.
- Hardy, T.A.; Young, S.; Sy, J.S.; Colley, A.F.; Terwindt, G.M.; Ferrari, M.D.; Hayes, M.W. & Hodgkinson, S. (2018), Tumefactive lesions in retinal vasculopathy with cerebral leucoencephalopathy and systemic manifestations (RVCL-S): a role for neuroinflammation?, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 89(4): 434-+.
- Noga, M.J.; Zielman, R.; Dongen, R.M. van; Bos, S.; Harms, A.; Terwindt, G.M.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Hankemeier, T. & Ferrari, M.D. (2018), Strategies to assess and optimize stability of endogenous amines during cerebrospinal fluid sampling, Metabolomics 14(4).
- Winter, A.K.; Martinez, M.E.; Cutts, F.T.; Moss, W.J.; Ferrari, M.J.; McKee, A.; Lessler, J.; Hayford, K.; Wallinga, J. & Metcalf, C.J.E. (2018), Benefits and Challenges in Using Seroprevalence Data to Inform Models for Measles and Rubella Elimination, Journal of Infectious Diseases 218(3): 355-364.
- Boer, I. de; Stam, A.H.; Buntinx, L.; Zielman, R.; Steen, I. van der; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Koning, E.J.P. de; Ferrari, M.D.; Hoon, J.N. de & Terwindt, G.M. (2018), RVCL-S and CADASIL display distinct impaired vascular function, Neurology 91(10): E956-E963.
- Perenboom, M.J.L.; Najafabadi, A.H.Z.; Zielman, R.; Carpay, J.A. & Ferrari, M.D. (2018), Quantifying visual allodynia across migraine subtypes: the Leiden Visual Sensitivity Scale, PAIN 159(11): 2375-2382.
- Goadsby, P.J.; Coo, I.F. de; Silver, N.; Tyagi, A.; Ahmed, F.; Gaul, C.; Jensen, R.H.; Diener, H.C.; Solbach, K.; Straube, A.; Liebler, E.; Marin, J.C.A.; Ferrari, M.D. & ACT2 Study Grp (2018), Non-invasive vagus nerve stimulation for the acute treatment of episodic and chronic cluster headache: A randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled ACT2 study, Cephalalgia 38(5): 959-969.
- Pelzer, N.; Hoogeveen, E.S.; Ferrari, M.D.; Poll-The, B.T.; Kruit, M.C. & Terwindt, G.M. (2018), Brain atrophy following hemiplegic migraine attacks, Cephalalgia 38(6): 1199-1202.
- Diener Hans-Christoph, Goadsby Peter J., Ashina Messoud, Al-Karagholi Mohammad Al-Mahdi, Sinclair Alexandra, Mitsikostas Dimos, Magis Delphine, Pozo-Rosich Patricia, Sieira Pablo Irimia, Lainez Miguel J. A., Gaul Charly, Silver Nicholas, Hoffmann Jan, Liebler Eric & Ferrari Michel D. (2018), A multicentre, double-blind, randomised, sham-controlled study of non-invasive vagus nerve stimulation (nVNS) for the preventive treatment of episodic migraine: the PREMIUM trial, Journal of Headache and Pain 19.
- Anttila, V.; Bulik-Sullivan, B.; Finucane, H.K.; Walters, R.K.; Bras, J.; Duncan, L.; Escott-Price, V.; Falcone, G.J.; Gormley, P.; Malik, R.; Patsopoulos, N.A.; Ripke, S.; Wei, Z.; Yu, D.M.; Lee, P.H.; Turley, P.; Grenier-Boley, B.; Chouraki, V.; Kamatani, Y.; Berr, C.; Letenneur, L.; Hannequin, D.; Amouyel, P.; Boland, A.; Deleuze, J.F.; Duron, E.; Vardarajan, B.N.; Reitz, C.; Goate, A.M.; Huentelman, M.J.; Kamboh, M.I.; Larson, E.B.; Rogaeva, E.; St George-Hyslop, P.; Hakonarson, H.; Kukull, W.A.; Farrer, L.A.; Barnes, L.L.; Beach, T.G.; Demirci, F.Y.; Head, E.; Hulette, C.M.; Jicha, G.A.; Kauwe, J.S.K.; Kaye, J.A.; Leverenz, J.B.; Levey, A.I.; Lieberman, A.P.; Pankratz, V.S.; Poon, W.W.; Quinn, J.F.; Saykin, A.J.; Schneider, L.S.; Smith, A.G.; Sonnen, J.A.; Stern, R.A.; Deerlin, V.M. van; Eldik, L.J. van; Harold, D.; Russo, G.; Rubinsztein, D.C.; Bayer, A.; Tsolaki, M.; Proitsi, P.; Fox, N.C.; Hampel, H.; Owen, M.J.; Mead, S.; Passmore, P.; Morgan, K.; Nothen, M.M.; Rossor, M.; Lupton, M.K.; Hoffmann, P.; Kornhuber, J.; Lawlor, B.; McQuillin, A.; Al-Chalabi, A.; Bis, J.C.; Ruiz, A.; Boada, M.; Seshadri, S.; Beiser, A.; Rice, K.; Lee, S.J. van der; Jager, P.L. de; Geschwind, D.H.; Riemenschneider, M.; Riedel-Heller, S.; Rotter, J.I.; Ransmayr, G.; Hyman, B.T.; Cruchaga, C.; Alegret, M.; Winsvold, B.; Palta, P.; Farh, K.H.; Cuenca-Leon, E.; Furlotte, N.; Kurth, T.; Ligthart, L.; Terwindt, G.M.; Freilinger, T.; Ran, C.; Gordon, S.D.; Borck, G.; Adams, H.H.H.; Lehtimaki, T.; Wedenoja, J.; Buring, J.E.; Schurks, M.; Hrafnsdottir, M.; Hottenga, J.J.; Penninx, B.; Artto, V.; Kaunisto, M.; Vepsalainen, S.; Martin, N.G.; Montgomery, G.W.; Kurki, M.I.; Hamalainen, E.; Huang, H.L.; Huang, J.; Sandor, C.; Webber, C.; Muller-Myhsok, B.; Schreiber, S.; Salomaa, V.; Loehrer, E.; Gobel, H.; Macaya, A.; Pozo-Rosich, P.; Hansen, T.; Werge, T.; Kaprio, J.; Metspalu, A.; Kubisch, C.; Ferrari, M.D.; Belin, A.C.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Zwart, J.A.; Boomsma, D.; Eriksson, N.; Olesen, J.; Chasman, D.I.; Nyholt, D.R.; Avbersek, A.; Baum, L.; Berkovic, S.; Bradfield, J.; Buono, R.; Catarino, C.B.; Cossette, P.; Jonghe, P. de; Depondt, C.; Dlugos, D.; Ferraro, T.N.; French, J.; Hjalgrim, H.; Jamnadas-Khoda, J.; Kalviainen, R.; Kunz, W.S.; Lerche, H.; Leu, C.; Lindhout, D.; , W. lo; Lowenstein, D.; McCormack, M.; Moller, R.S.; Molloy, A.; Ng, P.W.; Oliver, K.; Privitera, M.; Radtke, R.; Ruppert, A.K.; Sander, T.; Schachter, S.; Schankin, C.; Scheffer, I.; Schoch, S.; Sisodiya, S.M.; Smith, P.; Sperling, M.; Striano, P.; Surges, R.; Thomas, G.N.; Visscher, F.; Whelan, C.D.; Zara, F.; Heinzen, E.L.; Marson, A.; Becker, F.; Stroink, H.; Zimprich, F.; Gasser, T.; Gibbs, R.; Heutink, P.; Martinez, M.; Morris, H.R.; Sharma, M.; Ryten, M.; Mok, K.Y.; Pulit, S.; Bevan, S.; Holliday, E.; Attia, J.; Battey, T.; Boncoraglio, G.; Thijs, V.; Chen, W.M.; Mitchell, B.; Rothwell, P.; Sharma, P.; Sudlow, C.; Vicente, A.; Markus, H.; Kourkoulis, C.; Pera, J.; Raffeld, M.; Silliman, S.; Perica, V.B.; Thornton, L.M.; Huckins, L.M.; Rayner, N.W.; Lewis, C.M.; Gratacos, M.; Rybakowski, F.; Keski-Rahkonen, A.; Raevuori, A.; Hudson, J.I.; Reichborn-Kjennerud, T.; Monteleone, P.; Karwautz, A.; Mannik, K.; Baker, J.H.; O'Toole, J.K.; Trace, S.E.; Davis, O.S.P.; Helder, S.G.; Ehrlich, S.; Herpertz-Dahlmann, B.; Danner, U.N.; Elburg, A.A. van; Clementi, M.; Forzan, M.; Docampo, E.; Lissowska, J.; Hauser, J.; Tortorella, A.; Maj, M.; Gonidakis, F.; Tziouvas, K.; Papezova, H.; Yilmaz, Z.; Wagner, G.; Cohen-Woods, S.; Herms, S.; Julia, A.; Rabionet, R.; Dick, D.M.; Ripatti, S.; Andreassen, O.A.; Espeseth, T.; Lundervold, A.J.; Steen, V.M.; Pinto, D.; Scherer, S.W.; Aschauer, H.; Schosser, A.; Alfredsson, L.; Padyukov, L.; Halmi, K.A.; Mitchell, J.; Strober, M.; Bergen, A.W.; Kaye, W.; Szatkiewicz, J.P.; Cormand, B.; Ramos-Quiroga, J.A.; Sanchez-Mora, C.; Ribases, M.; Casas, M.; Hervas, A.; Arranz, M.J.; Haavik, J. & Zayats, (2018), Analysis of shared heritability in common disorders of the brain, Science 360(6395): 1313-+.
- Kantae V., Ogino S., Noga M.J., Harms A.C., Dongen R.M. van, Onderwater G.L.J., Maagdenberg A.M.J.M. van den, Terwindt G.M., Stelt M. van der, Ferrari M.D. & Hankemeier T. (2017), Quantitative profiling of endocannabinoids and related N-acylethanolamines in human CSF using nano LC-MS/MS, Journal of Lipid Research 2017(58): 615-624.
- Pelzer, N.; Bijkerk, R.; Reinders, M.E.J.; Zonneveld, A.J. van; Ferrari, M.D.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Eikenboom, J. & Terwindt, G.M. (2017), Circulating Endothelial Markers in Retinal Vasculopathy With Cerebral Leukoencephalopathy and Systemic Manifestations, Stroke 48(12): 3301-3307.
- Koppen, H.; Boele, H.J.; Palm-Meinders, I.H.; Koutstaal, B.J.; Horlings, C.G.C.; Koekkoek, B.K.; Geest, J. van der; Smit, A.E.; Buchem, M.A. van; Launer, L.J.; Terwindt, G.M.; Bloem, B.R.; Kruit, M.C.; Ferrari, M.D. & Zeeuw, C.I. de (2017), Cerebellar function and ischemic brain lesions in migraine patients from the general population, Cephalalgia 37(2): 177-190.
- Zielman, R.; Wijnen, J.P.; Webb, A.; Onderwater, G.L.J.; Ronen, I.; Ferrari, M.D.; Kan, H.E.; Terwindt, G.M. & Kruit, M.C. (2017), Cortical glutamate in migraine, Brain 140: 1859-1871.
- Eising, E.; Shyti, R.; Hoen, P.A.C. 't; Vijfhuizen, L.S.; Huisman, S.M.H.; Broos, L.A.M.; Mahfouz, A.; Reinders, M.J.T.; Ferrari, M.D.; Tolner, E.A.; Vries, B. de & Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den (2017), Cortical Spreading Depression Causes Unique Dysregulation of Inflammatory Pathways in a Transgenic Mouse Model of Migraine, Molecular Neurobiology 54(4): 2986-2996.
- Chen, S.P.; Qin, T.; Seidel, J.L.; Zheng, Y.; Eikermann, M.; Ferrari, M.D.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Moskowitz, M.A.; Ayata, C. & Eikermann-Haerter, K. (2017), Inhibition of the P2X7-PANX1 complex suppresses spreading depolarization and neuroinflammation, Brain 140: 1643-1656.
- Palm-Meinders, I.H.; Koppen, H.; Terwindt, G.M.; Launer, L.J.; Buchem, M.A. van; Ferrari, M.D. & Kruit, M.C. (2017), Iron in deep brain nuclei in migraine? CAMERA follow-up MRI findings, Cephalalgia 37(8): 795-800.
- Os, H.J.A. van; Mulder, I.A.; Broersen, A.; Algra, A.; Schaaf, I.C. van der; Kappelle, L.J.; Velthuis, B.K.; Terwindt, G.M.; Schonewille, W.J.; Visser, M.C.; Ferrari, M.D.; Walderveen, M.A.A. van; Wermer, M.J.H. & DUST Investigators (2017), Migraine and Cerebrovascular Atherosclerosis in Patients With Ischemic Stroke, Stroke 48(7): 1973-+.
- Dongen, R.M. van; Zielman, R.; Noga, M.; Dekkers, O.M.; Hankemeier, T.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Terwindt, G.M. & Ferrari, M.D. (2017), Migraine biomarkers in cerebrospinal fluid: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Cephalalgia 37(1): 49-63.
- Houben, T.; Loonen, I.C.M.; Baca, S.M.; Schenke, M.; Meijer, J.H.; Ferrari, M.D.; Terwindt, G.M.; Voskuyl, R.A.; Charles, A.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den & Tolner, E.A. (2017), Optogenetic induction of cortical spreading depression in anesthetized and freely behaving mice, Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 37(5): 1641-1655.
- Kantae, V.; Ogino, S.; Noga, M.; Harms, A.C.; Dongen, R.M. van; Onderwater, G.L.J.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Terwindt, G.M.; Stelt, M. van der; Ferrari, M.D. & Hankemeier, T. (2017), Quantitative profiling of endocannabinoids and related N-acylethanolamines in human CSF using nano LC-MS/MS, Journal of Lipid Research 58(3): 615-624.
- Dreier, J.P.; Fabricius, M.; Ayata, C.; Sakowitz, O.W.; Shuttleworth, C.W.; Dohmen, C.; Graf, R.; Vajkoczy, P.; Helbok, R.; Suzuki, M.; Schiefecker, A.J.; Major, S.; Winkler, M.K.L.; Kang, E.J.; Milakara, D.; Oliveira-Ferreira, A.I.; Reiffurth, C.; Revankar, G.S.; Sugimoto, K.; Dengler, N.F.; Hecht, N.; Foreman, B.; Feyen, B.; Kondziella, D.; Friberg, C.K.; Piilgaard, H.; Rosenthal, E.S.; Westover, M.B.; Maslarova, A.; Santos, E.; Hertle, D.; Sanchez-Porras, R.; Jewell, S.L.; Balanca, B.; Platz, J.; Hinzman, J.M.; Luckl, J.; Schoknecht, K.; Scholl, M.; Drenckhahn, C.; Feuerstein, D.; Eriksen, N.; Horst, V.; Bretz, J.S.; Jahnke, P.; Scheel, M.; Bohner, G.; Rostrup, E.; Pakkenberg, B.; Heinemann, U.; Claassen, J.; Carlson, A.P.; Kowoll, C.M.; Lublinsky, S.; Chassidim, Y.; Shelef, I.; Friedman, A.; Brinker, G.; Reiner, M.; Kirov, S.A.; Andrew, R.D.; Farkas, E.; Guresir, E.; Vatter, H.; Chung, L.S.; Brennan, K.C.; Lieutaud, T.; Marinesco, S.; Maas, A.I.R.; Sahuquillo, J.; Dahlem, M.A.; Richter, F.; Herreras, O.; Boutelle, M.G.; Okonkwo, D.O.; Bullock, M.R.; Witte, O.W.; Martus, P.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Ferrari, M.D.; Dijkhuizen, R.M.; Shutter, L.A.; Andaluz, N.; Schulte, A.P.; MacVicar, B.; Watanabe, T.; Woitzik, J.; Lauritzen, M.; Strong, A.J. & Hartings, J.A. (2017), Recording, analysis, and interpretation of spreading depolarizations in neurointensive care: Review and recommendations of the COSBID research group, Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 37(5): 1595-1625.
- Pelzer, N.; Blom, D.E.; Stam, A.H.; Vijfhuizen, L.S.; Hageman, A.T.M.; Vliet, J.A. van; Ferrari, M.D.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Haan, J. & Terwindt, G.M. (2017), Recurrent coma and fever in familial hemiplegic migraine type 2. A prospective 15-year follow-up of a large family with a novel ATP1A2 mutation, Cephalalgia 37(8): 737-755.
- Arkink, E.B.; Schoonman, G.G.; Vliet, J.A.; Bakels, H.S.; Sneeboer, M.A.M.; Haan, J.; Buchem, M.A.; Ferrari, M.D. & Kruit, M.C. (2017), The cavernous sinus in cluster headache - a quantitative structural magnetic resonance imaging study, Cephalalgia 37(3): 208-213.
- Hamming, A.M.; Toorn, A. van der; Rudrapatna, U.S.; Ma, L.; Os, H.J.A. van; Ferrari, M.D.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Zwet, E. van; Poinsatte, K.; Stowe, A.M.; Dijkhuizen, R.M. & Wermer, M.J.H. (2017), Valproate Reduces Delayed Brain Injury in a Rat Model of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage, Stroke 48(2): 452-458.
- Eising, E.; Pelzer, N.; Vijfhuizen, L.S.; Vries, B. de; Ferrari, M.D.; Hoen, P.A.C. 't; Terwindt, G.M. & Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den (2017), Identifying a gene expression signature of cluster headache in blood, Scientific Reports 7.
- Palm-Meinders, I.H.; Arkink, E.B.; Koppen, H.; Amlal, S.; Terwindt, G.M.; Launer, L.J.; Buchem, M.A. van; Ferrari, M.D. & Kruit, M.C. (2017), Volumetric brain changes in migraineurs from the general population, Neurology 89(20): 2066-2074.
- Pijpers, J.A.; Kies, D.A.; Louter, M.A.; Zwet, E.W. van; Ferrari, M.D. & Terwindt, G.M. (2017), Botulinum toxin A and acute detoxification in chronic migraine and medication overuse: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, Cephalalgia 37: 103-103.
- Wilbrink, L.A.; Louter, M.A.; Teernstra, O.P.M.; Zwet, E.W. van; Huygen, F.J.P.M.; Haan, J.; Ferrari, M.D. & Terwindt, G.M. (2017), Allodynia in cluster headache, PAIN 158(6): 1113-1117.
- Onderwater, Gerrit L J; Van Dongen, Robin M; Zielman, Ronald; Terwindt, Gisela M; Ferrari & Michel D (2017), Cerebrospinal Fluid in Neurologic Disorders.
- Arkink, E.B.; Schmitz, N.; Schoonman, G.G.; Vliet, J.A. van; Haan, J.; Buchem, M.A. van; Ferrari, M.D. & Kruit, M.C. (2017), The anterior hypothalamus in cluster headache, Cephalalgia 37(11): 1039-1050.
- Kies, D.A.; Pijpers, J.A.; Ferrari, M.D.; Kruit, M.C. & Terwindt, G.M. (2017), Resting-state functional connectivity in the visual network: a possible predictor for treatment response in chronic migraine, Cephalalgia 37: 11-11.
- Maassen van den Brink A., Meijer J., Villalon C.M. & Ferrari M.D. (2016), Wiping Out CGRP: Potential Cardiovascular Risks, Trends in Pharmacological Sciences 37(9): 779-788.
- MaassenVanDenBrink, A.; Meijer, J.; Villalon, C.M. & Ferrari, M.D. (2016), Wiping Out CGRP: Potential Cardiovascular Risks, Trends in Pharmacological Sciences 37(9): 779-788.
- Koppen, H.; Palm-Meinders, I.H.; Mess, W.H.; Keunen, R.W.; Terwindt, G.M.; Launer, L.J.; Buchem, M.A. van; Kruit, M.C. & Ferrari, M.D. (2016), Systemic right-to-left shunts, ischemic brain lesions, and persistent migraine activity, Neurology 86(18): 1668-1675.
- Vries, B. de; Anttila, V.; Freilinger, T.; Wessman, M.; Kaunisto, M.A.; Kallela, M.; Artto, V.; Vijfhuizen, L.S.; Gobel, H.; Dichgans, M.; Kubisch, C.; Ferrari, M.D.; Palotie, A.; Terwindt, G.M.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den & Int Headache Genetics Consortium (2016), Systematic re-evaluation of genes from candidate gene association studies in migraine using a large genome-wide association data set, Cephalalgia 36(7): 604-614.
- Hamming, A.M.; Mulder, I.A.; Gathier, C.S.; Bergh, W.M. van den; Dankbaar, J.W.; Hoff, R.G.; Vandertop, W.P.; Verbaan, D.; Ferrari, M.D.; Rinkel, G.J.E.; Algra, A. & Wermer, M.J.H. (2016), Spreading depolarization-modulating drugs and delayed cerebral ischemia after subarachnoid hemorrhage: A hypothesis-generating retrospective clinical study, Journal of the Neurological Sciences 366: 224-228.
- Rikkert, M.G.M.O.; Dakos, V.; Buchman, T.G.; Boer, R. de; Glass, L.; Cramer, A.O.J.; Levin, S.; Nes, E. van; Sugihara, G.; Ferrari, M.D.; Tolner, E.A.; Leemput, I. van de; Lagro, J.; Melis, R. & Scheffer, M. (2016), Slowing Down of Recovery as Generic Risk Marker for Acute Severity Transitions in Chronic Diseases, Critical Care Medicine 44(3): 601-606.
- Os, H.J.A. van; Mulder, I.A.; Schaaf, I.C. van der; Kappelle, L.J.; Velthuis, B.K.; Broersen, A.; Vos, J.A.; Terwindt, G.M.; Schonewille, W.; Ferrari, M.D.; Algra, A.; Walderveen, M.A.A. van & Wermer, M.J.H. (2016), Role of atherosclerosis, clot extent, and penumbra volume in headache during ischemic stroke, Neurology 87(11): 1124-1130.
- Stam, A.H.; Kothari, P.H.; Shaikh, A.; Gschwendter, A.; Jen, J.C.; Hodgkinson, S.; Hardy, T.A.; Hayes, M.; Kempster, P.A.; Kotschet, K.E.; Bajema, I.M.; Duinen, S.G. van; Maat-Schieman, M.L.C.; Jong, P.T.V.M. de; Smet, M.D. de; Wolff-Rouendaal, D. de; Dijkman, G.; Pelzer, N.; Kolar, G.R.; Schmidt, R.E.; Lacey, J.; Joseph, D.; Fintak, D.R.; Grand, M.G.; Brunt, E.M.; Liapis, H.; Hajj-Ali, R.A.; Kruit, M.C.; Buchem, M.A. van; Dichgans, M.; Frants, R.R.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Haan, J.; Baloh, R.W.; Atkinson, J.P.; Terwindt, G.M. & Ferrari, M.D. (2016), Retinal vasculopathy with cerebral leukoencephalopathy and systemic manifestations, Brain 139: 2909-2922.
- Ho, T.W.; Ho, A.P.; Ge, Y.; Assaid, C.; Gottwald, R.; MacGregor, E.A.; Mannix, L.K.; Oosterhout, W.P.J. van; Koppenhaver, J.; Lines, C.; Ferrari, M.D. & Michelson, D. (2016), Randomized controlled trial of the CGRP receptor antagonist telcagepant for prevention of headache in women with perimenstrual migraine, Cephalalgia 36(2): 148-161.
- Zielman, R.; Postma, R.; Verhoeven, A.; Bakels, F.; Oosterhout, W.P.J. van; Meissner, A.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Terwindt, G.M.; Mayboroda, O.A. & Ferrari, M.D. (2016), Metabolomic changes in CSF of migraine patients measured with H-1-NMR spectroscopy, Molecular BioSystems 12(12): 3674-3682.
- Gormley, P.; Anttila, V.; Winsvold, B.S.; Palta, P.; Esko, T.; Pers, T.H.; Farh, K.H.; Cuenca-Leon, E.; Muona, M.; Furlotte, N.A.; Kurth, T.; Ingason, A.; McMahon, G.; Ligthart, L.; Terwindt, G.M.; Kallela, M.; Freilinger, T.M.; Ran, C.; Gordon, S.G.; Stam, A.H.; Steinberg, S.; Borck, G.; Koiranen, M.; Quaye, L.; Adams, H.H.H.; Lehtimaki, T.; Sarin, A.P.; Wedenoja, J.; Hinds, D.A.; Buring, J.E.; Schurks, M.; Ridker, P.M.; Hrafnsdottir, M.G.; Stefansson, H.; Ring, S.M.; Hottenga, J.J.; Penninx, B.W.J.H.; Farkkila, M.; Artto, V.; Kaunisto, M.; Vepsalainen, S.; Malik, R.; Heath, A.C.; Madden, P.A.F.; Martin, N.G.; Montgomery, G.W.; Kurki, M.I.; Kals, M.; Magi, R.; Parn, K.; Hamalainen, E.; Huang, H.L.; Byrnes, A.E.; Franke, L.; Huang, J.; Stergiakouli, E.; Lee, P.H.; Sandor, C.; Webber, C.; Cader, Z.; Muller-Myhsok, B.; Schreiber, S.; Meitinger, T.; Eriksson, J.G.; Salomaa, V.; Heikkila, K.; Loehrer, E.; Uitterlinden, A.G.; Hofman, A.; Duijn, C.M. van; Cherkas, L.; Pedersen, L.M.; Stubhaug, A.; Nielsen, C.S.; Mannikko, M.; Mihailov, E.; Milani, L.; Gobel, H.; Esserlind, A.L.; Christensen, A.F.; Hansen, T.F.; Werge, T.; Kaprio, J.; Aromaa, A.J.; Raitakari, O.; Ikram, M.A.; Spector, T.; Jarvelin, M.R.; Metspalu, A.; Kubisch, C.; Strachan, D.P.; Ferrari, M.D.; Belin, A.C.; Dichgans, M.; Wessman, M.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Zwart, J.A.; Boomsma, D.I.; Smith, G.D.; Stefansson, K.; Eriksson, N.; Daly, M.J.; Neale, B.M.; Olesen, J.; Chasman, D.I.; Nyholt, D.R.; Palotie, A. & Int Headache Genetics Consortium (2016), Meta-analysis of 375,000 individuals identifies 38 susceptibility loci for migraine, Nature Genetics 48(8): 856-+.
- Eising, E.; Leeuw, C. de; Min, J.L.; Anttila, V.; Verheijen, M.H.G.; Terwindt, G.M.; Dichgans, M.; Freilinger, T.; Kubisch, C.; Ferrari, M.D.; Smit, A.B.; Vries, B. de; Palotie, A.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Posthuma, D. & Int Headache Genetics Consortium (2016), Involvement of astrocyte and oligodendrocyte gene sets in migraine, Cephalalgia 36(7): 640-647.
- Eising, E.; Huisman, S.M.H.; Mahfouz, A.; Vijfhuizen, L.S.; Anttila, V.; Winsvold, B.S.; Kurth, T.; Ikram, M.A.; Freilinger, T.; Kaprio, J.; Boomsma, D.I.; Duijn, C.M. van; Jarvelin, M.R.R.; Zwart, J.A.; Quaye, L.; Strachan, D.P.; Kubisch, C.; Dichgans, M.; Smith, G.D.; Stefansson, K.; Palotie, A.; Chasman, D.I.; Ferrari, M.D.; Terwindt, G.M.; Vries, B. de; Nyholt, D.R.; Lelieveldt, B.P.F.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den & Reinders, M.J.T. (2016), Gene co-expression analysis identifies brain regions and cell types involved in migraine pathophysiology: a GWAS-based study using the Allen Human Brain Atlas, Human Genetics 135(4): 425-439.
- Zhao, H.Y.; Eising, E.; Vries, B. de; Vijfhuizen, L.S.; Anttila, V.; Winsvold, B.S.; Kurth, T.; Stefansson, H.; Kallela, M.; Malik, R.; Stam, A.H.; Ikram, M.A.; Ligthart, L.; Freilinger, T.; Alexander, M.; Muller-Myhsok, B.; Schreiber, S.; Meitinger, T.; Aromas, A.; Eriksson, J.G.; Boomsma, D.I.; Duijn, C.M. van; Zwart, J.A.; Quaye, L.; Kubisch, C.; Dichgans, M.; Wessman, M.; Stefansson, K.; Chasman, D.I.; Palotie, A.; Martin, N.G.; Montgomery, G.W.; Ferrari, M.D.; Terwindt, G.M.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Nyholt, D.R. & Int Headache Genetics Consortium (2016), Gene-based pleiotropy across migraine with aura and migraine without aura patient groups, Cephalalgia 36(7): 648-657.
- Coo, I.F. de; Wilbrink, L.A.; Haan, J.; Ferrari, M.D. & Terwindt, G.M. (2016), Evaluation of the new ICHD-III beta cluster headache criteria, Cephalalgia 36(6): 547-551.
- Mitsikostas, D.D.; Ashina, M.; Craven, A.; Diener, H.C.; Goadsby, P.J.; Ferrari, M.D.; Lampl, C.; Paemeleire, K.; Pascual, J.; Siva, A.; Olesen, J.; Osipova, V.; Martelletti, P. & EHF Comm (2016), European headache federation consensus on technical investigation for primary headache disorders, Journal of Headache and Pain 17.
- Koppen, H.; Stolwijk, J.; Wilms, E.B.; Driel, V. van; Ferrari, M.D. & Haan, J. (2016), Cardiac monitoring of high-dose verapamil in cluster headache: An international Delphi study, Cephalalgia 36(14): 1385-1388.
- Louter, M.A.; Wilbrink, L.A.; Haan, J.; Zwet, E.W. van; Oosterhout, W.P.J. van; Zitman, F.G.; Ferrari, M.D. & Terwindt, G.M. (2016), Cluster headache and depression, Neurology 87(18): 1899-1906.
- Oosterhout, W.P.J. van; Someren, E.J.W. van; Louter, M.A.; Schoonman, G.G.; Lammers, G.J.; Rijsman, R.M.; Ferrari, M.D. & Terwindt, G.M. (2016), Restless legs syndrome in migraine patients: prevalence and severity, European Journal of Neurology 23(6): 1110-1116.
- Louter, M.A.; Pelzer, N.; Boer, I. de; Kuijvenhoven, B.E.C.; Oosterhout, W.P.J. van; Zwet, E.W. van; Ferrari, M.D. & Terwindt, G.M. (2016), Prevalence of lifetime depression in a large hemiplegic migraine cohort, Neurology 87(22): 2370-2374.
- Pijpers, J.A.; Louter, M.A.; Bruin, M.E. de; Zwet, E.W. van; Zitman, F.G.; Ferrari, M.D. & Terwindt, G.M. (2016), Detoxification in medication-overuse headache, a retrospective controlled follow-up study: Does care by a headache nurse lead to cure?, Cephalalgia 36(2): 122-130.
- Hamming, A.M.; Wermer, M.J.H.; Rudrapatna, S.U.; Lanier, C.; Os, H.J.A. van; Bergh, W.M. van den; Ferrari, M.D.; Toorn, A. van der; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Stowe, A.M. & Dijkhuizen, R.M. (2016), Spreading depolarizations increase delayed brain injury in a rat model of subarachnoid hemorrhage, Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 36(7): 1224-1231.
- Gormley, P.; Anttila, V.; Winsvold, B.S.; Palta, P.; Esko, T.; Pers, T.H.; Farh, K.H.; Cuenca-Leon, E.; Muona, M.; Furlotte, N.A.; Kurth, T.; Ingason, A.; McMahon, G.; Ligthart, L.; Terwindt, G.M.; Kallela, M.; Freilinger, T.M.; Ran, C.; Gordon, S.G.; Stam, A.H.; Steinberg, S.; Borck, G.; Koiranen, M.; Quaye, L.; Adams, H.H.H.; Lehtimaki, T.; Sarin, A.P.; Wedenoja, J.; Hinds, D.A.; Buring, J.E.; Schurks, M.; Ridker, P.M.; Hrafnsdottir, M.G.; Stefansson, H.; Ring, S.M.; Hottenga, J.J.; Penninx, B.W.J.H.; Farkkila, M.; Artto, V.; Kaunisto, M.; Vepsalainen, S.; Malik, R.; Heath, A.C.; Madden, P.A.F.; Martin, N.G.; Montgomery, G.W.; Kurki, M.I.; Kals, M.; Magi, R.; Parn, K.; Hamalainen, E.; Huang, H.L.; Byrnes, A.E.; Franke, L.; Huang, J.; Stergiakouli, E.; Lee, P.H.; Sandor, C.; Webber, C.; Cader, Z.; Muller-Myhsok, B.; Schreiber, S.; Meitinger, T.; Eriksson, J.G.; Salomaa, V.; Heikkila, K.; Loehrer, E.; Uitterlinden, A.G.; Hofman, A.; Duijn, C.M. van; Cherkas, L.; Pedersen, L.M.; Stubhaug, A.; Nielsen, C.S.; Mannikko, M.; Mihailov, E.; Milani, L.; Gobel, H.; Esserlind, A.L.; Christensen, A.F.; Hansen, T.F.; Werge, T.; Kaprio, J.; Aromaa, A.J.; Raitakari, O.; Ikram, M.A.; Spector, T.; Jarvelin, M.R.; Metspalu, A.; Kubisch, C.; Strachan, D.P.; Ferrari, M.D.; Belin, A.C.; Dichgans, M.; Wessman, M.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Zwart, J.A.; Boomsma, D.I.; Smith, G.D.; Stefansson, K.; Eriksson, N.; Daly, M.J.; Neale, B.M.; Olesen, J.; Chasman, D.I.; Nyholt, D.R.; Palotie, A. & Int Headache Genetics Consortium (2016), Meta-analysis of 375,000 individuals identifies 38 susceptibility loci for migraine (vol 48, pg 856, 2016), Nature Genetics 48(10): 1296-1296.
- Vrinten, C.; Gu, X.; Weinreich, S.S.; Schipper, M.H.; Wessels, J.; Ferrari, M.D.; Hoijtink, H. & Verschuuren, J.J.G.M. (2016), An n-of-one RCT for intravenous immunoglobulin G for inflammation in hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsy (HNPP).
- Shyti R., Kohler I., Schoenmaker B., Derks R.J., Ferrari M.D., Tolner E.A., Mayboroda O.A. & Maagdenberg A.M.J.M. van den (2015), Plasma metabolic profiling after cortical spreading depression in a transgenic mouse model of hemiplegic migraine by capillary electrophoresis--mass spectrometry, Molecular Biosystems 11(5): 1462-1471.
- Nyholt, D.R.; Anttila, V.; Winsvold, B.S.; Kurth, T.; Stefansson, H.; Kallela, M.; Malik, R.; Vries, B. de; Terwindt, G.M.; Ikram, M.A.; Stam, A.H.; Ligthart, L.; Freilinger, T.; Alexander, M.; Muller-Myhsok, B.; Schreiber, S.; Meitinger, T.; Aromaa, A.; Eriksson, J.G.; Kaprio, J.; Boomsma, D.I.; Duijn, C. van; Raitakari, O.; Jarvelin, M.R.; Zwart, J.A.; Quaye, L.; Strachan, D.P.; Kubisch, C.; Ferrari, M.D.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Dichgans, M.; Wessman, M.; Smith, G.D.; Stefansson, K.; Chasman, D.I.; Palotie, A. & Int Headache Genetics Consortium (2015), Concordance of genetic risk across migraine subgroups: Impact on current and future genetic association studies, Cephalalgia 35(6): 489-499.
- Arkink, E.B.; Terwindt, G.M.; Craen, A.J.M. de; Konishi, J.; Grond, J. van der; Buchem, M.A. van; Ferrari, M.D.; Kruit, M.C. & PROSPER Study Grp (2015), Infratentorial Microbleeds Another Sign of Microangiopathy in Migraine, Stroke 46(7): 1987-1989.
- Carreira, R.J.; Shyti, R.; Balluff, B.; Abdelmoula, W.M.; Heiningen, S.H. van; Zeijl, R.J. van; Dijkstra, J.; Ferrari, M.D.; Tolner, E.A.; McDonnell, L.A. & Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den (2015), Large-Scale Mass Spectrometry Imaging Investigation of Consequences of Cortical Spreading Depression in a Transgenic Mouse Model of Migraine, Journal of The American Society for Mass Spectrometry 26(6): 853-861.
- Weller, C.M.; Wilbrink, L.A.; Houwing-Duistermaat, J.J.; Koelewijn, S.C.; Vijfhuizen, L.S.; Haan, J.; Ferrari, M.D.; Terwindt, G.M.; Maagdenberg, A.M. van den & Vries, B. de (2015), Cluster headache and the hypocretin receptor 2 reconsidered: A genetic association study and meta-analysis, Cephalalgia 35(9): 741-747.
- Koppen, H.; Stolwijk, J.; Wilms, E.B.; Driel, V. van; Ferrari, M.D. & Haan, J. (2015), EKG control during verapamil use in headache: an international delphi study, Cephalalgia 35: 74-74.
- Shyti, R.; Eikermann-Haerter, K.; Heiningen, S.H. van; Meijer, O.C.; Ayata, C.; Joels, M.; Ferrari, M.D.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den & Tolner, E.A. (2015), Stress hormone corticosterone enhances susceptibility to cortical spreading depression in familial hemiplegic migraine type 1 mutant mice, Experimental Neurology 263: 214-220.
- Ibrahimi, K.; Oosterhout, W.P.J. van; Dorp, W. van; Danser, A.H.J.; Garrelds, I.M.; Kushner, S.A.; Lesaffre, E.M.E.H.; Terwindt, G.M.; Ferrari, M.D.; Meiracker, A.H. van den & MaassenVanDenBrink, A. (2015), Reduced trigeminovascular cyclicity in patients with menstrually related migraine, Neurology 84(2): 125-131.
- Eikermann-Haerter, K.; Lee, J.H.; Yalcin, N.; Yu, E.S.; Daneshmand, A.; Wei, Y.; Zheng, Y.; Can, A.; Sengul, B.; Ferrari, M.D.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den & Ayata, C. (2015), Migraine Prophylaxis, Ischemic Depolarizations, and Stroke Outcomes in Mice, Stroke 46(1): 229-236.
- Ferrari, M.D.; Klever, R.R.; Terwindt, G.M.; Ayata, C. & Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den (2015), Migraine pathophysiology: lessons from mouse models and human genetics, Lancet Neurology 14(1): 65-80.
- Odijk, M.; Wouden, E.J. van der; Olthuis, W.; Ferrari, M.D.; Tolner, E.A.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den & Berg, A. van den (2015), Microfabricated solid-state ion-selective electrode probe for measuring potassium in the living rodent brain: Compatibility with DC-EEG recordings to study spreading depression, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 207: 945-953.
- Dahlem, M.A.; Kurths, J.; Ferrari, M.D.; Aihara, K.; Scheffer, M. & May, A. (2015), Understanding migraine using dynamic network biomarkers, Cephalalgia 35(7): 627-630.
- Malik, R.; Freilinger, T.; Anttila, V.; Vander Heiden, J.; Traylor, M.; Vries, B. de; Holliday, E.G.; Terwindt, G.M.; Sturm, J.; Bis, J.C.; Hopewell, J.C.; Ferrari, M.D.; Rannikmae, K.; Wessman, M.; Kallela, M.; Kubisch, C.; Fornage, M.; Meschia, J.F.; Lehtimaki, T.; Sudlow, C.; Clarke, R.; Chasman, D.I.; Mitchell, B.D.; Maguire, J.; Kaprio, J.; Farrall, M.; Raitakari, O.T.; Kurth, T.; Ikram, M.A.; Reiner, A.P.; Longstreth, W.T.; Rothwell, P.M.; Strachan, D.P.; Sharma, P.; Seshadri, S.; Quaye, L.; Cherkas, L.; Schurks, M.; Rosand, J.; Ligthart, L.; Boncoraglio, G.B.; Smith, G.D.; Duijn, C.M. van; Stefansson, K.; Worrall, B.B.; Nyholt, D.R.; Markus, H.S.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Cotsapas, C.; Zwart, J.A.; Palotie, A.; Dichgans, M.; Int Headache Genetics Consortium & METASTROKE Collaboration Int Strok (2015), Shared genetic basis for migraine and ischemic stroke: A genome-wide analysis of common variants, Neurology 84(21): 2132-2145.
- Dilekoz, E.; Houben, T.; Eikermann-Haerter, K.; Balkaya, M.; Lenselink, A.M.; Whalen, M.J.; Spijker, S.; Ferrari, M.D.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den & Ayata, C. (2015), Migraine Mutations Impair Hippocampal Learning Despite Enhanced Long-Term Potentiation, Journal of Neuroscience 35(8): 3397-3402.
- Tolner, E.A.; Houben, T.; Terwindt, G.M.; Vries, B. de; Ferrari, M.D. & Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den (2015), From migraine genes to mechanisms, PAIN 156(4): S64-S74.
- Eikermann-Haerter, K.; Arbel-Ornath, M.; Yalcin, N.; Yu, E.S.; Kuchibhotla, K.V.; Yuzawa, I.; Hudry, E.; Willard, C.R.; Climov, M.; Keles, F.; Belcher, A.M.; Sengul, B.; Negro, A.; Rosen, I.A.; Arreguin, A.; Ferrari, M.D.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Bacskai, B.J. & Ayata, C. (2015), Abnormal synaptic Ca2+ homeostasis and morphology in cortical neurons of familial hemiplegic migraine type 1 mutant mice, Annals of Neurology 78(2): 193-210.
- Perenboom, M.; Najafabadi, A.Z.; Zielman, R.; Tolner, E.; Carpay, J. & Ferrari, M. (2015), Visual sensitivity is more enhanced in migraineurs with aura than in migraineurs without aura, Cephalalgia 35(13): 1224-1224.
- Najafabadi, A.H.Z.; Perenboom, M.J.L.; Zielman, R.; Carpay, J.A. & Ferrari, M.D. (2015), Visual sensitivity in migraine: development and validation of the visual sensitivity questionnaire, Cephalalgia 35: 172-172.
- Loonen, I.C.M.; Houben, M.B.; Schenke, M.; Heiningen, S.H. van; Broos, L.A.M.; Ferrari, M.D.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den & Tolner, E.A. (2015), The use of optogenetic stimulation for non-invasive induction of cortical spreading depression in anaesthetized and freely behaving mice, Cephalalgia 35: 230-231.
- Keezer, M.R.; Bauer, P.R.; Ferrari, M.D. & Sander, J.W. (2015), The comorbid relationship between migraine and epilepsy: a systematic review and meta-analysis, European Journal of Neurology 22(7): 1038-1047.
- Louter, M.A.; Pijpers, J.A.; Wardenaar, K.J.; Zwet, E.W. van; Hemert, A.M. van; Zitman, F.G.; Ferrari, M.D.; Penninx, B.W. & Tervvindt, G.M. (2015), Symptom dimensions of affective disorders in migraine patients, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 79(5): 458-463.
- Hamming, A.M.; Wermer, M.J.H.; Rudrapatna, U.; Lanier, C.; Os, H.J. van; Bergh, W. van den; Ferrari, M.D.; Toorn, A. van der; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Stowe, A.M. & Dijkhuizen, R.M. (2015), Spreading depolarizations increase delayed brain injury in a rat model of subarachnoid hemorrhage, International Journal of Stroke 10: 194-194.
- Mulder, I.A.; Hamming, A.M.; Gathier, C.S.; Bergh, W.M. van den; Vandertop, W.P.; Verbaan, D.; Ferrari, M.D.; Rinkel, G.J.E.; Algra, A. & Wermer, M.J.H. (2015), Spreading depolarization-modulating drugs and delayed cerebral ischemia in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage, Cephalalgia 35: 178-178.
- Inchauspe, C.G.; Pilati, N.; Guilmi, M.N. di; Urbano, F.J.; Ferrari, M.D.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Forsythe, I.D. & Uchitel, O.D. (2015), Familial hemiplegic migraine type-1 mutated ca(v)2.1 calcium channels alter inhibitory and excitatory synaptic transmission in the lateral superior olive of mice, Hearing Research 319: 56-68.
- Oosterhout, W.P.J. van; Terwindt, G.M.; Vein, A.A. & Ferrari, M.D. (2015), Space headache on Earth: Head-down-tilted bed rest studies simulating outer-space microgravity, Cephalalgia 35(4): 335-343.
- Oosterhout, W.P.J. van; Schoonman, G.G.; Zwet, E.W. van; Dekkers, O.M.; MaassenVanDenBrink, A. & Ferrari, M.D. (2015), Sex matters: estrogen and testosterone levels in male migraineurs at baseline and preceding an attack, Cephalalgia 35: 189-189.
- Hoogeveen, E.S.; Oosterhout, W.P.J.; Ghariq, E.; Schoonman, G.G.; Buchem, M.A. van; Ferrari, M.D.; Osch, M.J.P. van & Kruit, M.C. (2015), Regional cerebral blood flow changes in the early phase of provoked and spontaneous migraine attacks, Cephalalgia 35: 237-237.
- Linstra, K.M.; Ibrahimi, K.; Oosterhout, W.P.J. van; Meiracker, A.H. van den; Danser, A.H.J.; Ferrari, M.D.; Terwindt, G.M. & MaassenVanDenBrink, A. (2015), Pain perception in women with menstrually related migraine, Cephalalgia 35: 190-190.
- Onderwater, G.L.J.; Zielman, R.; Wijnen, J.P.; Webb, A.; Ferrari, M.D.; Terwindt, G.M.; Ronen, I.; Kan, H.E. & Kruit, M.C. (2015), Occipital glutamate in interictal migraine patients measured with 7T MR spectroscopy (MRS), Cephalalgia 35: 6-6.
- Dongen, R.M. van; Zielman, R.; Noga, M.; Dekkers, O.M.; Hankemeier, T.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Terwindt, G.M. & Ferrari, M.D. (2015), Migraine biomarkers in cerebrospinal fluid and blood: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Cephalalgia 35: 261-262.
- Pelzer, N.; Hoogeveen, E.S.; Ferrari, M.D.; Poll-The, B.T.; Kruit, M.C. & Terwindt, G.M. (2015), Long-term clinical and radiological follow-up in a sporadic hemiplegic migraine patient with the p. Ser218Leu CACNA1A mutation, Cephalalgia 35: 228-228.
- Oosterhout, W.P.J. van; Schoonman, G.G.; Dijk, J.G. van & Ferrari, M.D. (2015), Lack of habituation with nociceptive blink reflex in migraine, Cephalalgia 35: 238-238.
- Eising, E.; Huisman, S.M.H.; Leeuw, C. de; Ferrari, M.D.; Palotie, A.; Nyholt, D.R.; Posthuma, D.; Reinders, M.J.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den & Int Headache Genetics Consortium (2015), Integrating migraine gwas data with brain expression information for functional interpretation of migraine-associated snps, Cephalalgia 35: 7-8.
- Sadeghian, H.; Harms, C.; Qin, T.; Ferrari, M.; Maagdenberg, A. van den; Endres, M. & Ayata, C. (2015), Increased Susceptibility to Hypoxic/ischemic Injury in FHM1 Mutant Mice, Headache 55: 170-170.
- Sadeghian, H.; Harms, C.; Qin, T.; Ferrari, M.D.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Endres, M. & Ayata, C. (2015), Increased susceptibility to hypoxic/ischemic injury in FHM1 mutant mice, Cephalalgia 35: 234-235.
- Hoogeveen, E.S.; Oosterhout, W.P.J.; Kies, D.A.; Schoonman, G.G.; Buchem, M.A. van; Ferrari, M.D. & Kruit, M.C. (2015), Female migraine without aura patients are not associated with structural grey matter or microstructural white matter abnormalities, Cephalalgia 35: 238-239.
- Sadeghian, H.; Seidel, J.L.; Balkaya, M.; Qin, T.; Eikermann-Haerter, K.; Ferrari, M.D.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den & Ayata, C. (2015), Environmental stress and spreading depression, Cephalalgia 35: 56-56.
- Seidel, J.; Balkaya, M.; Sadeghian, H.; Qin, T.; Eikermann-Haerter, K.; Ferrari, M.; Maagdenberg, A. van den & Ayata, C. (2015), Effect of Environmental Stress on Spreading Depression, Headache 55: 170-170.
- Wilbrink, L.A.; Haan, J.; Carpay, J.A. & Ferrari, M.D. (2015), Does a hyperexcitable cortex link cluster headache, migraine and epilepsy?, Cephalalgia 35: 79-80.
- Os, H. van; Mulder, I.; Walderveen, M. van; Schaaf, I. van der; Kappelle, J.; Ferrari, M.; Algra, A. & Wermer, M. (2015), Concomitant headache in acute ischaemic stroke: relation with CT angiography and CT perfusion characteristics, European Journal of Neurology 22: 98-98.
- Os, H.J.A. van; Mulder, I.A.; Schaaf, I.C. van der; Walderveen, M.A.A. van; Kapelle, L.J.; Ferrari, M.D.; Algra, A. & Wermer, M.J.H. (2015), Concomitant headache in acute ischaemic stroke: relation with ct angiography and CT perfusion characteristics, International Journal of Stroke 10: 217-217.
- Louter, M.A.; Fernandez-Morales, J.; Vries, B. de; Winsvold, B.; Anttila, V.; Fernandez-Cadenas, I.; Vila-Pueyo, M.; Sintas, C.; Duijn, C.M. van; Cormand, B.; Alvarez-Sabin, J.; Montaner, J.; Ferrari, M.D.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Palotie, A.; Zwart, J.A.; Macaya, A.; Terwindt, G.M. & Pozo-Rosich, P. (2015), Candidate-gene association study searching for genetic factors involved in migraine chronification, Cephalalgia 35(6): 500-507.
- Coo, I.F. de; Ie, G.; Wilbrink, L.A.; Haan, J. & Ferrari, M.D. (2015), Aura in cluster headache, Cephalalgia 35: 77-78.
- Oosterhout, W.P.J. van; Schoonman, G.G.; Garrelds, I.M.; Danser, A.H.J.; Chan, K.Y.; Terwindt, G.M.; Ferrari, M.D. & MaassenVanDenBrink, A. (2015), A human capsaicin model to quantitatively assess salivary CGRP secretion, Cephalalgia 35(8): 675-682.
- Weller, C.M.; Leen, W.G.; Neville, B.G.R.; Duncan, J.S.; Vries, B. de; Geilenkirchen, M.A.; Haan, J.; Kamsteeg, E.J.; Ferrari, M.D.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Willemsen, M.A.A.P.; Scheffer, H. & Terwindt, G.M. (2015), A novel SLC2A1 mutation linking hemiplegic migraine with alternating hemiplegia of childhood, Cephalalgia 35(1): 10-15.
- Shyti, R.; Kohler, I.; Schoenmaker, B.; Derks, R.J.E.; Ferrari, M.D.; Tolner, E.A.; Mayboroda, O.A. & Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den (2015), Plasma metabolic profiling after cortical spreading depression in a transgenic mouse model of hemiplegic migraine by capillary electrophoresis mass spectrometry.
- Sar, S.A. van der; Zielman, R.; Terwindt, G.M.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Deelder, A.M.; Mayboroda, O.A.; Meissner, A. & Ferrari, M.D. (2015), Ethanol contamination of cerebrospinal fluid during standardized sampling and its effect on H-1-NMR metabolomics, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 407(16): 4835-4839.
- Mulder, I.A.; Esteve, C.; Carreira, R.J.; Rieff, N.; Broos, L.A.M.; Wermer, M.J.H.; Ferrari, M.D.; Tolner, E.A.; McDonnell, L.A. & Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den (2015), Application of maldi mass spectrometry imaging for analysis of biomolecular profiles after experimental stroke in a migraine mouse model, Cephalalgia 35: 234-234.
- Yasnitsky A., Van der Veer R. & Ferrari M. (red.) (2014), The Cambridge handbook of cultural-historical psychology. Londen: Cambridge University Press.
- Smelt, A.F.H.; Louter, M.A.; Kies, D.A.; Blom, J.W.; Terwindt, G.M.; Heijden, G.J.M.G. van der; Gucht, V. de; Ferrari, M.D. & Assendelft, W.J.J. (2014), What Do Patients Consider to Be the Most Important Outcomes for Effectiveness Studies on Migraine Treatment? Results of a Delphi Study, PLoS ONE 9(6).
- Weller, C.M.; Pelzer, N.; Vries, B. de; Lopez, M.A.; Fabregues, O. de; Pascual, J.; Arroyo, M.A.R.; Koelewijn, S.C.; Stam, A.H.; Haan, J.; Ferrari, M.D.; Terwindt, G.M. & Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den (2014), Two novel SCNIA mutations identified in families with familial hemiplegic migraine, Cephalalgia 34(13): 1062-1069.
- Guilmi, M.N. di; Wang, T.T.; Inchauspe, C.G.; Forsythe, I.D.; Ferrari, M.D.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Borst, G.G. & Uchitel, O.D. (2014), Synaptic Gain-of-Function Effects of Mutant Ca(v)2.1 Channels in a Mouse Model of Familial Hemiplegic Migraine Are Due to Increased Basal [Ca2+](i), Journal of Neuroscience 34(21): 7047-7058.
- Vries, B. de; Eising, E.; Broos, L.A.M.; Koelewijn, S.C.; Todorov, B.; Frants, R.R.; Boer, J.M.; Ferrari, M.D.; Hoen, P.A.C. 't & Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den (2014), RNA expression profiling in brains of familial hemiplegic migraine type 1 knock-in mice, Cephalalgia 34(3): 174-182.
- Pelzer, N.; Vries, B. de; Kamphorst, J.T.; Vijfhuizen, L.S.; Ferrari, M.D.; Haan, J.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den & Terwindt, G.M. (2014), PRRT2 AND HEMIPLEGIC MIGRAINE: A COMPLEX ASSOCIATION, Neurology 83(3): 288-290.
- Pelzer, N.; Stam, A.H.; Carpay, J.A.; Vries, B. de; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Ferrari, M.D.; Haan, J. & Terwindt, G.M. (2014), Familial hemiplegic migraine treated by sodium valproate and lamotrigine, Cephalalgia 34(9): 708-711.
- Park, J.; Moon, H.; Akerman, S.; Holland, P.R.; Lasalandra, M.P.; Andreou, A.P.; Ferrari, M.D.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den & Goadsby, P.J. (2014), Differential trigeminovascular nociceptive responses in the thalamus in the familial hemiplegic migraine 1 knock-in mouse: A Fos protein study, Neurobiology of Disease 64: 1-7.
- Zielman, R.; Teeuwisse, W.M.; Bakels, F.; Grond, J. van der; Webb, A.; Buchem, M.A. van; Ferrari, M.D.; Kruit, M.C. & Terwindt, G.M. (2014), Biochemical changes in the brain of hemiplegic migraine patients measured with 7 tesla H-1-MRS, Cephalalgia 34(12): 959-967.
- Louter, M.A.; Wardenaar, K.J.; Veen, G.; Oosterhout, W.P.J. van; Zitman, F.G.; Ferrari, M.D. & Terwindt, G.M. (2014), Allodynia is associated with a higher prevalence of depression in migraine patients, Cephalalgia 34(14): 1187-1192.
- Chen, S.; Qin, T.; Seidel, J.; Ferrari, M.; Maagden, A. van den; Ayata, C. & Eikermann-Haerter, K. (2014), Inhibition of the p2x7 Receptor-Pannexin1 Pore Suppresses Spreading Depression and Inflammatory Downstream Mechanisms, Headache 54: 2-2.
- Smelt AF, Louter MA, Kies DA, Blom JW, Terwindt GM, van der Heijden GJ, de Gucht V, Ferrari MD & Assendelft WJ (2014), What do patients consider to be the most important outcomes for effectiveness studies on migraine treatment? Results of a Delphi study., PLoS ONE 9(6).
- Smelt, A.F.H.; Assendelft, W.J.J.; Terwee, C.B.; Ferrari, M.D. & Blom, J.W. (2013), What is a clinically relevant change on the HIT-6 questionnaire? An estimation in a primary-care population of migraine patients., Cephalalgia.
- Deboer, T.; Diepen, H.C. van; Ferrari, M.D.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den & Meijer, J.H. (2013), Reduced Sleep and Low Adenosinergic Sensitivity in Cacna1a R192Q Mutant Mice, SLEEP 36(1): 127-136.
- Louter, M.A.; Oosterhout, W.P.J. van; Zwet, E.W. van; Noorden, M.S. van; Zitman, F.G.; Ferrari, M.D. & Terwindt, G.M. (2013), State Depression during the Migraine Cycle: A Prospective Study, Cephalalgia 33(S8): 74-75.
- Ferrari, M.D. (2013), Headache: the changing migraine brain, Lancet Neurology 12(1): 6-8.
- Palm-Meinders, I.H.; Arkink, E.B.; Koppen, H.; Amlal, S.; Terwindt, G.M.; Launer, L.J.; Buchem, M.A. van; Ferrari, M.D. & Kruit, M.C. (2013), Structural Changes in Visual and Auditory Processing Brain Areas of Migraineurs from the General Population Using Voxel-Based Morphometry (VBM), Cephalalgia 33(S8): 9-9.
- Wilbrink, L.A.; Teernstra, O.P.M.; Haan, J.; Zwet, E.W. van; Evers, S.M.A.A.; Spincemaille, G.H.; Veltink, P.H.; Mulleners, W.; Brand, R.; Huygen, F.J.P.M.; Jensen, R.H.; Paemeleire, K.; Goadsby, P.J.; Visser-Vandewalle, V. & Ferrari, M.D. (2013), Occipital nerve stimulation in medically intractable, chronic cluster headache. The ICON study: Rationale and protocol of a randomised trial, Cephalalgia 33(15): 1238-1247.
- Wilbrink, L.A.; Weller, C.M.; Cheung, C.; Haan, J. & Ferrari, M.D. (2013), Co-Occurrence of Cluster Headache and Trigeminal Neuralgia: Cluster-Tic Syndrome in the LUCA Population, Cephalalgia 33(S8): 6-7.
- Maino, A.; Algra, A.; Koudstaal, P.J.; Zwet, E.W. van; Ferrari, M.D.; Wermer, M.J.H. & LiLAC Study Grp (2013), Concomitant Headache Influences Long-term Prognosis After Acute Cerebral Ischemia of Noncardioembolic Origin, Stroke 44(9): 2446-2450.
- Kruit, M.C.; Thijs, R.D.; Ferrari, M.D.; Launer, L.J.; Buchem, M.A. van & Dijk, J.G. van (2013), Syncope and orthostatic intolerance increase risk of brain lesions in migraineurs and controls, Neurology 80(21): 1958-1965.
- Eikermann-Haerter, K.; Arbel-Ornath, M.; Kuchibhotla, K.; Yu, E.S.; Lattarullo, C.; Thyssen, D.; Yalcin, N.; Rosen, I.; Arreguin, A.; Climov, M.; Keles, F.; Belcher, A.; Sengul, B.; Negro, A.; Hudry, E.; Ferrari, M.D.; Maagdenberg, A.M. van den; Bacskai, B. & Ayata, C. (2013), Abnormal Synaptic Morphology and Neuronal Ca2+-Homeostasis in Migraine Mutant Mice, Cephalalgia 33(S8): 214-215.
- Wilbrink, L.A.; Weller, C.M.; Cheung, C.; Stijnen, T.; Haan, J.; Ferrari, M.D. & Terwindt, G.M. (2013), Stepwise web-based questionnaires for diagnosing cluster headache: LUCA and QATCH, Cephalalgia 33(11): 924-931.
- Dekker, F.; Dieleman, J.P.; Neven, A.K.; Ferrari, M.D. & Assendelft, W.J.J. (2013), Preventive treatment for migraine in primary care, a population-based study in the Netherlands.
- Koppen, H.; Palm-Meinders, I.H.; Horlings, C.G.C.; Terwindt, G.M.; Launer, L.J.; Buchem, M.A. van; Kruit, M.C.; Bloem, M.R. & Ferrari, M.D. (2013), Postural sway in migraine patients and controls, results from a population based CAMERA-2 study, Journal of Headache and Pain 14.
- Oosterhout, W.P.J. van; Gagaouzova, B.S.; Terwindt, G.M.; Schoonman, G.G.; Vein, A.A. & Ferrari, M.D. (2013), Transient Intracranial Pressure Changes during a Migraine Attack, Cephalalgia 33(11): 956-956.
- Oosterhout, W.P.J. van; Plas, A.A. van der; Zwet, E.W. van; Zielman, R.; Ferrari, M.D. & Terwindt, G.M. (2013), Postdural puncture headache in migraineurs and nonheadache subjects A prospective study, Neurology 80(10): 941-948.
- Houben, T.; Shyti, R.; Dees, Q.; Berloo, S. van; Groote, L. de; Terwindt, G.M.; Ferrari, M.D.; Tolner, E.A. & Maagdenberg, A.M. van den (2013), Monitoring cortical neuronal activity and spreading depression in freely behaving familial hemiplegic migraine Cacna1a R192Q knockin mice, Journal of Headache and Pain 14.
- Vries, B.L. de; Freilinger, T.; Anttila, V.; Malik, R.; Terwindt, G.M.; Pozo-Rosich, P.; Winsvold, B.; Nyholt, D.; Oosterhout, W.P.J. van; Artto, V.; Todt, M.; Hamalainen, E.; Fernandez-Moralez, J.; Louter, M.; Kaunisto, M.A.; Schoenen, J.; Raitakari, O.; Lehtimaki, T.; Ville-Pueyo, M.; Gobel, H.; Wichman, E.; Sintas, C.; Uitterlinden, A.; Hofman, A.; Rivadeneira, F.; Heinze, A.; Tronvik, E.; Duin, C.M. van; Kaprio, J.; Cormand, B.; Wessman, M.; Frants, R.R.; Meitinger, T.; Muller-Myhsok, B.; Zwart, J.A.; Farkkila, M.; Macaya, A.; Ferrari, M.D.; Kubisch, C.; Palotie, A.; Dichgans, M. & Maagdenberg, A.M.J. van den (2013), Migraine without aura: genome-wide association analysis identifies several novel susceptibility, Journal of Headache and Pain 14.
- Pelzer, N.; Vries, B. de; Kamphorst, J.T.; Vijfhuizen, L.S.; Ferrari, M.D.; Terwindt, G.M.; Haan, J. & Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den (2013), Is PRRT2 the Fourth Hemiplegic Migraine Gene?, Cephalalgia 33(11): 968-969.
- Oosterhout, W.P.J. van; Schoonman, G.G.; Terwindt, G.M.; Grond, J. van der; Ferrari, M.D. & Kruit, M.C. (2013), Hypothalamic Changes during the Pre-Ictal Phase of Provoked Migraine Attacks.
- Pelzer, N.; Vries, B. de; Boon, E.M.J.; Kruit, M.C.; Haan, J.; Ferrari, M.D.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den & Terwindt, G.M. (2013), Heterozygous TREX1 mutations in early-onset cerebrovascular disease, Journal of Neurology 260(8): 2188-2190.
- Allais, G.; Tullo, V.; Omboni, S.; Benedetto, C.; Sances, G.; Zava, D.; Ferrari, M.D. & Bussone, G. (2013), Frovatriptan vs other triptans in the treatment of menstrual migraine: pooled analysis of three double-blind, randomized, cross-over studies, Journal of Headache and Pain 14.
- Bartolini, M.; Giamberardino, M.A.; Lisotto, C.; Martelletti, P.; Moscato, D.; Panascia, B.; Savi, L.; Pini, L.A.; Sances, G.; Santoro, P.; Zanchin, G.; Omboni, S.; Ferrari, M.D.; Fierro, B. & Brighina, F. (2013), Frovatriptan vs almotriptan for treatment of menstrual migraine: a double-blind, randomized, cross-over, multicenter Italian study, Journal of Headache and Pain 14.
- Gnanasekaran, A.; Bele, T.; Hullugundi, S.; Simonetti, M.; Ferrari, M.D.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Nistri, A. & Fabbretti, E. (2013), Mutated Ca(V)2.1 channels dysregulate CASK/P2X3 signaling in mouse trigeminal sensory neurons of R192Q Cacna1a knock-in mice, Molecular Pain 9.
- Shyti, R.; Eikermann-Haerter, K.; Meijer, O.C.; Heiningen, S.H. van; Groote, L. de; Ferrari, M.D.; Ayata, C.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J. van den & Tolner, E.A. (2013), Corticosterone enhances CSD susceptibility via glucocorticoid receptor activation in familial hemiplegic migraine 1 Cacna1a knock-in mice, Journal of Headache and Pain 14.
- Chanda, M.L.; Tuttle, A.H.; Baran, I.; Atlin, C.; Guindi, D.; Hathaway, G.; Israelian, N.; Levenstadt, J.; Low, D.; Macrae, L.; O'Shea, L.; Silver, A.; Zendegui, E.; Lenselink, A.M.; Spijker, S.; Ferrari, M.D.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den & Mogil, J.S. (2013), Behavioral evidence for photophobia and stress-related ipsilateral head pain in transgenic Cacna1a mutant mice, PAIN 154(8): 1254-1262.
- Koppen, H.; Palm-Meinders, H.; Koutstaal, B.; Boele, H.J.; Koekoek, B.K.; Geest, J. van der; Launer, L.J.; Buchem, M.A. van; Terwindt, G.M.; Ferrari, M.D.; Kruit, M.C. & Zeeuw, C.I. de (2013), Cerebellar Function in Migraine Patients and Its Relation with Cerebellar Ischemic Lesions, Cephalalgia 33(S8): 228-228.
- Wilbrink, L.A.; Weller, C.M.; Cheung, C.; Haan, J. & Ferrari, M.D. (2013), Cluster-Tic Syndrome: A Cross-Sectional Study of Cluster Headache Patients, Headache 53(8): 1334-1340.
- Stam, A.H.; Weller, C.M.; Janssens, A.C.J.W.; Aulchenko, Y.S.; Oostra, B.A.; Frants, R.R.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Ferrari, M.D.; Duijn, C.M. van & Terwindt, G.M. (2013), Migraine is not associated with enhanced atherosclerosis, Cephalalgia 33(4): 228-235.
- Wilbrink, L.A.; Weller, C.M.; Cheung, C.; Haan, J. & Ferrari, M.D. (2013), Co-Occurrence of Cluster Headache and Trigeminal Neuralgia: Cluster-Tic Syndrome in the LUCA Population, Cephalalgia 33(S8): 6-7.
- Louter, M.A.; Bosker, J.E.; Oosterhout, W.P.J. van; Zwet, E.W. van; Zitman, F.G.; Ferrari, M.D. & Terwindt, G.M. (2013), Cutaneous allodynia as a predictor of migraine chronification, Brain 136: 3489-3496.
- Wilbrink, L.A.; Louter, M.A.; Teernstra, O.P.M.; Haan, J.; Terwindt, G.M. & Ferrari, M.D. (2013), Cutaneous Allodynia in Cluster Headache Patients in the LUCA Population, Cephalalgia 33(S8): 104-105.
- Eising, E.; Datson, N.A.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den & Ferrari, M.D. (2013), Epigenetic mechanisms in migraine: a promising avenue?, BMC Medicine 11.
- Pelzer, N.; Stam, A.H.; Haan, J.; Ferrari, M.D. & Terwindt, G.M. (2013), Familial and Sporadic Hemiplegic Migraine: Diagnosis and Treatment, Current Treatment Options in Neurology 15(1): 13-27.
- Pelzer, N.; Louter, M.A.; Haan, J.; Vries, B. de; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Ferrari, M.D. & Terwindt, G.M. (2013), Genetic Susceptibility in High-Frequent Migraineurs - A Report from LUMINA, Cephalalgia 33(S8): 155-155.
- Anttila, V.; Winsvold, B.S.; Gormley, P.; Kurth, T.; Bettella, F.; McMahon, G.; Kallela, M.; Malik, R.; Vries, B. de; Terwindt, G.; Medland, S.E.; Todt, U.; McArdle, W.L.; Quaye, L.; Koiranen, M.; Ikram, M.A.; Lehtimaki, T.; Stam, A.H.; Ligthart, L.; Wedenoja, J.; Dunham, I.; Neale, B.M.; Palta, P.; Hamalainen, E.; Schurks, M.; Rose, L.M.; Buring, J.E.; Ridker, P.M.; Steinberg, S.; Stefansson, H.; Jakobsson, F.; Lawlor, D.A.; Evans, D.M.; Ring, S.M.; Farkkila, M.; Artto, V.; Kaunisto, M.A.; Freilinger, T.; Schoenen, J.; Frants, R.R.; Pelzer, N.; Weller, C.M.; Zielman, R.; Heath, A.C.; Madden, P.A.F.; Montgomery, G.W.; Martin, N.G.; Borck, G.; Gobel, H.; Heinze, A.; Heinze-Kuhn, K.; Williams, F.M.K.; Hartikainen, A.L.; Pouta, A.; Ende, J. van den; Uitterlinden, A.G.; Hofman, A.; Amin, N.; Hottenga, J.J.; Vink, J.M.; Heikkila, K.; Alexander, M.; Muller-Myhsok, B.; Schreiber, S.; Meitinger, T.; Wichmann, H.E.; Aromaa, A.; Eriksson, J.G.; Traynor, B.J.; Trabzuni, D.; Rossin, E.; Lage, K.; Jacobs, S.B.R.; Gibbs, J.R.; Birney, E.; Kaprio, J.; Penninx, B.W.; Boomsma, D.I.; Duijn, C. van; Raitakari, O.; Jarvelin, M.R.; Zwart, J.A.; Cherkas, L.; Strachan, D.P.; Kubisch, C.; Ferrari, M.D.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Dichgans, M.; Wessman, M.; Smith, G.D.; Stefansson, K.; Daly, M.J.; Nyholt, D.R.; Chasman, D.I.; Palotie, A.; North Amer Brain Expression; UK Brain Expression Consortium & Int Headache Genetics Consortium (2013), Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies new susceptibility loci for migraine, Nature Genetics 45(8): 912-U255.
- Maino, A.; Algra, A.; Koudstaal, P.J.; Zwet, E.W.; Ferrari, M.D.; Wermer, M.J.H. & LiLAC Study Grp (2013), Headache during cerebral ischemia and the long-term risk of vascular events, Cerebrovascular Diseases 35: 16-17.
- Franceschini, A.; Vilotti, S.; Ferrari, M.D.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Nistri, A. & Fabbretti, E. (2013), TNF alpha Levels and Macrophages Expression Reflect an Inflammatory Potential of Trigeminal Ganglia in a Mouse Model of Familial Hemiplegic Migraine, PLoS ONE 8(1).
- Oosterhout, W.P.J. van; Plas, A.A. van der; Zwet, E.W. van; Zielman, R.; Ferrari, M.D. & Terwindt, G.M. (2013), Other Headaches Iatrogenic Headaches.
- Klever, R.R.; Rutten, J.W.; Labruijere, S.; Ibrahimi, K.; Broos, L.A.M.; Rieff, N.; Terwindt, G.M.; Ferrari, M.D.; Lesnik-Oberstein, S.A.M.J.; Tolner, E.A.M.J.; Maassen-van den Brink, A. & Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den (2013), Novel Transgenic Mouse Models for Monogenic Cerebral Small Vessel Diseases Related to Migraine, Cephalalgia 33(11): 972-972.
- Zielman, R.; Postma, R.; Bakels, F.; Oosterhout, W.P.J. van; Sar, S.A. van der; Terwindt, G.M.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van der; Deelder, A.M.; Mayboroda, O.A.; Meissner, A. & Ferrari, M.D. (2013), Metabolomics of Migraine: H-1-NMR Study of Cerebrospinal Fluid, Cephalalgia 33(S8): 150-151.
- Louter, M.A.; Bosker, J.E.; Oosterhout, W.P.J. van; Zwet, E.W. van; Zitman, F.G.; Ferrari, M.D. & Terwindt, G.M. (2013), Cutaneous allodynia as a predictor of migraine chronification, Brain 136(11).
- Scheffer, M.; Berg, A. van den & Ferrari, M.D. (2013), Migraine Strikes as Neuronal Excitability Reaches a Tipping Point, PLoS ONE 8(8).
- Coo, I.F. de; Wilbrink, L.A.; Haan, J.; Ferrari, M.D. & Terwindt, G.M. (2013), New ICHD-III Cluster Headache Criteria in the LUCA Population, Cephalalgia 33(S8): 102-102.
- Ibrahimi, K.; Oosterhout, W.P. van; Danser, A.H.J.; Terwindt, G.M.; Ferrari, M.D.; Meiracker, A.H. van den & MaassenVanDenBrink, A. (2013), Patients with Menstrually-Related Migraine Lack the Trigeminovascular Menstrual Cyclicity of Healthy Women, Cephalalgia 33(S8): 161-161.
- Eising, E.; Vries, B. de; Ferrari, M.D.; Terwindt, G.M. & Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den (2013), Pearls and pitfalls in genetic studies of migraine, Cephalalgia 33(8): 614-625.
- Oosterhout, W.P.J. van; Schoonman, G.G.; Stijnen, T.; Zwet, E.W. van; Terwindt, G.M. & Ferrari, M.D. (2013), Premonitory Symptoms as a Predictor for Migraine Attacks; a Cross-Sectional and Prospective Study, Cephalalgia 33(S8): 76-76.
- Oosterhout, W.P.J. van; Someren, E.J.W. van; Louter, M.A.; Schoonman, G.G.; Lammers, G.J.; Ferrari, M.D. & Terwindt, G.M. (2013), Restless Legs Syndrome in Migraine; More Prevalent and More Severe, Cephalalgia 33(S8): 144-144.
- Hullugundi, S.K.; Ferrari, M.D.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den & Nistri, A. (2013), The Mechanism of Functional Up-Regulation of P2X3 Receptors of Trigeminal Sensory Neurons in a Genetic Mouse Model of Familial Hemiplegic Migraine Type 1 (FHM-1), PLoS ONE 8(4).
- Carpay, J.A. & Ferrari, M.D. (2012), The adverse effects of antiepileptic drugs differ in patients with migraine, Lancet Neurology 11(11): 935-935.
- Koppen, H.; Palm-Meinders, I.H. & Ferrari, M.D. (2012), Right-to-left shunts and micro-embolization in migraine, Current Opinion in Neurology 25(3): 263-268.
- Gao, Z.Y.; Todorov, B.; Barrett, C.F.; Dorp, S. van; Ferrari, M.D.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Zeeuw, C.I. de & Hoebeek, F.E. (2012), Cerebellar Ataxia by Enhanced Ca(V)2.1 Currents Is Alleviated by Ca2+-Dependent K+-Channel Activators in Cacna1a(S218L) Mutant Mice, Journal of Neuroscience 32(44): 15533-15546.
- Koppen, H.; Vis, J.C.; Gooiker, D.J.; Knudsen, S.; Bouma, B.J.; Tijssen, J.G.P.; Mol, B.A.J.M. de; Mulder, B.J.M.; Russell, M.B. & Ferrari, M.D. (2012), Aortic root pathology in Marfan syndrome increases the risk of migraine with aura.
- Eikermann-Haerter, K.; Lee, J.H.; Yuzawa, I.; Liu, C.H.; Zhou, Z.P.; Shin, H.K.; Zheng, Y.; Qin, T.; Kurth, T.; Waeber, C.; Ferrari, M.D.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Moskowitz, M.A. & Ayata, C. (2012), Migraine Mutations Increase Stroke Vulnerability by Facilitating Ischemic Depolarizations, Circulation 125(2): 335-U345.
- Dekker, F.; Neven, A.K.; Andriesse, B.; Kernick, D.; Reis, R.; Ferrari, M.D. & Assendelft, W.J.J. (2012), Prophylactic treatment of migraine; the patient's view, a qualitative study, BMC Family Practice 13: -.
- Dekker, F.; Neven, A.K.; Andriesse, B.; Kernick, D.; Ferrari, M.D. & Assendelft, W.J.J. (2012), Prophylactic treatment of migraine by GPs: a qualitative study.
- Arkink, E.B.; Bleeker, E.J.W.; Schmitz, N.; Schoonman, G.G.; Wu, O.; Ferrari, M.D.; Buchem, M.A. van; Osch, M.J.P. van & Kruit, M.C. (2012), Cerebral perfusion changes in migraineurs: a voxelwise comparison of interictal dynamic susceptibility contrast MRI measurements.
- Palm-Meinders, I.H.; Koppen, H.; Terwindt, G.M.; Launer, L.J.; Konishi, J.; Moonen, J.M.E.; Bakkers, J.T.N.; Hofman, P.A.M.; Lew, B. van; Middelkoop, H.A.M.; Buchem, M.A. van; Ferrari, M.D. & Kruit, M.C. (2012), Structural Brain Changes in Migraine, Journal of the American Medical Association 308(18): 1889-1897.
- Liem, M.K.; Oberstein, S.A.J.L.; Versluis, M.J.; Maat-Schieman, M.L.C.; Haan, J.; Webb, A.G.; Ferrari, M.D.; Buchem, M.A. van & Grond, J. van der (2012), 7 T MRI reveals diffuse iron deposition in putamen and caudate nucleus in CADASIL, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 83(12): 1180-1185.
- Heinzen, E.L.; Swoboda, K.J.; Hitomi, Y.; Gurrieri, F.; Nicole, S.; Vries, B. de; Tiziano, F.D.; Fontaine, B.; Walley, N.M.; Heavin, S.; Panagiotakaki, E.; Fiori, S.; Abiusi, E.; Pietro, L. di; Sweney, M.T.; Newcomb, T.M.; Viollet, L.; Huff, C.; Jorde, L.B.; Reyna, S.P.; Murphy, K.J.; Shianna, K.V.; Gumbs, C.E.; Little, L.; Silver, K.; Ptacek, L.J.; Haan, J.; Ferrari, M.D.; Bye, A.M.; Herkes, G.K.; Whitelaw, C.M.; Webb, D.; Lynch, B.J.; Uldall, P.; King, M.D.; Scheffer, I.E.; Neri, G.; Arzimanoglou, A.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Sisodiya, S.M.; Mikati, M.A.; Goldstein, D.B.; European Alternating Hemiplegia; Biobanca Registro Clinico & European Network Res Alternating (2012), De novo mutations in ATP1A3 cause alternating hemiplegia of childhood, Nature Genetics 44(9): 1030-+.
- Bartolini, M.; Giamberardino, M.A.; Lisotto, C.; Martelletti, P.; Moscato, D.; Panascia, B.; Savi, L.; Pini, L.A.; Sances, G.; Santoro, P.; Zanchin, G.; Omboni, S.; Ferrari, M.D.; Fierro, B. & Brighina, F. (2012), Frovatriptan versus almotriptan for acute treatment of menstrual migraine: analysis of a double-blind, randomized, cross-over, multicentre, comparative study in Italy.
- Allais, G.; Tullo, V.; Omboni, S.; Benedetto, C.; Sances, G.; Zava, D.; Ferrari, M.D. & Bussone, G. (2012), Frovatriptan versus other triptans in the acute treatment of menstrual migraine: pooled analysis of three double-blind, randomized, cross-over, multicentre studies.
- Freilinger, T.; Anttila, V.; Vries, B. de; Malik, R.; Kallela, M.; Terwindt, G.M.; Pozo-Rosich, P.; Winsvold, B.; Nyholt, D.R.; Oosterhout, W.P.J. van; Artto, V.; Todt, U.; Hamalainen, E.; Fernandez-Morales, J.; Louter, M.A.; Kaunisto, M.A.; Schoenen, J.; Raitakari, O.; Lehtimaki, T.; Vila-Pueyo, M.; Gobel, H.; Wichmann, E.; Sintas, C.; Uitterlinden, A.G.; Hofman, A.; Rivadeneira, F.; Heinze, A.; Tronvik, E.; Duijn, C.M. van; Kaprio, J.; Cormand, B.; Wessman, M.; Frants, R.R.; Meitinger, T.; Muller-Myhsok, B.; Zwart, J.A.; Farkkila, M.; Macaya, A.; Ferrari, M.D.; Kubisch, C.; Palotie, A.; Dichgans, M.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den & Int Headache Genetics Consortium (2012), Genome-wide association analysis identifies susceptibility loci for migraine without aura, Nature Genetics 44(7): 777-U205.
- Jones, E.A.; Shyti, R.; Zeijl, R.J.M. van; Heiningen, S.H. van; Ferrari, M.D.; Deelder, A.M.; Tolner, E.A.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den & McDonnell, L.A. (2012), Imaging mass spectrometry to visualize biomolecule distributions in mouse brain tissue following hemispheric cortical spreading depression.
- Inchauspe, C.G.; Urbano, F.J.; Guilmi, M.N. di; Ferrari, M.D.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Forsythe, I.D. & Uchitel, O.D. (2012), Presynaptic Ca(v)2.1 calcium channels carrying familial hemiplegic migraine mutation R192Q allow faster recovery from synaptic depression in mouse calyx of Held, Journal of Neurophysiology 108(11): 2967-2976.
- Smelt, A.F.H.; Blom, J.W.; Dekker, F.; Akker, M.E. van den; Neven, A.K.; Zitman, F.G.; Ferrari, M.D. & Assendelft, P. (2012), A proactive approach to migraine in primary care: a pragmatic randomized controlled trial, Canadian Medical Association Journal 184(4): E224-E231.
- Tullo, V.; Allais, G.; Curone, M.; Ferrari, M.D.; Omboni, S.; Benedetto, C.; Colombo, B.; Zava, D. & Bussone, G. (2012), Frovatriptan versus zolmitriptan for the acute treatment of migraine with aura: a subgroup analysis of a double-blind, randomized, multicenter, Italian study, Neurological Sciences 33: S61-S64.
- Bartolini, M.; Giamberardino, M.A.; Lisotto, C.; Martelletti, P.; Moscato, D.; Panascia, B.; Savi, L.; Pini, L.A.; Sances, G.; Santoro, P.; Zanchin, G.; Omboni, S.; Ferrari, M.D.; Fierro, B. & Brighina, F. (2012), Frovatriptan versus almotriptan for acute treatment of menstrual migraine: analysis of a double-blind, randomized, cross-over, multicenter, Italian, comparative study, Journal of Headache and Pain 13(5): 401-406.
- Allais, G.; Tullo, V.; Omboni, S.; Benedetto, C.; Sances, G.; Zava, D.; Ferrari, M.D. & Bussone, G. (2012), Efficacy of frovatriptan versus other triptans in the acute treatment of menstrual migraine: pooled analysis of three double-blind, randomized, crossover, multicenter studies, Neurological Sciences 33: S65-S69.
- Ramautar, R.; Shyti, R.; Schoenmaker, B.; Groote, L. de; Derks, R.J.E.; Ferrari, M.D.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Deelder, A.M. & Mayboroda, O.A. (2012), Metabolic profiling of mouse cerebrospinal fluid by sheathless CE-MS, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 404(10): 2895-2900.
- Koppen, H.; Palm-Meinders, I.; Kruit, M.; Lim, V.; Nugroho, A.; Westhof, I.; Terwindt, G.; Buchem, M. van; Ferrari, M. & Hommel, B. (2011), The impact of a migraine attack and its after-effects on perceptual organization, attention, and working memory.
- Stam, A.H.; Louter, M.A.; Haan, J.; Vries, B. de; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Frants, R.R.; Ferrari, M.D. & Terwindt, G.M. (2011), A long-term follow-up study of 18 patients with sporadic hemiplegic migraine., Cephalalgia 31(2): 199-205.
- Bartolini, M.; Giamberardino, M.A.; Lisotto, C.; Martelletti, P.; Moscato, D.; Panascia, B.; Savi, L.; Pini, L.A.; Sances, G.; Santoro, P.; Zanchin, G.; Omboni, S.; Ferrari, M.D.; Brighina, F. & Fierro, B. (2011), A double-blind, randomized, multicenter, Italian study of frovatriptan versus almotriptan for the acute treatment of migraine, JOURNAL OF HEADACHE AND PAIN 12(3): 361-368.
- Savi, L.; Omboni, S.; Lisotto, C.; Zanchin, G.; Ferrari, M.D.; Zava, D. & Pinessi, L. (2011), A double-blind, randomized, multicenter, Italian study of frovatriptan versus rizatriptan for the acute treatment of migraine, JOURNAL OF HEADACHE AND PAIN 12(2): 219-226.
- Savi, L.; Omboni, S.; Lisotto, C.; Zanchin, G.; Ferrari, M.D.; Zava, D. & Pinessi, L. (2011), Efficacy of frovatriptan in the acute treatment of menstrually related migraine: analysis of a double-blind, randomized, cross-over, multicenter, Italian, comparative study versus rizatriptan, JOURNAL OF HEADACHE AND PAIN 12(6): 609-615.
- Eikermann-Haerter, K.; Yuzawa, I.; Qin, T.; Wang, Y.M.; Baek, K.; Kim, Y.R.; Hoffmann, U.; Dilekoz, E.; Waeber, C.; Ferrari, M.D.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Moskowitz, M.A. & Ayata, C. (2011), Enhanced Subcortical Spreading Depression in Familial Hemiplegic Migraine Type 1 Mutant Mice, Journal of Neuroscience 31(15): 5755-5763.
- Chasman, D.I.; Schurks, M.; Anttila, V.; Vries, B. de; Schminke, U.; Launer, L.J.; Terwindt, G.M.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Fendrich, K.; Volzke, H.; Ernst, F.; Griffiths, L.R.; Buring, J.E.; Kallela, M.; Freilinger, T.; Kubisch, C.; Ridker, P.M.; Palotie, A.; Ferrari, M.D.; Hoffmann, W.; Zee, R.Y.L.; Kurth, T. & IHGC (2011), Genome-wide association study reveals three susceptibility loci for common migraine in the general population, Nature Genetics 43(7): 695-U116.
- Mathew, R.; Andreou, A.P.; Chami, L.; Bergerot, A.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Ferrari, M.D. & Goadsby, P.J. (2011), Immunohistochemical characterization of calcitonin gene-related peptide in the trigeminal system of the familial hemiplegic migraine 1 knock-in mouse.
- Ligthart, L.; Vries, B. de; Smith, A.V.; Ikram, M.A.; Amin, N.; Hottenga, J.J.; Koelewijn, S.C.; Kattenberg, V.M.; Moor, M.H.M. de; Janssens, A.C.J.W.; Aulchenko, Y.S.; Oostra, B.A.; Geus, E.J.C. de; Smit, J.H.; Zitman, F.G.; Uitterlinden, A.G.; Hofman, A.; Willemsen, G.; Nyholt, D.R.; Montgomery, G.W.; Terwindt, G.M.; Gudnason, V.; Penninx, B.W.J.H.; Breteler, M.; Ferrari, M.D.; Launer, L.J.; Duijn, C.M. van; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Boomsma, D.I. & Dutch Icelandic Migraine Genetics (2011), Meta-analysis of genome-wide association for migraine in six population-based European cohorts, European Journal of Human Genetics 19(8): 901-907.
- Tepper, S.; Kori, S.; Goadsby, P.; Ferrari, M.; Lipton, R.; Borland, S.; Wang, M.; Kellerman, D. & Dodick, D. (2011), Migraine Recurrence Rates: A Case for Standardizing the Definition, Headache 51: 17-17.
- Dekker F, Wiendels NJ, de Valk V, van der Vliet C, Knuistingh Neven A, Assendelft WJ & Ferrari MD (2011), Triptan overuse in the Dutch general population: a nationwide pharmaco-epidemiology database analysis in 6.7 million people., Cephalalgia 31(8): 943-52.
- Ho, T.W.; Olesen, J.; Dodick, D.W.; Kost, J.; Lines, C. & Ferrari, M.D. (2011), Antimigraine Efficacy of Telcagepant Based on Patient's Historical Triptan Response, Headache 51(1): 64-72.
- Haan, J. & Ferrari, M.D. (2011), Picasso's migraine: Illusory cubist splitting or illusion?
- MaassenVanDenBrink, A. & Ferrari, M.D. (2011), Serotonin, NO, and CGRP and Headache, Headache 51(6): 1046-1048.
- Oosterhout, W.P.J. van; Weller, C.M.; Stam, A.H.; Bakels, F.; Stijnen, T.; Ferrari, M.D. & Terwindt, G.M. (2011), Validation of the web-based LUMINA questionnaire for recruiting large cohorts of migraineurs.
- Soydan, G.; Ferrari, M.D.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den & Ayata, C. (2011), Functional changes of vascular responses in familial hemiplegic migraine type 1, FASEB Journal 25: -.
- Schoonman, G.G.; Oosterhout, W.P.J. van; Ferrari, M.D. & Grond, J. van der (2010), Anatomical Variations in the Circle of Willis and Migraine Susceptibility: Is There an Association?, Headache 50(1): 151-152.
- Kruit, M.C.; Buchem, M.A. van; Launer, L.J.; Terwindt, G.M. & Ferrari, M.D. (2010), Migraine is associated with an increased risk of deep white matter lesions, subclinical posterior circulation infarcts and brain iron accumulation: The population-based MRI CAMERA study, Cephalalgia 30(2): 129-136.
- Stam, A.H.; Vries, B. de; Janssens, A.C.J.W.; Vanmolkot, K.R.J.; Aulchenko, Y.S.; Henneman, P.; Oostra, B.A.; Frants, R.R.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Ferrari, M.D.; Duijn, C.M. van & Terwindt, G.M. (2010), Shared genetic factors in migraine and depression Evidence from a genetic isolate Evidence from a genetic isolate, Neurology 74(4): 288-294.
- Stam, A.H.; Vries, B. de; Janssens, A.C.J.W.; Vanmolkot, K.R.J.; Aulchenko, Y.S.; Henneman, P.; Oostra, B.A.; Frants, R.R.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Ferrari, M.D.; Duijn, C.M. van & Terwindt, G.M. (2010), Shared genetic factors in migraine and depression: evidence from a genetic isolate., Neurology 74(4): 288-94.
- Van Den Maagdenberg AM, Terwindt GM, Haan J, Frants RR & Ferrari MD (2010), Genetics of headaches., Handbook of Clinical Neurology 97: 85-97.
- Ferrari, M.D.; Farkkila, M.; Reuter, U.; Pilgrim, A.; Davis, C.; Krauss, M.; Diener, H.C. & European COL-144 Investigators (2010), Acute treatment of migraine with the selective 5-HT1F receptor agonist lasmiditan--a randomised proof-of-concept trial., Cephalalgia 30(10): 1170-8.
- Louter MA, Veen G, Ferrari MD, Zitman FG & Terwindt GM (2010), [Migraine and depression should be treated concurrently].
- Haan J, van Santbrink H & Ferrari MD (2010), [Controversy surrounding the term 'retinal migraine'].
- Arkink, E.B.; Buchem, M.A. van; Haan, J.; Ferrari, M.D. & Kruit, M.C. (2010), An early 18th-century case description of cluster headache, Cephalalgia 30(11): 1392-1395.
- Liem, M.K.; Grond, J. van der; Versluis, M.J.; Haan, J.; Webb, A.G.; Ferrari, M.D.; Buchem, M.A. van & Oberstein, S.A.J.L. (2010), Lenticulostriate arterial lumina are normal in cerebral autosomal-dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy: a high-field in vivo MRI study.
- Liem, M.K.; Grond, J. van der; Versluis, M.J.; Haan, J.; Webb, A.G.; Ferrari, M.D.; Buchem, M.A. van & Oberstein, S.A.J.L. (2010), Lenticulostriate Arterial Lumina Are Normal in Cerebral Autosomal-Dominant Arteriopathy With Subcortical Infarcts and Leukoencephalopathy A High-Field In Vivo MRI Study, Stroke 41(12): 2812-2816.
- Liem, M.K.; Oberstein, S.A.J.L.; Grond, J. van der; Ferrari, M.D. & Haan, J. (2010), CADASIL and migraine: A narrative review, Cephalalgia 30(11): 1284-1289.
- Liem, M.K.; Oberstein, S.A.J.L.; Grond, J. van der; Ferrari, M.D. & Haan, J. (2010), CADASIL and migraine: A narrative review., Cephalalgia 30(11): 1284-9.
- Kaja, S.; Ven, R.C.G. van de; Broos, L.A.M.; Frants, R.R.; Ferrari, M.D.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den & Plomp, J.J. (2010), Severe and Progressive Neurotransmitter Release Aberrations in Familial Hemiplegic Migraine Type 1 Cacna1a S218L Knock-in Mice, Journal of Neurophysiology 104(3): 1445-1455.
- Klychnikov, O.I.; Li, K.W.; Sidorov, I.A.; Loos, M.; Spijker, S.; Broos, L.A.M.; Frants, R.R.; Ferrari, M.D.; Mayboroda, O.A.; Deelder, A.M.; Smit, A.B. & Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den (2010), Quantitative cortical synapse proteomics of a transgenic migraine mouse model with mutated Ca(v)2.1 calcium channels, Proteomics 10(13): 2531-2535.
- Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Pizzorusso, T.; Kaja, S.; Terpolilli, N.; Shapovalova, M.; Hoebeek, F.E.; Barrett, C.F.; Gherardini, L.; Ven, R.C.G. van de; Todorov, B.; Broos, L.A.M.; Tottene, A.; Gao, Z.Y.; Fodor, M.; Zeeuw, C.I. de; Frants, R.R.; Plesnila, N.; Plomp, J.J.; Pietrobon, D. & Ferrari, M.D. (2010), High Cortical Spreading Depression Susceptibility and Migraine-Associated Symptoms in Ca(V)2.1 S218L Mice, Annals of Neurology 67(1): 85-98.
- Inchauspe, C.G.; Urbano, F.J.; Guilmi, M.N. di; Forsythe, I.D.; Ferrari, M.D.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den & Uchitel, O.D. (2010), Gain of Function in FHM-1 Ca(v)2.1 Knock-In Mice Is Related to the Shape of the Action Potential, Journal of Neurophysiology 104(1): 291-299.
- Tullo, V.; Allais, G.; Ferrari, M.D.; Curone, M.; Mea, E.; Omboni, S.; Benedetto, C.; Zava, D. & Bussone, G. (2010), Frovatriptan versus zolmitriptan for the acute treatment of migraine: a double-blind, randomized, multicenter, Italian study, Neurological Sciences 31: 51-54.
- Nair, A.; Simonetti, M.; Birsa, N.; Ferrari, M.D.; deb Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van; Giniatullin, R.; Nistri, A. & Fabbretti, E. (2010), Familial hemiplegic migraine Ca(V)2.1 channel mutation R192Q enhances ATP-gated P2X3 receptor activity of mouse sensory ganglion neurons mediating trigeminal pain, Molecular Pain 6.
- Munts, A.G.; Plas, A.A. van der; Ferrari, M.D.; Teepe-Twiss, I.M.; Marinus, J. & Hilten, J.J. van (2010), Efficacy and safety of a single intrathecal methylprednisolone bolus in chronic complex regional pain syndrome, European Journal of Pain 14(5): 523-528.
- Koek, M.M.; Bakels, F.; Engel, W.; Maagdenberg, A. van den; Ferrari, M.D.; Coulier, L. & Hankemeier, T. (2010), Metabolic Profiling of Ultrasmall Sample Volumes with GC/MS: From Microliter to Nanoliter Samples, Analytical Chemistry 82(1): 156-162.
- Langford, D.J.; Bailey, A.L.; Chanda, M.L.; Clarke, S.E.; Drummond, T.E.; Echols, S.; Glick, S.; Ingrao, J.; Klassen-Ross, T.; LaCroix-Fralish, M.L.; Matsumiya, L.; Sorge, R.E.; Sotocinal, S.G.; Tabaka, J.M.; Wong, D.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Ferrari, M.D.; Craig, K.D. & Mogil, J.S. (2010), Coding of facial expressions of pain in the laboratory mouse, Nature Methods 7(6): 447U52.
- Ferrari, M.D.; Farkkila, M.; Reuter, U.; Pilgrim, A.; Davis, C.; Krauss, M.; Diener, H.C. & European COL-144 Investigators (2010), Acute treatment of migraine with the selective 5-HTIF receptor agonist lasmiditan - A randomised proof-of-concept trial, Cephalalgia 30(10): 1170-1178.
- Anttila, V.; Stefansson, H.; Kallela, M.; Todt, U.; Terwindt, G.M.; Calafato, M.S.; Nyholt, D.R.; Dimas, A.S.; Freilinger, T.; Muller-Myhsok, B.; Artto, V.; Inouye, M.; Alakurtti, K.; Kaunisto, M.A.; Hamalainen, E.; Vries, B. de; Stam, A.H.; Weller, C.M.; Heinze, A.; Heinze-Kuhn, K.; Goebel, I.; Borck, G.; Gobel, H.; Steinberg, S.; Wolf, C.; Bjornsson, A.; Gudmundsson, G.; Kirchmann, M.; Hauge, A.; Werge, T.; Schoenen, J.; Eriksson, J.G.; Hagen, K.; Stovner, L.; Wichmann, E.; Meitinger, T.; Alexander, M.; Moebus, S.; Schreiber, S.; Aulchenko, Y.S.; Breteler, M.M.B.; Uitterlinden, A.G.; Hofman, A.; Duijn, C.M. van; Tikka-Kleemola, P.; Vepsalainen; Lucae, S.; Tozzi, F.; Muglia, P.; Barrett, J.; Kaprio, J.; Farkkila, M.; Peltonen, L.; Stefansson, K.; Zwart, J.A.; Ferrari, M.D.; Olesen, J.; Daly, M.; Wessman, M.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Dichgans, M.; Kubisch, C.; Dermitzakis, E.T.; Frants, R.R.; Palotie, A. & Int Headache Genetics Consortium (2010), Genome-wide association study of migraine implicates a common susceptibility variant on 8q22.1, Nature Genetics 42(10): 869+.
- Vries, B. de; Steup-Beekman, G.M.; Haan, J.; Bollen, E.L.; Luyendijk, J.; Frants, R.R.; Terwindt, G.M.; Buchem, M.A. van; Huizinga, T.W.J.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den & Ferrari, M.D. (2010), TREX1 gene variant in neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 69(10): 1886-1887.
- Louter, M.A.; Ferrari, M.D.; Zitman, F.G. & Terwindt, G.M. (2010), Migraine en depressie verdienen gezamenlijke zorg, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 154(A1044).
- van Oosterhout RWPJ, Schoonman GG, Stam AH, Terwindt GM & Ferrari MD (2009), Age, sex and prophylaxis dependent differences of premonitory symptoms in migraine patients, Cephalalgia 29: 64-64.
- Eikermann-Haerter K, Baum MJ, Ferrari MD, van den Maagdenberg AMJM, Moskowitz MA & Ayata C (2009), Androgenic Suppression of Spreading Depression in Familial Hemiplegic Migraine Type 1 Mutant Mice, Annals of Neurology 66(4): 564-568.
- Luykx J, Mason M, Ferrari MD & Carpay J (2009), Are Migraineurs at Increased Risk of Adverse Drug Responses?: A Meta-Analytic Comparison of Topiramate-Related Adverse Drug Reactions in Epilepsy and Migraine, Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 85(3): 283-288.
- Terpolilli NA, van den Maagdenberg AMJM, Todorov B, Ferrari MD & Plesnila N (2009), Ca(V)2.1 S218L MUTANT MICE REVEAL HIGH SUSCEPTIBILITY FOR SPREADING DEPOLARIZATIONS AFTER TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY, Journal of Neurotrauma 26(8): A50A50.
- van Oosterhout RWPJ, Weller CM, Stam AH, Bakels F, Smit ML, de Vries B, Frants RR, van den Maagdenberg AMJM, Ferrari MD & Terwindt GM (2009), Diagnosing migraine using a web-based questionnaire: report from the lumina (Leiden University migraine neuro analysis) group, Cephalalgia 29: 73-73.
- Tottene A, Conti R, Fabbro A, Vecchia D, Shapovalova M, Santello M, van den Maagdenberg AMJM, Ferrari MD & Pietrobon D (2009), Enhanced Excitatory Transmission at Cortical Synapses as the Basis for Facilitated Spreading Depression in Ca(v)2.1 Knockin Migraine Mice, Neuron 61(5): 762-773.
- de Vries B, Mamsa H, Stam AH, Wan JJ, Bakker SLM, Vanmolkot KRJ, Haan J, Terwindt GM, Boon EMJ, Howard BD, Frants RR, Baloh RW, Ferrari MD, Jen JC & van den Maagdenberg AMJM (2009), Episodic Ataxia Associated With EAAT1 Mutation C186S Affecting Glutamate Reuptake, Archives of Neurology -Chigago- 66(1): 97-101.
- Eikermann-Haerter K, Wang Y, Ferrari MD, Van Den Maagdenberg AMJM, Moskowitz MA & Ayata C (2009), Facilitated subcortical propagation of cortical spreading depression in familial hemiplegic migraine type 1 mutant mice, Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 29: S291S292.
- Castro MJ, Stam AH, Lemos C, de Vries B, Vanmolkot KRJ, Barros J, Terwindt GM, Frants RR, Sequeiros J, Ferrari MD, Pereira-Monteiro JM & van den Maagdenberg AMJM (2009), First mutation in the voltage-gated Na(V)1.1 subunit gene SCN1A with co-occurring familial hemiplegic migraine and epilepsy, Cephalalgia 29(3): 308-313.
- Ferrari MD (2009), From migraine genes to migraine triggering mechanisms and prophylaxis, Journal of the Neurological Sciences 285: S46S46.
- Eikermann-Haerter K, Dilekoz E, Kudo C, Savitz SI, Waeber C, Baum MJ, Ferrari MD, van den Maagdenberg AMJM, Moskowitz MA & Ayata C (2009), Genetic and hormonal factors modulate spreading depression and transient hemiparesis in mouse models of familial hemiplegic migraine type 1, Journal of Clinical Investigation 119(1): 99-109.
- Stam AH, Haan J, van den Maagdenberg AMJM, Ferrari MD & Terwindt GM (2009), Migraine and genetic and acquired vasculopathies, Cephalalgia 29(9): 1006-1017.
- Ho TW, Ferrari MD, Dodick DW, Kost J & Winner P (2009), Migraine and olcegepant Reply, Lancet 373(9668): 1003-1004.
- de Vries B, Frants RR, Ferrari MD & van den Maagdenberg AMJM (2009), Molecular genetics of migraine, Human Genetics 126(1): 115-132.
- Ferrari MD (2009), Patient preference studies of frovatriptan versus rizatriptan and zolmitriptan for the acute treatment of migraine, Cephalalgia 29(12): 1360-1361.
- Ferrari MD (2009), Patient preference studies of frovatriptan versus rizatriptan and zolmitriptan for the acute treatment of migraine., European Journal of Neurology 16: 664-665.
- van den Maagdenberg A, Shyti R, Broos LAM, Frants RR, Ferrari MD & Barrett CF (2009), Reduced cortical spreading depression induction threshold in the occipital brain region of familial hemiplegic migraine type 1 (FHM1) knock-in mice, Cephalalgia 29: 5-5.
- Schoonman GG & Ferrari MD (2009), Reply to: Migraine headache is not associated with cerebral or meningeal vasodilatationa 3T magnetic resonance angiography study, Brain 132.
- de Jong PT, Ikram MK, de Jong FJ, Hofman A, van der Maagdenberg AM, Terwindt GM, Frants RR, Ferrari MD & Breteler MM (2009), Retinal photography: A diagnostic tool for small vessel disease of the brain?, Journal of the Neurological Sciences 283(1-2): 273-273.
- Liem MK, Oberstein SAJL, Haan J, Van der Neut IL, Ferrari MD, Van Buchem MA, Middelkoop HAM & Van der Grond J (2009), MRI correlates of cognitive decline in CADASIL A 7-year follow-up study, Neurology 72(2): 143-148.
- Stam AH, de Vries B, Janssens ACJW, Vanmolkot KRJ, Aulchenko YS, Oostra BA, Frants RR, van den Maagdenberg AMJM, Ferrari MD, van Duijn CM & Terwindt GM (2009), Shared genetic factors in migraine and depression, Cephalalgia 29: 83-83.
- Ferrari MD, Dodick D, Winner P & Koppen H (2009), The Lancet and advertorials Response, Lancet 373(9668): 1004-1005.
- Louter MA, Stam AH, de Vries B, Haan J, van den Maagdenberg AMJM, Frants RR, Ferrari MD & Terwindt GM (2009), A long-term follow-up study of 18 patients with sporadic hemiplegic migraine, Cephalalgia 29: 84-84.
- Koppen H, Palm-Meinders IH, Mess WH, Keunen RW, Terwindt GM, Launer LJ, Van Buchem MA, Ferrari MD & Kruit MC (2009), Population-based evidence for an association between migraine and right-to-left shunt (PFO), Cephalalgia 29(12): 1352-1352.
- Liem MK, Oberstein SAJL, Haan J, van der Boom R, Ferrari MD, van Buchem MA & van der Grond J (2009), Cerebrovascular Reactivity Is a Main Determinant of White Matter Hyperintensity Progression in CADASIL, American Journal of Neuroradiology 30(6): 1244-1247.
- de Vries B, Steup-Beekman GM, Terwindt GM, Haan J, Boon EMJ, Huizinga TWJ, Frants RR, Ferrari MD & van den Maagdenberg AMJM (2009), A role of the TREX1 gene in disorders that are comorbid with migraine?, Cephalalgia 29: 82-82.
- Palm-Meinders IH, Koppen H, Terwindt GM, Launer LJ, van Buchem MA, Ferrari MD & Kruit MC (2009), Progression of brain white matter lesions in migraine? The 9-year follow-up population-based CAMERA-2 study, Cephalalgia 29(12): 1351-1352.
- Wilbrink LA, Ferrari MD, Kruit MC & Haan J (2009), Neuroimaging in trigeminal autonomic cephalgias: when, how, and of what?, Current Opinion in Neurology 22(3): 247-253.
- Koppen H, Terwindt GM, Haan J, de Bruijn SFTM, Bax JJ & Ferrari MD (2009), No indication for patent foramen ovale closure in migraine, Netherlands Heart Journal 17(9): 320-321.
- Koppen H, Palm-Meinders IH, Mess WH, Keunen RW, Terwindt GM, Launer LJ, van Buchem MA, Kruit MC & Ferrari MD (2009), What makes migraine persist? Results from a population-based 8.5 years follow up study, Cephalalgia 29(12): 1353-1353.
- Kruit MC, Launer LJ, Overbosch J, van Buchem MA & Ferrari MD (2009), Iron accumulation in deep brain nuclei in migraine: a population-based magnetic resonance imaging study, Cephalalgia 29(3): 351-359.
- Stam AH, Luijckx GJ, Poll-The BT, Ginjaar IB, Frants RR, Haan J, Ferrari MD, Terwindt GM & van den Maagdenberg AMJM (2009), Early seizures and cerebral oedema after trivial head trauma associated with the CACNA1A S218L mutation, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 80(10): 1125-1129.
- Vein AA, Koppen H, Haan J, Terwindt GM & Ferrari MD (2009), Space headache: a new secondary headache, Cephalalgia 29(6): 683-686.
- Louter MA, Maassen van den Brink A, Dekker F, Terwindt GM & Ferrari MD (2009), Hoe veilig zijn triptanen?
- Kaja S, van de Ven RCG, Frants RR, Ferrari MD, van den Maagdenberg AMJM & Plomp JJ (2008), Reduced ACh release at neuromuscular synapses of Heterozygous leaner Ca(v)2.1-mutant mice, Synapse 62(5).
- Haan J, Terwindt GM, van den Maagdenberg AMJM, Stam AH & Ferrari MD (2008), A review of the genetic relation between migraine and epilepsy, Cephalalgia 28(2).
- Ferrari MD (2008), Migraine as a process - challenges in the effective management of migraine, Functional Neurology 23(3): 153-160.
- Deboer T, Oosterman JE, Ferrari MD, van den Maagdenberg AM & Meijer JH (2008), Effect of sleep deprivation on sleep and the sleep EEG in R192Q Ca(v)2.1 migraine mice, SLEEP 31.
- Barrett CF, van den Maagdenberg AMJM, Frants RR & Ferrari MD (2008), Familial Hemiplegic Migraine, ADVANCES IN GENETICS, VOL 63 63: 57-83.
- Liem MK, Oberstein SAJL, Haan J, van der Neut IL, van den Boom R, Ferrari MD, van Buchem MA & van der Grond J (2008), Cerebral Autosomal Dominant Arteriopathy with Subcortical Infarcts and Leukoencephalopathy: Progression of MR Abnormalities in Prospective 7-year Follow-up Study, Radiology 249(3).
- Ho TW, Ferrari MD, Dodick DW, Galet V, Kost J, Fan XY, Leibensperger H, Froman S, Assaid C, Lines C, Koppen H & Winner PK (2008), Efficacy and tolerability of MK-0974 (telcagepant), a new oral antagonist of calcitonin gene-related peptide receptor, compared with zolmitriptan for acute migraine: a randomised, placebo-controlled, parallel-treatment trial, Lancet 372(9656).
- Dodick DW, Lipton RB, Goadsby PJ, Tfelt-Hansen P, Ferrari MD, Diener HC, Almas M, Albert KS & Parsons B (2008), Predictors of migraine headache recurrence: A pooled analysis from the eletriptan database, Headache 48(2).
- Ho TW, Ferrari MD, Dodick DW, Galet V, Kost P, Fan X, Leibensperger H, Froman S, Assaid C, Koppen H & Winner P (2008), Acute antimigraine efficacy and tolerability of the novel oral CGRP receptor antagonist MK-0974: A phase III clinical trial versus placebo and zolmitriptan, Headache 48.
- Stam AH, van den Maagdenberg AMJM, Haan J, Terwindt GM & Ferrari MD (2008), Genetics of migraine: an update with special attention to genetic comorbidity, Current Opinion in Neurology 21(3).
- van Oosterhout F, Michel S, Deboer T, Houben T, van de Ven RCG, Albus H, Westerhout J, Vansteensel MJ, Ferrari MD, van den Maagdenberg AMJM & Meijer JH (2008), Enhanced circadian phase resetting in R192Q Ca(v)2.1 calcium channel migraine mice, Annals of Neurology 64(3): 315-324.
- Schmitz N, Admiraal-Behloul F, Arkink EB, Kruit MC, Schoonman GG, Ferrari MD & van Buchem MA (2008), Attack frequency and disease duration as indicators for brain damage in migraine, Headache 48(7).
- Nyholt DR, LaForge KS, Kallela M, Alakurtti K, Anttila V, Farkkila M, Hamalainen E, Kaprio J, Kaunisto MA, Heath AC, Montgomery GW, Gobel H, Todt U, Ferrari MD, Launer LJ, Frants RR, Terwindt GM, de Vries B, Verschuren WMM, Brand J, Freilinger T, Pfaffenrath V, Straube A, Ballinger DG, Zhan Y, Daly MJ, Cox DR, Dichgans M, van den Maagdenberg AMJM, Kubisch C, Martin NG, Wessman M, Peltonen L & Palotie A (2008), A high-density association screen of 155 ion transport genes for involvement with common migraine, Human Molecular Genetics 17(21).
- Schoonman GG, van der Grond J, Kortmann C, van der Geest RJ, Terwindt GM & Ferrari MD (2008), Migraine headache is not associated with cerebral or meningeal vasodilatation - a 3T magnetic resonance angiography study, Brain 131.
- Schoonman GG, Sandor PS, Nirkko AC, Lange T, Jaermann T, Dydak U, Kremer C, Ferrari MD, Boesiger P & Baumgartner RW (2008), Hypoxia-induced acute mountain sickness is associated with intracellular cerebral edema: a 3 T magnetic resonance imaging study, Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 28(1).
- Vanmolkot KRJ, Terwindt GM, Frants RR, Haan J, van den Maagdenberg A & Ferrari MD (2008), A gene for a new monogenic neurovascular migraine syndrome: A next step in unravelling molecular pathways for migraine?, Cephalalgia 28(5).
- Schmitz N, Arkink EB, Mulder M, Rubia K, Admiraal-Behloul F, Schoonmann GG, Kruit MC, Ferrari MD & van Buchem MA (2008), Frontal lobe structure and executive function in migraine patients, Neuroscience Letters 440(2).
- de Vries B, Stam AH, Beker F, van den Maagdenberg AMJM, Vanmolkot KRJ, Laan LAEM, Ginjaar IB, Frants RR, Lauffer H, Haan J, Haas JP, Terwindt GM & Ferrari MD (2008), CACNA1A mutation linking hemiplegic migraine and alternating hemiplegia of childhood, Cephalalgia 28(8).
- Kahlig KM, Rhodes TH, Pusch M, Freilinger T, Pereira-Monteiro JM, Ferrari MD, van den Maagdenberg AMJM, Dichgans M & George AL (2008), Divergent sodium channel defects in familial hemiplegic migraine, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105(28).
- Graves TD, Imbrici P, Kors EE, Terwindt GM, Eunson LH, Frants RR, Haan J, Ferrari MD, Goadsby PJ, Hanna MG, van den Maagdenberg AMJM & Kullmann DM (2008), Premature stop codons in a facilitating EF-hand splice variant of Ca(v)2.1 cause episodic ataxia type 2, Neurobiology of Disease 32(1).
- van Oosterhout F, Michel S, Deboer T, Houben T, van de Ven RCG, Albus H, Westerhout J, Vansteensel MJ, Ferrari MD, van den Maagdenberg AMJM & Meijer JH (2008), Enhanced circadian phase resetting in R192Q Ca(v)2.1 calcium channel migraine mice, Annals of Neurology 64(3).
- Stam AH, Vanmolkot KRJ, Kremer HPH, Gartner J, Brown J, Leshinsky-Silver E, Gilad R, Kors EE, Frankhuizen WS, Ginjaar HB, Haan J, Frants RR, Ferrari MD, van den Maagdenberg AMJM & Terwindt GM (2008), CACNA1A R1347Q: a frequent recurrent mutation in hemiplegic migraine, Clinical Genetics 74(5).
- Favier I, Haan J & Ferrari MD (2008), Cluster headache: To scan or not to scan, Current Pain and Headache Reports 12(2).
- Ferrari MD (2008), Migraine genetics: A fascinating journey towards improved migraine therapy, Headache 48(5).
- de Vries B, Freilinger T, Vanmolkot KRJ, Koenderink JB, Stam AH, Terwindt GM, Babini E, van den Boogerd EH, van den Heuvel JJMW, Frants RR, Haan J, Pusch M, van den Maagdenberg AMJM, Ferrari MD & Dichgans M (2007), Systematic analysis of three FHM genes in 39 sporadic patients with hemiplegic migraine, Neurology 69(23).
- Castro MJ, Stam AH, Lemos C, Barros J, Gouveia RG, Martins IP, Koenderink JB, Vanmolkot KRJ, Mendes AP, Frants RR, Ferrari MD, Sequeiros J, Pereira-Monteiro JM & van den Maagdenberg AMJM (2007), Recurrent ATP1A2 mutations in Portuguese families with familial hemiplegic migraine, Journal of Human Genetics 52(12).
- Favier I, Haan J, van Duinen SG & Ferrari MD (2007), Typical cluster headache caused by granulomatous pituitary involvement, Cephalalgia 27(2).
- Haan J, Hollander J & Ferrari MD (2007), Migraine in the elderly: a review, Cephalalgia 27(2).
- Favier I, van Vliet JA, Roon KI, Witteveen RJW, Verschuuren JJGM, Ferrari MD & Haan J (2007), Trigeminal autonomic cephalgias due to structural lesions - A review of 31 cases, Archives of Neurology -Chigago- 64(1).
- van den Maagdenberg A, Terwindt G, Dichgans M, Frants R, Baloh R, Atkinson J, Ferrari M, Richards A, Jen J, Kavanagh D, Vanmolkot K, De Vries B, Stam A, Haan J & De Jong P (2007), Novel gene causing retinal Vasculopathy with cerebral leukodystrophy, Raynaud's phenomenon and migraine, Cephalalgia 27(10).
- Haan J, Oberstein SAJL & Ferrari MD (2007), Epilepsy in cerebral autosomal dominant Arteriopathy with subcortical Infarcts and Leukoencephalopathy, Cerebrovascular Diseases 24(2-3).
- van de Ven RCG, Hogers B, van den Maagdenberg AMJM, de Groot HJM, Ferrari MD, Frants RR, Poelmann RE, van der Weerd L & Kiihne SR (2007), T-1 relaxation in in vivo mouse brain at ultra-high field, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 58(2).
- Vanmolkot KRJ, Stam AH, Raman A, Koenderink JB, de Vries B, van den Boogerd EH, van Vark J, van den Heuvel JJMW, Bajaj N, Terwindt GM, Haan J, Frants RR, Ferrari MD & van den Maagdenberg AMJM (2007), First case of compound heterozygosity in Na, K-ATPase gene ATP1A2 in familial hemiplegic migraine, European Journal of Human Genetics 15(8).
- Schoonman GG, Evers DJ, Ballieux BE, de Geus EJ, de Kloet ER, Terwindt GM, van Dijk JG & Ferrari MD (2007), Is stress a trigger factor for migraine?, Psychoneuroendocrinology 32(5).
- Ferrari MD, Frants RR, Ginjaar HB, Haan J, Luijckx GJ, Poll-The BT, Stam A, Terwindt GM & van den Maagdenberg AMJM (2007), FHM1 S218L mutation associated with trauma triggered delayed cerebral coma and seizures in sporadic cases, Cephalalgia 27(6).
- Bakker E, Beker F, De Vries B, de Vries B, Ferrari MD, Frants RR, Haan J, Haas JP, Lauffer H, Stam AH, Terwindt GM, Van den Maagdenberg AMJM & Vanmolkot KRJ (2007), Novel CACNA1A mutation: genetic evidence for shared etiology of AHC and FHM, Cephalalgia 27(6).
- Bajaj N, de Vries B, Ferrari MD, Frants RR, Haan J, Koenderink JB, Raman A, Stam AH, Terwindt GM, van den Boogerd EH, van den Heuvel JJMW, van den Maagdenberg AMJM, van Vark J, Vanmolkot K & Vanmolkot KRJ (2007), First case of compound heterozygosity in familial hemiplegic migraine: two mutations in Na,K-ATPase gene ATP1A2, Cephalalgia 27(6).
- van den Maagdenberg AMJM, Haan J, Terwindt GM & Ferrari MD (2007), Migraine: gene mutations and functional consequences, Current Opinion in Neurology 20(3).
- Mehrotra S, Vanmolkot KRJ, Frants RR, van den Maagdenberg AMJM, Ferrari MD & MaassenVanDenBrink A (2007), The Phe-124-Cys and A-161T variants of the human 5-HT1B receptor gene are not major determinants of the clinical response to sumatriptan, Headache 47(5).
- van de Ven RCG, Kaja S, Plomp JJ, Frants RR, van den Maagdenberg AMJM & Ferrari MD (2007), Genetic models of migraine, Archives of Neurology -Chigago- 64(5).
- Kaja S, Todorov B, de Ven RCGV, Ferrari MD, Frants RR, van den Maagdenberg AMJM & Plomp JJ (2007), Redundancy of Ca(v)2.1 channel accessory subunits in transmitter release at the mouse neuromuscular junction, Brain Research 1143.
- Kaja S, van de Ven RCG, van Dijk JG, Verschuuren JJGM, Arahata K, Frants RR, Ferrari MD, van den Maagdenberg AMJM & Plomp JJ (2007), Severely impaired neuromuscular synaptic transmission causes muscle weakness in the Cacna1a-mutant mouse rolling Nagoya, European Journal of Neuroscience 25(7).
- Liem MK, van der Grond J, Haan J, van den Boom R, Ferrari MD, Knaap YM, Breuning MH, van Buchem MA, Middelkoop HAM & Oberstein SAJL (2007), Lacunar infarcts are the main correlate with cognitive dysfunction in CADASIL, Stroke 38(3).
- Kaja S, Van de Ven RCG, Broos LAM, Frants RR, Ferrari MD, Van den Maagdenberg AMJM & Plomp JJ (2007), Characterization of acetylcholine release and the compensatory contribution of non-Ca(v)2.1 channels at motor nerve terminals of leaner Ca(v)2.1-mutant mice, Neuroscience 144(4).
- Ferrari MD, Schoonman GG, Terwindt GM & van der Grond J (2007), Total cerebral blood flow response to nitroglycerin is impaired in migraine, Cephalalgia 27(6).
- Albus H, Deboer T, Ferrari M, Meijer J, Michel S, van den Maagdenberg A & van Oosterhout F (2007), FHM1 R192Q Cacna1a mutant mice show enhanced adjustment to advanced shifts of the light-dark cycle: a molecular basis to chronobiology in migraine?, Cephalalgia 27(6).
- Assendelft WJJ, Dekker F, Ferrari MD, Neven AK, Valk de V, Wiendels NJ & Vliet van der C (2007), Triptan use and overuse in the Netherlands, a national pharmaco-database analysis, Cephalalgia 27(6).
- De Vries B, Haan J, Frants RR, Van den Maagdenberg AMJM & Ferrari MD (2006), Genetic biomarkers for migraine, Headache 46(7).
- Vanmolkot KRJ, Stroink H, Koenderink JB, Kors EE, van den Heuvel JJMW, van den Boogerd EH, Stam AH, Haan J, de Vries BBA, Terwindt GM, Frants RR, Ferrari MD & van den Maagdenberg AMJM (2006), Severe episodic neurological deficits and permanent mental retardation in a child with a novel FHM2 ATP1A2 mutation, Annals of Neurology 59(2).
- Scher AI, Terwindt GM, Verschuren WMM, Kruit MC, Blom HJ, Kowa H, Frants RR, van den Maagdenberg AMJM, van Buchem M, Ferrari MD & Launer LJ (2006), Migraine and MTHFR C677T genotype in a population-based sample, Annals of Neurology 59(2).
- Scher AI, Terwindt GM, Verschuren WMM, Kruit MC, Blom HJ, Kowa H, Frants RR, van den Maagdenberg AMJM, van Buchem M, Ferrari MD & Launer LJ (2006), MTHFR C677T polymorphism and migraine with aura - Reply, Annals of Neurology 60(5).
- van Vliet JA, Eekers PJE, Haan J & Ferrari MD (2006), Evaluating the IHS criteria for cluster headache - a comparison between patients meeting all criteria and patients failing one criterion, Cephalalgia 26(3).
- van den Boom R, Oberstein SAJL, van den Berg-Huysmans AA, Ferrari MD, van Buchem MA & Haan J (2006), Cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy: Structural MR imaging changes and apolipoprotein E genotype, American Journal of Neuroradiology 27(2).
- Schoonman GG, Bakker D, Schmitz N, van der Geest RJ, van der Grond J, Ferrari MD & van Buchem MA (2006), Magnetic resonance angiography of the human middle meningeal artery: Implications for migraine, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 24(4).
- Kaja S, Van de Ven RCG, Ferrari MD, Frants RR, Van den Maagdenberg AMJM & Plomp JJ (2006), Compensatory contribution of Ca(v)2.3 channels to acetylcholine release at the neuromuscular junction of Tottering mice, Journal of Neurophysiology 95(4).
- Thijs RD, Kruit MC, van Buchem MA, Ferrari MD, Launer LJ & van Dijk JG (2006), Syncope in migraine - The population-based CAMERA study, Neurology 66(7).
- Wiendels NJ, Knuistingh Neven A, Rosendaal FR, Spinhoven P, Zitman FG, Assendelft WJ & Ferrari MD (2006), Chronic frequent headache in the general population: prevalence and associated factors., Cephalalgia 26(12): 1434-42.
- Vanmolkot KR, Kors EE, Turk U, Turkdogan D, Keyser A, Broos LA, Kia SK, van den Heuvel JJ, Black DF, Haan J, Frants RR, Barone V, Ferrari MD, Casari G, Koenderink JB & van den Maagdenberg AM (2006), Two de novo mutations in the Na, K-ATPase gene ATP1A2 associated with pure familial hemiplegic migraine, European Journal of Human Genetics 14(5).
- Van Vliet JA, Favier I, Helmerhorst FM, Haan J & Ferrari MD (2006), Cluster headache in women: relation with menstruation, use of oral contraceptives, pregnancy, and menopause, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 77(5).
- Schoonman GG, Sandor PS, Agosti RM, Siccoli M, Bartsch P, Ferrari MD & Baumgartner RW (2006), Normobaric hypoxia and nitroglycerin as trigger factors for migraine, Cephalalgia 26(7).
- Schoonman GG, Terwindt GM, van der Geest RJ, van der Grond J & Ferrari MD (2006), 3T MRA measured diameter changes of meningeal and cerebral blood vessels in nitroglycerin provoked migraine attacks, Cephalalgia 26(11).
- Kruit MC, Launer LJ, Ferrari MD & van Buchem MA (2006), Brain stem and cerebellar hyperintense lesions in migraine, Stroke 37(4).
- Schoonman GG, Evers DJ, Terwindt GM, van Dijk JG & Ferrari MD (2006), The prevalence of premonitory symptoms in migraine: a questionnaire study in 461 patients, Cephalalgia 26(10).
- Todorov B, de Ven RCGV, Kaja S, Broos LAM, Verbeek SJ, Plomp JJ, Ferrari MD, Frants RR & van den Maagdenberg AMJM (2006), Conditional inactivation of the Cacna1a gene in transgenic mice, genesis 44(12).
- van Vliet JA, Vein AA, Ferrari MD & van Dijk JG (2006), Cardiovascular autonomic function tests in cluster headache, Cephalalgia 26(3).
- Dichgans M, Freilinger T, Eckstein G, Babini E, Lorenz-Depiereux B, Biskup S, Ferrari MD, Herzog J, van den Maagdenberg AMJM, Pusch M & Strom TM (2005), Mutation in the neuronal voltage-gated sodium channel SCN1A in familial hemiplegic migraine, Lancet 366(9483).
- Scher, A.I.; Terwindt, G.M.; Verschuren, M.W.M.M.; Kruit, M.C.; Blom, H.J.; Kowa, H.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Buchem, M. van; Ferrari, M.D. & Launer, L.J. (2005), The association of migraine with aura with the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) C677T variant and the homocysteine metabolic pathway in the general population, Cephalalgia 25(10).
- Kaja S, Van de Ven RCG, Broos LAM, Veldman H, Van Dijk JG, Verschuuren JJGM, Frants RR, Ferrari MD, Van den Maagdenberg AMJM & Plomp JJ (2005), Gene dosage-dependent transmitter release changes at neuromuscular synapses of Cacna1a R192Q knockin mice are non-progressive and do not lead to morphological changes or muscle weakness, Neuroscience 135(1).
- Hottenga JJ, Vanmolkot KRJ, Kors EE, Kia SK, de Jong PTVM, Haan J, Terwindt GM, Frants RR, Ferrari MD & van den Maagdenberg AMJM (2005), The 3p21.1-p21.3 hereditary vascular retinopathy locus increases the risk for Raynaud's phenomenon and migraine, Cephalalgia 25(12).
- Scher AI, Terwindt GM, Picavet HSJ, Verschuren WMM, Ferrari MD & Launer LJ (2005), Cardiovascular risk factors and migraine - The GEM population-based study, Neurology 64(4).
- Lipton RB, Cutrer FM, Goadsby PJ, Ferrari MD, Dodick DW, McCrory D, Liberman JN & Williams P (2005), How treatment priorities influence triptan preferences in clinical practice: perspectives of migraine sufferers, neurologists, and primary care physicians, Current Medical Research and Opinion 21(3).
- Ferrari MD (2005), Should we advise patients to treat migraine attacks early: Methodologic issues, European Neurology 53.
- Kruit MC, Launer LJ, van Buchem MA, Terwindt GM & Ferrari MD (2005), MRI findings in migraine, Revue Neurologique 161(6-7).
- Wiendels NJ, Neven AK & Ferrari MD (2005), Diagnosis and treatment of medication overuse headache, Cephalalgia 25(8).
- Kruit, M.C.; Launer, L.J.; Ferrari, M.D. & Buchem, M.A. van (2005), Infarcts in the posterior circulation territory in migraine. The population-based MRI CAMERA study, Brain 128.
- Wiendels NJ, Neven AK, Rosendaal FR, Spinhoven P, Zitman FG, Assendelft PJJ & Ferrari MD (2005), Prevalence of chronic frequent headache and associated factors: a population-based cross-sectional study, Cephalalgia 25(10).
- Schoonman GG, Bakker D, Schmitz N, van der Geest RJ, van der Grond J, van Buchem MA & Ferrari MD (2005), In vivo measurement of human middle meningeal artery using magnetic resonance angiography: implications for the study of migraine, Cephalalgia 25(10).
- Wiendels NJ, Neven AK, Rosendaal FR, Spinhoven P, Zitman FG, Assendelft PJJ & Ferrari MD (2005), Comorbidity of chronic frequent headache in the general population, Cephalalgia 25(10).
- Ferrari MD, Goadsby PJ, Lipton RB, Dodick DW, Cutrer FM, McCrory D & Williams P (2005), The use of multiattribute decision models in evaluating triptan treatment options in migraine, Journal of Neurology 252(9).
- Wiendels NJ, van der Geest MCM, Neven AK, Ferrari MD & Laan LAEM (2005), Chronic daily headache in children and adolescents, Headache 45(6).
- Ferrari MD (2004), Should we advise patients to treat migraine attacks early?, Cephalalgia 24(11).
- Kors EE, Melberg A, Vanmolkot KRJ, Kumlien E, Haan J, Raininko R, Flink R, Ginjaar HB, Frants RR, Ferrari MD & van den Maagdenberg AMJM (2004), Childhood epilepsy, familial hemiplegic migraine, cerebellar ataxia, and a new CACNA1A mutation, Neurology 63(6).
- Vein AA, van Dijk JG & Ferrari MD (2004), Impairment of trigeminal sensory pathways in cluster headache - Reply, Cephalalgia 24(10).
- Hoff JI, Bloem BR, Ferrari MD, Lammers GJ & Bloem BR (2004), A breathtaking headache, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 75(3).
- Goadsby PJ, Dodick DW, Ferrari MD, McCrory DC & Williams P (2004), TRIPSTAR: prioritizing oral triptan treatment attributes in migraine management, Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 110(3).
- Kruit, M.C.; Buchem, M.A. van; Hofman, P.A.M.; Bakkers, J.T.N.; Terwindt, G.M.; Ferrari, M.D. & Launer, L.J. (2004), Migraine as a risk factor for subclinical brain lesions, Journal of the American Medical Association 291(4).
- van Vliet JA, Haan J & Ferrari MD (2004), A patient with long-lasting attacks of bilateral 'blepharospasm', photophobia, lacrimation and rhinorrhoea, Cephalalgia 24(2).
- van den Maagdenberg AMJM, Pietrobon D, Pizzorusso T, Kaja S, Broos LAM, Cesetti T, van de Ven RCG, Tottene A, van der Kaa J, Plomp JJ, Frants RR & Ferrari MD (2004), A Cacna1a knockin migraine mouse model with increased susceptibility to cortical spreading depression, Neuron 41(5).
- Kruit, M.C.; Ferrari, M.D. & Laurier, L.J. (2004), Migraine as a risk factor for subclinical brain lesions - Reply, Journal of the American Medical Association 291(17).
- van der Dussen DH, Bloem BR, Liauw L & Ferrari MD (2004), Ophthalmoplegic migraine: migrainous or inflammatory?, Cephalalgia 24(4).
- Kors EE, Vanmolkot KRJ, Haan J, Kia SK, Stroink H, Laan LAEM, Gill DS, Pascual J, van den Maagdenberg AMJM, Frants RR & Ferrari MD (2004), Alternating hemiplegia of childhood: No mutations in the second familial hemiplegic migraine gene ATP1A2, Neuropediatrics 35(5).
- Terwindt GM, Kors EE, Vein AA, Ferrari MD & van Dijk JG (2004), Single-fiber EMG in familial hemiplegic migraine, Neurology 63(10).
- Hottenga JJ, Kors EE, Kia S, Vanmolkot KRJ, Haan J, Terwindt GM, Frants RR, Ferrari MD & van den Maagdenberg AMJM (2004), The hereditary vascular retinopathy (HVR) 3p21 locus contains a susceptibility gene for migraine and Raynaud, Cephalalgia 24(2).
- Kors EE, Vanmolkot KRJ, Haan J, Frants RR, van den Maagdenberg AM & Ferrari MD (2004), Recent findings in headache genetics, Current Opinion in Neurology 17(3).
- Cutrer EM, Goadsby PJ, Ferrari MD, Lipton RB, Dodick DW, McCrory D & Williams P (2004), Priorities for triptan treatment attributes and the implications for selecting an oral triptan for acute migraine: A study of US primary care physicians (the TRIPSTAR project), Clinical Therapeutics 26(9).
- Plomp JJ, Van Den Maagdenberg AM, Ferrari MD, Frants RR & Molenaar PC (2003), Transmitter release deficits at the neuromuscular synapse of mice with mutations in the Ca(v)2.1 (alpha(1A)) subunit of the P/Q-type Ca2+ channel, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 998.
- van den Boom R, Oberstein SAL, Spilt A, Behloul F, Ferrari MD, Haan J, Westendorp RG & van Buchem MA (2003), Cerebral hemodynamics and white matter hyperintensities in CADASIL, Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 23(5).
- Ferrari MD (2003), Heritability of migraine - Genetic findings, Neurology 60(7).
- Vanmolkot KRJ, van den Maagdenberg AMJM, Haan J & Ferrari MD (2003), New discoveries about the second gene for familial hemiplegic migraine, ATP1A2, Lancet Neurology 2(12).
- van den Boom R, Oberstein SAJL, Ferrari MD, Haan J & van Buchem MA (2003), Cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy: MR imaging findings at different ages - 3rd-6th decades, Radiology 229(3).
- Kors EE, Haan J, Giffin NJ, Pazdera L, Schnittger C, Lennox GG, Terivindt GM, Vermeulen FLMJ, Van den Maagdenberg AMJM, Frants RR & Ferrari MD (2003), Expanding the phenotypic spectrum of the CACNA1A gene T666M mutation, Archives of Neurology -Chigago- 60(5).
- Oberstein SAJL, van den Boom R, Middelkoop HAM, Ferrari MD, Knaap YM, van Houwelingen HC, Breuning MH, van Buchem MA & Haan J (2003), Incipient CADASIL, Archives of Neurology -Chigago- 60(5).
- van Vliet JA, Bahra A, Martin V, Ramadan N, Aurora SK, Mathew NT, Ferrari MD & Goadsby PJ (2003), Intranasal sumatriptan in cluster headache - Randomized placebo-controlled double-blind study, Neurology 60(4).
- Oberstein SAJL, van Duinen SG, van den Boom R, Maat-Schieman MLC, van Buchem MA, van Houwelingen HC, Hegeman-Kleinn IM, Ferrari MD, Breuning MH & Haan J (2003), Evaluation of diagnostic NOTCH3 immunostaining in CADASIL, Acta Neuropathologica 106(2).
- Oberstein SAJL, Jukema JW, van Duinen SG, Macfarlane PW, van Howelingen HC, Breuning MH, Ferrari MD & Haan J (2003), Myocardial infarction in cerebral autosomal dominant Arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL), Medicine 82(4).
- van Vliet JA, Eekers PJE, Haan J & Ferrari MD (2003), Features involved in the diagnostic delay of cluster headache, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 74(8).
- Vanmolkot KRJ, Kors EE, Hottenga JJ, Terwindt GM, Haan J, Hoefnagels WAJ, Black DF, Sandkuijl LA, Frants RR, Ferrari MD & van den Maagdenberg AMJM (2003), Novel mutations in the Na+,K+-ATPase pump gene ATP1A2 associated with familial hemiplegic migraine and benign familial infantile convulsions, Annals of Neurology 54(3).
- van Vliet JA, Ferrari MD & Haan J (2003), SUNCT syndrome resolving after contralateral hemispheric ischaemic stroke, Cephalalgia 23(3).
- Overeem S, Steens SCA, Good CD, Ferrari MD, Mignot E, Frackowiak RSJ, van Buchem MA & Lammers GJ (2003), Voxel-based morphometry in hypocretin-deficient narcolepsy, SLEEP 26(1).
- van Vliet JA, Ferrari MD, Haan J, Laan LAEM & Voormolen JHC (2003), Trigeminal autonomic cephalaigia-tic-like syndrome associated with a pontine tumour in a one year old girl, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 74(3).
- van Vliet JA, Vein AA, Le Cessie S, Ferrari MD & van Dijk JG (2003), Impairment of trigeminal sensory pathways in cluster headache, Cephalalgia 23(6).
- Ferrari MD, Roon KI, Lipton RB & Goadsby PJ (2002), Triptan medications to treat acute migraine, Lancet 359(9312).
- Schoonman GG, Wiendels NJ & Ferrari MD (2002), Gabapentin in migraine prophylaxis: Is it effective and well tolerated?, Headache 42(3).
- Badrising UA, Maat-Schieman MLC, Ferrari MD, Zwinderman AH, Wessels JAM, Breedveld FC, van Doorn PA, van Engelen BGM, Hoogendijk JE, Howeler CJ, de Jager AE, Jennekens FGI, Koehler PJ, de Visser M, Viddeleer A, Verschuuren JJ & Wintzen AR (2002), Comparison of weakness progression in inclusion body myositis during treatment with methotrexate or placebo, Annals of Neurology 51(3).
- van den Boom R, Lesnik SAJ, van Duinen SG, Bornebroek M, Ferrari MD, Haan J & van Buchem MA (2002), Subcortical lacunar lesions: An MR imaging finding in patients with cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy, Radiology 224(3).
- Ferrari MD (2002), Tripstar: A comprehensive patient-based approach to compare triptans, Headache 42.
- Goadsby PJ, Lipton RB & Ferrari MD (2002), Treatment of migraine - Reply, New England Journal of Medicine 347(10).
- Adelman JU, Lipton RB, Ferrari MD, Diener HC, McCarroll KA, Vandormael K & Lines CR (2002), Comparison of rizatriptan and other triptans on stringent measures of efficacy - Reply, Neurology 59(5).
- van den Maagdenberg AMJM, Kors EE, Brunt ER, van Paesschen W, Pascual J, Ravine D, Keeling S, Vanmolkot KRJ, Vermeulen FLMG, Terwindt GM, Haan J, Frants RR & Ferrari MD (2002), Episodic ataxia type 2 - Three novel truncating mutations and one novel missense mutation in the CACNA1A gene, Journal of Neurology 249(11).
- Ferrari MD, Goadsby PJ, Roon KI & Lipton RB (2002), Triptans (serotonin, 5-HT1B/1D agonists) in migraine: detailed results and methods of a meta-analysis of 53 trials, Cephalalgia 22(8).
- Haan J, Kors EE & Ferrari MD (2002), Familial cyclic vomiting syndrome, Cephalalgia 22(7).
- van Vliet JA, Vein AA, le Cessie S, Ferrari MD & van Dijk JG (2002), Reproducibility and feasibility of neurophysiological assessment of the sensory trigeminal system for future application to paroxysmal headaches, Cephalalgia 22(6).
- Terwindt G, Kors E, Haan J, Vermeulen F, van den Maagdenberg A, Frants R & Ferrari M (2002), Mutation analysis of the CACNA1A calcium channel subunit gene in 27 patients with sporadic hemiplegic migraine, Archives of Neurology -Chigago- 59(6).
- Kors EE, van den Maagdenberg AMJM, Plomp JJ, Frants RR & Ferrari MD (2002), Calcium channel mutations and migraine, Current Opinion in Neurology 15(3).
- Overeem S, Steens SC, Good CD, Ferrari MD, Mignot E, Frackowiak RS, van Buchem MA & Lammers GJ (2002), Voxel-based morphometry in hypocretin-deficient narcolepsy, SLEEP 25.
- Goadsby PJ, Lipton RB & Ferrari MD (2002), Drug therapy: Migraine - Current understanding and treatment., New England Journal of Medicine 346(4).
- Haan J, van Vliet JA, Kors EE, Terwindt GM, Vermeulen FLMG, van den Maagdenberg AMJM, Frants RR & Ferrari MD (2001), No involvement of the calcium channel gene (CACNA1A) in a family with cluster headache, Cephalalgia 21(10).
- Ferrari MD, Roon KI, Lipton RB & Goadsby PJ (2001), Oral triptans (serotonin 5-HT1B/1D agonists) in acute migraine treatment: a meta-analysis of 53 trials, Lancet 358(9294).
- Adelman JU, Lipton RB, Ferrari MD, Diener HC, McCarroll KA, Vandormael K & Lines CR (2001), Comparison of rizatriptan and other triptans on stringent measures of efficacy, Neurology 57(8).
- Goldstein DJ, Roon KI, Offen WW, Ramadan NM, Phebus LA, Johnson KW, Schaus JM & Ferrari MD (2001), Selective seratonin 1F (5-HT1F) receptor agonist LY334370 for acute migraine: a randomised controlled trial, Lancet 358(9289).
- Ferrari MD (2001), Sumatriptan by injection, Cephalalgia 21.
- Oberstein SAJL, van den Boom R, van Buchem MA, van Houwelingen HC, Bakker E, Vollebregt E, Ferrari MD, Breuning MH & Haan J (2001), Cerebral microbleeds in CADASIL, Neurology 57(6).
- Diener HC, Tfelt-Hansen P, de Beukelaar F, Ferrari MD, Olesen J, Dahlof C & Mathew N (2001), The efficacy and safety of sc Alniditan vs. sc Sumatriptan in the acute treatment of migraine: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, Cephalalgia 21(6).
- Ophoff RA, DeYoung J, Service SK, Joose M, Caffo NA, Sandkuijl LA, Terwindt GM, Haan J, van den Maagdenberg AMJM, Jen J, Baloh RW, Barilla-LaBarca ML, Saccone NL, Atkinson JP, Ferrari MD, Freimer NB & Frants RR (2001), Hereditary vascular retinopathy, cerebroretinal vasculopathy, and hereditary endotheliopathy with retinopathy, nephropathy, and stroke map to a single locus on chromosome 3p21.1-p21.3, American Journal of Human Genetics 69(2).
- Ferrari MD, Loder E, McCarroll KA & Lines CR (2001), Meta-analysis of rizatriptan efficacy in randomized controlled clinical trials, Cephalalgia 21(2).
- Kors EE, Terwindt GM, Vermeulen FLMG, Fitzsimons RB, Jardine PE, Heywood P, Love S, van den Maagdenberg AMJM, Haan J, Frants RR & Ferrari MD (2001), Delayed cerebral edema and fatal coma after minor head trauma: Role of the CACNA1A calcium channel subunit gene and relationship with familial hemiplegic migraine, Annals of Neurology 49(6).
- Terwindt GM, Ophoff RA, van Eijk R, Vergouwe MN, Haan J, Frants RR, Sandkuijl LA & Ferrari MD (2001), Involvement of the CACNA1A gene containing region on 19p13 in migraine with and without aura, Neurology 56(8).
- Ophoff RA, van den Maagdenberg AMJM, Roon KI, Ferrari MD & Frants RR (2001), The impact of pharmacogenetics for migraine, European Journal of Pharmacology 413(1).
- Dahlof CGH, Lipton RB, McCarroll KA, Kramer MS, Lines CR & Ferrari MD (2000), Within-patient consistency of response of rizatriptan for treating migraine, Neurology 55(10).
- Haan J & Ferrari MD (2000), Mahler's migraine, Cephalalgia 20(4).
- Goadsby PJ, Ferrari MD, Olesen J, Stovner LJ, Senard JM, Jackson NC & Poole PH (2000), Eletriptan in acute migraine: A double-blind, placebo-controlled comparison to sumatriptan.
- Roon KI, Bakker D, van Poelgeest MIE, van Buchem MA, Ferrari MD & Middelkoop HAM (2000), The influence of ergotamine abuse on psychological and cognitive functioning, Cephalalgia 20(5).
- Roon KI, Olesen J, Diener HC, Ellis P, Hettiarachchi J, Poole PH, Christianssen I, Kleinermans D, Kok JG & Ferrari MD (2000), No acute antimigraine efficacy of CP-122,288, a highly potent inhibitor of neurogenic inflammation: Results of two randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled clinical trials.
- Tfelt-Hansen P, Saxena PR, Dahlof C, Pascual J, Lainez M, Henry P, Diener HC, Schoenen J, Ferrari MD & Goadsby PJ (2000), Ergotamine in the acute treatment of migraine - A review and European consensus.
- Plomp JJ, Vergouwe MN, Van den Maagdenberg AM, Ferrari MD, Frants RR & Molenaar PC (2000), Abnormal transmitter release at neuromuscular junctions of mice carrying the tottering alpha(1A) Ca2+ channel mutation.
- Tfelt-Hansen P, Block G, Dahlof C, Diener HC, Ferrari MD, Goadsby PJ, Guidetti V, Jones B, Lipton RB, Massiou H, Meinert C, Sandrini G, Steiner T & Winter PBO (2000), Guidelines for controlled trials of drugs in migraine: second edition, Cephalalgia 20(9).
- Haan J, Kors EE, Terwindt GM, Vermeulen FLMG, Vergouwe MN, van den Maagdenberg AMJM, Gill DS, Pascual J, Ophoff RA, Frants RR & Ferrari MD (2000), Alternating hemiplegia of childhood: no mutations in the familial hemiplegic migraine CACNA1A gene, Cephalalgia 20(8).
- Terwindt GM, Ferrari MD, Tijhuis M, Groenen SMA, Picavet HSJ & Launer LJ (2000), The impact of migraine on quality of life in the general population - The GEM study, Neurology 55(5).
- Haan J, Sluis P, Sluis LH & Ferrari MD (2000), Acetazolamide treatment for migraine aura status, Neurology 55(10).
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