Michael Newton
Universitair docent
- Naam
- Dr. M.S. Newton
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2165
- m.newton@hum.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0002-5292-3267

Michael Newton is universitair docent aan het Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society.
Universitair docent
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Centre for the Arts in Society
- Moderne Engelstalige letterkunde
- Newton M.S. (2023), It's a wonderful life. London: Bloomsbury / British Film Institute.
- Newton M.S. (red.) (2022), The origins of science fiction: from Mary Shelley to W. E. B. Du Bois. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Newton M.S. (2022), The ghost story : [in Oxford Bibliographies Online: Victorian Literature]. New York: Oxford University Press. [database].
- Newton M.S. (2022), "I gotta be me": the remade woman and replaying the woman's part in Woody Allen's Mmovies. In: Hall M. (red.), Women in the work of Woody Allen. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 119-138.
- Newton M.S. (2020), Rosemary's Baby. London: Bloomsbury.
- Newton M.S. & Leeuwen E.J. van (red.) (2019), Haunted Europe: Continental Connections in English-Language Gothic Writing, Film and New Media. New York: Routledge.
- Newton M.S. (2019), Haunted Hotels and Murder Inns: Travelers' Tales from Europe and the Gothic Short Story from the 1820s to the 1940s. In: Newton M.S. & Leeuwen E.J. van (red.), Haunted Europe: Continental Connections in English-Language Gothic Writing, Film and New Media. New York: Routledge. 88-106.
- Newton M.S. & Leeuwen E.J. van (2019), Introduction. In: Newton M.S. & Leeuwen E.J. van (red.), Haunted Europe: Continental Connections in English-Language Gothic Writing, Film and New Media. New York: Routledge. 1-16.
- Newton M.S. (2019), "Look Into The Dark": a Ghost Story for Christmas on the Continent: An Interview with Leslie Megahey, Director of Schalcken the Painter. In: Newton M.S. & Leeuwen E.J. van (red.), Haunted Europe: Continental Connections in English-Language Gothic Writing, Film and New Media. New York: Routledge. 157-170.
- Newton M.S. (2019), Show People: A History of the Film Star. London: Reaktion.
- Newton M.S. (2019), Show People: A History of the Film Star. London: Reaktion.
- Newton M.S. (2017), The Atavistic Nightmare: Memory and Recapitulation in Jack London's Ghost and Fantasy Stories. In: Williams Jay (red.), The Oxford Handbook of Jack London. Oxford: Oxford University Place. 239-258.
- Newton M.S. (1 mei 2017), Cults, Human Sacrifice and Pagan Sex: How Folk Horror is Flowering Again in Brexit Britain. The Guardian, G2: 7-8.
- Newton M.S. (2017), The Atavistic Nightmare: Memory and Recapitulation in Jack London's Ghost and Fantasy Stories. In: Williams J. (red.), Oxford Handbook of Jack London. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 239-258.
- Newton M.S. (2016), Four Notes on Aspects of Joseph Conrad’s The Secret Agent. In: Niland R. (red.), Joseph Conrad: The Secret Agent. New York and London: Norton. 363-379.
- Newton M.S. (2016) The Thrill of It All: a review of Roger Luckhurst, 'Zombies: A Cultural History'. Bespreking van: Luckhurst R. (2015), Zombies: A Cultural History. Reaktion. London Review of Books 38(4): 27-28.
- Newton M.S. (2016), Bespreking van: Lindop G. (2015), Charles Williams: The Third Inkling. Oxford. London Review of Books 38(17): 29-30.
- Newton M.S. (8 januari 2016), Jean-Luc Godard: The Artist and His Muse. The Guardian: 16.
- Newton M.S. (16 september 2016), 'Star Trek' At 50. The Guardian: 16.
- Newton M.S. (12 augustus 2016), '"First Light" Review - A Celebration of Alan Garner. The Guardian, Saturday Review: 16.
- Newton M.S. (11 november 2016), Officer and a Gentleman: How Sidney Poitier United a Divided America. The Guardian, Saturday Review: 16.
- Newton M.S. (29 juli 2016), Barry Lyndon: Kubrick's Vision of a Compromised Life. The Guardian, Saturday Review: 16.
- Newton M.S. (6 mei 2016), Lonely Rangers: The Dark Side of Westerns. The Guardian, Saturday Review: 16.
- Newton M.S. (3 juni 2016), What Steven Spielberg's Science Fiction Tells Us About America. The Guardian, Saturday Review: 16.
- Newton M.S. (2016), Paper on haunted hotels at 'Haunted Europe' conference, at Leiden University (June 2016). .
- Newton M.S. (2016), Four Notes on Aspects of Joseph Conrad's The Secret Agent' in 'The Secret Agent' (Norton Critical Edition) (ed. David Rinaldi) (New York: W. W. Norton, 2016): 363-379.
- Newton M.S. (2016) Review of 'The Oxford Companion to Fairy Tales', ed. Jack Zipes, in 'Modern Language Review', Vol. III, Part 4 (Modern Humanities Research Association' (October 2016): 1118-1119. Bespreking van: .
- Newton M.S. (2016), review of Rogert Luckhurst, 'Zombies: A Cultural History' in London Review of Books, 18 February 2016.
- Newton M.S. (2016), review of Grevel Lindop, 'Charles Williams' in London Review of Books, 8 September 2016.
- Newton M.S. (red.) (2015), Victorian Fairy Tales. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Newton M.S. (red.) (2015), Victorian Fairy Tales. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Newton M.S. (14 maart 2015), 'Like Tears in Rain': On 'Blade Runner'. The Guardian, Review: 16.
- Newton M.S. (19 februari 2015), 'Where Am I In All This'. Review of Marius Kotowksi, 'Pola Negri'. London Review of Books: 33-34.
- Newton M.S. (4 april 2015), 'Away With The Fairies': Fairy Tale Films. The Guardian, Review: 16-17.
- Newton M.S. (15 februari 2015), Article on Polan Negri. London Review of Books.
- Newton M.S. (2015), Paper on children in Edwardian ghost stories at the Edwardian Culture Network's 'Enchanted Edwardians' conference at Bristol University (March 2015). .
- Newton M.S. (15 mei 2015), Fellini. The Guardian, Review: 16-17.
- Newton M.S. (8 augustus 2015), Why Vittorio di Sica is one of Europe's greatest tragic film-makers. The Guardian, Review: 16-17.
- Newton M.S. (31 oktober 2015), Haunted Half-Hours: How the BBC made Christmas creepy. The Guardian, Review: 16.
- Newton M.S. (2015), How Orson Welles Shattered His Hollywood Image. The Guardian, Culture - Film.
- Newton M.S. (19 december 2015), Bah, Humbug!: The Many Faces of Scrooge. The Guardian, Review: 16.
- Newton M.S. (13 november 2015), Loved But Not Lost: David Lean's 'Brief Encounter' and 'Dr Zhivago'. The Guardian, Review: 16-17.
- Newton M.S. (7 februari 2014), 'Paranoid Celluloid: Conspiracy on Film'. The Guardian, Culture: 16.
- Newton M.S. (30 mei 2014), 'Under the Skin of Dennis Potter'. The Guardian, Culture: 16.
- Newton M.S. (12 september 2014), 'Peter Lorre: Master of the Macabre'. The Guardian, Culture: 16.
- Newton M.S. (17 oktober 2014), 'Growing Up With Science Fiction'. The Guardian, Culture: 16.
- Newton M.S. (26 december 2014), 'Eric Rohmer'. The Guardian, Culture: 16.
- Newton M.S. (18 juli 2014), 'Some Like It Hot'. The Guardian, Culture: 16.
- Newton M.S. (28 juni 2014), 'The Glorious Folly of Dance on Film'. The Guardian, Culture: 16.
- Newton M.S. (2014), Paper on ghosts and night terrors at the Sights and Frights: Victorian Visual Culture Conference at Sussex University (June 2014). .
- Newton M.S. (2013), ‘“Nihilists of Castlebar!” Exporting Russian Nihilism in the 1880s and the Case of Oscar Wilde’s Vera, or the Nihilists’. In: Beasley R. & Bullock P.R. (red.), Russia in Britain, 1880-1940: From Melodrama to Modernism. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 35-52.
- Newton M.S. (26 december 2013), 'The Innocents: Angels and Demons'. The Guardian, Culture: 16.
- Newton M.S. (18 april 2013), MR CAPRA GOES TO HOLLYWOOD. INTERVIEWEE. [interview].
- Newton M.S. (22 november 2013), 'Vivien Leigh: A Life on Screen'. The Guardian, Culture: 16.
- Newton M.S. (13 december 2013), 'Charade: The Last Sparkle of Hollywood'. The Guardian, Culture: 16.
- Newton M.S. (26 oktober 2013), 'The Devil's Work: Gothic Film'. The Guardian, Culture: 16.
- Newton M.S. (2 juni 2013), WERNER HERZOG. The Guardian: 16-17.
- Newton M.S. (19 januari 2013), "A Feeling For Crime - On G. K. Chesterton's 'Father Brown' Stories". The Guardian: 20-20.
- Newton M.S. (27 juli 2013), HOLY FOOLS: The Films of the Boulting Brothers. The Guardian: 12-13.
- Newton M.S. (2013), Nihilists of Castlebar!Exporting Russian Nihilism in the 1880s and the Case of Oscar Wilde's Vera, or the Nihilists', in Russia in Britain, 1880-1940 (eds. Rebecca Beasley and Philip Bullock) (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013): 35-52.
- Newton M.S. (2013), Feral and Wild Children', in 'Oxford Bibliographies Online: Childhood Studies' (New York: Oxford University Press. 2013): 1-26.
- Newton M.S. (2012), Age of Assassins: A History of Conspiracy and Political Violence, 1865-1981. London: Faber & Faber.
- Newton M.S. (2012), Feral and 'Wild' Children. In: , Oxford Bibliographies Online in Childhood Studies. New York: Oxford University Press. 1-26.
- Newton M.S. (27 oktober 2012), 'The Natural History of Ghosts'. The Guardian: 9-9.
- Newton M.S. (9 november 2012), 'The Assassin's Creed'. New Statesman: 26-30.
- Newton M.S. (21 april 2012), A Better World: The Films of Whit Stillman. The Guardian: 16-17.
- Newton M.S. (6 oktober 2012), 'Natural Born Killers: The Assassin on Film'. The Guardian: 16-17.
- Newton M.S. (19 mei 2012), 'Articles of Faith: Review of "The Expo Files" by Stieg Larsson. The Guardian: 9-9.
- Newton M.S. (8 november 2012), "What A Ghost Wants - Review of Laurent Binet, 'HHhH'". London Review of Books.
- Newton M.S. (2012), Age of Assassins: A History of Conspiracy and Political Violece (London: Faber & Faber, 2012, paperback 2013).
- Newton M.S. (2012), Review of Laurent Binet, 'Hhhh' in London Review Of Books, 8 November 2012.
- Newton M.S. (2012), The Assassin's Creed' in 'The New Statesman', 9-15 November 2012, pp. 26-30, : .
- Newton M.S. (2012), Review of Stieg Larson, The Expo Files, in The Guardian, 18 May 2012.
- Newton M.S. (2012), Review of Roger Clarke, A Natural History of Ghosts in The Guardian, 26 Oct 2012. The Guardian.
- Newton M.S. (13 januari 2012), Article on Woody Allen. The Guardian.
- Newton M.S. (19 februari 2011), 'Growing Backwards into Childhood: The Films of Francois Truffaut'. The Guardian: 16-16.
- Newton M.S. (2 juli 2011), Act of Creation: The Films of Terrence Malick. The Guardian: 16-17.
- Newton M.S. (7 oktober 2011), 'Loitering In Neverland: J. M. Barrie and Peter Pan. The Guardian: 16-17.
- Newton M.S. (2010), Lodging. In: Dart G. & Beaumont M. (red.), Restless Cities. London: Verso. 173-190.
- Newton M.S. (2010), 'The Premises': winning short story in the Royal Society of Literature's V.S. Pritchett Memorial Prize. [overig].
- Newton M.S. (2010), Lost In Beauty: Review of Amy Lawrence, 'The Passion of Montgomery Clift', London Review of Books 32(19): 27-29.
- Newton M.S. (18 december 2010), 'Honest to Goodness': The Films of Frank Capra. The Guardian: 14-15.
- Newton M.S. (2009), Anarchism. In: Simmons A.H. (red.), Joseph Conrad in Context. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 117-123.
- Newton M.S. (2009), Review of Cheeta, "Me Cheeta", London Review of Books 31(2): 28-29.
- Newton M.S. (2009), Review of Molly Haskell, "Frankly My Dear: 'Gone With the Wind Revisited', London Review of Books 31(15): 37-38.
- Newton M.S. (2007), 'Four Notes on "The Secret Agent": Sir William Harcourt, Ford and Helen Rossetti, Bourdin's Relations, and a Warning Against Triangle. Amsterdam: Rodopi Press.
- Newton M.S. (red.) (2007), Joseph Conrad's The Secret Agent. London: Penguin Classics.
- Newton M.S. (2006), Electricity. In: Herd D. & Sansom I. (red.), The Enthusiast Almanack. London: Quercus.
- Newton M.S. (2006), Til I'm Grown: Reading Children's Films; Reading Walt Disney's The Jungle Book. In: Collins F.M. & Ridgeman J. (red.), Turning the Page: Children's Literature in Performance and the Media. Oxford/Bern/Berlin: PeterLang.
- Newton M.S. (2006), 'The Voyeur's Tale': A Review of Paul Theroux's "Hotel Honolulu", Contemporary Literary Criticism. . Farmington Hills, MI: Thomson and Gale.
- Newton M.S. (2006), Review of Lee Server, "Ava Gardner", London Review of Books 28(17): 9-10.
- Newton M.S. & Cobbe F.P. (2006), The Consciousness of Dogs, The Enthusiast 7: 10-18.
- Newton M.S. (23 februari 2006), Tsk, Ukh, Hmmm: A Review of Daniel Heller-Roazen, Echolalias: On the Forgetting of Language. London Review of Books: 25-26.
- Newton M.S. (28 oktober 2006), When We Were Young: A Compendium of Childhood. TLS: The Times Literary Supplement: 31.
- Newton M.S. (red.) (2004), Edmund Gosse's Father and Son. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Newton M.S. (2004), I See Myself Among the Crowd: The Poetry of Charlotte Mew, The Poetry Review 94(1): 56-64.
- Newton M.S. (5 november 2004), Marvels and Tales: Journal of Fairy-Tale Studies. TLS: The Times Literary Supplement: 28-28.
- Newton M.S. (2003), Kind Hearts and Coronets. London: British Film Institute.
- Newton M.S. (2003), Savage Girls and Wild Boys: A History of Feral Children. New York: St Martin's Press.
- Newton M.S., Kramer Cheryce & Martyn Trea (2003), Literature and Science, 1660-1834: Volume 1: Science as Polite Culture. London: Pickering & Chatto.
- Newton M.S. (2002), Savage Girls and Wild Boys: A History of Feral Childen. Lonodon: Faber & Faber.
- Newton M.S. (1999), Bodies Without Souls: The Case of Peter the Wild Boy. In: Fudge Erica, Gilbert Ruth & Wiseman Susan (red.), At the Borders of the Human: Beasts, Bodies and Natural Philosophy in the Early Modern Period. London: Palgrave. 196-214.
- Newton M.S. & Sabin R. (red.) (1999), The Movie Book. London: Paidon Press.
- Newton M.S. (1994), The Child on the Frontier, International Review of Children's Literature and Librarianship 9(3): 150-161.
- Newton M.S., Hall Sean & Crick Bernard (1992), Is Equality Dead?. London: The Fabian Society.
- Secretary for the Harting Scheme
- on the Examencommissie (ALAS) for Literary Studies (MA)
- Harting co-ordinator / study-abroad co-ordinator
- SAP for English Literature section