Melis Orhan
- Naam
- Dr. M.M. Orhan
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0000-0002-6760-2917

- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Psychologie
- Klinische Psychologie
- Orhan M., Korten N., Manms N., Van Schaik D., Kupka R., Stek M., Steenhuis D., Van Dijk M., Schwartz H.A., Van Oppen P. & Dols A. (2024), Feasibility and acceptability of group interpersonal and social rhythm therapy for recurrent mood disorders: a pilot study, American Journal of Psychotherapy 77(1): 1-6.
- Sajatovic M., Rej S., Almeida O.P., Altinbas K., Balanzá‐Martínez V., Barbos I.G., Beunders A.J.M., Blumberg H.P., Briggs F.B.S., Dols A., Forester B.P., Forlenza O.V., Gildengers A.G., Jimenez E., Klaus F., Lafer B., Mulsant B., Mwangi B., Villela Nunes P., Olagunju O.T., Oluwaniyi s., Orhan M., Patrick R.E., Radua J., Rajji T., Sarna K., Schouws S., Simhandl C., Sekhon H., Soares J.C., Sutherland A.N., Teixeira A.L., Tsai S., Vidal‐Rubio S., Vieta E., Yala J. & Eyler L.T. (2024), Bipolar symptoms, somatic burden and functioning in older-age bipolar disorder: a replication study from the global aging & geriatric experiments in bipolar disorder database (GAGE-BD) project, International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 39(3): e6057.
- Klaus F., Ng H.X., Barbosa I.G., Beunders A., Briggs F, Burdick K.E., Dols A., Forlenza O., Gildengers A., Millett C., Mulsant B.H., Orhan M., Rajji T.K., Rej S., Sajatovic M., Sarna K., Schouws S., Sutherland A., Teixeira A.L., Yala J.A., Eyler L.T. & on behalf of GAGE-BD Investigators (2024), Cognition in older age bipolar disorder: an analysis of archival data across the globe, Journal of Affective Disorders 355: 231-238.
- Blanken M.A.J.T. , Oudega M.L., Almeida O.P., Schouws S. N.T.M., Orhan M.M., Beunders A.J.M., Klumpers U.M.H., Sonnenberg C., Blumberg H.P., Eyler L.T., Forester B.P., Forlenza O.V., Gildengers A., Mulsant B.H., Rajji T., FRCPC, Rej S., Sarna K., Sutherland A., Yala J., Vieta E., P Tsai S., Briggs F.B.S., Sajatovic M. & Dols A. (2024), Sex differences among older adults with bipolar disorder: results from the global aging & geriatric experiments in bipolar disorder (GAGE-BD) project, American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 32(3): 326-338.
- Che P., Sajatovic M., Briggs F.B.S., Mulsant B., Dols A., Gildengers A., Yala J., Beunders A.J.M., Blumberg H.P., Rej S., Forlenza O.V., Jimenez E., Schouws S., Orhan M., Sutherland A.N., Vieta E., Tsai S., Sarna K., Eyler L.T. & on behalf of the GAGE‐BD Investigators (2024), Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of people with oldest older age bipolar disorder in a global sample: results from the global aging and geriatric experiments in bipolar disorder project, International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 39(2): e6073.