Melinda Susanto
Promovendus / gast
- Naam
- M. Susanto
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727
Melinda Susanto is promovenda bij het Instituut voor Geschiedenis.
Promovendus / gast
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Instituut voor Geschiedenis
- Algemene Geschiedenis
- Sinha N, Susanto M & Sysling F.H. (2024), Mathematics, Mao, and Many Reasons. An Interview with Kapil Raj, Itinerario 48(1): 1-9.
- Susanto M. (2021), Writing about health and medicine in Southeast Asia before 1800. Doing Theory in Southeast Asia 27 mei 2021 - 29 mei 2021. The Chinese University of Hong Kong: Doing Theory in Southeast Asia.
- Susanto M. (2021), The travelling Nautilus. Leiden University: Towards a Cultural History of Early Modern Ichthyology (1500-1800).
- Emery C., Hirsch R. & Susanto M. , Cassava: From Toxic Tuber to Food Staple. Dumbarton Oaks (Plant Humanities Lab). [webartikel].