Melanie Fink
Universitair docent
- Naam
- Dr. M. Fink
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0000-0002-2473-4944

Voor meer informatie: zie de Engelstalige profielpagina van Melanie Fink.
Universitair docent
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Publiekrecht
- Europees Recht
- Fink M. (20 januari 2025), The Hidden Reach of the EU AI Act: Expanding the Scope of EU Public Power. Verfassungsblog. [blog].
- Beham M.P. & Fink M. (2025), Völkerrechtsprechung kompakt. Vienna: Facultas.
- Beham M., Fink M. & Janik R. (2024), Visualising international law: movies and image references in teaching international law. In: Hilpold P. & Nesi G. (red.), Teaching International Law. Leiden: Brill/Nijhoff. 391-405.
- Fink M. & Rijpma J.J. (2024), Menschenrechtsverletzung ohne Schadenersatzanspruch?: Zur Haftung der EU-Agentur Frontex nach WS u.a./Frontex, Juridikum: zeitschrift für kritik | recht | gesellschaft 2024(1): 22-28.
- Fink M., Krommendijk J. & Pas K. van der (2024), Migrant Rights: a Practical Guide to Litigation and Administrative Action at the EU Level. Brussels: Open Society Justice Initiative.
- Fink M. (red.) (2024), Redressing Fundamental Rights Violations by the EU: The Promise of the ‘Complete System of Remedies'. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Fink M. (2024), Introduction. In: Fink M. (red.), Redressing Fundamental Rights Violations by the EU: The Promise of the ‘Complete System of Remedies'. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1-9.
- Fink M. (2024), Conclusion. In: Fink M. (red.), Redressing Fundamental Rights Violations by the EU: The Promise of the ‘Complete System of Remedies'. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 422-430.
- Fink M., Rauchegger C. & De Coninck J. (2024), The Action for Damages as a Fundamental Rights Remedy. In: Fink M. (red.), Redressing Fundamental Rights Violations by the EU: The Promise of the ‘Complete System of Remedies'. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 36-63.
- Fink M. (2023), Expert opinion: case T-600/21 WS and others v Frontex. [position paper].
- Fink M. & Rijpma J.J. (22 september 2023), Responsibility in joint returns after WS and others v frontex: letting the Active By-Stander off the hook. EU Law Analysis. [blog].
- Fink M. & Gentile G. (2023), Article 41: the right to good administration. In: Giannopoulou A. (red.), Digital rights are charter rights: developing information, guidance, and interconnectedness for (Charter) rights integration in strategies for enforcement (digiRiSE). Amsterdam: Digital Freedom Fund. 34-37.
- Demkova S., Fink M. & Gentile G. (4 oktober 2023), The digital future of European public administration: introduction to the symposium on safeguarding the right to good administration in the age of AI. The Digital Constitutionalist. [blog].
- Rijpma J.J. & Fink M., annotatie bij: HvJEU 6 september 2023, nr. T-600/21, ECLI:EU:T:2023:492. A&MR 14(10): 518-521 (Verantwoordelijkheid Frontex in gezamenlijke terugkeeroperatie: ik stond erbij en keek ernaar? (WS and others v. Frontex)).
- Fink M. & Hillebrandt M. (2023), Access to documents and the EU agency Frontex: growing pains or outright obstruction?. In: Hillebrandt M., Leino-Sandberg P. & Koivisto I. (red.), (In)visible European government: critical approaches to transparency as an ideal and a practice. Routledge/UACES Contemporary European Studies. London-New York: Routledge. 235-253.
- Fink M. (6 februari 2023), Non-compliance with EU Law as a violation of the ECHR?: The broader implications of Spasov v Romania. EU Law Live. [blog].
- Fink M. & Idriz N. (2022), Effective Judicial Protection in the External Dimension of the EU’s Migration and Asylum Policies?. In: Kassoti E. & Idriz N. (red.), The Informalisation of the EU's External Action in the Field of Migration and Asylum. Global Europe: Legal and Policy Issues of the EU’s External Action nr. 1. The Hague: Springer & T.M.C. Asser Press. 117-146.
- Kroon S.Q.M. van der & Fink M. (3 maart 2022), AI in the EU and Access to Justice – A Panel Discussion. Leiden Law Blog. [blog].
- Fink M. (15 februari 2022), Court of Justice rules on retroactivity of EU law and the effects of political compromise reached on legislative acts (C‑181/20 Vysočina Wind). EU Law Live.
- Fink M. & Hillebrandt M. (2022), Access to documents and the EU agency Frontex: growing pains or outright obstruction?. Legal Studies Research Paper series / University of Helsinki, Faculty of Law nr. 75. [working paper].
- Fink M. & Finck M. (2022), Reasoned A(I)dministration: explanation requirements in EU law and the automation of public administration, European Law Review 47(3): 376-392.
- Finck M. & Fink M. (2 augustus 2022), Künstliche Intelligenz: Ohne menschliche Kontrolle geht es nicht: Der EuGH formuliert strenge Maßstäbe für den Einsatz Künstlicher Intelligenz durch Behörden. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.
- Fink M. & Rijpma J.J. (2022), The management of the European Union’s external borders. In: Tsourdi E. & De Bruycker P. (red.), Research Handbook on EU Migration and Asylum Law. Research Handbooks in European Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. 408-435.
- Fink M. (10 mei 2021), The EU Artificial Intelligence Act and Access to Justice. EU Law Live.
- Beham M., Fink M. & Janik R. (2021), Völkerrecht verstehen: [3., überarbeitete Auflage]. Vienna: Facultas.
- Beham M., Fink M. & Janik R. (red.) (2021), Kodex Völkerrecht [Public International Law Materials]: [5. Auflage]. Vienna: LexisNexis.
- Fink M. (2020), The Action for Damages as a Fundamental Rights Remedy: Holding Frontex Liable, German Law Journal 21(3): 532-548.
- Fink M. (30 april 2020), Frontex: Human Rights Responsibility and Access to Justice. EU Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy: Odysseus Academic Network. [blog].
- Beham M. & Fink M. (2020), Völkerrechtsprechung kompakt. Wien: Facultas.
- Fink M. (26 november 2020), Why it is so Hard to Hold Frontex Accountable: On Blame-Shifting and an Outdated Remedies System. EJIL: Talk! Blog of the European Journal of International Law. [blog].
- Rijpma J.J., Fink M., Gombeer K. & Petrig A. (red.) (2020), Special Issue "The EU and Maritime Security". Maritime Safety and Security Law Journal.
- Rijpma J.J., Fink M. & Gombeer K. (2020), The EU and Maritime Security: An Introduction, Maritime Safety and Security Law Journal 7: 2-4.
- Beham M., Fink M. & Janik R. (2019), Völkerrecht verstehen [2., überarbeitete Auflage]. Wien: Facultas.
- Fink M. (2019), EU liability for contributions to member states’ breaches of EU law, Common Market Law Review 56(5): 1227-1264.
- Beham M., Fink M. & Janik R. (red.) (2019), Kodex Völkerrecht [Public International Law Materials] [4. Auflage]. Kodex des österreichischen Rechts. Wien: LexisNexis.
- Fink M. & Gombeer K.C.N. (14 juni 2018), The Aquarius incident: navigating the turbulent waters of international law. EJIL: Talk! Blog of the European Journal of International Law. [blog].
- Gombeer K.C.N. & Fink M. (2018), Non-Governmental Organisations and Search and Rescue at Sea, Maritime Safety and Security Law Journal (4): 1-25.
- Fink M., Gombeer K.C.N. & Rijpma J.J. (9 juli 2018), In search of a safe harbour for the Aquarius: the troubled waters of international and EU law. EU Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy: Odysseus Academic Network. [blog].
- Fink M. (2018), Frontex and Human Rights: Responsibility in 'Multi-Actor Situations' under the ECHR and EU Public Liability Law. Oxford Studies in European Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Fink M. (2017), A 'blind spot' in the framework of international responsibility? Third-party responsibility for human rights violations: the case of Frontex. In: Gammeltoft-Hansen T. & Vedsted-Hansen J. (red.), Human Rights and the Dark Side of Globalisation: transnational law enforcement and migration control. Routledge studies in human rights. London-New York: Routledge. 272-293.
- Beham M., Fink M. & Janik R. (2017), Völkerrecht und Film - Von A wie „Argo“ bis Z wie „Zero Dark Thirty“. In: Hobe S. & Marauhn T. (red.), Lehre des internationalen Rechts - zeitgemäß?. Berichte der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Internationales Recht nr. 48. Heidelberg: C.F. Müller. 61-66.
- Fink M. (17 oktober 2017), Individual rights and non-contractual liability: Pappalardo and Others v Commission. Leiden Law Blog. [blog].
- Fink M. (13 december 2017), Frontex and human rights : responsibility in 'multi-actor situations' under the ECHR and EU public liability law (Dissertatie. Institute of Public Law, Law, Leiden University) The Meijers Research Institute and Graduate School of the Leiden Law School of Leiden University nr. MI 294. Leiden: The Meijers Research Institute and Graduate School of the Leiden Law School of Leiden University. Promotor(en) en copromotor(en): Lawson R.A. & Nowak M., Rijpma J.J. & Wittich S.
- Fink M., annotatie bij: HvJ EU 13 september 2017, nr. C-350/16 P, ECLI:EU:C:2017:672. KwartaalSignaal 2017(145): 8509-8510 (AAK20178504 Salvatore Aniello Pappalardo e.a. t. Europese Commissie).
- Fink M. (2017), Bespreking van: Blum N. (2015), The European Convention on Human Rights beyond the Nation-State: The applicability of the ECHR in extraterritorial and inter-governmental contexts. Basel: Helbing Lichtenhahn Verlag. Common Market Law Review 54(6): 1904-1905.
- Fink M. (10 maart 2016), Salami Slicing Human Rights Accountability: How the European Border and Coast Guard Agency may inherit Frontex’ genetic defect. EJIL: Talk!: Blog of the European Journal of International Law. [blog].
- Beham M., Fink M. & Janik R. (9 maart 2016), Völkerrecht verstehen – Wie gewinnen wir die anderen 99%?. Völkerrechtsblog: Der Blog des Arbeitskreises junger Völkerrechtswissenschaftler*innen. [blog].
- Fink M. (2016), Bespreking van: Lehnert M. (2014), Frontex und operative Maßnahmen an den europäischen Außengrenzen: Verwaltungskooperation - materielle Rechtsgrundlagen - institutionelle Kontrolle. Schriften zum Migrationsrecht nr. 12. Baden-Baden: Nomos. Common Market Law Review 53(1): 261-263.
- Beham M., Fink M. & Janik R. (red.) (2015), Kodex Völkerrecht [Public International Law Materials]. Kodex des österreichischen Rechts. Wien: LexisNexis.
- Beham M., Fink M. & Janik R. (2015), Völkerrecht verstehen: Lehrbuch. Wien: Facultas.
- Fink M. (15 mei 2015), Protecting Europe or Irregular Migrants? The (Mis)use of Force in the Mediterranean. EJIL: Talk!: Blog of the European Journal of International Law. [blog].
- Fink M. (2015), Sharing Responsibility in Times of Crisis - Challenges at Europe‘s External Borders, Global View 2015(3): 11-12.
- Fink M., Hafner G. & Novak G. (2014), Austrian Diplomatic and Parliamentary Practice in International Law = Österreichische Diplomatische und Parlamentarische Praxis zum Internationalen Recht, Austrian Review of International and European Law 16(1): 427-532.
- Fink M. (2014), Draft Agreement on Accession of the EU to the ECHR. In: Blokker N.M., Bogaert S.C.G. van den, Koffeman N.R., Loenen M.L.P. & Ölçer F.P. (red.), Vijftig: juridische opstellen voor een Leidse nachtwacht. Meijers-reeks nr. 233. Den Haag: Boom Juridische uitgevers. 107-113.
- Fink M. (2014), The European Court of Human Rights and State Responsibility. In: Binder C. & Lachmayer K. (red.), The European Court of Human Rights and Public International Law: fragmentation or unity?. Schriften zum internationalen und vergleichenden öffentlichen Recht nr. 23. Baden-Baden & Wien: Nomos & Facultas. 93-118.
- Reinisch A., Fink M. & Stifter L. (red.) (2013), Österreichisches Handbuch des Völkerrechts [5th edition]. Wien: MANZ'sche Verlags- und Universitätsbuchhandlung.
- Fink M., Hofbauer J.A., Janik R. & Wittich S. (2013), Austrian Judicial Decisions Involving Questions of International Law = Österreichische Judikatur zum internationalen Recht, Austrian Review of International and European Law 14(2009): 327–499.
- Fink M., Hafner G. & Novak G. (2013), Austrian Diplomatic and Parliamentary Practice in International Law = Österreichische Diplomatische und Parlamentarische Praxis zum Internationalen Recht, Austrian Review of International and European Law 15(2010): 339-511.
- Fink M. (2013), Legal Challenges of Frontex' External Relations. In: Bottaro Palumbo M.G. & Danisi C. (red.), Civil Rights Protection and Rights of Migrants in the Framework of Mediterranean Cooperation: Proceedings of the Emuni Doctoral Research Seminar, 18-23 July 2011. Genova: De Ferrari. 139-150.
- Fink M. (2013), Allocating Responsibility through Attribution. In: Kettemann M.C. (red.), Grenzen im Völkerrecht: mit Beiträgen des 6. Workshops des Arbeitskreises junger Völkerrechtswissenschaftlerinnen und -wissenschaftler (AjV), 20.-21. Oktober 2012, Graz (Österreich). Wien: Jan Sramek. 193-212.
- Fink M. (2012), Frontex Working Arrangements: Legitimacy and Human Rights Concerns Regarding 'Technical Relationships', Merkourios : Utrecht Journal of International and European Law 28(75): 20-35.
- APART-GSK project 'No Right Without A Remedy: Making EU Fundamental Rights Enforceable'
- Member