Universiteit Leiden

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Matthew Hoye

Universitair hoofddocent

Dr. J.M. Hoye
+31 70 800 9506

J. Matthew Hoye is universitair hoofddocent Global Justice bij het Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) en hoofd van de onderzoeksgroep War, Peace and Justice. Hij is ook de hoofdonderzoeker van de Starting Grant JustRemit van de European Research Council, lid van de examencommissie van ISGA en docent.

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Universitair hoofddocent

  • Faculteit Governance and Global Affairs
  • Institute of Security and Global Affairs
  • War, Peace and Justice


Turfmarkt 99
2511 DP Den Haag
Kamernummer 4.02


  • Hoye J. Matthew (2024), OFAC, Famine, and the Sanctioning of Afghanistan: A Catastrophic Policy Success, New Political Science 46: 150-170. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Hoye J. Matthew (2023), Sovereignty as a Vocation in Hobbes’s Leviathan: New Foundations, Statecraft, and Virtue. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. Boek
  • Hoye J.M. (2022), Famine, remittances, and global justice, World Development Perspectives 27: 100446. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Hoye J.M. (2021) Oxford Handbook of Global Justice at Contemporary Political Theory (Review). Bespreking van: , Oxford Handbook of Global Justice at Contemporary Political Theory. Contemporary Political Theory . Boekbespreking
  • Hoye J.M. (2021), Is a European Republic Possible? On the Puzzle of Corporate Domination. In: Meacham D. & de Warren N. (red.), The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy and Europe: Routledge. Boekdeel
  • Hoye J.M. (2021), Global justice and the remittances challenge: on political ontology and agency, Constellations 28: 234-251. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Hoye J.M. (2021), Migration, Membership, and Republican Liberty , Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 24(2): . 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Hoye J.M. (2020) Cities and Immigration: Political and Moral Dilemmas in the New Era of Migration (Review), by Avner de-Shalit. Bespreking van: . Perspectives on Politics 18(1). Boekbespreking
  • Hoye J.M. (2020), Leviathan Against the City Commonwealth, History of Political Thought 41(3): 419-449. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Hoye J.M. (2020), Sanctuary Cities and Republican Liberty, Politics and Society 48(1): 67–97. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Hoye J.M. (2019) The Expanding Blaze: How the American Revolution Ignited the World, 1775–1848 (Review), by Jonathan Israel. Bespreking van: . Contemporary Political Theory 18(4): 274–77. Boekbespreking
  • Hoye J.M. (2019), Natural Justice, Law, and Virtue in Hobbes’s Leviathan, Hobbes Studies 32: 1-31. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Hoye J.M. (2019), Rhetorical Action and Constitutive Politics, Rhetorica 37(3): 286–320. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Hoye J.M. & Monaghan J. (2018), Surveillance, Freedom and the Republic, European Journal of Political Theory 17(3): . 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Hoye J.M. (2018) The Elusive Politics of Radical Democratic Philosophy. Bespreking van: . Contemporary Political Theory 17(1). Boekbespreking
  • Hoye J.M. (2017), Neo-republicanism, old imperialism, and migration ethics , Constellations 24(2): 154-166. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Hoye J.M. (2017), Obligation and Sovereign Virtue in Hobbes’s Leviathan, The Review of Politics 79: 23–47. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Hoye J.M. (2016), Brunkhorst’s Critical Theory: Evolutionary Paths or Path Dependency, Krisis: tijdschrift voor actuele filosofie 2: . 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Hoye J.M. & Nienass B. (2014), Authority without Foundations: Arendt and the Paradox of Postwar German Memory Politics, The Review of Politics 76: 415–37. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Hoye J.M. (2013) Foundations of Modern International Thought, by David Armitage (Review). Bespreking van: . Journal of Intellectual History and Political Thought 2(1): 221–24. Boekbespreking
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