Matthew Canfield
Universitair docent
- Naam
- Dr. M.C. Canfield Ph.D.
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0000-0003-3543-7563

Matthew Canfield werkt als universitair docent bij het Van Vollenhoven Instituut.
Voor meer informatie zie de Engelstalige profielpagina van Matthew Canfield.
Universitair docent
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Metajuridica
- Van Vollenhoven Instituut
- Montenegro de Wit M. & Canfield M.C. (2024), ‘Feeding the world, byte by byte’: emergent imaginaries of data productivism, The Journal of Peasant Studies 51(2): 381-420.
- Belic J., Canfield M.C., Griffin R., Lahmann H.C. & Sander B.J. (18 juni 2024), The promise and perils of human rights for governing digital platforms: symposium introduction. Tech Policy Press: Tech Policy Press. [blog].
- Canfield M.C. & Musaraj S. (2024), Book review editorial: recent contributions in political and legal anthropology, Political and Legal Anthropology Review 47(1): 104-109.
- Canfield M.C. & Ntambirweki B. (2024), Datafying African agriculture: from data governance to farmers’ rights, Development 67(1-2): 5-13.
- Canfield M.C. (26 juni 2024), Claiming rights, making humans: data justice and agrarian worlds. Tech Policy Press. [blog].
- Canfield M.C. & Montenegro M. (25 mei 2023), Governing food system data: is the UN Committee on World Food Security up to the task?. Global Data Justice. [blog].
- Canfield M.C. & Dias-Abey M. (2023), Mobilizing for farmworker rights in an era of shifting legal and governance opportunities, Michigan Journal of Law and Society 2: 1-36.
- Canfield M.C. (2023), Bespreking van: Savransky M. (2021), Around the day in eighty worlds: politics of the pluriverse. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. Contemporary Sociology 52(5): 480-482.
- Canfield M.C. (2023), The ideology of innovation: philanthropy and racial capitalism in global food governance, The Journal of Peasant Studies 50(6): 2381-2405.
- Canfield M.C. (2023), The anthropology of legal form: ethnographic contributions to the study of transnational law, Law and Social Inquiry 48(1): 31-47.
- Canfield M.C. (2022), Translating Food Sovereignty: Cultivating Justice in an Age of Transnational Governance. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
- Musaraj S. & Canfield M.C. (2022), Book review editorial: emerging themes in legal and political anthropology, Political and Legal Anthropology Review 45(2): 304-310.
- Canfield M.C. (2021), Bespreking van: Flachs A. (2019), Cultivating Knowledge: Biotechnology, Sustainability, and the Human Cost of Cotton Capitalism in India. Tucson: University of Arizona Press. American Anthropologist 123(1): 198-199.
- Canfield M.C., Cohen A.J. & Fakhri M. (2021), Agriculture, Law, and the State. In: Valverde M., Clarke K., Darian-Smith E. & Kotiswaran P. (red.), Routledge Handbook of Law and Society. Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge. 69-72.
- Canfield M.C., Anderson M.D. & McMichael P. (2021), UN Food Systems Summit 2021: Dismantling Democracy and Resetting Corporate Control of Food Systems, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 5: 1-15 (661552).
- Canfield M.C., Dehm J. & Fassi M. (2021), Translocal legalities: local encounters with transnational law, Transnational Legal Theory 12(3): 335-359.
- Montenegro de Wit M., Canfield M.C., Iles A., Anderson M., McKeon N., Guttal S., Gemmill-Herren B., Duncan J., Ploeg J.D. van der & Prato S. (2021), Editorial: Resetting Power in Global Food Governance: The UN Food Systems Summit, Development 64(3): 153-161.
- Canfield M.C., Duncan J. & Claeys P. (2021), Reconfiguring Food Systems Governance: the UNFSS and the Battle Over Authority and Legitimacy, Development 64(3): 181-191.
- Canfield M.C. (2020), Claiming Food Sovereignty: Legal Mobilization in an Era of Global Governance. In: Sarat A. (red.), Studies in Law, Politics, and Society. Studies in Law, Politics, and Society nr. 82 119-140.
- Canfield M.C. (2020), From Colonialism to Collaboration: Disputing Biofuels in the Age of the Anthropocene. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology working papers nr. 201. Halle: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology. [working paper].
- Canfield M.C. (2020), Bespreking van: Sapignoli M. (2018), Hunting Justice: Displacement, Law, and Activism in the Kalahari. Cambridge Series in Law and Society. New York: Cambridge University Press. Political and Legal Anthropology Review 43(2): e179-e181.
- Canfield M.C. (2020), Property Regimes. In: Foblets M.C., Goodale M., Sapignoli M. & Zenker O. (red.), The Oxford Handbook of Law and Anthropology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Telesca J.E. & Canfield M.C. (2020), The Master Translator: Sally Merry and the Interdisciplinary Study of Law, Law and Society Review 54(4): 834-838.
- Canfield & M.C. (2019), Banana Brokers: Communicative Labor, Translocal Translation, and Transnational Law, Public Culture 31(1): 69-92.
- Canfield & M.C. (2018), Disputing the Global Land Grab: Claiming Rights and Making Markets Through Collaborative Governance, Law and Society Review 52(4): 994-1025.
- Canfield M.C. (2018), Compromised collaborations: food, fuel, and power in transnational food security governance, Transnational Legal Theory 9(3-4): 272-287.
- Canfield M.C. (1 mei 2017), The power of the network: Food activism, governance, and the politics of value in the Pacific Northwest (Dissertatie. Department of Anthropology, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, New York University). Ann Arbor, MI: Proquest Dissertation Publishing. Promotor(en): Engle Merry S.
- Merry S.E. & Canfield M.C. (2015), Law: anthropological aspects. In: Wright J.D. (red.), International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences [second edition]. Volume 13: Elsevier. 535-541.