Mathilde Verdam
Universitair docent
- Naam
- M.G.E. Verdam
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 3789
- 0000-0002-2479-8817

Kort cv
Ik ben universitair docent bij de sectie Methoden & Statistiek van het Instituut Psychologie. Ik ben gepromoveerd aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam (2017), waar ik onderzoek deed naar verandering in gezondheid gerelateerde kwaliteit van leven. Dergelijke metingen worden gebruikt om inzicht te krijgen in de gevolgen van de ziekte en behandeling voor het leven van patiënten, vanuit het perspectief van de patiënt. Ik gebruikte ‘structural equation modeling’ technieken om veranderingen in de betekenis van de zelfrapportage – ook wel ‘response shift’ genoemd – te detecteren. Gedurende mijn promotie was ik als onderzoeker betrokken bij de afdeling Medische Psychologie van het Academisch Medisch Centrum. Na het afronden van mijn promotieonderzoek (2016) ben ik werkzaam als universitair docent aan de Universiteit Leiden.
Mijn onderzoek richt zich op het ontwikkelen en toepassen van geavanceerde statistische technieken voor de evaluatie en interpretatie van longitudinale gegevens, van eenvoudige pre-posttest onderzoekdesigns tot meer complexe intensieve longitudinale onderzoekdesigns (bijv. dagboekonderzoek). Mijn interesses liggen specifiek bij structural equation modeling technieken (o.a. factoranalyse) en meetinvariantie onderzoek, maar omvatten ook meer algemene psychometrische vraagstukken (o.a. operationalisatie en interpretatie van verschillende soorten verandering).
Universitair docent
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Psychologie
- Methodologie & Statistiek
- Verdam M.G.E., Müller F., Oort F.J., Riper H., Van Straten A., Verdonck-de Leeuw I.M., Sprangers M.A.G. & Knoop H. (2022), Response shift after cognitive behavioral therapy targeting severe fatigue: explorative analysis of three randomized controlled trials, International Journal of Behavioral Medicine : .
- Jak S., Jorgensen T.D., Verdam M.G.E., Oort F.J. & Elffers L. (2021), Analytical power calculations for structural equation modeling: a tutorial and Shiny app, Behavior Research Methods 53: 1385–1406.
- Sebille V., Lix L.M., Ayilara O.F., Sajobi T.T., Janssens A.C.J.W., Sawatzky R., Sprangers M.A.G. & Verdam M.G.E. (2021), Critical examination of current response shift methods and proposal for advancing new methods, Quality of Life Research 30(12): 3325-3342.
- Verdam M.G.E., Oort F.J. & Sprangers M.A.G. (2021), Using structural equation modeling to investigate change and response shift in patient-reported outcomes: practical considerations and recommendations, Quality of Life Research 30: 1293–1304 .
- Oreel T.H., Nieuwkerk P.T., Hartog. I.D., Netjes J.E., Vonk A.B.A., Lemkes J., Van Laarhoven H.W.M., Scherer-Rath M., Henriques J.P.S., Oort F.J., Sprangers M.A.G. & Verdam M.G.E. (2021), Response shift after coronary revascularization, Quality of Life Research 31: 437-450.
- Verdam M.G.E., Ballegooijen W. van, Holtmaat C.J.M., Knoop H., Lancee J., Oort F.J., Riper H., Straten A. van, Verdonck-de Leeuw I.M., Wit M. de, Zweerde T. van der & Sprangers M.A.G. (2021), Re-evaluating randomized clinical trials of psychological interventions: impact of response shift on the interpretation of trial results, PLoS ONE 16(5): e0252035.
- Poort H., Müller F., Bleijenberg G., Verhagen S.A.H.H.V.M., Verdam M.G.E., Nieuwkerk P.T. & Knoop H. (2021), Condition or cognition? Mechanism of change in fatigue in a randomized controlled trial of graded exercise therapy or cognitive behavior therapy for severe fatigue in patients with advanced cancer, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 89(9): 731-741.
- Struijs S.Y., Lamers F., Verdam M.G.E., Ballegooijen W. van, Spinhoven P., Does W. van der & Penninx B.W.J.H. (2020), Temporal stability of symptoms of affective disorders, cognitive vulnerability and personality over time, Journal of Affective Disorders 260: 77-83.
- Evertsz' F.B., Sprangers M.A.G., Vries L.M. de, Sanderman R., Stokkers P.C.F., Verdam M.G.E., Burger H. & Bockting C.L.H. (2020), I am a total failure: associations between beliefs and anxiety and depression in patients with inflammatory bowel disease with poor mental quality of life, Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy 48(1): 91-102.
- Lo-Fo-Wong D.N.N., Haes H.C.J.M. de, Aaronson N.K., Abbema D.L. van, Boer M.D. den, Hezewijk M. van, Immink M., Kaptein A.A., Menke-Pluijmers M.B.E., Reyners A.K.L., Russell N.S., Schriek M., Sijtsema S., Tienhoven G. van, Verdam M.G.E. & Sprangers M.A.G. (2020), Risk factors of unmet needs among women with breast cancer in the post-treatment phase, Psycho-Oncology 29(3): 539-549.
- Bol N., Linn A.J., Smets E.M.A., Verdam M.G.E. & Weert J.C.M. van (2020), Tailored communication for older patients with cancer: using cluster analysis to identify patient profiles based on information needs, Journal of Geriatric Oncology 11(6): 944-950.
- Verdam M.G.E. & Oort F.J. (2019), The analysis of multivariate longitudinal data: An instructive application of the longitudinal three-mode model, Multivariate Behavioral Research 54(4): 457-474.
- Verdam M.G.E. & Oort F.J. (2019), Conceptual and methodological considerations regarding appraisal and response shift, Quality of Life Research 28(10): 2637–2639.
- Brandes K., Linne A.J., Van Weert J.C.M., Verdam M.G.E. & Smit E.G. (2019), The effects of persuasive messages on cancer patients’ attitudes, norms and intention to express concerns, Patient Education and Counseling 102(3): 443-451.
- Woudstra A.J., Smets E.M.A., Verdam M.G.E. & Fransen M.P. (2019), The role of health literacy in explaining the relation between educational level and decision making about colorectal cancer screening, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16(23): 4644.
- Blanch-Hartigan D., Eeden M. van, Verdam M.G.E., Han P.K.J., Smets E.M.A. & Hillen M.A. (2019), Effects of communication about uncertainty and oncologist gender on the physician-patient relationship, Patient Education and Counseling 102(9): 1613-1620.
- Noordman B.J., Verdam M.G.E., Onstenk B., Heisterkamp J., Jansen W.J.B.M., Martijnse I.S., Lagarde S.M., Wijnhoven B.P.L., Acosta C.M.M., Gaast A. van der, Sprangers M.A.G. & Lanschot J.J.B. van (2019), Quality of life during and after completion of neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy for esophageal and junctional cancer, Annals of Surgical Oncology 26: 4765-4772.
- Brandes K., Linn A.J., Weert J.C.M. van, Verdam M.G.E. & Smit E.G. (2019), The effects of persuasive messages on cancer patients' attitudes, norms and intention to express concerns, Patient Education and Counseling 102(3): 443-451.
- Noordman B.J., Verdam M.G.E., Lagarde S.M., Shapiro J., Hulshof M.C.C.M., Henegouwen M.I.V., Wijnhoven B.P.L., Nieuwenhuijzen G.A.P., Bonenkamp J.J., Cuesta M.A., Plukker J.T.M., Bilgen E.J.S., Steyerberg E.W., Gaast A. van der, Sprangers M.A.G. & Lanschot J.J.B. van (2018), Impact of neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy on health-related quality of life in long-term survivors of esophageal or junctional cancer: results from the randomized CROSS trial, Annals of Oncology 29(2): 445-451.
- Visser L.N.C., Bol N., Hillen M.A., Verdam M.G.E., Haes H.C.J.M. de, Weert J.C.M. van & Smets E.M.A. (2018), Studying medical communication with video vignettes: a randomized study on how variations in video-vignette introduction format and camera focus influence analogue patients' engagement, BMC Medical Research Methodology 18: 15.
- Hillen M.A., Haes H.C.J.M. de, Verdam M.G.E. & Smets E.M.A. (2018), Trust and perceptions of physicians' nonverbal behavior among women with immigrant backgrounds, Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health 20: 963-971.
- Noordman B.J., Verdam M.G.E., Lagarde S.M., Shapiro J., Hulshof M.C.C.M., Berge Henegouwen M.I. van, Wijnhoven B.P.L., Nieuwenhuijzen G.A.P., Bonenkamp J.J., Cuesta M.A., Plukker J.T.M., Spillenaar Bilgen E.J., Steyerberg E.W., Gaast A. van der, Sprangers M.A.G. & Lanschot J.J.B. van (2018), Impact of neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy on long-term health related quality of life in esopageal or junctional cancer: Results from the randomized CROSS trial, Annals of Oncology 29(2): 445-451.
- Noordman B.J., Verdam M.G.E., Lagarde S.M., Hulshof M.C.C.M., Hagen P. van, Berge Henegouwen M.I. van, Wijnhoven B.P.L., Laarhoven H.W.M. van, Nieuwenhuijzen G.A.P., Hospers G.A.P., Bonenkamp J.J., Cuesta M.A., Blaisse R.J.B., Busch A.R., Kate F.J.W. ten, Creemers G.-J.M., Punt C.J.A., Plukker J.T.M., Verheul H.M.W., Spillenaar Bilgen E.J., Dekken H. van, Sangen M.J.C. van der, Rozerna T., Biermann K., Beukema J.C., Piet A.H.M., Rij C.M. van, Reinders J.G., Tilanus H.W., Steyerberg E.W., Gaast A. van der, Sprangers M.A.G. & Lanschot J.J.B. van (2018), Effect of Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy on Health-Related Quality of Life in Esophageal or Junctional Cancer: Results From the Randomized CROSS Trial, Journal of Clinical Oncology 36(3): 268-275.
- Hillen M.A., Haes H.C.J.M. de, Verdam M.G.E. & Smets E.M.A. (2018), Trust and Perceptions of Physicians’ Nonverbal Behavior Among Women with Immigrant Backgrounds, Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health 20(4): 963-971.
- Vries M. de, Verdam M.G.E., Prins P.J.M., Schmand B.A. & Geurts H.M. (2018), Exploring possible predictors and moderators of an executive function training for children with an autism spectrum disorder, Autism: International Journal of Research and Practice 22(4): 440-449.
- Visser L.N.C., Bol N., Hillen M.A., Verdam M.G.E., De Haes H.C.J.M., Van Weert J.C.M. & Smets E.M.A. (2018), Studying medical communication with video vignettes: how variations in video-vignette introduction format and camera focus influence analogue patients’ engagement. A randomized study, BMC Medical Research Methodology 18: e15.
- Van Viersen S., De Bree E.H., Verdam M.G.E., Krikhaar E., Maassen B., Leij A. van der & Jong P.F. de (2017), Delayed Early Vocabulary Development in Children at Family Risk of Dyslexia, Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 60(4): 937-949.
- Hillen M.A., Postma R., Verdam M.G.E. & Smets E.M.A. (2017), Development and validation of an abbreviated version of the Trust in Oncologist Scale-the Trust in Oncologist Scale-short form (TiOS-SF), Supportive Care in Cancer 25(3): 855-861.
- Verdam M.G.E., Oort F.J. & Sprangers M.A.G. (2017), Item bias detection in the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale using structural equation modeling: comparison with other item bias detection methods, Quality of Life Research 26(6): 1439-1450.
- Verdam M.G.E., Oort F.J. & Sprangers M.A.G. (2017), Structural equation modeling-based effect-size indices were used to evaluate and interpret the impact of response shift effects, Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 85: 37-44.
- Visser L.N.C., Hillen M.A., Verdam M.G.E., Bol N., Haes H.C.J.M. de & Smets E.M.A. (2016), Assessing engagement while viewing video vignettes: validation of the Video Engagement Scale (VES), Patient Education and Counseling 99(2): 227-235.
- Verdam M.G.E., Oort F.J. & Sprangers M.A.G. (2016), Using structural equation modeling to detect response shifts and true change in discrete variables: An application to the items of the SF-36, Quality of Life Research 25(6): 1361-1383.
- Visser N.C., Hillen M.A., Verdam M.G.E., Bol N., De Haes J.C.J.M. & Smets E.M.A. (2016), Assessing engagement while viewing video-vignettes; validation of the video engagement scale (VES), Patient Education and Counseling 99(2): 227-235.
- Westhoff P.G., Verdam M.G.E., Oort F.J., Jobsen J.J., Van Vulpen M., Leer J.W. & Van der Linden Y.M. (2016), Course of quality of life after radiation therapy for painful bone metastases: A detailed analysis from the Dutch Bone Metastasis Study, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 95(5): 1391-1398.
- Verdam M.G.E., Oort F.J. & Sprangers M.A.G. (2015), Item-level response shift detection using structural equation modeling, Quality of Life Research 24: 10-11.
- De Geus E., Aalfs C.M., Menko F.H., Sijmons R.H., Verdam M.G.E., De Haes J.C.J.M. & Smets E.M.A. (2015), Development of the Informing Relatives Inventory (IRI): Assessing Index Patients' Knowledge, Motivation and Self-Efficacy Regarding the Disclosure of Hereditary Cancer Risk Information to Relatives, International Journal of Behavioral Medicine 22(4): 551-560.
- Schwartz C.E., Sajobi T.T., Verdam M.G.E., Sebille V.L., Lix M., Guilleux A. & Sprangers M.A.G. (2015), Method variation in the impact of missing data on response shift detection, Quality of Life Research 24(3): 521-528.
- Verdam M.G.E., Oort F.J., Van der Linden Y.M. & Sprangers M.A.G. (2015), Taking into account the impact of attrition on the assessment of response shift and true change: a multigroup structural equation modeling approach, Quality of Life Research 24(3): 541-551.
- Boyer L., Baumstarck K., Michel P., Boucekine M., Anota A., Bonnetain F., Coste J., Falissard B., Guilleux A., Hardouin J.-B., Loundou A., Mercier M., Mesbah M., Rouquette A., Sebille V., Verdam M.G.E., Ghattas B., Guillemin F. & Auquier P. (2014), Statistical challenges of quality of life and cancer: new avenues for future research, Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research 14(1): 19-22.
- De Geus E., Aalfs C.M., Verdam M.G.E., De Haes J.C.J.M. & Smets E.M.A. (2014), Informing relatives about their hereditary or familial cancer risk: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial, Trials 15: e86.
- Hillen M.A., De Haes J.C.J.M., Stalpers L.J.A., Klinkenbijl J.H.G., Eddes E.-H., Verdam M.G.E. & Smets E.M.A. (2014), How attachment style and locus of control influence patients' trust in their oncologist, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 76(3): 221-226.
- Hillen M.A., De Haes J.C.J.M., Verdam M.G.E. & Smets E.M.A. (2014), Does source of patient recruitment affect the impact of communication on trust?, Patient Education and Counseling 95(2): 226-230.
- Verdam M.G.E. & Oort F.J. (2014), Measurement bias detection with Kronecker product restricted models for multivariate longitudinal data: An illustration with health-related quality of life data from thirteen measurement occasions, Frontiers in Psychology 5: e1022.
- Verdam M.G.E., Oort F.J. & Sprangers M.A.G. (2014), Significance, truth and proof of p values: reminders about common misconceptions regarding null hypothesis significance testing, Quality of Life Research 23(1): 5-7.
- Empel P.J. van, Verdam M.G.E., Huirne J.A., Bonjer H.J., Meijerink W.J. & Scheele F. (2013), Open knot-tying skills: resident skills assessed, Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research 39(5): 1030-1036.
- Van Empel P.J., Commandeur J.P., Van Rijssen L.B., Verdam M.G.E., Huirne J.A., Scheele F., Bonjer H.J. & Meijerink W.J. (2013), Learning curve on the TrEndo laparoscopic simulator compared to an expert level, Surgical Endoscopy 27(8): 2934-2939.
- Van Empel P.J., Van Rijssen L.B., Commandeur J.P., Verdam M.G.E., Huirne J.A., Scheele F., Bonjer H.J. & Meijerink W.J. (2013), Objective versus subjective assessment of laparoscopic skill, ISRN Minimally Invasive Surgery 2013: e686494.
- Van Empel P.J., Verdam M.G.E., Huirne J.A., Bonjer H.J., Meijerink W.J. & Scheele F. (2013), Open knot-tying skills: residents skills assessed, Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research 39(5): 1030-1036.
- Schwartz C.E., Ahmed S., Sawatzky R., Sajobi T., Mayo N., Finkelstein J., Verdam M.G.E., Oort F.J. & Sprangers M.A.G. (2013), Guidelines for secondary analysis in search of response shift, Quality of Life Research 22(10): 2663-2673.
- Van Empel P.J., Van Rijssen L.B., Commandeur J.P., Verdam M.G.E., Huirne J.A., Scheele F., Bonjer H.J. & Meijerink W.J. (2012), Validation of a new box trainer-related tracking device: the TrEndo, Surgical Endoscopy 26(8): 2346-2352.
- Van Empel P.J., Verdam M.G.E., Strypet M., Van Rijssen L.B., Huirne J.A., Scheele F., Bonjer H.J. & Meijerink W.J. (2012), Voluntary autonomous simulator based training in minimally invasive surgery, residents' compliance and reflection, Journal of Surgical Education 69(4): 564-570.
- Verdam M.G.E., Oort F.J., Visser M.R.M. & Sprangers M.A.G. (2012), Response shift detection through then-test and structural equation modelling: Decomposing observed change and testing tacit assumptions, Netherlands Journal of Psychology 67(3): 58-67.
- Methodologisch en Statistisch Adviseur