mat Immerzeel
Universitair docent
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- Dr. M. Immerzeel
- Telefoon
- +31 70 800 9512

Mattheus Immerzeel is universitair docent bij International Studies.
Meer informatie over mat Immerzeel
Universitair docent
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Faculteitsbureau
- International Studies
- Immerzeel M. (2013), The Decorated Syrian Orthodox Churches of Saddad (Syria), Eastern Christian Art 8(2011): 57-82.
- Immerzeel M., Jeudy A. & Snelders B. (2011), A Mixed Company of Syrians, Saracens and Greeks. Artistic Interaction in Middle Eastern Christian Art in the Middle Ages. Knipp D. (red.), Siculo-Arabic Ivories and Islamic Painting 1100-1300, Proceedings of the International Conference, Berlin, 6–8 July 2007’. . München: Hirmer Verlag. 223-253.
- Immerzeel M. & Kleiterp L. (2011), The Church of Deir Mar Tuma in Saydnaya: A Reused Roman Temple, Eastern Christian Art 8(2011): 83-100.
- Immerzeel M. & Jeudy A. (2010), Christian Art in the Mamluk Period. Haddad M. (red.), Towards a Cultural History of the Mamluk Era. . Beirut: Ergon Verlag. 45-66.
- Immerzeel M. (2010), ‘Het Klooster van Saydnaya (Syrië)’, ZemZem 2 (2010), 57-68, ZemZem. Tijdschrift over het Midden-Oosten, Noord-Afrika en islam 2: 57-68.
- Immerzeel M. (2010), A Representation of St Julian Saba in Deir Mar Musa’, Eastern Christian Art 7: 35-41.
- Immerzeel M. (2010), The Last Judgement in Saydnaya, Eastern Christian Art 7: 17-34.
- Haar Romeny R.B. ter, Atto N., Ginkel J.J. van, Immerzeel M. & Snelders B. (2009), The Formation of a Communal Identity among West Syrian Christians: Results and Conclusions of the Leiden Project, Church History and Religious Culture 89(1-3): 1-52.
- Immerzeel M. (2009), The Drawing of Grigorovich-Barsky, Eastern Christian Art 6: 111-118.
- Immerzeel M. (2009), Identity Puzzles. Medieval Christian Art in Syria and Lebanon. Leuven: Peeters Publishers.
- Immerzeel M. (2009), Medieval Syrian Orthodox Church Decoration: Deir al-Surian and Deir Mar Musa3-238. Teule H., Fotescu Tauwinkl C., Haar Romeny B. ter & Ginkel J. van (red.), The Syriac Renaissance. . Leuven: Peeters Publishers. 223-244.
- Immerzeel M. (2009), A Play of Light and Shadow. The Stuccoes of Deir al-Surian and Their Historical Context. Mikhail M. & Moussa M. (red.), Christianity and Monasticism in Wadi al-Natrun. . Cairo: AUB Press. 246-271.
- Immerzeel M. (2008), Playing with Light and Shadow. The Stuccoes of Deir al-Surian and Their Historical Context,, Eastern Christian Art 5: 59-74.
- Immerzeel M. (2007), Les pères de l’Eglise dans les peintures murales médiévales du Liban et de la Syrie. Schmidt A. & Gonnet D. (red.), Les Pères grecs dans la tradition syriaque. . Paris: Geuther. 185-194.
- Immerzeel M. (2007), Icon Painting in the County of Tripoli of the Thirteenth Century. Hourihane C. (red.), Interactions, Artistic Interchange Between the Eastern and Western Worlds in the Medieval Period. . Penn State: Penn State university Press. 67-83.
- Immerzeel M. & Hélou N. (2007), Les peintures murales de Kaftûn, Bulletin d’Archéologie et d’Architecture Libanaises 11: 315-316.
- Immerzeel M. (2007), Monasteries and Churches of the Qalamun (Syria): Art and Pilgrimage in the Middle Ages, Journal of the Canadian Society for Syriac Studies 7: 74-98.
- Immerzeel M. (2007), Les peintures murales de Kaftûn, Bulletin d’Archéologie et d’Architecture Libanaises 11: 315-316.
- Immerzeel M. (2007), Some Remarks about the Name of the Monastery and an Enigmatic Scene, Eastern Christian Art 4: 127-131.
- Immerzeel M. (2007), The Inscriptions, ECA 4, Eastern Christian Art 4: 133-185.
- Immerzeel M. (2007), The Monastery of Our Lady of Saydnaya and Its Icon, Eastern Christian Art 4: 13-26.
- Immerzeel M. (2005), The Decoration of the Chapel of the Prophet Elijah in Ma'arrat Saydnaya. In: Schmidt A. & Westphalen S. (red.), Christlichen Wandmalereien in Syrien. Wiesbaden: Reichert Verlag. 28-155.
- Immerzeel M. (2005), Proskynetaria - Inventory, Series Byzantina 3: 25-34.
- Immerzeel M. (2005), Proskynataria from Jerusalem. Souvenirs of a Pilgrimage to the Holy Land, Series Byzantina 3: 9-24.
- Immerzeel M. & Hélou N. (2005), Kaftun. The Wall Paintings, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 16: 453-458.
- Aalst V. van & Immerzeel M. (2005), The Proskynetarion of Hernen Castle, Eastern Christian Art 2: 83-92.
- Immerzeel M. (2005), The Wall Paintings in the Church of Mar Elian at Homs: A 'Restoration Project' of a nineteenth-Century Palestinian Painter, Eastern Christian Art 1: 149-166.
- Immerzeel M. (2004), The Stuccoes of Deir al-Surian: A waqf of the Takritans in Fustat?. Immerzeel M. & Vliet J. van der (red.), Coptic Studies on the Treshold of a New Millennium. Proceedings of the seventh International Congress of Coptic Studies, leiden, 27 august - 2 september 2000. . Leuven: Peeters. 1303-1320.
- Immerzeel M. & Vliet J. van der (red.) (2004), Coptic studies on the threshold of a new millennium. Proceedings of the seventh International congress of Coptic studies, Leiden, 27 August-2 September 2000. Leuven: Peeters.
- Immerzeel M. (2004), Medieval Wall paintings in Lebanon: Donors and Artists, Chronos 10: 7-47.
- Immerzeel M. (2004), A Play of light and shadow: The Stuccoes of Dayr al-Suryan and their Historical Context, Coptica. Journal of the Saint Mark Foundation and Saint Shenouda the Archimandrite Coptic Society 3: 104-129.
- Immerzeel M. (2004), Holy Horsemen and Crusader Banners. Equestrian Saints in Wall Paintings in Lebanon and Syria, Eastern Christian Art 1: 29-60.
- Immerzeel M. & Snelders B. (2004), The Thirteenth-century Flabellum from Deir al-surian in the Musée Royal de Mariemont (Morlanwelz, Belgium). with an appendix by Lucas Van Rompay on the Syriac Inscriptions, Eastern Christian Art 1: 113-140.
- Immerzeel M. (2003), Divine Cavalry. Mounted Saints in Middle Eastern Christian Art. Ciggaar K. & Teule H. (red.), East and West in the Crusader States. Context-Contacts-Confrontations III, Acta of the congress held at Hernen Castle in september 2000. . Leuven/Dudley: Peeters. 265-286.
- Immerzeel M. (2002), The 'Joint Problem'. Non-Monolithic Sarcophagi from the Fourth Century. Koch G. & Kirchhainer K. (red.), Akten des Symposiums "Frühchristliche Sarkophage". Marburg, 30.06-07.07.1999. . Mainz am Rhein: Philipp Von Zabern. 119-127.
- Immerzeel M. (2000), Documentation Methods. A Manual for the Registration and Description of Art Objects. Zayat E. & Immerzeel M. (red.), Documentation and Conservation of Art in Syria. Papers of the Workshop held at Damascus 16-19 September 1996. . Leiden: CNWS/NVIC. 45-53.
- Immerzeel M. (2000), Leiden's Egyptian Experience: The ENCCAP Project. Zayat E. & Immerzeel M. (red.), Documentation and Conervation of Art in Syria. Papers of the Workshop held at Damascus University 16-19 September 1996. . Leiden: CNWS/NVIC. 15-20.
- Zayat E. & Immerzeel M. (red.) (2000), Documentation and Conservation of Art in Syria. Papers of the Workshop held at Damascus University 16-19 September 1996. Leiden: CNWS/NVIC.
- Chavannes-Mazel C., Immerzeel M., Innemee K.C., Loon G.J.M. van, Rompay L. van & Veelenturf I.K. (red.) (2000), P.P.V. van Moorsel, Called to Egypt. Collected Studies on Painting in Christian Egypt. Leiden: NINO.
- Immerzeel M. (2000), The Crowned Altar. The stuccoes of Deir al-Surian and their historical background, Essays on Christian Art and Culture in the Middle East 3: 40-62.
- Immerzeel M. (2000), Inventory of Lebanese Wall Paintings, Essays on Christian Art and Culture in the Middle East 3: 3-19.
- Immerzeel M. (1999), Wonen in de woestijn. In: NN NN (red.), Catalogus Kopten en Ethiopiërs. Tweeduizend jaar mystiek en christendom langs de Nijl. Uden: Museum voor Religieuze Kunst. 24-34.
- Innemee K.C., Immerzeel M., Rompay L. van & Mols L.E.M. (red.) (1999), . Essays on Christian Art and Culture in the Middle East.
- Immerzeel M. (1999), Wandschilderingen in Libanon, Het Christelijk Oosten 51: 99-121.
- Immerzeel M. (1999), Proskyneteria from Jerusalem, Essays on Christian Art and Culture in the Middle East 2: 53-62.
- Immerzeel M. & Loon G.J.M. van (1999), Inventory of Coptic Wall Paintings. Part One. Wall Paintings in Monasteries and Churches. Additions and corrections, Essays on Christian Art and Culture in the Middle East 2: 6-12.
- Immerzeel M. (1999), A Matter of Lide and Death. The Mosaic from Shahba (Philippopolis) in the National Museum in Damascus, Essays on Christian Art and Culture in the Middle East 2: 63-71.
- Innemee K.C., Mols L.E.M., Rompay L. van & Immerzeel M. (red.) (1998), . Essays on Christian Art and Culture in the Middle East.
- Immerzeel M., Innemee K.C. & Mommers M. (1998), Syrian Icons and Wall-Paintings, Essays on Christian Art and Culture in the Middle East 1: 56-72.
- Immerzeel M. (1998), Iconen in het Nabije Oosten, Het Christelijk Oosten 49(3-4): 233-258.
- Loon G.J.M. van & Immerzeel M. (1998), Inventory of Coptic Wall-paintings. Part One: Wall-paintings in Monasteries and Churches, Essays on Christian Art and Culture in the Middle East 1: 6-55.
- Immerzeel M. (1998), Iconen uit Syrië en Egypte, Eikonikon 56: 3-12.
- Immerzeel M. (1997), Syrische Iconen - Syrian Icons. Collectie / Collection Antoine Touma. Gent: Snoeck-Ducaju & Zoon.
- Immerzeel M. (1997), Coptic Art. In: Doorn-Hander N. van & Vogt K. (red.), Between Desert and City: the Coptic Orthodox Church Today. Oslo: NOWS. 275-288.
- Jongste P.F.B. & Immerzeel M. (1995), Ancient Maps of Egypt, Essays on Coptic Art and Culture 2: 1-15.