Martijn van den Brink
Universitair docent
- Naam
- Dr. M.J. van den Brink
- Telefoon
- 071 5272727
- 0000-0002-2225-2204

Martijn van den Brink is universitair docent EU-recht aan het Europa Instituut, Universiteit Leiden. Zijn onderzoeksinteresses liggen op het snijvlak van EU-grondwettelijk recht en politieke theorie. In zijn onderzoek richt Martijn zich in het bijzonder op de constitutionele positie van de EU-wetgever, op EU-burgerschap en vrij verkeer, en op de regulering van religieuze gelijkheid binnen de EU.
Zijn werk over de EU-wetgever is in 2024 gepubliceerd door Oxford University Press onder de titel Legislative Authority and Interpretation in the European Union. Zijn onderzoek is ook verschenen in gerenommeerde internationale tijdschriften zoals The Modern Law Review, International Journal of Constitutional Law, European Law Open, en het Journal of European Public Policy. Voor zijn onderzoek naar de regulering van religieuze gelijkheid binnen de EU ontving Martijn een British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship.
Voordat hij bij de Universiteit Leiden kwam, was Martijn assistent-professor aan de Universiteit Maastricht en postdoctoraal fellow aan de Hertie School, University of Oxford, en aan het Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Göttingen. Hij is gepromoveerd aan het European University Institute en heeft rechten en politieke wetenschappen gestudeerd aan de universiteiten van Oxford en Groningen. Hij heeft gastposities bekleed aan de Universiteit van Michigan en de Universiteit van Zagreb.
Universitair docent
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Publiekrecht
- Europees Recht
- Brink M.J. van den, Dawson M. & Zglinski J. (2025), Revisiting the Asymmetry Thesis: negative and positive integration in the EU, Journal of European Public Policy 32(1): 209-234.
- Brink M.J. van den (2024), Legislative authority and interpretation in the European Union. Oxford Studies in European Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Brink M.J. van den (2024), Institutional choice in the internal market, Modern Law Review 87(4): 1031-1053.
- Brink M.J. van den (2024), Political, not (just) legal judgement: studying EU institutional balance, European Law Open 3(2): 389-401.
- Brink M.J. van den (7 mei 2024), 3½ Myths on EU law on citizenship for sale: EU law and investor citizenship. Verfassungsblog. [blog].
- Brink M.J. van den (9 oktober 2024), Concise, clear, and convincing: the opinion of Advocate General Collins in Commission v Malta (Citizenship for Sale). Verfassungsblog. [blog].
- Brink M.J. van den 30 oktober 2024, The authority of the EU Legislature: in conversation with Martijn van den Brink. RevDem Podcast. RevDem: The Review of Democracy [podcast].
- Brink M.J. van den (2023), Off track, again?: EU citizenship and the right to social assistance, Hungarian Yearbook of International Law and European Law 11(1): 18-36.
- Brink M.J. van den (2023), The protected grounds of religion and belief: lessons for EU non-discrimination law, German Law Journal 24(5): 855-880.
- Brink M.J. van den (2023), A typology of reverse discrimination in EU citizenship law, European Law Open 2(1): 57-78.
- Sarmiento D. & Brink M.J. van den (2023), EU competence and investor migration. In: Kochenov D.V. & Surak K. (red.), Citizenship and residence sales: rethinking the boundaries of belonging. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 183-206.
- Brink M.J. van den (2023), Differentiated Integration in the European Integration Process: [last updated November 2023]. In: Garben S. & Gormley L. (red.), Oxford Encyclopedia of EU Law (OEEUL). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Brink M.J. van den (7 juni 2023), An Inconvenient Constraint: A Hungarian Council Presidency and the EU’s Rule of Law. Verfassungsblog. [blog].
- Brink M.J. van den (2023), Taking the Gamble?: A legal and political analysis of the possible suspension of a Hungarian council presidency. CEU DI Working Paper series nr. 2023/14. Budapest: Central European University (CEU Democracy Institute). [working paper].
- Brink M.J. van den (2022), When can religious employers discriminate?: The scope of the religious ethos exemption in EU law, European Law Open 1(1): 89-112.
- Brink M.J. van den (2022), Revising citizenship within the European Union: is a genuine link requirement the way forward?, German Law Journal 23(1): 79-96.
- Brink M.J. van den (2022), The relationship between national and EU citizenship: what is it and what should it be?. In: Kostakopoulou D. & Thym D. (red.), Research handbook on European Union citizenship law and policy: navigating challenges and crises. Research Handbooks in European Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. 100-114.
- Nguyen T. & Brink M.J. van den (9 december 2022), An early christmas gift from Karlsruhe?: The Bundesverfassungsgericht’s NextGenerationEU ruling. Verfassungsblog. [blog].
- Brink M.J. van den (2021), The European Union’s demoicratic legislature, International Journal of Constitutional Law 19(3): 914-942.
- Brink M.J. van den (2021), Is it time to abolish the substance of EU citizenship rights test?, European Journal of Migration and Law 23(1): 13-28.
- Brink M.J. van den (20 juli 2021), Pride or Prejudice?: The CJEU Judgment in IX v Wabe and MH Müller Handels GmbH. Verfassungsblog. [blog].
- Brink M.J. van den (1 maart 2021), Preserving Prejudice in the Name of Profit: AG Rantos’ Opinion in IX v Wabe and MH Müller Handels GmbH. Verfassungsblog. [blog].
- Brink M.J. van den (2020), A qualified defence of the primacy of nationality over European Union citizenship, International & Comparative Law Quarterly 69(1): 177-202.
- Brink M.J. van den (30 oktober 2020), Investor citizenship and EU Law: much to do about nothing?. Global Citizenship Observatory (GLOBALCIT). Florence: European University Institute (EUI) (Robert Shuman Centre for Advanced Studies). [blog].
- Baranski M., Brito Bastos F. & Brink M.J. van den (29 mei 2020), Unquestioned supremacy still begs the question. Verfassungsblog. [blog].
- Brink M.J. van den (15 mei 2020), Is Egenberger next?. Verfassungsblog. [blog].
- Brink M.J. van den (2019), Justice, legitimacy and the authority of legislation within the European Union, Modern Law Review 82(2): 293-318.
- Brink M.J. van den (2019), EU citizenship and (fundamental) rights: empirical, normative, and conceptual problems, European Law Journal: Review of European Law in Context 25(1): 21-36.
- Brink M.J. van den & Kochenov D. (2019), Against associate EU citizenship, Journal of Common Market Studies 57(6): 1366-1382.
- Brink M.J. van den (2019), Bold but without justification?: Tjebbes, European Papers 4(1): 409-415.
- Brink M.J. van den (2019), The problem with market citizenship and the beauty of free movement. In: Amtenbrink F., Davies G., Kochenov D. & Lindeboom J. (red.), The internal market and the future of European Integration: essays in honour of Laurence W. Gormley. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 246-258.
- Brink M.J. van den (2019), The promises and drawbacks of European Union citizenship for a polycentric Union. In: Zeben J. van & Bobic A. (red.), Polycentricity in the European Union. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 163-185.
- Brink M.J. van den (2019), The court and the legislators: who should define the scope of free movement in the EU?. In: Bauböck R. (red.), Debating European citizenship. IMISCOE Research Series. Cham: Springer. 133-138.
- Brink M.J. van den (10 juni 2018), Is the reasoning in “Coman” as good as the result?. Verfassungsblog. [blog].
- Brink M.J. van den (2017), The origins and the potential federalising effects of the substance of rights test. In: Kochenov D. (red.), EU citizenship and federalism: the role of rights. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 85-106.
- Brink M.J. van den (2016), What’s in a name case?: Some lessons for the debate on the free movement of same-sex couples within the EU, German Law Journal 17(3): 421-449.
- Kochenov D. & Brink M.J. van den (2016), Secessions from EU Member States: the imperative of Union’s neutrality, European Papers 1(1): 67-92.
- Kochenov D. & Brink M.J. van den (2015), Pretending there is no Union: non-derivative quasi-citizenship rights of third-country nationals in the EU. In: Thym D. & Zoeteweij-Turhan M. (red.), Rights of third-country nationals under EU association agreements: degrees of free movement and citizenship. Nijhoff Studies in European Union Law nr. 9. Boston: Brill | Martinus Nijhoff. 63-100.
- Brink M.J. van den (19 juni 2015), The EU’s limited justice capacities. Verfassungsblog. [blog].
- Brink M.J. van den (2012), EU citizenship and EU fundamental rights: taking EU citizenship rights seriously?, Legal Issues of Economic Integration 39(2): 273-289.