Marleen De Meyer
Adjunct Directeur NVIC
- Naam
- Dr. M.J.C. De Meyer
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0000-0001-6370-031x

Marleen De Meyer is assistent directeur Archeologie en Egyptologie aan het Nederlands-Vlaams Instituut in Caïro (NVIC) en momenteel ook interim-directeur van het NVIC.
Adjunct Directeur NVIC
- Bestuursbureau
- Stafbureau
- Nederlands Vlaams Instituut in Cairo
- De Meyer M.J.C., Bruffaerts J.-M. & Vandersmissen J. (2024), The Fondation Égyptologique Reine Élisabeth in Belgium and the creation of national and transnational Egyptological research infrastructures in the 1920s–1940s. In: Gertzen T.L. & Matthes O. (red.), Oriental societies & societal self-assertion: associations, funds and societies for the archaeological exploration of the ‘Ancient Near East’. Investigatio Orientis. Beiträge zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte der Orientalistik nr. 10. Münster: Zaphon. 141–166.
- De Meyer M.J.C., Claes W., Mahran N.M.A., Perre A. van der & Gräzer Ohara A. (2023), Working with capart: Quftis and local workmen during the Elkab excavation seasons, 1937–1946. In: Navratilova H., Gertzen T.L., De Meyer M., Dodson A. & Bednarski A. (red.), Addressing diversity: inclusive histories of egyptology. Investigatio Orientis. Beiträge zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte der Orientalistik nr. 9. Münster: Zaphon. 343–364.
- Sykora T., De Lima R., De Meyer M.J.C., Vergauwen M. & Willems H. (2023), Puzzling tombs: virtual reconstruction of the Middle Kingdom elite necropolis at Dayr al-Barsha (Middle Egypt). In: Lucarelli R., Roberson J.A. & Vinson S. (red.), Ancient Egypt, new technology: The present and future of computer visualization, virtual reality and other digital humanities in Egyptology. Harvard Egyptological Studies nr. 17. Leiden: Brill. 532–550.
- Gräzer Ohara A.: Perre A. Van der, De Meyer M.J.C. & Claes W. (2023), Sura: Egypte door een Belgische lens. Gent: Snoeck.
- Gräzer Ohara A.: Perre A. Van der, De Meyer M.J.C. & Claes W. (2023), Sura: Egypt through a Belgian Lens. Gent: Snoeck.
- Gräzer Ohara A.: Perre A. Van der, De Meyer M.J.C. & Claes W. (2023), Sura: L’Égypte sous l’optique belge. Gent: Snoeck.
- De Meyer M.J.C. (2023), Jean Capart, from Brussels to Brooklyn in the 1930s. In: el-Aguizy O. & Kasparian B. (red.), ICE XII: proceedings of the Twelfth International Congress of Egyptologists, 3rd–8th November 2019, Cairo, Egypt. Bibliothèque d'Etude nr. 72/2. Cairo: Institut français d'archéologie orientale du Caire. 663–670.
- Navratilova H., Gertzen T.L., De Meyer M.J.C., Dodson A. & Bednarski A. (red.) (2023), Addressing diversity: inclusive histories of Egyptology. Investigatio Orientis. Beiträge zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte der Orientalistik nr. 9. Münster: Zaphon.
- Claes W., De Meyer M.J.C., Eyckerman M. & Huyge D. (red.) (2021), Remove that pyramid! : studies on the archaeology and history of predynastic and pharaonic Egypt in honour of Stan Hendrickx. Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta nr. 305. Leuven: Peeters.
- De Meyer M.J.C. (2021), Chaos en beheersing: the life of Henri Asselberghs and his friendship with Jean Capart. In: Claes W., De Meyer M.J.C., Eyckerman M. & Huyge D. (red.), Remove that pyramid! : studies on the archaeology and history of predynastic and pharaonic Egypt in honour of Stan Hendrickx. Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta nr. 305. Leuven: Peeters. 309–362.
- De Meyer M.J.C. & Cartier d’Yves S. de (red.) (2021), Belgians on the Nile: a history of royal visits, entrepreneurship, and archaeological exploration in Egypt. Alexandria: Bibliotheca Alexandrina.
- De Meyer M.J.C. (2021), A century of Belgian archaeological fieldwork in Egypt. In: De Meyer M.J.C. & de Cartier d’Yves S. (red.), Belgians on the Nile: a history of royal visits, entrepreneurship, and archaeological exploration in Egypt. Alexandria: Bibliotheca Alexandrina. 176–215.
- De Meyer M.J.C. & Serrano J.M. (2019), Cattle feet in funerary rituals: a diachronic view combining archaeology and iconography. In: Piacentini P. & Delli Castelli A. (red.), Edal VI: old kingdom art and archaeology international conference 2017 nr. 6. Milan: Pontremoli Editore. 402–407.
- De Meyer M.J.C., Vandersmissen J., Verbruggen C., Claes W., Delvaux L., Bruwier M.-C., Quertinmont A., Warmenbol E., Bavay L. & Willems H. (2019), Pyramids and Progress. Belgian Expansionism and the Making of Egyptology, 1830–1952. In: Navratilova H., Gertzen T.L., Dodson A. & Bednarski A. (red.), Towards a history of Egyptology: proceedings of the Egyptological section of the 8th ESHS conference in London, 2018. Investigatio Orientis. Beiträge zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte der Orientalistik nr. 4. Münster: Zaphon. 173–193.
- De Meyer M.J.C. (2018), Reading a burial chamber: anatomy of a first intermediate period coffin in context. In: Taylor J.H. & Vandenbeusch M. (red.), Ancient Egyptian coffins: craft traditions and functionality. British Museum Publications on Egypt and Sudan nr. 4. Leuven: Peeters. 217–230.
- Lima R. de, Sykora T., De Meyer M.J.C., Willems H. & Vergauwen M. (2018), On combining epigraphy, TLS, photogrammetry, and interactive media for heritage documentation: the case study of Djehutihotep’s tomb in Dayr al-Barsha. In: Sablatnig R. & Wimmer M. (red.), GCH 2018–eurographics workshop on graphics and cultural heritage: The Eurographics Association. 225–229.
- De Meyer M.J.C. & Willems H. (2017), The Regional Supply Chain of Djehutihotep's Ka-Chapel in Tjerty, Cahiers de Recherches de l'Institut de Papyrologie et d'Egyptologie de Lille 31: 33–56.
- De Meyer M.J.C. (2016), An isolated middle kingdom tomb at Dayr al-Barsha. In: Miniaci G. & Grajetzki W. (red.), The world of middle kingdom Egypt (2000–1550 BC). Middle Kingdom Studies nr. 2. London: GHP Publications. 85–115.
- Long G., De Meyer M.J.C. & Willems H. (2015), The use-life of the middle kingdom tomb of governor Nehri I at Dayr al-Barsha: reconstructing find contexts based on the distribution of coffin fragments, Studien zur Altägyptischen Kultur 44: 215–236.
- De Meyer M.J.C. & Cortebeeck K. (red.) (2015), Djehoetihotep: 100 jaar opgravingen in Egypte = Djehoutihotep: 100 ans de fouilles en Egypte. Leuven: Peeters.
- Cortebeeck K. & De Meyer M.J.C. (2015), Dayr al-Barsha in een notendop/Dayr al-Barcha en quelques mots. In: De Meyer M.J.C. & Cortebeeck K. (red.), Djehoetihotep: 100 jaar opgravingen in Egypte: Djehoutihotep: 100 ans de fouilles en Égypte. Leuven: Peeters. 14–22.
- Delvaux L., De Meyer M. & Willems H. (2015), Cercueil et mobilier funéraire du chef de la police Abou. In: Delvaux L. & Therasse I. (red.), Sarcophages: Sous les étoiles de Nout. Brussels: Racine. 28–33.
- Hendrickx S., De Meyer M.J.C. & Eyckerman M. (2014), On the origin of the royal false beard and its bovine symbolism. In: Jucha M., Dębowska-Ludwin J. & Kołodziejczyk P. (red.), Aegyptus est imago caeli: studies presented to Krzysztof M. Ciałowicz on his 60th birthday. Kraków: Institute of Archaeology, Jagiellonian University. 129–143.