Marieke Vinkenoog
- Naam
- Dr. M. Vinkenoog
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 4799
- 0000-0001-5653-8078
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Leiden Inst of Advanced Computer Science
- Vinkenoog M. (15 februari 2024), Data-driven donation strategies : understanding and predicting blood donor deferral (Dissertatie. Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS), Faculty of Science, Leiden University). Promotor(en) en copromotor(en): Leeuwen M. van, Janssen M.P. & Hurk K. van den.
- Vinkenoog M., Toivoren J., Leeuwen M. van, Janssen M.P. & Arvas M. (2023), The added value of ferritin levels and genetic markers for the prediction of haemoglobin deferral, Vox Sanguinis 118(10): 825-834.
- Vinkenoog M., Steenhuis M., Brinke A. ten, Hasselt J.G.C. van: Janssen M.P., Leeuwen M. van, Swaneveld F.H., Vrielink H., Watering L. van de, Quee F., Hurk K. van den, Rispens T., Hogema B. & Schoot C.E. van der (2022), Associations between symptoms, donor characteristics and IgG antibody response in 2082 COVID-19 convalescent plasma donors, Frontiers in Immunology 13: 821721.
- Vinkenoog M., Leeuwen M. van & Janssen M.P. (2022), Explainable haemoglobin deferral predictions using machine learning models: interpretation and consequences for the blood supply, Vox Sanguinis 117(11): 1262-1270.
- Vinkenoog M. Hurk K. van den Kraaij M. van Leeuwen M. van Janssen M.P. (2020), First results of a ferritin‐based blood donor deferral policy in the Netherlands, Transfusion 60(8): 1785-1792.
- Vinkenoog M., Janssen M. & Leeuwen M. van (2019), Challenges and Limitations in Clustering Blood Donor Hemoglobin Trajectories. Lemaire V., Malinowski S., Bagnall A, Bondu A., Guyet T. & Tavanard R. (red.), Advanced Analytics and Learning on Temporal Data. AALTD 2019. International Workshop on Advanced Analysis and Learning on Temporal Data (AALTD 2019) 20 september 2019 - 20 september 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science nr. 11986. Cham: Springer International Publishing. 72-84.
- Postdoc