Marieke Tollenaar
Universitair docent
- Naam
- Dr. M.S. Tollenaar
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 3454
- 0000-0001-5060-2729
Marieke Tollenaar doet onderzoek naar (neuro)biologische processen die een rol spelen bij mentale gezondheid. Zij focust zich in haar onderzoek en onderwijs met name op de langetermijngevolgen van vroege levensstress en kindermishandeling.
Meer informatie over Marieke Tollenaar
Leiden Psychology Blog
Marieke Tollenaar doet onderzoek naar (neuro)biologische processen die een rol spelen bij mentale gezondheid. Zij focust zich in haar onderzoek en onderwijs met name op de langetermijngevolgen van vroege levensstress en kindermishandeling.
Het onderzoek van Marieke Tollenaar richt zich op (neuro)biologische processen die een rol spelen bij mentale gezondheid, waarbij ze effecten van zowel vroege levensstress (bijv. kindermishandeling), trauma en acute stress bestudeert. Ze onderzoekt onder andere de rol van stresshormonen, ontregelingen in het immuunsysteem en epigenetische veranderingen bij het ontwikkelen van stress-gerelateerde stoornissen of klachten. Daarnaast onderzoekt ze de rol van ontregelingen in emotieregulatie en empathie in reactie op stress of trauma en de mogelijke gevolgen daarvan voor de intergenerationele overdracht van stress en kindermishandeling
- Coördineren van en colleges geven in het keuzevak ‘Psychological and Neurobiological Consequences of Childhood Abuse and Neglect’, dat ook onderdeel is van de interdisciplinaire minor ‘Kindermishandeling en Verwaarlozing: een levensloopperspectief’.
- Begeleiding van (Research) Master scripties en onderzoeksstages binnen mijn onderzoeksdomein.
- Begeleiding en interne coördinatie van bachelorprojecten bij de afdeling Klinische Psychologie.
- Werkgroepbegeleiding van het vak ‘Experimental Clinical Psychology’ in de master Klinische Psychologie.
- Organisator PrAIa Hackathon Easing Teaching, zie ook dit artikel in Mare.
De achtergrond van Tollenaar ligt binnen de Biologische Psychologie (cum laude afgestudeerd in 2003), waarna zij aan de Universiteit Leiden haar promotieonderzoek heeft gedaan naar de gevolgen van stress op het geheugen bij de afdeling Klinische Psychologie (gepromoveerd in 2009). Na een postdoc rondom de langetermijngevolgen van prenatale stress bij de afdeling Ontwikkelingspsychologie aan de Radboud Universiteit is ze in 2011 weer terug naar de Universiteit Leiden gekomen en gestart als universitair docent Klinische Psychologie. Verder heeft zij na haar studie een semester aan UC Berkeley gestudeerd en in de afgelopen jaren heeft ze enkele maanden de McGill University en University of Toronto bezocht om internationale onderzoekssamenwerkingen op te zetten.
Naast onderwijs en onderzoek is ze in Leiden betrokken bij PrAIa, een initiatief waarin praktische toepassingen van AI binnen de academische wereld worden verkend. Daarbuiten heeft ze in de afgelopen jaren klinische ervaring opgedaan met cognitieve gedragstherapie, waarna ze met coaching werk is gestart. Ook geeft ze geregeld advies als expert op het gebied van stress en kindermishandeling bij strafzaken, of voor externe onderzoeksvragen en populairwetenschappelijke tijdschriften.
Begeleiding promovendi
- Mirjam Wever (2017- gepromoveerd aan Universiteit Leiden op 11-01-2024).
- Lisanne van Houtum (2017 - gepromoveerd aan Universiteit Leiden op 19-09-2023).
- Nicole Creasey (2021 - gepromoveerd aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam op 1-11-2023).
- Lisa van den Berg (2011 - gepromoveerd aan Universiteit Leiden op 30-06-2021).
- Leonie Visser ( 2012 - gepromoveerd aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam op 8-12-2017; cum laude).
Universitair docent
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Psychologie
- Klinische Psychologie
- Nimphy C.A., Kullberg M.L.J., Pittner K., Buisman R., Berg l. van den, Alink L., Bakermans-Kranenburg M., Elzinga B.M. & Tollenaar M.S. (2024), The role of psychopathology and emotion regulation in the intergenerational transmission of childhood abuse: a family study, Child Maltreatment : .
- Buisman R.S.M., Compier-de Block L.H.C.G., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J., Pittnerf K., Berg L.J.M. van den, Tollenaar M.S., Elzinga B.M., Voorthuis A., Linting M. & Alink L.R.A. (2024), The role of emotion recognition in the intergenerational transmission of child maltreatment: a multigenerational family study, Child Abuse & Neglect 149: 106699.
- Wentholt W.G.M., Janssen L.H.C., van Houtum L.A.E.M., Wever M.C.M., Tollenaar M.S., Alink L.R.A. & Elzinga B.M. (2024), A qualitative, multi-perspective study on causal beliefs about adolescent depression, Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice : .
- Wentholt W.G.M., Janssen L.H.C., Houtum L.A.E.M. van, Wever M.C.M., Tollenaar M.S., Alink L.R.A. & Elzinga B.M. (2024), a qualitative, multi-perspective study on causal beliefs about adolescent depression, Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice 97(3): 477-497.
- Houtum L.A.E.M. van, Schie C.C. van, Wever M.C.M., Janssen L.H.C., Wentholt W.G.M., Tailby C., Grenyer B.F.S., Will G.J., Tollenaar M.S. & Elzinga B.M. (2023), Aberrant neural network activation during reliving of autobiographical memories in adolescent depression, Cortex 168: 14-26.
- Houtum L.A.E.M. van, Wever M.C.M., Schie C.C. van, Janssen L.H.C., Wentholt W.G.M., Tollenaar M.S., Will G.J. & Elzinga B.M. (2023), Sticky criticism? : Affective and neural responses to parental criticism and praise in adolescents with depression, Psychological Medicine : 1-10.
- Wever M.C.M., Van Houtum L.A.E.M., Janssen L.H.C., Wentholt W.G.M., Spruit I.M., Tollenaar M.S., Will G.J. & Elzinga B.M. (2023), Looking into troubled waters: Childhood emotional maltreatment modulates neural responses to prolonged gazing into one’s own, but not others’ eyes, Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 23: 1598–1609.
- Voorendonk E.M., Sanches S.A., Tollenaar M.S., Hoogendoorn E.A., Jongh A. de & Minnen A. van (2023), Adding physical activity to intensive trauma-focused treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder: results of a randomized controlled trial, Frontiers in Psychology 14: 1-11 (1215250).
- Kullberg M.L.J., Buisman R.S.M., Schie C.C. van, Pittner K., Tollenaar M.S., Berg L.J.M. van den, Alink L.R.A., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. & Elzinga B.M. (2023), Linking internalizing and externalizing problems to warmth and negativity in observed dyadic parent-offspring communication, Family Relations 72(5): 2777-2799.
- Creasey N., Beijers R., O'Donnell K.J., de Weerth C. & Tollenaar M.S. (2023), Maternal sensitivity and child internalizing and externalizing behavior: a mediating role for glucocorticoid receptor gene ( NR3C1) methylation?, Development and Psychopathology : 1-12.
- Tollenaar M.S.M. Pittner K.K. Buisman R.S.M.R. Knipping K.K. Garssen J.J. Nimphy C.A.C. van den Berg L.J.M.L. Bolijn J.E.A. Alink L. R.A.L. Elzinga B.M.B. Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J.M. IJzendoorn M.H.M. (2022), Salivary immune markers are not associated with self-reported childhood maltreatment or psychopathology in adults, Psychoneuroendocrinology 144: 1-7 (105867).
- Chui-De C., Hoi Lam H. & Tollenaar M.S. (2022), Relational self-evaluations in dissociation: implicit self-rejection?, Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy 14(1): 99-106.
- Wever M.C.M, Houtum L.A.E.M. van, Janssen L.H.C., Spruit I.M., Tollenaar M.S., Aan het Rot M. & Elzinga B.M. (2022), Eyes on you: ensuring empathic accuracy or signalling empathy?, International Journal of Psychology : 1-10.
- Wever M.C.M., van Houtum L.A.E.M., Janssen L.H.C., Wentholt W.G.M., Spruit I.M. Tollenaar M.S. Will G. & Elzinga B.M. (2022), Neural and affective responses to prolonged eye contact with one's own adolescent child and unfamiliar others, NeuroImage 260: 119463.
- Wever M.C.M., Houtum L.A.E.M. van, Janssen L.H.C., Wentholt W.G.M., Tollenaar M.S., Will G.J. & Elzinga B.M. (2022), Neural and affective responses to prolonged eye contact with one's own adolescent child and unfamiliar others, NeuroImage 260: 1-12 (119463).
- van Houtum L.A.E.M., Will G.J., Wever M.C.M., Janssen L.H.C., Schie C.C. van, Tollenaar M.S. & Elzinga B.M. (2022), Adolescents’ affective and neural responses to parental praise and criticism , Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 54: 1-12 (101099).
- Bolhuis E., Belsky J., Frankenhuis W.E., Shalev I., Hastings W.J., Tollenaar M.S., O'Donnell K.J., McGill M.G., Pokhvisneva I., Lin D.T.S., MacIsaac J.L., Kobor M.S., Weerth C. de & Beijers R. (2022), Attachment insecurity and the biological embedding of reproductive strategies: investigating the role of cellular aging, Biological Psychology 175: 108446.
- Voorendonk E.M., Sanches S.A., Tollenaar M.S., Jongh A. de & Minnen A. van (2022), Augmenting PTSD treatment with physical activity: study protocol of the APPART study (Augmentation for PTSD with Physical Activity in a Randomized Trial), European Journal of Psychotraumatology 13(1): 2016219.
- Beijers R., Thije I. ten, Bolhuis E., O'Donnell K.J., Tollenaar M.S., Shalev I., Hastings W.J., MacIsaac J.L., Lin D.T.S., Meaney M., Kobor M.S., Belsky J. & Weerth C. de (2022), Cumulative risk exposure and child cellular aging in a Dutch low-risk community sample, Psychophysiology : e14205.
- Bonapersona V., Born F.J., Bakvis P., Branje S., Elzinga B., Evers A.W.M., Eysden M. van, Fernandez G., Habets P.C., Hartman C.A., Hermans E.J., Meeus W., Middendorp H. van, Nelemans S., Oei N.Y., Oldehinkel A.J., Roelofs K., Rooij S.R. de, Smeets T., Tollenaar M.S., Joels M. & Vinkers C.H. (2022), The STRESS-NL database: a resource for human acute stress studies across the Netherlands, Psychoneuroendocrinology 141: 105735.
- Tollenaar M.S., Beijers R., Garg E., Thao Nguyen T.T. , Lin D.T.S., MacIsaac J.L., Shalev I. Kobor M.S., Meaney M.J., O’Donnel l.K.J. & Weerth C. de (2021), Internalizing symptoms associate with the pace of epigenetic aging in childhood, Biological Psychology 159: 108021.
- Wever M.C.M., Houtum L.A.E.M. van, Janssen L.H.C., Will G.J., Tollenaar M.S. & Elzinga B.M. (2021), Neural signatures of parental empathic responses to imagined suffering of their adolescent child, NeuroImage 232(117886): 1-13.
- Charpentier C.J., Faulkner P., Pool E.R., Ly V., Tollenaar M.S., Kluen L.M., Fransen A., Yamamori Y., Lally N., Mkrtchian A., Valton V., Huys Q.J.M., Sarigiannidis I., Morrow K.A., Krenz V., Kalbe F., Cremer A., Zerbes G., Kausche F.M., Wanke N., Giarrizzo A., Pulcu E., Murphy S., Kaltenboeck A., Browning M., Paul L., Cools R., Roelofs K., Pessoa L., Harmer C.J., Chase H.W., Grillon C., Schwabe L., Roiser J.P., Robinson O.J. & O’Doherty J.P. (2021), How representative are neuroimaging samples?: Large-scale evidence for trait anxiety differences between fMRI and behaviour-only research participants, Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 16(10): 1057-1070.
- Houtum L.A.E.M. van, Wever M.C.M, Janssen L.H.C., Schie C.C. van, Will G.J., Tollenaar M.S. & Elzinga B.M. (2021), Vicarious praise and pain: parental neural responses to social feedback about their adolescent child, Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 16(4): 406-417.
- Buisman R.S.M., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J., Pittner K., IJzendoorn M.H. van, Berg L.J.M. van den, Tollenaar M.S., Elzinga B.M. & Alink L.R.A. (2021), Child maltreatment and parent-offspring interaction: a multigenerational extended family design, Journal of Family Psychology 35(6): 735-744.
- Chen L.M., Tollenaar M.S., Dass S.H.A., Bouvette-Turcot A.A., Pokhvisneva I., Gaudreau H., Parent C., Diorio J., McEwen L.M., MacIsaac J.L., Kobor M.S., Beijers R., Weerth C. de, Silveira P.P., Karama S., Meaney M.J. & O'Donnell K.J. (2021), Maternal antenatal depression and child mental health: moderation by genomic risk for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, Development and Psychopathology 32(5): 1810-1821.
- McGill M.G., Pokhvisneva I., Clappison A.S., McEwen L.M., Beijers R., Tollenaar M.S., Pham H., Kee M.Z.L., Garg E, De Mendonça Filho E.J., Karnani N., Silveira P.P., Kobor M.S., De Weerth C., Meaney M.J. & O'Donnell K.J. (2021), Maternal prenatal anxiety and the fetal origins of epigenetic aging, Biological Psychiatry 91(3): 303-312.
- Tollenaar M.S. Overgaauw S. (2020), Empathy and mentalizing abilities in relation to psychosocial stress in healthy adult men and women, Heliyon 6(8): e04488.
- Chiu C.D., Ng H.C., Kwok W.K. & Tollenaar M.S. (2020), Feeling Empathically Toward Other People and the Self: The Role of Perspective Shifting in Emotion Sharing and Self-Reassurance, Clinical Psychological Science 8(1): 169-183.
- McEwen L.M., O'Donnell K.J., McGill M.G., Edgar R.D., Jones M.J., MacIsaac J.L., Lin D.T.S., Ramadori K., Morin A., Gladish N., Garg E., Unternaehrer E., Pokhvisneva I., Karnani N., Kee M.Z.L., Klengel T., Adler N.E., Barr R.G., Letourneau N., Giesbrecht G.F., Reynolds J.N., Czamara D., Armstrong J.M., Essex M.J., Weerth C. de, Beijers R., Tollenaar M.S., Bradley B., Jovanovic T., Ressler K.J., Steiner M., Entringer S., Wadhwa P.D., Buss C., Bush N.R., Binder E.B., Boyce W.T., Meaney M.J., Horvath S. & Kobor M.S. (2020), The PedBE clock accurately estimates DNA methylation age in pediatric buccal cells, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117(38): 23329-23335.
- Pittner K., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J., Alink L.R.A., Buisman R.S.M., Berg L.J.M. van den, Block L.H.C.G.C.C., Voorthuis A, Elzinga B.M., Lindenberg J., Tollenaar M.S., Linting M., Diego V.P. & IJzendoorn M.H. van (2020), Estimating the heritability of experiencing child maltreatment in an extended family design, Child Maltreatment 25(3): 289-299.
- Buisman R.S.M., Pittner K., Tollenaar M.S., Lindenberg J., Berg L.J.M. van den, Compier-de Block L.H.C.G., Ginkel J.R. van, Alink L.R.A., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J., Elzinga B.M. & IJzendoorn M.H. van (2020), Intergenerational transmission of child maltreatment using a multi-informant multi-generation family design, PLoS ONE 15(3): e0225839.
- Buisman R.S.M., Pittner K., Tollenaar M.S., Lindenberg J., Berg L.J.M. van den, Compier-de Block L.H.C.G., Ginkel J.R. van, Alink L.R.A., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J., Elzinga B.M. & IJzendoorn M.H. van (2020), Correction: Intergenerational transmission of child maltreatment using a multi-informant multi-generation family design, PLoS ONE 15(4): e0232792.
- Pittner K., Buisman R.S.M., Berg L.J.M. van den, Compier-de Block L.H.C.G., Tollenaar M.S., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J., IJzendoorn M.H. van, Elzinga B.M. & Alink L.R.A. (2020), Not the root of the problem: hair cortisol and cortisone do not mediate the effect of child maltreatment on Body Mass Index, Frontiers in Psychiatry 11: 387.
- Buisman R.S.M., Pittner K., Tollenaar M.S., Lindenberg J., Berg L.J.M. van den, Compier H.C.G., Ginkel J.R. van, Alink L.R.A., Bakermans M.J., Elzinga B.M. & IJzendoorn M.H. van (2020), Correction: Intergenerational transmission of child maltreatment using a multi-informant multi-generation family design , PLoS ONE 15(4): e0232792.
- Buisman R.S.M., Pittner K., Tollenaar M.S., Lindenberg J., Berg L.J.M. van den, Compier-de Block L.H.C.G., Ginkel J.R. van, Alink L.R.A., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J., Elzinga B.M. & IJzendoorn M.H. van (2020), Intergenerational transmission of child maltreatment using a multi-informant multi-generation family design, PLoS ONE 15(3): e0225839.
- Aktar E., Qu J., Lawrence P.J., Tollenaar M.S., Elzinga B.M. & Bögels S.M. (2019), Fetal and Infant Outcomes in the Offspring of Parents With Perinatal Mental Disorders: Earliest Influences, Frontiers in Psychiatry 10: e391.
- Pittner K., Van IJzendoorn M.H., Alink L.R.A., Buisman R.S.M., Compier-de Block L., Van den Berg L.J.M., Elzinga B.M., Lindenberg J., Tollenaar M.S., Diego V.P. & Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. (2019), The genetic and environmental etiology of child maltreatment in a parent-based extended family design, Development and Psychopathology 31(1): 157-172.
- Chiu C.D., Tollenaar M.S., Yang C.T., Elzinga B.M., Zhang T.Y. & Ho H.L. (2019), The loss of the self in memory: Self-referential memory, childhood relational trauma, and dissociation, Clinical Psychological Science 7(2): 265-282.
- Chiu C.D., Ho H.L., Tollenaar M.S., Elzinga B.M. & Zhang T. (2019), Early relational trauma and self representations: Misattributing externally derived representations as internally generated, Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy 11(1): 64-72.
- Buisman R.S.M., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J., Pittner K., Compier-de Block L.H.C.G., Berg L.J.M. van den, IJzendoorn M.H. van, Tollenaar M.S., Elzinga B.M., Lindenberg J. & Alink L.R.A. (2019), Parents' experiences of childhood abuse and neglect are differentially associated with behavioral and autonomic responses to their offspring, Developmental Psychobiology 61(6): 888-902.
- Visser L.N.C., Tollenaar M.S., Van Doornen L.J.P., De Haes H.C.J.M. & Smets E.M.A. (2019), Does silence speak louder than words? The impact of oncologists’ emotion-oriented communication on analogue patients’ information recall and emotional stress, Patient Education and Counseling 102(1): 43-52.
- Van den Berg L.J.M., Tollenaar M.S., Compier-de Block L.H.C.G., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. & Elzinga B.M. (2019), An intergenerational family study on the impact of experienced and perpetrated child maltreatment on neural face processing, Psychoneuroendocrinology 103: 266-275.
- Buisman R.S.M., Bakermans‐Kranenburg M.J., Pittner K., Compier H.C.G., Van den Berg L.J.M., Van IJzendoorn M.H., Tollenaar M.S., Elzinga B.M., Lindenberg J. & Alink L.R.A. (2019), Parents’ experiences of childhood abuse and neglect are differentially associated with behavioral and autonomic responses to their offspring, Developmental Psychobiology 61(6): 888-902.
- Berg L.J.M. van den, Tollenaar M.S., Pittner K., Compier H.C.G., Buisman R.S.M., IJzendoorn M.H. van & Elzinga B.M. (2018), Pass it on? The neural responses to rejection in the context of a family study on maltreatment, Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 13(6): 616-627.
- Pittner K., Bakermans-Kranenburg M., Alink L.R.A., Buisman R., Van den Berg L., Compier-de Block L., Voorthuis A., Elzinga B., Lindenberg J., Tollenaar M., Linting M., Diego V. & Van IJzendoorn M.H. (2018), The role of genetic and environmental factors in the intergenerational transmission of child maltreatment: An extended family design. 16th WAIMH (World Association for Infant Mental Health) Conference 26 mei 2018 - 30 mei 2018. Rome: 16th WAIMH (World Association for Infant Mental Health) Conference.
- Visser L.N.C., Schepers S., Tollenaar M.S., De Haes H.C.J.M. & Smets E.M.A. (2018), Patients' and oncologists' views on how oncologists may best address patients' emotions during consultations: An interview study, Patient Education and Counseling 101(7): 1223-1231.
- Compier H.C.G., Alink L.R.A., Linting M., Van den Berg L.J.M., Elzinga B.M., Voorthuis A., Tollenaar M.S. & Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. (2017), Parent-child agreement on parent-to-child maltreatment, Journal of Family Violence 32(2): 207-217.
- Tollenaar M.S., Molendijk M.L., Penninx B.W., Milaneschi Y. & Antypa N. (2017), The association of childhood maltreatment with depression and anxiety is not moderated by the oxytocin receptor gene, European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience 267(6): 517–526.
- Van den Berg L.J.M., Tollenaar M.S., Spinhoven P., Penninx B.W.J.H. & Elzinga B.M. (2017), A new perspective on PTSD symptoms after traumatic vs stressful life events and the role of gender, European Journal of Psychotraumatology 8(1): e1380470.
- Tollenaar M.S., Ruissen M.I., Elzinga B.M. & De Bruijn E.R.A. (2017), Does oxytocin lead to emotional interference during a working memory paradigm?, Psychopharmacology 2017(234): 3467-3474.
- Visser L.N.C., Tollenaar M.S., De Haes H.C.J.M. & Smets E.M.A. (2017), The value of physicians' affect-oriented communication for patients' recall of information, Patient Education and Counseling 100(11): 2116-2120.
- Visser L.N., Tollenaar M.S., Bosch J.A., Van Doornen L.J., De Haes H.C. & Smets E.M. (2017), Are psychophysiological arousal and self-reported emotional stress during an oncological consultation related to memory of medical information? An experimental study, Stress 20(1): 103-111.
- Verkuil B., Brosschot J.F., Tollenaar M.S., Lane R.D. & Thayer J.F. (2016), Prolonged non-metabolic heart rate variability reduction as a physiological marker of psychological stress in daily life, 78(3): A13.
- Verkuil B., Brosschot J.F., Tollenaar M.S., Lane R.D. & Thayer J.F. (2016), Prolonged non-metabolic heart rate variability reduction as a physiological marker of psychological stress in daily life, Annals of Behavioral Medicine 50(5): 704-714.
- Visser L.N., Tollenaar M.S., Bosch J.A., Doornen L.J. van, Haes & Smets E.M.A. (2016), Analogue patients’ self-reported engagement and psychophysiological arousal in a video-vignettes design: Patients versus disease-naïve individuals, Patient Education and Counseling 99(10): 1724-1732.
- Chiu C.D., Paesen L., Dziobek I. & Tollenaar M.S. (2016), Weakened cognitive empathy in individuals with dissociation proneness, Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 35(5): 425.
- Hamstra D.A., De Kloet E.R., Tollenaar M., Verkuil B., Manai M., Putman P. & Van der Does W. (2016), Mineralocorticoid receptor haplotype moderates the effects of oral contraceptives and menstrual cycle on emotional information processing, Journal of Psychopharmacology 30(10): 1054-1061.
- Mossink J.C., Verkuil B., Burger A.M., Tollenaar M.S. & Brosschot J.F. (2015), Ambulatory assessed implicit affect is associated with salivary cortisol, Frontiers in Psychology 6: e111.
- Hamstra D.A., De Kloet E.R., Tollenaar M., Verkuil B., Manai M., Putman P. & Van der Does W. (2015), Mineralocorticoid receptor haplotype moderates the influence of female hormones and oral contraceptives on cognition, Biological Psychiatry, vol. 77, 9 Supplement. 70th Annual Scientific Meeting Society of Biologic Psychiatry 14 mei 2015 - 16 mei 2015. Biological Psychiatry.
- Tollenaar M.S., Chatzimanoli M., Wee N.J.A. van der & Putman P. (2013), Enhanced orienting of attention in response to emotional gaze cues after oxytocin administration in healthy young men, Psychoneuroendocrinology 38(9): 1797-1802.
- Witteman C.L. & Tollenaar M.S. (2012), Remembering and diagnosing clients: Does experience matter?, Memory 20(3): 266-276.
- Tollenaar M.S., Beijers R., Jansen J., Riksen-Walraven J.M.A. & Weerth C. (2012), Solitary sleeping in young infants is associated with heightened cortisol reactivity to a bathing session but not to a vaccination, Psychoneuroendocrinology 37(2): 167-177.
- Tollenaar M.S., Beijers R., Jansen J., Riksen-Walraven J.M.A. & Weerth C. (2011), Maternal prenatal stress and cortisol reactivity to stressors in human infants, Stress 14(1): 53-65.
- Tollenaar M.S., Jansen J., Beijers R., Riksen-Walraven J.M.A. & Weerth C. (2010), Cortisol in the first year of life: Normative values and intra-individual variability, Early Human Development 86(1): 13-18.
- Peer J.M. van, Rotteveel M., Spinhoven P., Tollenaar M.S. & Roelofs K. (2010), Affect-congruent approach and withdrawal movements of happy and angry faces facilitate affective categorisation, Cognition and Emotion 24: 863-875.
- Oei N.Y.L., Tollenaar M.S., Elzinga B.M. & Spinhoven P. (2010), Propranolol reduces emotional distraction in working memory: A partial mediating role of propranolol-induced cortisol increases?, Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 93: 388-395.
- Oei N.Y.L., Tollenaar M.S., Spinhoven P. & Elzinga B.M. (2009), Hydrocortisone reduces emotional distracter interference in working memory, Psychoneuroendocrinology 34: 1284-1293.
- Tollenaar M.S. (13 mei 2009), Fading memories : the impact of stress hormones on the retrieval of emotional memories (Dissertatie. Clinical, Health and Neuropsychology, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Leiden University). Promotor(en) en copromotor(en): Spinhoven P. & Everaerd W.T.A.M., Elzinga B.M.
- Tollenaar M.S., Elzinga B.M., Spinhoven P. & Everaerd W. (2009), Immediate and prolonged effects of cortisol, but not propranolol, on memory retrieval in healthy young men, Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 91: 23-31.
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