Marcus Specht
Hoogleraar Informatica
- Naam
- Prof.dr. M.M. Specht
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727

Hoogleraar Informatica
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Mathematisch Instituut
- Mathematisch Instituut
- Werf V. van der, Zhang M.Y., Aivaloglou E., Hermans F.F.J. & Specht M.M. (2023), Variables in practice: an observation of teaching variables in introductory programming moocs, ITiCSE 2023: Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education V. 1. ITiCSE 10 juli 2023 - 12 juli 2023: Association for Computing Machinery. 208–214.
- Helden G. van, Werf V. van der, Saunders-Smits G.N. & Specht M.M. (2023), The use of digital peer assessment in higher education—an umbrella review of literature, IEEE Access 11: 22948-22960.
- Meer N. van der, Werf V. van der, Brinkman W.P. & Specht M.M. (2023), Virtual reality and collaborative learning: a systematic literature review, Frontiers in Virtual Reality 4: 1159905.
- Werf V. van der, Aivaloglou E., Hermans F.F.J. & Specht M.M. (2022), (How) should variables and their naming be taught in novice programming education?. ICER '22, Lugano. 7 augustus 2022 - 10 augustus 2022. [conferentie poster].
- Saunders Smits G., Helden G. van, Werf V. van der & Specht M.M. (2022), Using peer assessment in inclusive digital education, SEFI 50th Annual conference of The European Society for Engineering Education. "Towards a new future in engineering education, new scenarios that european alliances of tech universities open up". SEFI 50th Annual conference 19 september 2022 - 22 september 2022. Barcelona: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. 2305-2308.
- Werf V. van der., Aivaloglou E., Hermans F.F.J. & Specht M.M. (2022), What does this Python code do?: An exploratory analysis of novice students’ code explanations. Stikkolorum D. & Rahimi E. (red.), Proceedings of the 10th Computer Science Education Research Conference. CSERC 22 november 2021 - 23 november 2021. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery. 94–107.