Marc Spijker
Emeritus hoogleraar Numerieke wiskunde
- Naam
- Prof.dr. M.N. Spijker
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727

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Emeritus hoogleraar Numerieke wiskunde
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Mathematisch Instituut
- Mathematisch Instituut
- Spijker M.N. (2017), Stability and boundedness in the numerical solution of initial value problems, Mathematics of Computation 86(308): 2777-2798.
- Spijker M.N. (2013), The existence of stepsize-coefficients for boundedness of linear multistep methods, Applied Numerical Mathematics (63): 45-57.
- Hundsdorfer W., Mozartova A. & Spijker M.N. (2012), Stepsize restrictions for boundedness and monotonicity of multistep methods, Journal of Scientific Computing 50: 265-286.
- Hundsdorfer W., Mozartova A. & Spijker M.N. (2011), Special boundedness properties in numerical initial value problems, BIT Numerical Mathematics 51: 909-936.
- Hundsdorfer W. & Spijker M.N. (2011), Boundedness and strong stability of Runge-Kutta methods, Math. Comp. 80: 863-886.
- Hundsdorfer W., Mozartova A. & Spijker M.N. (2009), Stepsize conditions for boundedness in numerical initial value problems, Siam Journal of Numer. Anal. 47(5): 3797-3819.
- Ferracina L. & Spijker M.N. (2008), Strong stability of singly-diagonally-implicit Runge-Kutta Methods, Applied Numerical Mathematics 58: 1675-1686.
- Spijker M.N. (2007), Stepsize conditions for general monotonicity in numerical initial value problems, Siam Journal of Numer. Anal. 45: 1226-1245.
- Ferracina L. & Spijker M.N. (2005), Stepsize restrictions for total-variation-boundedness in general Runge-Kutta procedures, Applied Numerical Mathematics 53: 265-279.
- Ferracina L. & Spijker M.N. (2005), An extension and analysis of the Shu-Osher representation of Runge-Kutta methods, Journal of Applied Mathematics & Computing 74: 201-210.
- Ferracina L. & Spijker M.N. (2004), Stepsize restrictions for the total-variation-dimishing property in general Runge-Kutta methods, Siam Journal of Numer. Anal. 42: 1073-1308.
- Spijker M.N., Tracogna S. & Welfert B. (2003), About the sharpness of the stability estimates in the Kreiss matrix theorem, Mathematics of Computation 72: 697-713.
- Hout K.J. in 't & Spijker M.N. (2003), Analysis of error growth via stability regions in numerical initial value problems, BIT Numerical Mathematics 43: 363-385.
- Borovykh N. & Spijker M.N. (1999), Stability Estimates and Resolvent Conditions in the Numerical Solution of Initial Value Problems. onbekend: Mathematisch Instituut.
- Borovykh N., Drissi D. & Spijker M.N. (1999), A note about Ritt's condition and related resolvent conditions. onbekend: Mathematisch Instituut.
- Borovykh N. & Spijker M.N. (1998), A note on boundedness, in weighted norms, of partial sums of Fourier power series. onbekend: Mathematisch Instituut.
- Borovykh N., Drissi D. & Spijker M.N. (1998), A note about Ritt's condition and related resolvent conditions. onbekend: Mathematisch Instituut.
- Spijker M.N., Tracogna S. & Welfert B. (1998), About the sharpness of the stability estimates in the Kreiss matrix theorem. onbekend: Mathematisch Instituut.
- Spijker M.N. & Straetemans F.A.J. (1998), A note on the order of contact between sets in the complex plane, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 217: 707-723.