Manja Koenders
Universitair docent
- Naam
- Dr. M.A. Koenders
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 7980

Lees meer op de Engelstalige medewerkerspagina van Manja Koenders
Universitair docent
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Psychologie
- Klinische Psychologie
- Glas R.V., Kleijn R.E. de, Regeer E.J., Kupka R.W. & Koenders M.A. (2024), Do you feel up when you go up?: a pilot study of a virtual reality manic‐like mood induction paradigm, British Journal of Clinical Psychology 63(1): 105-117.
- Wright K., Koenders M., Douglas K.M., Faurholt-Jepsen M., Lewandowski K.E., Miklowitz D.J., Morton E., Murray G., Richardson T., de Siqueira Rotenberg L., Sperry S.H., Van Meter A.R., Vassilev A.B., Weiner L., Weinstock L.M. & Mesman E. (2024), Psychological therapies for people with bipolar disorder: where are we now, and what is next?: ISBD Psychological Interventions Taskforce—Position paper, Bipolar Disorders : .
- Riedinger M.A., Mesbah R., Koenders M.A., Henderickx J.G.E., Smits W.K., El Filali E., Geleijnse J.M., Wee N.J.A. van der, Leeuw M. de & Giltay E.J. (2024), A healthy dietary pattern is associated with microbiota diversity in recently diagnosed bipolar patients: the Bipolar Netherlands Cohort (BINCO) study, Journal of Affective Disorders 355: 157-166.
- Mesbah R., Koenders M.A., Spijker A.T., Leeuw M. de, Hemert A.M. van & Giltay E.J. (2023), Dynamic time warp analysis of individual symptom trajectories in patients with bipolar disorder, Bipolar Disorders : 1-14.
- Mesbah R., Koenders M.A., van der Wee N.J.A., Giltay E.J., van Hemert A.M. & de Leeuw M. (2023), Association between the fronto-limbic network and cognitive and emotional functioning in individuals with bipolar disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis, JAMA Psychiatry 80(5): 432-440.
- Kupka R., Hillegers M., Koenders M.A. & Sienaert P. (2022), Handboek bipolaire stemmingsstoornissen. Amsterdam: Boom/De Tijdstroom.
- Koenders M.A. & Glas R. (2022), Psychologische factoren en persoonlijkheidsontwikkeling. In: Kupka R., Hillegers M., Koenders M.A. & Sienaert P. (red.), Handboek bipolaire stemmingsstoornissen. Amsterdam: Boom/De Tijdstroom.
- Koenders M.A. & Steenhuis D. (2022), Psychotherapie. In: Kupka R., Hillegers M., Koenders M.A. & Sienaert P. (red.), Handboek bipolaire stemmingsstoornissen. Amsterdam: Boom/De Tijdstroom.
- Koenders M.A., Kooij S., Dierssen J.W. & Ingenhoven T. (2022), Psychiatrische comorbiditeit. In: Kupka R., Hillegers M., Koenders M.A. & Sienaert P. (red.), Handboek bipolaire stemmingsstoornissen. Amsterdam: Boom/De Tijdstroom.
- Mesbah R., de Belas N.J., Rius-Ottenheim N., Van der Does A.J.W., de Leeuw M., Penninx B.W.J.H., van Hemert A.M., Giltay E.J. & Koenders M.A. (2021), Anger and cluster B personality traits and the conversion from unipolar depression to bipolar disorder , Depression and Anxiety : .
- Fried E.I., Koenders M.A. & Blom J.D. (2021), Bleuler revisited: on persecutory delusions and their resistance to therapy, The Lancet Psychiatry 8(8): 644-646.
- Koenders M.A., Mesbah R., Spijker A.T., Boere E., de Leeuw M., van Hemert A.M. & Giltay E.J. (2021), Effects of the covid-19 pandemic in a preexisting longitudinal study of patients with recently diagnosed bipolar disorder: Indications for increases in manic symptoms, Brain and Behavior 11(11): 1-10.
- Berg M.T. van den, Wester V.L., Vreeker A., Koenders M.A., Boks M.P., Rossum E.F.C. van & Spijker A.T. (2020), Higher cortisol levels may proceed a manic episode and are related to disease severity in patients with bipolar disorder, Psychoneuroendocrinology 119: 104658.
- Koenders M.A., Mesman E., Giltay E.J., Elzinga B.M. & Hilligers M.H.J. (2020), Traumatic experiences, family functioning and mood disorder development in bipolar offspring, British Journal of Clinical Psychology 59(3): 277-289.
- Koenders M.A., Dodd A.L., Karl A., Green M.J., Elzinga B.M. & Wright K. (2020), Understanding bipolar disorder within a biopsychosocial emotion dysregulation framework, Journal of Affective Disorders Reports 2: 100031.
- Mesbah R., Koenders M.A., Spijker A.T., Leeuw M. de, Boschloo L., Penninx B.W.J.H., Hemert A.M. van & Giltay E.J. (2019), Personality traits and the risk of incident (hypo)mania among subjects initially suffering from depressive and anxiety disorders in a 9-year cohort study, Journal of Affective Disorders 259: 451-457.
- Spijker A.T., Van Zaane J., Koenders M.A., Hoekstra R. & Kupka R.W. (2018), Bipolaire stoornissen en alcoholafhankelijkheid; praktische aanbevelingen voor behandeling op basis van een systematische literatuurstudie, Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie 60(2): 87-95.
- Koenders M.A. & Van der Does A.J.W. (2018), Stemmingsstoornissen. In: Simon E., De Hullu E., Smeets G. & Molen H.T. van der (red.), Klinische Psychologie. Diagnostiek en Behandeling. Groningen: Noordhoff. 205-222.
- Vogels R.J., Koenders M.A., Van Rossum E.F., Spijker A.T. & Drexhage H.A. (2017), T Cell Deficits and Overexpression of Hepatocyte Growth Factor in Anti-inflammatory Circulating Monocytes of Middle-Aged Patients with Bipolar Disorder Characterized by a High Prevalence of the Metabolic Syndrome, Frontiers in Psychiatry 8: e34.
- Koenders Manja (7 april 2016), Tangled up in mood : predicting the disease course of bipolar disorder (Dissertatie. Department of Clinical Psychology, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Leiden University). Promotor(en) en copromotor(en): Elzinga B.M. & Spinhoven P., Spijker A.T. & Giltay E.J.
- Koenders M.A. (7 april 2016), Tangled up in mood : predicting the disease course of bipolar disorder (Dissertatie. Psychology, Social Sciences, Leiden University). Leiden. Promotor(en) en copromotor(en): Elzinga B.M. & Spinhoven P., Spijker A.T. & Giltay E.J.
- Koenders M.A., De Kleijn R., Giltay E.J., Elzinga B.M., Spinhoven P. & Spijker A.T. (2015), A network approach to bipolar symptomatology in patients with different course types, PLoS ONE 10(10): e141420.
- Koenders M.A., Nolen W.A., Giltay E.J., Hoencamp E. & Spijker A.T. (2015), The use of the prospective NIMH Life Chart Method as bipolar mood assessment method in research: A systematic review of different methods, outcome measures and interpretations, Journal of Affective Disorders 175: 260-268.
- Koenders M.A., Giltay E.J., Hoencamp E., Elzinga B.M., Spinhoven P. & Spijker A.T. (2015), The bidirectional impact of perceived and enacted support on mood in bipolar outpatients: A two-year prospective study, Comprehensive Psychiatry 60: 59-67.
- Staufenbiel S.M., Koenders M.A., Giltay E.J., Elzinga B.M., Manenschijn L., Hoencamp E., Van Rossum E.F.C. & Spijker A.T. (2014), Recent negative life events increase hair cortisol concentrations in patients with bipolar disorder, Stress 17(6): 451-459.
- Koenders M.A., Giltay E.J., Spijker A.T., Hoencamp E., Spinhoven P. & Elzinga B.M. (2014), Stressful life events in bipolar I and II disorder: Cause or consequence of mood symptoms?, Journal of Affective Disorders 161: 55-72.
- Koenders M.A., Spijker A.T., Hoencamp E., Haffmans P.M., Zitman F.G. & Giltay E.J. (2014), Effects of mood state on divided attention in patients with bipolar disorder: Evidence for beneficial effects of subclinical manic symptoms, Psychiatry Research 220(1-2): 302-308.
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