Mamadou Hébié
Universitair hoofddocent
- Naam
- Dr. M. Hébié Ph.D.
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 7554
Voor meer informatie zie de Engelstalige profielpagina van Dr. M. Hebie.
Universitair hoofddocent
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Publiekrecht
- Grotius Centre for Intern Legal Studies
- Hébié M. (2024), Calculation of Compensation for Transantlatic Chattel Slavery: Some Remarks. In: Stefanelli J.N. & Lovall E. (red.), Quantifying Reparations for Transatlantic Chattel Slavery: Proceedings of the Second Reparations Symposium, February 9-10, 2023. Washington D.C.: American Society of International Law. 65-68; 77-79.
- Björge E. & Hébié M. (2024), Boundaries: [last updated July 2024]. In: Peters A. (red.), Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law [MPEPIL]. Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law.
- Kohen M. & Hébié M. (2023), Territorial disputes. In: Espósito C. & Parlett K. (red.), The Cambridge Companion to the International Court of Justice. Cambridge Companions to Law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 333-362.
- Hébié M. (2023), Des ombres furtives au Palais de la Paix?: coup de projecteur sur les assistants juridiques des Membres de la Cour internationale de Justice. In: Thouvenin J.-M. & Joly Hébert J. (red.), La Cour internationale de Justice à 75 ans. Cahiers internationaux / Centre de droit international. Paris: Pedone. 73-98.
- Hébié M. (2023), Acquiescement et volonté tacite du titulaire de la souveraineté territoriale. In: Viñuales J., Clapham A., Boisson de Chazournes L. & Hébié M. (red.), The International Legal Order in the XXIst century: essays in honour of Professor Marcelo Gustavo Kohen. Leiden/Boston: Brill/Nijhoff. 71-104.
- Viñuales J., Clapham A., Boisson de Chazournes L. & Hébié M. (red.) (2023), The International Legal Order in the XXIst century = L’ordre juridique international au XXIeme siècle = El órden jurídico internacional en el siglo XXI: essays in honour of Professor Marcelo Gustavo Kohen = ecrits en l’honneur du Professeur Marcelo Gustavo Kohen = estudios en honor del Profesor Marcelo Gustavo Kohen. Leiden/Boston: Brill/Nijhoff.
- Hébié M. (2022), Examining the (Il)legality of Transatlantic Chattel Slavery under International Law: Transatlantic Chattel Slavery 1450–1550. In: Stefanelli J.N. & Lovall E. (red.), Reparations under International Law for Enslavement of African Persons in the Americas and the Caribbean: Proceedings of the Symposium, May 20-21, 2021. American Society of International Law: Washington. 39-43.
- Kohen M.G. & Hébié M. (2021), Peace Agreements and Territorial Change. In: Weller M., Retter M. & Varga A. (red.), International Law and Peace Settlements. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 432-446.
- Hébié M. & Lanovoy M. (2021), Certain Activities Carried Out by Nicaragua in the Border Area (Costa Rica v Nicaragua) and Construction of a Road in Costa Rica Along the San Juan River (Nicaragua v Costa Rica): [last update October 2021]. In: Peters A. (red.) Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law [MPEPIL]. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Hébié M. & Kerschbaum A. (2020), Eritrea-Ethiopia Boundary Commission (EEBC): [last updated May 2020]. In: , Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Procedural Law [MPEiPro]. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Hébié M. & Baldini Miranda da Cruz P. (2019), The Legacy of the Mandates System of the League of Nations. In: Erpelding M., Hess B. & Ruiz Fabri H. (red.), Peace Through Law: The Versailles Peace Treaty and Dispute Settlement System After World War I. Studies of the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for International, European and Regulatory Procedural Law nr. 16. Germany: Nomos. 99-122.
- Hébié M. (2018), The Acquisition of Original Titles of Territorial Sovereignty in the Law and Practice of European Colonial Expansion. In: Kohen M.G. & Hébié M. (red.), Research handbook on Territorial Disputes in International Law. Research Handbooks in International Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. 36-86.
- Hébié M. (2018), The Acquisition of Derivative Titles of Territorial Sovereignty in the Law and Practice of European Colonial Expansion". In: Kohen M.G. & Hébié M. (red.), Research handbook on Territorial Disputes in International Law. Research Handbooks in International Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. 87-144.
- Kohen M.G. & Hébié M. (2018), Territorial Conflicts and their International Legal Framework. In: Kohen M.G. & Hébié M. (red.), Research handbook on Territorial Disputes in International Law. Research Handbooks in International Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. 5-34.
- Kohen M.G. & Hébié M. (2018), Introduction & Conclusion. In: Kohen M.G & Hébié M. (red.), Research handbook on Territorial Disputes in International Law. Research Handbooks in International Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. 1-4; 437-439.
- Kohen M.G. & Hébié M. (red.) (2018), Research Handbook on Territorial Disputes in International Law. Research Handbooks in International Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
- Hébié M. (2017), L'exécution des décisions de la Cour africaine des droits de l'homme et des peuples, Revue Générale de Droit International Public 121(3): 689-726.
- Hébié M. (2017), Negotiating Investment Contracts: Least Developed Countries and the Legitimate Expectations Doctrine. In: , Legal Assistance to Make Foreign Investment Work Better for Sustainable Development in the Least Developed Countries. Occasional Policy Papers Series on the Least Developed Countries 19-35.
- Hébié M. (2016), The Role of the Agreements Concluded with Local Political Entities in the Course of French Colonial Expansion in West Africa, British Yearbook of International Law 85(1): 21-89.
- Kohen M. & Hébié M. (2016), Territory, Acquisition: [2012]. In: Kohen M. (red.), Territoriality and International Law. Elgar Research Reviews in Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. 75-88.
- Hebie M. & Maia C. (2015), Article 13: La Convention de Vienne sur la succession d'États en matière de traité et le principe de la souveraineté permanente sur les ressources naturelles. In: Distefano G. Gaggioli G. (red.), La Convention de Vienne sur la succession d'États en matière de traités: commentaire article par article et questions transversales. Bruxelles: Bruylant.
- Hebie M. (2015), Was there Anything Missing in the Decolonization Process in Africa? The Territorial Dimension, Leiden Journal of International Law 28(3): 529-556.
- Hebie M. (2015), Principle 6: The Special Situation and Needs of Developing Countries. In: Viñuales J. (red.), The Rio Declaration on the Environment: A Commentary. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Hebie M. (2015), Les accords conclus entre puissances coloniales et entités politiques locales: quelques éléments pour reconsidérer l'affaire de la Frontière terrestre et maritime (Cameroun c. Nigéria; Guinée équatoriale (intervenant)), African Yearbook of International Law 20: 97-119.
- Hébié M. (2015), Souveraineté territoriale par traité: une étude des accords entre puissances coloniales et entités politiques locales. Collection International. Droit. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
- Hebie M. (2014), Sécession. In: , Dictionnaire encyclopédique de l'État. Paris: Berger-Levrault. 838-842.
- Hebie M. (2014), Frontières. In: Mbongo P Hervouët F. Santulli C. (red.), Dictionnaire encyclopédique de l'État: Berger-Levrault. 462-465.
- Hebie M. (2014), Territoire. In: Mbongo P. Hervouët F Santulli C. (red.), Dictionnaire encyclopédique de l'État. Paris: Berger-Levrault. 462-465.
- Hebie M. (2013), L'implication des sociétés militaires privées dans les conflits armés contemporains et le droit international humanitaire. In: Chetail V. (red.), Permanences et mutations du droit des conflits armés. Bruxelles: Bruylant. 251-305.
- Hebie M. & Kohen M. (2011), Territory, Discovery. In: Wolfrum R. (red.), Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Law nr. 9. Oxford University: Oxford University Press. 900-904.
- Hebie M. (2011), Article 20 alinéa 1: Droit à l'autodétermination. In: Kamto M. (red.), La Charte africaine des droits de l'Homme et des peuples et le protocole y relatif portant création de la Cour africaine des droits de l'Homme. Bruxelles: Bruylant. 598-623.
- Hebie M. (2008), L'attribution aux États des actes des sociétés militaires privées et de leurs employés en vertu de l'article 4 du Projet d'articles sur la responsabilité internationale des États. In: Wolfrum R. (red.), Select Proceedings of the Third Biennial Conference of the European Society of International Law. London: Hart. 598-623.