Maarten Lamers
Universitair docent
- Naam
- Dr. M.H. Lamers
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 7033
- 0000-0003-2672-5475

Cross-disciplinair onderzoeker, die AI en informatica combineert met andere interesses en speels denken.
Meer informatie over Maarten Lamers
Ik ben een cross-disciplinair onderzoeker, die AI en informatica combineert met andere interesses. In mijn werk benader ik de academische wereld op een speelse manier, zowel qua onderwerp als qua methode. Ik geloof dat speelsheid een waardevolle troef kan zijn in academisch werk. Deze benadering staat ook centraal in het Media Technology Master-of-Science programma, waar ik doceer.
Thema's die terugkomen in mijn onderzoek en lezingen zijn kunstmatige intelligentie, robots, hybride bio-digitale systemen, en natuurlijk speelsheid.
Wellicht interessant om te weten is dat ik door Vrij Nederland (2015) ben geselecteerd als een van de "meest inspirerende technologen, uitvinders en knutselaars van Nederland". Ook gaf ik een TEDx talk getiteld "Academic Freedom for the Young" waarin ik betoog dat academische speelsheid het recht van een student zou moeten zijn.
Tijdens mijn studie specialiseerde ik in AI. Voor mijn doctoraal (Universiteit Leiden, 2001) heb ik neurale netwerktechnieken toegepast op data-analyse problemen in de milieu-epidemiologie bij het Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (RIVM). Mijn Masterdiploma in informatica (Universiteit Utrecht, 1993) behaalde ik na een specialisatie in neurale netwerken voor medische beeldverwerking. In 1992 was ik uitwisselingsstudent aan de Universiteit van Wisconsin in Madison, USA. Ik ben geboren in 1968, mocht je dat willen weten.
Sinds 2002 ben ik universitair docent aan het Instituut voor Informatica van de Universiteit Leiden (LIACS). Ik ben lid van de bestuurscommissie van hun Media Technology MSc programma en doceer in datzelfde programma. Mijn onderzoek is cross-disciplinair en combineert AI en informatica met andere interesses.
Buiten de muren van de universiteit was ik medeoprichter van het lasergame-merk LaserMaxx, een groot merk lasergames wereldwijd, waarvoor ik nog steeds gametechnologie ontwerp. Via dit werk was ik technisch spelproducent voor het nationale TV-programma "Wie is de Mol?" (2000-2014).
Universitair docent
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Leiden Inst of Advanced Computer Science
- Xu D., Lamers M.H., Heide E.F. van der & Verbeek F.J. (2025), A Relational Look at Interactions between Humans and Nonhuman Organisms in Interactive Art, Leonardo 58(2): 220-228.
- Xu D., Lamers M.H. & Heide E.F. van der (2024), Describing and comparing co-located interaction in interactive art using a relational model. Brooks A.L. (red.), ArtsIT, interactivity and game creation. ArtsIT 2023. ArtsIT 2023: ArtsIT, Interactivity and Game Creation 27 november 2023 - 29 november 2023. Lecture Notes of the Institute of Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering nr. 565. Cham: Springer. 198-217.
- Xu D., Lamers M.H. & Heide E.F. van der (2024), Towards a Relational Model of Co-located Interaction in Interactive Art. Mahé E. (red.), Proceedings 28th International Symposium on Electronic Art ISEA2023. 28th International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA2023) 16 mei 2023 - 21 mei 2023. Paris: Ecole des arts decoratifs - PSL. 723-732.
- Lamers M.H. (2023), A computer scientist’s view on machine learning and creativity. Anutariya C. & Bonsangue M.M. (red.), Data science and artificial intelligence. Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. DSAI 2023 27 november 2023 - 29 november 2023. Communications in Computer and Information Science nr. 1942. Singapore: Springer. 325-335.
- Wong-A-Foe D., Barendregt B.A. & Lamers M.H. (2023), Exploring AI and islam in Indonesian education: an anthropological inquiry, 2023 international conference on electrical engineering and informatics (ICEEI). International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics 10 oktober 2023 - 11 oktober 2023. 2023 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics: IEEE. 1-5.
- Lamers M.H. 16 november 2023, Creative beroepen veranderen [Creative professions are about to change]. AI en Onderwijs S1/E14. Metis Onderwijsadvies [podcast].
- Visser M., Duijn M.J. van, Tong S. & Lamers M.H. (2022), Love language: dating app biographies as indicator for mate choice criteria. European Human Behaviour & Evolution Association (EHBEA) Annual Conference 2022, Leipzig. 19 april 2022 - 22 april 2022. [conferentie poster].
- Lamers M.H. & Eck W.J.O.M. van (2022), Microbial content generation for natural terrains in computer games, Frontiers in Computer Science 4: 826412.
- Li J., Lamers M.H. & Riedl R. (2022), Fewer faces displayed simultaneously, less videoconference fatigue in distance learning? : An Experimental Study. In: Proceedings of the international conference on information systems: digitization for the next generation (ICIS 2022). nr. 2: Association for Information Systems.
- Lamers M.H. & Lanen M. (2021), Changing between virtual reality and real-world adversely affects memory recall accuracy, Frontiers in Virtual Reality 2: 602087.
- Schreuter D., Putten P.W.H. van der & Lamers M.H. (2021), Trust me on this one: conforming to conversational assistants, Minds and Machines 31: 535-562.
- Wu J., Lamers M.H. & Kowalczyk W.J. (2020), Being creative : a cross-domain mapping network. Cardoso F.A., Machado P., Veale T. & Cunha J.M. (red.), Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computational Creativity. Eleventh International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC'20) 7 september 2020 - 11 september 2020: Association for Computational Creativity (ACC). 220-227.
- Lamers M.H. 1 maart 2019, "Is de Computer de Componist van de Toekomst?", BNR Questcast (podcast), BNR Nieuwsradio 1-3-2019. BNR Questcast. BNR Nieuwsradio [podcast].
- Sleutels J.J.M. & Lamers M.H. (Senarist) (2019), Thinking about AI korte film. Leiden: Leiden University (Universiteit Leiden). [film].
- Sleutels J.J.M. & Lamers M.H. (Senarist) (2019), Thinking about Artificial Intelligence korte film. Leiden: Leiden University (Universiteit Leiden). [film].
- Lamers M.H. 1 maart 2019, Is de computer de componist van de toekomst? [Are computers the musical composers of the future?]. BNR Questcast [podcast].
- Lamers M.H., Putten P.W.H. van der & Azurin K.A. 28 februari 2019, ROBOpod: Part 1 – Eccentric Electric. Ars Leonardocast. Leonardo/ISAST [podcast].
- Eck W.J.O.M. van & Lamers M.H. (2018), Player Expectations of Animal Incorporated Computer Games. Chisik Y., Jussi H., Khaled R., Luis J. & Alexandra P. (red.), Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment. INTETAIN 2017. 9th International Conference on Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment (INTETAIN 2017) 20 juni 2017 - 22 juni 2017 nr. LNICST 215. Cham: Springer. 1-15.
- Putten P.W.H. van der & Lamers M.H. (2018), Bots Like You, Terugkoppeling, periodiek van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor het Onderwijs in de Natuurwetenschappen 27(1): 14-16.
- Lamers M.H. & Putten P.W.H. van der (2018), Speels Onderzoek, Terugkoppeling, periodiek van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor het Onderwijs in de Natuurwetenschappen 27(1): 6-8.
- Lamers M.H. (2018), Presentation at NRClive, "Over Verrassende Robots en Onszelf". [overig].
- Lanen M. & Lamers M.H. (2018), Context-Dependent Memory in Real and Virtual Reality. In: Bourdot P., Cobb S., Interrante V., Kato H. & Stricker D. (red.), Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality (EuroVR 2018). Lecture Notes in Computer Science nr. 11162. Cham: Springer Publishing. 177-189.
- Eck W.J.O.M. van & Lamers M.H. (2018), Mapping the Field of Organism-Involved Computer Games, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games (FDG '18). 13th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games 7 augustus 2018 - 10 augustus 2018. New York: ACM. 7.
- Hees M. van, Putten P.W.H. van der & Lamers M.H. (2018), "Disciples of the Heinous Path: Exploring Label Structure in Heavy Metal Genres". Atzmueller M. & Duivestein W. (red.), 30th Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Benelearn 2018: The annual machine learning conference of the Benelux 8 november 2018 - 9 november 2018.
- Lamers Maarten H. (2017), TEDx Talk "Academic Freedom for the Young" ( [overig].
- Verkoelen S.D., Lamers M.H. & Putten P.W.H. van der (2017), Exploring the Exactitudes Portrait Series with Restricted Boltzmann Machines. Correia J., Ciesielski V. & Liapis A. (red.), Computational Intelligence in Music, Sound, Art and Design (EvoMUSART 2017). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 6th International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Music, Sound, Art and Design (EvoMUSART 2017) 19 april 2017 - 21 april 2017 nr. 10198. Cham: Springer. 321-337.
- Arenas Rebolledo Y.S., Putten P.W.H. van der & Lamers M.H. (2017), Assessing Augmented Creativity: Putting a Lovelace Machine for Interactive Title Generation Through a Human Creativity Test. Correia J., Ciesielski V. & Liapis A. (red.), Computational Intelligence in Music, Sound, Art and Design. 6th International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Music, Sound, Art and Design (EvoMUSART 2017) 19 april 2017 - 21 april 2017 nr. LNCS 10198. Cham: Springer. 262-274.
- Eck W.J.O.M. van & Lamers M.H. (2015), Biological Content Generation: Evolving Game Terrains Through Living Organisms. Johnson C., Carballal A. & Correia J. (red.), Evolutionary and Biologically Inspired Music, Sound, Art and Design (Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 9027). 4th International Conference, EvoMUSART 2015 8 april 2016 - 10 april 2016 nr. LNCS 9027. Cham: Springer. 224-235.
- Geurtsen A., Lamers Maarten H. & Schaaf M.J.M. (2015), Interactive Digital Gameplay Can Lower Stress Hormone Levels in Home Alone Dogs — A Case for Animal Welfare Informatics. Chorianopoulos K., Divitini M., Baalsrud Hauge J., Jaccheri L. & Malaka R. (red.), Entertainment Computing - ICEC 2015 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 9353). 14th International Conference, ICEC 2015 29 september 2015 - 2 oktober 2015. Trondhei,: Springer International Publishing. 238-251.
- Leeuwen J.P. van, Stappers P.J., Lamers Maarten H. & Thissen M.J.M.R. (2014), Creating the Difference: Proceedings of the Chi Sparks 2014 Conference. Den Haag: The Hague University of Applied Sciences & Chi Nederland.
- Lamers M.H., Putten P.W.H. van der & Verbeek F.J. (2014), Observations on Tinkering in Scientific Education. In: Cheok A.D., Nijholt A. & Romão T. (red.), Entertaining the Whole World. Human-Computer Interaction Series. London: Springer-Verlag. 137-145.
- Quanjer A.J. & Lamers M.H. (2014), Breaking Usability Rules to Enable Reflection. Leeuwen J.P. van, Stappers P.J., Lamers Maarten H. & Thissen M.J.M.R. (red.), Creating the Difference: Proceedings of the Chi Sparks 2014 Conference. . Den Haag: The Hague University of Applied Sciences & Chi Nederland. 122-125.
- Lamers Maarten H. (2014), The AR Curse, AR[t] Magazine (May 2014): 40-41.
- Lamers Maarten H., Verbeek F.J. & Putten P.W.H. van der (2013), Tinkering in Scientific Education. Reidsma D., Katayose H. & Nijholt A. (red.), Advances in Computer Entertainment. nr. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8253: Springer-Verlag. 568-571.
- Weber M. & Lamers M.H. (2013), Finding News in a Haystack — Event Based News Clustering with Social Media Based Ranking, Proceedings 2013 IEEE Third International Conference on Cloud and Green Computing (CGC). 321-326.
- Lamers Maarten H. (2013), [t]AR: Tactile Augmented Reality, AR[t] Magazine (04 (November 2013)): 32-33.
- Lamers Maarten H. (2013), Pre-Digital AR, AR[t] Magazine (03): 24-25.
- Eck W. van & Lamers Maarten H. (2013), Hybrid Biological-Digital Systems in Artistic and Entertainment Computing, Leonardo Music Journal 46(2): 151-158.
- Rooij A. de, Broekens J. & Lamers M.H. (2013), Abstract Expressions of Affect, International Journal of Synthetic Emotions 4(1): 1-31.
- Lamers Maarten H. & Eck W. van (2012), Why Simulate? Hybrid Biological-Digital Games. Di Chio C. (red.), Applications of Evolutionary Computation (EvoApplications 2012). : Springer. 214-223.
- Waardenburg T., Winkel R. & Lamers M.H. (2012), Normative Social Influence in Persuasive Technology: Intensity versus Effectiveness. Bang M. & Ragnemalm E.L. (red.), Persuasive Technology - Design for Health and Safety (Persuasive 2012). : Springer. 145-156.
- Weber M. & Lamers Maarten H. (2012), Finding News in a Haystack: Event Based News Clustering with Social Media Based Ranking [poster], Proceedings International Workshop on Web Science. . Leiden.
- Weber Martin & Lamers Maarten H. (2012), Finding News in a Haystack: LIACS, Leiden University.
- Lamers Maarten H. (2012), Augmented Belief in Reality, AR[t] Magazine (02): 34-35.
- Lamers Maarten H. (2012), Re-introducing Mosquitos, AR[t] Magazine (01): 28-29.
- Traub M.C. & Lamers Maarten H. (2011), A Semantic Centrality Measure for finding the Most Trustworthy Account, IADIS International Journal on Computer Science an Information Systems 6(1): 45-57.
- Herik H.J. van den, Lamers M.H. & Verbeek F.J. (2011), Understanding the artificial, International Journal of Social Robotics 3(2): 107-109.
- Boer Thijs de & Lamers Maarten H. (2011), Changing typographic elements of eBooks without disturbing the reader's experience: the basis for a richer story, Proceedings of the CHI Sparks Conference 2011. .
- Ruhl A. & Lamers Maarten H. (2011), Experiments with Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation in Daily Activities: An Informal Look into its Suitability for HCI, Proceedings of the CHI Sparks Conference 2011. .
- Lamers M.H. & Verbeek F.J. (red.) (2011), Human-Robot Personal Relationships (HRPR 2010). Lecture Notes of the Institute of Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering nr. 59. Heidelberg Berlin: Springer.
- Traub M.C., Lamers Maarten H. & Walter W. (2010), A Semantic Centrality Measure for Finding the Most Trustworthy Account, Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference Informatics 2010. 117-125.
- Fassaert J. & Lamers Maarten H. (2009), Information Design for Getting Difficult Issues Across: From Trial Experiences to Education, Proceedings 13th Computer-Human Interaction Netherlands Conference. 13th Computer-Human Interaction Netherlands Conference 3 april 2014 - 3 april 2014 43-45.
- Slob J. & Lamers Maarten H. (2009), The Human Processor: Changing the relation between Human and Computer, Proceedings of the 13th Computer-Human Interaction Netherlands Conference. 75-79.
- Gavrielidou E. & Lamers Maarten H. (2009), Landmarks and Time-pressure in Virtual Navigation: Towards Designing Gender-neutral Virtual Environments, Facets of Virtual Environments. . Lecture Notes of the Institute of Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering: Springer. 60-67.
- Kallergi A. & Lamers Maarten H. (2008), Word-of-Mouth: A Technologically Mediated Agent Provocateur, Proceedings of the Nordic Digital Excellence in Museums Conference (NODEM 08). .
- Eck W. van & Lamers Maarten H. (2006), Animal Controlled Computer Games: Playing Pac-Man Against Real Crickets, Entertainment Computing. 31-36.
- Boer Clim de & Lamers Maarten H. (2004), Electronic Augmentation of Traditional Board Games, Entertainment Computing. : Springer. 441-444.
- Lamers Maarten H., Kok J.N. & Lebret E. (1998), Combined Neural Network Models for Epidemiological Data: Modelling Heterogeneity and Reduction of Input Correlation. In: Smith G.D., Steele N.C. & Albrecht R.F. (red.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms (ICANNGA'97): Springer-Verlag. 147-151.
- Lamers Maarten H., Kok J.N. & Lebret E. (1998), Multilevel Nonlinearity Study Design. In: , Proceedings of the IEEE International Joint conference on Neural Networks (Alaska) 730-734.
- Lamers Maarten H. (1998), Research Project Description "Data mining applied to data on respiratory effects of air pollution", SIGBIO Newsletter 18(3): .