Lukas Wijaya
- Naam
- Dr. L.S. Wijaya
- Telefoon
- 071 5275706

- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research
- LACDR/Toxicology
- Wijaya L.S., Gabor A., Pot I.E., Have L. van de, Saez-Rodriguez J., Stevens J.L., Le Dévédec S.E., Callegaro G. & Water B. van de (2024), A network-based transcriptomic landscape of HepG2 cells uncovering causal gene-cytotoxicity interactions underlying drug-induced liver injury, Toxicological Sciences 198(1): 14-30.
- Zobl W., Bitsch A., Blum J., Boei J.J.W.A., Capinha L., Carta G., Castell J., Davoli E., Drake C., Fisher C.P., Heldring M.M., Islam B., Jennings P., Leist M., Pellegrino-Coppola D., Schimming J.P., Snijders K.E., Tolosa L., Water B. van de, Vugt-Lussenburg B.M.A. van, Walker P., Wehr M.M., Wijaya L.S. & Escher S.E. (2024), Protectiveness of NAM-based hazard assessment: which testing scope is required?, ALTEX - Alternatives to Animal Experimentation 41(2): 302-319.
- Abyar S., Huang L., Husiev Y., Bretin L.R., Chau B., Vadde R., Wildeman J.H., Belfor K., Wijyay L.S., Noord V.E. van der, Harms A.C., Siegler M.A., Le Dévédec S.E. & Bonnet S.A. (2024), Oxygen-dependent interactions between the ruthenium cage and the photoreleased inhibitor in NAMPT-targeted photoactivated chemotherapy, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 67(13): 11086–11102.
- Vadde R., Wijaya L.S., Beztsinna N., Griend C.J. van de, Water B. van de, Bonnet S.A. & Le Dévédec S.E. (2024), Cell viability imaging in tumor spheroids via DNA binding of a ruthenium(ii) light-switch complex, Chemical Communications 60(49): 6308-6311.
- Zhang L., Wang P., Zhou X.Q., Bretin L.R., Zeng X., Husiev Y., Polanco Rivas E.A., Zhao G., Wijaya L.S., Biver T., Le Dévédec S.E., Sun W. & Bonnet S. (2023), Cyclic ruthenium-peptide conjugates as integrin-targeting phototherapeutic prodrugs for the treatment of brain tumors, Journal of the American Chemical Society 145(27): 14963-14980.
- Danilyuk T.Y., Niemeijer M.C., Wijaya L.S., Snijders K., Berk L. van der, Braak S.J. ter, Callegaro G., Bouwman R.J.P., Le Dévédec S.E. & Water B. van de (2023), Human-induced pluripotent stem cell reporters for high-content screening of stress response activation identifying target organ-specific toxicities, Toxicology Letters 384: S192.
- Burgers E.J., Sharma R.P., Schildknecht S., Danilyuk T.Y., Wijaya L.S., Hincapie S., Ramirez Zickgraf F.M., Water B. van de & Beltman J.B. (2023), P06-09: Computational modelling of integrated stress response and oxidative stress response for cellular adversity predictions, Toxicology Letters 384: s108.
- Callegaro G., Schimming J.P., Piñero González J., Kunnen S.J., Wijaya L.S., Trairatphisan P., Berk L. van den, Beetsma K., Furlong L.I., Sutherland J.J., Mollon J., Stevens J.L. & Water B. van de (2023), Identifying multiscale translational safety biomarkers using a network-based systems approach, iScience 26(3): 106094.
- Vrijenhoek N.G., Wehr M.M., Kunnen S.J., Wijaya L.S., Callegaro G., Moné M.J., Escher S.E. & Water B. van de (2022), Application of high-throughput transcriptomics for mechanism-based biological read-across of short-chain carboxylic acid analogues of valproic acid, ALTEX - Alternatives to Animal Experimentation : .
- Hiemstra S.W., Fehling-Kaschek M., Kuijper I.A., Bischoff L.J.M., Wijaya L.S., Rosenblatt M., Esselink J.J., Egmond A. van, Mos J., Beltman J.B., Timmer J., Water B. van de & Kaschek D. (2022), Dynamic modeling of Nrf2 pathway activation in liver cells after toxicant exposure, Scientific Reports 12(1): 7336.
- Heldring M.M., Wijaya L.S., Niemeijer M.C., Yang H., Lakhal T., Le Dévédec S.E., Water B. van de & Beltman J.B. (2022), Model-based translation of DNA damage signaling dynamics across cell types, PLoS Computational Biology 18(7): e1010264.
- Wijaya L.S. (15 december 2022), Gene networks-based mechanistic assessment of drug-induced organ toxicity : a focus on liver and kidney (Dissertatie. Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research (LACDR), Faculty of Science, Leiden University). Promotor(en) en Copromotor(en): Water B. van de, Dévéde S.E. le.
- Wijaya L.S., Trairatphisan P., Gabor A., Niemeijer M.C., Keet J., Alcalà Morera A., Snijders K.E., Wink S., Yang H., Schildknecht S., Stevens J.L., Bouwman R.J.P., Kamp H., Hengstler J., Beltman J.B., Leist M., Le Dévédec S.E., Saez-Rodriguez J. & Water B. van de (2021), Integration of temporal single cell cellular stress response activity with logic-ODE modeling reveals activation of ATF4-CHOP axis as a critical predictor of drug-induced liver injury, Biochemical Pharmacology 190: 114591.
- Wijaya L.S., Rau C., Braun T.S., Marangoz S., Spegg V., Vlasveld M., Albrecht W., Brecklinghaus T., Kamp H., Beltman J.B., Hengstler J.G., Water B. van de, Leist M. & Schildknecht S. (2021), Stimulation of de novo glutathione synthesis by nitrofurantoin for enhanced resilience of hepatocytes, Cell Biology and Toxicology : .
- Koenders S.T.A., Wijaya L.S., Erkelens M.N., Bakker A.T., Noord V.E. van der, Rooden E.J. van, Burggraaff L., Putter P.C., Botter E., Wals K., Elst H. van den, Dulk H. den, Florea B.I., Water B. van de, Westen G.J.P. van, Mebius R.E., Overkleeft H.S., Le Dévédec S.E. & Stelt M. van der (2019), Development of a Retinal-Based Probe for the Profiling of Retinaldehyde Dehydrogenases in Cancer Cells, ACS Central Science 5(12): 1965-1974.
- Zhang Y., Wijaya L., Dekker S.J., Vermeulen N.P.E. & Commandeur J.N.M. (2018), High-performance liquid chromatography-based assay for glutathione transferase theta 2 activity: application to characterize interindividual variability in human liver fractions, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 156: 181-188.