Luisa Mearin Manrique
Emeritus hoogleraar Kindergeneeskunde, in het bijzonder coeliakie en andere chronisch inflammatoire darmaandoeningen
- Naam
- Prof.dr. M.L. Mearin Manrique
- null

Emeritus hoogleraar Kindergeneeskunde, in het bijzonder coeliakie en andere chronisch inflammatoire darmaandoeningen
- Faculteit Geneeskunde
- Divisie 3
- Willem-Alexander erziekenhuis
- Suasnabar, J.H.; Meijer, C.R.; Smit, L.; Overveld, F. van; Thom, H.; Keeney, E.; Mearin, M.L. & Akker-van Marle, M.E. van den (2024), Long-Term Cost-Effectiveness of Case Finding and Mass Screening for Celiac Disease in Children, Gastroenterology 167(6): 1129-1140.
- Szajewska, H.; Shamir, R.; Strozyk, A.; Chmielewska, A.; Zalewski, B.M.; Auricchio, R.; Koletzko, S.; Korponay-Szabo, I.R.; Mearin, M.L.; Meijer, C.; Ribes-Koninckx, C.; Troncone, R. & PreventCD Project Grp (2022), Systematic review: early feeding practices and the risk of coeliac disease, Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 57(1).
- Unen, V. van; Ouboter, L.F.; Li, N.; Schreurs, M.; Abdelaal, T.; Kooy-Winkelaar, Y.; Beyrend, G.; Hoellt, T.; Maljaars, P.W.J.; Mearin, M.L.; Mahfouz, A.; Witte, A.M.C.; Clemens, C.H.M.; Abraham, S.; Escher, J.C.; Lelieveldt, B.P.F.; Pascutti, M.F.; Jong, A.E.V.E. de & Koning, F. (2022), Identification of a disease-associated network of intestinal immune cells in treatment-naive inflammatory bowel disease, Frontiers in Immunology 13.
- Unen, V. van; Ouboter, L.F.; Li, N.; Schreurs, M.; Abdelaal, T.; Kooy-Winkelaar, Y.; Beyrend, G.; Hoellt, T.; Maljaars, P.W.J.; Mearin, M.L.; Mahfouz, A.; Witte, A.M.C.; Clemens, C.H.M.; Abraham, S.; Escher, J.C.; Lelieveldt, B.P.F.; Pascutti, M.F.; Jong, A.E.V.E. de & Koning, F. (2022), Identification of a disease-associated network of intestinal immune cells in treatment-naive inflammatory bowel disease, Frontiers in Immunology 13.
- Szajewska, H.; Shamir, R.; Chmielewska, A.; Strozyk, A.; Zalewski, B.M.; Auricchio, R.; Koletzko, S.; Korponay-Szabo, I.R.; Mearin, L.; Meijer, C.; Ribes-Koninckx, C.; Troncone, R. & PREVENTCD Study Grp (2022), Early Feeding Practices and Celiac Disease Prevention: Protocol for an Updated and Revised Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Nutrients 14(5).
- Ramirez-Sanchez, A.D.; Chu, X.J.; Modderman, R.; Kooy-Winkelaar, Y.; Koletzko, S.; Korponay-Szabo, I.R.; Troncone, R.; Wijmenga, C.; Mearin, L.; Withoff, S.; Jonkers, I.H. & Li, Y. (2022), Single-cell RNA sequencing of peripheral blood mononuclear cells from pediatric coeliac disease patients suggests potential pre-seroconversion markers, Frontiers in Immunology 13.
- Wessels, M.; Auricchio, R.; Dolinsek, J.; Donat, E.; Gillett, P.; Marild, K.; Meijer, C.; Popp, A. & Mearin, M.L. (2022), Review on pediatric coeliac disease from a clinical perspective, European Journal of Pediatrics 181.
- Meijer, C.R.; Schweizer, J.J.; Peeters, A.; Putter, H. & Mearin, M.L. (2021), Efficient implementation of the 'non-biopsy approach' for the diagnosis of childhood celiac disease in the Netherlands, European Journal of Pediatrics 180(8): 2485-2492.
- Meijer, C.R.; Akker, M.E. van den; Bodegom, L. van; Escher, J.C.; Geloven, N. van; Overveld, F. van; Rings, E.H.H.M.; Smit, L.; Vries, M. de & Mearin, M.L. (2021), Early diagnosis of coeliac disease in the Preventive Youth Health Care Centres in the Netherlands, BMJ Paediatrics Open 5(1).
- Joosse, M.E.; Charbit-Henrion, F.; Boisgard, R.; Raatgeep, R.C.; Lindenbergh-Kortleve, D.J.; Costes, L.M.M.; Nugteren, S.; Guegan, N.; Parlato, M.; Veenbergen, S.; Malan, V.; Nowak, J.K.; Hollink, I.H.I.M.; Mearin, M.L.; Escher, J.C.; Cerf-Bensussan, N. & Samsom, J.N. (2021), Duplication of the IL2RA locus causes excessive IL-2 signaling and may predispose to very early onset colitis, Mucosal Immunology 14(5): 1172-1182.
- Charbit-Henrion, F.; Parlato, M.; Hanein, S.; Duclaux-Loras, R.; Nowak, J.; Begue, B.; Rakotobe, S.; Bruneau, J.; Fourrage, C.; Alibeu, O.; Rieux-Laucat, F.; Levy, E.; Stolzenberg, M.C.; Mazerolles, F.; Latour, S.; Lenoir, C.; Fischer, A.; Picard, C.; Aloi, M.; Dias, J.A.; Hariz, M. ben; Bourrier, A.; Breuer, C.; Breton, A.; Bronsky, J.; Buderus, S.; Cananzi, M.; Coopman, S.; Cremilleux, C.; Dabadie, A.; Dumant-Forest, C.; Gurkan, O.E.; Fabre, A.; Fischer, A.; Diaz, M.G.; Gonzalez-Lama, Y.; Goulet, O.; Guariso, G.; Gurcan, N.; Homan, M.; Hugot, J.P.; Jeziorski, E.; Karanika, E.; Lachaux, A.; Lewindon, P.; Lima, R.; Magro, F.; Major, J.; Malamut, G.; Mas, E.; Mattyus, I.; Mearin, L.M.; Melek, J.; Navas-Lopez, V.M.; Paerregaard, A.; Pelatan, C.; Pigneur, B.; Pais, I.P.; Rebeuh, J.; Romano, C.; Siala, N.; Strisciuglio, C.; Tempia-Caliera, M.; Tounian, P.; Turner, D.; Urbonas, V.; Willot, S.; Ruemmele, F.M. & Cerf-Bensussan, N. (2021), Diagnostic yield of next-generation sequencing in very early-onset inflammatory bowel diseases, Journal of Crohn's and Colitis 15(3): 517-518.
- Koletzko, S. & Mearin, M.L. (2021), Mandatory coronavirus disease 2019 vaccine for children? - Reply.
- Wessels, M.; Dolinsek, J.; Castillejo, G.; Donat, E.; Riznik, P.; Roca, M.; Valitutti, F.; Veenvliet, A. & Mearin, M.L. (2021), Follow-up practices for children and adolescents with celiac disease: results of an international survey, European Journal of Pediatrics.
- Koletzko, S. & Mearin, M.L. (2021), Early High-Dose Gluten Intake to Prevent Celiac Disease: Data Do Not Allow Conclusions.
- Tan, I.L.; Almeida, R.C. de; Modderman, R.; Stachurska, A.; Dekens, J.; Barisani, D.; Meijer, C.R.; Roca, M.; Martinez-Ojinaga, E.; Shamir, R.; Auricchio, R.; Korponay-Szabo, I.R.; Castillejo, G.; Szajewska, H.; Koletzko, S.; Zhernakova, A.; Kumar, V.; Li, Y.; Visschedijk, M.C.; Weersma, R.K.; Troncone, R.; Mearin, M.L.; Wijmenga, C.; Jonkers, I. & Withoff, S. (2021), Circulating miRNAs as potential biomarkers for celiac disease development, Frontiers in Immunology 12.
- Eussen, S.R.B.M.; Mank, M.; Kottler, R.; Hoffmann, X.K.; Behne, A.; Rapp, E.; Stahl, B.; Mearin, M.L. & Koletzko, B. (2021), Presence and levels of galactosyllactoses and other oligosaccharides in human milk and their variation during lactation and according to maternal phenotype, Nutrients 13(7).
- Wessels, M.; Velthuis, A.; Lochem, E. van; Duijndam, E.; Hoorweg-Nijman, G.; Kruijff, I. de; Wolters, V.; Berghout, E.; Meijer, J.; Bokma, J.A.; Mul, D.; Velden, J. van der; Roovers, L.; Mearin, M.L. & Setten, P. van (2020), Raising the Cut-Off Level of Anti-Tissue Transglutaminase Antibodies to Detect Celiac Disease Reduces the Number of Small Bowel Biopsies in Children with Type 1 Diabetes: A Retrospective Study, Journal of Pediatrics 223: 87-+.
- Benitez-Paez, A.; Olivares, M.; Szajewska, H.; Piescik-Lech, M.; Polanco, I.; Castillejo, G.; Nunez, M.; Ribes-Koninckx, C.; Korponay-Szabo, I.R.; Koletzko, S.; Meijer, C.R.; Mearin, M.L. & Sanz, Y. (2020), Breast-milk microbiota linked to celiac disease development in children, Frontiers in Microbiology 11.
- Auricchio, R.; Stellato, P.; Bruzzese, D.; Cielo, D.; Chiurazzi, A.; Galatola, M.; Castilljeo, G.; Escobar, P.C.; Gyimesi, J.; Hartman, C.; Kolacek, S.; Koletzko, S.; Korponay-Szabo, I.; Mearin, M.L.; Meijer, C.; Piescik-Lech, M.; Polanco, I.; Ribes-Koninckx, C.; Shamir, R.; Szajewska, H.; Troncone, R. & Greco, L. (2020), Growth rate of coeliac children is compromised before the onset of the disease, Archives of Disease in Childhood 105(10): 964-968.
- Husby, S.; Koletzko, S.; Korponay-Szabo, I.; Kurppa, K.; Mearin, M.L.; Ribes-Koninckx, C.; Shamir, R.; Troncone, R.; Auricchio, R.; Castillejo, G.; Christensen, R.; Dolinsek, J.; Gillett, P.; Hrobjartsson, A.; Koltai, T.; Maki, M.; Nielsen, S.M.; Popp, A.; Stordal, K.; Werkstetter, K. & Wessels, M. (2020), European Society Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition guidelines for diagnosing coeliac disease 2020, Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 70(1): 141-157.
- Unen, V. van; Li, N.; Abdelaal, T.; Ouboter, L.; Kooy-Winkelaar, Y.; Beyrend, G.; Hollt, T.; Mearin, L.; Lelieveldt, B.; Meulen-de Jong, A. van der & Koning, F. (2019), High-dimensional mass cytometry reveals the immune cell landscape in untreated inflammatory bowel disease, European Journal of Immunology 49: 1376-1376.
- Unen, V. van; Li, N.; Abdelaal, T.; Kooy-Winkelaar, Y.; Ouboter, L.; Beyrend, G.; Hollt, T.; Mearin, L.; Witte, A.; Escher, H.; Lelieveldt, B.; Meulen-de Jong, A. van der & Koning, F. (2019), High-dimensional mass cytometry reveals the immune cell landscape in inflammatory bowel disease, Journal of Crohn's and Colitis 13: S20-S20.
- Grunewald, M.; Hellmuth, C.; Kirchberg, F.F.; Mearin, M.L.; Auricchio, R.; Castillejo, G.; Korponay-Szabo, I.R.; Polanco, I.; Roca, M.; Vriezinga, S.L.; Werkstetter, K.; Koletzko, B. & Demmelmair, H. (2019), Variation and Interdependencies of Human Milk Macronutrients, Fatty Acids, Adiponectin, Insulin, and IGF-II in the European PreventCD Cohort.
- Koletzko, B.; Godfrey, K.M.; Poston, L.; Szajewska, H.; Goudoever, J.B. van; Waard, M. de; Brands, B.; Grivell, R.M.; Deussen, A.R.; Dodd, J.M.; Patro-Golab, B.; Zalewski, B.M.; Alberdi, G.; Buonocore, G.; Campoy, C.; Demmelmair, H.; Desoye, G.; Gomez, M.D.; Escribano, J.; Geraghty, A.; Gil, A.; Hanson, M.; Inskip, H.M.; Larque, E.; Lassel, T.; Luque, V.; Mader, S.; Manios, Y.; Mearin, L.M.; Oddy, W.H.; Reynolds, R.M.; Rueda, R.; Sherry, C.; Socha, P.; Taylor, P.; Beek, E.M. van der; Weber, M.; Crespo-Escobar, P.; Gutser, M.; Kouwenhoven, S.M.P.; Calvo-Lerma, J.; Veldhorst, M. & EarlyNutr Project Systematic Revie (2019), Nutrition During Pregnancy, Lactation and Early Childhood and its Implications for Maternal and Long-Term Child Health: The Early Nutrition Project Recommendations, Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism 74(2): 93-106.
- Stapersma, L.; Brink, G. van den; Ende, J. van der; Bodelier, A.G.; Wering, H.M. van; Hurkmans, P.C.W.M.; Mearin, M.L.; Meulen-de Jong, A.E. van der; Escher, J.C. & Utens, E.M.W.J. (2019), Illness Perceptions and Depression Are Associated with Health-Related Quality of Life in Youth with Inflammatory Bowel Disease, International Journal of Behavioral Medicine 26(4): 415-426.
- Villaescusa BP, Grunewald M, Mearin ML, Koletzko B & Demmelmair H (2019), Associations between breast milk hormones and infant anthropometry at four months of age, Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism 75: 28-29.
- Lindfors, K.; Ciacci, C.; Kurppa, K.; Lundin, K.E.A.; Makharia, G.K.; Mearin, M.L.; Murray, J.A.; Verdu, E.F. & Kaukinen, K. (2019), Coeliac disease, Nature Reviews Disease Primers 5.
- Diederen, K.; Ridder, L. de; Rheenen, P. van; Wolters, V.M.; Mearin, M.L.; Meij, T.G. de; Wering, H. van; Oomen, M.W.; Jong, J.R. de; Sloots, C.E.; Benninga, M.A. & Kindermann, A. (2019), Quality of life and colorectal function in Crohn's disease patients that underwent ileocecal resection during childhood, European Journal of Pediatrics 178(9): 1413-1421.
- Roca, M.; Vriezinga, S.L.; Crespo-Escobar, P.; Auricchio, R.; Hervas, D.; Castillejo, G.; Mena, M.C.; Polanco, I.; Troncone, R.; Mearin, M.L.; Ribes-Koninckx, C. & PREVENT CD Study Grp (2018), Anti-gliadin antibodies in breast milk from celiac mothers on a gluten-free diet, European Journal of Nutrition 57(5): 1947-1955.
- Ledder, O.; Church, P.; Cytter-Kuint, R.; Martinez-Leon, M.; Sladek, M.; Coppenrath, E.; Weiss, B.; Yerushalmi, B.; Carpi, J.M. de; Duchano, L.; Towbin, A.; Assa, A.; Shaoul, R.; Mearin, M.L.; Alex, G.; Griffiths, A.; Tumer, D. & ImageKids Study Grp (2018), A Simple Endoscopic Score Modified for the Upper Gastrointestinal Tract in Crohn's Disease [UGI-SES-CD]: A Report From the ImageKids Study, Journal of Crohn's and Colitis 12(9): 1073-1078.
- Wessels, M.M.S.; Lintelo, M. te; Vriezinga, S.L.; Putter, H.; Hopman, E.G. & Mearin, M.L. (2018), Assessment of dietary compliance in celiac children using a standardized dietary interview, Clinical Nutrition 37(3): 1000-1004.
- Meijer, C.; Shamir, R.; Szajewska, H. & Mearin, L. (2018), Celiac Disease Prevention, Frontiers in Pediatrics 6.
- Joosse M., Charbit-Henrion F., Raatgeep H., Lindenbergh-Kortleve D. J., Costes L. M., Nugteren S., Malan V., Nowak J., Mearin M. L., Escher J., Cerf-Bensussan N. & Samsom J. N. (2018), Consequences of an IL2RA locus duplication in a very early onset inflammatory bowel disease patient, Journal of Crohn's and Colitis 12: S141-S142.
- Wessels, M.M.S.; Rooij, N. de; Roovers, L.; Verhage, J.; Vries, W. de & Mearin, M.L. (2018), Towards an individual screening strategy for first-degree relatives of celiac patients, European Journal of Pediatrics 177(11): 1585-1592.
- Charbit-Henrion, F.; Parlato, M.; Hanein, S.; Duclaux-Loras, R.; Nowak, J.; Begue, B.; Rakotobe, S.; Bruneau, J.; Fourrage, C.; Alibeu, O.; Rieux-Laucat, F.; Levy, E.; Stolzenberg, M.C.; Mazerolles, F.; Latour, S.; Lenoir, C.; Fischer, A.; Picard, C.; Aloi, M.; Dias, J.A.; Hariz, M. ben; Bourrier, A.; Breuer, C.; Breton, A.; Bronski, J.; Buderus, S.; Cananzi, M.; Coopman, S.; Cremilleux, C.; Dabadie, A.; Dumant-Forest, C.; Gurkan, O.E.; Fabre, A.; Fischer, A.; Diaz, M.G.; Gonzalez-Lama, Y.; Goulet, O.; Guariso, G.; Gurcan, N.; Homan, M.; Hugot, J.P.; Jeziorski, E.; Karanika, E.; Lachaux, A.; Lewindon, P.; Lima, R.; Magro, F.; Major, J.; Malamut, G.; Mas, E.; Mattyus, I.; Mearin, L.M.; Melek, J.; Navas-Lopez, V.M.; Paerregaard, A.; Pelatan, C.; Pigneur, B.; Pais, I.P.; Rebeuh, J.; Romano, C.; Siala, N.; Strisciuglio, C.; Tempia-Caliera, M.; Tounian, P.; Turner, D.; Urbonas, V.; Willot, S.; Ruemmele, F.M. & Cerf-Bensussan, N. (2018), Diagnostic Yield of Next-generation Sequencing in Very Early-onset Inflammatory Bowel Diseases: A Multicentre Study, Journal of Crohn's and Colitis 12(9): 1104-1112.
- Heida, A.; Dijkstra, A.; Kobold, A.M.; Rossen, J.W.; Kindermann, A.; Kokke, F.; Meij, T. de; Norbruis, O.; Weersma, R.K.; Wessels, M.; Hummel, T.; Escher, J.; Wering, H. van; Hendriks, D.; Mearin, L.; Groen, H.; Verkade, H.J. & Rheenen, P.F. van (2018), Efficacy of Home Telemonitoring versus Conventional Follow-up: A Randomized Controlled Trial among Teenagers with Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Journal of Crohn's and Colitis 12(4): 432-441.
- Hellmuth, C.; Uhl, O.; Demmelmair, H.; Grunewald, M.; Auricchio, R.; Castillejo, G.; Korponay-Szabo, I.R.; Polanco, I.; Roca, M.; Vriezinga, S.L.; Werkstetter, K.J.; Koletzko, B.; Mearin, M.L. & Kirchberg, F.F. (2018), The impact of human breast milk components on the infant metabolism, PLoS ONE 13(6).
- Heida A., Kobold A. Muller, Rossen J., Kindermann A., Kokke F., De Meij T., Norbruis O., Weersma R., Wessels M., Hummel T., Escher H., van Wering H., Hendriks D., Mearin L., Groen H., Verkade H. & Van Rheenen P. (2018), The efficacy of home telemonitoring vs. conventional follow-up: a randomised controlled trial among teenagers with inflammatory bowel disease, Journal of Crohn's and Colitis 12: S52-S52.
- Crespo-Escobar, P.; Castillejo, G.; Martinez-Ojinage, E.; Donat, E.; Polanco, I.; Mearin, M.L. & Ribes-Koninckx, C. (2018), Ten years of follow-up of the Spanish cohort of the European PreventCD study: the lessons learned, Revista Espanola de Enfermedades Digestivas 110(8): 493-499.
- Sadelhoff, J.H.J. van; Heijning, B.J.M. van de; Stahl, B.; Amodio, S.; Rings, E.H.H.M.; Mearin, M.L.; Garssen, J. & Hartog, A. (2018), Longitudinal Variation of Amino Acid Levels in Human Milk and Their Associations with Infant Gender, Nutrients 10(9).
- Villanacci, V.; Lorenzi, L.; Donato, F.; Auricchio, R.; Dziechciarz, P.; Gyimesi, J.; Koletzko, S.; Misak, Z.; Laguna, V.M.; Polanco, I.; Ramos, D.; Shamir, R.; Troncone, R.; Vriezinga, S.L. & Mearin, M.L. (2018), Histopathological evaluation of duodenal biopsy in the PreventCD project. An observational interobserver agreement study, APMIS 126(3): 208-214.
- Van Sadelhoff J., Van de Heijning B., Stahl B., Rings E., Mearin L., Garssen J. & Hartog A. (2018), Gender difference in the free amino acid glutamine in human milk in the first 3 months of lactation, Allergy 73: 166-166.
- Van Sadelhoff J., Van De Heijning B., Stahl B., Rings E., Mearin L., Garssen J. & Hartog A. (2018), Free amino acid levels in human milk throughout lactation and their in vitro immunomodulatory potential, Allergy 73: 18-18.
- Vriezinga, S.; Borghorst, A.; Akker-van Marle, E. van den; Benninga, M.; George, E.; Hendriks, D.; Hopman, E.; Meij, T. de; Meulen-de Jong, A. van der; Putter, H.; Rings, E.; Schaart, M.; Schweizer, J.; Smit, M.; Tabbers, M.; Weijerman, M.; Wessels, M. & Mearin, M.L. (2018), E-Healthcare for Celiac Disease-A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial, Journal of Pediatrics 195: 154-+.
- Borrelli, M.; Maglio, M.; Korponay-Szabo, I.R.; Vass, V.; Mearin, M.L.; Meijer, C.; Niv-Drori, H.; Ribes-Koninckx, C.; Roca, M.; Shamir, R.; Troncone, R. & Auricchio, R. (2018), Intestinal anti-transglutaminase 2 immunoglobulin A deposits in children at risk for coeliac disease (CD): data from the PreventCD study, Clinical and Experimental Immunology 191(3): 311-317.
- Diederen, K.; Ridder, L. de; Rheenen, P. van; Wolters, V.M.; Mearin, M.L.; Damen, G.M.; Meij, T.G. de; Wering, H. van; Tseng, L.A.; Oomen, M.W.; Jong, J.R. de; Sloots, C.E.; Benninga, M.A. & Kindermann, A. (2017), Complications and Disease Recurrence After Primary Ileocecal Resection in Pediatric Crohn's Disease: A Multicenter Cohort Analysis, Inflammatory Bowel Diseases 23(2): 272-282.
- Koletzko, S.; Auricchio, Y.; Dolinsek, J.; Gillett, P.; Korponay-Szabo, I.; Kurppa, K.; Mearin, Y.L.; Maki, M.; Popp, Z.; Ribes, C.; Shamir, R.; Stordal, K.; Troncone, R.; Werkstetter, K.; Wessels, M.; Zimmer, K.P. & Husby, S. (2017), No Need for Routine Endoscopy in Children With Celiac Disease on a Gluten-free Diet, Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 65(3): 267-269.
- Rzehak, P.; Oddy, W.H.; Mearin, M.L.; Grote, V.; Mori, T.A.; Szajewska, H.; Shamir, R.; Koletzko, S.; Weber, M.; Beilin, L.J.; Huang, R.C.; Koletzko, B. & Early Nutr Project (2017), Infant feeding and growth trajectory patterns in childhood and body composition in young adulthood, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 106(2): 568-580.
- Meijer, C.R.; Discepolo, V.; Troncone, R. & Mearin, M.L. (2017), Does infant feeding modulate the manifestation of celiac disease and type 1 diabetes?, Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care 20(3): 222-226.
- Crespo-Escobar, P.; Mearin, M.L.; Hervas, D.; Auricchio, R.; Castillejo, G.; Gyimesi, J.; Martinez-Ojinaga, E.; Werkstetter, K.; Vriezinga, S.L.; Korponay-Szabo, I.R.; Polanco, I.; Troncone, R.; Stoopman, E.; Kolacek, S.; Shamir, R.; Szajewska, H.; Koletzko, S. & Ribes-Koninckx, C. (2017), The role of gluten consumption at an early age in celiac disease development: a further analysis of the prospective PreventCD cohort study, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 105(4): 890-896.
- Vriezinga, S.L.; Farih, N.; Meulen-de Jong, A.E. van der; Putter, H.; Rings, E.H.H.M.; Schaart, M.W.; Schweizer, J.J.; Wessels, M.M.S. & Mearin, M.L. (2017), Comparison of Patients' and Doctors' Reports on Health-related Quality of Life in Celiac Disease, Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 64(5): 737-741.
- Kooy-Winkelaar, Y.M.C.; Bouwer, D.; Janssen, G.M.C.; Thompson, A.; Brugman, M.H.; Schmitz, F.; Ru, A.H. de; Gils, T. van; Bouma, G.; Rood, J.J. van; Veelen, P.A. van; Mearin, M.L.; Mulder, C.J.; Koning, F. & Bergen, J. van (2017), CD4 T-cell cytokines synergize to induce proliferation of malignant and nonmalignant innate intraepithelial lymphocytes, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114(6): E980-E989.
- Werkstetter, K.J.; Korponay-Szabo, I.R.; Popp, A.; Villanacci, V.; Salemme, M.; Heilig, G.; Lillevang, S.T.; Mearin, M.L.; Ribes-Koninckx, C.; Thomas, A.; Troncone, R.; Filipiak, B.; Maki, M.; Gyimesi, J.; Najafi, M.; Dolinsek, J.; Sander, S.D.; Auricchio, R.; Papadopoulou, A.; Vecsei, A.; Szitanyi, P.; Donat, E.; Nenna, R.; Alliet, P.; Penagini, F.; Garnier-Lengline, H.; Castillejo, G.; Kurppa, K.; Shamir, R.; Hauer, A.C.; Smets, F.; Corujeira, S.; Winckel, M. van; Buderus, S.; Chong, S.; Husby, S.; Koletzko, S. & ProCeDe Study Grp (2017), Accuracy in Diagnosis of Celiac Disease Without Biopsies in Clinical Practice, Gastroenterology 153(4): 924-935.
- Wessels, M.M.S.; Lintelo, M. te; Vriezinga, S.L.; Putter, H.; Hopman, E.G. & Mearin, M.L. (2017), Assessment of dietary compliance in celiac children using a standardized dietary interview., Clinical Nutrition.
- Mearin-Manrique, L. (2016), Celiac disease: Established knowledge and new directions, European Journal of Pediatrics 175(11): 1429-1430.
- Mearin, M.L. (2016), Repeated Screenings for Detection of Celiac Disease, Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 62(2): 192-193.
- Mearin, M.L. (2016), Repeated Screenings for Detection of Celiac Disease, Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 62(2): 192-193.
- Wessels, M.M.S.; Veen, I.I. van; Vriezinga, S.L.; Putter, H.; Rings, E.H.H.M. & Mearin, M.L. (2016), Complementary Serologic Investigations in Children with Celiac Disease Is Unnecessary during Follow-Up, Journal of Pediatrics 169: 55-60.
- Mearin-Manrique, L. (2016), Building and implementing a European syllabus for paediatric subspecialties, European Journal of Pediatrics 175(11): 1418-1418.
- Lummel, M. van; Veelen, P.A. van; Ru, A.H. de; Janssen, G.M.C.; Pool, J.; Laban, S.; Joosten, A.M.; Nikolic, T.; Drijfhout, J.W.; Mearin, M.L.; Aanstoot, H.J.; Peakman, M. & Roep, B.O. (2016), Dendritic Cells Guide Islet Autoimmunity through a Restricted and Uniquely Processed Peptidome Presented by High-Risk HLA-DR, Journal of Immunology 196(8): 3253-3263.
- Szajewska, H.; Shamir, R.; Mearin, L.; Ribes-Koninckx, C.; Catassi, C.; Domellof, M.; Fewtrell, M.S.; Husby, S.; Papadopoulou, A.; Vandenplas, Y.; Castillejo, G.; Kolacek, S.; Koletzko, S.; Korponay-Szabo, I.R.; Lionetti, E.; Polanco, I. & Troncone, R. (2016), Gluten Introduction and the Risk of Coeliac Disease: A Position Paper by the European Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition, Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 62(3): 507-513.
- Torres, J.B.; Roman, E.; Cilleruelo, M.L.; Marquez, M.; Mearin, M.L. & Fernandez, C. (2016), Health-Related Quality of Life in Spanish Children With Coeliac Disease, Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 62(4): 603-608.
- Kirchberg, F.F.; Werkstetter, K.J.; Uhl, O.; Auricchio, R.; Castillejo, G.; Korponay-Szabo, I.R.; Polanco, I.; Ribes-Koninckx, C.; Vriezinga, S.L.; Koletzko, B.; Mearin, M.L. & Hellmuth, C. (2016), Investigating the early metabolic fingerprint of celiac disease - a prospective approach, Journal of Autoimmunity 72: 95-101.
- Unen, V. van; Li, N.; Molendijk, I.; Temurhan, M.; Hollt, T.; Meulen-de Jong, A.E. van der; Verspaget, H.W.; Mearin, M.L.; Mulder, C.J.; Bergen, J. van; Lelieveldt, B.P.F. & Koning, F. (2016), Mass Cytometry of the Human Mucosal Immune System Identifies Tissue- and Disease-Associated Immune Subsets, Immunity 44(5): 1227-1239.
- Schmitz, F.; Kooy-Winkelaar, Y.; Wiekmeijer, A.S.; Brugman, M.H.; Mearin, M.L.; Mulder, C.; Lopes, S.C.D.; Mummery, C.L.; Staal, F.J.T.; Bergen, J. van & Koning, F. (2016), The composition and differentiation potential of the duodenal intraepithelial innate lymphocyte compartment is altered in coeliac disease, Gut 65(8): 1269-1278.
- Ludvigsson, J.F.; Agreus, L.; Ciacci, C.; Crowe, S.E.; Geller, M.G.; Green, P.H.R.; Hill, I.; Hungin, A.P.; Koletzko, S.; Koltai, T.; Lundin, K.E.A.; Mearin, M.L.; Murray, J.A.; Reilly, N.; Walker, M.M.; Sanders, D.S.; Shamir, R.; Troncone, R. & Husby, S. (2016), Transition from childhood to adulthood in coeliac disease: the Prague consensus report, Gut 65(8): 1242-1251.
- Bergen, J. van; Mulder, C.J.; Mearin, M.L. & Koning, F. (2015), Local Communication Among Mucosal Immune Cells in Patients With Celiac Disease.
- Mearin, M.L. (2015), The prevention of coeliac disease.
- Mearin, M.L. (2015), Celiac Disease: Prevention in Children, Digestive Diseases 33(2): 162-166.
- Mourad-Baars, P.E.C.; Wunderink, H.F.; Mearin, M.L.; Veenendaal, R.A.; Wit, J.M. & Veldkamp, K.E. (2015), Low Antibiotic Resistance of Helicobacter pylori in The Netherlands, Helicobacter 20(1): 69-70.
- Szajewska, H.; Shamir, R.; Chmielewska, A.; Piescik-Lech, M.; Auricchio, R.; Ivarsson, A.; Kolacek, S.; Koletzko, S.; Korponay-Szabo, I.; Mearin, M.L.; Ribes-Koninckx, C.; Troncone, R. & PREVENTCD Study Grp (2015), Systematic review with meta-analysis: early infant feeding and coeliac disease - update 2015, Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 41(11): 1038-1054.
- Vriezinga, S.L.; Schweizer, J.J.; Koning, F. & Mearin, M.L. (2015), Coeliac disease and gluten-related disorders in childhood, Nature Reviews Gastroenterology and Hepatology 12(9): 527-536.
- Winter, D.A.; Karolewska-Bochenek, K.; Lazowska-Przeorek, I.; Lionetti, P.; Mearin, M.L.; Chong, S.K.; Roma-Giannikou, E.; Maly, J.; Kolho, K.L.; Shaoul, R.; Staiano, A.; Damen, G.M.; Meij, T. de; Hendriks, D.; George, E.K.; Turner, D.; Escher, J.C. & Paediat IBD Porto Grp ESPGHAN (2015), Pediatric IBD-unclassified Is Less Common than Previously Reported; Results of an 8-Year Audit of the EUROKIDS Registry, Inflammatory Bowel Diseases 21(9): 2145-2153.
- Haisma, S.M.; Lijftogt, T.; Kindermann, A.; Damen, G.; Ridder, L. de; Escher, J.C.; Mearin, M.L.; Meij, T. de; Hendriks, D.; George, E.; Hummel, T.; Norbruis, O. & Rheenen, P. (2015), Methotrexate for Maintaining Remission in Paediatric Crohn's Patients with Prior Failure or Intolerance to Thiopurines: A Multicenter Cohort Study, Journal of Crohn's and Colitis 9(4): 305-311.
- Wessels, M.M.S.; Vriezinga, S.L.; Koletzko, S.; Werkstetter, K.; Castillejo-De Villasante, G.; Shamir, R.; Hartman, C.; Putter, H.; Pal, S.M. van der; Wijmenga, C.; Bravi, E.; Mearin, M.L. & PreventCD Study Grp (2015), Impact on parents of HLA-DQ2/DQ8 genotyping in healthy children from coeliac families, European Journal of Human Genetics 23(3): 405-408.
- Meijer, C.R.; Shamir, R. & Mearin, M.L. (2015), Coeliac Disease and Noncoeliac Gluten Sensitivity, Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 60(4): 429-432.
- Schmitz, F.; Kooy-Winkelaar, Y.; Wiekmeijer, A.S.; Brugman, M.H.; Mearin, M.L.; Mulder, C.; Lopes, S.C.D.; Mummery, C.L.; Staal, F.J.T.; Bergen, J. van & Koning, F. (2015), The composition and differentiation potential of the duodenal intraepithelial innate lymphocyte compartment is altered in coeliac disease.
- Romanos, J.; Rosen, A.; Kumar, V.; Trynka, G.; Franke, L.; Szperl, A.; Gutierrez-Achury, J.; Diemen, C.C. van; Kanninga, R.; Jankipersadsing, S.A.; Steck, A.; Eisenbarth, G.; Heel, D.A. van; Cukrowska, B.; Bruno, V.; Mazzilli, M.C.; Nunez, C.; Bilbao, J.R.; Mearin, M.L.; Barisani, D.; Rewers, M.; Norris, J.M.; Ivarsson, A.; Boezen, H.M.; Liu, E.; Wijmenga, C. & PreventCD Grp (2014), Improving coeliac disease risk prediction by testing non-HLA variants additional to HLA variants, Gut 63(3): 415-422.
- Shamir, R.; Heyman, M.B.; Koning, F.; Wijimenga, C.; Gutierrez-Achury, J.; Catassi, C.; Gatti, S.; Fasano, A.; Discepolo, V.; Korponay-Szabo, I.R.; Zevit, N.; Maki, M.; Schaart, M.W.; Mearin, M.L. & Troncone, R. (2014), Celiac Disease: Past, Present, and Future Challenges Dedicated to the Memory of Our Friend and Colleague, Prof David Branski (1944-2013), Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 59: S1-S1.
- Haisma, S.M.; Lijftogt, T.; Kindermann, A.; Damen, G.M.; Ridder, L. de; Escher, J.C.; Mearin, L.; Meij, T.G.J. de; Hendriks, D.; Berg, A. van den; George, E.; Hummel, T.; Norbruis, O.F. & Rheenen, P.F. van (2014), Methotrexate after thiopurine therapy in children with Crohn's disease: a multicenter cohort study, Journal of Crohn's and Colitis 8: S400-S401.
- Koletzko, B.; Kolacek, S.; Phillips, A.; Troncone, R.; Vandenplas, Y.; Baumann, U.; Goudoever, J. van; Swarte, C. de; Benninga, M. & Mearin, L. (2014), Research and the Promotion of Child Health: A Position Paper of the European Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition, Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 59(2): 274-278.
- Almeida, R.; Ricano-Ponce, I.; Kumar, V.; Deelen, P.; Szperl, A.; Trynka, G.; Gutierrez-Achury, J.; Kanterakis, A.; Westra, H.J.; Franke, L.; Swertz, M.A.; Platteel, M.; Bilbao, J.R.; Barisani, D.; Greco, L.; Mearin, L.; Wolters, V.M.; Mulder, C.; Mazzilli, M.C.; Sood, A.; Cukrowska, B.; Nunez, C.; Pratesi, R.; Withoff, S. & Wijmenga, C. (2014), Fine mapping of the celiac disease-associated LPP locus reveals a potential functional variant, Human Molecular Genetics 23(9): 2481-2489.
- D'Antiga, L.; Nicastro, E.; Papadopoulou, A.; Mearin, M.L.; Tzivinikos, C.; Vandenplas, Y.; Goudoever, H. van; Baumann, U.; Troncone, R. & Koletzko, B. (2014), European Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition Syllabus for Subspecialty Training: Moving Towards a European Standard, Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 59(3): 417-422.
- Petersen, J.; Montserrat, V.; Mujico, J.R.; Loh, K.L.; Beringer, D.X.; Lummel, M. van; Thompson, A.; Mearin, M.L.; Schweizer, J.; Kooy-Winkelaar, Y.; Bergen, J. van; Drijfhout, J.W.; Kan, W.T.; Gruta, N.L. la; Anderson, R.P.; Reid, H.H.; Koning, F. & Rossjohn, J. (2014), T-cell receptor recognition of HLA-DQ2-gliadin complexes associated with celiac disease.
- Papadopoulou, A.; Koletzko, S.; Heuschkel, R.; Dias, J.A.; Allen, K.J.; Murch, S.H.; Chong, S.; Gottrand, F.; Husby, S.; Lionetti, P.; Mearin, M.L.; Ruemmele, F.M.; Schappi, M.G.; Staiano, A.; Wilschanski, M.; Vandenplas, Y.; ESPGHAN Eosinophilic Esophagitis W & Gastroenterology Comm (2014), Management Guidelines of Eosinophilic Esophagitis in Childhood, Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 58(1): 107-118.
- Schaart, M.W. & Mearin, M.L. (2014), Early Nutrition: Prevention of Celiac Disease?, Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 59: S18-S20.
- Vriezinga, S.L.; Auricchio, R.; Bravi, E.; Castillejo, G.; Chmielewska, A.; Escobar, P.C.; Kolacek, S.; Koletzko, S.; Korponay-Szabo, I.R.; Mummert, E.; Polanco, I.; Putter, H.; Ribes-Koninckx, C.; Shamir, R.; Szajewska, H.; Werkstetter, K.; Greco, L.; Gyimesi, J.; Hartman, C.; Esch, C.H.; Hopman, E.; Ivarsson, A.; Koltai, T.; Koning, F.; Martinez-Ojinaga, E.; Marvelde, C. te; Pavic, A.M.; Romanos, J.; Stoopman, E.; Villanacci, V.; Wijmenga, C.; Troncone, R. & Mearin, M.L. (2014), Randomized Feeding Intervention in Infants at High Risk for Celiac Disease, New England Journal of Medicine 371(14): 1304-1315.
- Koning, F.; Mol, M. & Mearin, M.L. (2013), The million-dollar question: is "gluten-free" food safe for patients with celiac disease?, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 97(1): 3-4.
- Calkoen, F.G.J.; Jol-van der Zijde, C.M.; Schweizer, J.J.; Mearin, M.L.; Halteren, A.G.S. van; Egeler, R.; Tol, M.J.D. van & Ball, L.M. (2013), Biopsies are essential during monitoring of response to mesenchymal stromal cell therapy in children with gastrointestinal acute graft-versus-host disease, Bone Marrow Transplantation 48: S171-S171.
- Calkoen, F.G.J.; Bechan, I.G.; Jol-van der Zijde, C.M.; Tol, M.J.D. van; Schweizer, J.J.; Mearin, M.L. & Ball, L.M. (2013), Severe gastrointestinal complications commonly develop following successful treatment of steroid refractory severe acute graft-versus-host disease in children with mesenchymal stromal cells, Bone Marrow Transplantation 48: S268-S268.
- Schappi, M.G.; Staiano, A.; Milla, P.J.; Smith, V.V.; Dias, J.A.; Heuschkel, R.; Husby, S.; Mearin, M.L.; Papadopoulou, A.; Ruemmele, F.M.; Vandenplas, Y. & Koletzko, S. (2013), A Practical Guide for the Diagnosis of Primary Enteric Nervous System Disorders, Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 57(5): 677-686.
- Meij, T.G.J. de; Budding, A.E.; Grasman, M.E.; Kneepkens, C.M.F.; Savelkoul, P.H.M. & Mearin, M.L. (2013), Composition and diversity of the duodenal mucosa-associated microbiome in children with untreated coeliac disease, Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 48(5): 530-536.
- Crespo, P.; Calvo, J.; Castillejo, G.; Martinez, E.; Hopman, E.; Vriezinga, S.; Funke, B.; Werkstetter, K.; Auricchio, R.; Polanco, I.; Koletzko, S.; Troncone, R.; Mearin, M.L. & Ribes-Koninckx, C. (2013), GLUTEN CONSUMPTION AT EARLY AGE IS DIFFERENT AMONG INFANTS FROM DIFFERENT EUROPEAN COUNTRIES. THE PREVENT-CD COHORTS, Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism 63: 678-679.
- Lopriore, E.; Mearin, M.L.; Oepkes, D.; Devlieger, R. & Whitington, P.F. (2013), Neonatal hemochromatosis: management, outcome, and prevention, Prenatal Diagnosis 33(13): 1221-1225.
- Calkoen, F.G.J.; Jol-van der Zijde, C.M.; Mearin, M.L.; Schweizer, J.J.; Jansen-Hoogendijk, A.M.; Roelofs, H.; Halteren, A.G.S. van; Egeler, R.M.; Tol, M.J.D. van & Ball, L.M. (2013), Gastrointestinal Acute Graft-versus-Host Disease in Children: Histology for Diagnosis, Mesenchymal Stromal Cells for Treatment, and Biomarkers for Prediction of Response, Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation 19(11): 1590-1599.
- Schmitz, F.; Tjon, J.M.L.; Lai, Y.C.; Thompson, A.; Kooy-Winkelaar, Y.; Lemmers, R.J.L.F.; Verspaget, H.W.; Mearin, M.L.; Staal, F.J.; Schreurs, M.W.; Cupedo, T.; Langerak, A.W.; Mulder, C.J.; Bergen, J. van & Koning, F. (2013), Identification of a potential physiological precursor of aberrant cells in refractory coeliac disease type II, Gut 62(4): 509-519.
- Calkoen, F.; Jol-van der Zijde, E.; Halteren, A. van; Schweizer, J.; Mearin, L.; Egeler, R.M.; Tol, M. van & Ball, L. (2013), Biopsies Are Essential During Monitoring of Response to Mesenchymal Stromal Cell Therapy in Children with Gastrointestinal Acute Graft Versus Host Disease, Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation 19(2): S319-S319.
- Richter, T.; Bossuyt, X.; Vermeersch, P.; Uhlig, H.H.; Stern, M.; Hauer, A.; Zimmer, K.P.; Mearin, L.; Roo, J.H.C. de; Dahnrich, C. & Mothes, T. (2012), Determination of IgG and IgA Antibodies Against Native Gliadin Is Not Helpful for the Diagnosis of Coeliac Disease in Children Up to 2 Years Old, Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 55(1): 21-25.
- Koletzko, S.; Niggemann, B.; Arato, A.; Dias, J.A.; Heuschkel, R.; Husby, S.; Mearin, M.L.; Papadopoulou, A.; Ruemmele, F.M.; Staiano, A.; Schappi, M.G. & Vandenplas, Y. (2012), Diagnostic Approach and Management of Cow's-Milk Protein Allergy in Infants and Children: ESPGHAN GI Committee Practical Guidelines, Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 55(2): 221-229.
- Hopman, E.G.D.; Pruijn, R.; Tabben, E.H.; Cessie, S. le & Mearin, M.L. (2012), Food Questionnaire for the Assessment of Gluten Intake by Children 1 to 4 Years Old, Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 54(6): 791-796.
- Szajewska, H.; Chmielewska, A.; Piescik-Lech, M.; Ivarsson, A.; Kolacek, S.; Koletzko, S.; Mearin, M.L.; Shamir, R.; Auricchio, R.; Troncone, R. & PREVENTCD Study Grp (2012), Systematic review: early infant feeding and the prevention of coeliac disease, Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 36(7): 607-618.
- Ribes-Koninckx, C.; Mearin, M.L.; Korponay-Szabo, I.R.; Shamir, R.; Husby, S.; Ventura, A.; Branski, D.; Catassi, C.; Koletzko, S.; Maki, M.; Troncone, R.; Zimmer, K.P. & ESPGHAN Working Grp Coeliac Dis Di (2012), Coeliac Disease Diagnosis: ESPGHAN 1990 Criteria or Need For a Change? Results of a Questionnaire, Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 54(1): 15-19.
- Husby, S.; Koletzko, S.; Korponay-Szabo, I.R.; Mearin, M.L.; Phillips, A.; Shamir, R.; Troncone, R.; Giersiepen, K.; Branski, D.; Catassi, C.; Lelgeman, M.; Maki, M.; Ribes-Koninckx, C.; Ventura, A.; Zimmer, K.P.; ESPGHAN Working Grp Coeliac Dis & ESPGHAN Gastroenterology Comm (2012), European Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition Guidelines for the Diagnosis of Coeliac Disease.
- Kooy-Winkelaar, Y.; Lummel, M. van; Moustakas, A.K.; Schweizer, J.; Mearin, M.L.; Mulder, C.J.; Roep, B.O.; Drijfhout, J.W.; Papadopoulos, G.K.; Bergen, J. van & Koning, F. (2011), Gluten-Specific T Cells Cross-React between HLA-DQ8 and the HLA-DQ2 alpha/DQ8 beta Transdimer, Journal of Immunology 187(10): 5123-5129.
- Esch, C.E.H.; Rijssen, M.J.L. van; Roos, A.; Koning, F.; Dekker, F.W.; Mearin, M.L.; Helmerhorst, F.M. & Schweizer, J.J. (2011), Screening for unrecognized coeliac disease in subfertile couples, Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 46(12): 1423-1428.
- Esch, C.E.H.; Wolters, V.M.; Gerritsen, S.A.M.; Putter, H.; Blomberg, B.M. von; Hoogstraten, I.M.W. van; Houwen, R.H.J.; Lely, N. van der & Mearin, M.L. (2011), Specific Celiac Disease Antibodies in Children on a Gluten-Free Diet, Pediatrics 128(3): 547-552.
- Trynka, G.; Hunt, K.A.; Bockett, N.A.; Romanos, J.; Mistry, V.; Szperl, A.; Bakker, S.F.; Bardella, M.T.; Bhaw-Rosun, L.; Castillejo, G.; Concha, E.G. de la; Almeida, R.C. de; Dias, K.R.M.; Diemen, C.C. van; Dubois, P.C.A.; Duerr, R.H.; Edkins, S.; Franke, L.; Fransen, K.; Gutierrez, J.; Heap, G.A.R.; Hrdlickova, B.; Hunt, S.; Izurieta, L.P.; Izzo, V.; Joosten, L.A.B.; Langford, C.; Mazzilli, M.C.; Mein, C.A.; Midah, V.; Mitrovic, M.; Mora, B.; Morelli, M.; Nutland, S.; Nunez, C.; Onengut-Gumuscu, S.; Pearce, K.; Platteel, M.; Polanco, I.; Potter, S.; Ribes-Koninckx, C.; Ricano-Ponce, I.; Rich, S.S.; Rybak, A.; Santiago, J.L.; Senapati, S.; Sood, A.; Szajewska, H.; Troncone, R.; Varade, J.; Wallace, C.; Wolters, V.M.; Zhernakova, A.; Thelma, B.K.; Cukrowska, B.; Urcelay, E.; Bilbao, J.R.; Mearin, M.L.; Barisani, D.; Barrett, J.C.; Plagnol, V.; Deloukas, P.; Wijmenga, C.; Heel, D.A. van; Spanish Consortium Genetics Coelia; PreventCD Study Grp & WTCCC (2011), Dense genotyping identifies and localizes multiple common and rare variant association signals in celiac disease, Nature Genetics 43(12): 1193-U45.
- Einarsdottir, E.; Bevova, M.R.; Zhernakova, A.; Monsuur, A.; Koskinen, L.L.E.; van't Slot, R.; Mulder, C.; Mearin, M.L.; Korponay-Szabo, I.R.; Kaukinen, K.; Kurppa, K.; Kere, J.; Maki, M.; Wijmenga, C. & Saavalainen, P. (2011), Multiple independent variants in 6q21-22 associated with susceptibility to celiac disease in the Dutch, Finnish and Hungarian populations, European Journal of Human Genetics 19(6): 682-686.
- Esch, C.E.H.; Rosen, A.; Auricchio, R.; Romanos, J.; Chmielewska, A.; Putter, H.; Ivarsson, A.; Szajewska, H.; Koning, F.; Wijmenga, C.; Troncone, R.; Mearin, M.L. & PreventCD Study Grp (2010), The PreventCD Study design: towards new strategies for the prevention of coeliac disease, European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 22(12): 1424-1430.
- Dubois, P.C.A.; Trynka, G.; Franke, L.; Hunt, K.A.; Romanos, J.; Curtotti, A.; Zhernakova, A.; Heap, G.A.R.; Adany, R.; Aromaa, A.; Bardella, M.T.; Berg, L.H. van den; Bockett, N.A.; Concha, E.G. de la; Dema, B.; Fehrmann, R.S.N.; Fernandez-Arquero, M.; Fiatal, S.; Grandone, E.; Green, P.M.; Groen, H.J.M.; Gwilliam, R.; Houwen, R.H.J.; Hunt, S.E.; Kaukinen, K.; Kelleher, D.; Korponay-Szabo, I.; Kurppa, K.; MacMathuna, P.; Maki, M.; Mazzilli, M.C.; McCann, O.T.; Mearin, M.L.; Mein, C.A.; Mirza, M.M.; Mistry, V.; Mora, B.; Morley, K.I.; Mulder, C.J.; Murray, J.A.; Nunez, C.; Oosterom, E.; Ophoff, R.A.; Polanco, I.; Peltonen, L.; Platteel, M.; Rybak, A.; Salomaa, V.; Schweizer, J.J.; Sperandeo, M.P.; Tack, G.J.; Turner, G.; Veldink, J.H.; Verbeek, W.H.M.; Weersma, R.K.; Wolters, V.M.; Urcelay, E.; Cukrowska, B.; Greco, L.; Neuhausen, S.L.; McManus, R.; Barisani, D.; Deloukas, P.; Barrett, J.C.; Saavalainen, P.; Wijmenga, C. & Heel, D.A. van (2010), Multiple common variants for celiac disease influencing immune gene expression, Nature Genetics 42(4): 295U42.
- Wolters, V.M.; Alizadeh, B.Z.; Weijerman, M.E.; Zhernakova, A.; Hoogstraten, I.M.W. van; Mearin, M.L.; Wapenaar, M.C.; Wijmenga, C. & Schreurs, M.W.J. (2010), Intestinal barrier gene variants may not explain the increased levels of antigliadin antibodies, suggesting other mechanisms than altered permeability, Human Immunology 71(4): 392-396.
- Esch, C.E.H.; Csizmadia, G.D.S.; Hoogstraten, I.M.W. van; Schreurs, M.W.J.; Mearin, M.L. & Blomberg, B.M.E. von (2010), Childhood coeliac disease: towards an improved serological mass screening strategy, Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 31(7): 760-766.
- Esch, C.E.H.; Wolters, V.W.; Gerritsen, S.A.; Putter, H.; Blomberg, B.M.E. von; Houwen, R.H.J.; Lely, N. van der & Mearin, M.L. (2010), THE NATURAL HISTORY OF COELIAC DISEASE ANTIBODIES, Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 50: E66E66.
- Hopman EGD, Koopman HM, Wit JM & Mearin ML (2009), Dietary compliance and health-related quality of life in patients with coeliac disease, European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 21(9): 1056-1061.
- Trynka G, Zhernakova A, Romanos J, Franke L, Hunt KA, Turner G, Bruinenberg M, Heap GA, Platteel M & Ryan AW (2009), Coeliac disease-associated risk variants in TNFAIP3 and REL implicate altered NF-kappa B signalling, Gut 58(8): 1078-1083.
- van Koppen EJ, Schweizer JJ, Csizmadia CGDS, Krom Y, Hylkema HB, van Geel AM, Koopman HM, Verloove-Vanhorick P & Mearin ML (2009), Long-term Health and Quality-of-Life Consequences of Mass Screening for Childhood Celiac Disease: A 10-Year Follow-up Study, Pediatrics 123(4): E582E588.
- Vermeulen BAN, Esch CEH, Yuksel Z, Koning F, Verduijn W, Doxiadis IIN, Schreuder GMT & Mearin ML (2009), Phenotypic variance in childhood coeliac disease and the HLA-DQ/DR dose effect, Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 44(1): 40-45.
- Coenen MJH, Trynka G, Heskamp S, Franke B, van Diemen CC, Smolonska J, van Leeuwen M, Brouwer E, Boezen MH & Postma DS (2009), Common and different genetic background for rheumatoid arthritis and coeliac disease, Human Molecular Genetics 18(21): 4195-4203.
- Hopman EGD, von Blomberg ME, Batstra MR, Morreau H, Dekker FW, Koning F, Lamers CBHW & Mearin ML (2008), Gluten tolerance in adult patients with celiac disease 20 years after diagnosis?, European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 20(5).
- van Doorn RK, Winkler LMF, Zwinderman KH, Mearin ML & Koopman HM (2008), CDDUX: A disease-specific health-related quality-of-life questionnaire for children with celiac disease, Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 47(2).
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