Lucien van Beek
Universitair docent
- Naam
- Dr. L.C. van Beek
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2224
- 0000-0001-7287-0476

Lucien van Beek is universitair docent aan het Leiden University Centre for the Linguistics.
Meer informatie over Lucien van Beek
Universitair docent
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Leiden Univ Centre for Linguistics
- Sluiter I., Beek L. van, Kessels A. & Rijksbaron A. (red.) (2024), Woordenboek Grieks-Nederlands. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
- Beek L.C. van (2022), Artificial Word-Formation in the Epic Tradition: θοῦρος ‘fierce’ and the Formula θούριδος ἀλκῆς, The Journal of Hellenic Studies 142: 255-273.
- Beek L.C. van (2022), The reflexes of syllabic liquids in Ancient Greek: linguistic prehistory of the Greek dialects and Homeric Kunstsprache. Leiden Studies in Indo-European nr. 22. Leiden: Brill.
- Beek L.C. van (2021), Les adjectifs en -ερός, -αρός et -ηρός chez Homère et ultérieurement: origines et diffusion. Blanc A. & Boehm I. (red.), Dérivation nominale et innovations dans les langues indo-européennes anciennes. Actes du colloque international de l’université de Rouen (ÉRIAC) 11 oktober 2018 - 12 oktober 2018. Littérature & Linguistique nr. 3. Lyon: MOM éditions (Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée). 161-182.
- Beek L.C. van (2020), Greek ἀΐδιος, μινυνθάδιος, ῥηΐδιος: etymology, phraseology, and labiovelar palatalization, Glotta : Zeitschrift fuer Griechische und Lateinische Sprache 96(1): 38-74.
- Beek L.C. van (2019), A Look into the Indo-European Bedroom: Vedic yóni- and Greek εὐνή, Historische Sprachforschung 132(1): 4-34.
- Beek L.C. van & Migliori L. (2019), Active versus middle perfect in Homeric Greek: synchrony and diachrony. In: Passa E. & Tribulato O. (red.), The paths of Greek: literature, linguistics and epigraphy: studies in honor of Albio Cesare Cassio. Trends in Classics - Supplementary Volumes nr. 85. Berlin: De Gruyter. 71-106.
- Beek L.C. van (2019) The Greek Verb and its Indo-European Origins. Bespreking van: Willi A. (2018), Origins of the Greek Verb. Cambridge: CUP. Classical Review 69(1): 1-3.
- Beek L.C. van (2018), Ἄτλας ἀστεμφής: traces of local particles in Greek compounds and the origins of intensive alpha, Glotta : Zeitschrift fuer Griechische und Lateinische Sprache 94(1): 38-81.
- Beek L.C. van (2018), Greek πέδιλον ‘sandal’ and the origin of the e-grade in PIE ‘foot’. In: Beek L.C. van, Kloekhorst A., Kroonen G.J., Peyrot M., Pronk T.C. & Vaan M.A.C. de (red.), Farnah: Indo-European and Indo-Iranian Studies in Honour of Sasha Lubotsky. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Beech Stave. 335-348.
- Beek L.C. van & Lugt J. van der (2018), Epische relevantie: achtergronden bij het gebruik van het augment in Homerus, Lampas. Tijdschrift voor classici 51(2): 93-112.
- Beek L. van, Kloekhorst A., Kroonen G., Peyrot M., Pronk T. & Vaan M. de (red.) (2018), Farnah. Indo-Iranian and Indo-European Studies in Honor of Sasha Lubotsky. Ann Arbor: Beech Stave.
- Beek L.C. van (2017), Greek βλάπτω and further evidence for a Proto-Greek voicing rule *-Ń̥T- > *-Ń̥D-. In: Sandgaard Hansen B.S., Hyllested A., Jørgensen A., Kroonen G., Larsson J., Nielsen Whitehead B., Olander T. & Mosbæk Søborg T. (red.), Usque ad radices: Indo-European studies in honour of Birgit Anette Olsen. Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press. 55-72.
- Beek L.C. van (2017), Die Bildersprache des Rechts im Indogermanischen: Griechisch ἰθεῖα δίκη und δίκην βλάπτειν. In: Bichlmeier H. & Opfermann A. (red.), Das Menschenbild bei den Indogermanen. Hamburg: Baar-Verlag. 129-150.
- Beek L.C. van (2017), The etymology of Greek πέπαμαι. In: Sandgaard Hansen B.S., Nielsen Whitehead B., Olander T. & Olsen B.A. (red.), Etymology and the European Lexicon. Proceedings of the 14th Fachtagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft, 17–22 September 2012, Copenhagen. Wiesbaden: Reichert Verlag. 427-441.
- Beek L.C. van (2016), Bespreking van: Barber P. (2013), Sievers’ Law and the History of Semivowel Syllabicity in Indo-European and Ancient Greek.. Oxford Classical Monographs. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Mnemosyne 69(1): 153-158.
- Beek L.C. van (2015), Bespreking van: Duhoux Y. & Morpurgo Davies A. (2014), A Companion to Linear B. Mycenaean Greek Texts and their World, Volume 3.. Louvain-la-Neuve: Peeters. Journal of Indo-European Studies 43: 287-296.
- Beek L.C. van (2014), Homeric κρείων ‘lord’ and the Indo-European word for ‘head’, Indogermanische Forschungen 119: 96-121.
- Beek L.C. van (2014), Summary of Van Beek L.C. The Development of the Proto-Indo-European Syllabic Liquids in Greek (2013). [overig].
- Beek L.C. van (2013), 'Struck (with Blood)': the Meaning and Etymology of Greek palássô and its middle perfect pepálakto, Mnemosyne 66: 541-565.
- Beek L.C. van (17 december 2013), The development of the Proto-Indo-European syllabic liquids in Greek (Dissertatie. Leiden University Centre for Linguistics (LUCL), Faculty of humanities, Leiden University). Promotor(en): Lubotsky A.M.
- Beek L.C. van (2013), Vowel changes. In: Giannakis G. (red.), Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics. Leiden: Brill.
- Beek L.C. van (2011), The “Saussure Effect” in Greek: a reinterpretation of the evidence, Journal of Indo-European Studies 39: 129-175.
- Beek L.C. van (2011), Vowel assimilation in Greek: the evidence reconsidered. Krisch T. & Lindner T. (red.), Indogermanistik und Linguistik in Dialog. Akten der XIII. Fachtagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft vom 21. bis 27. September 2008 in Salzburg. . Wiesbaden: Reichert Verlag. 49-58.