Luca Giomi
Hoogleraar Theoretische Natuurkunde
- Naam
- Prof.dr. L. Giomi
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 5502
- 0000-0001-7740-5960

Hoogleraar Theoretische Natuurkunde
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Leiden Instituut Onderzoek Natuurkunde
- LION - Theoretical Physics
- Armengol-Collado J.A., Carenza L.N. & Giomi L. (2024), Hydrodynamics and multiscale order in confluent epithelia, eLife 13: e86400.
- Davidyan S., Matoz-Fernandez D.A., Butenko A.V., García-Aguilar I., Giomi L. & Sloutskin E. (2024), Controlling clouds-to-scars dislocations' transitions on spherical crystal shells, Physical Review Research 6: 043098.
- Rojo-González J., Carenza L.N., Cotte A. de la, Hoffmann L.A., Giomi L. & Fernandez-Nieves A. (2024), Defect-populated configurations in nematic solid tori and cylinders, Physical Review Research 6: 032201.
- Riedel S., Hoffmann L.A., Giomi L. & Kraft D.J. (2024), Designing highly efficient interlocking interactions in anisotropic active particles, Nature Communications 15: 5692.
- Rinaldin M., Haaf S.L.D. ten, Vegter E.J.R., Wel C.M. van der, Fonda P., Giomi L. & Kraft D.J. (2024), Lipid membranes supported by polydimethylsiloxane substrates with designed geometry, Soft Matter 20(37): 7379-7386.
- Yong E.H., Dary F., Giomi L. & Mahadevan L. (2024), Reply to van der Heijden and Starostin: on the persistent helicity of fluctuating ribbons, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121(28): e2303436121.
- Serra M., Lemma L., Giomi L., Dogic Z. & Mahadevan L. (2023), Defect-mediated dynamics of coherent structures in active nematics, Nature Physics 19(9): 1355-1361.
- Krommydas D., Carenza L.N. & Giomi L. (2023), Hydrodynamic enhancement of p-atic defect dynamics, Physical Review Letters 130(9): 098101.
- Garcia-Aguilar I.R., Zwaan S. & Giomi L. (2023), Polymorphism in tubulin assemblies: a mechanical model, Physical Review Research 5(2): 023093.
- Hoffmann L. A., Carenza L.N. & Giomi L. (2023), Tuneable defect-curvature coupling and topological transitions in active shells, Soft Matter 2023(19): 3423-3435.
- Ecker J., Ladoux B., Giomi L. & Schmidt T. (2023), Hexanematic crossover in epithelial monolayers depends on cell adhesion and cell density, Nature Communications 14: 5762.
- Yong E.H., Dary F., Giomi L. & Mahadevan L. (2022), Statistics and topology of fluctuating ribbons, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119(32): e2122907119.
- Chakraborty I., Pearce D.J.G., Verweij R.W., Matysik S.C., Giomi L. & Kraft D.J. (2022), Self-assembly dynamics of reconfigurable colloidal molecules, ACS Nano 16(2): 2471-2480.
- Yashunsky V., Pearce D.J.G., Blanck-Mercader C., Ascione F., Silberzan P. & Giomi L. (2022), Chiral edge current in nematic cell monolayers, Physical Review X 12(4): 041017.
- Giomi L., Toner J. & Sarkar N. (2022), Hydrodynamic theory of p-atic liquid crystals, Physical Review E 106(2): 024701.
- Giomi L., Toner J. & Sarkar N. (2022), Long-ranged order and flow alignment in sheared p-atic liquid crystals, Physical Review Letters 129(6): 067801.
- Dhar J., Thai A.N.P., Ghoshal A., Giomi L. & Sengupta A. (2022), Self-regulation of phenotypic noise synchronizes emergent organization and active transport in confluent microbial environments, Nature Physics 18(8): 945-951.
- Hoffmann L A.., Carenza L.N.., Eckert J. & Giomi L. (2022), Theory of defect-mediated morphogenesis, Science Advances 8(15): eabk2712.
- Schakenraad K.K., Bakker B.H., Giomi L., Merks R.M.H. & Martorana G.I. (2022), Stress fibers orient traction forces on micropatterns: a hybrid cellular Potts model study. bioRxiv. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. [working paper].
- Chardac A., Hoffmann L.A., Poupart Y., Giomi L. & Bartolo D. (2021), Topology-driven ordering of flocking matter, Physical Review X 11(3): 031069.
- Garcia Aguilar I.R., Fonda P., Sloutskin E. & Giomi L. (2021), Faceting and flattening of emulsion droplets: a mechanical model, Physical Review Letters 126(3): 038001.
- Pearce D.J.G., Nambisan J., Ellis P.W., Fernandez-Nieves A. & Giomi L. (2021), Orientational correlations in active and passive nematic defects, Physical Review Letters 127(19): 197801.
- You Z., Pearce D.J.G. & Giomi L. (2021), Confinement-induced self-organization in growing bacterial colonies, Science Advances 7(4): eabc8685.
- Hoffmann L.A., Schakenraad K.K., Merks R.M.H. & Giomi L. (2020), Chiral stresses in nematic cell monolayers, Soft Matter 16(3): 764-774.
- Rinaldin M. Fonda P. Giomi L. Kraft D.J. (2020), Lipid exchange enhances geometric pinning in multicomponent membranes on patterned substrates, Soft Matter 16(21): 4932-4920.
- Rinaldin M. Fonda P. Giomi L. Kraft D.J. (2020), Geometric pinning and antimixing in scaffolded lipid vesicles, Nature Communications 11: 4314.
- Schakenraad K. Ernst J. Pomp W. Danen E.H.J. Merks R.M.H. Schmidt T. Giomi L. (2020), Mechanical interplay between cell shape and actin cytoskeleton organization, Soft Matter 16(27): 6328-6343.
- Fonda P., Al-Izzi S.C., Giomi L. & Turner M.S. (2020), Measuring Gaussian rigidity using curved substrates, Physical Review Letters 125(18): 188002.
- Schakenraad K., Ravazzano L., Sarkar N., Wondergem J.A.J., Merks R.M.H. & Giomi L. (2020), Topotaxis of active Brownian particles, Physical Review E 101(3): 032602.
- Garcia-Aguilar I., Fonda P. & Giomi L. (2020), Dislocation screening in crystals with spherical topology, Physical Review E 101(6): 063005.
- Fonda P., Rinaldin M., Kraft D.J. & Giomi L. (2019), Thermodynamic equilibrium of binary mixtures on curved surfaces, Physical Review E 100(3): 032604.
- Pearce D.J.G., Ellis P.W., Fernandez-Nieves A. & Giomi L. (2019), Geometrical Control of Active Turbulence in Curved Topographies, Physical Review Letters 122(16): 168002.
- You Z.H., Pearce D.J.G., Sengupta A. & Giomi L. (2019), Mono- to multilayer transition in growing bacterial colonies, Physical Review Letters 123(17): 178001.
- Lemma L.M., DeCamp S.J., You Z., Giomi L. & Dogic Z. (2019), Statistical properties of autonomous flows in 2D active nematics, Soft Matter 15(15): 3264-3272.
- Pomp W., Schakenraad K.K., Balcioglu H.E., Hoorn H. van der, Danen E.H.J, Merks R.M.H, Schmidt T. & Giomi L. (2018), Cytoskeletal anisotropy controls geometry and forces of adherent cells, Physical Review Letters 121(17): 178101.
- Fonda P., Rinaldin M., Kraft D.J. & Giomi L. (2018), Interface geometry of binary mixtures on curved substrates, Physical Review E 98(3): 032801.
- Blanch-Mercader C., Yashunsky V., Garcia S., Duclos G., Giomi L. & Silberzan P. (2018), Turbulent dynamics of epithelial cell cultures, Physical Review Letters 120(20): 208101.
- Ellis P.W., Pearce D.J.G., Chang Y.W., Goldsztein G., Giomi L. & Fernandez-Nieves A. (2018), Curvature-induced defect unbinding and dynamics in active nematic toroids, Nature Physics 14: 85-90.
- Pearce D.J.G., Hoogerbrugge L.A., Hook K.A., Fisher H.S. & Giomi L. (2018), Cellular geometry controls the efficiency of motile sperm aggregates, Journal of The Royal Society Interface 15(148): 0702.
- You Z., Pearce D.J.G., Sengupta A. & Giomi L. (2018), Geometry and mechanics of microdomains in growing bacterial colonies, Physical Review X 8(3): 031065.
- Giomi L., Kos Z., Ravnik M. & Sengupta A. (2017), Cross-talk between topological defects in different fields revealed by nematic microfluidics, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114: E5771-E5777.
- Vromans A.J. & Giomi L. (2016), Oriental properties of nematic disclinations, Soft Matter 12: 6490-6495.
- Pearce D.J.G. & Giomi L. (2016), Linear response to leadership, effective temperature, and decision making in flocks, Physical review E 94: 022612.
- Pomp W., Schakenraad K.K., Hoorn H. van, Balciglu H.E., Danen E.H.J., Giomi L. & Schmidt T. (2016), Balance of Isotropic and Directed Forces Determines Cell Shape, Biophysical Journal 110(3): 305A-305A.
- Giomi L. (2015), Geometry and topology of turbulence in active nematics, Physical Review X 5: 031003.
- Fonda P., Giomi L., Salvio A. & Tonni E. (2015), On shape dependence of holographic mutual information in AdS4, JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 2015: 5.
- Keber F.C., Loiseau E., Sanchez T., DeCamp S.J., Giomi L., Bowick M.J., Marchetti M.C., Dogic Z. & Bausch (2014), Topology and dynamics of active nematic vesicles, Science 345: 1135-1139.
- Giomi L., Bowick M.J., Mishra P., Sknepnek R. & Marchetti M.C. (2014), Defect dynamics in active nematics, Philosophical transactions of the royal society A 372(20130365): .