Luc Bischoff
- Naam
- Dr. L.J.M. Bischoff
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research
- LACDR/Toxicology
- Bischoff L.J.M. (12 januari 2022), Dynamics and regulation of the oxidative stress response upon chemical exposure (Dissertatie. Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research (LACDR), Faculty of Science, Leiden University). Promotor(en) en Copromotor(en): Water B. van de, Noort D. & Langenberg J.P.
- Hiemstra S.W., Fehling-Kaschek M., Kuijper I.A., Bischoff L.J.M., Wijaya L.S., Rosenblatt M., Esselink J.J., Egmond A. van, Mos J., Beltman J.B., Timmer J., Water B. van de & Kaschek D. (2022), Dynamic modeling of Nrf2 pathway activation in liver cells after toxicant exposure, Scientific Reports 12(1): 7336.
- Qin T., Prins S., Groeneveld J.G., Westen G.J.P. van, Vries E.H. de, Wong C.Y., Bischoff L.J.M. & Lange E.C.M. de (2020), Utility of Animal Models to Understand Human Alzheimer’s Disease, Using the Mastermind Research Approach to Avoid Unnecessary Further Sacrifices of Animals, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21(9): 3158.
- Bischoff L.J.M., Kuijper I.A., Schimming J.P., Wolters L., Braak B. ter, Langenberg J.P., Noort D., Beltman J.B. & Water B. van de (2019), A systematic analysis of Nrf2 pathway activation dynamics during repeated xenobiotic exposure, Archives of Toxicology 93(2): 435-451.