Louise Müller
- Naam
- Dr. L.F. Müller
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727
- l.f.muller@hum.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0003-3261-2653

Louise Müller is docent aan aan het Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society.
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Centre for the Arts in Society
- Interdisciplinair
- Müller Louise (Müller L.F.) (2025), Placide Tempels’ ‘Bantu Philosophy’: A study of its introduction and reception, Journal of Oriental and African Studies 2: 1-19.
- Müller Louise & Roothaan Angela (2023), Introduction. In: Bolaji Bateye & Masaeli Mahmoud MÜLLER Louise F Roothaan Angela (red.), Beauty in African Thought: Critical Perspectives on the Western Idea of Development. Maryland, USA: Rowman and Littlefield. 1-11.
- Bateye B., Masaeli M., Müller L.F. & Roothaan A. (2023), Beauty in African thought: critical perspectives on the western idea of development. African Philosophy: Critical Perspectives and Global Dialogue. Maryland, USA: Rowman and Littlefield.
- Bateye B., Masaeli M., Müller L.F. & Roothaan A. (red.) (2023), Well-being in African philosophy: insights for a global ethics of development. African Philosophy: Critical Perspectives and Global Dialogue nr. 15. Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield.
- Müller L.F. & Roothaan A. (2023), Introduction. In: Bateye B., Masaeli M., Müller L.F. & Roothaan A. (red.), Well-being in African philosophy: insights for a global ethics of development. African Philosophy: Critical Perspectives and Global Dialogue nr. 15. Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield. 1-11.
- Müller L.F. (2023), Human well-being in intercultural philosophical perspective: a focus on the Akan philosophy of Wiredu, Gyekye, and Appiah. In: Bateye B., Masaeli M., Müller L.F. & Roothaan A. (red.), Well-being in African philosophy: insights for a global ethics of development. African Philosophy: Critical Perspectives and Global Dialogue nr. 15. Maryland: Roman and Littlefield. 13-49.
- Müller L. (2023), Sophie Olúwolé of Nigeria 1935–2018. In: Waithe M. & Dykeman T. (red.), Women philosophers from non-Western traditions: the first four thousand years. Women in the History of Philosophy and Sciences nr. 19. Cham: Springer.
- Dorvlo K. & Müller L.F. (2022), Caught in the Cosmic Web: Ghanaian Folk Tales in the Twenty-First Century. Weesp: Stichting Quest for Wisdom Foundation.
- Müller L.F. & Venkatachalam M. (2022), The notion and imagination of space and time in British colonial and African intercultural philosophical cinema, Filosofie & Praktijk 43(3/4): 148-165 (10).
- Müller L.F. (2021), Saint Nicholas’ beleaguered black companion(s): a study of the contested nature and Late Antique history of Santa’s helpers in the Dutch Saint Nicholas feast, Akroterion 65: 123-142.
- Müller L.F Dorvlo K. Muijen A.S.C.A. (2021), The Adinkra Game: An Intercultural Communicative and Philosophical Praxis. In: Metsärinne M. Korhonen R. Heino T. Esko M. (red.) Cultures at School and at Home. nr. 2nd Rauma: Rauma Teacher Training School, University of Turku. 192-224.
- Müller L.F., Frank R., Vries M. & Scheer A. (2021), Confessions of a Black Pete, : .
- Müller L.F. (7 januari 2020), Adinkra – Intercultural Communication Game. Weesp: Quest for Wisdom Foundation (Quest for Wisdom Foundation). [webartikel].
- Muller L.F. (17 april 2020), Corona is een pandemie met een mondiale filosofie. wijsheidsweb: Quest for Wisdom. [blog].
- Müller L.F. (2020), De kracht van Interculturele Communicatie. Online: HVN (Haags Vrouwennetwerk), March 2020: 3.
- Müller L.F. (2020), Veerkracht. Online: HVN (Haags Vrouwen Netwerk), June: 1.
- Müller L.F. (15 april 2020), Corona is een pandemie met een mondiale filosofie. Online: Quest for Wisdom . [blog].
- Müller L.F. (30 maart 2020), The Yogācāra Dialectics of Gender. Report of the SWIP lecture of dr Jingjing Li at Leiden University, Institute for Philosophy. online: http://www.swip-filosofie.nl/the-yogacara-dialectics-of-gender/ (SWIP). [webartikel].
- Müller L.F. (15 mei 2019), African (Akan) wisdoms. Online: Quest for Wisdom. [blog].
- Müller L.F. (18 juli 2019), De vitale kracht: een schilderij, een gedicht. Online: Quest for Wisdom. [blog].
- Müller L.F. (2019), Christians in Africa. In: Chryssides G.D. & Gregg S.E. (red.), The Bloomsbury Handbook to Studying Christians. Bloomsbury Handbooks. London: Bloomsbury. 151-157.
- Müller L.F. (26 november 2019), Why there are still tribal heads in Africa and what has this to do with their religion?. Tribal heads in Africa and their religion. Weesp: Quest For Wisdom Foundation. [blog].
- Müller L.F. & Muijen H.S.C.A. (2019), The game Adinkra. ISBN 9789492127068 (Quest for Wisdom Foundation). [overig].
- Müller L.F. (2019), Denkruimtes en de Interculturele Dialoog. The Hague: HVN (HVN), : .
- Müller L.F. (2019) Negotiating Theories of Nature for a More Complete Environmental Philosophy. Bespreking van: Roothaan Angela (2019), Indigenous, Modern and Postcolonial Relations to Nature: Negotiating the Environment: Routledge. Polylog 42: 133-136.
- Müller L.F. (2018), The Greco-Egyptian origins of western myths and philosophy. In: Mosima Pius (red.), Papers in Intercultural Philosophy and Transcontinental Comparative Studies nr. 24. Haarlem: Shikanda Press. 251-280.
- Müller L.F. (2017), Sophie Oluwole: politiek filosofe (1935 -). In: Ceton C., Burg I. van der, Halsema A., Vasterling V. & Vintges K. (red.), Vrouwelijke filosofen: een historisch overzicht nr. 9789045007687. Amsterdam: Atlas Contact. 441-446.
- Müller L.F. (6 juli 2016), 2016 – Africa Day – Sport in Africa. 2016 – Africa Day – Sport in Africa. [blog].
- Müller L.F., West German economic miracle: the transformation from an economically backwards country into a competitive one. West German economic miracle: the transformation from an economically backwards country into a competitive one. Online: Atumpan. [blog].
- Müller L.F. (9 juli 2015), Musée Branly in Paris and the connectivity of water. Musée Branly in Paris and the connectivity of water. Online: NVAS Afrika Studies. [blog].
- Müller L.F. (2014), On the Demonization and Discrimination of Akan and Yoruba Women in Ghanaian and Nigerian Video Movies, Research in African Literatures 45(4): 104-120.
- Müller L.F. (2014), Afrikaanse traditie als wijsheidsbron, Filosofie Magazine 3: .
- Müller L.F., De informatiemaatschappij. De informatiemaatschappij. Online: Atumpan. [blog].
- Müller L.F. (2013), Religion and Chieftaincy in Ghana nr. 2. Berlin: Lit Verlag.
- Müller L.F (2013), Ghanaian Films and chiefs as indicators of religious change among the Akan in Kumasi and its migrants in Southeast Amsterdam’. In: Robert W Hefner John Hutchinson Sara Mels Christiane Timmerman (red.), Religion in Movement nr. 9780415818759. London: Routledge. 467-503.
- Müller L.F. (3 juli 2013), I slowly came to the realisation that the secondary sources on Asante religion and chieftaincy were incomplete: African Classics. I slowly came to the realisation that the secondary sources on Asante religion and chieftaincy were incomplete: African Classics. Online: Africa in Words. [blog].
- Müller L.F., Why there are still tribal heads in Africa and what has this to do with their religion?: Academia. [blog].
- Müller L.F. (3 juli 2013), Piet was waarschijnlijk een gelijkwaardige partner van Sinterklaas: 1.
- Müller L.F. (2013), Sangomapriester in de polder. In: Van Beek W. (red.), Afrika en Afrika. Leiden: African Studies Centre. 21-25.
- Müller L.F. (11 juli 2012), Afrikaanse film in Nederland. Afrikaanse film in Nederland: NEMO Kennislink. [blog].
- Müller L.F. (2012), New West African Films burning hot on the media menu of the black diaspora in southeast Amsterdam. Leiden: NVAS (Leiden University), NVAS Newsletter (1): 5-6.
- Müller L.F. (2011), Spirits of migration meet the migration of spirits among the Akan diaspora in Amsterdam, the Netherlands’, African and Black Diaspora: an International Journal 4(1): 75-97.
- Müller L.F. & Van Gorp Jasmijn (2011), Media and Diaspora project. Utrecht: Universiteit Utrecht.
- Müller L.F. (2010), Dancing Golden Stools: Indigenous Religion as a Strategy for Identity Construction in Ghana, Fieldwork in Religion 5(1): 32-57.
- Müller L.F. (2010), The persistence of Asante Chieftaincy in Ghana in the colonial period (1896-1957): explanations for an enigma, Africana Research Bulletin 15(2): 61-85.
- Müller L.F. (2008), The reality of spirits: a historiography of the Akan concept of mind, Quest: An African Journal of Philosophy 22(2): 163-183.
- Müller L.F. (2007), Truth claims in the empirical study of religious experiences?, 111(1): 17.
- Müller L.F. (2006), BASR Conference report, Journal of the British Association for the Study of Religions 109(1): 20-21.
- Müller L.F. (2004), A comparison between four African scholars: Idowu, Mbiti, Okot p’Bitek and Appiah, Quest: An African Journal of Philosophy 18(1): 109-125.
- Müller L.F. (2002), Een interculturele filosofische studie naar het bewustzijn van Ashanti volkshoofden in Ghana. Rotterdam: Erasmus University of Rotterdam.
- Nelis Huub & Van Steensel K.M. (2000), Jongeren als experts/ Stille revolutionairen. Bijdrages uit het stagerapport van Louise Müller. Den Haag: Stichting Maatschappij en Onderneming.
- Müller L.F. (2000), Internet Generatie: de broncode ontcijferd. Bijdrages uit het stagerapport van Louise Müller. Den Haag: Stichting Maatschappij en Onderneming.
- Müller L.F. (2000), Politiek voor mensen van morgen: een onderzoek naar de politieke mening en actievorm van jongeren in Nederland. Rotterdam: Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.
- Müller L.F. (1999), Bespreking van: Kaplan R.D. (1999), Het einde van Amerika. Utrecht: Het Spectrum. ROest : tijdschrift van de Faculteit der Historische en Kunstwetenschappen en Faculteitsvereniging Histartes 0: 54-55.
- Müller L.F. (1999), Bespreking van: Ball E. (1999), Slaven in de familie [Slaves in the family]. Amsterdam: Arena. ROest : tijdschrift van de Faculteit der Historische en Kunstwetenschappen en Faculteitsvereniging Histartes 1: 60-61.
- Müller L.F. (1998), De schoonste taal. Zwijndrecht: Walburg College press.
- Müller L.F. (1998), Wij mikken op de volgende regering, DEMO 15(2): 3-7.
- Müller L.F. (1997) Over de absurditeit van de filmwereld. Bespreking van: Grunberg A. (1997), Figuranten: Nijgh en Van Ditmar 14(3): 9-11.
- Munnek E. van der & Müller L.F. (1997), Studenten zien allen dezelfde problemen, DEMO 14(3): 9-11.
- Müller L.F. (1997), Hoofddirecteur ANWB ziet graag een afname van groei in autoverkeer: interview met Nouen, 14(4): 3-5.