Lionel Laborie
Universitair docent
- Naam
- Dr. L.P.F. Laborie
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 3546
- 0000-0003-4800-7511

Lionel Laborie is een universitair docent aan het Instituut voor Geschiedenis.
Universitair docent
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Instituut voor Geschiedenis
- Algemene Geschiedenis
- Laborie L.P.F. (2023), Religious persecution in eighteenth-century France, Leidschrift. Historisch Tijdschrift 38(1): 65-77.
- Laborie L.P.F. & Tricoire D. (red.) (2022), Apocalypse now: connected histories of eschatological movements from Moscow to Cusco, 15th-18th centuries. London: Routledge.
- Laborie L.P.F. (2022), Capitalism. In: Yeager J. (red.), The Oxford handbook of early evangelicalism: Oxford University Press.
- Laborie L.P.F. (2022), The Treaty of Nîmes (1704): fake news, propaganda and diplomacy during the war of the Spanish Succession, French History 36(3): 283-300.
- Laborie L.P.F. & Hessayon A. (red.) (2020), Early Modern Prophecies in Transnational, National and Regional Contexts (3 vols) nr. 324. Leiden: Brill.
- Laborie L.P.F. (2020), Huguenot prophecies in eighteenth-century France. In: Laborie LP.F. & Hessayon A. (red.), Early Modern Prophecies in Transnational, National and Regional Contexts (SET - 3 volumes). Brill's Studies in Intellectual History. Leiden: Brill. 189-244.
- Laborie L.P.F. (2020), Etat des lieux du rayonnement Camisard dans les Refuges Protestants. In: Bisset S., Felton M.-C. & Wolfe C. (red.), Les Lumières de l’ombre: libres penseurs, hérétiques, espions / Exploring the Early Modern Underground: Freethinkers, Heretics, Spies. Paris: Honoré Champion. 197-218.
- Laborie L.P.F. (2020), Enthusiasm, Early Modern Philosophy, and Religion. In: Jalobeanu D. & Wolfe C.T. (red.), Encyclopedia of Early Modern Philosophy and the Sciences. online: Springer. 1-6.
- Laborie L.P.F. (2019), Shakers. In: , Oxford Bibliographies: Oxford University Press.
- Laborie L.P.F. (2018), Abraham Whitrow (fl. 1689-1714). In: , Oxford Dictionary of National Biography: Oxford University Press.
- Laborie L.P.F. (2018), Bespreking van: Norris Clive (2017), The Financing of John Wesley's Methodism c.1740-1800. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Wesley and Methodist Studies 10(1): 91-93.
- Laborie L.P.F. (2018), French Prophets (act. 1706–c.1750). In: , Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Laborie L.P.F. (2017), Radical Tolerance in Early Enlightenment Europe, History of European Ideas 43(4): 359-375.
- Laborie L.P.F. (2017), From English “Trembleurs" to French “Inspirés": A Transnational Perspective on the Origins of French Quakerism (1654–1789). In: Heal B. & Kremers A. (red.), Radicalism and Dissent in the World of Protestant Reform. Göttingen: Vandenhoek & Ruprecht. 225-244.
- Laborie L.P.F. (2017), Bespreking van: Marriott B. (2015), Transnational networks and cross-religious exchange in the seventeenth- century Mediterranean and Atlantic worlds. Sabbatai Sevi and the lost tribes of Israel. Universal Reform. Studies in Intellectual History, 1550–1700. Farnham–Burlington: Ashgate. Journal of Ecclesiastical History 68(2): 426-427.
- Laborie L.P.F. (2017), Vivre la Réforme: l'expérience anglaise de la dissidence, Bulletin annuel / Institut d’Histoire de la Réformation 38: 75-85.
- Laborie L.P.F., Millenarian Networks in Eighteenth-Century Europe: The French Connection. [webartikel].
- Laborie L.P.F. (2016), Philadelphia Resurrected: Celebrating the Union Act (1707) from Irenicism to Scatological Eschatology. In: Hessayon A. (red.), Jane Lead and her Transnational Legacy: Palgrave Macmillan. 213-240.
- Laborie L.P.F. (2016), Elie Marion (1678-1713), Camisard prophet. In: , Oxford Dictionary of National Biography: Oxford University Press. Article 109569.
- Laborie L.P.F. (2016), Bourbon, Armand de, marquis de Miremont (1655–1732). In: , Oxford Dictionary of National Biography: Oxford University Press. Article 109568.
- Laborie L.P.F. (2015), Enlightening Enthusiasm: Prophecy and Religious Experience in Eighteenth-Century England. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
- Laborie L.P.F. (2015), Millenarian Portraits of Louis XIV. In: Claydon T. & Levillain C.-E. (red.), Louis XIV Outside In: The Image of the Sun King in Britain, Ireland and the Dutch Republic: Ashgate. 209-228.
- Laborie L.P.F. (2015), Sex, Drugs and Rock n’Roll: Religiöse Devianz im England des späten 17. Jahrhunderts. In: Schwerhoff G. & Piltz E. (red.), Gottlosigkeit und Eigensinn: Religiöse Devianz im konfessionellen Zeitalter nr. Beiheft 51: Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung. 413-433.
- Laborie L.P.F. (2015), Bespreking van: McNeilly S. (2013), Philosophy, Literature, Mysticism: An Anthology of Essays on the Thought and Influence of Emanuel Swedenborg: Swedenborg Society. Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies 38(3): 471-472.
- Laborie L.P.F. (2014), Spreading the Seed: Toward a French Millenarian Network in Pietist Germany?. In: Mulsow M. & Multhammer M. (red.), Kriminelle - Freidenker - Alchemisten. Räume des Untergrunds in der Frühen Neuzeit. Köln/Weimar/Wien: Böhlau-Verlag. 99-117.
- Laborie L.P.F. (2014), Bespreking van: Monahan W. Gregory (2014), Let God Arise: The War and Rebellion of the Camisards: Oxford University Press. The Historical Review / La Revue Historique (11): 189-192.
- Laborie L.P.F. (2014), We love to laugh at modern prophets – but we’ve forgotten how much they matter, The Conversation : .
- Laborie L.P.F. (2013), The Huguenot Offensive against the Camisard Prophets in the English Refuge (1685-1710). In: McKee J. & Vigne R. (red.), The Huguenots: France, Exile and Diaspora: Sussex Academic Press. 125-133.
- Laborie L.P.F. (2013), Bespreking van: Rosenberg J. (2011), Critical Enthusiasm: Capital Accumulation and the Transformation of Religious Passion: Oxford University Press. Eighteenth-Century Studies 46(2): 311-312.
- Laborie L.P.F. (2013), Bespreking van: Trim D.J.B. (2012), The Huguenots: History and Memory in Transnational Context. Essays in Honour and Memory of Walter C. Utt. Leiden: Brill. Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture 82(2): 456-457.
- Laborie L.P.F. (2013), Bespreking van: Onnekink D. & Rommelse G. (2011), Ideology and Foreign Policy in Early Modern Europe (1650-1750): Ashgate. Seventeenth Century 28(2): 242-243.
- Laborie L.P.F. (2012), Huguenot Propaganda and the Millenarian Legacy of the Désert in the Refuge (1702-1730), Proceedings of the Huguenot Society of Great Britain and Ireland XXIX(5): 640-654.
- Laborie L.P.F. (2011), Who were the Camisards?, French Studies Bulletin 32(120): 54-57.
- Laborie L.P.F. (2011), Bespreking van: Randall Catharine (2009), From a Far Country: Camisards and Huguenots in the Atlantic World: University of Georgia Press. Sixteenth-Century Journal LXII(4): 1257-1258.
- Laborie L.P.F. (2011), Bespreking van: Apetrei S. (2010), Women, Feminism and Religion in Early Enlightenment England. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Enlightenment and Dissent (27): 196-200.