Linda Breeman
Universitair docent
- Naam
- Dr. L.D. Breeman
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0000-0002-4441-2731
Universitair docent
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Psychologie
- Gezondheids, Medische- Neuropsychologie
- Buisonjé D.R. de, Reijnders T.R., Cohen Rodrigues T.R., Santhanam P., Kowatsch T., Breeman L.D., Janssen V.R., Kraaijenhagen R.A., Kemps H.M.C. & Evers A.W.M. (2024), Less stick more carrot?: Increasing the uptake of deposit contract financial incentives for physical activity: a randomized controlled trial, Psychology of Sport and Exercise 70: 102532.
- Al-Dhahir I., Breeman L.D., Faber J.S., Reijnders T., Van den Berg-Emons H.J.G., Van der Vaart R., Janssen V.R., Kraaijenhagen R., Visch V.T., Chavannes N.H. & Evers A.W.M. (2023), An overview of facilitators and barriers in the development of eHealth interventions for people of low socioeconomic position: a Delphi study, International Journal of Medical Informatics 177: 105160.
- Augustin M., Licata-Dandel M., Breeman L.D., Harrer M., Bilgin A., Wolke D., Mall V., Ziegler M., Ebert D.D. & Friedmann A. (2023), "Effects of a mobile-based intervention for parents of children with crying, sleeping, and feeding problems: randomized controlled trial, JMIR mHealth and uHealth 11: e41804.
- Bente B.E., Wentzel J., Schepers C., Breeman L.D., Janssen V. R., Pieterse M.E., Evers A.W.M. & Gemert-Pijnen L. van (2023), Implementation and user evaluation of an eHealth technology platform supporting patients with cardiovascular disease in managing their health after a cardiac event: mixed methods study, JMIR Cardio 7: e43781.
- Buisonjé D.R. de, Brosig F.T., Breeman L.D., Bloom E.L., Reijnders T.R., Janssen V.R., Kraaijenhagen R.A., Kemps H.M.C. & Evers A.W.M. (2023), Put your money where your feet are: the real-world effects of StepBet gamified deposit contracts for physical activity, Internet Interventions 31: 100610.
- Cohen Rodrigues TR., Breeman L.D., Kinik A., Reijnders T., Dusseldorp E., Janssen V.R., Kraaijenhagen R.A., Atsma D.E. & Evers A.W.M. (2023), Effectiveness of human-supported and self-help eHealth lifestyle interventions for patients with cardiometabolic risk factors: a meta-analysis, Psychosomatic Medicine 85(9): 795-804.
- Faber J.S., Al-Dhahir I., Kraal J.J., Breeman L.D., van den Berg-Emons R.J.G., Reijnders T., van Dijk S., Janssen V.R., Kraaijenhagen R.A., Visch V.T., Chavannes N.H. & Evers A.W.M. (2023), Guide development for eHealth interventions targeting people with a low socioeconomic position: participatory design approach, Journal of Medical Internet Research 25: e48461.
- IJzerman R.V.H., van der Vaart R., Breeman L.D., van den Broek I., Keesman M., Kraaijenhagen R.A., Reijnders T., Weerts M., Evers A.W. M., Scholte op Reimer W.J.M. & Janssen V.R. (2023), Brief lifestyle advice in cardiac care: an experimental study on message source and framing, Netherlands Heart Journal 32: 38-44.
- Cohen Rodrigues T.R., Breeman L.D., Kinik A., Reijnders T.R., Dusseldorp E.M.L., Janssen V.R., Kraaijenhagen R.A., Atsma D.E. & Evers A.W.M. (2023), Effectiveness of human-supported and self-help ehealth lifestyle interventions for patients with cardiometabolic risk factors: a meta-analysis, Psychosomatic Medicine 85(9): 795-804.
- Endedijk H.M., Breeman L.D., Lissa C.J. van, Hendrickx M.M.H.G., Boer L. den & Mainhard T. (2022), The teacher’s invisible hand: a meta-analysis of the relevance of teacher–student relationship quality for peer relationships and the contribution of student behavior, Review of Educational Research 92(3): 370-412.
- Cohen Rodrigues T.R., Reijnders T.R., Buisonjé D.R. de, Breeman L.D., Broek I. van den, Janssen V.R., Kraaijenhagen R.A., Atsma D.E. & Evers A.W.M. (2022), Lifestyle support preferences of patients with cardiovascular diseases: what lifestyle support might work best for whom?, PEC Innovation 1: 100071.
- Buisonjé D.R. de, Reijnders T.R., Cohen Rodrigues T.R., Prabhakaran S., Kowatsch T., Lipman S.A., Bijmolt T.H.A., Breeman L.D., Janssen V.R., Kraaijenhagen R.A., Kemps H.M.C. & Evers A.W.M. (2022), Investigating rewards and deposit contract financial incentives for physical activity behavior change using a smartphone app: randomized controlled trial, Journal of Medical Internet Research 24(10): e38339.
- Bente B., Wentzel J., Groeneveld R., IJzerman R.V.H., Buisonjé D.R. de, Breeman L.D., Janssen V.R., Kraaijenhagen R., Pieterse M., Evers A.W.M. & Gemert-Pijnen L. van (2021), Values of importance to patients with cardiovascular disease as a foundation for ehealth design and evaluation: mixed methods study, JMIR Cardio 5(2): 1-12 (e33252).
- Breeman L.D., Keesman M., Atsma D.E., Chavannes N.H., Janssen V.R., Gemert-Pijnen L. van, Kemps H., Kraaij W., Rauwers F., Reijnders T., Scholte op Reimer W., Wentzel J., Kraaijenhagen R. & Evers A.W.M. (2021), A multi-stakeholder approach to eHealth development: promoting sustained healthy living among cardiovascular patients, International Journal of Medical Informatics 147: 104364.
- Hoefnagels C., Onrust S., Van Rooijen M., Jonkman H., Van Spanje-Hennis A. & Breeman L.D. (2021), Changing the classroom climate to lower the threshold for child abuse and neglect self-disclosure: a non-randomized cluster controlled trial, Children and Youth Services Review 130: 106196.
- Jaekel J., Sorg C., Breeman L., Baumann N., Bilgin A., Bäuml J.G. & Wolke D. (2020), Early regulatory problems and parenting: life-long risk, vulnerability or susceptibility for attention, internalizing and externalizing outcomes?, European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 30: 1523-1531.