Leo de Sonneville
- Naam
- Dr.ir. L.M.J. de Sonneville
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727
- l.m.j.de.sonneville@fsw.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0003-0133-4953
Kort CV
Afgestudeerd als civiel ingenieur aan de Technische Universiteit Delft (1972) en als psycholoog aan de UvA (1981). Gepromoveerd in aan de Medische Faculteit van de VU (1988). Dr. Ir. Leo de Sonneville is research neuropsycholoog en heeft zich in de periode 1981-2005 als uitvoerder of projectleider ingezet voor patiëntgebonden wetenschappelijk onderzoek aan het VUmc, afdelingen Kinderneurologie en -geneeskunde te Amsterdam en het Instituut voor Ontwikkelingsneurologie te Groningen.
Sinds 2005 is hij als universitair hoofddocent verbonden aan de Universiteit van Leiden, Neuropedagogiek en het Leiden Institute for Brain and Cognition. Daarnaast was hij vele jaren visiting researcher in Duitsland, Oostenrijk, Italië en de VS. In Amsterdam en Groningen werd onderzoek gedaan naar de gevolgen en behandelingseffecten van somatische aandoeningen, o.a. (kinder)neurologische stoornissen, PKU, leukemie (ALL) en MS. In Leiden werd de aandacht verschoven naar onderzoek van risicofactoren bij het ontstaan van psychopathologie en de gevolgen daarvan bij kinderen en jeugdigen (ADHD, autisme, psychose, Klinefelter syndroom).
Zijn werk reflecteert een brede en gepassioneerde belangstelling in de (ontwikkeling van) basisprocessen die ten grondslag liggen aan de uitvoering van complexe cognitieve processen, met name aandacht en executieve functies, in relatie tot neurologische en psychiatrische stoornissen. Hij is de ontwerper en ontwikkelaar van het Amsterdamse Neuropsychologische Taken (ANT) programma dat in talloze instellingen in binnen- en buitenland wordt ingezet in de klinische diagnostiek en in het wetenschappelijk onderzoek.
P&C Hoofdprijs (Psychologie en Computers Hoofdprijs) 1995; uitgereikt door het bestuur van de ‘Landelijke Gebruikersgroep Computerondersteunde Psychodiagnostiek’ GCOP van het NIP.
Willem Hofstee benadrukte in zijn juryrapport de belangrijke bijdrage van De Sonneville aan de ontwikkeling van het wetenschappelijk onderzoek en de kwaliteit van de diagnostiek in de klinische praktijk door de ANT te erkennen als “beste computerapplicatie op het gebied van de toegepaste psychologie.”
Vanaf 1985 is voor in totaal € 1.7 miljoen (niet gecorrigeerd voor inflatie) subsidie verkregen voor het uitvoeren van vele onderzoeksprojecten. De belangrijkste sponsors waren het Praeventiefonds (nu ZonMw) en het KWF.
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Leo de Sonneville is directeur van Sonares BV te Amsterdam. In de BV wordt gewerkt aan de verdere ontwikkeling en het onderhoud van het ANT programma en de vermarkting van de ANT in het buitenland. Daarnaast worden adviezen gegeven over opzet van onderzoek met het ANT programma en statistische analyse van ANT data. Sonares BV heeft de Boom testuitgevers de licentie verleent voor het vermarkten van de ANT in Nederland en België.
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Pedagogische Wetenschappen
- Neuropedagogiek en ontwikk. stoornissen
- Verhaar L., Dijkxhoorn Y. M., de Sonneville L.M.J. & Swaab H. (2024), A three-years follow-up of extra intensive support for individuals with intellectual disability and severe challenging behaviour in the Netherlands, Journal of Intellectual Disabilities : .
- Verhaar L., Dijkxhoorn Y. M., Sonneville L.M.J. de & Swaab J.T. (2024), The impact of personalised contextual support on quality of life of Dutch persons with intellectual disability and severe challenging behaviour, International Journal of Developmental Disabilities : 1-10.
- Van Sandwijk M.S., Ten Berge I.J.M., Caan M.W.A., Düring M, Van Gool WA, Majoie C.B.L.M., Mutsaerts H.M.M., Schmand B.A., Schrantee A., De Sonneville L.M.J. & Bemelman F.J. (2020), Cognitive improvement after kidney transplantation is associated with structural and functional changes on MRI, Transplantation Direct 6(3): e531.
- Dijkhuis R., Sonneville L. de, Ziermans T., Staal W. & Swaab H. (2020), Autism symptoms, executive functioning and academic progress in higher education students, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 50(4): 1353-1363.
- Abbing A.C., Baars E.W., Sonneville L. de, Ponstein A.S. & Swaab H. (2019), The Effectiveness of Art Therapy for Anxiety in Adult Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Frontiers in Psychology 10: e1203.
- Abbing A.C., De Sonneville L., Baars E., Bourne D. & Swaab H. (2019), Anxiety reduction through art therapy in women. Exploring stress regulation and executive functioning as underlying neurocognitive mechanisms, PLoS ONE 14(12): e0225200.
- Van Zonneveld L., De Sonneville L., Van Goozen S. & Swaab J.T. (2019), Recognition of Facial Emotion and Affective Prosody in Children at High Risk of Criminal Behavior, Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 25(1): 57-64.
- Samango-Sprouse C., Stapleton E., Chea S., Lawson P., Sadeghin T., Cappello C., De Sonneville L.M.J. & Van Rijn S. (2018), International investigation of neurocognitive and behavioral phenotype in 47,XXY (Klinefelter syndrome): Predicting individual differences, The American Journal of Medical Genetics - Part A 176(4): 877-885.
- Rijn S. van, Sonneville L. de & Swaab H. (2018), The nature of social cognitive deficits in children and adults with Klinefelter syndrome (47,XXY), Genes, Brain and Behavior 17(6): e12465.
- Abbing A.C., Ponstein A., Van Hooren S., De Sonneville L.M.J., Swaab H. & Baars E. (2018), The effectiveness of art therapy for anxiety in adults: A systematic review of randomised and non-randomised controlled trials, PLoS ONE 13(12): e0208716.
- Huijbregts S.C.J., Bosch A.M., Simons Q.A., Jahja R., Brouwers M.C.G.J., De Sonneville L.M.J., De Vries M.C., Hofstede F.C., Hollak C.E.M., Janssen M.C.H., Langendonk J.G., Rubio-Gozalbo M.E., Van der Meere J.J., Van der Ploeg A.T. & Van Spronsen F.J. (2018), The impact of metabolic control and tetrahydrobiopterin treatment on health related quality of life of patients with early-treated phenylketonuria: A PKU-COBESO study, Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 125(1-2): 96-103.
- Alias H., Lau D., Schuitema I. & Sonneville L.M.J. de (2018), Neuropsychological consequences for survivors of childhood brain tumor in Malaysia, Frontiers in Psychology 9: e703.
- Zonneveld L. van, Platje E., Sonneville L. de, Goozen S. van & Swaab H. (2017), Affective empathy, cognitive empathy and social attention in children at high risk of criminal behaviour, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 58(8): 913-921.
- Jahja R., Van Spronsen F.J., De Sonneville L.M.J., Van der Meere J.J., Bosch A.M., Hollak C.E.M., Rubio-Gozalbo M.E., Brouwers M.C.G.J., Hofstede F.C., De Vries M.C., Janssen M.C.H., Van der Ploeg A.T., Langendonk J.G. & Huijbregts S.C.J. (2017), Long-Term Follow-Up of Cognition and Mental Health in Adult Phenylketonuria: A PKU-COBESO Study, Behavior Genetics 47(5): 486-497.
- Jahja R., Huijbregts S.C.J., De Sonneville L.M.J., Van der Meere J.J., Legemaat A.M., Bosch A.M., Hollak C.E.M., Rubio-Gozalbo M.E., Brouwers M.C.G.J., Hofstede F.C., De Vries M.C., Janssen M.C.H., Van der Ploeg A.T., Langendonk J.G. & Van Spronsen F.J. (2017), Cognitive profile and mental health in adult phenylketonuria: A PKU-COBESO study, Neuropsychology 31(4): 437-447.
- Van Sandwijk M.S., Ten Berge I.J.M., Majoie C.B.L.M., Caan M.W.A., De Sonneville L.M.J., Van Gool W.A. & Bemelman F.J. (2016), Cognitive changes in chronic kidney disease and after transplantation, Transplantation 100(4): 734-742.
- Hidding E., Swaab J.T., De Sonneville L.M.J., Van Engeland H. & Vorstman J.A.S. (2016), The role of COMT and plasma proline in the variable penetrance of autistic spectrum symptoms in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome, Clinical Genetics 90(5): 420-427.
- Koustenis E., Hernaiz Driever P., De Sonneville L.M.J. & Rueckriegel S.M. (2016), Executive function deficits in pediatric cerebellar tumor survivors, European Journal of Paediatric Neurology 20(1): 25-37.
- Jahja R., Van Spronsen F.J., De Sonneville L.M.J., Van der Meere J.J., Bosch A.M., Hollak C.E.M., Rubio-Gozalbo M.E., Brouwers M.C.G.J., Hofstede F.C., De Vries M.C., Janssen M.C.H., Van der Ploeg A.T., Langendonk J.G. & Huijbregts S.C.J. (2016), Social-cognitive functioning and social skills in patients with early treated phenylketonuria: a PKU-COBESO study, Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease 39(3): 355-362.
- Huijbregts S.C.J., Van Spronsen F.J., Van Amelsvoort T.A.M.J., Jahja R., Bosch A.M., De Sonneville L.M.J., Van der Meere J.J., Booij J., Hollak C.E. & Boot E. (2016), Executive functioning and the hypodopaminergic state in adults with Phenylketonuria, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 60(9): 841-841.
- Suurland J., Van der Heijden K.B., Huijbregts S.C.J., Smaling H.J.A., De Sonneville L.M.J., Van Goozen S.H.M. & Swaab J.T. (2016), Parental perceptions of aggressive behavior in preschoolers: inhibitory control moderates the association with negative emotionality, Child Development 87(1): 256-269.
- Hidding E., Swaab H., De Sonneville L.M.J., Van Engeland H., Sijmens-Morcus M.E.J., Klaassen P.W.J., Duijff S.N. & Vorstman J.A.S. (2015), Intellectual functioning in relation to autism and ADHD symptomatology in children and adolescents with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 59(9): 803-815.
- Liemburg G.B., Jahja R., Van Spronsen F.J., De Sonneville L.M.J., Van der Meere J.J., Bosch A.M., Hollak C.E.M., Rubio-Gozalbo M.E., Brouwers M.C.G.J., Hofstede F.C., De Vries M.C., Janssen M.C.H., Van der Ploeg A.T., Langendonk J.G. & Huijbregts S.C.J. (2015), Is BRIEF a useful instrument in day to day care of patients with phenylketonuria?, Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 114(3): 425-430.
- Schuitema I., De Sonneville L., Kaspers G., Van der Pal H., Uyttebroeck A., Van der Bos C. & Veerman A. (2015), Executive dysfunction 25 years after treatment with cranial radiotherapy for pediatric lymphoid malignancies, Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 21(9): 657-669.
- Barkhof E., De Sonneville L.M.J., Meijer C.J. & De Haan L. (2015), Processing of facial and nonsocial information is differentially associated with severity of symptoms in patients with multiepisode schizophrenia, Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 203(2): 112-119.
- Barneveld P.S., Swaab H., Fagel S., Van Engeland H. & De Sonneville L.M. (2014), Quality of life: A case-controlled long-term follow-up study, comparing young high-functioning adults with autism spectrum disorders with adults with other psychiatric disorders diagnosed in childhood, Comprehensive Psychiatry 55(2): 302-310.
- Fagel S., De Sonneville L., Van Engeland H. & Swaab H. (2014), School-associated problem behavior in childhood and adolescence and development of adult schizotypal symptoms: A follow-up of a clinical cohort, Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 42(5): 813-823.
- Hidding E., De Sonneville L.M.J., Van Engeland H., Vorstman J.A.S. & Swaab H. (2014), Executive functioning in relation to autism and ADHD symptomatology in 22Q11.2 deletion syndrome, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 58(10): 885.
- Oerlemans A.M., Van der Meer J.M.J., Van Steijn D.J., De Ruiter S.W., De Bruijn Y.G.E., De Sonneville L.M.J., Buitelaar J.K. & Rommelse N.N.J. (2014), Recognition of facial emotion and affective prosody in children with ASD ( plus ADHD) and their unaffected siblings, European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 23(5): 257-271.
- Jahja R., Huijbregts S.C.J., De Sonneville L.M.J., Van der Meere J.J. & Van Spronsen F.J. (2014), Neurocognitive evidence for revision of treatment targets and guidelines for phenylketonuria, The Journal of Pediatrics 164(4): 895-899.e2.
- Barneveld P.S., Swaab H., Van Engeland H. & De Sonneville L. (2014), Cross-sectional evidence for a decrease in cognitive function with age in children with autism spectrum disorders?, Autism Research 7(5): 527-534.
- Ter Wolbeek M., De Sonneville L.M.J., De Vries W.B., Kavelaars A., Veen S., Kornelisse R.F., Van Weissenbruch M., Baerts W., Liem K.D., Van Bel F. & Heijnen C.J. (2013), Early life intervention with glucocorticoids has negative effects on motor development and neuropsychological function in 14-17 year-old adolescents, Psychoneuroendocrinology 38(7): 975-986.
- Schuitema I., Deprez S., Van Hecke W., Daams M., Uyttebroeck A., Sunaert S., Barkhof F., Van Dulmen-den Broeder E., Van der Pal H.J., Van den Bos C., Veerman A.J. & De Sonneville L.M. (2013), Accelerated aging, decreased white matter integrity, and associated neuropsychological dysfunction 25 years after pediatric lymphoid malignancies, Journal of Clinical Oncology 31(27): 3378-3388.
- Van der Meer J.M., Harfterkamp M., Van de Loo-Neus G., Althaus M., De Ruiter S.W., Donders A.M., De Sonneville L.M., Buitelaar J.K., Hoekstra P.J. & Rommelse N.N. (2013), A randomized, double-blind comparison of atomoxetine and placebo on response inhibition and interference control in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder and comorbid attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms, 33(6): 824-827.
- Barneveld P.S., De Sonneville L., Van Rijn S., Van Engeland H. & Swaab H. (2013), Impaired Response Inhibition in Autism Spectrum Disorders, a Marker of Vulnerability to Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders?, Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 19(6): 646-655.
- Van der Heijden K.B., De Sonneville L.M.J. & Swaab H. (2013), Association of eveningness with problem behavior in children; A mediating role of impaired sleep, Chronobiology International 30(7): 919-929.
- Van Rijn S., De Sonneville L.M.J., Lahuis B., Pieterse J., Van Engeland H. & Swaab H. (2013), Executive function in MCDD and PDD-NOS: A study of inhibitory control, attention regulation and behavioral adaptivity, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 43(6): 1356-1366.
- Zmigrod S., De Sonneville L.M.J., Colzato L.S., Swaab H. & Hommel B. (2013), Cognitive control of feature bindings: Evidence from children with autistic spectrum disorder, Psychological Research 77(2): 147-154.
- Fagel S.S.A.A., Swaab H., De Sonneville L.M.J., Van Rijn S., Pieterse J.K., Scheepers F. & Van Engeland H. (2013), Development of schizotypal symptoms following psychiatric disorders in childhood or adolescence, European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 22(11): 683-692.
- Jahja R., Huijbregts S., De Sonneville L., Van der Meere J., Bosch A., Hollak C., Rubio-Gozalbo E., Brouwers M., Hofstede F., De Vries M., Janssen M., Van der Ploeg A., Langendonk J. & Van Spronsen F. (2013), Mental health and social functioning in early-treated Phenylketonuria: The PKU-COBESO study, Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 110: S57-S61.
- Barkhof E., Meijer C.J., De Sonneville L.M.J., Linszen D.H. & De Haan L. (2013), The effect of motivational interviewing on medication adherence and hospitalization rates in nonadherent patients with multi-episode schizophrenia, Schizophrenia Bulletin 39(6): 1242-1251.
- Oerlemans A.M., Droste K., Van Steijn D.J., De Sonneville L.M., Buitelaar J.K. & Rommelse N.N. (2013), Co-segregation of social cognition, executive function and local processing style in children with ASD, their siblings and normal controls, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 43(12): 2764-2778.
- Daams M., Schuitema I., Van Dijk B.W., Van Dulmen-den Broeder E., Veerman A.J., Van den Bos C. & De Sonneville L.M.J. (2012), Long-term effects of cranial irradiation and intrathecal chemotherapy in treatment of childhood leukemia: A MEG study of power spectrum and correlated cognitive dysfunction, BMC Neurology 12: 1-10.
- Harakeh Z., De Sonneville L.M.J., Van den Eijnden R.J.J.M., Huizink A.C., Reijneveld S.A., Ormel J., Verhulst F.C., Monshouwer K. & Vollebergh W.A.M. (2012), The association between neurocognitive functioning and smoking in adolescence: The TRAILS study, Neuropsychology 26(5): 541-550.
- Njiokiktjien C., Verschoor A. & De Sonneville L.M.J. (2012), Understanding of its caretaker's affective gestures by the young infant is the basis of a theory of body, Neuropsychoanalysis: An Interdisciplinary Journal for Psychoanalysis and the Neurosciences 14(1): 93-116.
- Van Handel M., De Sonneville L.M.J., De Vries L.S., Jongmans M.J. & Swaab H. (2012), Specific memory impairment following neonatal encephalopathy in term-born children, Developmental Neuropsychology 37(1): 30-50.
- Van der Meer J.M., Oerlemans A.M., Van Steijn D.J., Lappenschaar M.G., De Sonneville L.M.J., Buitelaar J.K. & Rommelse N.N. (2012), Are autism spectrum disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder different manifestations of one overarching disorder? Cognitive and symptom evidence from a clinical and population-based sample, Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 51(11): 1160-1172.
- Barkhof E., Meijer C.J., De Sonneville L.M.J., Linszen D.H. & De Haan L. (2012), Interventions to improve adherence to antipsychotic medication in patients with schizophrenia: A review of the past decade, European Psychiatry 27: 9-18.
- Bruining H., Swaab H., Sonneville L.M.J. de, Rijn S. van, Engeland H. van & Kas M.J.H. (2011), In search for significant cognitive features in Klinefelter syndrome through cross-species comparison of a supernumerary X chromosome, Genes Brain and Behavior 10(6): 658-662.
- Ten Hoedt A.T., De Sonneville L.M.J., Francois B., Ter Horst N.M., Janssen M.C., Rubio-Gozalbo M.E., Wijburg F.A., Hollak C.E. & Bosch A.M. (2011), High phenylalanine levels directly affect mood and sustained attention in adults with phenylketonuria: A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover trial, Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease 34(1): 165-171.
- Huijbregts S.C.J. & De Sonneville L.M.J. (2011), Does cognitive impairment explain behavioural and social problems of children with Neurofibromatosis Type 1?, Behavior Genetics 41: 430-436.
- De Sonneville L.M.J., Huijbregts S.C.J., Licht R., Sergeant J.A. & Van Spronsen F.J. (2011), Pre-attentive processing in children with early and continuously-treated PKU: Effects of concurrent Phe level and lifetime dietary control, Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease 34(4): 953-962.
- Van Rijn S., Aleman A., De Sonneville L.M.J., Ziermans T., Schothorst P., Van Engeland H. & Swaab H. (2011), Adiposity as a possible mediator of low testosterone salivary levels in adolescent boys in prodomal stages of psychosis reply, Psychological Medicine 41(9): 2011-2012.
- Van der Heijden K.B., Suurland J., Swaab H. & De Sonneville L.M.J. (2011), Relationship between the number of life events and memory capacity in children, Child Neuropsychology : a Journal on Normal and Abnormal Development in Childhood and Adolescence 17(6): 580-598.
- Van Rijn S., Aleman A., De Sonneville L.M.J., Sprong M., Ziermans T., Schothorst P., Van Engeland H. & Swaab H. (2011), Neuroendocrine markers of high risk for psychosis: Salivary testosterone in adolescent boys with prodromal symptoms, Psychological Medicine 41(9): 1815-1822.
- Van Rijn S., Aleman A., De Sonneville L.M.J., Sprong M., Ziermans T., Schothorst P., Van Engeland H. & Swaab H. (2011), Misattribution of facial expressions of emotion in adolescents at increased risk of psychosis: The role of inhibitory control, Psychological Medicine 41(3): 499-508.
- Barneveld P.S., Pieterse J.K., De Sonneville L.M.J., Van Rijn S., Lahuis B., Van Engeland H. & Swaab H. (2011), Overlap of autistic and schizotypal traits in adolescents with autism spectrum disorders, Schizophrenia Research 126(1-3): 231-236.
- Christ S.E., Huijbregts S.C.J., De Sonneville L.M.J. & White D.A. (2010), Executive function in early-treated phenylketonuria: Profile and underlying mechnisms, Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 99(sup. 1): s22-s32.
- De Sonneville L.M.J., Huijbregts S.C.J., Van Spronsen F.J., Verkerk P.H., Sergeant J.A. & Licht R. (2010), Event-related potential correlates of selective processing in early- and continuously-treated children with phenylketonuria: Effects of concurrent phenylalanine level and dietary control, Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 99(sup.1): s10-s17.
- Bruining H., Van Rijn S., Swaab H., Giltay J., Kates W., Kas M.J., Van Engeland H. & De Sonneville L.M.J. (2010), The parent-of-origin of the extra X chromosome may differentially affect psychopathology in Klinefelter syndrome, Biological Psychiatry 68(12): 1156-1162.
- Van der Heijden K.B., De Sonneville L.M.J. & Althaus M. (2010), Time-of-day effects on cognition in preadolescents: A trails study, Chronobiology International 27(9-10): 1870-1894.
- Van Strien J.W., De Sonneville L.M.J. & Franken I.H. (2010), The late positive potential and explicit versus implicit processing of facial valence, Neuroreport 21: 656-661.
- Van Rijn S., De Sonneville L. & Swaab H. (2010), Cognitive control functions and risk for psychopathology in Klinefelter syndrome, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 54: 892-892.
- Bruining H., Van Rijn S., Swaab H., Kas M.J.H., Van Engeland H. & De Sonneville L. (2010), The parent-of-origin of the extra X chromosome differentially affects psychopathology in Klinefelter syndrome, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 54: 886-886.
- Driever Pablo Hernaiz, Koustenis Elisabeth, Henze Guenter, De Sonneville Leo & Rueckriegel Stefan M. (2010), IMPAIRED PREFRONTAL FUNCTION IN PEDIATRIC CEREBELLAR TUMOR SURVIVORS, Neuro-Oncology 12: 60-60.
- Swaab H., Bruining H., Van Rijn S., Bierman M., Van Engeland H. & De Sonneville L. (2010), Emotion recognition problems in boys with Klinefelter syndrome, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 54: 889-889.
- Huijbregts S.C.J., Swaab H. & De Sonneville L.M.J. (2010), Cognitive and motor control in neurofibromatosis type I: Influence of maturation and hyperactivity-inattention, Developmental Neuropsychology 35(6): 737-751.
- Huijbregts S.C.J., Jahja R., De Sonneville L.M.J., De Breij S. & Swaab H. (2010), Social information processing in children and adolescents with Neurofibromatosis Type 1, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology 52: 620-625.
- Fagel S., Van Engeland H., De Sonneville L., Pieterse J. & Swaab H. (2010), Specificity and severity of pre-psychotic juvenile behavior: A 20-year follow-up study, Schizophrenia Research 117(2-3): 202-202.
- Koustenis E., Driever Hernaiz P., Henze G., De Sonneville L. & Rueckriegel S.M. (2010), Deficits in planning, attention and information processing in pediatric posterior fossa tumor survivors, Klinische Pädiatrie 222(6): 420-421.
- Huijbregts S.C.J. & De Sonneville L.M.J. (2010), Does cognitive impairment explain behavioral and social problems of children with Neurofibromatosis Type 1?, Behavior Genetics : .
- Bruining H., De Sonneville L.M.J., Swaab H., De Jonge M., Kas M., Van Engeland H. & Vorstman J. (2010), Dissecting the clinical heterogeneity of autism spectrum disorders through defined genotypes, PLoS ONE 5(5): e10887.
- Van Rijn S., Aleman A., De Sonneville L. & Swaab H. (2009), Autism traits and schizotypal traits in a genetic syndrome ((47),XXY): the role of executive functioning, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 53: 837-837.
- Van Rijn S., Aleman A., De Sonneville L.M.J. & Swaab H. (2009), Cognitive mechanisms underlying disorganization of thought in a genetic syndrome (47,XXY), Schizophrenia Research 112: 91-98.
- Buizer A.I., De Sonneville L.M.J. & Veerman A.J. (2009), Effects of chemotherapy on neurocognitive function in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia: a critical review of the literature, Pediatric Blood & Cancer 52(4): 447-454.
- De Sonneville L.M.J. & Swaab H. (2008), Amsterdamse Neuropsychologische Taken (ANT): Schakel tussen onderzoek en klinische praktijk, VVP Nieuws april(3-4): 3-4.
- Dirks E., Spyer G., Van Lieshout ECDM & De Sonneville L.M.J. (2008), Prevalence of combined reading and arithmetic disabilities, Journal of Learning Disabilities 41: 460-473.
- Marchetta N.D.J., Hurks P., De Sonneville L.M.J., Krabbendam L. & Jolles J. (2008), Sustained and focused attention deficits in adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Journal of Attention Disorders 11(6): 664-676.
- Koekkoek S., De Sonneville L.M.J., Wolfs T.F.W., Licht R. & Geelen S.P.M. (2008), Neurocognitive function profile in HIV-infected school-age children, European Journal of Paediatric Neurology 12: 290-297.
- Huijbregts S.C.J., Warren A.J., De Sonneville L.M.J. & Swaab H. (2008), Hot and cool forms of inhibitory control and externalizing behavior in children of mothers who smoked during pregnancy: An exploratory study, Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 36(1): 323-333.
- Brunnekreef A.J., De Sonneville L.M.J., Althaus M., Minderaa R.B., Oldehinkel A.J., Verhulst F.C. & Ormel J. (2007), Information processing profiles of internalizing and externalizing behavior problems: Evidence from a population-based sample of preadolescents, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 48(2): 185-193.
- Swaab H., Lahuis B., Pieterse J.K., De Sonneville L.M.J. & Van Engeland H. (2007), Differentiation between Pervasive Developmental Disordered Children-Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS) and the Multi Complex Developmental Disordered subtype (MCDD) based on cognitive (dys)functioning, prediction of high risk for psychosis?. [overig].
- Slaats-Willemse D.I.E., Swaab H., De Sonneville L.M.J. & Buitelaar J.K. (2007), Family-genetic study of executive functioning in ADHD: Evidence for an endophenotype?, Neuropsychology, development, and cognition. Section C, Child neuropsychology 21(6): 751-760.
- Rommelse N.N.J., Altink M.E., Oosterlaan J., Buitelaar J., De Sonneville L.M.J. & Sergeant J.A. (2007), Motor control in children with ADHD and non-affected siblings: Deficits most pronounced using the left hand, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 48(11): 1071-1079.
- Polderman T.C., Posthuma D., De Sonneville L.M.J., Stins J.F., Verhulst F.C. & Boomsma D.I. (2007), Genetic analyses of the stability of executive functioning during childhood, Biological Psychology 76(1-2): 11-20.
- Rommelse N.N.J., Altink M.E., De Sonneville L.M.J., Buschens C.J., Buitelaar J., Oosterlaan J. & Sergeant J.A. (2007), Are inhibitory control and cognitive flexibility dead ends in ADHD?, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 35(6): 957-967.
- Huijbregts S.C.J., Kalkers N.F., De Sonneville L.M.J., De Groot V. & Polman C.H. (2006), Cognitive impairment and decline in different MS-subtypes, 245: 187-194.
- Huijbregts M.A.J., Kalkers N.F., De Sonneville L.M.J., De Groot V. & Polman C.H. (2006), Cognitie impairment and decline in different MS-Subtypes, 245: 187-194.
- De Sonneville L.M.J., De Haan L., Meijer C.J., Barkhof E. & Linszen D.H. (2006), The effect of motivational interviewing on adherence to antipsychotic treatment in schizophrenia, Schizophrenia Research 81: 100-101.
- Lazeron R.H., De Sonneville L.M.J., Scheltens P., Polman C.H. & Barkhof F. (2006), Cognitive slowing in multiple sclerosis is strongly associated with brain volume reduction, Multiple Sclerosis Journal 12: 760-768.
- Eggermont L., De Sonneville L.M.J., Jupimai T., Wicharuk S., Apateerapong W., Chuenyam T., Lange J., Wit F., Pancharoen P. & Ananworanich J. (2006), Effects of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) on psychomotor performance in children with HIV disease, 253: 1615-1624.
- Polderman T.C., Posthuma D., De Sonneville L.M.J., Verhulst F.C. & Boomsma D.I. (2006), Genetic analyses of teacher ratings of problem behavior in 5-year-old twins, Twin Research 9: 122-130.
- Buizer A.I., De Sonneville L.M.J., Van den Heuvel-Eibrink M.M., Njiokiktjien C. & Veerman A.J.P. (2006), Behavioral and educational limitations following chemotherapy for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia or a Wilms' tumor, Cancer 106: 2067-2075.
- Kalff A.C., De Sonneville L.M.J., Hurks P., Hendriksen J.G.M., Kroes M., Feron F.J.M., Steyaert J., Van Zeben T.M.C.B., Vles J.S.H. & Jolles J. (2005), Speed, speed variability, and accuracy of information processing in 5/6-year-old children at risk op ADHD, Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 11: 173-183.
- De Sonneville L.M.J. (2005), Amsterdamse neuropsychologische taken: Wetenschappelijke en klinische toepassingen, Tijdschrift voor Neuropsychologie : 27-41.
- Njiokiktjien C., De Sonneville L.M.J. & Verschoor C.A. (2005), Asperger syndrome: clinical picture of deficits focused on language. In: Riva D. & Rapin I. (red.), Autistic spectrum disorders. London-Paris: John Libbey Eurotext. 51-60.
- Slaats-Willemse D., Swaab H., De Sonneville L.M.J. & Buitelaar J. (2005), Motor flexibility, Familial Clustering of executive functioning in affected sibling pair families with ADHD, Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 44(4): 385-391.
- Buizer A.I., De Sonneville L.M.J., Van den Heuvel-Eibrink M.M., Njiokiktjien C. & Veerman A.J.P. (2005), Visuomotor control in survivors of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia treated with chemotherapy only, Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 11: 554-565.
- Buizer A.I., De Sonneville L.M.J., Van den Heuvel-Eibrink M.M. & Veerman A.J. (2005), Chemotherapy and attentional dysfunction in Survivors of Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia: Effect of treatment intensity, Pediatric Blood & Cancer 45: 281-290.
- Slaats-Willemse D.S., De Sonneville L.M.J., Swaab H. & Buitelaar J.K. (2005), Motor flexibility problems as a marker for genetic susceptibility to ADHD, Biological Psychiatry 58: 233-238.
- Stins J.F., De Sonneville L.M.J., Groot A.S., Polderman T.C., Van Baal G.C.M. & Boomsma D.I. (2005), Heritability of selective attention and working memory in preschoolers, Behavior Genetics 35: 407-416.
- Huijbregts S.C.J., Kalkers N.F., De Sonneville L.M.J., De Groot V., Reuling I.E.W. & Polman C.H. (2004), Differences in cognitive impairment of Relapsing-Remitting, Secondary and Primary Progressive MS, NEUROLOGY 63: 335-339.
- Groot A.S., De Sonneville L.M.J., Stins J.F. & Boomsma D.I. (2004), Familial influences on sustained attention and inhibition in preschoolers, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 45: 306-314.
- Kalff A.C., De Sonneville L.M.J., Hurks P., Hendriksen J.G.M., Kroes M., Feron F.J.M., Steyaert J., Van Zeben T.M.C.B., Vles J.S.H. & Jolles J. (2003), Low- and high-level controlled processing in executive motor control tasks in 5/6-year-old children at risk of ADHD, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 44: 1049-1057.
- Huijbregts S.C.J., De Sonneville L.M.J., Van Spronsen F.J., Berends I.E., Licht R., Verkerk P.H. & Sergeant J.A. (2003), Motor function under lower and higher controlled processing demands in early- and continuously treated Phenylketonuria, Neuropsychology 17: 369-379.
- Lazeron R.H.C., Rombouts S.A.R.B., De Sonneville L., Barkhof F. & Scheltens P. (2003), A paced visual serial addition test for fMRI, Journal of the Neurological Sciences 213(1-2): 29-34.
- Serra M., Althaus M., De Sonneville L.M.J., Stant A.D., Jackson A.E. & Minderaa R.B. (2003), Face recognition in children with a pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 33: 303-317.
- Slaats-Willemse D.S., Swaab H., De Sonneville L.M.J. & Buitelaar J. (2003), Deficient response inhibition as a cognitive endophenotype of ADHD, Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 42: 1242-1248.
- Huijbregts S.C.J., De Sonneville L.M.J., Licht R., Sergeant J.A. & Van Spronsen F.J. (2002), Inhibition of prepotent responding and attentional flexibility in treated Phenylketonuria, Developmental Neuropsychology 22: 481-499.
- Butchko H.H., Stargel W.W., Comer C.P., Mayhew D.A., Benninger C., Blackburn G.L., De Sonneville L.M.J., Geha R.S., Hertelendy Z., Koestner A., Leon A.S., Liepa G.U., McMartin K.E., Mendenhall C.L., Munro I.C., Novotny E.J., Renwick A.G., Schiffman S.S., Schomer D.L., Shaywitz B.Z., Spiers P.A., Tephly T.R., Thomas J.A. & Trefz F.K. (2002), Aspartame: Review of safety, Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 35(2): S1-S93.
- De Sonneville L.M.J., Verschoor C.A., Njiokiktjien C., Op 't Veld V., Toorenaar N. & Vranken M. (2002), Facial identity and facial emotions: Speed, accracy, and processing strategies in children and adults, Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 27(2): 200-213.
- Huijbregts S.C.J., De Sonneville L.M.J., Van Spronsen F.J., Licht R. & Sergeant J.A. (2002), The neuropsychological profile of early- and continuously treated Phenylketonuria: Orienting, vigilance, and maintenance versus manipulation-functions of working memory, Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 26: 697-712.
- Huijbregts S.C.J., De Sonneville L.M.J., Licht R., Van Spronsen F.J. & Sergeant J.A. (2002), Short-term dietary interventions in children and adolescents with treated Phenylketonuria: Effects on neuropsychological outcome of a well-controlled population, Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease 25: 419-430.
- Huijbregts S.C.J., De Sonneville L.M.J., Licht R., Van Spronsen F.J., Verkerk P.H. & Sergeant J.A. (2002), Sustained attention and inhibition of cognitive interference in treated Phenylketonuria: Associations with concurrent and lifetime phenylalanine concentrations, Neuropsychology 40: 7-15.
- De Sonneville L.M.J., Boringa J.B., Reuling I.E.W., Lazeron R.H.C., Ader H.J. & Polman C.H. (2002), Information processing characteristics in subtypes of Multiple Sclerosis, Neuropsychologia 14(11): 1751-1765.
- Widhalm K., Miranda-da Cruz B. & De Sonneville L.M.J. (2002), Information processing characteristics and uridine treatment in children with classical galactosemia, Nutrition Research 22: 257-270.
- Njiokiktjien C., Verschoor A., De Sonneville L., Huyser C., Veld V.O.H. & Toorenaar N. (2001), Disordered recognition of facial identity and emotions in three Asperger type autists, European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 10(1): 79-90.
- Swaab H., De Sonneville L., Cohen-Kettenis P., Gielen A., Buitelaar J. & Van Engeland H. (2000), Visual sustained attention in a child psychiatric population, Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 39(5): 651-659.
- Knyazeva M., Koeda T., Njiokiktjien C., Jonkman E.J., Kurganskaya M., De Sonneville L. & Vildavsky V. (1997), EEG coherence changes during finger tapping in acallosal and normal children: a study of inter- and intrahemispheric connectivity, Behavioural Brain Research 89(1-2): 243-258.
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