Laura Kreidberg
Hoogleraar Exoplaneten
- Naam
- Prof.dr. L. Kreidberg
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727

Hoogleraar Exoplaneten
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Sterrewacht
- Sterrewacht
- Dang L., Zieba S., Nguyen G., Hammond M., Lewis N., Buchem C. van, Zilinskas M., Lupu R., Cowan N., Pierrehumbert R., Miguel Y. & Kreidberg L. (2024), A hell of a phase curve: Mapping the surface and atmosphere of a lava planet, AASTCS10, Extreme Solar Systems V. AASTCS 10: Extreme Solar Systems V 16 maart 2024 - 21 maart 2024. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society nr. 56 103.02.
- Zieba S. & Kreidberg L (2022), PACMAN: a pipeline to reduce and analyze Hubble Wide Field Camera 3 IR grism data, Journal of Open Source Software 7(80): 4838.
- Zieba S., Zilinskas M., Kreidberg L., Nguyen T.G., Miguel Y., Cowan N.B., Pierrehumbert R., Carone L., Dang L., Hammond M., Louden T., Lupu R., Malavolta L. & Stevenson K.B. (2022), K2 and Spitzer phase curves of the rocky ultra-short-period planet K2-141 b hint at a tenuous rock vapor atmosphere, Astronomy and Astrophysics 664: A79.