Kitty Zijlmans
Emeritus hoogleraar Kunstgeschiedenis Nieuwste Tijd/World Art Studies
- Naam
- Prof.dr. C.J.M. Zijlmans

Kitty Zijlmans is Emeritus Hoogleraar Hedendaagse kunstgeschiedenis en Theorie / Wereld Kunstwetenschappen aan het Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society.
Meer informatie over Kitty Zijlmans
Emeritus hoogleraar Kunstgeschiedenis Nieuwste Tijd/World Art Studies
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Centre for the Arts in Society
- KG Moderne beeldende kunst
- Zijlmans C.J.M. (25 oktober 2021), Van kunstgeschiedenis naar World Art Studies : de wereld op zijn kop. Leiden. [lezing].
- Zijlmans C.J.M. (2015), 31 January 2015 Lecture ‘Wetware. The Body in Contemporary Art’, symposium The Leiden Experience, FWN, Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universiteit Leiden. [lezing].
- Zijlmans C.J.M. (2015), 11 February 2015 Invited guest lecture ‘Global Encounters. Contemporary Art and World Art Studies’, Honours Programme ArtEZ, Deventer. [lezing].
- Zijlmans C.J.M. (2015), 6 November 2015 Invited lecture ‘Met het oog op de wereld. Kunstgeschiedenis in wereldperspectief’, 1st year Docentenopleiding Visual Arts and Design, University fort he Arts Utrecht. [lezing].
- Zijlmans C.J.M. (2015), 19 May 2015 Invited guest lecture ‘World Art Studies and Ways of Seeing: Disrupting the Eurocentric Gaze’, Università degli studi di Milano, Dpt di Filosofia. [lezing].
- Zijlmans C.J.M. (2014), 17 April 2014: Radio interview about contemporary art in Hilversum Mediapark. . [interview].
- Zijlmans C.J.M. (2014), 10 April 2014 Comenius Leergang, invited lecture/workshop ‘Met het oog op de wereld: Hedendaagse kunst in een tijd van mondalisering’, Maastricht. [lezing].
- Zijlmans C.J.M. (2014), 13-15 March 2014 Paper and Chair panel ‘Recalcitrant Geographies: transnational art, national claims and globalized networks, international conference ‘Collecting Geographies. Global Programming and museums of modern art’, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam. [lezing].
- Zijlmans C.J.M. (2013), Potatoes, Ears, Passports, Homes. What can be the contribution of artistic research to world art studies? 30 May 2013 Institute of Art History of the Estonian Academy of Arts/Institute of Art History of University of Tallinn, Estonia, invited key-note lecture. [lezing].
- Zijlmans C.J.M. (2013), Shared Imaginaries: art history beyond the dichotomy of 'East' versus 'West'. 14 November 2013 Groningen University, Symposium Gerson Lectures Series, organization and paper. [lezing].
- Zijlmans C.J.M. (2013), Knight's Move. What can be the contribution of artistic research to World Art Studies? 7 March 2013 University of Birmingham, Research Seminar The Barber Institute of Fine Arts: invited key-note lecture. [lezing].
- Zijlmans C.J.M. (2013), ‘Potatoes, Ears, Passports, Homes. What can be the contribution of artistic research to world art studies?’ (30 May 2013). [lezing].
- Zijlman C.J.M. (2013), 7 March 2013 Invited lecture University of Birmingham, Research Seminar The Barber Institute of Fine Arts: invited key-note lecture ‘Knight's Move. What can be the contribution of artistic research to World Art Studies?’. [lezing].
- Zijlmans C.J.M. (2013), 12 January 2012 Invited lecture Heidelberg, Karl Jaspers Centre for Advanced Transcultural Studies, Lecture ‘Strange encounters. The World Art Museum as Agora, Polyphony or Tower of Babel?. [lezing].
- Zijlmans C.J.M. (2013), Invited Lecture tour CAANS - Canadian Association for the Advancement of Netherlandish Studies, Canada (Montreal, Vancouver, Calgary, St. Catherine’s, Toronto).17 May-3 June 2014. [lezing].
- Zijlmans C.J.M. (2013), 14 November 2013 Invited lecture Groningen University, symposium Gerson Lecture Series, organization and paper ‘Shared Imaginaries: art history beyond the dichotomy of ‘East’ versus ‘West’. [lezing].
- Zijlmans C.J.M. (2013), 31 October 2013 Invited lecture Comenius Leergang ‘Met het oog op de wereld: Hedendaagse kunst in een tijd van mondalisering’, Maastricht. [lezing].
- Zijlmans C.J.M. (2013), 4 June 2013 Introductory lecture book presentation ‘Contemporary Culture. New Directions in Art and Humanities Research’, closing meeting of the NWO/Humanities-funded research programme Transformations in Art and Culture (2003-2011). Spui 25, Amsterdam. [lezing].
- Zijlmans C.J.M. (2013), 14 January 2013 Invited lecture: ‘Een aardappel en een paspoort, identiteit en de natiestaat’, Amsterdam KNAW-serie ‘Recht in het geding’. [lezing].
- Zijlmans C.J.M. (2012), 7 December 2012 Keynote lecture ‘What can be the contribution of artistic research to world art studies?’ LUCA and Seminart, Higher Institute for Fine Arts, Ghent. [lezing].
- Zijlmans C.J.M. (6 april 2001). Een wereld van verschil. Kunstgeschiedenis op de drempel van de 21e eeuw. Leiden. [oratie].
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