Katy Wolstencroft
- Naam
- Dr. K.J. Wolstencroft
- Telefoon
- 071 5272727
- k.j.wolstencroft@liacs.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0002-1279-5133

Katy Wolstencroft werkt op het gebied van data- en kennisintegratie en past geavanceerde informaticatechnologieën toe op bio-informatica en systeembiologisch onderzoek.
Meer informatie over Katy Wolstencroft
Meer informatie over Katy Wolstencroft op haar Engelstalige profielpagina.
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Leiden Inst of Advanced Computer Science
- Hosseini R., Vlasveld M.P., Willemse J.J., Water B. van de, Le Dévédec S.E. & Wolstencroft K.J. (2023), FAIR high content screening in bioimaging, Scientific Data 10(1): 462.
- Ouwerkerk J., Feleus S., Zwaan K.F. van der, Li Y.L., Roos M., Roon-Mom W. van, Bot S.T. de, Wolstencroft K. & Mina E. (2022), Exploring the enroll-hd dataset using machine learning for personalized predictions, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 93(1): A77-A78.
- Basajja M., Nambobi M. & Wolstencroft K. (2022), Possibility of enhancing digital health interoperability in Uganda through FAIR Data, Data Intelligence 4(4): 899-916.
- Santos M. dos, V., Anton M., Szomolay B., Ostaszewski M., Arts I., Benfeitas R., Dominquez Del Angel V., Ferk P., Fey D., Goble C., Golebiewski M., Gruden K., Heil K.F., Hermjakob H., Kahlem P., Klapa M.I., Koehorst J., Kolidkin A., Kutmon M., Leskosek B., Moretti S., Müller W., Pagni M., Rezen T., Rocha M., Rozman D., Safranek D., Rahuman Sheriff S.M., Suarez Diez M., Steen K. van, Westerhoff H.V., Wittig U., Wolstencroft K.J., Zupanic A., Evelo C.T. & Hancock J.M. (2022), Systems Biology in ELIXIR: modelling in the spotlight, F1000Research 11: 1265.
- Chen Y., Verbeek F.J. & Wolstencroft K.J. (2021), Establishing a consensus for the hallmarks of cancer based on gene ontology and pathway annotations, BMC Bioinformatics 22(1): 178.
- Stork L., Weber A., Herik H.J. van den, Plaat A., Verbeek F.J. & Wolstencroft K.J. (2021), Large-scale zero-shot learning in the wild: classifying zoological illustrations, Ecological Informatics 62: 101222.
- Reisen M.E.H. van, Aladipo F., Stokmans M., Mpezamihgo M., Folorunso S., Schultes E., Basajja M., Aktau A., Amare S.Y., Taye G.T., Murnama J.P.H., Chindoza K., Wirtz M., Ghardallou M., Stam G. van, Ayele W., Nalugala R., Abdullahi I., Osigwe O., Graybeal J., Medhanyie A.A., Kawu A.A., Liu F., Wolstencroft K.J., Flikkenschild E., Lin Y., Stocker J. & Musen M.A. (2021), Design of a FAIR digital data health infrastructure in Africa for COVID-19 reporting and research, Advanced Genetics 2(2): e10050.
- Lamprecht A.L., Palmblad M., Ison J., Schwämmle V., Al Manir M.S., Altinas I., Baker C.J.O., Ben Hadj Amor A., Cpaell-Gutierrez S., Charonyktakis P., Crusoe M.R., Gil Y., Goble C., Griffin T.J., Groth P., Ienasescu H., Jagtap P., Kalas M.,Kasalica V., Khanteymoori A., Kuhn T., Mei H., Menager H., Möller S., Richardson R.A., Robert V., Soiland-Reyes S., Stevens R., Szaniszlo S., Verberne S., Verhoeven A. & Wolstencroft K.J. (2021), Perspectives on automated composition of workflows in the life sciences, F1000Research 10: 897.
- Stork L., Weber A., Gassó Miracle E., Verbeek F.J., Plaat A., Herik H.J. van den & Wolstencroft K.J. (2019), Semantic annotation of natural history collections, Journal of Web Semantics 59: 100462.
- Stork L., Weber A., Herik H.J. van den, Plaat A., Verbeek F.J. & Wolstencroft K.J. (2018), From handwritten manuscripts to linked data. Méndez E., Crestani F., Ribeiro C., David G. & Lopes J. (red.), Digital libraries for open knowledge. International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPLD) 2018 10 september 2018 - 13 september 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science nr. 11057. Cham: Springer. 330-334.
- Weber A., Ameryan M., Wolstencroft K.J., Stork L., Heerlien M. & Schomaker L. (2018), Towards a digital infrastructure for illustrated handwritten archives. Ioannides M. (red.), Digital Cultural Heritage. Final Conference of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Initial Training Network for Digital Cultural Heritage, ITN-DCH 2017 23 mei 2017 - 25 mei 2017 nr. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 10605. Cham: Springer International Publishing. 155-166.
- Stork L., Weber A., Gasso Miracle E. & Wolstencroft K.J. (2018), Linking Natural History Collections, 2018 IEEE 14th International Conference on e-Science (e-Science). 2018 IEEE 14th International Conference on e-Science (e-Science) 29 oktober 2018 - 1 november 2018: IEEE. 388-389.
- Wolstencroft K.J., Krebs O., Snoep J.L., Stanford N.J., Bacall F., Golebiewski M., Kuzyakiv R., Owen S., Soiland-Reyes S., Straszewski J., Niekerk D.D. van, Williams A.R., Malmstrom L., Rinn B., Mueller W. & Goble C. (2017), FAIRDOMHub: a repository and collaboration environment for sharing systems biology research, Nucleic Acids Research 45(D1): D404-D407.
- McMurry J.A., Juty N., Blomberg N., Burdett T., Conlin T., Conte N., Courtot M., Deck J., Dumontier M., Fellows D.K., Gonzalez-Beltran A., Gormanns P., Grethe J., Hastings J., Heriche J.-K., Hermjakob H., Ison J.C., Jimenez R.C., Jupp S., Kunze J., Laibe C., Novere N. le, Malone J., Martin M.J., McEntyre J.R., Morris C., Muilu J., Mueller W., Rocca-Serra P., Sansone S.-A., Sariyar M., Snoep J.L., Soiland-Reyes S., Stanford N.J., Swainston N., Washington N., Williams A.R., Wimalaratne S.M., Winfree L.M., Wolstencroft K.J., Goble C., Mungall C.J., Haendel M.A. & Parkinson H. (2017), Identifiers for the 21st century: how to design, provision, and reuse persistent identifiers to maximize utility and impact of life science data, PLoS Biology 15(6): e2001414.
- Wilkins J.J., Chan P.L.S., Chard J., Smith G., Smith M.K., Beer M., Dunn A., Flandorfer C., Franklin C., Gomeni R., Harnisch L., Kaye R., Moodie S., Sardu M.L., Wang E., Watson E., Wolstencroft K.J. & Cheung S.Y.A. (2017), Thoughtflow: Standards and Tools for Provenance Capture and Workflow Definition to Support Model-Informed Drug Discovery and Development, CPT: Pharmacometrics and Systems Pharmacology 6(5): 285-292.
- Thomas S., Wolstencroft K., Bono B. de & Hunter P.J. (2016), A physiome interoperability roadmap for personalized drug development, Interface Focus 6(2): 20150094.
- Wilkinson M.D., Dumontier M., Aalbersberg I.J., Appleton G., Axton M., Baak A., Blomberg N., Boiten J.-W., Silva Santos L.B. da, Bourne P.E., Bouwman J., Brookes A.J., Clark T., Crosas M., Dillo I., Dumon O., Edmunds S., Evelo C.T., Finkers R., Gonzalez-Beltran A., Gray A.J.G., Groth P., Goble C., Grethe J.S., Heringa J., Hoen P.A.C. ‘t, Hooft R., Kuhn T., Kok R., Kok J.N., Lusher S.J., Martone M.E., Mons A., Packer A.L., Persson B., Rocca-Serra P., Roos M., Schaik R. van, Sansone S.-A., Schultes E., Sengstag T., Slater T., Strawn G., Swertz M.A., Thompson M., Lei J. van der, Mulligen E. van, Velterop J., Waagmeester A., Wittenburg P., Wolstencroft K.J., Zhao J. & Mons B. (2016), The FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship, Scientific Data 2016(3): 160018.
- Schomaker L., Weber A., Thijssen M., Heerlien M., Plaat A., Nijssen S.G.R., Verbeek F.J., Lew M.S.K., Gasso Micacle E., Wolstencroft K., Suyver E., Verheij B., Wiering M., Dekker M., Kok J., Roberts L. & Herik H.J. van den (2016), Making Sense of Illustrated Handwritten Archives, Digital Humanities 2016 Conference Abstracts. Digital Humanities 2016 11 juli 2016 - 16 juli 2016. Krakow: Jagiellonian University and Pedagogical University. 674-676.
- Hartogh S.C. den, Wolstencroft K.J., Mummery C.L. & Passier R. (2016), A comprehensive gene expression analysis at sequential stages of in vitro cardiac differentiation from isolated MESP1-expressing-mesoderm progenitors, Scientific Reports 6: 19386.
- Stanford N.J., Wolstencroft K.J., Golebiewski M., Kania R., Juty N., Tomlinson C., Owen S., Butcher S., Hermjakob H., Novère N. le, Mueller W., Snoep J. & Goble C. (2015), The evolution of standards and data management practices in systems biology, Molecular Systems Biology 11(12): 851.
- Wolstencroft K.J., Owen S., Krebs O., Nguyen Q., Stanford N.J., Golebiewski M., Weidemann A., Bittkowski M., An L., Shockley D., Snoep J.L., Mueller W. & Goble C.A. (2015), SEEK: a systems biology data and model management platform, BMC Systems Biology 9: 33.
- Mina E., Thompson M., Hettne K.M., Roon-Mom W.M.C. van, Kaliyaperumal R., Horst E. van der, Wolstencroft K.J., Mons B. & Roos M. (2015), Multidisciplinary Collaboration to Facilitate Hypotheses Generation in Huntington's Disease, 2015 IEEE 11th International Conference on e-Science. 11th IEEE International Conference on e-Science, e-Science 2015 31 augustus 2015 - 4 september 2015: IEEE. 118-125.
- Vanschoren J., Bischl B., Hutter F., Sebag M., Kegl B., Schmid M., Napolitano G., Wolstencroft K.J., Williams A.R. & Lawrence N. (2015), Towards a Data Science Collaboratory. Fromont E., De Bie T. & Leeuwen M. van (red.), Proceedings of Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis XIV (IDA 2015). 14th International Symposium, IDA 2015 22 oktober 2015 - 24 oktober 2015 nr. LNCS 9385. Cham: Springer. IX-XXI.
- Hettne KM, Dharuri H, Zhao J, Wolstencroft K, Belhajjame K, Soiland-Reyes S, Mina E, Thompson M, Cruickshank D, Verdes-Montenegro L, Garrido J, De Roure D, Corcho O, Klyne G, Van Schouwen R, t Hoen PA, Bechhofer S, Goble C & Roos M. (2014), Structuring research methods and data with the research object model: genomics workflows as a case study, Journal of Biomedical Semantics 15(1): paper number 41.
- Kok J.N., Lamprecht A., Turner K.J. & Wolstencroft K.J. (2014), Track Introduction: Scientific Workflows, LEVERAGING APPLICATIONS OF FORMAL METHODS, VERIFICATION AND VALIDATION: SPECIALIZED TECHNIQUES AND APPLICATIONS, PT II 8803: 404-406.
- Wolstencroft K., Owen S., Horridge M., Jupp S., Krebs O., Snoep J.L., Preez F., Mueller W., Stevens R. & Goble C.A. (2013), Stealthy annotation of experimental biology by spreadsheets, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 25(4): 467-480.
- Wolstencroft K., Haines R., Fellows D., Williams A., Withers D., Owen S., Soiland-Reyes S., Dunlop I., Nenadic A., Fisher P. & others (2013), The Taverna workflow suite: designing and executing workflows of Web Services on the desktop, web or in the cloud, Nucleic Acids Research 41(W1): W557--W561.
- Goble C., Bechhofer S. & Wolstencroft K. (2013), Semantic Web, Interoperability. In: , Encyclopedia of Systems Biology: Springer New York. 1921--1925.
- Wolstencroft K.J., Owen S., Krebs O., Mueller W., Nguyen Q., Snoep J.L. & Goble C. (2013), Semantic Data and Models Sharing in Systems Biology: The Just Enough Results Model and the SEEK Platform, The Semantic Web-ISWC 2013. : Springer-Verlag. 212-227.
- David D.C.A.W., Roure D., Goble C., Roos M. & Wolstencroft K. (2012), Opening new gateways to workflows for life scientists, 175: 131.
- Wolstencroft K. (2012), The Taverna Workbench: Integrating and analysing biological and clinical data with computerised workflows, EMBnet. journal 18(B): p--18.
- Jupp S., Horridge M., Iannone L., Klein J., Owen S., Schanstra J., Wolstencroft K.J. & Stevens R. (2012), Populous: a tool for building OWL ontologies from templates, BMC Bioinformatics 13((Suppl 1)): S5.
- Wolstencroft K., Owen S., Goble C., Nguyen Q., Krebs O. & Muller W. (2012), RightField: Semantic enrichment of Systems Biology data using spreadsheets, Proceedings 8th International Conference on E-science. : IEEE Computer Society. 1-8.
- Hettne K.M., Wolstencroft K., Belhajjame K., Goble C.A., Mina E., Dharuri H., Roure D.D., Verdes-Montenegro L., Garrido J. & Roos M. (2012), Best Practices for Workflow Design: How to Prevent Workflow Decay, SWAT4LS. .
- Wolstencroft K., Owen S., Horridge M., Müller W., Bacall F., Snoep JL., Preez F., Nguyen Q., Krebs O. & Goble C.A. (2012), RightField: Scientific Knowledge Acquisition by Stealth through Ontology-Enabled Spreadsheets, EKAW. 438-441.
- Wolstencroft K., Owen S., Goble CA., Nguyen Q., Krebs O. & Müller W. (2012), RightField: Semantic enrichment of Systems Biology data using spreadsheets, eScience. 1-8.
- Sansone Susanna-Assunta, Rocca-Serra Philippe, Field Dawn, Maguire Eamonn, Taylor Chris, Hofmann Oliver, Fang Hong, Neumann Steffen, Tong Weida, Amaral-Zettler Linda, Begley Kimberly, Booth Tim, Bougueleret Lydie, Burns Gully, Chapman Brad, Clark Tim, Coleman Lee-Ann, Copeland Jay, Das Sudeshna, De Daruvar Antoine, De Matos Paula, Dix Ian, Edmunds Scott, Evelo Chris T., Forster Mark J., Gaudet Pascale, Gilbert Jack, Goble Carole, Griffin Julian L., Jacob Daniel, Kleinjans Jos, Harland Lee, Haug Kenneth, Hermjakob Henning, Sui Shannan J. Ho, Laederach Alain, Liang Shaoguang, Marshall Stephen, McGrath Annette, Merrill Emily, Reilly Dorothy, Roux Magali, Shamu Caroline E., Shang Catherine A., Steinbeck Christoph, Trefethen Anne, Williams-Jones Bryn, Wolstencroft Katherine, Xenarios Ioannis & Hide Winston (2012), Toward interoperable bioscience data, Nature Genetics 44(2): 121-126.
- Krebs O., Wolstencroft K., Owen S., Mueller W., Goble C. & Snoep J.L. (2011), The Just Enough Results Model (JERM) for Systems Biology Data, : 178.
- Wolstencroft Katy, Owen Stuart, Horridge Matthew, Krebs Olga, Mueller Wolfgang, Snoep Jacky L., Du Preez Franco & Goble Carole (2011), RightField: embedding ontology annotation in spreadsheets, Bioinformatics 27(14): 2021-2022.
- Wolstencroft Katy, Owen Stuart, Du Preez Franco, Krebs Olga, Mueller Wolfgang, Goble Carole & Snoep Jacky L. (2011), THE SEEK: A PLATFORM FOR SHARING DATA AND MODELS IN SYSTEMS BIOLOGY, Methods in Enzymology 500: 629-655.
- Neudecker C., Schlarb S., Dogan Z.M., Missier P., Sufi S., Williams A. & Wolstencroft K. (2011), An experimental workflow development platform for historical document digitisation and analysis, Proceedings of the 2011 workshop on historical document imaging and processing. 161--168.
- Jupp S., Horridge M., Iannone L., Klein J., Owen S., Schanstra J., Wolstencroft K. & Stevens R. (2011), Populous: A Tool for Populating an Ontology, ICBO. .
- Du Preez F.B., Owen S., Wolstencroft K., Krebs O., Müller W., Goble C. & Snoep J.L. (2011), OneStop: JWS Online’s access point to SBML, SBGN and MIRIAM compliant annotation: Nature Publishing Group.
- Bhagat J., Tanoh F., Nzuobontane E., Laurent T., Orlowski J., Roos M., Wolstencroft K., Aleksejevs S., Stevens R., Pettifer S. & others (2010), BioCatalogue: a universal catalogue of web services for the life sciences, Nucleic Acids Research 38(suppl 2): W689--W694.
- Swertz M.A., Velde K.J. van de, Tesson B.M., Scheltema R.A., Arends D., Vera G., Alberts R., Dijkstra M., Schofield P., Schughart K. & others (2010), XGAP: a uniform and extensible data model and software platform for genotype and phenotype experiments, Genome Biol 11(3): R27.
- Jupp S., Horridge M., Iannone L., Klein J., Owen S., Schanstra J., Stevens R. & Wolstencroft K. (2010), Populous: A Tool for Populating Templates for OWL Ontologies, SWAT4LS. .
- Moeller S., Krabbenhoeft H., Tille A., Paleino D., Williams A., Wolstencroft K., Goble C. & Plessy C. (2010), Community-driven computational biology with debian and taverna, BOSC 2010. .
- Missier P., Wolstencroft K., Tanoh F., Li P., Bechhofer S., Belhajjame K., Pettifer S. & Goble C.A. (2010), Functional Units: Abstractions for Web Service Annotations, SERVICES. 306-313.
- Wolstencroft K., Horridge M., Owen S., Mueller W., Bacall F., Snoep J., Krebs O. & Goble C. (2010), RightField: Embedding Ontology Term Selection into Spreadsheets for the Annotation of Biological Data, 9th International Semantic Web Conference. 141.
- Roure D.D., Goble C.A., Aleksejevs S., Bechhofer S., Bhagat J., Cruickshank D., Fisher P., Kollara N., Michaelides D.T., Missier P., Newman D.R., Ramsden M., Roos M., Wolstencroft K., Zaluska E. & Zhao J. (2010), The Evolution of myExperiment, eScience. 153-160.
- Jupp S., Horridge M., Iannone L., Klein J., Owen S., Schanstra J., Stevens R. & Wolstencroft K. (2010), Populous: A tool for populating ontology templates.
- Goderis A., Fisher P., Gibson A., Tanoh F., Wolstencroft K., Roure D.D. & Goble C.A. (2009), Benchmarking workflow discovery: a case study from bioinformatics, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 21(16): 2052-2069.
- Wolstencroft K., Fisher P., Roure D. de & Goble C. (2009), Scientific Workflows. In: Voss A., Meer E. Vander & Fergusson D. (red.), Research In a Connected World.
- Goble C., Wolstencroft K., Owen S., Aleksejevs S., Snoep J., Krebs O., Mueller W. & Rojas I. (2009), SysMO-DB: A pragmatic approach to sharing information amongst Systems Biology projects in Europe, Proceedings of the UK e-Science All Hand Meeting. .
- Goble C.A., Belhajjame K., Tanoh F., Bhagat J., Wolstencroft K., Stevens R., Nzuobontane E., McWilliam H., Laurent T. & Lopez R. (2009), BioCatalogue: a curated web service registry for the life science community. . Nature Precedings: Nature Publishing Group.
- Wassink I.H.C., Vet P.E., Wolstencroft K., Neerincx P.B.T., Roos M., Rauwerda H. & Breit T.M. (2009), Analysing Scientific Workflows: Why Workflows Not Only Connect Web Services, SERVICES I. 314-321.
- Gibson A., Gamble M., Wolstencroft K., Oinn T., Goble C.A., Belhajjame K. & Missier P. (2009), The data playground: An intuitive workflow specification environment, Future Generation Comp. Syst. 25(4): 453-459.
- Swertz M.A., Smedley D., Wolstencroft K., Alberts R., Zouberakis M., Aidinis V., Schughart K., Schofield P.N. & Jansen R.C. (2008), in volume 8th IEEE International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering, 2008. BIBE 2008, : .
- Belhajjame K., Goble C., Tanoh F., Bhagat J., Wolstencroft K., Stevens R., Nzuobontane E., McWilliam H., Laurent T. & Lopez R. (2008), Biocatalogue: A curated web service registry for the life science community, : .
- Smedley Damian, Swertz Morris A., Wolstencroft Katy, Proctor Glenn, Zouberakis Michael, Bard Jonathan, Hancock John M. & Schofield Paul (2008), Solutions for data integration in functional genomics: a critical assessment and case study, Briefings in Bioinformatics 9(6): 532-544.
- Goble Carole, Stevens Robert, Hull Duncan, Wolstencroft Katy & Lopez Rodrigo (2008), Data curation process curationdata integration science, Briefings in Bioinformatics 9(6): 506-517.
- Belhajjame K., Wolstencroft K., Corcho Ó., Oinn T., Tanoh F., Williams A. & Goble C.A. (2008), Metadata Management in the Taverna Workflow System, CCGRID. 651-656.
- Swertz M.A., Smedley D., Wolstencroft K., Alberts R., Zouberakis M., Aidinis V., Schughart K., Schofield P.N. & Jansen R.C. (2008), Towards dynamic database infrastructures for mouse genetics, BIBE. 1-7.
- Pettifer Steve, Wolstencroft Katy, Alper Pinar, Attwood Teresa, Coletta Alain, Goble Carole, Li Peter, McDermott Philip, Marsh James, Oinn Tom, Sinnott James & Thorne David (2007), (my)Grid and UTOPIA: An integrated approach to enacting and visualising in silico experiments in the life sciences, 4544: 59-70.
- Fisher P., Hedeler C., Wolstencroft K.J., Hulme H., Noyes H., Kemp S., Stevens R. & Brass A. (2007), A systematic strategy for the discovery of candidate genes responsible for phenotypic variation, BMC Bioinformatics 8((Suppl 8)): P7.
- Wolstencroft K., Stevens R. & Haarslev V. (2007), Applying OWL reasoning to genomic data. In: , Semantic Web: Springer US. 225--248.
- Goble C., Wolstencroft K., Goderis A., Hull D., Zhao J., Alper P., Lord P., Wroe C., Belhajjame K., Turi D. & others (2007), Knowledge discovery for biology with Taverna. In: , Semantic Web: Springer US. 355--395.
- Gibson A., Wolstencroft K. & Stevens R. (2007), Promotion of Ontological Comprehension: Exposing Terms and Metadata with Web 2.0, CKC. .
- Wolstencroft K.J. (2007), Third International Conference on e-Science and Grid Computing, e-Science 2007, 10-13 December 2007, Bangalore, India. : IEEE Computer Society.
- Gibson A., Gamble M., Wolstencroft K., Oinn T. & Goble C.A. (2007), The Data Playground: An Intuitive Workflow Specification Environment, eScience. 59-68.
- Stevens Robert, Aranguren Mikel Egana, Wolstencroft Katy, Sattler Ulrike, Drummond Nick, Horridge Matthew & Rector Alan (2007), Using OWL to model biological knowledge, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 65(7): 583-594.
- Fisher P., Hedeler C., Wolstencroft K., Hulme H., Noyes H., Kemp S., Stevens R. & Brass A. (2007), A systematic strategy for large-scale analysis of genotype--phenotype correlations: identification of candidate genes involved in African trypanosomiasis, Nucleic Acids Research 35(16): 5625--5633.
- Wolstencroft K., Alper P., Hull D., Wroe C., Lord P.W., Stevens R.D. & Goble C.A. (2007), The my Grid ontology: bioinformatics service discovery, International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications 3(3): 303--325.
- Fisher Paul, Hedeler Cornelia, Wolstencroft Katherine, Hulme Helen, Noyes Harry, Kemp Stephen, Stevens Robert & Brass Andrew (2007), A systematic strategy for large-scale analysis of genotype-phenotype correlations: identification of candidate genes involved in African trypanosomiasis, Nucleic Acids Research 35(16): 5625-5633.
- Goble C., Wolstencroft K., Goderis A., Hull D., Zhao J., Alper P., Lord P., Belhajjame K., Turi D., Stevens R. & others (2006), Knowledge Discovery for in silico Experiments with Taverna, Semantic web: revolutionizing knowledge discovery in the life sciences : .
- Wolstencroft K., Lord P., Tabernero L., Brass A. & Stevens R. (2006), Protein classification using ontology classification, Bioinformatics 22(14): e530--e538.
- Hull D., Wolstencroft K., Stevens R., Goble C., Pocock M.R., Li P. & Oinn T. (2006), Taverna: a tool for building and running workflows of services, Nucleic Acids Research 34(suppl 2): W729--W732.
- Rose C., Turi D., Williams A., Wolstencroft K. & Taylor C.J. (2006), Web Services for the DDSM and Digital Mammography Research, Digital Mammography / IWDM. 376-383.
- Wolstencroft K., Stevens R., Tabernero L. & Brass A. (2005), PhosphaBase: An ontology-driven database resource for protein phosphatases, 58(2): 290--294.
- Taylor C., Rose C., Turi D., Williams A. & Wolstencroft K. (2005), MIAS-Grid: An e-Science Workbench for Medical Images and Signals Research, : 59.
- Wolstencroft K., Oinn T.M., Goble C.A., Ferris J., Wroe C., Lord P.W., Glover K. & Stevens R. (2005), Panoply of Utilities in Taverna, e-Science. 156-162.
- Wolstencroft K., Brass A., Horrocks I., Lord P.W., Sattler U., Turi D. & Stevens R. (2005), A Little Semantic Web Goes a Long Way in Biology, International Semantic Web Conference. 786-800.
- Wolstencroft K., Lord P., Tabernero L., Brass A. & Stevens R. (2005), Using ontology reasoning to classify protein phosphatases, 8th Annual Bio-Ontologies Meeting. 2005.
- Rose C., Turi D., Williams A.R., Wolstencroft K. & Taylor C. (2005), Web Services for Digital Mammography Research, Proceedings of Medical Image Understanding and Analysis 2. 196--200.
- Wolstencroft K. (2005), Ontological methods for structuring and managing protein family resources (Dissertatie. The University of Manchester, Leiden University).
- Wolstencroft K., Stevens R. & Haarslev V. (2005), Chapter\# APPLYING OWL REASONING TO GENOMIC DATA, Semantic web: revolutionizing knowledge discovery in the life sciences : .
- Wolstencroft K., McEntire R., Stevens R., Tabernero L. & Brass A. (2005), Constructing ontology-driven protein family databases, Bioinformatics 21(8): 1685-1692.