Katja Zeppenfeld
Hoogleraar Cardiologie, in het bijzonder klinische elektrofysiologie
- Naam
- Prof.dr. K. Zeppenfeld
- Telefoon
- +31 71 526 9111
- k.zeppenfeld@lumc.nl
- 0000-0002-7034-1017

Katja Zeppenfeld is hoogleraar klinische electrofysiologie en hoofd van het klinisch electrofysiologisch onderzoeks & behandelcentrum Leiden. Daarnaast bekleed zijn verschillende bestuurlijke functies binnen de European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA).
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Klinische elektrofysiologie
Haar leerstoel betreft klinische elektrofysiologie, in het bijzonder het onderzoek naar en de behandeling van complexe hartritmestoornissen. Daarmee bevinden haar academische acvitiviteiten zich op het snijvlak van geneeskunde, natuurkunde en biologie. Klinische elektrofysiologie betreft wellis waar een relatief jong vakgebied, maar is qua ontwikkeling de laatste jaren in een stroomversnelling geraakt door technologische vernieuwingen en een verdere toename in de vraag naar effectieve behandelingen van hartritmestoornissen. Desondanks blijven deze stoornissen een groot klinisch probleem mede door een gebrek aan kennis en breed inzetbare effectieve behandelingsmethoden. Wat haar drijft en iedere dag motiveert is om de onderliggende mechanismen te begrijpen, de kennis rechtstreeks in de praktijk te brengen en over te brengen op de nieuwe generatie van klinische elektrofysiologen.
Wetenschappelijke carrière
Katja Zeppenfeld studeerde Geneeskunde aan de Universiteit van Bochum (Duitsland) en de Universiteit van London (Engeland). Na afrondingen van haar studies (summa cum laude) specialiseerde zij zich tot internist en interventiecardioloog en startte gelijktijdig haar promotieonderzoek binnen de neuroelektrofysiologie, eveneens aan de Universiteit van Bochum. Na het behalen van haar doctoraat (cum laude) in 2002, specialiseerde zij zich verder in de klinische elektrofysiologie van het hart, waarna zij naar Leiden verhuisde om daar de klinische elektrofysiologie verder uit te bouwen en nieuwe richting te geven. Daartoe is zij vervolgens, in 2006, tijdelijk werkzaam geweest in Brigham and Women’s hospital (Harvard Medical School) in Boston (U.S.A.). In de jaren daarna heeft zij verschillende nieuwe onderzoeklijnen opgezet en tot een succes gemaakt en werd, mede daardoor, in 2012 benoemd tot hoogleraar in de klinische elektrofysiologie. In de zomer 2013 sprak zij haar oratie uit, getiteld “het netwerk kortgesloten”. Belangrijke onderzoekslijnen betreffen onderzoek naar mechanisme en behandeling van complexe kamerritmestoornissen en ritmestoornissen bij patienten met aangeboren hartafwijkingen. Het succes van deze en andere onderzoekslijnen blijkt, onder andere, uit het aantal wetenschappelijke publicaties in gerenommeerde vakbladen, het aantal editorial comments, reviews en boekhoofdstukken, alsmede het grote aantal invited lectures op internationale congressen, inclusief het prestigieuze Paul Wood Lecture (Imperial College London). De integratie van top klinische zorg met innovatief en toepasbaar onderzoek maakt dat zij zowel onderzoekers als clinici op succesvolle wijze kan begeleiden en heeft daarmee (inter)nationale erkenning gekregen. Dit heeft er tevens in geresulteerd dat zij vanuit heel Europa patiënten krijgt doorverwezen voor behandeling van complexe ritmestoornissen. Sinds haar benoeming heeft zij meer dan 12 promovendi begeleidt in hun wetenschappelijke training en meer dan 20 internationale fellows qua klinische opleiding.
Buiten haar eigen centrum is Katja Zeppenfeld ook veelvuldig betrokken bij tal van educatieve en wetenschappelijke organisaties, comités en vakbladen op het gebied van elektrofysiologie. Zo was zij, onder andere, voorzitter van de Europese commissie Certificatie Klinische Elektrofysiologie en Device therapie voor artsen, technici en allied professionals tussen 2011 en 2015. Tevens was en is zij leidend in de organisatie en invulling van vele nationale en internationale wetenschappelijke congressen, in het bijzonder de European Heart Rhythm Association en de Heart Rhythm Society USA. Daarnaast wordt haar expertise gevraagd bij het opstellen van internationale richtlijnen voor de behandeling van ritmestoornissen bij congenitale en verworven hartafwijkingen. Met betrekking tot vakbladen is Katja Zeppenfeld associate editor geweest bij de Journal of the American College of Cardiology: Clinical Electrophysiology en is actief binnen de editoral board van verschillende bladen, zoals Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology. Sinds februari 2018 is Prof. Zeppenfeld gastprofessor aan Vanderbilt, Nashville, US en honorary professor Aarhus University Hospital.
Hoogleraar Cardiologie, in het bijzonder klinische elektrofysiologie
- Faculteit Geneeskunde
- LUMC - Medische Faculteit Leiden
- Divisie 1
- Hartziekten
- Zeppenfeld, K. & Riva, M. de (2024), Arrhythmic risk in young women with mitral valve prolapse: keep your eyes open but don't jump at every shadow, European Heart Journal 45(20): 1840-1842.
- Rademaker, R.; Kimura, Y.; Silva, M.D.; Beukers, H.C.; Piers, S.R.D.; Wijnmaalen, A.P.; Dekkers, O.M. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2024), Area-weighted unipolar voltage to predict heart failure outcomes in patients with ischaemic cardiomyopathy and ventricular tachycardia, EP Europace 26(2).
- Wallet, J.; Kimura, Y.; Blom, N.A.; Hazekamp, M.G.; Bartelings, M.M.; Jongbloed, M.R.M. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2024), Ventricular septal defect characteristics influence presence of septal anatomical isthmuses in patients with repaired tetralogy of Fallot, EP Europace 26(12).
- Chen, H.S.; Roon, L. van; Ge, Y.; Gils, J.M. van; Schoones, J.W.; Deruiter, M.C.; Zeppenfeld, K. & Jongbloed, M.R.M. (2024), The relevance of the superior cervical ganglion for cardiac autonomic innervation in health and disease, Clinical Autonomic Research.
- Shlobin, N.A.; Thijs, R.D.; Benditt, D.G.; Zeppenfeld, K. & Sander, J.W. (2024), Sudden death in epilepsy: the overlap between cardiac and neurological factors, Brain Communications 6(5).
- Jungen, C.; Chen, S.; Wijnmaalen, A.P.; Dibbets-Schneider, P.; Piers, S.; Kimura, Y.; Androulakis, A.F.A.; Geest, R. van der; Geus-Oei, L. de; Scholte, A.H.J.A.; Lamb, H.J.; Jongbloed, M.R.M. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2024), Regional cardiac denervation predicts sustained ventricular arrhythmias in non-ischemic cardiomyopathy patients without LGE on CMR imaging, European Heart Journal 45.
- Chen, H.S.; Voortman, L.M.; Munsteren, J.C. van; Wisse, L.J.; Deruiter, M.C.; Zeppenfeld, K. & Jongbloed, M.R.M. (2024), Quantification of the intrinsic neural plexus of the heart - The missing link in histological tissue analysis, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 244.
- Deneke, T.; Kutyifa, V.; Hindricks, G.; Sommer, P.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Carbuccichio, C.; Pürerfellner, H.; Heinzel, F.R.; Traykov, V.B.; Riva, M. de; Pontone, G.; Lehmkuhl, L.; Haugaa, K.; Sarkozy, A.; Gimelli, A.; Tondo, C.; Ernst, S.; Antz, M. & Westwood, M. (2024), Pre- and post-procedural cardiac imaging (computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging) in electrophysiology: a clinical consensus statement of the European Heart Rhythm Association and European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging of the European Society of Cardiology, EP Europace 26(5).
- Omara, S.; Glashan, C.A.; Tofig, B.J.; Leenknegt, L.; Dierckx, H.; Panfilov, A.V.; Beukers, H.K.C.; Waasbergen, M.H. van; Tao, Q.; Stevenson, W.G.; Nielsen, J.C.; Lukac, P.; Kristiansen, S.B.; Geest, R.J. van der & Zeppenfeld, K. (2024), Multisize electrode field-of-view validation by high-resolution gadolinium-enhanced cardiac magnetic resonance, JACC-CLINICAL ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY 10(4): 637-650.
- Lenarczyk, R.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Tfelt-Hansen, J.; Heinzel, F.R.; Deneke, T.; Ene, E.; Meyer, C.; Wilde, A.; Arbelo, E.; Jedrzejczyk-Patej, E.; Sabbag, A.; Stühlinger, M.; Biase, L. di; Vaseghi, M.; Ziv, O.; Bautista-Vargas, W.F.; Kumar, S.; Namboodiri, N.; Henz, B.D.; Montero-Cabezas, J.; Dagres, N.; Peichi, P.; Frontera, A.; Tzeis, S.; Merino, J.L.; Soejima, K.; Chillou, C. de; Tung, R.D.R.; Eckardt, L.; Maury, P.; Hlivak, P.; Tereshchenko, L.G.; Kojodjojo, P. & Atié, J. (2024), Management of patients with an electrical storm or clustered ventricular arrhythmias: a clinical consensus statement of the European Heart Rhythm Association of the ESC-endorsed by the Asia-Pacific Heart Rhythm Society, Heart Rhythm Society, and Latin-American Heart Rhythm Society, EP Europace 26(4).
- Brouwer, C.; Hebe, J.; Nürnberg, J.H.; Nielsen, J.C.; Lukac, P.; Riva, M. de; Blom, N. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2024), Incidence of Atrial Fibrillation After Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation for Atrial Tachycardia in Congenital Heart Disease, JACC-CLINICAL ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY 10(6): 1050-1060.
- Carrick, R.T.; Marco, C. de; Gasperetti, A.; Bosman, L.P.; Gourraud, J.B.; Trancuccio, A.; Mazzanti, A.; Murray, B.; Pendleton, C.; Tichnell, C.; Tandri, H.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Wilde, A.A.M.; Davies, B.; Seifer, C.; Roberts, J.D.; Healey, J.S.; MacIntyre, C.; Alqarawi, W.; Tadros, R.; Cutler, M.J.; Targetti, M.; Calò, L.; Vitali, F.; Bertini, M.; Compagnucci, P.; Casella, M.; Dello Russo, A.; Cappelletto, C.; Luca, A. de; Stolfo, D.; Duru, F.; Jensen, H.K.; Svensson, A.; Dahlberg, P.; Hasselberg, N.E.; Marco, A. di; Jordà, P.; Arbelo, E.; Weidmann, Z.M.; Borowiec, K.; Delinière, A.; Biernacka, E.K.; Tintelen, J.P. van; Platonov, P.G.; Olivotto, I.; Saguner, A.M.; Haugaa, K.H.; Cox, M.; Tondo, C.; Merlo, M.; Krahn, A.D.; Riele, A.S.J.M. te; Wu, K.C.; Calkins, H.; James, C.A. & Cadrin-Tourigny, J. (2024), Implantable cardioverter defibrillator use in arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy in North America and Europe, European Heart Journal 45(7): 538-548.
- Rademaker, R.; Riva, M. de; Piers, S.R.D.; Wijnmaalen, A.P. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2024), Excellent Outcomes After First-Line Ablation in Post-MI Patients With Tolerated VT and LVEF >35%, JACC-CLINICAL ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY 10(11): 2303-2311.
- Okenov, A.; Nezlobinsky, T.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Vandersickel, N. & Panfilov, A.V. (2024), Computer based method for identification of fibrotic scars from electrograms and local activation times on the epi- and endocardial surfaces of the ventricles, PLoS ONE 19(4).
- Waaij, K. van; Keçe, F.; Riva, M. de; Dehnavi, R.A.; Wijnmaalen, A.P.; Piers, S.R.D.; Mertens, B.J.; Zeppenfeld, K. & Trines, S.A. (2024), Validation of a prediction model for early reconnection after cryoballoon ablation, Journal of Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology 67(7): 1623-1634.
- (2024), Excellent Outcomes After First-Line Ablation in Post-MI Patients With Tolerated VT and LVEF >35, JACC: Clinical Electrophysiology 10(11).
- (2024), Area Weighted Unipolar Voltage to Predict Heart Failure Outcomes in Patients with Ischemic Cardiomyopathy and Ventricular Tachycardia , EP Europace 26(2).
- Writing group members Katja Zeppenfeld (chairperson), Robert Rademaker (document coordinator) , Amin Al-Ahmad , Corrado Carbucicchio , Christian De Chillou , Jakub Cvek Micaela Ebert , Gordon Ho , Josef Kautzner , Pier Lambiase , Jose Luis Merino , Michael Lloyd , Satish Misra Etienne Pruvot , John Sapp , Luis Schiappacasse , Marek Sramko, William G Stevenson , Paul C. Zei Document reviewers Dan Wichterle (review coordinator), Jonathan Chrispin , Claudia Herrera Siklody , Radek Neuwirth Gemma Pelargonio , Tobias Reichlin , Clifford Robinson & Claudio Tondo (2024), Patient selection, ventricular tachycardia substrate delineation and data transfer for stereotactic arrhythmia radioablation. A Clinical Consensus Statement of the European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA) of the ESC and the Heart Rhythm Society (HRS), EP Europace.
- Kimura, Y.; Wallet, J.; Bouyer, B.; Jongbloed, M.R.M.; Bertels, R.; Hazekamp, M.G.; Thambo, J.B.; Iriart, X.; Cochet, H.; Sacher, F.; Lamb, H.J.; Blom, N.A. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2024), Three-dimensional cardiac magnetic resonance allows the identification of slow-conducting anatomical isthmuses in tetralogy of Fallot, European Heart Journal 45(23): 2079-2094.
- Coster, T. de; Teplenin, A.S.; Feola, I.; Bart, C.I.; Ramkisoensing, A.A.; Ypey, D.L.; Panfilov, A.V.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Vries, A.A.F. de & Pijnappels, D.A. (2023), Trapped re-entry challenges the binary view on cardiac arrhythmias, European Heart Journal 44.
- Wallet, J.; Kimura, Y.; Blom, N.A.; Man, S.; Jongbloed, M.R.M. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2023), The R'' wave in V1 and the terminal QRS vector in aVF combine to a novel 12-lead ECG algorithm to identify slow conducting anatomical isthmus 3 in patients with tetralogy of Fallot, European Heart Journal 44.
- (2023), Catheter ablation as first line treatment in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy, tolerated ventricular tachycardia and left ventricular ejection fraction ≥35%: Long term outcomes.
- Myadam, R.; Crawford, T.C.; Bogun, F.M.; Gu, X.K.; Ellenbogen, K.A.; Jasti, S.; Chicos, A.B.; Roukoz, H.; Zimetbaum, P.J.; Kalbfleisch, S.J.; Murgatroyd, F.D.; Steckman, D.A.; Rosenfeld, L.E.; Garlitski, A.C.; Soejima, K.; Bhan, A.K.; Vedantham, V.; Dickfeld, T.M.L.; Lurgio, D.B. de; Platonov, P.G.; Zipse, M.M.; Nishiuchi, S.; Ortman, M.L.; Narasimhan, C.; Patton, K.K.; Rosenthal, D.G.; Mukerji, S.S.; Hoogendoorn, J.C.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Sauer, W.H.; Kron, J. & Cardiac Sarcoidosis Consortium (2023), Association of Adverse Events With the Different Diagnostic Schemes of Cardiac Sarcoidosis, JACC-CLINICAL ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY 9(12): 2662-2663.
- Sramko, M.; Fi, S.A.K.; Wijnmaalen, A.P.; Tao, Q.; Geest, R.J.V.; Lamb, H.J. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2023), Head-to-head comparison of T1 mapping and electroanatomical voltage mapping in patients with ventricular arrhythmias, JACC: Clinical Electrophysiology 9(6): 740-748.
- Kimura, Y.; Riva, M. de; Ebert, M.; Glashan, C.; Wijnmaalen, A.P.; Piers, S.R.; Dekkers, O.M.; Trines, S.A. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2023), Pleomorphic ventricular tachycardia in dilated cardiomyopathy predicts ventricular tachycardia recurrence after ablation independent from cardiac function, Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology 16(1): 2-12.
- Kimura, Y.; Beukers, H.K.C.; Rademaker, R.; Chen, S.P.; Ebert, M.; Jensen, T.; Piers, S.R.; Wijnmaalen, A.P.; Riva, M. de; Dekkers, O.M.; Stevenson, W.G. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2023), Volume-weighted unipolar voltage predicts heart failure mortality in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy and ventricular arrhythmias, JACC: Clinical Electrophysiology 9(7): 965-975.
- Tfelt-Hansen, J.; Winkel, B.G.; Riva, M. de & Zeppenfeld, K. (2023), The '10 commandments' for the 2022 ESC Guidelines for the management of patients with ventricular arrhythmias and the prevention of sudden cardiac death The 2022 ESC Guidelines for the management of patients with ventricular arrhythmias (VAs) and the prevention of sudden cardiac death (SCD) present an update of the 2015 guidelines, European Heart Journal 44(3): 176-177.
- Hoogendoorn, J.C.; Venlet, J.; Riva, M. de; Wijnmaalen, A.P.; Piers, S.R.D. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2023), Unipolar voltage mapping in right ventricular cardiomyopathy, EP Europace 25(3).
- Natale, A.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Bella, P. della; Liu, X.; Sabbag, A.; Santangeli, P.; Sommer, P.; Sticherling, C.; Zhang, X.D. & Biase, L. di (2023), Twenty-five years of catheter ablation of ventricular tachycardia: a look back and a look forward, EP Europace 25(9).
- Wallet, J.; Kimura, Y.; Blom, N.A.; Man, S.M.; Jongbloed, M.R.M. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2023), The R" wave in V1 and the negative terminal QRS vector in aVF combine to a novel 12-lead ECG algorithm to identify slow conducting anatomical isthmus 3 in patients with tetralogy of Fallot, EP Europace 25(6).
- Maass, A.H.; Blaauw, Y.; Mulder, B.A. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2023), Strategies to improve management of ventricular tachycardias, Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine 10.
- Grehn, M.; Mandija, S.; Miszczyk, M.; Krug, D.; Tomasik, B.; Stickney, K.E.; Alcantara, P.; Alongi, F.; Anselmino, M.; Aranda, R.S.; Balgobind, B.V.; Boda-Heggemann, J.; Boldt, L.H.; Bottoni, N.; Cvek, J.; Elicin, O.; Ferrari, G.M. de; Hassink, R.J.; Hazelaar, C.; Hindricks, G.; Hurkmans, C.; Iotti, C.; Jadczyk, T.; Jiravsky, O.; Jumeau, R.; Kristiansen, S.B.; Levis, M.; López, M.A.; Martí-Almor, J.; Mehrhof, F.; Moller, D.S.; Molon, G.; Ouss, A.; Peichl, P.; Plasek, J.; Postema, P.G.; Quesada, A.; Reichlin, T.; Rordorf, R.; Rudic, B.; Saguner, A.M.; Bekke, R.M.A. ter; Torrecilla, J.L.; Troost, E.G.C.; Vitolo, V.; Andratschke, N.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Blamek, S.; Fast, M.; Panfilis, L. de; Blanck, O.; Pruvot, E. & Verhoeff, J.J.C. (2023), STereotactic Arrhythmia Radioablation (STAR), EP Europace 25(4).
- Könemann, H.; Dagres, N.; Merino, J.L.; Sticherling, C.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Tfelt-Hansen, J. & Eckardt, L. (2023), Spotlight on the 2022 ESC guideline management of ventricular arrhythmias and prevention of sudden cardiac death: 10 novel key aspects, EP Europace 25(5).
- Myadam, R.; Crawford, T.C.; Bogun, F.M.; Gu, X.K.; Ellenbogen, K.A.; Jasti, S.; Chicos, A.B.; Roukoz, H.; Zimetbaum, P.J.; Kalbfleisch, S.J.; Murgatroyd, F.D.; Steckman, D.A.; Rosenfeld, L.E.; Garlitski, A.C.; Soejima, K.; Bhan, A.K.; Vedantham, V.; Dickfeld, T.M.L.; Lurgio, D.B. de; Platonov, P.G.; Zipse, M.M.; Nishiuchi, S.; Ortman, M.L.; Narasimhan, C.; Patton, K.K.; Rosenthal, D.G.; Mukerji, S.S.; Hoogendoorn, J.C.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Sauer, W.H.; Kron, J. & Cardiac Sarcoidosis Consortium (2023), Risk of adverse outcomes associated with cardiac sarcoidosis diagnostic schemes, JACC: Clinical Electrophysiology 9(8): 1719-1729.
- Moore, J.P.; Aboulhosn, J.A.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Waldmann, V.; Bessie, F.; Blom, N.A.; Combes, N.; Fish, F.A.; McLeod, C.J.; Kanter, R.J.; Tan, W.Y.; Patel, N.; Alvensleben, J.C. von; Kamp, A.; Lloyd, M.S.; Anderson, C.C.; Tan, R.B.; Mariucci, E.; Levi, D.S.; Salem, M.; Shivkumar, K. & Khairy, P. (2023), Rationale and design of the multicenter catheter ablation of ventricular tachycardia before transcatheter pulmonary valve replacement in repaired tetralogy of Fallot study, American Journal of Cardiology 204: 14-21.
- Chen, H.S.; Voortman, L.M.; Munsteren, C. van; Wisse, L.J.; Tofig, B.J.; Kristiansen, S.B.; Glashan, C.A.; Deruiter, M.C.; Zeppenfeld, K. & Jongbloed, M.R.M. (2023), Quantification of large transmural biopsies reveals heterogeneity in innervation patterns in chronic myocardial infarction, JACC: Clinical Electrophysiology 9(8): 1652-1664.
- Koenemann, H.; Ellermann, C.; Zeppenfeld, K. & Eckardt, L. (2023), Management of Ventricular Arrhythmias Worldwide, JACC: Clinical Electrophysiology 9(5): 715-728.
- Chen, H.S.; Roon, L. van; Schoones, J.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Deruiter, M.C. & Jongbloed, M.R.M. (2023), Cardiac sympathetic hyperinnervation after myocardial infarction: a systematic review and qualitative analysis, Annals of Medicine 55(2).
- Coster, T. de; Teplenin, A.S.; Feola, I.; Bart, C.; Ramkisoensing, A.A.; Ouden, B.L. den; Ypey, D.L.; Trines, S.A.; Panfilov, A.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Vries, A.A.F. de & Pijnappels, D.A. (2023), 'Trapped re-entry' as source of acute focal atrial arrhythmias, Cardiovascular Research 120(3).
- Nyns, E.C.A.; Jin, T.Y.; Fontes, M.S.; Heuvel, T. van den; Portero, V.; Ramsey, C.; Bart, C.I.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Schalij, M.J.; Brakel, T.J. van; Ramkisoensing, A.A.; Zhang, G.Q.; Poelma, R.H.; Ordog, B.; Vries, A.A.F. de & Pijnappels, D.A. (2022), Optical ventricular cardioversion by local optogenetic targeting and LED implantation in a cardiomyopathic rat model, Cardiovascular Research 118(10): 2293-2303.
- Chen, H.S.; Jungen, C.; Kimura, Y.; Dibbets-Schneider, P.; Piers, S.R.; Androulakis, A.F.A.; Geest, R.J.V.; Geus-Oei, L.F. de; Scholte, A.J.H.A.; Lamb, H.J.; Jongbloed, M.R.M. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2022), Ventricular arrhythmia substrate distribution and its relation to sympathetic innervation in nonischemic cardiomyopathy patients, JACC: Clinical Electrophysiology 8(10): 1234-1245.
- Venlet, J.; Piers, S.R.; Hoogendoorn, J.; Androulakis, A.F.A.; Riva, M. de; Geest, R.J. van der & Zeppenfeld, K. (2022), The transmural activation interval, EP Europace 25(2).
- Konemann, H.; Frommeyer, G.; Zeppenfeld, K. & Eckardt, L. (2022), Die neue ESC-Leitlinie zum Management ventrikulärer Tachyarrhythmien, Herz: Cardiovascular Diseases 48.
- Nederend, M.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Jongbloed, M.R.M. & Egorova, A.D. (2022), Successful hybrid cardiac resynchronization therapy in a patient with failing systemic right ventricle and significant tricuspid regurgitation in transposition of the great arteries after atrial switch procedure according to Mustard, European Heart Journal: Case Reports 6(3).
- Grehn, M.; Pruvot, E.; Mandija, S.; Andratschke, N.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Blamek, S.; Fast, M.; Botrugno, C.; Blanck, O. & Verhoeff, J. (2022), STereotactic Arrhythmia Radioablation (STAR) in Europe - Survey Results of the STOPSTORM Consortium, Radiotherapy & Oncology 170: S900-S901.
- Blanck, O.; Stickney, K.; Grehn, M.; Mandija, S.; Balgobind, B.; Trojani, V.; Schweikard, A.; Krug, D.; Boda-Heggemann, J.; Mehrhof, F.; Hindricks, G.; Troost, E.; Hohmann, S.; Corradini, S.; Andratschke, N.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Blamek, S.; Fast, M.; Panfilis, L.D.; Pruvot, E. & Verhoeff, J. (2022), Project Overview and First Results of the Standardised Treatment and Outcome Platform for Stereotactic Therapy Of Re-entrant ventricular tachycardia by a Multidisciplinary (STOPSTORM.eu) consortium: A National Perspective for Germany, Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics 198(SUPPL 1): S132-S133.
- Gasperetti, A.; Carrick, R.T.; Costa, S.; Compagnucci, P.; Bosman, L.P.; Chivulescu, M.; Tichnell, C.; Murray, B.; Tandri, H.; Tadros, R.; Rivard, L.; Berg, M.P. van den; Zeppenfeld, K.; Wilde, A.A.M.; Pompilio, G.; Carbucicchio, C.; Dello Russo, A.; Casella, M.; Svensson, A.; Brunckhorst, C.B.; Tintelen, J.P. van; Platonov, P.G.; Haugaa, K.H.; Duru, F.; Riele, A.S.J.M. te; Khairy, P.; Tondo, C.; Calkins, H.; James, C.A.; Saguner, A.M. & Cadrin-Tourigny, J. (2022), Programmed ventricular stimulation as an additional primary prevention risk stratification tool in arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy, Circulation 146(19): 1434-1443.
- Piers, S.R.; Androulakis, A.F.; Yim, K.S.; Rein, N. van; Venlet, J.; Kapel, G.F.; Siebelink, H.M.; Lamb, H.J.; Cannegieter, S.C.; Man, S.C. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2022), Nonsustained ventricular tachycardia is independently associated with sustained ventricular arrhythmias in nonischemic dilated cardiomyopathy, Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology 15(2): 114-125.
- Glashan, C.A.; Tofig, B.J.; Beukers, H.; Tao, Q.; Blom, S.A.; Villadsen, P.R.; Lassen, T.R.; Riva, M. de; Kristiansen, S.B. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2022), Multielectrode unipolar voltage mapping and electrogram morphology to identify post-infarct scar geometry , JACC: Clinical Electrophysiology 8(4): 437-449.
- Carrick, R.T.; Riele, A.S.J.M. te; Gasperetti, A.; Bosman, L.; Muller, S.A.; Pendleton, C.; Tichnell, C.; Murray, B.; Yap, S.C.; Berg, M.P. van den; Wilde, A.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Hays, A.; Zimmerman, S.L.; Tandri, H.; Cadrin-Tourigny, J.; Tintelen, P. van; Calkins, H.; James, C.A. & Wu, K.C. (2022), Longitudinal prediction of ventricular arrhythmic risk in patients with arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy, Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology 15(11): 728-739.
- Aktaa, S.; Tzeis, S.; Gale, C.P.; Ackerman, M.J.; Arbelo, E.; Behr, E.R.; Crotti, L.; d'Avila, A.; Chillou, C. de; Denekel, T.; Figueiredo, M.; Friede, T.; Leclercq, C.; Merino, J.L.; Semsarian, C.; Verstrael, A.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Tfelt-Hansen, J. & Reichlin, T. (2022), European Society of Cardiology quality indicators for the management of patients with ventricular arrhythmias and the prevention of sudden cardiac death , EP Europace 25(1).
- Baldi, E.; Conte, G.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Lenarczyk, R.; Guerra, J.M.; Farkowski, M.M.; Asmundis, C. de & Boveda, S. (2022), Contemporary management of ventricular electrical storm in Europe, EP Europace.
- Bosman, L.P.; Gerlach, C.L.N.; Cadrin-Tourigny, J.; Orgeron, G.; Tichnell, C.; Murray, B.; Bourfiss, M.; Heijden, J.F. van der; Yap, S.C.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Berg, M.P. van den; Wilde, A.A.M.; Asselbergs, F.W.; Tandri, H.; Calkins, H.; Tintelen, J.P. van; James, C.A. & Riele, A.S.J.M. te (2022), Comparing clinical performance of current implantable cardioverter-defibrillator implantation recommendations in arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy, EP Europace 24(2): 296-305.
- Zeppenfeld, K.; Wijnmaalen, A.P.; Ebert, M.; Baldinger, S.H.; Berruezo, A.; Catto, V.; Vaseghi, M.; Arya, A.; Kumar, S.; Riva, M. de; Deneke, T.; Gaspar, T.; Soejima, K.; Rein, N. van; Tedrow, U.B.; Piorkowski, C.; Shivkumar, K.; Carbucicchio, C.; Hindricks, G. & Stevenson, W.G. (2022), Clinical outcomes in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy and ventricular tachycardia, Journal of the American College of Cardiology 80(11): 1045-1056.
- Nederend, M.; Egorova, A.D.; Vliegen, H.W.; Roest, A.A.W.; Ruijter, B.N.; Korteweg, T.; Ninaber, M.K.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Hazekamp, M.G.; Kies, P. & Jongbloed, M.R.M. (2022), Case report of the broad spectrum of late complications in an adult patient with univentricular physiology palliated by the Fontan circulation, European Heart Journal: Case Reports 6(2).
- Bressi, E.; Crawford, T.C.; Bogun, F.M.; Gu, X.K.; Ellenbogen, K.A.; Chicos, A.B.; Roukoz, H.; Zimetbaum, P.J.; Kalbfleisch, S.J.; Murgatroyd, F.D.; Steckman, D.A.; Rosenfeld, L.E.; Garlitski, A.C.; Soejima, K.; Bhan, A.K.; Vedantham, V.; Dickfeld, T.M.; Lurgio, D.B. de; Platonov, P.G.; Zipse, M.M.; Nishiuchi, S.; Ortman, M.L.; Narasimhan, C.; Patton, K.K.; Rosenthal, D.G.; Mukerji, S.S.; Hoogendoorn, J.C.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Sauer, W.H.; Kron, J. & Cardiac Sarcoidosis Consortium (2022), Arrhythmia Monitoring and Outcomes in Patients With Cardiac Sarcoidosis: Insights From the Cardiac Sarcoidosis Consortium.
- Groh, W.J.; Bhakta, D.; Tomaselli, G.F.; Aleong, R.G.; Teixeira, R.A.; Amato, A.; Asirvatham, S.J.; Cha, Y.M.; Corrado, D.; Duboc, D.; Goldberger, Z.D.; Horie, M.; Hornyak, J.E.; Jefferies, J.L.; Kaab, S.; Kalman, J.M.; Kertesz, N.J.; Lakdawala, N.K.; Lambiase, P.D.; Lubitz, S.A.; McMillan, H.J.; McNally, E.M.; Milone, M.; Namboodiri, N.; Nazarian, S.; Patton, K.K.; Russo, V.; Sacher, F.; Santangeli, P.; Shen, W.K.; Sobral, D.C.; Stambler, B.S.; Stollberger, C.; Wahbi, K.; Wehrens, X.H.T.; Weiner, M.M.; Wheeler, M.T. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2022), 2022 HRS expert consensus statement on evaluation and management of arrhythmic risk in neuromuscular disorders, Heart Rhythm 19(10): E61-E120.
- Zeppenfeld, K.; Tfelt-Hansen, J.; Riva, M. de; Winkel, B.G.; Behr, E.R.; Blom, N.A.; Charron, P.; Corrado, D.; Dagres, N.; Chillou, C. de; Eckardt, L.; Friede, T.; Haugaa, K.H.; Hocini, M.; Lambiase, P.D.; Marijon, E.; Merino, J.L.; Peichl, P.; Priori, S.G.; Reichlin, T.; Schulz-Menger, J.; Sticherling, C.; Tzeis, S.; Verstrael, A.; Volterrani, M.; Cikes, M.; Kirchhof, P.; Abdelhamid, M.; Aboyans, V.; Arbelo, E.; Arribas, F.; Asteggiano, R.; Basso, C.; Bauer, A.; Bertaglia, E.; Biering-Sorensen, T.; Blomstrom-Lundqvist, C.; Borger, M.A.; Celutkiene, J.; Cosyns, B.; Falk, V.; Fauchier, L.; Gorenek, B.; Halvorsen, S.; Hatala, R.; Heidbuchel, H.; Kaab, S.; Konradi, A.; Koskinas, K.C.; Kotecha, D.; Landmesser, U.; Lewis, B.S.; Linhart, A.; Lochen, M.L.; Lund, L.H.; Metzner, A.; Mindham, R.; Nielsen, J.C.; Norekval, T.M.; Patten, M.; Prescott, E.; Rakisheva, A.; Remme, C.A.; Roca-Luque, I.; Sarkozy, A.; Scherr, D.; Sitges, M.; Touyz, R.M.; Mieghem, N. van; Velagic, V.; Viskin, S.; Volders, P.G.A.; Task Force Members & ESC Scientific Document Group (2022), 2022 ESC guidelines for the management of patients with ventricular arrhythmias and the prevention of sudden cardiac death , European Heart Journal 43(40): 3997-4126.
- (2021), The pitfalls of unipolar voltage mapping of the right ventricle, EP Europace 23(Supplement_3).
- Abdel-Kafi, S.; Sramko, M.; Omara, S.; Riva, M. de; Cvek, J.; Peichl, P.; Kautzner, J. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2021), Accuracy of electroanatomical mapping-guided cardiac radiotherapy for ventricular tachycardia: pitfalls and solutions, EP Europace 23(12): 1989-1997.
- Assenza, G.E.; Krieger, E.V.; Baumgartner, H.; Cupido, B.; Dimopoulos, K.; Louis, C.; Lubert, A.M.; Stout, K.K.; Valente, A.M.; Zeppenfeld, K. & Opotowsky, A.R. (2021), AHA/ACC vs ESC Guidelines for Management of Adults With Congenital Heart Disease JACC Guideline Comparison, Journal of the American College of Cardiology 78(19): 1904-1918.
- Brouwer, C.; Hebe, J.; Lukac, P.; Nurnberg, J.H.; Nielsen, J.C.; Silva, M.D.; Blom, N.; Hazekamp, M. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2021), Contemporary patients with congenital heart disease uniform atrial tachycardia substrates allow for clear ablation endpoints with improved long-term outcome, Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology 14(9).
- Nederend, M.; Erven, L. van; Zeppenfeld, K.; Vliegen, H.W. & Egorova, A.D. (2021), Failing systemic right ventricle in a patient with dextrocardia and complex congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries, European Heart Journal: Case Reports 5(4).
- Gijlswijk, C. van; Astreinidou, E.; Ridder, M. de; Zeppenfeld, K.; Hol, M. & Rasch, C. (2021), IV contrast-enhanced CBCT position verification for SBRT of ventricular tachycardia., Radiotherapy & Oncology 161: S418-S420.
- Glashan, C.A.; Stevenson, W. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2021), Lesion size and lesion maturation after radiofrequency catheter ablation for ventricular tachycardia in humans with nonischemic cardiomyopathy.
- Glashan, C.A.; Beukers, H.K.C.; Tofig, B.J.; Tao, Q.; Blom, S.; Mertens, B.; Kristiansen, S.B. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2021), Mini-, micro-, and conventional electrodes an in vivo electrophysiology and ex vivo histology head-to-head comparison, JACC: Clinical Electrophysiology 7(2): 197-205.
- Riva, M. de; Naruse, Y.; Ebert, M.; Watanabe, M.; Scholte, A.J.; Wijnmaalen, A.P.; Trines, S.A.; Schalij, M.J.; Montero-Cabezas, J.M. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2021), Myocardial calcification is associated with endocardial ablation failure of post-myocardial infarction ventricular tachycardia, EP Europace 23(8): 1275-1284.
- Siontis, K.C.; Santangeli, P.; Muser, D.; Marchlinski, F.E.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Hoogendoorn, J.C.; Narasimhan, C.; Sauer, W.H.; Zipse, M.M.; Kapa, S.; Vedantham, V.; Rosenthal, D.G.; Robinson, M.R.; Patton, K.K.; Murgatroyd, F.; Chicos, A.B.; Soejima, K.; Roukoz, H.; Sacher, F.; Bhan, A.; Appelbaum, J.; Dickfeld, T.; Mankad, P.; Ellenbogen, K.A.; Kron, J.; Kim, H.M.; Froehlich, J.; Eagle, K.A.; Bogun, F.M. & Crawford, T.C. (2021), Outcomes Associated With Catheter Ablation of Ventricular Tachycardia in Patients With Cardiac Sarcoidosis, JAMA Cardiology.
- Cohen, M.I.; Khairy, P.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Hare, G.F. van; Lakkireddy, D.R. & Triedman, J.K. (2021), Preventing arrhythmic death in patients with tetralogy of Fallot JACC review topic of the week, Journal of the American College of Cardiology 77(6): 761-771.
- Heidbuchel, H.; Arbelo, E.; D'Ascenzi, F.; Borjesson, M.; Boveda, S.; Castelletti, S.; Miljoen, H.; Mont, L.; Niebauer, J.; Papadakis, M.; Pelliccia, A.; Saenen, J.; Garza, M.S. de la; Schwartz, P.J.; Sharma, S.; Zeppenfeld, K. & Corrado, D. (2021), Recommendations for participation in leisure-time physical activity and competitive sports of patients with arrhythmias and potentially arrhythmogenic conditions. Part 2, EP Europace 23(1): 147-+.
- Hoogendoorn, J.C. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2021), Reply to the Editor-Precordial R' wave: electrical disturbance-based or abnormal substrate-based?
- Cadrin-Tourigny, J.; Bosman, L.P.; Wang, W.J.; Tadros, R.; Bhonsale, A.; Bourfiss, M.; Lie, O.H.; Saguner, A.M.; Svensson, A.; Andorin, A.; Tichnell, C.; Murray, B.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Berg, M.P. van den; Asselbergs, F.W.; Wilde, A.A.M.; Krahn, A.D.; Talajic, M.; Rivard, L.; Chelko, S.; Zimmerman, S.L.; Kamel, I.R.; Crosson, J.E.; Judge, D.P.; Yap, S.C.; Heijden, J.F. van der; Tandri, H.; Jongbloed, J.D.H.; Tintelen, J.P. van; Platonov, P.G.; Duru, F.; Haugaa, K.H.; Khairy, P.; Hauer, R.N.W.; Calkins, H.; Riele, A.S.J.M. te & James, C.A. (2021), Sudden cardiac death prediction in arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy, Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology 14(1).
- Hoogendoorn, J.C.; Venlet, J.; Out, Y.N.J.; Man, S.; Kumar, S.; Sramko, M.; Dechering, D.G.; Nakajima, I.; Siontis, K.C.; Watanabe, M.; Nakamura, Y.; Tedrow, U.B.; Bogun, F.; Eckardt, L.; Peichl, P.; Stevenson, W.G. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2021), The precordial R ' wave, Heart Rhythm 18(9): 1539-1547.
- Naruse, Y.; Riva, M. de; Watanabe, M.; Wijnmaalen, A.P.; Venlet, J.; Timmer, M.; Schalij, M.J. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2021), The prognostic value of J-wave pattern for recurrence of ventricular tachycardia after catheter ablation in patients with myocardial infarction, Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology 44(4): 657-666.
- Baumgartner, H.; Backer, J. de; Babu-Narayan, S.V.; Budts, W.; Chessa, M.; Diller, G.P.; Lung, B.; Kluin, J.; Lang, I.M.; Meijboom, F.; Moons, P.; Mulder, B.J.M.; Oechslin, E.; Roos-Hesselink, J.W.; Schwerzmann, M.; Sondergaard, L. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2021), 2020 ESC Guidelines for the management of adult congenital heart disease: The Task Force for the management of adult congenital heart disease of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), European Heart Journal 42(6): 563-645.
- Hoogendoorn, J.C.; Sramko, M.; Venlet, J.; Siontis, K.C.; Kumar, S.; Singh, R.; Nakajima, I.; Piers, S.R.D.; Silva, M.D.; Glashan, C.A.; Crawford, T.; Tedrow, U.B.; Stevenson, W.G.; Bogun, F. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2020), Electroanatomical voltage mapping to distinguish right-sided cardiac sarcoidosis from arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy, JACC: Clinical Electrophysiology 6(6).
- Hoogendoorn, J.C.; Ninaber, M.K.; Piers, S.R.D.; Riva, M. de; Grauss, R.W.; Bogun, F.M. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2020), The harm of delayed diagnosis of arrhythmogenic cardiac sarcoidosis, EP Europace 22(9): 1376-1383.
- Hoogendoorn, J.C.; Bogun, F.M.; Tedrow, U.B.; Stevenson, W.G. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2020), Reply: debating the definition and incidence of isolated cardiac sarcoidosis, JACC: Clinical Electrophysiology 6(9).
- Glashan, C.A.; Tofig, B.J.; Tao, Q.; Blom, S.A.; Sorensen, J.C.H.; Zeppenfeld, K. & Kristiansen, S.B. (2020), Whole heart histology a method for the direct integration of histology with electrophysiological and imaging data.
- Venlet, J.; Tao, Q.; Graaf, M.A. de; Glashan, C.A.; Silva, M.D.; Geest, R.J. van der; Scholte, A.J.; Piers, S.R.D. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2020), RV tissue heterogeneity on CT a novel tool to identify the VT substrate in ARVC, JACC: Clinical Electrophysiology 6(9): 1073-1085.
- Ebert, M.; Wijnmaalen, A.P.; Riva, M. de; Trines, S.A.; Androulakis, A.F.A.; Glashan, C.A.; Schalij, M.J.; Tintelen, J.P. van; Jongbloed, J.D.H. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2020), Prevalence and prognostic impact of pathogenic variants in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy referred for ventricular tachycardia ablation, JACC: Clinical Electrophysiology 6(9): 1103-1114.
- Nevvazhay, T.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Brouwer, C. & Hazekamp, M. (2020), Intraoperative cryoablation in late pulmonary valve replacement for tetralogy of Fallot, Interactive Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery 30(5): 780-782.
- Abdel-Kafi, S.; Ridder, M. de; Riva, M. de; Geest, R.J. van der; Rasch, C. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2020), Integration of electroanatomical mapping with imaging to guide radiotherapy of VT substrates with high accuracy.
- Berte, B.; Zeppenfeld, K. & Tung, R. (2020), Impact of micro-, mini- and multi-electrode mapping on ventricular substrate characterisation, Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology Review 9(3): 128-135.
- Burri, H.; Zeppenfeld, K. & Heidbuchel, H. (2020), EHRA 2020 during COVID-19 days, European Heart Journal 41(30): 2828-2829.
- Zeppenfeld, K. & Porta-Sanchez, A. (2020), Automated functional substrate mapping further hurdles to be cleared, JACC: Clinical Electrophysiology 6(14): 1794-1796.
- Siontis, K.C.; Kim, H.M.; Vergara, P.; Peretto, G.; , D.H. do; Riva, M. de; Lam, A.; Qian, P.; Yokokawa, M.; Jongnarangsin, K.; Latchamsetty, R.; Jais, P.; Sacher, F.; Tedrow, U.; Shivkumar, K.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Bella, P. della; Stevenson, W.G.; Morady, F. & Bogun, F.M. (2020), Arrhythmia exacerbation after post-infarction ventricular tachycardia ablation, EP Europace 22(11): 1680-1687.
- Cronin, E.M.; Bogun, F.M.; Maury, P.; Peichl, P.; Chen, M.L.; Namboodiri, N.; Aguinaga, L.; Leite, L.R.; Al-Khatib, S.M.; Anter, E.; Berruezo, A.; Callans, D.J.; Chung, M.K.; Cuculich, P.; d'Avila, A.; Deal, B.J.; Bella, P. della; Deneke, T.; Dickfeld, T.M.; Hadid, C.; Haqqani, H.M.; Kay, G.N.; Latchamsetty, R.; Marchlinski, F.; Miller, J.M.; Nogami, A.; Patel, A.R.; Pathak, R.K.; Morales, L.C.S.; Santangeli, P.; Sapp, J.L.; Sarkozy, A.; Soejima, K.; Stevenson, W.G.; Tedrow, U.B.; Tzou, W.S.; Varma, N. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2020), 2019 HRS/EHRA/APHRS/LAHRS expert consensus statement on catheter ablation of ventricular arrhythmias, Heart Rhythm 17(1): E155-E205.
- Cronin, E.M.; Bogun, F.M.; Maury, P.; Peichl, P.; Chen, M.L.; Namboodiri, N.; Aguinaga, L.; Leite, L.R.; Al-Khatib, S.M.; Anter, E.; Berruezo, A.; Callans, D.J.; Chung, M.K.; Cuculich, P.; d'Avila, A.; Deal, B.J.; Bella, P. della; Deneke, T.; Dickfeld, T.M.; Hadid, C.; Haqqani, H.M.; Kay, G.N.; Latchamsetty, R.; Marchlinski, F.; Miller, J.M.; Nogami, A.; Patel, A.R.; Pathak, R.K.; Morales, L.C.S.; Santangeli, P.; Sapp, J.L.; Sarkozy, A.; Soejima, K.; Stevenson, W.G.; Tedrow, U.B.; Tzou, W.S.; Varma, N. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2020), 2019 HRS/EHRA/APHRS/LAHRS expert consensus statement on catheter ablation of ventricular arrhythmias, Journal of Arrhythmia 36(1): 1-58.
- Cronin, E.M.; Bogun, F.M.; Maury, P.; Peichl, P.; Chen, M.L.; Namboodiri, N.; Aguinaga, L.; Leite, L.R.; Al-Khatib, S.M.; Anter, E.; Berruezo, A.; Callans, D.J.; Chung, M.K.; Cuculich, P.; d'Avila, A.; Deal, B.J.; Bella, P. della; Deneke, T.; Dickfeld, T.M.; Hadid, C.; Haqqani, H.M.; Kay, G.N.; Latchamsetty, R.; Marchlinski, F.; Miller, J.M.; Nogami, A.; Patel, A.R.; Pathak, R.K.; Morales, L.C.S.; Santangeli, P.; Sapp, J.L.; Sarkozy, A.; Soejima, K.; Stevenson, W.G.; Tedrow, U.B.; Tzou, W.S.; Varma, N. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2020), 2019 HRS/EHRA/APHRS/LAHRS expert consensus statement on catheter ablation of ventricular arrhythmias, Journal of Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology 59(1): 81-133.
- Cronin, E.M.; Bogun, F.M.; Maury, P.; Peichl, P.; Chen, M.L.; Namboodiri, N.; Aguinaga, L.; Leite, L.R.; Al-Khatib, S.M.; Anter, E.; Berruezo, A.; Callans, D.J.; Chung, M.K.; Cuculich, P.; d'Avila, A.; Deal, B.J.; Bella, P. della; Deneke, T.; Dickfeld, T.M.; Hadid, C.; Haqqani, H.M.; Kay, G.N.; Latchamsetty, R.; Marchlinski, F.; Miller, J.M.; Nogami, A.; Patel, A.R.; Pathak, R.K.; Morales, L.C.S.; Santangeli, P.; Sapp, J.L.; Sarkozy, A.; Soejima, K.; Stevenson, W.G.; Tedrow, U.B.; Tzou, W.S.; Varma, N. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2020), 2019 HRS/EHRA/APHRS/LAHRS expert consensus statement on catheter ablation of ventricular arrhythmias, EP Europace 22(3): 450-495.
- Coster, T. de; Teplenin, A.S.; Feola, I.; Brakel, T.J. van; Vries, A.A.F. de; Zeppenfeld, K. & Pijnappels, D.A. (2020), "Trapped reentry" as a dormant source of acute focal arrhythmia and fractionated atrial electrograms under sinus rhythm, European Heart Journal 41: 3697-3697.
- Cronin, E.M.; Bogun, F.M.; Maury, P.; Peichl, P.; Chen, M.L.; Namboodiri, N.; Aguinaga, L.; Leite, L.R.; Al-Khatib, S.M.; Anter, E.; Berruezo, A.; Callans, D.J.; Chung, M.K.; Cuculich, P.; d'Avila, A.; Deal, B.J.; Bella, P. della; Deneke, T.; Dickfeld, T.M.; Hadid, C.; Haqqani, H.M.; Kay, G.N.; Latchamsetty, R.; Marchlinski, F.; Miller, J.M.; Nogami, A.; Patel, A.R.; Pathak, R.K.; Morales, L.C.S.; Santangeli, P.; Sapp, J.L.; Sarkozy, A.; Soejima, K.; Stevenson, W.G.; Tedrow, U.B.; Tzou, W.S.; Varma, N. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2019), 2019 HRS/EHRA/APHRS/LAHRS expert consensus statement on catheter ablation of ventricular arrhythmias, Journal of Arrhythmia 35(3): 323-484.
- Cronin, E.M.; Bogun, F.M.; Maury, P.; Peichl, P.; Chen, M.; Namboodiri, N.; Aguinaga, L.; Leite, L.R.; Al-Khatib, S.M.; Anter, E.; Berruezo, A.; Callans, D.J.; Chung, M.K.; Cuculich, P.; d'Avila, A.; Deal, B.J.; Bella, P. della; Deneke, T.; Dickfeld, T.M.; Hadid, C.; Haqqani, H.M.; Kay, G.N.; Latchamsetty, R.; Marchlinski, F.; Miller, J.M.; Nogami, A.; Patel, A.R.; Pathak, R.K.; Morales, L.C.S.; Santangeli, P.; Sapp, J.L.; Sarkozy, A.; Soejima, K.; Stevenson, W.G.; Tedrow, U.B.; Tzou, W.S.; Varma, N. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2019), 2019 HRS/EHRA/APHRS/LAHRS expert consensus statement on catheter ablation of ventricular arrhythmias, EP-Europace 21(8): 1143-+.
- Mahida, S.; Venlet, J.; Saguner, A.M.; Kumar, S.; Baldinger, S.H.; AbdelWahab, A.; Tedrow, U.B.; Castelletti, S.; Pantazis, A.; John, R.M.; McKenna, W.J.; Lambiase, P.D.; Duru, F.; Sapp, J.L.; Zeppenfeld, K. & Stevenson, W.G. (2019), Ablation compared with drug therapy for recurrent ventricular tachycardia in arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy: Results from a multicenter study, Heart Rhythm 16(4): 536-543.
- Sramko, M.; Hoogendoorn, J.C.; Glashan, C.A. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2019), Advancement in cardiac imaging for treatment of ventricular arrhythmias in structural heart disease, EP-Europace 21(3): 383-403.
- Nyns, E.C.A.; Poelma, R.H.; Volkers, L.; Plomp, J.J.; Bart, C.I.; Kip, A.M.; Brakel, T.J. van; Zeppenfeld, K.; Schalij, M.J.; Zhang, G.Q.; Vries, A.A.F. de & Pijnappels, D.A. (2019), An automated hybrid bioelectronic system for autogenous restoration of sinus rhythm in atrial fibrillation, Science Translational Medicine 11(481).
- Cadrin-Tourigny, J.; Bosman, L.P.; Nozza, A.; Wang, W.J.; Tadros, R.; Bhonsale, A.; Bourfiss, M.; Fortier, A.; Lie, O.H.; Saguner, A.M.; Svensson, A.; Andorin, A.; Tichnell, C.; Murray, B.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Berg, M.P. van den; Asselbergs, F.W.; Wilde, A.A.M.; Krahn, A.D.; Talajic, M.; Rivard, L.; Chelko, S.; Zimmerman, S.L.; Kamel, I.R.; Crosson, J.E.; Judge, D.P.; Yap, S.C.; Heijden, J.F. van der; Tandri, H.; Jongbloed, J.D.H.; Guertin, M.C.; Tintelen, J.P. van; Platonov, P.G.; Duru, F.; Haugaa, K.H.; Khairy, P.; Hauer, R.N.W.; Calkins, H.; Riele, A.S.J.M. te & James, C.A. (2019), A new prediction model for ventricular arrhythmias in arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy, European Heart Journal 40(23): 1850-1858.
- Paiman, E.H.M.; Androulakis, A.F.A.; Shahzad, R.; Tao, Q.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Lamb, H.J. & Geest, R.J. van der (2019), Association of cardiovascular magnetic resonance-derived circumferential strain parameters with the risk of ventricular arrhythmia and all-cause mortality in patients with prior myocardial infarction and primary prevention implantable cardioverter defibrillator, Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 21.
- Nyns ECA, Poelma RH, Volkers L, Bart CI, Van Brakel TJ, Zeppenfeld K, Schalij MJ, Zhang GQ, De Vries AAF & Pijnappels DA (2019), Continuous shock-free termination of atrial fibrillation by local optogenetic therapy and arrhythmia-triggered activation of an implanted light source, European Heart Journal 40: 1265-1265.
- Wahbi, K.; Yaou, R. ben; Gandjbakhch, E.; Anselme, F.; Gossios, T.; Lakdawala, N.K.; Stalens, C.; Sacher, F.; Babuty, D.; Trochu, J.N.; Moubarak, G.; Savvatis, K.; Porcher, R.; Laforet, P.; Fayssoil, A.; Marijon, E.; Stojkovic, T.; Behin, A.; Leonard-Louis, S.; Sole, G.; Labombarda, F.; Richard, P.; Metay, C.; Quijano-Roy, S.; Dabaj, I.; Klug, D.; Vantyghem, M.C.; Chevalier, P.; Ambrosi, P.; Salort, E.; Sadoul, N.; Waintraub, X.; Chikhaoui, K.; Mabo, P.; Combes, N.; Maury, P.; Sellal, J.M.; Tedrow, U.B.; Kalman, J.M.; Vohra, J.; Androulakis, A.F.A.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Thompson, T.; Barnerias, C.; Becane, H.M.; Bieth, E.; Boccara, F.; Bonnet, D.; Bouhour, F.; Boule, S.; Brehin, A.C.; Chapon, F.; Cintas, P.; Cuisset, J.M.; Davy, J.M.; Sandre-Giovannoli, A. de; Demurger, F.; Desguerre, I.; Dieterich, K.; Durigneux, J.; Echaniz-Laguna, A.; Eschalier, R.; Ferreiro, A.; Ferrer, X.; Francannet, C.; Fradin, M.; Gaborit, B.; Gay, A.; Hagege, A.; Isapof, A.; Jeru, I.; Morales, R.J.; Lagrue, E.; Lamblin, N.; Lascols, O.; Laugel, V.; Lazarus, A.; Leturcq, F.; Levy, N.; Magot, A.; Manel, V.; Martins, R.; Mayer, M.; Mercier, S.; Meune, C.; Michaud, M.; Minot-Myhie, M.C.; Muchir, A.; Nadaj-Pakleza, A.; Pereon, Y.; Petiot, P.; Petit, F.; Praline, J.; Rollin, A.; Sabouraud, P.; Sarret, C.; Schaeffer, S.; Taithe, F.; Tard, C.; Tiffreau, V.; Toutain, A.; Vatier, C.; Walther-Louvier, U.; Eymard, B.; Charron, P.; Vigouroux, C.; Bonne, G.; Kumar, S.; Elliott, P. & Duboc, D. (2019), Development and Validation of a New Risk Prediction Score for Life-Threatening Ventricular Tachyarrhythmias in Laminopathies, Circulation 140(4): 293-302.
- Glashan, C.A.; Tofig, B.J.; Tao, Q.; Blom, S.A.; Jongbloed, M.R.M.; Nielsen, J.C.; Lukac, P.; Kristiansen, S.B. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2019), Multisize electrodes for substrate identification in ischemic cardiomyopathy, JACC: Clinical Electrophysiology 5(10).
- Goette, A.; Auricchio, A.; Boriani, G.; Braunschweig, F.; Terradellas, J.B.; Burri, H.; Camm, A.J.; Crijns, H.; Dagres, N.; Deharo, J.C.; Dobrev, D.; Hatala, R.; Hindricks, G.; Hohnloser, S.H.; Leclercq, C.; Lewalter, T.; Lip, G.Y.H.; Merino, J.L.; Mont, L.; Prinzen, F.; Proclemer, A.; Purerfellner, H.; Savelieva, I.; Schilling, R.; Steffel, J.; Gelder, I.C. van; Zeppenfeld, K.; Zupan, I.; Heidbuchel, H.; Boveda, S.; Defaye, P.; Brignole, M.; Chun, J.; Ramos, J.M.G.; Fauchier, L.; Svendsen, J.H.; Traykov, V.B.; Heinzel, F.R. & ESC Sci Document Grp (2019), EHRA White Paper: knowledge gaps in arrhythmia management-status 2019, EP-Europace 21(7): 993-+.
- Taxis, C.F.V. van; Zeppenfeld, K.; Klautz, R.J. & Wijnmaalen, A.P. (2019), Endocardial/epicardial versus endocardial encircling cryoablation for ventricular tachycardia: A randomized trial, Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 157(6): E371-E377.
- Ebert, M.; Richter, S.; Dinov, B.; Zeppenfeld, K. & Hindricks, G. (2019), Evaluation and management of ventricular tachycardia in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy, Heart Rhythm 16(4): 624-631.
- Kece, F.; Scholte, A.J.; Riva, M. de; Naruse, Y.; Watanabe, M.; Alizadeh Dehnavi, R.; Schalij, M.J.; Zeppenfeld, K. & Trines, S.A. (2019), Impact of left atrial box surface ratio on the recurrence after ablation for persistent atrial fibrillation, Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology 42(2): 208-215.
- Kimura, Y.; Ebert, M.; Wijnmaalen, A.P.; Trines, S.; Silva, M.D. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2019), Impact of VT pleomorphism on the prognostic value of non-inducibility after catheter ablation in patients with non-ischemic cardiomyopathy, European Heart Journal 40: 3571-3571.
- Couperus, L.E.; Vliegen, H.W.; Zandstra, T.E.; Kies, P.; Jongbloed, M.R.M.; Holman, E.R.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Hazekamp, M.G.; Schalij, M.J. & Scherptong, R.W.C. (2019), Long-term outcome after atrial correction for transposition of the great arteries, Heart 105(10): 790-796.
- Kece, F.; Riva, M. de; Naruse, Y.; Dehnavi, R.A.; Wijnmaalen, A.P.; Schalij, M.J.; Zeppenfeld, K. & Trines, S.A. (2019), Optimizing ablation duration using dormant conduction to reveal incomplete isolation with the second generation cryoballoon: A randomized controlled trial, Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology 30(6): 902-909.
- Bosman, L.P.; Verstraelen, T.E.; Lint, F.H.M. van; Cox, M.G.P.J.; Groeneweg, J.A.; Mast, T.P.; Zwaag, P.A. van der; Volders, P.G.A.; Evertz, R.; Wong, L.; Groot, N.M.S. de; Zeppenfeld, K.; Heijden, J.F. van der; Berg, M.P. van den; Wilde, A.A.M.; Asselbergs, F.W.; Hauer, R.N.W.; Riele, A.S.J.M. te; Tintelen, J.P. van; Baas, A.E.; Barge-Schaapveld, D.Q.C.M.; Boekholdt, S.M.; Cramer, M.J.M.; Dooijes, D.; Jongbloed, J.D.H.; Loh, P.; Planken, R.N.; Prakken, N.H.J.; Smagt, J.J. van der; Wal, A.C. van der; Teske, A.J.; Veen, T.A.B. van; Velthuis, B.K.; Vink, A.; Yap, S.C. & Netherlands ACM Registry (2019), The Netherlands Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy Registry: design and status update, Netherlands Heart Journal 27(10): 480-486.
- Burri, H. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2019), What was hot at the EHRA2019 Congress, European Heart Journal 40(22): 1749-1751.
- J.C. Hoogendoorn, M. Sramko, J. Venlet, K. Siontis, S. Kumar, F, Bogun, U. Tedrow & K. Zeppenfeld (2019), Endocardial voltage ratio can distinguish right-sided cardiac sarcoidosis from arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy.
- J C Hoogendoorn M Sramko M De Riva Silva C A Glashan K Zeppenfeld (2019), Unipolar and bipolar voltages differ per segment in the normal right ventricle.
- Watanabe, M.; Riva, M. de; Piers, S.R.D.; Dekkers, O.M.; Ebert, M.; Venlet, J.; Trines, S.A.; Schalij, M.J.; Pijnappels, D.A. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2018), Fast nonclinical ventricular tachycardia inducible after ablation in patients with structural heart disease: Definition and clinical implications, Heart Rhythm 15(5): 668-676.
- Kapel, G.F.L.; Laranjo, S.; Blom, N.A.; Hazekamp, M.G.; Schalij, M.J.; Bartelings, M.M.; Jongbloed, M.R.M. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2018), Impact of surgery on presence and dimensions of anatomical isthmuses in tetralogy of Fallot, Heart 104(14): 1200-1207.
- Nyns E. C. A., Volkers L., Bart C. I., Kip A., Zeppenfeld K., Schalij M. J., De Vries A. A. F. & Pijnappels D. A. (2018), Local optogenetic therapy for acute shock-free termination of atrial fibrillation in vivo, European Heart Journal 39: 16-17.
- Kece F., De Riva M., Dehnavi R. Alizadeh, Wijnmaalen A. P., Schalij M. J., Zeppenfeld K. & Trines S. A. I. P. (2018), Predicting application failure during cryoballoon ablation: how to decide for an additional-freeze-application?, European Heart Journal 39: 1220-1220.
- Taxis, C.F.V. van; Wijnmaalen, A.P.; Klein, P.; Dekkers, O.M.; Braun, J.; Verwey, H.F.; Schalij, M.J.; Klautz, R.J. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2018), Programmed electrical stimulation-guided encircling cryoablation concomitant to surgical ventricular reconstruction for primary prevention of ventricular arrhythmias, European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 54(1): 98-105.
- Kece, F.; Zeppenfeld, K. & Trines, S.A. (2018), The Impact of Advances in Atrial Fibrillation Ablation Devices on the Incidence and Prevention of Complications, Arrhythmia & electrophysiology review 7(3): 169-180.
- Glashan C. A., De Riva M., Tao Q., Androulakis A., Piers S. & Zeppenfeld K. (2018), Transmural activation delay to predict fibrosis architecture with whole heart histology in patients with NICM and VT, European Heart Journal 39: 826-827.
- Glashan, C.A.; Androulakis, A.F.A.; Tao, Q.; Glashan, R.N.; Wisse, L.J.; Ebert, M.; Ruiter, M.C. de; Meer, B.J. van; Brouwer, C.; Dekkers, O.M.; Pijnappels, D.A.; Bakker, J.M.T. de; Riva, M. de; Piers, S.R.D. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2018), Whole human heart histology to validate electroanatomical voltage mapping in patients with non-ischaemic cardiomyopathy and ventricular tachycardia, European Heart Journal 39(31): 2867-+.
- Kece F., Bruggemans E. F., De Riva M., Dehnavi R. Alizadeh, Wijnmaalen A. P., Eikenboom J., Schalij M. J., Zeppenfeld K. & Trines S. A. I. P. (2018), Comparison of the pro-coagulant state during ablation using the PVAC Gold and the Thermocool Catheter: results from the CE-AF trial, European Heart Journal 39: 1417-1417.
- Hoogendoorn, J.C.; Glashan, C.A.; Venlet, J. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2018), Additional value of combined unipolar and bipolar voltage for substrate identification in right ventricular cardiomyopathies, European Heart Journal 39: 1428-1428.
- Hernandez-Madrid, A.; Paul, T.; Abrams, D.; Aziz, P.F.; Blom, N.A.; Chen, J.; Chessa, M.; Combes, N.; Dagres, N.; Diller, G.; Ernst, S.; Giamberti, A.; Hebe, J.; Janousek, J.; Kriebel, T.; Moltedo, J.; Moreno, J.; Peinado, R.; Pison, L.; Rosenthal, E.; Skinner, J.R.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Sticherling, C.; Kautzner, J.; Wissner, E.; Sommer, P.; Gupta, D.; Szili-Torok, T.; Tateno, S.; Alfaro, A.; Budts, W.; Gallego, P.; Schwerzmann, M.; Milanesi, O.; Sarquella-Brugada, G.; Kornyei, L.; Sreeram, N.; Drago, F. & Dubin, A. (2018), Arrhythmias in congenital heart disease: a position paper of the European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA), Association for European Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology (AEPC), and the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Working Group on Grown-up Congenital Heart Disease, endorsed by HRS, PACES, APHRS, and SOLAECE, EP-Europace 20(11): 1719-+.
- Hoogendoorn, J.C.; Glashan, C.A.; Venlet, J. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2018), Additional Value of Combined Unipolar and Bipolar Voltage for Substrate Identification in Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathies.
- Vandersickel, N.; Watanabe, M.; Tao, Q.; Fostier, J.; Zeppenfeld, K. & Panfilov, A.V. (2018), Dynamical anchoring of distant arrhythmia sources by fibrotic regions via restructuring of the activation pattern, PLoS Computational Biology 14(12).
- Kapel, G.F.L.; Sacher, F.; Dekkers, O.M.; Watanabe, M.; Blom, N.A.; Thambo, J.B.; Derval, N.; Schalij, M.J.; Jalal, Z.; Wijnmaalen, A.P. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2017), Arrhythmogenic anatomical isthmuses identified by electroanatomical mapping are the substrate for ventricular tachycardia in repaired Tetralogy of Fallot, European Heart Journal 38(4): 268-276.
- Venlet, J.; Piers, S.R.D.; Jongbloed, J.D.H.; Androulakis, A.F.A.; Naruse, Y.; Uijl, D.W. den; Kapel, G.F.L.; Riva, M. de; Tintelen, J.P. van; Barge-Schaapveld, D.Q.C.M.; Schalij, M.J. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2017), Isolated Subepicardial Right Ventricular Outflow Tract Scar in Athletes With Ventricular Tachycardia, Journal of the American College of Cardiology 69(5): 497-507.
- Compier, M.G.; Tops, L.F.; Braun, J.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Klautz, R.J.; Schalij, M.J. & Trines, S.A. (2017), Limited left atrial surgical ablation effectively treats atrial fibrillation but decreases left atrial function, EP-Europace 19(4): 560-567.
- Watanabe, M.; Feola, I.; Majumder, R.; Jangsangthong, W.; Teplenin, A.S.; Ypey, D.L.; Schalij, M.J.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Vries, A.A.F. de & Pijnappels, D.A. (2017), Optogenetic manipulation of anatomical re-entry by light-guided generation of a reversible local conduction block, Cardiovascular Research 113(3): 354-366.
- Nyns, E.C.A.; Kip, A.; Bart, C.I.; Plomp, J.J.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Schalij, M.J.; Vries, A.A.F. de & Pijnappels, D.A. (2017), Optogenetic termination of ventricular arrhythmias in the whole heart: towards biological cardiac rhythm management, European Heart Journal 38(27): 2132-2136.
- Venlet, J.; Piers, S.R.D.; Kapel, G.F.L.; Riva, M. de; Pauli, P.F.G.; Geest, R.J. van der & Zeppenfeld, K. (2017), Unipolar Endocardial Voltage Mapping in the Right Ventricle Optimal Cutoff Values Correcting for Computed Tomography-Derived Epicardial Fat Thickness and Their Clinical Value for Substrate Delineation, Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology 10(8).
- Maury, P.; Sacher, F.; Rollin, A.; Mondoly, P.; Duparc, A.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Hascoet, S. & Reseau Francophone Rythmolo (2017), Ventricular arrhythmias and sudden death in tetralogy of Fallot, Archives of Cardiovascular Diseases 110(5): 354-362.
- Androulakis, A.F.A.; Vester, M.P.M.; Venlet, J.; Riva, M. de; Schalij, M.J.; Khidir, M.J.H.; Verwey, H.F.; Tops, L.F.; Beeres, S.L.M.A. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2016), The potential impact of LVADS on the substrate and characteristics of ventricular tachycardia, European Heart Journal 37: 691-691.
- Venlet, J.; Kapel, G.F.L.; Piers, S.R.D.; Silva, M.D.; Geest, R. van der & Zeppenfeld, K. (2016), Defining a new cut-off value for unipolar voltage in the right ventricle to detect epicardial scar using CT derived fat integration, European Heart Journal 37: 452-452.
- Sande, J.N. ten; Postema, P.G.; Boekholdt, S.M.; Tan, H.L.; Heijden, J.F. van der; Groot, N.M.S. de; Volders, P.G.A.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Boersma, L.V.A.; Nannenberg, E.A.; Christiaans, I. & Wilde, A.A.M. (2016), Detailed characterization of familial idiopathic ventricular fibrillation linked to the DPP6 locus, Heart Rhythm 13(4): 905-912.
- Naruse, Y.; Riva, M. de; Watanabe, M.; Venlet, J.; Schalij, M. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2016), Fragmented QRS is associated with an increased risk of ventricular tachycardia recurrence and cardiac death after catheter ablation in ischemic heart disease, European Heart Journal 37: 299-299.
- Kumar, S.; Baldinger, S.H.; Gandjbakhch, E.; Maury, P.; Sellal, J.M.; Androulakis, A.F.A.; Waintraub, X.; Charron, P.; Rollin, A.; Richard, P.; Stevenson, W.G.; Macintyre, C.J.; Ho, C.Y.; Thompson, T.; Vohra, J.K.; Kalman, J.M.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Sacher, F.; Tedrow, U.B. & Lakdawala, N.K. (2016), Long-Term Arrhythmic and Nonarrhythmic Outcomes of Lamin A/C Mutation Carriers, Journal of the American College of Cardiology 68(21): 2299-2307.
- Kumar, S.; Androulakis, A.F.A.; Sellal, J.M.; Maury, P.; Gandjbakhch, E.; Waintraub, X.; Rollin, A.; Richard, P.; Charron, P.; Baldinger, S.H.; Macintyre, C.J.; Koplan, B.A.; John, R.M.; Michaud, G.F.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Sacher, F.; Lakdawala, N.K.; Stevenson, W.G. & Tedrow, U.B. (2016), Multicenter Experience With Catheter Ablation for Ventricular Tachycardia in Lamin A/C Cardiomyopathy, Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology 9(8).
- Venlet, J.; Piers, S.R.D.; Silva, M.D.; Naruse, Y.; Barge-Schaapveld, D.C.Q.M.; Schalij, M.J. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2016), Non-invasive testing cannot identify a typical substrate for life-threatening re-entry VTs in athletes, European Heart Journal 37: 93-93.
- Compier, M.G.; Braun, J.; Tjon, A.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Klautz, R.J.M.; Schalij, M.J. & Trines, S.A. (2016), Outcome of stand-alone thoracoscopic epicardial left atrial posterior box isolation with bipolar radiofrequency energy for longstanding persistent atrial fibrillation, Netherlands Heart Journal 24(2): 143-+.
- Siontis, K.C.; Kim, H.M.; Stevenson, W.G.; Fujii, A.; Bella, P. della; Vergara, P.; Shivkumar, K.; Tung, R.; , D.H. do; Daoud, E.G.; Okabe, T.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Silva, M.D.; Hindricks, G.; Arya, A.; Weber, A.; Kuck, K.H.; Metzner, A.; Mathew, S.; Riedl, J.; Yokokawa, M.; Jongnarangsin, K.; Latchamsetty, R.; Morady, F. & Bogun, F.M. (2016), Prognostic Impact of the Timing of Recurrence of Infarct-Related Ventricular Tachycardia After Catheter Ablation, Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology 9(12).
- Piers, S.R.D.; Askar, S.F.A.; Venlet, J.; Androulakis, A.F.A.A.; Kapel, G.F.L.; Silva, M.D.; Jongbloed, J.J.D.H.; Tintelen, J.P. van; Schalij, M.J.; Pijnappels, D.A. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2016), QRS prolongation after premature stimulation is associated with polymorphic ventricular tachycardia in nonischemic cardiomyopathy: Results from the Leiden Nonischemic Cardiomyopathy Study, Heart Rhythm 13(4): 860-869.
- Berte, B.; Sacher, F.; Venlet, J.; Andreu, D.; Mahida, S.; Aldhoon, B.; Potter, T. de; Sarkozy, A.; Tavernier, R.; Andronache, M.; Deneke, T.; Kautzner, J.; Berruezo, A.; Cochet, H.; Zeppenfeld, K. & Jais, P. (2016), VT Recurrence After Ablation: Incomplete Ablation or Disease Progression? A Multicentric European Study, Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology 27(1): 80-87.
- Penela, D.; Riva, M. de; Herczku, C.; Catto, V.; Pala, S.; Fernandez-Armenta, J.; Acosta, J.; Cipolletta, L.; Andreu, D.; Borras, R.; Rios, J.; Mont, L.; Brugada, J.; Carbucicchio, C.; Zeppenfeld, K. & Berruezo, A. (2015), An easy-to-use, operator-independent, clinical model to predict the left vs. right ventricular outflow tract origin of ventricular arrhythmias, EP-Europace 17(7): 1122-1128.
- Henkens, I.R.; Zeppenfeld, K. & Hauer, A.D. (2015), Carotid sinus massage for diagnosis in narrow QRS tachycardia, Netherlands Heart Journal 23(9): 450-450.
- Venlet, J.; Piers, S.R.D.; Askar, S.F.A.; Kapel, G.F.L.; Silva, M.D.; Siebelink, H.M.; Schalij, M.J.; Pijnappels, D. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2015), Critical progressive activation delay after premature stimulation is associated with polymorphic ventricular tachycardia in nonischemic cardiomyopathy: results from the Leiden NICM Study, European Heart Journal 36: 1031-1031.
- Watanabe, M.; Feola, I.; Teplenin, A.S.; Schalij, M.J.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Ypey, D.L.; Vries, A.A.F. de & Pijnappels, D.A. (2015), LED flash-induced termination of anatomical reentry in optogenetically modified transverse rat ventricular tissue slices, European Heart Journal 36: 1073-1074.
- Piers, S.R.D.; Everaerts, K.; Geest, R.J. van der; Hazebroek, M.R.; Siebelink, H.M.; Pison, L.A.F.G.; Schalij, M.J.; Bekkers, S.C.A.M.; Heymans, S. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2015), Myocardial scar predicts monomorphic ventricular tachycardia but not polymorphic ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation in nonischemic dilated cardiomyopathy, Heart Rhythm 12(10): 2106-2114.
- Yokokawa, M.; Kim, H.M.; Baser, K.; Stevenson, W.; Nagashima, K.; Bella, P. della; Vergara, P.; Hindricks, G.; Arya, A.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Silva, M.D.; Daoud, E.G.; Kumar, S.; Kuck, K.H.; Tilz, R.; Mathew, S.; Ghanbari, H.; Latchamsetty, R.; Morady, F. & Bogun, F.M. (2015), Predictive Value of Programmed Ventricular Stimulation After Catheter Ablation of Post-Infarction Ventricular Tachycardia, Journal of the American College of Cardiology 65(18): 1954-1959.
- Tao, Q.; Piers, S.R.D.; Lamb, H.J.; Zeppenfeld, K. & Geest, R.J. van der (2015), Preprocedural magnetic resonance imaging for image-guided catheter ablation of scar-related ventricular tachycardia, International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging 31(2): 369-377.
- Riva, M. de; Piers, S.R.D.; Kapel, G.F.L.; Watanabe, M.; Venlet, J.; Trines, S.A.; Schalij, M.J. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2015), Reassessing Noninducibility as Ablation Endpoint of Post-Infarction Ventricular Tachycardia The Impact of Left Ventricular Function, Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology 8(4): 853-862.
- Kapel, G.F.L.; Reichlin, T.; Wijnmaalen, A.P.; Piers, S.R.D.; Holman, E.R.; Tedrow, U.B.; Schalij, M.J.; Stevenson, W.G. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2015), Re-Entry Using Anatomically Determined Isthmuses A Curable Ventricular Tachycardia in Repaired Congenital Heart Disease, Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology 8(1): 102-U159.
- Vasaturo, S.; Ploeg, D.E.; Buitrago, G.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Veselic-Charvat, M. & Kroft, L.J.M. (2015), Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy Meeting the Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia Revised Criteria? Don't Forget Sarcoidosis!, Korean Journal of Radiology 16(3): 668-672.
- Riva, M. de; Watanabe, M. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2015), Twelve-Lead ECG of Ventricular Tachycardia in Structural Heart Disease, Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology 8(4): 951-962.
- Raatikainen, M.J.P.; Arnar, D.O.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Merino, J.L.; Kuck, K.H. & Hindricks, G. (2015), Current trends in the use of cardiac implantable electronic devices and interventional electrophysiological procedures in the European Society of Cardiology member countries: 2015 report from the European Heart Rhythm Association, EP-Europace 17: 1-72.
- Raatikainen, M.J.P.; Arnar, D.O.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Merino, J.L.; Levya, F.; Hindriks, G. & Kuck, K.H. (2015), Statistics on the use of cardiac electronic devices and electrophysiological procedures in the European Society of Cardiology countries: 2014 report from the European Heart Rhythm Association, EP-Europace 17: I1-I75.
- Dzyubachyk, O.; Tao, Q.; Poot, D.H.J.; Lamb, H.J.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Lelieveldt, B.P.F. & Geest, R.J. van der (2015), Super-resolution reconstruction of late gadolinium-enhanced MRI for improved myocardial scar assessment, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 42(1): 160-167.
- Compier, M.G.; Riva, M. de; Dyrda, K.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Schalij, M.J. & Trines, S.A. (2015), Incidence and predictors of dormant conduction after cryoballoon ablation incorporating a 30-min waiting period, EP-Europace 17(9): 1383-1390.
- Taxis, C.F.B.V. van; Piers, S.R.D.; Silva, M.D.; Dekkers, O.M.; Pijnappels, D.A.; Schalij, M.J.; Wijnmaalen, A.P. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2015), Fatigue as Presenting Symptom and a High Burden of Premature Ventricular Contractions Are Independently Associated With Increased Ventricular Wall Stress in Patients With Normal Left Ventricular Function, Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology 8(6): 1452-1459.
- Venlet, J.; Piers, S.R.D.; Kapel, G.F.L.; Silva, M.D.; Schalij, M.J. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2015), Isolated epicardial RVOT scar: a typical substrate for VT in endurance athletes without evidence for inherited cardiomyopathy, European Heart Journal 36: 562-562.
- Silva, M.D.; Kapel, G.F.L.; Venlet, J.; Piers, S.R.D.; Watanabe, M.; Schalij, M.J. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2015), Electroanatomical scar characteristics of patients presenting with fast ventricular tachycardia after myocardial infarction: the impact on substrate based ablation approaches, European Heart Journal 36: 211-211.
- Leong, D.P.; Hoogslag, G.E.; Piers, S.R.D.; Hoke, U.; Thijssen, J.; Marsan, N.A.; Schalij, M.J.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Bax, J.J. & Delgado, V. (2015), The Relationship between Time from Myocardial Infarction, Left Ventricular Dyssynchrony, and the Risk for Ventricular Arrhythmia: Speckle-Tracking Echocardiographic Analysis, Journal of The American Society of Echocardiography 28(4): 470-477.
- Tintelen, P. van; Posafalvi, A.; Hoedemaekers, Y.M.; Zwaag, P.A. van der; Barge-Schaapveld, D.Q.C.M.; Piers, S.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Boer, R.A. de; Berg, M.P. van den & Jongbloed, J.D.H. (2014), Application of targeted next generation sequencing (NGS) in clinical genetic diagnostics of cardiomyopathies, European Heart Journal 35: 109-110.
- Piers, S.R.D.; Tao, Q.; Silva, M.D.; Siebelink, H.M.; Schalij, M.J.; Geest, R.J. van der & Zeppenfeld, K. (2014), CMR-Based Identification of Critical Isthmus Sites of Ischemic and Nonischemic Ventricular Tachycardia, JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging 7(8): 774-784.
- Silva, M.R.S.D.; Kapel, G.F.L.K.; Piers, S.R.D.P.; Schalij, M.J.S. & Zeppenfeld, K.Z. (2014), Electroanatomical substrate characteristics are associated with the cycle length of spontaneous ventricular tachycardia after myocardial infarction, European Heart Journal 35: 599-599.
- Piers, S.R.D.; Silva, M.D.; Kapel, G.F.L.; Trines, S.A.; Schalij, M.J. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2014), Endocardial or epicardial ventricular tachycardia in nonischemic cardiomyopathy? The role of 12-lead ECG criteria in clinical practice, Heart Rhythm 11(6): 1031-1039.
- Dyrda, K.; Piers, S.R.D.; Taxis, C.F.V. van; Schalij, M.J. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2014), Influence of Steroid Therapy on the Incidence of Pericarditis and Atrial Fibrillation After Percutaneous Epicardial Mapping and Ablation for Ventricular Tachycardia, Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology 7(4): 671-676.
- Tao, Q.; Lamb, H.J.; Zeppenfeld, K. & Geest, R.J. van der (2014), Myocardial scar identification based on analysis of Look-Locker and 3D late gadolinium enhanced MRI, International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging 30(5): 925-934.
- Kapel, G.F.; Jalal, Z.; Wijnmaalen, A.P.; Thambo, J.B.; Derval, N.; Schalij, M.J.; Sacher, F. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2014), QRS duration is not associated with ventricular arrhythmias in repaired tetralogy of Fallot, European Heart Journal 35: 578-578.
- Maury, P.; Baratto, F.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Klein, G.; Delacretaz, E.; Sacher, F.; Pruvot, E.; Brigadeau, F.; Rollin, A.; Andronache, M.; Maccabelli, G.; Gawrysiak, M.; Brenner, R.; Forclaz, A.; Schlaepfer, J.; Lacroix, D.; Duparc, A.; Mondoly, P.; Bouisset, F.; Delay, M.; Hocini, M.; Derval, N.; Sadoul, N.; Magnin-Poull, I.; Klug, D.; Haissaguerre, M.; Jais, P.; Bella, P. della & Chillou, C. de (2014), Radio-frequency ablation as primary management of well-tolerated sustained monomorphic ventricular tachycardia in patients with structural heart disease and left ventricular ejection fraction over 30%, European Heart Journal 35(22): 1479-U54.
- Dyrda, K.; Piers, S.R.D.; Taxis, C.F.V. van; Schalij, M.J. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2014), Response to Letter by Chhabra and Spodick Regarding Article, "Influence of Steroid Therapy on the Incidence of Pericarditis and Atrial Fibrillation Following Percutaneous Epicardial Mapping and Ablation for Ventricular Tachycardia" by Dyrda et al, Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology 7(5): 992-992.
- Arribas, F.; Auricchio, A.; Boriani, G.; Brugada, J.; Deharo, J.C.; Hindriks, G.; Kuck, K.H.; Merino, J.L.; Vardas, P.; Wolpert, C. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2014), Statistics on the use of cardiac electronic devices and electrophysiological procedures in 55 ESC countries: 2013 report from the European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA), EP-Europace 16: 1-78.
- Zeppenfeld, K. (2014), The Ideal End Point for Ablation in Postinfarction Ventricular Tachycardia One May Not Fit All, Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology 7(4): 567-569.
- Kapel, G.F.; Sacher, F.; Wijnmaalen, A.P.; Thambo, J.B.; Derval, N.; Schalij, M.J.; Jalal, Z. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2014), The substrate for ventricular tachycardia in repaired tetralogy of Fallot are slow conducting anatomical isthmuses, European Heart Journal 35: 710-710.
- Kapel, G.F.; Sacher, F.; Wijnmaalen, A.P.; Thambo, J.B.; Derval, N.; Schalij, M.J.; Jalal, Z. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2014), The value of reported risk factors to predict the substrate for ventricular tachycardia in repaired tetralogy of Fallot, European Heart Journal 35: 584-584.
- Kapel, G.F.L.; Reichlin, T.; Wijnmaalen, A.P.; Tedrow, U.B.; Piers, S.R.D.; Schalij, M.J.; Hazekamp, M.G.; Jongbloed, M.R.M.; Stevenson, W.G. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2014), Left-Sided Ablation of Ventricular Tachycardia in Adults With Repaired Tetralogy of Fallot A Case Series, Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology 7(5): 889-897.
- Piers, S.R.D.; Silva, M.D.; Kapel, G.F.L.; Schalij, M.J. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2013), Twelve lead ecg criteria applied to clinically documented ventricular tachycardias to identify patients who are likely to benefit from epicardial ablation, European Heart Journal 34: 425-425.
- Compier, M.G.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Silva, M.D.; Dyrda, K.; Schalij, M.J. & Trines, S.A. (2013), The effect of treating dormant pulmonary vein conduction on the outcome of cryoballoon ablation, European Heart Journal 34: 91-91.
- Taxis, C.F.V. van; Wijnmaalen, A.P.; Piers, S.R.; Geest, R.J. van der; Schalij, M.J. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2013), Real-Time Integration of MDCT-Derived Coronary Anatomy and Epicardial Fat Impact on Epicardial Electroanatomic Mapping and Ablation for Ventricular Arrhythmias, JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging 6(1): 42-52.
- Piers, S.R.D.; Leong, D.P.; Taxis, C.F.B.V. van; Tayyebi, M.; Trines, S.A.; Pijnappels, D.A.; Delgado, V.; Schalij, M.J. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2013), Outcome of Ventricular Tachycardia Ablation in Patients With Nonischemic Cardiomyopathy: The Impact of Noninducibility, Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology 6(3): 513-521.
- Penela, D.; Taxis, C.V.V.; Aguinaga, L.; Fernandez-Armenta, J.; Mont, L.; Castel, M.A.; Heras, M.; Tolosana, J.M.; Sitges, M.; Ordonez, A.; Brugada, J.; Zeppenfeld, K. & Berruezo, A. (2013), Neurohormonal, Structural, and Functional Recovery Pattern After Premature Ventricular Complex Ablation Is Independent of Structural Heart Disease Status in Patients With Depressed Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction A Prospective Multicenter Study, Journal of the American College of Cardiology 62(13): 1195-1202.
- Sapp, J.L.; Beeckler, C.; Pike, R.; Parkash, R.; Gray, C.J.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Kuriachan, V. & Stevenson, W.G. (2013), Initial Human Feasibility of Infusion Needle Catheter Ablation for Refractory Ventricular Tachycardia, Circulation 128(21): 2289-2295.
- Kapel, G.F.; Brouwer, C.; Silva, M.D.; Thijssen, J.; Piers, S.R.; Heijden, A.C. van der; Meuwese, C.L.; Erven, L. van; Schalij, M.J. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2013), Ineffective ATP for ventricular tachycardia in non-ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy is associated with higher mortality during long-term follow-up, European Heart Journal 34: 264-264.
- Piers, S.R.D.; Taxis, C.F.B.V. van; Tao, Q.; Geest, R.J. van der; Askar, S.F.; Siebelink, H.M.J.; Schalij, M.J. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2013), Epicardial substrate mapping for ventricular tachycardia ablation in patients with non-ischaemic cardiomyopathy: a new algorithm to differentiate between scar and viable myocardium developed by simultaneous integration of computed tomography and contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging, European Heart Journal 34(8): 586-596.
- Compier, M.G.; Leong, D.P.; Marsan, N.A.; Delgado, V.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Schalij, M.J. & Trines, S.A. (2013), Duty-cycled bipolar/unipolar radiofrequency ablation for symptomatic atrial fibrillation induces significant pulmonary vein narrowing at long-term follow-up, EP-Europace 15(5): 690-696.
- Piers, S.R.D.; Tao, Q.; Taxis, C.F.B.V. van; Schalij, M.J.; Geest, R.J. van der & Zeppenfeld, K. (2013), Contrast-Enhanced MRI-Derived Scar Patterns and Associated Ventricular Tachycardias in Nonischemic Cardiomyopathy Implications for the Ablation Strategy, Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology 6(5): 875-883.
- Tao Qian, van de Giessen Martijn, Piers Sebastiaan, Zeppenfeld Katja & van der Geest Rob (2013), COMBINING MAGNETIC RESONANCE LATE GADOLINIUM ENHANCED AND LOOK-LOCKER SEQUENCES FOR MYOCARDIAL SCAR CHARACTERIZATION, Proceedings / IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: from nano to macro. IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: 330-333.
- Dzyubachyk Oleh, Tao Qian, Poot Dirk H. J., Lamb Hildo, Zeppenfeld Katja, Lelieveldt Boudewijn P. F. & van der Geest Rob J. (2013), Improved Myocardial Scar Characterization by Super-Resolution Reconstruction in Late Gadolinium Enhanced MRI, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 8151: 147-154.
- Uijl, D.W. den; Boogers, M.J.; Compier, M.; Trines, S.A.; Scholte, A.J.H.A.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Schalij, M.J.; Bax, J.J. & Delgado, V. (2013), Impact of coronary atherosclerosis on the efficacy of radiofrequency catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation., EHJ Cardiovascular Imaging / European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Imaging 14(3): 247-52.
- Dechering, D.G.; Kochhauser, S.; Wasmer, K.; Zellerhoff, S.; Pott, C.; Kobe, J.; Spieker, T.; Piers, S.R.D.; Bittner, A.; Monnig, G.; Breithardt, G.; Wichter, T.; Zeppenfeld, K. & Eckardt, L. (2013), Electrophysiological characteristics of ventricular tachyarrhythmias in cardiac sarcoidosis versus arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy., Heart Rhythm 10(2): 158-64.
- Askar, S.F.A.; Bingen, B.O.; Schalij, M.J.; Swildens, J.; Atsma, D.E.; Schutte, C.I.; Vries, A.A.F. de; Zeppenfeld, K.; Ypey, D.L. & Pijnappels, D.A. (2013), Similar arrhythmicity in hypertrophic and fibrotic cardiac cultures caused by distinct substrate-specific mechanisms., Cardiovascular Research 97(1): 171-81.
- Taxis, C.F.B.V. van; Klein, P.; Piers, S.R.D.; Wijnmaalen, A.P.; Braun, J.; Versteegh, M.I.M.; Verwey, H.F.; Schalij, M.J.; Klautz, R.J. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2012), Encircling endocardial cryoablation during LV reconstruction for primary prevention of VT, European Heart Journal 33: 1097-1098.
- Boden, H.; Hoeven, B.L. van der; Liem, S.S.; Atary, J.Z.; Cannegieter, S.C.; Atsma, D.E.; Bootsma, M.; Jukema, J.W.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Oemrawsingh, P.V.; Wall, E.E. van der & Schalij, M.J. (2012), Five-year clinical follow-up from the MISSION! Intervention Study: sirolimus-eluting stent versus bare metal stent implantation in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction, a randomised controlled trial.
- Compier, M.; Leong, D.; Marsan, N.A.; Delgado, V.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Schalij, M. & Trines, S.A.I.P. (2012), SIGNIFICANT PULMONARY VEIN REMODELING AFTER DUTY-CYCLED BIPOLAR AND UNIPOLAR RADIOFREQUENCY ABLATION FOR SYMPTOMATIC ATRIAL FIBRILLATION, Journal of the American College of Cardiology 59(13): E614-E614.
- Boden, H.; Hoeven, B.L. van der; Liem, S.S.; Atary, J.Z.; Cannegieter, S.C.; Atsma, D.E.; Bootsma, M.; Jukema, J.W.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Oemrawsingh, P.V.; Wall, E.E. van der & Schalij, M.J. (2012), Five-year clinical follow-up from the MISSION! Intervention Study: sirolimus-eluting stent versus bare metal stent implantation in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction, a randomised controlled trial.
- Taxis, C.F.B.V. van; Leong, D.; Piers, S.R.D.; Wijnmaalen, A.P.; Dyrda, K.; Delgado, V.; Laarse, A. van der; Pijnappels, D.A.; Schalij, M.J. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2012), Changes in NT-proBNP level after successful PVC ablation in patients without structural heart disease: evidence for PVC-induced chronic wall stress, European Heart Journal 33: 690-690.
- Wijnmaalen, A.P.; Roberts-Thomson, K.C.; Steven, D.; Klautz, R.J.M.; Willems, S.; Schalij, M.J.; Stevenson, W.G. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2012), Catheter ablation of ventricular tachycardia after left ventricular reconstructive surgery for ischemic cardiomyopathy, Heart Rhythm 9(1): 10-17.
- Askar, S.F.; Bingen, B.O.; Swildens, J.; Ypey, D.L.; Laarse, A. van der; Atsma, D.E.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Schalij, M.J.; Vries, A.A. de & Pijnappels, D.A. (2012), Connexin43 silencing in myofibroblasts prevents arrhythmias in myocardial cultures: role of maximal diastolic potential, Cardiovascular Research 93(3): 434-444.
- Compier, M.; Braun, J.; Delgado, V.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Klautz, R.; Trines, S.A.I.P. & Schalij, M. (2012), BIPOLAR RADIOFREQUENCY SURGICAL MAZE-ABLATION OF THE LEFT ATRIUM EFFECTIVELY TREATS PERSISTENT ATRIAL FIBRILLATION BUT DECREASES LEFT ATRIAL FUNCTION, Journal of the American College of Cardiology 59(13): E696-E696.
- Askar, S.F.; Piers, S.R.D.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Schalij, M.J. & Pijnappels, D.A. (2012), An in vitro model of early or late reperfusion-scars to explain clinical reentrant arrhythmia characteristics and anti-arrhythmic potential of pharmacologic or electric defibrillation, European Heart Journal 33: 818-819.
- Tao Q, Milles J, van Taxis CV, Reiber JHC, Zeppenfeld K & van der Geest RJ (2012), Multi-sequence Magnetic Resonance Imaging Integration Framework for Image-guided Catheter Ablation of Scar-Related Ventricular Tachycardia, MEDICAL IMAGING 2012: IMAGE-GUIDED PROCEDURES, ROBOTIC INTERVENTIONS, AND MODELING 8316: -.
- Zeppenfeld, K. (2012), Ventricular tachycardia ablation in implantable cardioverter-defibrillator recipients: a need to catch up with current recommendations, EP-Europace 14(6): 778-780.
- Piers, S.R.D.; Taxis, C.F.B.V. van; Tao, Q.; Geest, R.J. van der; Siebelink, H.M.; Schalij, M.J. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2012), Scar, viable myocardium or fat during epicardial electroanatomical mapping for ventricular tachycardia ablation: validation of mapping parameters by integration of multi-detector CT and MRI, European Heart Journal 33: 32-32.
- Compier, M.G.; Bruggemans, E.F.; Buchem, M.A. van; Middelkoop, H.A.M.; Eikenboom, J.; Hiele, K. van der; Zeppenfeld, K.; Schalij, M.J. & Trines, S.A. (2012), Silent cerebral embolism after PVAC and irrigated-tip ablation for atrial fibrillation: incidence and clinical implications. Results from the CE-AF trial pilot, European Heart Journal 33: 32-32.
- Piers, S.R.D.; Dyrda, K.; Tao, Q. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2012), Bipolar ablation of ventricular tachycardia in a patient after atrial switch operation for dextro-transposition of the great arteries.
- Askar, S.F.; Bingen, B.O.; Swildens, J.; Ypey, D.L.; Laarse, A. van der; Atsma, D.E.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Schalij, M.J.; Vries, A.A. de & Pijnappels, D.A. (2012), Connexin43 silencing in myofibroblasts prevents arrhythmias in myocardial cultures: role of maximal diastolic potential., Cardiovascular Research 93(3): 434-44.
- Godeschalk-Slagboom, C.J.; Geest, R.J. van der; Zeppenfeld, K. & Botha, C.P. (2012), Cardiac MRI visualization for ventricular tachycardia ablation, International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 7(5): 753-767.
- Tao, Q.; Milles, J.; Taxis, C.V. van; Lamb, H.J.; Reiber, J.H.C.; Zeppenfeld, K. & Geest, R.J. van der (2012), Toward Magnetic Resonance-Guided Electroanatomical Voltage Mapping for Catheter Ablation of Scar-Related Ventricular Tachycardia: A Comparison of Registration Methods, Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology 23(1): 74-80.
- Piers, S.R.D.; Wijnmaalen, A.P.; Borleffs, C.J.W.; Taxis, C.F.B.V. van; Thijssen, J.; Rees, J.B. van; Cannegieter, S.C.; Bax, J.J.; Schalij, M.J. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2011), Early Reperfusion Therapy Affects Inducibility, Cycle Length and Occurrence of Ventricular Tachycardia Late After Myocardial Infarction.
- Bella, P. della; Brugada, J.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Merino, J.; Neuzil, P.; Maury, P.; Maccabelli, G.; Vergara, P.; Baratto, F.; Berruezo, A. & Wijnmaalen, A.P. (2011), Epicardial Ablation for Ventricular Tachycardia A European Multicenter Study, Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology 4(5): 653-659.
- Tops, L.F.; Delgado, V.; Bertini, M.; Marsan, N.A.; Uijl, D.W. den; Trines, S.A.I.P.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Holman, E.; Schalij, M.J. & Bax, J.J. (2011), Left Atrial Strain Predicts Reverse Remodeling After Catheter Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation, Journal of the American College of Cardiology 57(3): 324-331.
- Wijnmaalen, A.P.; Geest, R.J. van der; Taxis, C.F.B.V. van; Siebelink, H.M.J.; Kroft, L.J.M.; Bax, J.J.; Reiber, J.H.C.; Schalij, M.J. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2011), Head-to-head comparison of contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging and electroanatomical voltage mapping to assess post-infarct scar characteristics in patients with ventricular tachycardias: real-time image integration and reversed registration, European Heart Journal 32(1): 104-114.
- Uijl, D.W. den; Delgado, V.; Tops, L.F.; Ng, A.C.T.; Boersma, E.; Trines, S.A.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Schalij, M.J.; Laarse, A. van der & Bax, J.J. (2011), Natriuretic peptide levels predict recurrence of atrial fibrillation after radiofrequency catheter ablation, American Heart Journal 161(1).
- Wijnmaalen, A.P.; Schalij, M.J.; Thusen, J.H. von der; Klautz, R.J.M. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2010), Early Reperfusion During Acute Myocardial Infarction Affects Ventricular Tachycardia Characteristics and the Chronic Electroanatomic and Histological Substrate, Circulation 121(17): 1887U26.
- Wijnmaalen, A.P.; Delgado, V.; Schalij, M.J.; Taxis, C.F.B.V. van; Holman, E.R.; Bax, J.J. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2010), Beneficial effects of catheter ablation on left ventricular and right ventricular function in patients with frequent premature ventricular contractions and preserved ejection fraction, Heart 96(16): 1275-1280.
- Wall, E.E. van der; Zeppenfeld, K.; Bax, J.J.; Siebelink, H.M. & Schalij, M.J. (2010), CMR-determined scar volume: predictive for ventricular tachycardias?
- Tao, Q.A.; Milles, J.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Lamb, H.J.; Bax, J.J.; Reiber, J.H.C. & Geest, R.J. van der (2010), Automated Segmentation of Myocardial Scar in Late Enhancement MRI Using Combined Intensity and Spatial Information, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 64(2): 586-594.
- Atary, J.Z.; Borleffs, C.J.W.; Bom, J.G. van der; Trines, S.A.I.P.; Bootsma, M.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Erven, L. van & Schalij, M.J. (2010), Right ventricular stimulation threshold at ICD implant predicts device therapy in primary prevention patients with ischaemic heart disease, EP-Europace 12(11): 1581-1588.
- Atary, J.Z.; Hoeven, B.L. van der; Liem, S.S.; Jukema, J.W.; Bom, J.G. van der; Atsma, D.E.; Bootsma, M.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Wall, E.E. van der & Schalij, M.J. (2010), Three-Year Outcome of Sirolimus-Eluting Versus Bare-Metal Stents for the Treatment of ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction (from the MISSION! Intervention Study), American Journal of Cardiology 106(1): 4-12.
- Bertini, M.; Ng, A.C.T.; Borleffs, C.J.W.; Delgado, V.; Wijnmaalen, A.P.; Nucifora, G.; Ewe, S.H.; Shanks, M.; Thijssen, J.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Biffi, M.; Leung, D.Y.; Schalij, M.J. & Bax, J.J. (2010), Longitudinal mechanics of the periinfarct zone and ventricular tachycardia inducibility in patients with chronic ischemic cardiomyopathy, American Heart Journal 160(4): 729-736.
- den Uijl DW, Blom NA, Wijnmaalen AP, Bax JJ, Schalij MJ & Zeppenfeld K (2009), Real-Time Integration of Intracardiac Echocardiography to Facilitate Atrial Tachycardia Ablation in a Patient With a Senning Baffle, Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology 2(5): E28E30.
- Delgado V, Tops LF, Trines SA, Zeppenfeld K, Marsan NA, Bertini M, Holman ER, Schalij MJ & Bax JJ (2009), Acute Effects of Right Ventricular Apical Pacing on Left Ventricular Synchrony and Mechanics, Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology 2(2): 135-145.
- Hassan, A.K.M.; Liem, S.S.; Kley, F. van der; Bergheanu, S.C.; Wolterbeek, R.; Bosch, J.; Bootsma, M.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Laarse, A. van der; Atsma, D.E.; Jukerna, J.W. & Schalij, M.J. (2009), In-Ambulance Abciximab Administration in STEMI Patients Prior to Primary PCI is Associated with Smaller Infarct Size, Improved LV Function and Lower Incidence of Heart Failure: Results from the Leiden MISSION! Acute Myocardial Infarction Treatment Optimization Program, Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions 74(2): 335-343.
- Borleffs CJW, van Erven L, Schotman M, Boersma E, Kies P, van der Burg AEB, Zeppenfeld K, Bootsma M, van der Wall EE, Bax JJ & Schalij MJ (2009), Recurrence of ventricular arrhythmias in ischaemic secondary prevention implantable cardioverter defibrillator recipients: long-term follow-up of the Leiden out-of-hospital cardiac arrest study (LOHCAT), European Heart Journal 30(13): 1621-1626.
- Lekkerkerker JC, van Nieuwkoop C, Trines SA, van der Bom JG, Bernards A, van de Velde ET, Bootsma M, Zeppenfeld K, Jukema JW, Borleffs JW, Schalij MJ & van Erven L (2009), Risk factors and time delay associated with cardiac device infections: Leiden device registry, Heart 95(9): 715-720.
- den Uijl DW, Tops LF, Delgado V, Zeppenfeld K, Trines SA, Schuijf JD, Schalij MJ & Bax JJ (2009), Impact of Pulmonary Vein Anatomy Assessed by Multislice Computed Tomography on the Outcome After Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation, Journal of the American College of Cardiology 53(10): A105A105.
- Wijnmaalen AP, Delgado V, Schalij MJ, Holman ER, Bax JJ & Zeppenfeld K (2009), Beneficial Effects of Successful Ablation on Left Ventricle and Right Ventricle Function in Patients With Frequent PVC and Preserved Ejection Fraction, Journal of the American College of Cardiology 53(10): A118A118.
- Tops LF, Den Uijl DW, Delgado V, Marsan NA, Zeppenfeld K, Holman E, van der Wall EE, Schalij MJ & Bax JJ (2009), Long-Term Improvement in Left Ventricular Strain After Successful Catheter Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation in Patients With Preserved Left Ventricular Systolic Function, Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology 2(3): 249-257.
- Wijnmaalen AP, van der Geest RJ, Siebelink HMJ, Kroft LJ, Bax JJ, Reiber JH, Schalij MJ & Zeppenfeld K (2009), Integration of MRI Derived 3D Scar Maps With Electroanatomical Mapping During Catheter Ablation of Scar-Related Ventricular Tachycardia, Journal of the American College of Cardiology 53(10): A119A119.
- Wijnmaalen AP, Schalij MJ, Bootsma M, Kies P, De Roos A, Putter H, Bax JJ & Zeppenfeld K (2009), Patients with Scar-Related Right Ventricular Tachycardia: Determinants of Long-Term Outcome, Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology 20(10): 1119-1127.
- Roes SD, Borleffs CJW, van der Geest RJ, Westenberg JJM, Marsan NA, Kaandorp TAM, Reiber JHC, Zeppenfeld K, Lamb HJ, de Roos A, Schalij MJ & Bax JJ (2009), Infarct Tissue Heterogeneity Assessed With Contrast-Enhanced MRI Predicts Spontaneous Ventricular Arrhythmia in Patients With Ischemic Cardiomyopathy and Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator, Circulation: Cardiovascular Imaging 2(3): 183-190.
- Alders, M.; Koopmann, T.T.; Christiaans, I.; Postema, P.G.; Beekman, L.; Tanck, M.W.T.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Loh, P.; Koch, K.T.; Demolombe, S.; Mannens, M.M.A.M.; Bezzina, C.R. & Wilde, A.A.M. (2009), Haplotype-Sharing Analysis Implicates Chromosome 7q36 Harboring DPP6 in Familial Idiopathic Ventricular Fibrillation, American Journal of Human Genetics 84(4): 468-476.
- den Uijl DW, Tops LF, Tolosana JM, Schuijf JD, Trines SAIP, Zeppenfeld K, Bax JJ & Schalij MJ (2008), Real-time integration of intracardiac echocardiography and multislice computed tomography to guide radiofrequency catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation, Heart Rhythm 5(10).
- Marsan NA, Tops LF, Holman ER, Van de Veire NR, Zeppenfeld K, Boersma E, van der Wall EE, Schalij MJ & Bax JJ (2008), Comparison of left atrial volumes and function by real-time three-dimensional echocardiography in patients having catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation with persistence of sinus rhythm versus recurrent atrial fibrillation three months later, American Journal of Cardiology 102(7).
- Zeppenfeld K & Stevenson WG (2008), Ablation of ventricular tachycardia in patients with structural heart disease, Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology 31(3).
- van der Hoeven BL, Liem SS, Jukema JW, Suraphakdee N, Putter H, Dijkstra J, Atsma DE, Bootsma M, Zeppenfeld K, Oemrawsingh PV, van der Wall EE & Schalij MJ (2008), Sirolimus-eluting stents versus bare-metal stents in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction: 9-month angiographic and intravascular ultrasound results and 12-month clinical outcome - Results from the MISSION! Intervention study, Journal of the American College of Cardiology 51(6).
- Beeres SLMA, Zeppenfeld K, Bax JJ, Dibbets-Schneider P, Stokkel MPM, Fibbe WE, van der Wall EE, Atsma DE & Schalij MJ (2007), Etectrophysiological and arrhythmogenic effects of intramyocardial bone marrow cell injection in patients with chronic ischemic heart disease, Heart Rhythm 4(3).
- Zeppenfeld K, Schalij MJ, Bartelings MM, Tedrow UB, Koplan BA, Soejima K & Stevenson WG (2007), Catheter ablation of ventricular tachycardia after repair of congenital heart disease - Electroanatomic identification of the critical right ventricular isthmus, Circulation 116(20).
- Zeppenfeld K, Blom NA, Bootsma M & Schalij MJ (2007), Incessant ventricular tachycardia in fulminant lymphocytic myocarditis: Evidence for origin in the Purkinje system and successful treatment with ablation, Heart Rhythm 4(1).
- Beeres SLMA, Bax JJ, Zeppenfeld K, Dibbets-Schneider P, Stokkel MPM, Fibbe WE, van der Wall EE, Schalij MJ & Atsma DE (2007), Feasibility of trans-endocardial cell transplantation in chronic ischaemia, Heart 93(1).
- Beeres SLMA, Bax JJ, Kaandorp TAM, Zeppenfeld K, Lamb HJ, Dibbets P, Stokkel MP, de Roos A, Fibbe WE, van der Wall EE, Schalij MJ & Atsma DE (2006), Effect of autologous bone marrow-derived mononuclear cell injection on myocardial function and perfusion in patients with refractory angina pectoris and chronic ischemia, Journal of the American College of Cardiology 47(4).
- Beeres SLMA, Bax JJ, Zeppenfeld K, Stokkel MPM, Fibbe WE, Van der Wall E, Schalij MJ & Atsma DE (2006), Sustained effect of autologous bone marrow cell transplantation in no-option patients with chronic angina pectoris and myocardial ischemia: final 12 months results, European Heart Journal 27.
- Beeres SLMA, Bax JJ, Zeppenfeld K, Fibbe WE, Van der Wall EE, Schalij MJ, Atsma DE & Stokkel MPM (2006), Sustained effect of atuologous bone marrow cell transplantation in no-option patients with severe angina pectoris and myocardial ischemia: 12 months results, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 33.
- Beeres SLMA, Bax JJ, Dibbets P, Stokkel MPM, Zeppenfeld K, Fibbe WE, van der Wall EE, Schalij MJ & Atsma DE (2006), Effect of intramyocardial injection of autologous bone marrow-derived mononuclear cells on perfusion, function, and viability in patients with drug-refractory chronic ischemia, Journal of Nuclear Medicine 47(4).
- Beeres SLMA, Bax JJ, Kaandorp TAM, Zeppenfeld K, Lamb HJ, Dibbets-Schneider P, Stokkel MPM, Fibbe WE, de Roos A, van der Wall EE, Schalij MJ & Atsma DE (2006), Usefulness of intramyocardial injection of autologous bone marrow-derived mononuclear cells in patients with severe angina pectoris and stress-induced myocardial ischemia, American Journal of Cardiology 97(9).
- de Groot NMS, Zeppenfeld K, Wijffels MC, Chan WK, Blom NA, Van der Wall EE & Schalij MJ (2006), Ablation of focal atrial arrhythmia in patients with congenital heart defects after surgery: Role of circumscribed areas with heterogeneous conduction, Heart Rhythm 3(5).
- Tops LF, Bax JJ, Zeppenfeld K, Jongbloed MRM, van der Wall EE & Schalij MJ (2006), Effect of radiofrequency catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation on left atrial cavity size, American Journal of Cardiology 97(8).
- Kies P, Bootsma M, Bax JJ, Zeppenfeld K, van Erven L, Wijffels MC, van der Wall EE & Schalij MJ (2006), Serial reevaluation for ARVD/C is indicated in patients presenting with left bundle branch block ventricular tachycardia and minor ECG abnormalities, Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology 17(6).
- Kies P, Leclercq C, Bleeker GB, Crocq C, Molhoek SG, Poulain C, van Erven L, Bootsma M, Zeppenfeld K, van der Wall EE, Daubert JC, Schalij MJ & Bax JJ (2006), Cardiac resynchronisation therapy in chronic atrial fibrillation: impact on left atrial size and reversal to sinus rhythm, Heart 92(4).
- Zeppenfeld K, Schalij MJ, Bleeker GB, Holman ER & Bax JJ (2006), Acceleration-dependent left bundle branch block with severe left ventricular dyssynchrony results in acute heart failure: Are there more patients who benefit from cardiac resynchronization therapy?, Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology 17(1).
- Tops LF, Bax JJ, Zeppenfeld K, Jongbloed MRM, Lamb HI, van der Wall EE & Schalij MJ (2005), Fusion of multislice computed tomography imaging with three-dimensional electroanatomic mapping to guide radiofrequency catheter ablation procedures, Heart Rhythm 2(10).
- Jongbloed MMR, Bax JJ, Dirksen MS, Zeppenfeld K, van der Wall EE, de Roos A & Schalij MJ (2005), Multi-slice computed tomography versus intracardiac echocardiography to evaluate pulmonary vein anatomy prior to radiofrequency catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation: A head-to-head comparison, Journal of the American College of Cardiology 45(3).
- Beeres SLMA, Zeppenfeld K, Fibbe WE, Bax JJ, van der Laarse A, de Vries T, van der Wall EE, Schalij MJ & Atsma DE (2005), Intramyocardial injection of autologous bone marrow cells in patients with refractory angina pectoris and chronic ischemia is safe, reduces anginal symptoms and improves myocardial perfusion., Journal of the American College of Cardiology 45(3).
- Tops LF, Bax JJ, Zeppenfeld K, Lamb HJ & Schalij MJ (2005), Fusion of multi-slice computed tomography imaging with 3-D electrophysiological mapping to plan, guide and improve radiofrequency catheter ablation procedures, European Heart Journal 26.
- Jongbloed MRM, Bax JJ, Lamb HJ, Dirksen MS, Zeppenfeld K, van der Wan EE, de Roos A & Schalij MJ (2005), Multislice computed tomography versus intracardiac echocardiography to evaluate the pulmonary veins before radiofrequency catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation - A head-to-head comparison, Journal of the American College of Cardiology 45(3).
- Jongbloed MRM, Schalij MJ, Zeppenfeld K, Oemrawsingh PV, van der Wall EE & Bax JJ (2005), Clinical applications of intracardiac echocardiography in interventional procedures, Heart 91(7).
- Kies P, Bax JJ, Molhoek SG, Bleeker GB, Zeppenfeld K, Bootsma M, van Erven L, Steendijk P, van der Wall EE & Schalij MJ (2005), Effect of cardiac resynchronization therapy on inducibility of ventricular tachyarrhythmias-in cardiac arrest survivors with either ischemic or idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy, American Journal of Cardiology 95(9).
- Beeres SLMA, Zeppenfeld K, Bax JJ, van der Laarse A, Fibbe WE, van der Wall EE, Schalij MJ & Atsma DE (2005), Intramyocardial injection of autologous bone marrow mononuclear cells in no-option patients with chronic ischaemia is safe, increases quality of life and improves left ventricular ejection fraction, European Heart Journal 26.
- Beeres SL, Atsma DE, Zeppenfeld K, van der Laarse A, van den Bergh L, Fibbe WE, van der Wall EE, Bax J & Schalij MJ (2005), Intramyocardial injection of autologous bone marrow-derived mononuclear cells in no-option patients with chronic ischemia reduces anginal symptoms, improves left ventricular ejection fraction and increases myocardial perfusion, Circulation 112(17).
- Zeppenfeld K, Kies P, Wijffels MCEF, Bootsma M, van Erven L & Schalij MJ (2005), Identification of successful catheter ablation sites in patients with ventricutar tachycardia based on electrogram characteristics during sinus rhythm, Heart Rhythm 2(9).
- Kies P, Bax JJ, Molhoek SG, Bleeker GB, Zeppenfeld K, Bootsma M, Sutton MSJ, van Erven L, van der Wall EE & Schalij MJ (2004), Effect of left ventricular remodeling after cardiac resynchronization therapy on frequency of ventricular arrhythmias, American Journal of Cardiology 94(1).
- Jongbloed MRM, Bax JJ, Zeppenfeld K, van der Wall EE & Schalij MJ (2004), Anatomical observations of the pulmonary veins with intracardiac echocardiography and hemodynamic consequences of narrowing of pulmonary vein ostial diameters after radiofrequency catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation, American Journal of Cardiology 93(10).
- de Groot NMS, Schalij MJ, Zeppenfeld K, Blom NA, Van der Velde ET & Van der Wall EE (2003), Voltage and activation mapping - How the recording technique affects the outcome of catheter ablation procedures in patients with congenital heart disease, Circulation 108(17).
- Vice-Chairperson: AHA scientific statement Arrhythmias in repaired tetralogy of Fallot
- Member of the Editorial Board
- Member of the Editorial Board
- Co-Chairperson: EHRA consensus om management of electrical storm
- Course director/faculty - Advanced EP course, with focus on VT Ablation
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- Member writing committee: Pre- and Postprocedural Cardiac Imaging in Electrophysiology
- Chairperson of the Task Force: 2022 ESC Guidelines
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- Honorary Professor in Cardiology
- Member of the Scientific Advisory Board, Liryc, electrophysiology and heart modeling institute
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