Katarzyna Cwiertka
- Naam
- Prof.dr. K.J. Cwiertka
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2599
- k.j.cwiertka@hum.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0002-4851-7784

Kasia Cwiertka is Hoogleraar Moderne Japan Studies aan het Instituut voor Regiostudies. Ze is expert op het gebied van de voedselgeschiedenis van modern Japan en Korea, sociale geschiedenis van modern Japan met in het bijzonder de consumptie maatschappij, en plastic en recycling in Japan.
Meer informatie over Katarzyna Cwiertka
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Leiden Institute for Area Studies
- SAS Japan
- Cwiertka K.J. (2022), From raincoats to ketchup: encoachment of plastic in the high-growth era (1955-1973). In: Avenell S. (red.), Re-examining Postwar Japanese history. Tokyo: MHM Limited. 178-193.
- Cwiertka K.J. (2021), Foreign influences in Polish culinary taste during the twentieth century. In: Ayora-Diaz S.I. (red.), The Cultural Politics of Food, Taste, and Identity: A Global Perspective. London: Bloomsbury Academic. 177-196.
- Cwiertka K.J. (2019), From military rations to UNESCO heritage: a short history of Korean kimchi. In: King M. (red.), Culinary nationalism in Asia. London: Bloomsbury. 73-91.
- Cwiertka K.J. (2019), Packaging of food and drink in Japan. In: Meiselman H.L. (red.), Handbook of eating and drinking: interdisciplinary perspectives: Springer.
- Cwiertka K.J. (2019), Shōwa do konsumpcji: lukrowana wersja XX-wiecznej Japonii. In: Starecka K. (red.), Japonia ery Shōwa (1926-1989): kultura i realia społeczne. Warszawa: Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Orientalistyczny, Katedra Japonistyki . 189-202.
- Cwiertka K.J. & Yasuhara M. (2018), Branding Japanese food: from Meibutsu to Washoku. Honolulu: Hawaii University Press.
- Cwiertka K.J. (2018), Serving the Nation: The Myth of Washoku. In: Cwiertka K.J. & Machotka E. (red.), Consuming Life Post-Bubble Japan: A trans-disciplinary Perspective. Amsterdam:: Amsterdam University Press.
- Cwiertka K.J. & Machotka E. (2018), Consuming Life Post-Bubble Japan: A Trans-disciplinary Perspective nr. 1. Amsterdam:: Amsterdam University Press.
- Cwiertka K.J. (2017), Washoku, Heritage and National Identity. In: Saaler S. & Szpilman C.W.A. (red.), Routledge Handbook of Modern Japanese History.. London: Routledge.
- Cwiertka K.J. & Machotka E. (2017), Introduction. In: Cwiertka K.J. & Machotka E. (red.), Consuming Life Post-Bubble Japan: A trans-disciplinary Perspective. Amsterdam:: Amsterdam University Press. 15-27.
- Cwiertka K.J. & Yasuhara M. (2016), 秘められた和食史 (Himerareta Washokushi). Tokyo: Shinsensha.
- Cwiertka K.J. & Machotka E. (2016), Too Pretty to Throw Away: Packaging Design from Japan. Krakow: Manggha Museum of Japanese Art and Technology.
- Cwiertka K.J., Elias M.J. & Pilcher J.M. (2015), Writing Global Food History, Global Food History 1(1): 5-12.
- Cwiertka K.J. (2014), Global Hansik Campaign: International Commodification of Korean Cuisine. In: Kim K.H. & Choe Y. (red.), The Korean Popular Culture Reader. Durham: Duke University Press. 363-384.
- Cwiertka K.J. (2014), Sustaining and Comforting the Troops in the Pacific War. In: Collinson P. & Macbeth H. (red.), Food in Zones of Conflict: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives. Oxford: Berghahn Books. 133-144.
- Cwiertka K.J. (2014), From Malnutrition to Radiation: Reviewing Food Security and Food Safety in Japan (1945-2013). In: Mariotti M., Miyake T. & Revelant A. (red.), Rethinking Nature in Contemporary Japan: Science, Economics, Politics nr. 1. Venice: Edizioni Ca’ Foscari-Digital Publishing. 95-102.
- Cwiertka K.J. (2013), Introduction. In: Cwiertka K.J. (red.), Food and War in Mid-Twentieth-Century East Asia. Farnham: Ashgate. 1-8.
- Cwiertka K.J. (2013), Feeding the UN Troops in the Korean War (1950-1953). In: Cwiertka K.J. (red.), Food and War in Mid-Twentieth-Century East Asia. Farnham: Ashgate. 93-106.
- Cwiertka K.J. (2013), Beyond Black Market: Neighborhood Associations and Food Rationing in Postwar Japan. In: Gerteis C. & George T.S. (red.), Japan since 1945: From Postwar to Post-Bubble. London and New York: Continuum. 89-106.
- Cwiertka K.J. (2013), Global Hansik Campaign: International Commodification of Korean Cuisine. In: Kim K.H. & Choe Y.M. (red.), The Korean Popular Culture Reader. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
- Cwiertka K.J. (red.) (2013), Food and War in Mid-Twentieth-Century East Asia. Oxford: Ashgate.
- Cwiertka K.J. (2012), Cuisine, Colonialism and Cold War: Food in Twentieth Century Korea. London: Reaktion Books.
- Cwiertka K.J. & Chen Y.J. (2012), The Shadow of Shinoda Osamu: Food Research in East Asia. In: Claflin K. & Scholliers P. (red.), Writing Food History: A Global Perspective. Oxford: Berg. 181-196.
- Cwiertka K.J. (red.) (2012), Critical Readings on Food in East Asia (3 Vols. SET). Leiden: Brill.
- Smits I.B. & Cwiertka K.J. (2012), Oorsprong, ontwikkeling en invloed van schattigheidscultuur uit Japan. In: Smits I.B. & Cwiertka K.J. (red.), Hello Kitty en Gothic Lolita's. Leiden: Leiden University Press. 11-26.
- Smits I.B. & Cwiertka K.J. (red.) (2012), Hello Kitty en Gothic Lolita's. Leiden: Leiden University Press.
- Cwiertka K.J. (2011), Uit eten in koloniaal Seoul (Keijō). In: Breuker R. (red.), Modern Times: Massacultuur in Korea, 1910-1945. Leiden: Museum Volkenkunde. 45-55.
- Cwiertka K.J. (2011), Alcohol and the Asia-Pacific War (1937-1945), The Proceedings of the 12th Symposium on Chinese Dietary Culture. . Taipei: Foundation of Chinese Dietary Culture. 253-267.
- Cwiertka K.J. & Yasuhara M. (2010), Beyond Hunger: Grocery Shopping, Cooking and Eating in 1940s Japan. In: Stassmann S. & Rath E. (red.), Japanese Foodways, Past and Present. Urbana: University of Illinois Press. 166-185.
- Cwiertka K.J. (2010), Dining-out in the Land of Desire: Colonial Seoul and the Korean Culture of Consumption. In: Kendall L. (red.), Korean Consumer Culture in Early and Late Modernity. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. 21-38.
- Cwiertka K.J. (2010), Reading Food in Modern Japanese Literature, Asian Ethnology 69(2): 343-345.
- Cwiertka K.J. (2010), Bespreking van: Aoyama T., Reading Food in Modern Japanese Literature nr. 2. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press. Asian Ethnology 69: 343-345.
- Cwiertka K.J. (2009), 飲食、權力與國族認同:當代日本美食的形成. Taipei: Weber Publication International.
- Cwiertka K.J. (2008), Moderna cozinha japonesa: Comida, poder e identidade nacional. São Paulo: Editora SENAC.
- Cwiertka K.J., Oshima A. & Faas P. (2008), Yamazato : Les secrets de la cuisine japonaise. Chamalieres: Editions Artémis.
- Cwiertka K.J. (2008), East Asia: Food. In: Stearns P.M. (red.), Encyclopedia of the Modern World. Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press.
- Cwiertka K.J. & Moriya A. (2008), Fermented soyfoods in South Korea: The industrialization of tradition. In: Du Bois C., Tan C.B. & Mintz S. (red.), The World of Soy. Urbana: University of Illinois Press. 161-181.
- Cwiertka K.J. (2007), Food and Foodways. In: Xu G. & Dharwadker V. (red.), The Greenwood Encyclopedia of World Popular Culture: Asia and Pacific Oceania. Westport: Greenwood Publishing. 127-137.
- Cwiertka K.J. (2007), Beyond kimpap and pudae tchigae: Chewing on Korea’s modern history. In: Breuker R.E. (red.), Korea in the Middle: Korean Studies and Area Studies. Leiden: CNWS Publications. 241-258.
- Cwiertka K.J. (2007) Boekbespreking. Bespreking van: , The Cultural Politics of Food and Eating: A Reader nr. 2. Food,Culture and Society 10: 354-356.
- Oshima A. & Cwiertka K.J. (2006), Kaiseki Recipes: Secrets of the Japanese Cuisine. Oostkamp: Stichting Kunstboek.
- Cwiertka K.J. (2006), Modern Japanese Cuisine: Food, Power and National Identity. London: Reaktion Books.
- Cwiertka K.J. (2006), The Soy Sauce Industry in Korea: Scrutinising the Legacy of Japanese Colonialism, Asian Studies Review 30(4): 389-410.
- Cwiertka K.J. (2005), Culinary Encounters between East Asia and Europe, Petit Propos Culinaires 78: 52-65.
- Cwiertka K.J. (2005), Chapter 25: Culinary Culture and the Making of a National Cuisine. In: Robertson J. (red.), A Companion to the Anthropology of Japan. New York: Blackwell. 415-428.
- Cwiertka K.J. (2005), Het wonder van teppanyaki - Japans eten voor Westerlingen, Bouillon 7: 106-111.
- Cwiertka K.J. (2005), Militarization of Nutrition in Wartime Japan, IIAS Newsletter (Special Issue, The Asia-Pacific War 60 Years On: History and Memory) 38: 15-15.
- Cwiertka K.J. (2005), From Ethnic to Hip: Circuits of Japanese Cuisine in Europe, Food and Foodways 13(4): .
- Cwiertka K.J. (2004), Western Food and the Making of the Japanese Nation-state. In: Lien M.E. & Nerlich B. (red.), The Politics of Food. Oxford: Berg Publishers. 121-139.
- Cwiertka K.J. (2004), Bespreking van: (2003), Eating Out in Europe: Picnics, Gourmet Dining and Snacks since the Late Eighteenth Century nr. 1: Berg. Food and Foodways 12: 64-67.
- Cwiertka K.J. (2003), Eating the World: Restaurant Culture in Early Twentieth Century Japan, European Jounal of East Asian Studies 2(1): 89-116.
- Oshima A., Faas F. & Cwiertka K.J. (2003), Yamazato: Kaiseki Cuisine Hotel Okura Amsterdam. Oostkamp: Stichting Kunstboek.
- Cwiertka K.J. (2003), Contemporary Issues in Japanese Cuisine. In: Katz S.H. & Weaver W.W. (red.), Encyclopedia of Food and Culture. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. 324-327.
- Cwiertka K.J. (2003), Korea. In: Katz S.H. & Weaver W.W. (red.), Encyclopedia of Food and Culture. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. 336-341.
- Cwiertka K.J. (2002), Korea: Cuisine. In: Levinson D. & Christensen K. (red.), Encyclopedia of Modern Asia. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. 201-204.
- Cwiertka K.J. (2002), Eating the Homeland: Japanese Expatriates in the Netherlands. In: Walraven B.C.A. (red.), Asian Food: The Global and the Local. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. 133-152.
- Cwiertka K.J. (2002), Introduction. In: Walraven B.C.A. (red.), Asian Food: The Global and the Local. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. 1-15.
- Cwiertka K.J. & Walraven B.C.A. (red.) (2002), Asian Food: The Global and the Local. Richmond: Curzon.
- Cwiertka K.J. (2002), Popularising a Military Diet in Wartime and Postwar Japan, Asian Anthropology 1(1): 1-30.
- Cwiertka K.J. (2000), From Yokohama to Amsterdam: Meidi-ya and Dietary Change in Modern Japan, Japanstudien: Jahrbuch des Deutschen Instituts für Japanstudien 12: 45-63.
- Cwiertka K.J. (14 januari 1999), The Making of Modern Culinary Tradition in Japan (Dissertatie, Leiden University). Promotor(en): Gulik W.R. van.
- Cwiertka K.J. (1999), Culinary Globalization and Japan, Japan Echo 26(3): 52-58.
- Cwiertka K.J. (1998), A Note on the Making of Culinary Tradition - an Example of Modern Japan, Appetite 30: 117-128.
- Cwiertka K.J. (1998), How Cooking Became a Hobby: Changes in Attitude Towards Cooking in Early 20th Century Japan. In: Fruhstuck S. & Linhart S. (red.), The Culture of Japan as Seen Through Its Leisure. New York: SUNY Press. 41-58.