Universiteit Leiden

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Karsten Wentink

Onderzoeker/ gast

Dr. K. Wentink MA MPhil
+31 71 527 2727

Zie Engelstalig profiel Karsten Wentink.

Onderzoeker/ gast

  • Faculteit Archeologie
  • World Archaeology
  • Europese Prehistorie


  • Wentink K. (23 november 2011), Barrows & Grave Goods. The role of social "fronts" in exchange networks in the 3rd millennium BCE. University of Aberdeen Seminar. Aberdeen. [lezing]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Wentink K. (18 november 2011), Personalized Possessions & Objectified Persons. Selective deposition in the third Millennium BCE. Berlin Freie Universität / TOPOI Exellence Cluster, Raum, Gabe, Erinnerung (Workshop). Berlin. [lezing]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Wentink K. & Gijn A.L. van (8 oktober 2011), Small Objects – Big Stories. Studying the Cultural Biographies of Prehistoric Flint Tools. Frankfurt, Goethe-Universität, Research Training Group. Frankfurt. [lezing]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Wentink K. (2011), Het Graf van Lunteren. De Interpretatie van Grafgiften in de Klokbeker Periode. National Museum of Antiquities / Leiden. Leiden. [lezing]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Wentink K. (28 november 2009), The deposition of TRB flint axes in the Netherlands: craft, skill and meaning. Borgermeetings TRB Conference. Borger. [lezing]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Wentink K. (27 oktober 2010), The crafting of meaning. Neolithic axe depositions in the northern Netherlands. Leiden University Archaeology, Graduate School Workshop "Beyond Technology". Leiden. [lezing]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Wentink K. (21 april 2010), We're all Individuals. The biography of gravegoods and the identity of the dead. University of Cambridge, Late European Prehistory Group. Cambridge. [lezing]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Wentink K. (30 november 2010), Barrows, Grave Goods & Personhood: The Biography of Grave Goods and the Identity of the Dead. Leiden University Archaeology, Graduate School of Archaeology / Archaeological Forum. Leiden. [lezing]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Wentink K. (2007), Neolithic Depositions in the Northern Netherlands. IPG (Implement Petrology Group) Conference 2007. York, UK. [lezing]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Wentink K. (2006), Neolithic Depositions in the Northern Netherlands – The theoretical aspects. TAG (Theoretical Archaeology Group). Exeter, UK. [lezing]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Wentink K. (2005), Neolithic Depositions in the Northern Netherlands – Preliminary results. EAA (European Association of Archaeologists) Conference. Cork, Ireland. [lezing]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Sidestone Press V.O.F. Eigenaar
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