Kai Li
Promovendus / contract
- Naam
- K. Li MSc
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727
- k.li@cml.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0002-1324-1386
Zie meer informatie op de Engelse versie.
Promovendus / contract
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Centrum voor Milieuwetenschappen Leiden
- CML/Industriele Ecologie
- Li K., Ward H., Lin H.X. & Tukker A. (2024), Traded plastic, traded impacts?: Designing counterfactual scenarios to assess environmental impacts of global plastic waste trade, Environmental Science and Technology 58(20): 8631-8642.
- Li K., Ward H., Lin H.X. & Tukker A. (2024), Economic viability requires higher recycling rates for imported plastic waste than expected, Nature Communications 15: 7578.
- Zhang C., Hu M., Meide M. van der, Di Maio F., Yang X., Gao X., Li K., Zhao H. & Li C. (2023), Life cycle assessment of material footprint in recycling: a case of concrete recycling, Waste Management 155: 311-319.
- Li K., Ma M., Xiang X., Feng W., Ma Z., Cai W. & Ma X. (2022), Carbon reduction in commercial building operations: a provincial retrospection in China, Applied Energy 306(Part B): 118098.
- Chen M., Ma M., Lin Y., Ma Z. & Li K. (2022), Carbon Kuznets curve in China's building operations: retrospective and prospective trajectories, Science of the Total Environment 803: 150104.
- Zhang S., Ma M., Li K., Ma Z., Feng W. & Cai W. (2021), Historical carbon abatement in the commercial building operation: China versus the US, Energy Economics 105: 105712.