Justin Lian
- Naam
- Dr. Z. Lian
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727
- z.lian@cml.leidenuniv.nl
Zie voor meer informatie de Engelse versie.
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Centrum voor Milieuwetenschappen Leiden
- CML/Industriele Ecologie
- Lian Z., Sai N., Campos L., Fisher R.P., Linden K.G. & Cucurachi S. (2024), Exploring the implementation feasibility of the sol-char sanitation system using machine learning and life cycle assessment, Resources, Conservation and Recycling 209: 107784.
- Chen Z., Lian Z., Zhu H., Zhang J., Zhang Y., Xiang X., Huang D., Tjokro K.J., Barbarossa V., Cucurachi S. & Dong B. (2024), Application of life cycle assessment in the pharmaceutical industry: a critical review, Journal of Cleaner Production 459: 142550.
- Lian Z., Siebler F., Steubing B.R.P., Jesorka A., Barbarossa V., Wang R., Leo K., Sen I. & Cucurachi S (2024), Quantifying the present and future environmental sustainability of cleanrooms, Cell Reports Sustainability 1(9): 100219.
- Lian Z., Dimitrova Y., Fasano M., Sen I. & Cucurachi S. (2024), Valorization of large-scale supply of carbonated water: a review, Journal of CO2 Utilization 85: 102884.
- Lian J.Z., Balapa V., Goetheer E. & Cucurachi S (2024), Production of carbon nanotubes from captured carbon: An ex-ante life cycle assessment case study, Chemical Engineering Journal 502: 158007.