Jorrit Kelder
NINO Visiting Research Fellow / gast
- Naam
- Dr. J.M. Kelder
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0000-0002-2935-4641
Jorrit is Senior Grant Advisor bij het universiteitsbrede Grant Development Office, onderdeel van Strategie en Academische Zaken van de Universiteit Leiden. Jorrit heeft een gedegen kennis van alle onderzoekssubsidies relevant voor de Geestes- en Sociale wetenschappen en als expertisegebied private fondsen voor deze gebieden.
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NINO Visiting Research Fellow / gast
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Leiden Institute for Area Studies
- Kelder J.M. (2024), Epigraphy, archaeology, and our Uuderstanding of the Mycenaean world. In: Betrò M, Friedrich M & Michèl C. (red.), The ancient world revisited: material dimensions of written artefacts. Studies in Manuscript Cultures nr. 37. Berlin: De Gruyter. 49-68.
- Kelder J.M. (2024), Northern customs and the shaping of Homeric burial rites?. In: Felbacher R. & Fischer J. (red.), Connected worlds: interregional contacts in Antiquity. Studien zur Geschichtsforschung des Altertums nr. 47. Hamburg: Verlag Dr. Kovač. 147-165.
- Kelder J.M. (2024), Lost and found?: Bronze Age Anatolian and Aegean cult status , Ancient History Magazine 38: 14-17.
- Kelder J.M. (2024), Op zoek naar de verloren godenbeelden van het Myceense Griekenland, Hermeneus 96(3): 4-9.
- Kelder J.M. & Hughes T. 11 augustus 2024, Mycenae, cradle of the bronze age. The Ancients. History Hit [podcast].
- Kelder J.M. (2024), TRADE, PIRACY AND THE PROTECTION OF SEA-LANES IN THE MYCENAEAN WORLD AND EGYPT. In: Miniaci G Greco C, Mancini M & Alú C (red.), Ancient Egypt and the Surrounding World: Contact, Trade, and Influence: Studies presented to Marilina Betrò. Pisa: Pisa University Press. 131-142.
- Kelder J. M & Epping T. 30 oktober 2024, Mycene en de Myceense wereld (1/2): Op zoek naar een vergeten grootmacht. De Oudheid 2/14 [podcast].
- Kelder J & Eppink T. 6 november 2024, Mycene en de Myceense wereld (2/2): Diplomatie, handel, en de omzwervingen van Odysseus. De Oudheid 15 [podcast].
- Kelder J.M. (2023), Well-walled Wiluša: Troy during the Late Bronze Age, Ancient History Magazine 44: 28-35.
- Kelder J.M. (2023) Het imperium van de Farao?: Nieuwe inzichten van John Romer en een update door Toby Wilkinson over het Egyptische Nieuwe Rijk. Bespreking van: Romer J. (2023), A history of Ancient Egypt volume 3: from the shepherd kings to the end of the Theban monarchy & Wilkinson, T. (2023), Ramesses the Great .
- Kelder J.M. (26 oktober 2023), Den Haag vraagt, wij draaien : waarom luistert Leiden niet naar de eigen staf?. Leids Universitair Weekblad Mare: 12-13.
- Kelder J.M. (2023), Early ships and the spread of Indo-European and Anatolian languages. In: Boer J. de & Woudhuizen F. (red.), From Swammerdam to Teheran, papers presented to Jan Stronk and Maarten de Weerd. Talanta: Proceedings of the Dutch Archaeological and Historical Society nr. LIII. Amsterdam: Dutch Archaeological and Historical Society.
- Kelder J.M. (2023), Early ships and the spread of Indo-European and Anatolian languages, Talanta: Proceedings of the Dutch Archaeological and Historical Society : 147-159.
- Hajnal I., Kelder J.M. & Zangger E. (red.) (2022), The Political Geography of Western Anatolia in the Late Bronze Age nr. 45. Budapest: Archaeolingua .
- Kelder J.M. (2022), From Thutmose III to Homer to Blackadder: Egypt, the Aegean, and the “Barbarian Periphery” of the Late Bronze Age world system. In: Spier J & Cole S.E. (red.) Egypt and the classical world: cross-cultural encounters in antiquity.. 4-14.
- Simons W. (22 juli 2022), Vrijbuiters in de Levant: De komst van de pentekonter veranderde de oorlogsvoering in de Late Bronstijd. Geïnterviewd door Wilfred Simons(Slim) [interview].
- Kelder J.M. (2022), Foreword. In: Hajnal I., Kelder J.M. & Zangger E. (red.) The political geography of western Anatolia in the Late Bronze Age. Proceedings of the EEA conference Bern, 7 September 2019. Budapest: Archaeolingua. 7-9.
- Kelder J.M. (2022), An argument for a Bronze Age introduction of the chicken in Greece, Mediterranean Archaeology 34/35: 1-13.
- Kelder J.M. (2021), Dating Hartapu: the troubled relationship between archaeology and texts. In: James P., Veen P. van der & Wallenfels R. (red.), Assyria and the West: a fresh look at the Unshakeable pillars of the Late Bonze and Iron Age chronology: Proceedings of the Fourth BICANE Colloquium: a Two-day virtual colloquium. October 16th & 17th, 2021. Oxford: Archaeopress. 83-89.
- Kelder J.M. (2021), Crisis of metamorfose? Het einde van de Bronstijd in de oostelijke Mediterranée, Tijdschrift voor Mediterrane Archeologie 64: 31-38.
- Kelder J.M. (2020) Review of Driessen, An Archaeology of Forced Migration. Bespreking van: Driessen J. (2020), An Archaeology of Forced Migration. Crisis-induced Mobility and the Collapse of the 13th c. BCE Eastern Mediterranean. Aegis nr. 15. Munich. Sehepunkte: Rezensionsjournal für Geschichtswissenschaften 20(1).
- Kelder J.M. (20 februari 2020), Zuivere wetenschap loont (en is onvoorspelbaar). Leids Universitair Weekblad Mare, Columns & Opnie: 8.
- Kelder J.M. (2020), After the Plague: An Archaeologist’s View. In: Mouret A. (red.), Brave New Human: Reflections on the Invisible: Bot Publishers. 17-28.
- Kelder J.M. (2020), Academici, stop met klagen over fictieve pijntjes, Leids Universitair Weekblad Mare : .
- Kelder J.M. (2020), De academie is allesbehalve immuun voor cancel culture en consensusdenken , Leids Universitair Weekblad Mare : .
- Kelder J.M. (2020) Review of [Fremdes in Anatolien: Importgüter aus dem Ostmittelmeerraum und Mesopotamien als Indikator für spätbronzezeitliche Handels- und Kulturkontakte] by [E. Kozal]. Bespreking van: Kozal E. (2017), Fremdes in Anatolien: Importgüter aus dem Ostmittelmeerraum und Mesopotamien als Indikator für spätbronzezeitliche Handels- und Kulturkontakte. Schriften zur Vorderasiatischen Archäologie nr. 11. Berlin: Harrassowtiz. Journal of the American Oriental Society 140(4): 1000-1002.
- Kelder J.M. (2020), Huurlingen, mobiliteit en reizigerslatijn: contacten tussen europa en het nabije oosten in de late bronstijd, Lampas. Tijdschrift voor classici 53(4): 403-419.
- Kelder J.M. (2020), Aegean influence in the Tomb Of Kha? , Athens University Review of Archaeology 3(2): 63-72.
- Kelder J.M. (2020), Kennisuitwisseling tussen Europa en de Oriënt in de late bronstijd, Phoenix: Tijdschrift voor de archeologie en geschiedenis van het Nabije Oosten 66(2): 4-23.
- Kelder J.M. & Waal W.J.I. (red.) (2019), From ‘LUGAL.GAL’ to ‘Wanax’: kingship and political organisation in the Late Bronze Age Aegean. Leiden: Sidestone Press.
- Kelder J.M. & Waal W.J.I. (2019), Epilogue: Kings and Great Kings in the Aegean and Beyond. In: Kelder J.M. & Waal W.J.I. (red.), FROM ‘LUGAL.GAL’ TO ‘WANAX’. KINGSHIP AND POLITICAL ORGANISATION IN THE LATE BRONZE AGE AEGEAN. Leiden: Sidestone Press. 151-160.
- Kelder J.M. (2019), Egypt. In: Lemos I.S. & Kotsonas A. (red.), A Companion to the Archaeology of Early Greece and the Mediterranean: Wiley-Blackwell. 1215-1236.
- Kelder J.M. (2019), A Thousand Black Ships: Maritime Trade, Diplomatic Relations, and the Rise of Mycenae. In: Strootman R., Eijnde F.van den & Wijk R. van (red.), Empires of the Sea. Maritime Power Networks in World History. Leiden: Brill. 39-51.
- Kelder J.M. (2019) Review of: The archaeology of Late Bronze Age interaction and mobility at the gates of Europe: people, things and networks around the southern Adriatic Sea, by Iacono F. Bespreking van: Iacono F. (2019), The archaeology of Late Bronze Age interaction and mobility at the gates of Europe: people, things and networks around the southern Adriatic Sea: Antiquity. Antiquity 93(369): 830-831.
- Kelder J.M. & Waal W.J.I. (2019), Introduction. In: Kelder J.M. & Waal W.J.I. (red.), FROM ‘LUGAL.GAL’ TO ‘WANAX’. KINGSHIP AND POLITICAL ORGANISATION IN THE LATE BRONZE AGE AEGEAN. Leiden: Sidestone. 7-8.
- Kelder J.M. (2019), Bespreking van: Veldmeijer A., Ikram S., Herslund Ole, Sabbahy L. & Skinner L. (2018), Chariots in Ancient Egypt. The Tano Chariot. A Case Study. Leiden: Sidestone Press. Tijdschrift voor Mediterrane Archeologie 61: 36-38.
- Kelder J.M. (2019), A Great King and a Wanax? The Politics of Mycenaean Greece: American Schools of Oriental Research, The Ancient Near East Today. Newsletter of the American Schools of Oriental Research 7(11): .
- Kelder J.M. (2019), The Kingdom of Ahhiyawa: Facts, Factoids and Probabilities, Studi Micenei ed Egeo-Anatolici (Nuova Serie) 4(2018): .
- Kelder J.M., Bricault L. & Schneider R.M. (2018), A Stone Alabastron in the J. Paul Getty Museum and its Mediterranean Context, Getty Research Journal 10: 1-16.
- Kelder J.M., Cole S.E. & Cline E.H. (2018), Memphis, Minos and Mycenae: Bronze Age Contact between Egypt and the Aegean. In: Spier J., Potts T. & Cole S.E. (red.), Beyond the Nile. Egypt and the Classical World. Los Angeles: J. Paul Getty Museum. 9-17.
- Kelder J.M. & Cline E.H. (2018), In the Midst of the “Great Green”: Egypto- Aegean Trade and Exchange. In: Spier J., Potts T. & Cole S.E. (red.), Beyond the Nile. Egypt and the Classical WorLd. Los Angeles: J. Paul Getty Museum. 24-28.
- Kelder J.M. (2018), The Aegina Treasure. In: Spier J., Potts T. & Cole S.E. (red.), Beyond the Nile. Egypt and the Classical World. Los Angeles: J. Paul Getty Museum. 48-49.
- Kelder J.M. (2018), The Harvester Vase. In: Spier J., Potts T. & Cole S.E. (red.), Beyond the Nile. Egypt and the Classical World. Los Angeles: J. Paul Getty Museum. 37-39.
- Kelder J.M., Mouret A. & Jong S. de (2017), Aspects of Globalization: Mobility, exchange and the development of multi-cultural states. Leiden: Luris, Leiden University.
- Kelder J.M. (2017), Bespreking van: Mynárová J., Onderka P. & Pavúk P. (2015), There and Back Again - The Crossroads II. Proceedings of an International Conference held in Prague, September 15-18, 2014. Prague: Czech Institute of Egyptology, Charles University. Bibliotheca Orientalis LXXIV(1-2): 190-193.
- Burgersdijk D.W.P., Calis R., Kelder J., Sofroniew A., Tusa S. & Beek R. van (2017), WAR AND STORM. TREASURES FROM THE SEA AROUND SICILY. Zwolle: W-Books.
- Kelder J.M. (2017), Catalogue of Ships. In: Bagnall R.S., Brodersen K., Champion C.B. & Erskine A. (red.), Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Ancient History. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Kelder J.M. (2016), Iasos, Bronze Age and Early Iron Age. In: Bagnall R., Brodersen K., Champion C.B. & Erskine A. (red.), The Encyclopedia of Ancient History. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Kelder J.M. (2016), Liman Tepe. In: Bagnall R., Brodersen K., Champion C.B. & Erskine A. (red.), The Encyclopedia of Ancient History. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Kelder J.M. (2016), Pellana in Lakonia. In: Bagnall R., Brodersen K., Champion C.B. & Erskine A. (red.), The Encyclopedia of Ancient History. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Kelder J.M. (2016), Een paspoort uit de Late Bronstijd? Een nieuwe interpretatie van het houten diptiek uit het Uluburun-wrak, Tijdschrift voor Mediterrane Archeologie 28(55): 1-6.
- Kelder J.M. (2016), Mycenae, Rich in Silver. In: Kleber K. & Pirngrüber R. (red.), Silver, money and credit. Festschrift for Robartus J. van der Spek on occasion of his 65th birthday on 18 september 2014.. PIHANS. Uitgaven van het Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten te Leiden nr. 128. Leiden: Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten. 307-317.
- Kelder J.M. (2016), The wanassa and the damokoro: a new interpretation of a Linear B text from Pylos, Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 56(4): 572-584.
- Kelder J.M. (2016), NESTOR OF PYLOS. In: Kelder J.M. (red.), The Encyclopedia of Ancient History. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Kelder J.M. (2016), THERME IN LESBOS. In: Bagnall R., Brodersen K., Champion C.B. & Erskine A. (red.), The Encyclopedia of Ancient History. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Burgersdijk D.W.P., Calis R., Kelder J.M., Sofroniew A., Tusa S. & Beek R. van (2015), SICILY AND THE SEA. Zwolle: W-Books.
- Kelder J.M. (2015), Sicily and the sea in prehistory. In: Burgersdijk D.W.P., Calis R., Kelder J., Sofroniew A., Tusa S. & Beek R. van (red.), Sicily and the sea. Zwolle: W-Books.
- Huigens H., Exel V. van, Flohr P., Kelder J.M., Koek E. & Rooijakkers T. (2014), THE GROUND STONE INDUSTRY. In: Akkermans P., Brüning M., Huigens H. & Nieuwenhuyse O. (red.), Excavations at Late Neolithic Tell Sabi Abyad, Syria. Turnout: Brepols. 135-163.
- Kelder J.M. (2013), Narmer, Scorpion and the representation of the early Egyptian court, Origini: Prehistory and Protohistory of Ancient Civilizations 35: 143-156.
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