Joris Rotmans
Hoogleraar interne geneeskunde, in het bijzonder technische innovaties voor nierpatiënten
- Naam
- Prof.dr. J.I. Rotmans
- Telefoon
- +31 71 526 2148
- 0000-0001-9682-6234
Joris (J.I.) Rotmans is hoogleraar interne geneeskunde en hoofd van de subafdeling Nierziekten van de afdeling Interne Geneeskunde. Daarnaast is hij president-elect van de Vascular Access Society, voorzitter van de Thematic Group Vascular Tissue Engineering van TERMIS, lid van de richtlijn commissie van de Nederlandse Federatie voor Nefrologie en lid van het expert panel Medical devices en in vitro diagnostics van de European Medicines Agency (EMA).
Meer informatie over Joris Rotmans
Academische carrière
Joris (JI) Rotmans behaalde zijn artsexamen aan de Vrije Universiteit in 2000 en promoveerde aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam in 2004. De titel van zijn proefschrift was ‘Therapeutic strategies to prevent stenosis in arteriovenous grafts for hemodialysis’. Hij werd opgeleid tot internist in het Academisch Medisch Centrum Amsterdam en deed zijn fellowship Nefrologie bij het Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum. In 2008-2009 werkte hij als postdoctoraal onderzoeker bij het Australian Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology in Brisbane aan de ontwikkeling van tissue engineered bloedvaten voor hemodialyse. Sinds 2011 werkt hij als internist-nefroloog in het LUMC. Van 2018 tot 2022 was hij opleider van de differentiatie Nierziekten van de OOR Leiden en sinds 2021 is hij hoofd van de subafdeling nierziekten van de afdeling Interne Geneeskunde.
Zijn onderzoek richt zich vooral op vasculaire nefrologie, in het bijzonder de vaattoegang voor hemodialyse. Daarnaast doet hij onderzoek naar nieuwe behandelingen voor patiënten met chronische nierziekten.
Hoogleraar interne geneeskunde, in het bijzonder technische innovaties voor nierpatiënten
- Faculteit Geneeskunde
- Divisie 2
- Interne Geneeskunde
- Nierziekten
- Lomonte, C.; Rossini, M.; Ibeas, J.; Forcella, M.; Ponikvar, J.B.; Gallieni, M.; Russo, R.; Goumenos, D.; Tesar, V.; Hruskova, Z.; Roelofs, J.; Florquin, S.; Snoeijs, M.; Giusto, A.; Shemesh, D.; Rotmans, J.; Torra, R.; Wanner, C. & Gesualdo, L. (2024), Nephrology Partnership for Advancing Technology in Healthcare (N-PATH) program: the teachers' perspective, Clinical Kidney Journal 17(1).
- Pluijm, L.A.K. van der; Koudijs, A.; Stam, W.; Roelofs, J.J.T.H.; Danser, A.H.J.; Rotmans, J.I.; Gross, K.W.; Pieper, M.P.; Zonneveld, A.J. van & Bijkerk, R. (2024), SGLT2 inhibition promotes glomerular repopulation by cells of renin lineage in experimental kidney disease, Acta Physiologica.
- Bredewold, O.W.; Moest, W.T.; Fijter, J.W. de; Meijers, E.; Bruchfeld, A.; Skov, K.; Svensson, M.H.S.; Chan, J.; Mjornstedt, L.; Sorensen, S.S.; Fellstrom, B.; Feltkamp, M.C.W.; Zonneveld, A.J. van & Rotmans, J.I. (2024), Attenuation of Torque teno viral load over time in kidney transplantation recipients treated with calcineurin inhibitors is mitigated after conversion to belatacept, Journal of Medical Virology 96(9).
- Schaik, M. van; Bredewold, O.W.; Priester, M.; Michels, W.M.; Rabelink, T.J.; Rotmans, J. & Teng, Y.K.O. (2024), Long-term renal and cardiovascular risks of tacrolimus in patients with lupus nephritis, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation.
- Xiao, Z.T.; Rotmans, J.; Letachowicz, K.; Franchin, M. & D'Oria, M. (2023), Outcomes of early cannulation arteriovenous graft versus PTFE arteriovenous graft in hemodialysis patients, The Journal of Vascular Access.
- Milders, J.; Ramspek, C.L.; Janse, R.J.; Bos, W.J.W.; Rotmans, J.I.; Dekker, F.W. & Diepen, M. van (2023), Prognostic models in nephrology, Journal of the American Society of Nephrology.
- White, N.A.; Vrielink, T.J.C.O.; Bogt, K.E.A. van der; Cohen, A.F.; Rotmans, J.I. & Horeman, T. (2023), Question-based development of high-risk medical devices, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 89(7): 2144-2159.
- Fu, E.; Levey, A.; Coresh, J.; Elinder, C.G.; Rotmans, J.; Dekker, F.W.; Paik, J.; Barany, F.P.; Grams, M.; Inker, L. & Carrero, J.J. (2023), ACCURACY OF ESTIMATED GLOMERULAR FILTRATION RATE EQUATIONS IN PATIENTS WITH DISCORDANCES BETWEEN CREATININE AND CYSTATIN C-BASED ESTIMATIONS, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 38: I532-I533.
- Fu, E.L.; Levey, A.S.; Coresh, J.; Elinder, C.G.; Rotmans, J.I.; Dekker, F.W.; Paik, J.M.; Barany, P.; Grams, M.E.; Inker, L.A. & Carrero, J.J. (2023), Accuracy of GFR estimating equations in patients with discordances between creatinine and cystatin C-based estimations, Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 34(7): 1241-1251.
- Laboyrie, S.L.; Vries, M.R. de; Bijkerk, R. & Rotmans, J.I. (2023), Building a Scaffold for Arteriovenous Fistula Maturation: Unravelling the Role of the Extracellular Matrix, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24(13).
- Oevelen, M. van; Heggen, B.D.C.; Abrahams, A.C.; Rotmans, J.; Snoeijs, M.G.J.; Vernooij, R.W.M.; Buren, M. van; Meijvis, S.C.A. & DUCATHO Study Grp (2023), Central venous catheter-related complications in older haemodialysis patients, The Journal of Vascular Access 24(6): 1322-1331.
- Zonneveld, A.J. van; Zhao, Q.; Rotmans, J.I. & Bijkerk, R. (2023), Circulating non-coding RNAs in chronic kidney disease and its complications, Nature Reviews Nephrology 19(9): 573-586.
- Chesnaye, N.C.; Caskey, F.J.; Dekker, F.W.; Rooi, E.N.M. de; Evans, M.; Heimburger, O.; Pippias, M.; Torino, C.; Porto, G.; Szymczak, M.; Drechsler, C.; Wanner, C.; Jager, K.J.; Bahner, U.; Seeger, W.; Cupisti, A.; Sagliocca, A.; Ferraro, A.; Mele, A.; Naticchia, A.; Cosaro, A.; Ranghino, A.; Stucchi, A.; Pignataro, A.; Blasio, A. de; Pani, A.; Tsalouichos, A.; Antonio, B.; Iorio, B.R.D.; Alessandra, B.; Abaterusso, C.; Somma, C.; D'alessandro, C.; Torino, C.; Zullo, C.; Pozzi, C.; Bergamo, D.; Ciurlino, D.; Motta, D.; Russo, D.; Favaro, E.; Vigotti, F.; Ansali, F.; Conte, F.; Cianciotta, F.; Giacchino, F.; Cappellaio, F.; Pizzarelli, F.; Greco, G.; Porto, G.; Bigatti, G.; Marinangeli, G.; Cabiddu, G.; Fumagalli, G.; Caloro, G.; Piccoli, G.; Capasso, G.; Gambaro, G.; Tognarelli, G.; Bonforte, G.; Conte, G.; Toscano, G.; Rosso, G. del; Capizzi, I.; Baragetti, I.; Oldrizzi, L.; Gesualdo, L.; Biancone, L.; Magnano, M.; Ricardi, M.; Bari, M.D.; Laudato, M.; Sirico, M.L.; Ferraresi, M.; Provenzano, M.; Malaguti, M.; Palmieri, N.; Murrone, P.; Cirillo, P.; Dattolo, P.; Acampora, P.; Nigro, R.; Boero, R.; Scarpioni, R.; Sicoli, R.; Malandra, R.; Savoldi, S.; Bertoli, S.; Borrelli, S.; Maxia, S.; Maffei, S.; Mangano, S.; Cicchetti, T.; Rappa, T.; Palazzo, V.; Simone, W. de; Schrander, A.; Dam, B. van; Siegert, C.; Gaillard, C.; Beerenhout, C.; Verburgh, C.; Janmaat, C.; Hoogeveen, E.; Hoorn, E.; Dekker, F.; Boots, J.; Boom, H.; Eijgenraam, J.W.; Kooman, J.; Rotmans, J.; Jager, K.; Vogt, L.; Raasveld, M.; Vervloet, M.; Buren, M. van; Diepen, M. van; Chesnaye, N.; Leurs, P.; Voskamp, P.; Blankestijn, P.; Esch, S. van; Boorsma, S.; Berger, S.; Konings, C.; Aydin, Z.; Musiala, A.; Szymczak, A.; Olczyk, E.; Augustyniak-Bartosik, H.; Miskowiec-Wisniewska, I.; Manitius, J.; Pondel, J.; Jedrzejak, K.; Nowanska, K.; Nowak, L.; Szymczak, M.; Durlik, M.; Dorota, S.; Nieszporek, T.; Heleniak, Z.; Jonsson, A.; Blom, A.L.; Rogland, B.; Wallquist, C.; Vargas, D.; Dimeny, E.; Sundelin, F.; Uhlin, F.; Welander, G.; Hernandez, I.B.; Groentoft, K.C.; Stendahl, M.; Svensson, M.; Evans, M.; Heimburger, O.; Kashioulis, P.; Melander, S.; Almquist, T.; Jensen, U.; Woodman, A.; McKeever, A.; Ullah, A.; McLaren, B.; Harron, C.; Barrett, C.; O'Toole, C.; Summersgill, C.; Geddes, C.; Glowski, D.; McGlynn, D.; Sands, D.; Caskey, F.; Roy, G.; Hirst, G.; King, H.; McNally, H.; Masri-Senghor, H.; Murtagh, H.; Rayner, H.; Turner, J.; Wilcox, J.; Berdeprado, J.; Wong, J.A.T.; Banda, J.; Jones, K.; Haydock, L.; Wilkinson, L.; Carmody, M.; Weetman, M.; Joinson, M.; Dutton, M.; Matthews, M.; Morgan, N.; Bleakley, N.; Cockwell, P.; Roderick, P.; Mason, P.; Kalra, P.; Sajith, R.; Chapman, S.; Navjee, S.; Crosbie, S.; Brown, S.; Tickle, S.; Mathavakkannan, S. & Kuan, Y. (2023), Clinical and patient-reported trajectories at end-of-life in older patients with advanced CKD, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 38(11): 2494-2502.
- Xiao, Z.T. & Rotmans, J.I. (2023), Considering the Closure of Arteriovenous Fistulas in Kidney Transplant Recipients, KIDNEY360 4(8): 1019-1020.
- Wouda, R.D.; Gritter, M.; Karsten, M.; Michels, E.H.A.; Nieuweboer, T.M.; Danser, A.H.J.; Borst, M.H. de; Hoorn, E.J.; Rotmans, J.I. & Vogt, L. (2023), Kaliuresis and intracellular uptake of potassium with potassium citrate and potassium chloride supplements, Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 18(10).
- Yeung, S.M.H.; Gritter, M.; Wouda, R.D.; Bakker, S.J.L.; Zanden, J.J. van; Rotmans, J.I.; Hoorn, E.J.; Vogt, L. & Borst, M.H. de (2023), Short-Term Effects of Potassium Chloride Supplementation on Fibroblast Growth Factor 23 and Phosphate in CKD, Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 18(1): 99-101.
- Nicese, M.N.; Bijkerk, R.; Zonneveld, A.J. van; Berg, B.M. van den & Rotmans, J.I. (2023), Sodium butyrate as key regulator of mitochondrial function and barrier integrity of human glomerular endothelial cells, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24(17).
- Neijenhuis, R.M.L.; Jongbloed, M.R.M.; Kies, P.; Rotmans, J.I.; Vliegen, H.W.; Jukema, J.W. & Egorova, A.D. (2023), Sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors are safe and potentially beneficial for the treatment of heart failure in adult congenital heart disease, European Journal of Heart Failure 25: 245-246.
- Neijenhuis, R.M.L.; Nederend, M.; Jongbloed, M.R.M.; Kies, P.; Rotmans, J.I.; Vliegen, H.W.; Jukema, J.W. & Egorova, A.D. (2023), The potential of sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors for the treatment of systemic right ventricular failure in adults with congenital heart disease, Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine 10.
- Rijn, A.L. van; Roos, R.; Dekker, F.W.; Rotmans, J.I. & Feltkamp, M.C.W. (2023), Torque teno virus load as marker of rejection and infection in solid organ transplantation, Reviews in Medical Virology 33(1).
- Hustrini, N.M.; Susalit, E. & Rotmans, J.I. (2023), 61. Older Age is the Strongest Risk Factors for Hypertension in Indonesia: Subgroup Analysis of The National Basic Health Survey 2018, Journal of Hypertension 41(SUPPL 2).
- Pluijm, L. van der; Koudijs, A.; Stam, W.; Rotmans, J.; Gross, K.W.; Pieper, M.P.; Zonneveld, A.J. van & Bijkerk, R. (2022), SGLT2 INHIBITION PROMOTES INTRINSIC KIDNEY REGENERATION BY CELLS OF THE RENIN LINEAGE, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 37: I46-I47.
- Wouda, R.D.; Boekholdt, S.M.; Khaw, K.T.; Wareham, N.J.; Borst, M.H. de; Hoorn, E.J.; Rotmans, J.I. & Vogt, L. (2022), Sex-specific associations between potassium intake, blood pressure, and cardiovascular outcomes, European Heart Journal 43(30): 2867-+.
- Rijn, A. van; Meziyerh, S.; Helm, D. van der; Gelder, T. van; Kroes, A.; Fijter, J. de; Moes, D.; Rotmans, J.; Vries, A. de & Feltkamp, M. (2022), The Effect of Tacrolimus and Mycophenolic Acid on Torque Teno Virus Loads in Kidney Transplant Recipients., American Journal of Transplantation 22: 1030-1030.
- Damanik, F.F.R.; Rothuizen, C.T.; Lalai, R.; Khoenkhoen, S.; Blitterswijk, C. van; Rotmans, J.I. & Moroni, L. (2022), Long-term controlled growth factor release using layer-by-layer assembly for the development of In vivo tissue-engineered blood vessels, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 14(25): 28591-28603.
- Nicese, M.N.; Berg, B. van den; Sol, W.; Raalte, D. van; Nieuwdorp, M. & Rotmans, J. (2022), INFLUENCE OF BUTYRATE AND ACETATE ON BEHAVIOR AND METABOLISM OF HUMAN GLOMERULAR MICROVASCULAR ENDOTHELIAL CELLS, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 37: I451-I451.
- Rijn, A. van; Meziyerh, S.; Helm, D. van der; Gelder, T. van; Kroes, A.C.M.; Fijter, J.W. de; Moes, D.J.A.R.; Rotmans, J.I.; Vries, A.P.J. de & Feltkamp, M.C.W. (2022), The Effect of Tacrolimus and Mycophenolic Acid on TTV Loads in Kidney Transplant Recipients, Transplantation 106(9): S201-S201.
- Rijn, A. van; Roos, R.; Rotmans, J.I. & Feltkamp, M.C. (2022), Torque Teno virus Load as Functional Marker of Immune Function in Solid Organ Transplantation: A Systematic Review And Meta-Analysis, Transplantation 106(9): S181-S181.
- Laboyrie, S.L.; Vries, M.R. de; Jong, A. de; Boer, H.C. de; Lalai, R.A.; Martinez, L.; Vazquez-Padron, R.I. & Rotmans, J.I. (2022), von Willebrand factor, Journal of the American Heart Association Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Disease 11(16).
- Hustrini, N.M.; Susalit, E. & Rotmans, J.I. (2022), Prevalence and risk factors for chronic kidney disease in Indonesia , Journal of Global Health 12.
- Meziyerh, S.; Rijn, A.L. van; Helm, D. van der; Gelder, T. van; Boog, P.J.M. van der; Kroes, A.C.M.; Fijter, J.W. de; Moes, D.J.A.R.; Rotmans, J.I.; Feltkamp, M.C. & Vries, A.P.J. de (2022), Early Tacrolimus Exposure Is Associated With BK-Viremia in Kidney Transplant Recipients, Transplantation 106(9): S199-S199.
- Rohit J Timal, Ioannis Karalis, Jose M Montero Cabezas, Joris I Rotmans, Liselotte C R Hensen, Maurits S. Buiten, Mihaly K de Bie, Lieselot van Erven, Hein Putter, Martin J. Schalij, Ton J Rabelink & J Wouter Jukema. (2022), Development of Central Venous Stenosis Upon ICD Implantation in Dialysis Patients: A Non-Negligible Issue., Cardiology and cardiovascular Medicine 6(2).
- Wieers, M.L.A.J.; Mulder, J.; Rotmans, J.I. & Hoorn, E.J. (2022), Potassium and the kidney: a reciprocal relationship with clinical relevance, Pediatric Nephrology 37(10): 2245-2254.
- Gool, I.C. van; Kers, J.; Bakker, J.A.; Rotmans, J.I.; Teng, Y.K.O. & Bauer, M.P. (2022), Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies in infective endocarditis: a case report and systematic review of the literature, Clinical Rheumatology 41(10): 2949-2960.
- Schaik, M. van; Arends, E.J.; Soonawala, D.; Ommen, E. van; Leeuw, K. de; Limper, M.; Paassen, P. van; Huizinga, T.W.J.; Toes, R.E.M.; Kooten, C. van; Rotmans, J.I.; Rabelink, T.J. & Teng, Y.K.O. (2022), Efficacy of belimumab combined with rituximab in severe systemic lupus erythematosus: , Trials 23(1).
- Oevelen, M. van; Heggen, B.D.C.; Abrahams, A.C.; Rotmans, J.I.; Snoeijs, M.G.J.; Vernooij, R.W.M.; Buren, M. van; Meijvis, S.C.A. & DUCATHO Study Grp (2022), Central venous catheter-related complications in older haemodialysis patients: , The Journal of Vascular Access.
- Heggen, B.D.C.; Ramspek, C.L.; Bogt, K.E.A. van der; Haan, M.W. de; Hemmelder, M.H.; Hiligsmann, M.J.C.; Loon, M.M. van; Rotmans, J.I.; Tordoir, J.H.M.; Dekker, F.W.; Schurink, G.W.H.; Snoeijs, M.G.J. & OASIS Study Grp (2022), Optimising Access Surgery in Senior Haemodialysis Patients (OASIS), BMJ Open 12(2).
- Laboyrie, S.; Vries, M. de; Martinez, L.; Vazquez-Padron, R. & Rotmans, J. (2022), VON WILLEBRAND FACTOR: A CENTRAL REGULATOR OF ARTERIOVENOUS FISTULA MATURATION, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 37: I863-I863.
- Yeung, S.M.H.; Nooteboom, A.; Hoorn, E.J.; Rotmans, J.I.; Vogt, L.; Boer, R.A. de; Gansevoort, R.T.; Navis, G.; Bakker, S.J.L. & Borst, M.H. de (2022), Urinary potassium excretion and mortality risk in community-dwelling individuals with and without obesity, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 116(3): 741-749.
- Dirikgil, E.; Leeuwen, J.R. van; Bredewold, O.W.; Ray, A.; Jonker, J.T.; Soonawala, D.; Remmelts, H.H.F.; Dam, B. van; Bos, W.J.; Kooten, C. van; Rotmans, J.; Rabelink, T. & Teng, Y.K.O. (2022), ExploriNg DUrable Remission with Rituximab in ANCA-associatEd vasculitis (ENDURRANCE trial), BMJ Open 12(9).
- Yeung, S.M.H.; Oosterwijk, M.M.; Poelstra, M.; Gant, C.M.; Rotmans, J.I.; Hoorn, E.J.; Vogt, L.; Navis, G.; Bakker, S.J.L.; Borst, M.H. de & Laverman, G.D. (2022), Low urinary potassium excretion is associated with higher risk of all-cause mortality in patients with type 2 diabetes, The Journal of Nutrition 152(12): 2856-2864.
- Ramspek, C.L.; Boekee, R.; Evans, M.; Heimburger, O.; Snead, C.M.; Caskey, F.J.; Torino, C.; Porto, G.; Szymczak, M.; Krajewska, M.; Drechsler, C.; Wanner, C.; Chesnaye, N.C.; Jager, K.J.; Dekker, F.W.; Snoeijs, M.G.J.; Rotmans, J.I.; Diepen, M. van & EQUAL Study Investigators (2022), Predicting kidney failure, cardiovascular disease, and death in advanced CKD patients, Kidney International Reports 7(10): 2230-2241.
- Alem, C.M.A. van; Bank, J.R.; Vries, D.K. de; Bajema, I.M.; Mallat, M.J.K.; Fijter, J.W. de; Rotmans, J.I. & Kooten, C. van (2022), Presence of CD163+macrophages in DCD kidneys with high DGF reduces the risk for acute cellular rejection in 6 months after kidney transplantation, Transplant Immunology 75.
- Meziyerh, S.; Rijn, A.L. van; Helm, D. van der; Boog, P.J. van der; Gelder, T. van; Kroes, A.C.; Fijter, J.W. de; Moes, D.J.; Rotmans, J.I.; Feltkamp, M.C. & Vries, A.P. de (2022), Early Tacrolimus Exposure is Associated with BK-Viremia in Kidney Transplant Recipients., American Journal of Transplantation 22: 447-447.
- Gritter, M.; Ramakers, C.; Man, R. A. de; Hoorn, E. J. & Rotmans, J. I. (2022), Pseudohyperkaliëmie: klinische chemie voor clinici, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 166.
- Kamminga, S.; Rijn, A.L. van; Brouwer, C.S. de; Rotmans, J.I.; Zaaijer, H.L. & Feltkamp, M.C.W. (2021), JC and Human polyomavirus 9 after kidney transplantation, Journal of Clinical Virology 143.
- Gritter, M.; Wouda, R.; Yeung, S.M.H.; Vogt, L.; Borst, M. de; Rotmans, J. & Hoorn, E. (2021), EFFECTS OF SHORT-TERM POTASSIUM CHLORIDE SUPPLEMENTATION IN PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36: 285-285.
- Geelhoed, W.J.; Boonekamp, M.; Stadt, H. van de; Badulescu, S.; Lalai, R.A.; Groeneweg, K.E.; Koning, M.; Florijn, B.; Horeman, T. & Rotmans, J.I. (2021), A Proof-of-Principle Study of the Design and Optimization of a Novel Fluid-Driven Automated Retracting Needle System, Journal of Medical Devices 15(3).
- Fu, E.L.; Clase, C.M.; Evans, M.; Lindholm, B.; Rotmans, J.I.; Dekker, F.W.; Diepen, M. van & Carrero, J.J. (2021), Comparative effectiveness of renin-angiotensin system inhibitors and calcium channel blockers in individuals with advanced CKD, American Journal of Kidney Diseases 77(5): 719-+.
- Damanik, F.F.R.; Verkoelen, N.; Blitterswijk, C. van; Rotmans, J. & Moroni, L. (2021), Control delivery of multiple growth factors to actively steer differentiation and extracellular matrix protein production, ADVANCED BIOLOGY 5(4).
- Zhang, J.L.H.; Appelman-Dijkstra, N.M.; Fu, E.L.; Rotmans, J.I. & Schepers, A. (2021), Practice variation in the treatment of patients with renal hyperparathyroidism, BMC Nephrology 22(1).
- Malik, J.; Lomonte, C.; Meola, M.; Bont, C. de; Shahverdyan, R.; Rotmans, J.I.; Saucy, F.; Jemcov, T. & Ibeas, J. (2021), The role of Doppler ultrasonography in vascular access surveillance-controversies continue, The Journal of Vascular Access 22(Suppl 1).
- (2021), von Willebrand Factor: a key player in arteriovenous fistula maturation.
- Yeung, S.M.H.; Hoorn, E.J.; Rotmans, J.I.; Gansevoort, R.T.; Bakker, S.J.L.; Vogt, L. & Borst, M.H. de (2021), Urinary Potassium Excretion, Fibroblast Growth Factor 23, and Incident Hypertension in the General Population-Based PREVEND Cohort, Nutrients 13(12).
- Haupenthal, F.; Neuwirt, H.; Eller, K.; Cejka, D.; Banas, B.; Budde, K.; Rotmans, J.; Rostaing, L.; Malvezzi, P.; Bakker, S.; Viklicky, O.; Beneyto, I.; Ohlmann, S.; Bourgeois, P.; Alamo, M. del; Navarro, D.; Rodriguez-Arias, D.; Maggi, F.; Grahlert, X.; Puchhammer-Stockl, E.; Regele, H.; Vossen, M.; Bohmig, G.; Wolzt, M.; Jilma, B.; Herkner, H.; Konig, F.; Hugo, C.; Bond, G. & TTV GUIDE TX Consortium (2021), TTV GUIDE IT - A RANDOMISED CONTROLLED TRIAL TO COMPARE THE SAFETY, TOLERABILITY AND PRELIMINARY EFFICACY BETWEEN STANDARD AND TORQUE TENO VIRUS-GUIDED IMMUNOSUPPRESSION IN STABLE ADULT KIDNEY TRANSPLANT RECIPIENTS WITH LOW IMMUNOLOGICAL RISK IN THE FIRST YEAR AFTER TRANSPLANTATION - A TRIAL PROTOCOL, Transplant International 34: 4-4.
- Rijn, A.L. van; Wunderink, H.F.; Sidorov, I.A.; Brouwer, C.S. de; Kroes, A.C.; Putter, H.; Vries, A.P. de; Rotmans, J.I. & Feltkamp, M.C. (2021), Torque teno virus loads after kidney transplantation predict allograft rejection but not viral infection, Journal of Clinical Virology 140.
- Rijn, A.L. van; Wunderink, H.F.; Sidorov, I.A.; Brouwer, C.S. de; Kroes, A.C.; Putter, H.; Vries, A.P. de; Rotmans, J.I. & Feltkamp, M.C. (2021), Torque Teno Virus Load Predicts Allograft Rejection but Not Viral Infection After Kidney Transplantation; A Cohort Joint Modelling Study, American Journal of Transplantation 21: 587-587.
- Laboyrie, S.; Jong, A. de; Vries, M. de; Lalai, R.; Martinez, L.; Vazquez-Padron, R. & Rotmans, J. (2021), THE VON WILLEBRAND FACTOR IS A KEY PLAYER IN ARTERIOVENOUS FISTULA MATURATION, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36.
- Timal, R.J.; Gucht, V. de; Rotmans, J.I.; Hensen, L.C.R.; Buiten, M.S.; Bie, M.K. de; Putter, H.; Schalij, M.J.; Rabelink, T.J. & Jukema, J.W. (2021), The impact of transvenous cardioverter-defibrillator implantation on quality of life, depression and optimism in dialysis patients, Quality of Life Research 30(6): 1605-1617.
- Roeden, S. van; Oevelen, M. van; Abrahams, A.C.; Dekker, F.W.; Rotmans, J.I.; Meijvis, S.C.A. & DUCATHO Study Grp (2021), The best solution down the line: an observational study on taurolidine- versus citrate-based lock solutions for central venous catheters in hemodialysis patients, BMC Nephrology 22(1).
- Alem, C.M.A. van; Metselaar, J.M.; Kooten, C. van & Rotmans, J.I. (2021), Recent advances in liposomal-based anti-inflammatory therapy, Pharmaceutics 13(7).
- Koh, E.Y.; Plas, W.Y. van der; Dulfer, R.R.; Pol, R.A.; Kruijff, S.; Rotmans, J.I.; Appelman-Dijkstra, N.; Schepers, A.; Borst, M.H. de; Hoorn, E.J.; Ginhoven, T.M. van; Dijkum, E.J.M.N. van; Vogt, L.; Engelsman, A.F. & Dutch Hyperparathyroidism Study (2021), Outcomes of parathyroidectomy versus calcimimetics for secondary hyperparathyroidism and kidney transplantation, Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery.
- Malik, J.; Lomonte, C.; Rotmans, J.; Chytilova, E.; Roca-Tey, R.; Kusztal, M.; Grus, T. & Gallieni, M. (2020), Hemodialysis vascular access affects heart function and outcomes, The Journal of Vascular Access 22(1).
- Humalda, J.K.; Yeung, S.M.H.; Geleijnse, J.M.; Gijsbers, L.; Riphagen, I.J.; Hoorn, E.J.; Rotmans, J.I.; Vogt, L.; Navis, G.; Bakker, S.J.L. & Borst, M.H. de (2020), Effects of potassium or sodium supplementation on mineral homeostasis, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 105(9): E3246-E3256.
- Baetens, T.R.; Rotmans, J.I.; Meer, R.W. van der & Rijswijk, C.S.P. van (2020), A novel technique to restore access in patients with central venous occlusion using the Surfacer(R) Inside-Out(R) Access Catheter System, The Journal of Vascular Access 21(5): 778-782.
- Voorzaat, B.M.; Janmaat, C.J.; Bogt, K.E.A. van der; Dekker, F.W. & Rotmans, J.I. (2020), Patency outcomes of arteriovenous fistulas and grafts for hemodialysis access: a trade-off between non-maturation and long-term complications, Kidney 360.
- Voorzaat, B.M.; Bezhaeva, T.; Schaik, J. van & Rotmans, J.I. (2020), A randomized trial of liposomal prednisolone (LIPMAT) to enhance radiocephalic fistula maturation, Kidney International Reports 5(8).
- Rotmans, J.I.; Wal, R.J.P. van der & Schepers, A. (2020), Talar beak-induced intermittent ischemia of the foot, Journal of Vascular Surgery Cases and Innovative Techniques 6(1): 118-120.
- Damanik, F.F.R.; Brunelli, M.; Pastorino, L.; Ruggiero, C.; Blitterswijk, C. van; Rotmans, J. & Moroni, L. (2020), Sustained delivery of growth factors with high loading efficiency in a layer by layer assembly, Biomaterials Science 8(1): 174-188.
- Koh, E.Y.; Plas, W.Y. van der; Dulfer, R.R.; Pol, R.A.; Kruijf, S.; Rotmans, J.I.; Appelman-Dijkstra, N.; Schepers, A.; Borst, M.H. de; Hoorn, E.J.; Ginhoven, T. van; Dijkum, E.J.M.N. van; Vogt, L.; Engelsman, A.F. & Dutch Hyperparathyroidism Study Gr (2020), Outcomes of parathyroidectomy versus calcimimetics for secondary hyperparathyroidism and kidney transplantation, Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery 405(6): 851-859.
- Zonneveld, A.J. van; Au, Y.W.; Stam, W.; Gelderen, S. van; Rotmans, J.I.; Deen, P.M.T.; Rabelink, T.J. & Bijkerk, R. (2020), MicroRNA-132 regulates salt-dependent steady-state renin levels in mice, Communications Biology 3(1).
- Alem, C.M.A. van; Schmidbauer, M.; Rong, S.; Derlin, K.; Schmitz, J.; Brasen, J.H.; Thorenz, A.; Chen, R.J.; Ruben, J.M.; Winter, E.M.; Schilperoort, M.; Kooijman, S.; Lalai, R.A.; Metselaar, J.M.; Klemann, C.; Meier, M.; Kooten, C. van; Gueler, F. & Rotmans, J.I. (2020), Liposomal delivery improves the efficacy of prednisolone to attenuate renal inflammation in a mouse model of acute renal allograft rejection, Transplantation 104(4): 744-753.
- Bovee, D.M.; Roksnoer, L.C.W.; Kooten, C. van; Rotmans, J.I.; Vogt, L.; Borst, M.H. de; Zietse, R.; Danser, A.H.J. & Hoorn, E.J. (2020), Effect of sodium bicarbonate supplementation on the renin-angiotensin system in patients with chronic kidney disease and acidosis, Journal of Nephrology 34.
- Wei, K.Y.; Gritter, M.; Vogt, L.; Borst, M.H. de; Rotmans, J.I. & Hoorn, E.J. (2020), Dietary potassium and the kidney: lifesaving physiology, Clinical Kidney Journal 13(6): 952-968.
- Voorzaat, B.M.; Bogt, K.E.A. van der; Bezhaeva, T.; Schaik, J. van; Eefting, D.; Putten, K. van der; Nieuwenhuizen, R.C. van; Groeneveld, J.O.; Hoogeveen, E.K.; Meer, I.M. van der; Eps, R.G.S. van; Vogt, L.; Huisman, L.; Gabreels, B.A.T.F.; Boom, H.; Verburgh, C.A.; Boon, D.; Metselaar, J.M.; Weijmer, M.C. & Rotmans, J.I. (2020), A randomized trial of liposomal prednisolone (LIPMAT) to enhance radiocephalic fistula maturation: a pilot study.
- Fu, E.L.; Janse, R.J.; Jong, Y. de; Endt, V.H.W. van der; Milders, J.; Willik, E.M. van der; Rooij, E.N.M. de; Dekkers, O.M.; Rotmans, J.I. & Diepen, M. van (2020), Acute kidney injury and kidney replacement therapy in COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Clinical Kidney Journal 13(4): 550-563.
- Heuberger, J.A.A.C.; Posthuma, J.J.; Ziagkos, D.; Rotmans, J.I.; Daniels, J.M.A.; Gal, P.; Stuurman, F.E.; Spronk, H.M.H.; Cate, H.T.; Burggraaf, J.; Moerland, M. & Cohen, A.F. (2020), Additive effect of erythropoietin use on exercise-induced endothelial activation and hypercoagulability in athletes, European Journal of Applied Physiology 120(8): 1893-1904.
- Geelhoed, W.J.; Bogt, K.E.A. van der; Rothuizen, T.C.; Damanik, F.F.R.; Hamming, J.F.; Mota, C.D.; Agen, M.S. van; Boer, H.C. de; Restrepo, M.T.; Hinz, B.; Kislaya, A.; Poelma, C.; Zonneveld, A.J. van; Rabelink, T.J.; Moroni, L. & Rotmans, J.I. (2020), A novel method for engineering autologous non-thrombogenic in situ tissue-engineered blood vessels for arteriovenous grafting, Biomaterials 229.
- Wunderink, H.F.; Brouwer, C.S. de; Gard, L.; Fijter, J.W. de; Kroes, A.C.M.; Rotmans, J.I. & Feltkamp, M.C.W. (2019), Source and Relevance of the BK Polyomavirus Genotype for Infection After Kidney Transplantation, Open Forum Infectious Diseases 6(3).
- Dulfer, R.R.; Koh, E.Y.; Plas, W.Y. van der; Engelsman, A.F.; Dijkum, E.J.M.N. van; Pol, R.A.; Vogt, L.; Borst, M.H. de; Kruijff, S.; Schepers, A.; Appelman-Dijkstra, N.M.; Rotmans, J.I.; Hesselink, D.A.; Eijck, C.H.J. van; Hoorn, E.J.; Ginhoven, T.M. van; Dulfer, R.R.; Hoorn, E.J.; Hesselink, D.A.; Eijck, C.H.J. van; Ginhoven, T. van; Plas, W.Y. van der; Forstner, P. von; Pol, R.A.; Kruijf, S.; Borst, M.H. de; Koh, E.Y.; Vogt, L.; Dijkum, E.J.M.N. van; Engelsman, A.F.; Gispen, C.; Schepers, A.; Rotmans, J.I.; Appelman-Dijkstra, N. & Dutch Hyperparathyroid Study Grp (2019), Parathyroidectomy versus cinacalcet for tertiary hyperparathyroidism; a retrospective analysis, Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery 404(1): 71-79.
- Wunderink, H.F.; Haasnoot, G.W.; Brouwer, C.S. de; Zwet, E.W. van; Kroes, A.C.M.; Fijter, J.W. de; Rotmans, J.I.; Claas, F.H.J. & Feltkamp, M.C.W. (2019), HLA-B51 Reduces Risk of BK Polyomavirus Viremia After Kidney Transplantation.
- Nauta, L.; Voorzaat, B.M.; Rotmans, J.I.; Ghariq, E.; Urlings, T.; Bogt, K.E.A. van der & Linden, E. van der (2019), Endovascular salvage of non-maturing autogenous arteriovenous fistulas by using angioplasty and competitive vein embolization, JOURNAL OF VASCULAR ACCESS.
- Chesnaye, N.C.; Szummer, K.; Barany, P.; Heimburger, O.; Magin, H.; Almquist, T.; Uhlin, F.; Dekker, F.W.; Wanner, C.; Jager, K.J.; Evans, M.; Cupisti, A.; Sagliocca, A.; Ferraro, A.; Musiala, A.; Mele, A.; Naticchia, A.; Cosaro, A.; Woodman, A.; Ranghino, A.; Stucchi, A.; Jonsson, A.; Schneider, A.; Pignataro, A.; Schrander, A.; Torp, A.; McKeever, A.; Szymczak, A.; Blom, A.L.; Blasio, A. de; Pani, A.; Tsalouichos, A.; Ullah, A.; McLaren, B.; Dam, B. van; Iwig, B.; Antonio, B.; Iorio, B.R. di; Rogland, B.; Perras, B.; Alessandra, B.; Harron, C.; Wallquist, C.; Siegert, C.; Barrett, C.; Gaillard, C.; Abaterusso, C.; Beerenhout, C.; O'Toole, C.; Somma, C.; Marx, C.; Drechsler, C.; Summersgill, C.; Blaser, C.; D'alessandro, C.; Emde, C.; Torino, C.; Zullo, C.; Pozzi, C.; Geddes, C.; Verburgh, C.; Janmaat, C.; Bergamo, D.; Ciurlino, D.; Motta, D.; Glowski, D.; McGlynn, D.; Vargas, D.; Krieter, D.; Russo, D.; Fuchs, D.; Sands, D.; Hoogeveen, E.; Irmler, E.; Dimeny, E.; Favaro, E.; Platen, E.; Olczyk, E.; Hoorn, E.; Vigotti, F.; Caskey, F.; Ansali, F.; Conte, F.; Cianciotta, F.; Giacchino, F.; Cappellaio, F.; Pizzarelli, F.; Sundelin, F.; Greco, G.; Roy, G.; Porto, G.; Bigatti, G.; Marinangeli, G.; Cabiddu, G.; Hirst, G.; Fumagalli, G.; Caloro, G.; Piccoli, G.; Capasso, G.; Gambaro, G.; Tognarelli, G.; Bonforte, G.; Conte, G.; Toscano, G.; Rosso, G. del; Welander, G.; Augustyniak-Bartosik, H.; Boots, J.; Schmidt-Gurtler, H.; King, H.; McNally, H.; Schlee, H.; Boom, H.; Naujoks, H.; Masri-Senghor, H.; Murtagh, H.; Rayner, H.; Miskowiec-Wisniewska, I.; Schlee, I.; Capizzi, I.; Casar, S.; Hernandez, I.B.; Baragetti, I.; Manitius, J.; Turner, J.; Eijgenraam, J.W.; Kooman, J.; Beige, J.; Pondel, J.; Wilcox, J.; Berdeprado, J.; Rothele, J.; Wong, J.; Rotmans, J.; Banda, J.; Mazur, J.; Hahn, K.; Jezdrzejak, K.; Nowanska, K.; Blouin, K.; Neumeier, K.; Jones, K.; Anding-Rost, K.; Grontoft, K.C.; Oldrizzi, L.; Haydock, L.; Vogt, L.; Wilkinson, L.; Gesualdo, L.; Schramm, L.; Biancone, L.; Nowak, L.; Raasveld, M.; Szymczak, M.; Durlik, M.; Magnano, M.; Vervloet, M.; Ricardi, M.; Carmody, M.; Bari, M. di; Laudato, M.; Sirico, M.L.; Stendahl, M.; Svensson, M.; Weetman, M.; Buren, M. van; Joinson, M.; Ferraresi, M.; Dutton, M.; Postorino, M.; Diepen, M. van; Matthews, M.; Provenzano, M.; Hopf, M.; Malaguti, M.; Wuttke, N.; Morgan, N.; Palmieri, N.; Frischmuth, N.; Bleakley, N.; Murrone, P.; Cockwell, P.; Leurs, P.; Roderick, P.; Voskamp, P.; Kashioulis, P.; Ichtiaris, P.; Blankestijn, P.; Kirste, P.; Schulz, P.; Mason, P.; Kalra, P.; Cirillo, P.; Dattolo, P.; Acampora, P.; Sajith, R.; Nigro, R.; Boero, R.; Scarpioni, R.; Sicoli, R.; Malandra, R.; Aign, S.; Esch, S. van; Chapman, S.; Biribauer, S.; Navjee, S.; Crosbie, S.; Brown, S.; Tickle, S.; Manan, S.; Roser, S.; Savoldi, S.; Bertoli, S.; Borrelli, S.; Boorsma, S.; Heidenreich, S.; Melander, S.; Maxia, S.; Maffei, S.; Mangano, S.; Palm, S.; Konings, C.; Mathavakkannan, S.; Schwedler, S.; Delrieux, S.; Renker, S.; Schattel, S.; Dorota, S.; Cicchetti, T.; Nieszporek, T.; Stephan, T.; Schmiedeke, T.; Weinreich, T.; Leimbach, T.; Rappa, T.; Stovesand, T.; Bahner, U.; Jensen, U.; Palazzo, V.; Simone, W. de; Seeger, W.; Kuan, Y.; Heleniak, Z.; Aydin, Z. & EQUAL Study Investigators (2019), Association Between Renal Function and Troponin T Over Time in Stable Chronic Kidney Disease Patients, Journal of the American Heart Association 8(21).
- Gritter, M.; Rotmans, J.I. & Hoorn, E.J. (2019), Role of Dietary K+ in Natriuresis, Blood Pressure Reduction, Cardiovascular Protection, and Renoprotection, Hypertension 73(1): 15-23.
- Plas, W.Y. van der; Moumni, M. el; Forstner, P.J. von; Koh, E.Y.; Dulfer, R.R.; Ginhoven, T.M. van; Rotmans, J.I.; Appelman-Dijkstra, N.M.; Schepers, A.; Hoorn, E.J.; Plukker, J.T.M.; Vogt, L.; Engelsman, A.F.; Dijkum, E.J.M.N. van; Kruijff, S.; Pol, R.A.; Borst, M.H. de & Dutch Hyperparathyroidism Study Gr (2019), Timing of Parathyroidectomy Does Not Influence Renal Function After Kidney Transplantation, World Journal of Surgery 43(8): 1972-1980.
- Jukema, J.W.; Timal, R.J.; Rotmans, J.I.; Hensen, L.C.R.; Buiten, M.S.; Bie, M.K. de; Putter, H.; Zwinderman, A.H.; Erven, L. van; Krol-van Straaten, M.J.; Hommes, N.; Gabreels, B.; Dorp, W. van; Dam, B. van; Herzog, C.A.; Schalij, M.J.; Rabelink, T.J. & ICD2 Trial Investigators (2019), Prophylactic Use of Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillators in the Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death in Dialysis Patients The Prospective, Randomized, Controlled ICD2 Trial, Circulation 139(23): 2628-2638.
- Fu, E.L.; Trevisan, M.; Clase, C.M.; Evans, M.; Lindholm, B.; Rotmans, J.I.; Diepen, M. van; Dekker, F.W. & Carrero, J.J. (2019), Association of Acute Increases in Plasma Creatinine after Renin-Angiotensin Blockade with Subsequent Outcomes, Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 14(9): 1336-1345.
- Rijn, A.L. van; Wunderink, H.F.; Brouwer, C.S. de; Meijden, E. van der; Rotmans, J.I. & Feltkamp, M.C.W. (2019), Impact of HPyV9 and TSPyV coinfection on the development of BK polyomavirus viremia and associated nephropathy after kidney transplantation, Journal of Medical Virology 91(6): 1142-1147.
- Heuberger, J.A.A.C.; Eenoo, P. van; Rotmans, J.I.; Gal, P.; Stuurman, F.E.; Post, T.E.; Daniels, J.M.A.; Ram, H.; Hon, O. de; Burggraaf, J. & Cohen, A.F. (2019), Sensitivity and specificity of detection methods for erythropoietin doping in cyclists, Drug Testing and Analysis 11(9): 1290-1301.
- Nuland, M. van; Groenland, S.; Bergman, A.M.; Rotmans, J.I.; Rosing, H.; Beijnen, J.H. & Huitema, A.D.R. (2019), Plasma Levels of Enzalutamide and Its Main Metabolites in a Patient With Metastatic Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer Undergoing Hemodialysis, Clinical Genitourinary Cancer 17(2): E383-E386.
- Geelhoed, W.J.; Lalai, R.A.; Sinnige, J.H.; Jongeleen, P.J.; Storm, C. & Rotmans, J.I. (2019), Indirect Burst Pressure Measurements for the Mechanical Assessment of Biological Vessels, Tissue Engineering Part C Methods 25(8): 472-478.
- Voorzaat, B.M.; Janmaat, C.J.; Wilschut, E.D.; Bogt, K.E.A. van der; Dekker, F.W. & Rotmans, J.I. (2019), No consensus on physicians' preferences on vascular access management after kidney transplantation: Results of a multi-national survey, Journal of Vascular Access 20(1): 52-59.
- Damanik, F.F.R.; Spadolini, G.; Rotmans, J.; Fare, S. & Moroni, L. (2019), Biological activity of human mesenchymal stromal cells on polymeric electrospun scaffolds, Biomaterials Science 7(3): 1088-1100.
- Shiu, Y.T.; Rotmans, J.I.; Geelhoed, W.J.; Pike, D.B. & Lee, T. (2019), Arteriovenous conduits for hemodialysis: how to better modulate the pathophysiological vascular response to optimize vascular access durability, AJP - Renal Physiology 316(5): F794-F806.
- Yeung, S.M.H.; Vogt, L.; Rotmans, J.I.; Hoorn, E.J. & Borst, M.H. de (2019), Potassium: poison or panacea in chronic kidney disease?, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 34(2): 175-180.
- Bezhaeva, T.; Geelhoed, W.J.; Wang, D.; Yuan, H.Y.; Veer, E.P. van der; Alem, C.M.A. van; Damanik, F.F.R.; Qiu, X.F.; Zonneveld, A.J. van; Moroni, L.; Li, S. & Rotmans, J.I. (2019), Contribution of bone marrow-derived cells to in situ engineered tissue capsules in a rat model of chronic kidney disease, Biomaterials 194: 47-56.
- Hoorn, E.J.; Vogt, L. & Rotmans, J.I. (2018), TO THE EDITOR, New England Journal of Medicine 378(6): 583-584.
- Wilschut, E.D.; Rotmans, J.I.; Bos, E.J.; Zoest, D. van; Eefting, D.; Hamming, J.F. & Bogt, K.E.A. van der (2018), Supervised preoperative forearm exercise to increase blood vessel diameter in patients requiring an arteriovenous access for hemodialysis: rationale and design of the PINCH trial, JOURNAL OF VASCULAR ACCESS 19(1): 84-88.
- Plas, W.Y. van der; Dulfer, R.R.; Koh, E.Y.; Vogt, L.; Appelman-Dijkstra, N.M.; Schepers, A.; Rotmans, J.I.; Pol, R.A.; Ginhoven, T.M. van; Hoorn, E.J.; Dijkum, E.J.M.N. van; Engelsman, A.F.; Borst, M.H. de; Kruijff, S. & Dutch Hyperparathyroidism Study Gr (2018), Safety and efficacy of subtotal or total parathyroidectomy for patients with secondary or tertiary hyperparathyroidism in four academic centers in the Netherlands, Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery 403(8): 999-1005.
- Voorzaat, B.M.; Janmaat, C.J.; Wilschut, E.D.; Bogt, K.E.A. van der; Dekker, F.W. & Rotmans, J.I. (2018), No consensus on physicians' preferences on vascular access management after kidney transplantation: Results of a multi-national survey., Journal of Vascular Access.
- Bezhaeva, T.; Vries, M.R. de; Geelhoed, W.J.; Veer, E.P. van der; Versteeg, S.; Alem, C.M.A. van; Voorzaat, B.M.; Eijkelkamp, N.; Bogt, K.E. van der; Agoulnik, A.I.; Zonneveld, A.J. van; Quax, P.H.A. & Rotmans, J.I. (2018), Relaxin receptor deficiency promotes vascular inflammation and impairs outward remodeling in arteriovenous fistulas, FASEB Journal 32(11): 6293-6304.
- Alem, C.M.A. van; Boonstra, M.; Prins, J.; Bezhaeva, T.; Essen, M.F. van; Ruben, J.M.; Vahrmeijer, A.L.; Veer, E.P. van der; Fijter, J.W. de; Reinders, M.E.; Meijer, O.; Metselaar, J.M.; Kooten, C. van & Rotmans, J.I. (2018), Local delivery of liposomal prednisolone leads to an anti-inflammatory profile in renal ischaemia-reperfusion injury in the rat, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 33(1): 44-53.
- Gritter, M.; Vogt, L.; Yeung, S.M.H.; Wouda, R.D.; Ramakers, C.R.B.; Borst, M.H. de; Rotmans, J.I. & Hoorn, E.J. (2018), Rationale and Design of a Randomized Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial Assessing the Renoprotective Effects of Potassium Supplementation in Chronic Kidney Disease, Nephron 140(1): 48-57.
- Hensen, L.C.R.; Goossens, K.; Delgado, V.; Abou, R.; Rotmans, J.I.; Jukema, J.W. & Bax, J.J. (2018), Prevalence of left ventricular systolic dysfunction in pre-dialysis and dialysis patients with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction, European Journal of Heart Failure 20(3): 560-568.
- Janmaat, C.J.; Diepen, M. van; Gasparini, A.; Evans, M.; Qureshi, A.R.; Arnlov, J.; Barany, P.; Elinder, C.G.; Rotmans, J.I.; Vervloet, M.; Dekker, F.W. & Carrero, J.J. (2018), Lower serum calcium is independently associated with CKD progression, Scientific Reports 8.
- Hensen, L.C.R.; Goossens, K.; Podlesnikar, T.; Rotmans, J.I.; Jukema, J.W.; Delgado, V. & Bax, J.J. (2018), Left Ventricular Mechanical Dispersion and Global Longitudinal Strain and Ventricular Arrhythmias in Predialysis and Dialysis Patients, Journal of The American Society of Echocardiography 31(7): 777-783.
- Bajema, I.M. & Rotmans, J.I. (2018), Histological manifestations of rhabdomyolysis in the kidney, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 33(12): 2113-2114.
- Alem, C.M.A. van; Boonstra, M.; Prins, J.; Bezhaeva, T.; Essen, M.F. van; Ruben, J.M.; Vahrmeijer, A.L.; Veer, E.P. van der; Fijter, J.W. de; Reinders, M.E.; Meijer, O.; Metselaar, J.M.; Kooten, C. van & Rotmans, J.I. (2018), Local delivery of liposomal prednisolone leads to an anti-inflammatory profile in renal ischaemia-reperfusion injury in the rat., Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 33(1).
- Voorzaat, B.M.; Bogt, K.E.A. van der; Janmaat, C.J.; Schaik, J. van; Dekker, F.W.; Rotmans, J.I. & Dutch Vasc Access Study Grp (2018), Arteriovenous Fistula Maturation Failure in a Large Cohort of Hemodialysis Patients in the Netherlands, World Journal of Surgery 42(6): 1895-1903.
- Janmaat, C.J.; Diepen, M. van; Hagen, C.C.E. van; Rotmans, J.I.; Dekker, F.W. & Dekkers, O.M. (2018), Decline of kidney function during the pre-dialysis period in chronic kidney disease patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Clinical Epidemiology 10: 613-622.
- Bie, M.K. de; Buiten, M.S.; Rotmans, J.I.; Hogenbirk, M.; Schalij, M.J.; Rabelink, T.J. & Jukema, J.W. (2017), Abdominal aortic calcification on a plain X-ray and the relation with significant coronary artery disease in asymptomatic chronic dialysis patients, BMC Nephrology 18.
- Geelhoed, W.J.; Moroni, L. & Rotmans, J.I. (2017), Utilizing the Foreign Body Response to Grow Tissue Engineered Blood Vessels in Vivo, Journal of Cardiovascular Translational Research 10(2): 167-179.
- Brouwers, J.J.W.M.; Wissen, R.C. van; Veger, H.T.C.; Rotmans, J.I.; Mertens, B. & Visser, M.J.T. (2017), The use of intrarenal Doppler ultrasonography as predictor for positive outcome after renal artery revascularization, Vascular 25(1): 63-73.
- Wunderink, H.F.; Meijden, E. van der; Blij-de Brouwer, C.S. van der; Zaaijer, H.L.; Kroes, A.C.M.; Zwet, E.W. van; Rotmans, J.I. & Feltkamp, M.C.W. (2017), Stability of BK polyomavirus IgG seroreactivity and its correlation with preceding viremia, Journal of Clinical Virology 90: 46-51.
- Hensen, L.C.R.; Goossens, K.; Rotmans, J.; Jukema, J.; Delgado, V. & Bax, J. (2017), PROGNOSTIC IMPLICATIONS OF LEFT VENTRICULAR GLOBAL LONGITUDINAL STRAIN IN STAGE 4 AND 5 CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE PATIENTS, Journal of the American College of Cardiology 69(11): 1459-1459.
- Hensen, L.C.R.; Goossens, K.; Delgado, V.; Rotmans, J.I.; Jukema, J.W. & Bax, J.J. (2017), Prognostic Implications of Left Ventricular Global Longitudinal Strain in Predialysis and Dialysis Patients, American Journal of Cardiology 120(3): 500-504.
- Wunderink, H.F.; Meijden, E. van der; Blij-de Brouwer, C.S. van der; Mallat, M.J.K.; Haasnoot, G.W.; Zwet, E.W. van; Claas, E.C.J.; Fijter, J.W. de; Kroes, A.C.M.; Arnold, F.; Touze, A.; Claas, F.H.J.; Rotmans, J.I. & Feltkamp, M.C.W. (2017), Pretransplantation Donor-Recipient Pair Seroreactivity Against BK Polyomavirus Predicts Viremia and Nephropathy After Kidney Transplantation, American Journal of Transplantation 17(1): 161-172.
- Ramspek, C.L.; Nacak, H.; Diepen, M. van; Buren, M. van; Krediet, R.T.; Rotmans, J.I.; Dekker, F.W. & NECOSAD Study Grp (2017), Pre-dialysis decline of measured glomerular filtration rate but not serum creatinine-based estimated glomerular filtration rate is a risk factor for mortality on dialysis, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 32(1): 89-96.
- Voorzaat, B.M.; Schaik, J. van; Bogt, K.E.A. van der; Vogt, L.; Huisman, L.; Gabreels, B.A.T.F.; Meer, I.M. van der; Eps, R.G.S. van; Eefting, D.; Weijmer, M.C.; Groeneveld, H.O.; Nieuwenhuizen, R.C. van; Boom, H.; Verburgh, C.A.; Putten, K. van der & Rotmans, J.I. (2017), Improvement of radiocephalic fistula maturation: rationale and design of the Liposomal Prednisolone to Improve Hemodialysis Fistula Maturation (LIPMAT) study - a randomized controlled trial, Journal of Vascular Access 18: S114-S117.
- Hensen, L.C.R.; Goossens, K.; Delgado, V.; Rotmans, J.I.; Jukema, J.W. & Bax, J.J. (2017), Prognostic Implications of Left Ventricular Global Longitudinal Strain in Predialysis and Dialysis Patients, American Journal of Cardiology 120(3): 500-504.
- Heuberger Jules A. A. C., Rotmans Joris I., Gal Pim, Stuurman Frederik E., Daniels Johannes M. A., de Kam Marieke L. & Cohen Adam F. (2017), Erythropoietin on cycling performance reply, Lancet Haematology 4(10): E462-E464.
- Heuberger, J.A.A.C.; Rotmans, J.I.; Gal, P.; Stuurman, F.E.; Westende, J. van 't; Post, T.E.; Daniels, J.M.A.; Moerland, M.; Veldhoven, P.L.J. van; Kam, M.L. de; Ram, H.; Hon, O. de; Posthuma, J.J.; Burggraaf, J. & Cohen, A.F. (2017), Effects of erythropoietin on cycling performance of well trained cyclists: a double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial, Lancet Haematology 4(8): E374-E386.
- Hensen, L.C.R.; Delgado, V.; Wijngaarden, S.E. van; Leung, M.; Bie, M.K. de; Buiten, M.S.; Schalij, M.J.; Kerkhof, J.J. van de; Rabelink, T.J.; Rotmans, J.I.; Jukema, J.W. & Bax, J.J. (2017), Echocardiographic associates of atrial fibrillation in end-stage renal disease, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 32(8): 1409-1414.
- Bezhaeva, T.; Wong, C.; Vries, M.R. de; Veer, E.P. van der; Alem, C.M.A. van; Que, I.; Lalai, R.A.; Zonneveld, A.J. van; Rotmans, J.I. & Quax, P.H.A. (2017), Deficiency of TLR4 homologue RP105 aggravates outward remodeling in a murine model of arteriovenous fistula failure, Scientific Reports 7.
- Voorzaat, B.M.; Schaik, J. van; Crobach, S.L.P.; Rijswijk, C.S.P. van & Rotmans, J.I. (2017), Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency Presenting with MPO-ANCA Associated Vasculitis and Aortic Dissection, Case Reports in Medicine: 1-4.
- Sanders, M.F.; Blankestijn, P.J.; Voskuil, M.; Spiering, W.; Vonken, E.J.; Rotmans, J.I.; Hoeven, B.L. van der; Daemen, J.; Meiracker, A.H. van den; Kroon, A.A.; Haan, M.W. de; , M. das; Bax, M.; Meer, I.M. van der; Overhagen, H. van; Born, B.J.H. van den; Brussel, P.M. van; Valk, P.H.M. van der; Gregoor, P.J.H.S.; Meuwissen, M.; Gomes, M.E.R.; Ophuis, T.O.; Troe, E.; Tonino, W.A.L.; Konings, C.J.A.M.; Vries, P.A.M. de; Balen, A. van; Heeg, J.E.; Smit, J.J.J.; Elvan, A.; Steggerda, R.; Niamut, S.M.L.; Peels, J.O.J.; Swart, J.B.R.M. de; Wardeh, A.J.; Groeneveld, J.H.M.; Linden, E. van der; Hemmelder, M.H.; Folkeringa, R.; Stoel, M.G.; Kant, G.D.; Herrman, J.P.R.; Wissen, S. van; Deinum, J.; Westra, S.W.; Aengevaeren, W.R.M.; Parlevliet, K.J.; Schramm, A.; Jessurun, G.A.J.; Rensing, B.J.W.M.; Winkens, M.H.M.; Wierema, T.K.A.; Santegoets, E.; Lipsic, E.; Houwerzijl, E.; Kater, M.; Allaart, C.P.; Nap, A. & Bots, M.L. (2016), Safety and long-term effects of renal denervation: Rationale and design of the Dutch registry, Netherlands Journal of Medicine 74(1): 5-15.
- Rothuizen, T.C.; Kemp, R.; Duijs, J.M.G.J.; Boer, H.C. de; Bijkerk, R.; Veer, E.P. van der; Moroni, L.; Zonneveld, A.J. van; Weiss, A.S.; Rabelink, T.J. & Rotmans, J.I. (2016), Promoting Tropoelastin Expression in Arterial and Venous Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells and Fibroblasts for Vascular Tissue Engineering, Tissue Engineering Part C Methods 22(10): 923-931.
- Wong, C.Y.; Bezhaeva, T.; Rothuizen, T.C.; Metselaar, J.M.; Vries, M.R. de; Verbeek, F.P.R.; Vahrmeijer, A.L.; Wezel, A.; Zonneveld, A.J. van; Rabelink, T.J.; Quax, P.H.A. & Rotmans, J.I. (2016), Liposomal prednisolone inhibits vascular inflammation and enhances venous outward remodeling in a murine arteriovenous fistula model, Scientific Reports 6.
- Rothuizen, T.C.; Damanik, F.F.R.; Lavrijsen, T.; Visser, M.J.T.; Hamming, J.F.; Lalai, R.A.; Duijs, J.M.G.J.; Zonneveld, A.J. van; Hoefer, I.E.; Blitterswijk, C.A. van; Rabelink, T.J.; Moroni, L. & Rotmans, J.I. (2016), Development and evaluation of in vivo tissue engineered blood vessels in a porcine model, Biomaterials 75: 82-90.
- Wong, C.Y.; Vries, M.R. de; Wang, Y.; Vorst, J.R. van der; Vahrmeijer, A.L.; Zonneveld, A.J. van; Hamming, J.F.; Roy-Chaudhury, P.; Rabelink, T.J.; Quax, P.H.A. & Rotmans, J.I. (2016), A Novel Murine Model of Arteriovenous Fistula Failure: The Surgical Procedure in Detail, Journal of Visualized Experiments.
- Bram M. Voorzaat, Jan van Schaik, Hans-Marc J. Siebelink, Jan H. Tordoir & Joris I. Rotmans (2016), The pros and cons of preserving a functioning arteriovenous fistula after kidney transplantation., Journal of Vascular Access 17(Suppl 1).
- Voorzaat, B.M.; Schaik, J. van; Siebelink, H.M.J.; Tordoir, J.H. & Rotmans, J.I. (2016), The pros and cons of preserving a functioning arteriovenous fistula after kidney transplantation, Journal of Vascular Access 17: S16-S22.
- Klessens, C.Q.F.; Woutman, T.D.; Veraar, K.A.M.; Zandbergen, M.; Valk, E.J.J.; Rotmans, J.I.; Wolterbeek, R.; Bruijn, J.A. & Bajema, I.M. (2016), An autopsy study suggests that diabetic nephropathy is underdiagnosed, Kidney International 90(1): 149-156.
- Rotmans, J.I. & Bezhaeva, T. (2015), The battlefield at arteriovenous crossroads: invading arterial smooth muscle cells occupy the outflow tract of fistulas, Kidney International 88(3): 431-433.
- Meuleman, Y.; Brinke, L. ten; Kwakernaak, A.J.; Vogt, L.; Rotmans, J.I.; Bos, W.J.W.; Boog, P.J.M. van der; Navis, G.; Montfrans, G.A. van; Hoekstra, T.; Dekker, F.W. & Dijk, S. van (2015), Perceived Barriers and Support Strategies for Reducing Sodium Intake in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease: a Qualitative Study, International Journal of Behavioral Medicine 22(4): 530-539.
- Strang, A.C.; Knetsch, M.L.W.; Koole, L.H.; Winter, R.J. de; Wal, A.C. van der; Vries, C.J.M. de; Tak, P.P.; Bisoendial, R.J.; Stroes, E.S.G. & Rotmans, J.I. (2015), Effect of Anti-ApoA-I Antibody-Coating of Stents on Neointima Formation in a Rabbit Balloon-Injury Model, PLoS ONE 10(3).
- Diepen, M. van; Schroijen, M.A.; Dekkers, O.M.; Rotmans, J.I.; Krediet, R.T.; Boeschoten, E.W. & Dekker, F.W. (2014), Predicting Mortality in Patients with Diabetes Starting Dialysis, PLoS ONE 9(3).
- Buiten, M.S.; Bie, M.K. de; Bouma-de Krijger, A.; Dam, B. van; Dekker, F.W.; Jukema, J.W.; Rabelink, T.J. & Rotmans, J.I. (2014), Soluble Klotho is not independently associated with cardiovascular disease in a population of dialysis patients, BMC Nephrology 15.
- Wong, C.Y.; Vries, M.R. de; Wang, Y.; Vorst, J.R. van der; Vahrmeijer, A.L.; Zonneveld, A.J. van; Roy-Chaudhury, P.; Rabelink, T.J.; Quax, P.H.A. & Rotmans, J.I. (2014), Vascular remodeling and intimal hyperplasia in a novel murine model of arteriovenous fistula failure, Journal of Vascular Surgery 59(1): 192-+.
- Damanik, F.F.R.; Rothuizen, T.C.; Blitterswijk, C. van; Rotmans, J.I. & Moroni, L. (2014), Towards an in vitro model mimicking the foreign body response: tailoring the surface properties of biomaterials to modulate extracellular matrix, Scientific Reports 4.
- Strang, A.C.; Knetsch, M.L.W.; Idu, M.M.; Bisoendial, R.J.; Kramer, G.; Speijer, D.; Koole, L.H.; Stroes, E.S.G. & Rotmans, J.I. (2014), Superior in vivo compatibility of hydrophilic polymer coated prosthetic vascular grafts, Journal of Vascular Access 15(2): 95-101.
- Rothuizen, T.C.; Wong, C.Y.; Quax, P.H.A.; Zonneveld, A.J. van; Rabelink, T.J. & Rotmans, J.I. (2013), Arteriovenous access failure: more than just intimal hyperplasia?, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 28(5): 1085-1092.
- Khairoun, M.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Berg, B.M. van den; Lievers, E.; Boer, H.C. de; Schaapherder, A.F.M.; Mallat, M.J.K.; Rotmans, J.I.; Boog, P.J.M. van der; Zonneveld, A.J. van; Fijter, J.W. de; Rabelink, T.J. & Reinders, M.E.J. (2013), Microvascular Damage in Type 1 Diabetic Patients Is Reversed in the First Year After Simultaneous Pancreas-Kidney Transplantation, American Journal of Transplantation 13(5): 1272-1281.
- Verschuren, J.J.W.; Ocak, G.; Dekker, F.W.; Rabelink, T.J.; Jukema, J.W. & Rotmans, J.I. (2013), Candidate Gene Analysis of Arteriovenous Fistula Failure in Hemodialysis Patients, Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 8(8): 1358-1366.
- Heuberger, J.A.A.C.; Tervaert, J.M.C.; Schepers, F.M.L.; Vliegenthart, A.D.B.; Rotmans, J.I.; Daniels, J.M.A.; Burggraaf, J. & Cohen, A.F. (2013), Erythropoietin doping in cycling: lack of evidence for efficacy and a negative riskbenefit, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 75(6): 1406-1421.
- Suttorp, M.M.; Hoekstra, T.; Rotmans, J.I.; Ott, I.; Mittelman, M.; Krediet, R.T. & Dekker, F.W. (2013), Erythropoiesis-stimulating agent resistance and mortality in hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis patients, BMC Nephrology 14.
- Khairoun, M.; Ocak, G.; Rotmans, J.; Vries, A. de; Berg, B. van den; Lievers, E.; Mallat, M.; Vries, D. de; Zonneveld, A. van; Fijter, J. de; Rabelink, T. & Reinders, M. (2013), Acute Rejection Is Associated with Increased Microvascular Tortuosity and a Dysbalance in Angiopoietins up to 1 Year after Rejection., American Journal of Transplantation 13: 502-502.
- Boer, H.C. de; Oeveren-Rietdijk, A.M. van; Rotmans, J.I.; Dekkers, O.M.; Rabelink, T.J. & Zonneveld, A.J. van (2013), Activated platelets correlate with mobilization of naive CD34(+) cells and generation of CD34(+)/KDR+ cells in the circulation. A meta-regression analysis, Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 11(8): 1583-1592.
- Ocak, G.; Rotmans, J.I.; Vossen, C.Y.; Rosendaal, F.R.; Krediet, R.T.; Boeschoten, E.W.; Dekker, F.W. & Verduijn, M. (2013), Type of arteriovenous vascular access and association with patency and mortality, BMC Nephrology 14.
- Khairoun, M.; Pol, P. van der; Vries, D.K. de; Lievers, E.; Schlagwein, N.; Boer, H.C. de; Bajema, I.M.; Rotmans, J.I.; Zonneveld, A.J. van; Rabelink, T.J.; Kooten, C. van & Reinders, M.E.J. (2013), Renal ischemia-reperfusion induces a dysbalance of angiopoietins, accompanied by proliferation of pericytes and fibrosis, American Journal of Physiology - Renal Physiology 305(6): F901-F910.
- de Goeij Moniek C. M. & Rotmans Joris I. (2013), Audit-based education: a potentially effective program for improving guideline achievement in CKD patients, Kidney International 84(3): 436-438.
- Damanik, F.; Rothuizen, T.C.; Cox, M.A.J.; Lavrijsen, T.; Rotmans, J.I.; Blitterswijk, C. van & Moroni, L. (2012), Co-culture in vitro study on surface modified PEOT/PBT rods to mimic foreign body response in vivo, Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 6: 231-231.
- Rotmans, J.I. & Rabelink, T.J. (2012), Antenatal excessive sodium intake induces adverse vascular remodelling in offspring.
- Goeij, M.C.M. de; Liem, M.; Jager, D.J. de; Voormolen, N.; Sijpkens, Y.W.J.; Rotmans, J.I.; Boeschoten, E.W.; Dekker, F.W.; Grootendorst, D.C.; Halbesma, N. & PREPARE-1 Study Grp (2012), Proteinuria as a Risk Marker for the Progression of Chronic Kidney Disease in Patients on Predialysis Care and the Role of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitor/Angiotensin II Receptor Blocker Treatment, Nephron Clinical Practice 121(1-2): C73-C82.
- Buiten, M.S.; Bie, M.K. de; Rotmans, J.; Erven, L. van; Rabelink, A.J.; Schalij, M.J. & Jukema, J.W. (2012), Is the high prevelance of atrial fibrillation in end stage renal disease related to the hemodialysis procedure itself?, European Heart Journal 33: 374-374.
- Rothuizen, T.C.; Damanik, F.; Lavrijsen, T.; Cox, M.A.J.; Moroni, L. & Rotmans, J.I. (2012), Subcutaneous implantation of polymer rods for the development of an in vivo tissue engineered blood vessel for hemodialysis vascular access, Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 6: 150-150.
- Ocak, G.; Vossen, C.Y.; Rotmans, J.I.; Lijfering, W.M.; Rosendaal, F.R.; Parlevliet, K.J.; Krediet, R.T.; Boeschoten, E.W.; Dekker, F.W. & Verduijn, M. (2011), Venous and arterial thrombosis in dialysis patients, Thrombosis and Haemostasis 106(6): 1046-1052.
- Rabelink TJ & Rotmans JI (2009), Salt is getting under our skin, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 24(11): 3282-3283.
- Rabelink TJ & Rotmans JI (2009), Salt is getting under our skin.
- Hoefer IE, Stroes ESG, Pasterkamp G, Levi MM, Reekers JA, Verhagen HJM, Meijers JC, Humphries JE & Rotmans JI (2009), Locally Applied Recombinant Plasmin Results in Effective Thrombolysis in a Porcine Model of Arteriovenous Graft Thrombosis, JVIR: Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology 20(7): 951-958.
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