Jorinde van de Vis
- Naam
- Dr. J.M. van de Vis
- Telefoon
- 071 5272727
- 0000-0002-8110-1983

- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Leiden Instituut Onderzoek Natuurkunde
- LION - Theoretical Physics
- Kierkla M., Świeżewska B., Tenkanen T.V.I. & Vis J.M. van de (2024), Gravitational waves from supercooled phase transitions: dimensional transmutation meets dimensional reduction, Journal of High Energy Physics 2024: 234.
- Karkout O., Papaefstathiou A., Postma M., Tetlalmatzi-Xolocotzi G., Vis J.M. van de & du Pree T. (2024), Triple Higgs boson production and electroweak phase transition in the two-real-singlet mode, Journal of High Energy Physics 077: 077.
- Sanchez-Garitaonandia M. & Vis J.M. van de (2024), Prediction of the bubble wall velocity for a large jump in degrees of freedom, Physical Review D 110: 023509.
- Auclair P., Bacon D., Baker T., Barreiro T., Bartolo N., Belgacem E., Bellomo N., Ben-Dayan I., Bertacca D., Besancon M., Blanco-Pillado J.J., Blas D., Boileau G., Calcagni G., Caldwell R., Caprini C., Carbone C., Chang C.-F., Chen H.-Y., Christensen N., Clesse S., Comelli D., Congedo G., Contaldi C., Crisostomi M., Croon D., Cui Y., Cusin G., Cutting D., Dalang C., De Luca V., Pozzo W.D., Desjacques V., Dimastrogiovanni E., Dorsch G.C., Ezquiaga J.M., Fasiello M., Figueroa D.G., Flauger R., Franciolini G., Frusciante N., Fumagalli J., García-Bellido J., Gould O., Holz D., Iacconi L., Jain R.K., Jenkins A.C., Jinno R., Joana C., Karnesis N., Konstandin T., Koyama K., Kozaczuk J., Kuroyanagi S., Laghi D., Lewicki M., Lombriser L., Madge E., Maggiore M., Malhotra A., Mancarella M., Mandic V., Mangiagli A., Matarrese S., Mazumdar A., Mukherjee S., Musco I., Nardini G., No J.M., Papanikolaou T., Peloso M., Pieroni M., Pilo L., Raccanelli A., Renaux-Petel S., Renzini A.I., Ricciardone A., Riotto A., Romano J.D., Rollo R., Pol A.R., Morales E.R., Sakellariadou M., Saltas I.D., Scalisi M., Schmitz K., Schwaller P., Sergijenko O., Servant G., Simakachorn P., Sorbo L., Sousa L., Speri L., Steer D.A., Tamanini N., Tasinato G., Torrado J., Unal C., Vennin V., Vernieri D., Vernizzi F., Volonteri M., Wachter J.M., Wands D., Witkowski L.T., Zumalacárregui M., Annis J., Ares F.R., Avelino P.P., Avgoustidis A., Barausse E., Bonilla A., Bonvin C., Bosso P., Calabrese M., çalışkan M., Cembranos J.A.R., Chala M., Chernoff D., Clough K., Criswell A., Das S., Silva A. da ., Dayal P., Domcke V., Durrer R., Easther R., Escoffier S., Ferrans S., Fryer C., Gair J., Gordon C., Hendry M., Hindmarsh M., Hooper D.C., Kajfasz E., Kopp J., Koushiappas S.M., Kumar U., Kunz M., Lagos M., Lilley M., Lizarraga J., Lobo F.S.N., Maleknejad A., Martins C.J.A.P., Meerburg P.D., Meyer R., Mimoso J.P., Nesseris S., Nunes N., Oikonomou V., Orlando G., Özsoy O., Pacucci F., Palmese A., Petiteau A., Pinol L., Portegies Zwart S.F., Pratten G., Prokopec T., Quenby J., Rastgoo S., Roest D., Rummukainen K., Schimd C., Secroun A., Sesana A., Sopuerta C.F., Tereno I., Tolley A., Urrestilla J., Vagenas E.C., Vis J. van de, Weygaert R. van de, Wardell B., Weir D.J., White G., ŚwieŻewska B. & Zhdanov V.I. (2023), Cosmology with the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna. Living Reviews in Relativity nr. 26. Springer. [white paper].
- Vis J. van de, Nguyen R., Sfakianakis E.I., Giblin J.T. Jr. & Kaiser D.I. (2020), Time scales for nonlinear processes in preheating after multifield inflation with nonminimal couplings, Physical Review D 102(4): 043528.
- Vis J.M. van de (2 juli 2019), Higgs dynamics in the early universe (Dissertatie. Leiden Institute of Physics (LION), Faculty of Science, Leiden University). Promotor(en) en copromotor(en): Holten J.W. van, Postma M.E.J.
- Sfakianakis E.I. & Vis J. van de (2019), Preheating after Higgs inflation: Self-resonance and gauge boson production, Physical Review D 99(8): 083519.
- Nguyen R., Vis J. van de, Sfakianakis E.I., Giblin J.T. & Kaiser D.I. (2019), Nonlinear dynamics of preheating after multifield inflation with nonminimal couplings, Physical Review Letters 123(17): 171301.
- Babeanu A.I., Vis J.M. van de & Garlaschelli D. (2018), Ultrametricity increases the predictability of cultural dynamics, New Journal of Physics 20: 103026.
- d'Ambrosi G., Kumar S., Vis J.M. van de & Holten J.W. van (2016), Spinning bodies in curved spacetime, Physical Review D 93: 044051.