Joost Visser
Hoogleraar Large Scale Software and Data Science
- Naam
- J.M.W. Visser
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727

Joost Visser is hoogleraar Large Scale Software and Data Science aan de Universiteit Leiden, programmamanager van de Master ICT in Business and the Public Sector, en hoofd van het LIACS Software Lab. Eerder vervulde Joost verschillende leidinggevende R&D posities bij de Software Improvement Group (SIG) en was hij deeltijd hoogleraar Grootschalige Software Systemen aan de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen. Hij verrichtte zijn promotieonderzoek naar "Generic Traversal of Typed Source Code Representation" aan het Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica (CWI, Amsterdam) en promoveerde in 2003 aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam in de Informatica. Meer informatie op de Engelstalige profielpagina.
Hoogleraar Large Scale Software and Data Science
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Leiden Inst of Advanced Computer Science
- Koster O., Kosman R. & Visser J.M.W. (2021), A checklist for explainable AI in the insurance domain. Paiva A.C.R., Cavalli A.R., Ventura Martins P. & Pérez Castillo R. (red.), Quality of Information and Communications Technology. QUATIC 2021. 14th International Conference, QUATIC 2021 8 september 2021 - 11 september 2021 nr. 1439. Cham: Springer. 446-456.
- Serban A., Blom K. van der, Hoos H.H. & Visser J. (2021), Practices for engineering trustworthy machine learning applications, 2021 IEEE/ACM 1st Workshop on AI engineering - software engineering for AI (WAIN). 2021 IEEE/ACM 1st Workshop on AI Engineering - Software Engineering for AI (WAIN) 30 mei 2021 - 31 mei 2021: IEEE. 97-100.
- Blom K. van der, Serban A.C., Hoos H.H. & Visser J.M.W. (2021), AutoML adoption in ML software. In: 8th ICML Workshop on automated machine learning..
- Serban A., Blom K. van der, Hoos H.H. & Visser J.M.W. (2020), Adoption and effects of software engineering best practices in machine learning, Proceedings of the 14th ACM / IEEE international symposium on empirical software engineering and measurement (ESEM). 14th ACM / IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement. ESEM '20 5 oktober 2020 - 9 oktober 2020. New York, NY: ACM. 1-12.
- Kelle E., Plaat A., Wijst P. & Visser J. (2015), An Empirical Study into Social Success Factors for Agile Software Development, Proceedings BENEVOL 2014. .
- Tjortjis C. & Visser J.M.W. (2009), 3rd International workshop on software quality and maintainability. [overig].
- Alves T. & Visser J.M.W. (2009), A case study in grammar engineering. Gašević D., Lämmel R. & Van Wyk E. (red.), Software Language Engineering. SLE 2008. International Conference on Software Language Engineering. SLE 2008: Software Language Engineering 29 september 2008 - 30 september 2008 nr. 5452. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer. 285-304.
- Correia J., Kanellopoulos Y. & Visser J.M.W. (2009), A survey-based study of the mapping of system properties to ISO/IEC 9126 maintainability characteristics, 2009 IEEE International conference on software maintenance. 2009 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance 20 september 2009 - 26 september 2009: IEEE. 61-70.
- Bouwers E., Visser J. & Deursen A. van (2009), Criteria for the evaluation of implemented architectures, 2009 IEEE International conference on software maintenance. 2009 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance 20 september 2009 - 26 september 2009: IEEE. 73-82.
- Cunha J., Saraiva J. & Visser J. (2009), Discovery-based edit assistance for spreadsheets, 2009 IEEE Symposium on visual languages and human-centric computing (VL/HCC). 2009 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC) 20 september 2009 - 24 september 2009: IEEE. 233-237.
- Cunha J., Saraiva J. & Visser J. (2009), From spreadsheets to relational databases and back, PEPM '09: Proceedings of the 2009 ACM SIGPLAN workshop on Partial evaluation and program manipulation. 2009 ACM SIGPLAN workshop on Partial evaluation and program manipulation 19 januari 2009 - 20 januari 2009: Association for Computing Machinery. 179-188.
- Makris C. & Visser J.M.W. (2009), Preface. [overig].
- Alves T. & Visser J. (2009), Static estimation of test coverage, 2009 Ninth IEEE international working conference on source code analysis and manipulation. 2009 Ninth IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation 20 september 2009 - 21 september 2009: IEEE. 55-64.
- Member of the committee Checklist Quality Autonomous Applications
- Collegelid