Jonathan London
Universitair hoofddocent Politieke Economie
- Naam
- Dr. J.D. London
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2732
- 0000-0002-7427-5838

Jonathan London is universitair hoofddocent aan het Instituut voor Regiostudies.
Universitair hoofddocent Politieke Economie
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Leiden Institute for Area Studies
- SAS Indonesie
- London J.D. (2023), Vietnam’s education system: how coherent is it for learning?. Oxford: Research on improving systems of education (RISE).
- London J.D. & Duong B. (2023), The politics of education and learning in Vietnam: contributions to a theory of embedded accountabilities. Research on Improving Systems of Education (RISE). [working paper].
- London J.D. (2023), Adoption, adaption, and the iterative challenges of scaling up in Vietnam: policy entrepreneurship and system coherence in a major pedagogical reform. Research on Improving Systems of Education (RISE). [working paper].
- London J.D. (2023), Education, skilling, and opportunity in a market Leninist order. In: Ljunggren B. & Perkins D.H. (red.), Vietnam: navigating a rapidly changing economy, society, and political order. Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press. 274-299.
- London J.D. (2022), Social reproduction meets the world market: a reply to ‘The “hardship” of ordinary crises: gendered precariousness and horizons of coping in Vietnam’s industrial zones’ by Helle Rydstrom, Global Discourse: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Current Affairs and Applied Contemporary Thought 12(3-4): 559-562.
- London J.D. (red.) (2022), Routledge Handbook of contemporary Vietnam. London: Routledge.
- London J.D. (2022), How to study contemporary Vietnam?. In: London J.D. (red.), Routledge Handbook of contemporary Vietnam: Routledge.
- London J.D. (2022), The Communist Party of Vietnam: consolidating Market Leninism. In: London J.D. (red.), Routledge Handbook of contemporary Vietnam. London: Routledege.
- London J.D. & Pincus J.R. (2022), Welfare, inequality, and opportunity in contemporary Vietnam. In: London J.D. (red.), Routledge Handbook of contemporary Vietnam. London: Routledge.
- London J.D. (2021), Outlier Vietnam and the problem of embeddedness: contributions to the political economy of learning nr. 21/062. RISE Working Paper Series (Research on Improving Systems of Education (RISE)). [working paper].
- London J.D. (2020), Vietnam in 2019, Asian Survey 60(1): 93-99.
- London J.D. (2020), China and Vietnam as instances of consolidated market-Leninism. In: Hansen A., Bekkevold J.I. & Nordhaug K. (red.), The socialist market economy in Asia : development in China, Vietnam and Laos. Singapore: Springer.
- London J.D. (2019), Vietnam in 2018: consolidating market Leninism, Asian Survey 59(1): 140-146.
- London J.D. (2019), Vietnam: exploring the deep determinants of learning. RISE Insight (Research on Improving Systems of Education (RISE)). [briefing paper].
- London J.D. (2018), Afterword: Welfare and Inequality in Marketizing East Asia. Palgrave Macmillan {UK}. [overig].
- London J.D. (2018), Welfare and Inequality in Marketizing East Asia. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
- London J.D. (2017), Varieties of states, varieties of political economy: China, Vietnam and the making of market-leninism. In: Carroll Toby & Jarvis Darryl S.L. (red.), Asia after the Developmental State: Cambridge University Press. 388-428.
- London J.D. (2015), Is Vietnam on the verge of change?, Current History 114(773): 229-235.
- London J.D. (2014), Coping with Untenable Demands: Vietnam and its Relations with China, Atlantisch PerspectiefAtlantic Perspectives (5): 17-20.
- Malesky E. & London J.D. (2014), The political economy of development in China and Vietnam, Annual Review of Political Science 17: 395-419.
- London J.D. (2014), Welfare Regimes in China and Vietnam, Journal of Contemporary Asia 44(1): 84-107.
- London J.D. (2013), The promises and perils of hospital autonomy. Reform by decree in Viet Nam, Social Science & Medicine 96: 232-240.
- London J.D. (2013), Welfare Regimes in the Wake of State Socialism: China and Vietnam, Chinese social policy in a time of transition : 18-47.
- London J.D. (2013) Vietnam: Rethinking the state. Bespreking van: Gainsborough M. (2010), Vietnam: Rethinking the state. London: Zed Books. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 44(3): 546-547.
- London J.D. (2011), Historical Welfare Regimes, Social Science Research Network : .
- London J.D. (2010), Globalization and the governance of education in Viet Nam, Asia Pacific Journal of Education 30(4): 361-379.
- London J.D. (2009), Viet Nam and the making of market-Leninism, The Pacific Review 22(3): 375--399.
- London J.D. (2009), Viet Nam and the making of market-Leninism, The Pacific Review 22(3): 375-399.
- London J.D. (2008), Food Prices, Vulnerability, and Food Security in Viet Nam: A UN Perspective, United Nations in Viet Nam : .
- London J.D. (2008), Reasserting the state in Viet Nam Health Care and the logics of market-Leninism, Policy and Society 27(2): 115-128.
- London J.D. (2008), UNICEF in a Middle-Income Viet Nam: -.
- London J.D. (2007), Schooling in Vietnam, Going to school in East Asia : 413-443.
- London J.D. (2006), Vietnam: The political economy of education in a “Socialist” periphery, Asia Pacific Journal of Education 26(1): 1--20.
- London J.D. (2003), Vietnam's mass education and health systems: A regimes perspective, American Asian Review 21(2): 125.